Tile International 2/2014

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An eye on the world

Interviews, news, projects & much more...




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world production and consumption of ceramic tiles

ACIMAC Via Fossa Buracchione 84 41126 Baggiovara (MO) - Italy T. +39 059 510 336 info@acimac.it www.acimac.it

• Ten-year historical trends (from 2003 to 2012) for 66 countries, both individually and as aggregates per macro-geographical regions. English or Italian text. • 216 pages of sheets and tables on: production / consumption / import / export / market shares


INFO: ACIMAC Research Department mr. Luca Baraldi www.acimac.it studi@acimac.it tel. +39 059 510 336

N. 2/2014

Publisher: Tile Edizioni S.r.l. Via Fossa Buracchione 84 • 41126 Baggiovara (Modena) • Italy Tel. +39 059 512 103 • Fax +39 059 512 157 info@tiledizioni.it • www.tiledizioni.it Codice Fiscale / P. IVA: IT02778050365 - Capitale Sociale: 51.400,00 € R.E.A. 329775 - Iscr. al Registro delle Imprese di Modena Periodico trimestrale registrato presso il Tribunale di Modena al n. 1828 in data 21/02/2007 - Iscrizione ROC n. 9673 Editor and Publishing coordination: Chiara Bruzzichelli •

Contributing editors: - Paola Giacomini - Sara Falsetti - Sabino Menduni

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Architecture Interior Design Materials Projects

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Contents 9 - Editorial An eye on the world, starting with Italy

by Chiara Bruzzichelli

PHOTOnews 10 - Mapei at the Peggy Guggenheim Café 12 - Cotto D’Este wins 21 Ceramics of Italy Design Competition ST

14 - Tilefax Economic&Market 28 - Brazil forges ahead 3 2 - Turkey chalks up new records

by Paola Giacomini by Paola Giacomini

Companies showcased 38 - VitrA starts up a new plant in Russia 40 - New eco-sustainable headquarters for Progress Profiles 44 - Economic&Market The 2013 turnovers of Italian ceramic tile manufacturers In the Spotlight 56 - Mauro Vandini: “We need new technological advances” 60 - Franco Manfredini “My vision of the future” 66 - It pays to invest in excellence 72 - Ceramica Sant’Agostino: full steam ahead 76 - Ceramica Incontro: investing at a time of crisis

56 60 66 76 72

by Chiara Bruzzichelli by Chiara Bruzzichelli

by Paola Giacomini

by Chiara Bruzzichelli by Chiara Bruzzichelli

Exhibitions 80 - Firing up for Tecnargilla 2014 83 - Exhibitions calendar Projects 84 - Leed Gold for the new Schlüter Systems American logistics center 88 - The terraces of Marina Bay in Singapore

Cover picture by Giancarlo Pradelli: CE.SI - www.cesiceramica.it Advertiser’s list: page 17 Subscription order form: www.tiledizioni.it/subscription

Editorial by Chiara Bruzzichelli

An eye on the world, starting with Italy Links

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In this issue we give a voice to the Italian ceramic tile industry, a sector that in spite of the crisis is continuing to invest because it knows it has no choice but to innovate if it is to maintain its leadership position. We are doing this through a series of interviews with leading figures in the sector to complement the publication of the “2013 turnovers of the top Italian ceramic companies” in anticipation of the most important trade fairs for the world ceramic industry – Cersaie in Bologna and Tecnargilla in Rimini, both of which will be held in Italy from 22 to 26 September. We speak to companies that operate in different product segments but are equally determined to embrace technological innovation and research. These include Ceramica Incontro, which is opening a new skirting factory with a view to tripling its production

zi from Ceramica Sant’Agostino, poised to make further investments after recovering from the disastrous earthquake of 2012; and with Claudio Lucchese, chairman of Florim, a company that has invested more than 150 million euro in the space of four years. On an international level our attention is focused on Brazil and Turkey. - In Brazil, Eliane’s president Edson Gaidzinski Jr. has been re-elected to the helm of Anfacer for the next 4 years. In his interview, he describes an industry that is in a good state of health, buoyed by strong domestic demand but at the same time showing strong export growth (up 7% in 2013 on the previous year). The sector’s good performance was achieved in spite of the slowdown in the Brazilian economy, with GDP growth slackening to +2% in 2013. The 2018 prospects for Brazil’s

capacity and completely renewing its range, and Progress Profiles, a company that manufactures building sector profiles for sale in more than 50 countries worldwide and has opened a new branch in Asolo (TV). In the tile production sector, we speak to Mauro Vandini, managing director of Marazzi Italia, who sees innovation as the key weapon for defending the leadership position enjoyed by Italian products. Crucially, however, he believes that this innovation must not be limited to sizes and surface finishes (an easily transferrable technology) but must be part of a new revolution throughout the production process. We are also publishing interviews with Franco Manfredini, chairman of Casalgrande Padana, the sector company that has been most successful in limiting its fall in turnover since 2009; with Filippo Manuz-



residential building sector are also strong, with forecasts for 6% average annual growth boosted by government measures to improve credit access for families. And now that the football World Cup has ended, the infrastructure projects planned for the 2016 Olympics are progressing well. - Although unemployment remains relatively high (10.5%), Turkey maintained a good level of growth in 2013, with GDP up by 3.2% and inflation dropping from 10.6% to 7.1%. Against this generally positive backdrop, the Turkish ceramic industry enjoyed a record year in 2013 with an output of 340 million sq.m (21.4% up on 2012) and domestic sales of 220 million sq.m (22.2% up on 2012). We discuss the situation in Turkey in an interview with Ahmet Yamaner, chairman of the Turkish Ceramic Federation 5



This issue of Tile International 2/2014 is published in an entirely digital edition. The flip-page magazine is being sent out by email along with a dedicated newsletter to 65,000 international buyers and architects, divided up according to the following geographical areas: Distributors 16,000 in Europe 4,000 in North America 3,000 in the rest of the world

Architects 23,000 in Europe 15,000 in North America 4,000 in the rest of the world

This issue of Tile International is also distributed in a flip-page format in BRAZIL to a selected mailing list of 135,000 names of retailers and architects.


Tile International 2/2014


Tile International 2/2014

















MAPEI AT THE PEGGY GUGGENHEIM CAFÉ The Peggy Guggenheim Café has been refurbished - in style - in no small part thanks to Mapei, who helped carry out the renovation work earlier this year by providing products for decorating the café's walls. These included: Elastocolor Waterproof acrylic paint, suitable for inside and outside walls, which is impermeable and easy to clean; Quarzolite Tonachino thick acrylic plaster, suitable for indoor and outdoor use, which offers a high degree of protection and excellent filling properties; Silexcolor Marmorino silicate-based skim-finish mineral plaster, which is highly decorative and has high chemical resistance. This is certainly not the first time that Mapei has contributed to the restoration and preservation work at the Peggy Guggenheim Museum in Venice: In 2009, the company helped to restore the building's Istrianstone façade that looks over the Grand Canal and its façade that faces Rio delle Torreselle. Mapei was also the official sponsor of the Cycling, Cubo-Futurism, and the Fourth Dimension: Jean Metzinger's 'At the Cycle-Race Track' exhibition that was held there in 2012 and the technical sponsor of this year's Themes & Variations: The Empire of Light exhibition. This curatorial concept for displaying the artworks in the Peggy Guggenheim collection and the spaces of the museum was devised by Luca Massimo Barbero and was on show between 1st February and 14th April at the Palazzo Venier in Venice. Links


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Tile International 2/2014















PHOTOnews Links


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COTTO D’ESTE WINS 21ST CERAMICS OF ITALY DESIGN COMPETITION At the 21st trade fair Coverings, held from 29th April to 2nd May in the Las Vegas Convention Center, Confindustria Ceramica and the Italian Trade Agency ICE presented the commercial category Design Award to the Corgan Associates architectural firm for their work on the Plaza of the Americas project in Dallas, Texas. This commercial complex featured the use of Cotto d'Este products, distributed by Horizon Italian Tile. The architectural firm used over 6,000 sq.m of Kerlite Buxy, Amande and Caramel 3.5 mm tile for the flooring in the public areas of the huge mall, which houses not only restaurants, offices, banks and retail spaces, but also a luxury five-star Mariott hotel. This major contract endorses the quality and reliability of products from Cotto d’Este, which are becoming increasingly popular amongst international architects and designers for use on large-scale projects. 13

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Companies, News & Markets Links

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FUNDING FROM THE WORLD BANK FOR THE MAPEI GROUP Mapei, world leader in the building chemicals sector, has obtained financing directly from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), member of the World Bank Group, with headquarters in Washington. The contract for 50 million euros, was signed in Paris by Giorgio Squinzi, Chief Executive Officer of the Mapei Group, and by Atul Mehta, Global Manufacturing Director of the IFC. The IFC is an organisation incorporated by the World Bank to favour economic expansion in developing countries. Mapei has undertaken to use the financing to extend and modernise some of its facilities, with technologically advanced structures. In particular, it plans to develop those located in China, Egypt, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Panama, Russia and Turkey. The Group, which in 2013 generated a consolidated turnover of over 1.820 billion euros, is present in all five continents with 64 production facilities and a staff of over 7,000 workers. To finalise the operation, Mapei was aided by the Mittel Advisory Debt and Grant Spa.

ros, a result essentially in line with that of last year. The most positive result was that achieved in Germany, with an increase in sales of 10 million euros (and a 2013 turnover equal to 213 million). The increases experienced in the Scandinavian markets (+3%) and the Spanish market (+8%) were also significant. Instead, the current negative trend in the construction sector has led to a drop in sales for the Netherlands (-7%), France (-6%) and Italy (-4%).

PIEMME OBTAINS ISO 9001 CERTIFICATION When developing its plant, Industrie Ceramiche Piemme has always satisfied the company's technical and productionrelated requirements with environmentally friendly solutions in its continuous quest to obtain a product that not only satisfies customers' requirements but also their expectations. Today, reinforcing

VILLEROY & BOCH: THE 2013 RESULTS In 2013, the Villeroy & Boch Group registered a total turnover of 745 million eu-

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the reputation for reliability that the company has succeeded in building during its fifty years in business, the certifying body “Tuv Austria Cert Gmbh” issued the international ISO 9001 certificate for the company Quality management system and the ISO 14001 certificate for the Environment, certifying the compliance of Industrie Ceramiche Piemme's company organisation with the requisites defined by said regulations by the International Organization for Standardization.

DURAVIT: SALES REVENUE AND PROFIT ON THE UP In 2013, the Duravit Group exceeded the 380 million euros turnover mark for the very first time. Bearing in mind the variations in the exchange rates, its turnover increased by 4.1%, a nominal increase of 0.6% compared to the previous year. The company also increased its profit after taxation and, in particular, its operating cashflow. The financial statement indicators have further improved. Now, the Group's own share capital amounts to 47.7% of the total.“In 2013, Duravit continued to develop in the main markets and has therefore again succeeded in achieving excellent results”, stated Frank Richter, Chairman of the Board of Directors at Duravit AG (pictured). China, USA, Tunisia, Turkey and the UK


are the countries in which the Duravit Group registered the largest growth rates. The international share of the turnover was 81%, with 35 companies holding stock, and a market presence in 120 countries. In South America, Duravit reinforced its development by opening a new distribution company in São Paulo, in Brazil. The company has continued to grow in Asia, and particularly in China. In Germany, Duravit made its biggest investment in the Meißen facility where, amongst other projects, it also renovated the Duravit Technology Center (DTC) opened in March 2014. The number of people employed remains stable at around 5,700 workers. For Duravit, the systematic management of the environment and energy resources throughout the group is the basis for a sustainable corporate approach, reinforced by important certifications such as DIN ISO 14001 (Environmental management) and 50001 (Energy management). The objective is that of constantly reducing the consumption of energy, raw materials and emissions.

LITOKOL: THE NEW USER CATALOGUE Litokol's new general “User Catalogue” has been distributed worldwide. It has been completely revamped and now includes the full vast range of products for installation offered by the company from Rubiera (RE). In addition to its new graphic design, the catalogue also features synoptic tables which help the user choose the right adhesives for installation, also indicating the most suitable products for attaching thin slabs. The 112-page catalogue contains products divided into families and introduced by a user guide, accompanied by many photographs. An in-depth chapter focuses on installation systems, viewed as 3D renderings, which clearly explain how Litokol products interact with one another in different usage applications. The information for each individual product is supported by a detailed set of diagrams that allow the reader to visually identify its characteristics and uses. The diagrams are easy to recognise because they are the same ones as those on the product packaging. The catalogue also presents a new family of products for waterproofing damp areas in indoor environments.


RUNTAL FOLIO RECEIVES A MENTION OF HONOUR AT THE COMPASSO D’ORO The International Jury of the XXII ADI Compasso d’Oro has awarded the Compasso d’Oro Mention of Honour to Runtal Folio. In this way, Runtal Folio becomes part of the ADI Compasso d'Oro Collection, which is put on display during all the events organised in Italy and abroad. In 2004, the ADI Compasso d'Oro Collection was pronounced an “Asset of national interest” as it is testimony to 60 years of history of Italian design. The collection has grown as time goes by, thanks to the work of experts and the selection board created by ADI and ADI Design Index (Permanent Design Observatory, Theme Panels, final selection panel) in addition to that of the various International Juries. Zehnder Group thanks the Jury for this coveted award, and most of all thanks the architects responsible for creating Runtal Folio: Perry King and Santiago Miranda.

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PANARIAGROUP INDUSTRIE CERAMICHE APPROVES ITS INTERIM REPORT AS OF 31 MARCH Panariagroup Industrie Ceramiche S.p.A. has presented its interim management report as of 31 March 2014, drawn up in accordance with international accounting principles (IFRS). In the first quarter of the year, the Group registered a positive result in terms of income; particularly noteworthy are the good performances of the Portuguese Business Unit (+9%) and the US Business Unit (+8% in US dollars, +4% converted into Euro), counterbalanced by the slight contraction of the Italian Business Unit (-1%). However, the increment in income was not reflected in the improvement of the profit margin, which on the contrary, suffered a decline, compared to the first quarter of 2013, essentially due to three phenomena: the slight drop in average prices (that can be attributed to the change in the mixture of sales), the efforts to dispose of slow rotation finished products and the scheduled production standstills. During the quarter, the focus was still on pursuing the objective of reducing the current assets and financial debt, which had already begun in the second half of 2013. Here, the fruits of these efforts were harvested in the form of an important reduction: the debt passed from 102.5 million euros in March 2013 to 93.4 in March 2014, registering an improvement of 9.1 million euros. The net sales income was also on the upturn, going from 66.6 million euros in 31 March 2013 to 67.9 in 31 March 2014 (+1.3 million euros).

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In terms of turnover, the Group experienced several distinct phenomena in the various different areas of reference: on the one hand, the growth on the US market and the emerging markets (Asia, Africa and Oceania) and on the other hand, the persistence of the weak situation in the main European markets. -North America. In the first quarter of the year, the positive growth trend (+8%) of the Group's largest market, the United States, is confirmed, accounting for 31% of the revenue generated. A result that is less evident in the consolidated financial statement, due to the fall of the dollar against the Euro compared with the first quarter of 2013 (-4%). The main driving force behind the growth is the Florida Tile shop distribution channel, which registered an 18% increase in sales. In the last few months of 2013, a new shop was opened in Dallas and another two new outlets will open during 2014 in areas already identified. -Europe. Overall, the European markets display results that are slightly lower than those of last year, but there are several important signals, including the figures relative to the Portuguese market, where the Group is one of the main players with the local Gres Panaria Portugal. Overall, sales in Portugal registered a 11% increase after years of decline. These markets account for 34% of the total revenue. -Italy. The Italian market displays an approximate fall of 5%, in line with the data reported for the sector by Confindustria Ceramica. This is the direct result of the persistent crisis in the domestic construction sector. The Italian market accounts for 23% of the total revenue. -Asia, South America, Oceania and Africa. All of these markets register extreme-


ly positive signs in the quarter, with an overall increase of 30%. To be more specific: in Africa the turnover has more than doubled, in Asia the increase is in the region of 20%, while in Oceania the growth registered was a formidable +75%. These markets account for 12% of the total revenue.

PAVANELLO SERRAMENTI IS CONQUERING THE RUSSIAN MARKET Pavanello Serramenti is conquering the Russian market with a large supply contract for doors, windows and shutters destined for the construction of Sadovyi, the enormous residential district of the city of Cheboksary, located in central Russia. The area, designed by the Japanese architect Michiyo Bando, will occupy a surface area of around 2.5 million sqm and will provide housing for over 100,000 residents. Divided into 13 districts, including 4 existing areas to be renovated, the complex will be characterised by a large number of parks, destined to create a true residential oasis within the city. “Pavanello's international development prospects - stated sales manager Marco Pavanello (pictured) - have been pleasantly extended thanks to the arrival of this important order from the Russian market, which we have already been actively preparing since last year. It is an enormous project that requires an investment of around 22 million euros, with an overall demand for 80,000 product



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units, mostly in PVC, for the council housing. Instead, we will be responsible for supplying the wooden products, and hope to satisfy the requirements of the more prestigious residences, with our Clima 92 line. This order is an important business opportunity which is encouraging us to focus more on the range of products we offer to Asian markets.”

The Interior Innovation Award is presented by the German Rat für Formgebung during immCologne and it is one of the most famous titles bestowed on those who excel in the furniture sector. This year the winners were selected from more than 500 entrants. Only 15 products of excellence can enjoy the coveted Best of Best title. “We are very proud of this double award presented by the Rat für Formgebung”, states Arndt Papenfuß, marketing manager of Kaldewei: “Receiving the award is confirmation of the fact that by coherently and continuously developing our production technology we are always able to interpret modern design and that in this way, we ourselves become a source of inspiration for the entire sector”.

Anbo Stile

Inside Front Cover

Ceramica Incontro Cersaie


Inside Back Cover

Coop Imola


Intono Comunicazione


Maticad 43 Mlts 55 Montolit 79 Nuovo Corso


Piemme 7 Profilitec 21 Progress Profiles


Raimondi 4 Rondine Group


Schlüter-Systems 1 Sigma 47 Tecnargilla 71 Tek Arredamenti



Turkish Ceramic Federation 37

Even before their official market launch, two new Kaldewei products have won the Interior Innovation Award 2014: the freestanding Centro Duo Oval bath, entirely made of steel enamel, has received the coveted “Best of Best” title while the generous dimensions of Conopool convinced the jury to declare it “Winner”. The awards won by two of the many new products launched by Kaldewei at the SHK exhibition in Essen, once more confirm the quality and innovative vision of the German company.

CONTACTS FOR ADVERTISING: TILE EDIZIONI Via Fossa Buracchione 84 41126 Baggiovara (MO - Italy) Tel. +39 059 512 103 www.tiledizioni.it


• ms. Paola Giacomini p.giacomini@tiledizioni.it • ms. Elisa Verzelloni e.verzelloni@tiledizioni.it • mr. Marco Calliari m.calliari@tiledizioni.it • mr. Alberto Tolomelli a.tolomelli@tiledizioni.it



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THE “CAV. FILIPPO MARAZZI” AWARD IS ASSIGNED Ismet Balihodzic, born in Bosnia in 1989 and a graduate of the University of Trieste, is the winner of the “Cav. Filippo Marazzi” Award for degree theses. The Award was contested by students of Italian universities or polytechnic universities who produced outstanding Master's degree theses on “Internationalisation and Italian products" in the 2012/2013 academic year. 41 students from 20 different academic institutes had participated in this first edition of the Award. The Cav. Filippo Marazzi Award was set up by Emanuela and Carolina Marazzi, in collaboration with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, to commemorate the great businessman from the ceramic industry who passed away in 2012.The award winner, Ismet Balihodzic, wrote an article on "The strategic sell-buy gap in the internationalisation of furniture companies in the US market”, which won the praise of the Award's Scientific Commission. Speaking on behalf of said commission, Prof. Tiziano Bursi explained why they had chosen Balihodzic's entry: “Balihodzic's work examines the factors of success in the worldwide context of Italian furniture producers, the procedures they adopt to achieve internationalisation and the country of origin effect on the purchas-

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ing process used by North American retailers and the buyers of large stores. The study throws light on the reasons that prevent Italian companies from entering the US furniture market and proposes several moves designed to stabilise their competitive position, by overcoming the restrictions that compromise their marketing strategies and policies”. The award ceremony, during which Balihodzic received his award from architect Monica Melotti as the representative of Emanuela and Carolina Marazzi, took place on 15 May at the Marco Biagi Foundation in Modena, alongside a convention on “Italian products and internationalisation: paths and challenges”, attended by authoritative figures from the academic and business worlds, including Francesco Casoli (President of the Elica Group), Lisa Ferrarini (Ferrarini Group, President of ASSICA, Chairman of the technical committee at Confindustria for the protection of Italian products and the struggle to beat counterfeiting), Giuseppe Gavioli (Managing Director of CNH Italia), Vittorio Renzi (General Director of Scavolini) and Mauro Vandini (Managing Director of the Marazzi Group).


WWW.IMOLACERAMICA: NEW LOOK, TRUE IDENTITY www.imolaceramica.com, the new ImolaCeramica web site, gives the new brand identity a voice, and presents itself as a journey of discovery, on the trail of creative products and suggestions. A user-friendly, quick navigation mode combines with a design that picks up on detail and translates it into a strongly visual creation, reinforcing the values of a brand that is a perfect balance between experimenting with new ideas and aesthetic content. Vivid colour palettes and elegant atmospheres frame the ceramic product which is presented in the site by a navigation style designed to accommodate all kinds of users. The many ways of accessing the site become a key feature and make it into a mega menu that provides practical shortcuts but also continuous significant links. Having left behind any type of linear web experience, the user's digital discovery trail becomes polycentric and open to continuous parallelisms. Each user experience is therefore a personalised meeting with the ceramic products displayed. A personalised and therefore unique user experience.



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MADE EXPO REVS UP ITS ENGINES IN THE RUN-UP TO 2015 With 10 months to go before the event begins, the line-up for MADE EXPO 2015 is already obtaining excellent results: almost 300 companies have registered, including many big players from Italy and abroad. With the first commercial phase having successfully drawn to a close, MADE EXPO is now working hard to promote the many new initiatives planned for the 2015 edition. And this is a kind of promotion, explains Giovanni De Ponti, managing director of MADE EXPO: "That is fully coherent with the innovative tariff plan established. We are aiming to meet the requirements of the construction industry, and want to be ready to take advantage of each sign of recovery." On an international level, the success of the Lagos leg of the promotional initiative is noteworthy. Nigeria is the most important market in Africa and a great deal of interest has been registered on the part of the local operators there: interior designers, architects, contractors and showroom owners. Again in the international scene, excitement is rising about the Business Lounge which, in the last edition, hosted more than 1,000 B2B meetings with 253 delegates from 27 countries, and for the first edition of MADE EXPO WorldWide (Moscow 15-18 October 2014) which will ensure that the companies participating in the event establish a high profile in one of the most promising markets for Italian products. The synergy of the event with Expo 2015 is also proceeding full steam ahead. The “Building the Expo� project will give visi-

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tors a preview of the contents, technologies and materials used to create the Universal Exhibition. There will be an exhibition of the designs by the architects responsible for creating the pavilions of the participating nations, and there will also be an opportunity to meet large contractors and designers. The products will be the main focus of the event, which will be divided into 4 themed exhibition areas- MADE Constructions Materials, MADE Building Envelope Windows, MADE Interiors Finishings, MADE Software, Technology and Services. This guarantees an even more effective synergy between the production systems and services used in the building trade, and should anticipate the dynamics of an ever more integrated market.

CONF. MARMOMACCHINE: EXCELLENT RESULTS IN THE SECTOR FOR 2013 The ordinary shareholders' meeting of Confindustria Marmomacchine, held on 13 June in Milan, and attended by over 130 delegates, including businessmen from all over Italy and representatives of the main Institutions, also saw the participation of Carlo Calenda, Deputy Minister for Economic Development. In his speech to the public, Calenda, who is one of the most authoritative government experts on internationalisation and industrial development, con-


firmed the Government's desire to give a significant impulse to relaunching the Italian manufacturing industry, highlighting the virtuous example of the marble machinery sector which registered an increase in sales of 2.5 billion euros in 2013. Overall, with a turnover of over 3.9 billion euros and an export total alone skimming 2.8 billion, a strong tendency towards the export share of sales (71.5%) and most of all an annual sales balance of 2.4 billion, the Italian marble machinery sector chain is one of the healthiest Italian manufacturing sectors. During the ordinary shareholders' meeting of Confindustria Marmomacchine elections were also held to appoint the new Chairman, businessman Stefano Ghirardi, CEO of the Marmi Ghirardi Group (in the photo), who will chair the Association for the two-year term from 2014 to 2016.

Levelling screw system just with a click 50% time saving compared to other systems

The leveler does not require pliers or unscrew-drivers Easy positioning without screwing Automatic ejection of the thread Easy leveling adjustment with few degrees of rotation Suitable for tiles from 3,5 to 20 mm Nominal width of the joint 1,7 mm (UNI 11493) A perfect system for big formats















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AND THE BEST BOOTH AWARD GOES TO: FLORIM, TORRECID, ATEM AND COLORKER Following tradition, this year too, Coverings awarded the Best Booth Award to the four exhibiting companies that stood out for the design of their stands and of the products presented. In the category of the larger stands, the Overall Best in Show went to Florim for the 300 sqm booth designed by Paolo Porta, composed of four different settings used to highlight the various philosophies of the group's four brands, and the company's focus on themes linked to environmental sustainability. For the outdoor floor coverings, the stone effect textured tiles of Floorgres are displayed on a bed of grass, used to create the path towards the interior exhibition areas. Here, the sophisticated booth enhances the vast range of aesthetic possibilities offered by the products presented: marble, slabs with a rustic wooden effect and wall tiles decorated in various colours that resemble aged surfaces bearing the signs of time. The Spanish glazing company Torrecid, exhibiting for the first time at Coverings, won the Best Booth Award for the creative design of its exhibition area, inspired by a social club, with interior and exteri-

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or areas designed to show the infinite aesthetic possibilities of ceramics and its many uses: from floors with wood-effect slabs, to the concrete tiles used on the ventilated facades, to the interior wall tiles in translucent porcelain, to finely decorated material and reproductions of marble or industrial floorings. In the smaller stand category, Coverings also awarded a prize to Atem, the largest tile producer in Ukraine, also exhibiting for the first time at the US exhibition, and the Spanish company Colorker.


GROHE AT THE MARACANÃ STADIUM Grohe sanitaryware systems have been chosen to help modernise the famous Maracanã stadium. While the world's eyes are on Brazil, where the top players from 32 countries are competing for the most coveted trophy in the world of football, in addition to hosting some of the most exciting matches in the tournament, the legendary Estádio Jornalista Mário Filho in Rio de Janeiro, known worldwide as Maracanã, will also provide the setting for the final on Sunday 13 July. Predicting the names of the two teams who will take to the field that day is impossible, but one thing is absolutely certain: the sanitaryware systems installed in the stadium toilet facilities as part of the Maracanã modernisation project all bear one name, that of Grohe.



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PORCELANOSA: SCS CERTIFICATE FOR KRION® NATURE LUX Krion® has obtained SCS* Recycled Content certification, which guarantees the content of recycled material in the composition of the Solid Surface developed by the Porcelanosa Group. The independent controls performed by SCS certify that the Krion ® slabs of the Nature Lux series contain between 6% and 12% recycled material, while in other models the percentage of recycled materials is as high as 25%. Therefore the colours Marfil Nature, Bright Concrete, White Nature, Crystal White+, Polar Stone, EarthNature and DuneNature contain a minimum of 6% in recycled material; while AshNature, Crystal White, Grey Nature, Bright Rock, Clear Nature, CamelNature contain at least 12% in recycled materials. Acrylic waste materials from the Porcelanosa Group production of Solid Surface are reused to manufacture these models. In 2013 alone, this system has

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enabled the recovery of over 120 tonnes of acrylic material, used to produce the Krion® Nature Lux series. For over 30 years, *SCS Global Services, international leader with a vast experience of third party certification, has worked with companies and government agencies worldwide to promote sustainable development and help offer a competitive advantage.

SACMI: THE FIRST 30 YEARS IN THE SANITARYWARE SECTOR The activities of Gruppo Sacmi, organised to celebrate 30 years of business in the sanitaryware sector will be concentrated in the week in which Tecnargilla takes place (Rimini, 22-26 September). The latest technological innovations will be on display during the exhibition while, on Monday 22 September, the group headquarters in Imola, at the same time at the “Symposium on the sanitaryware production and supply chain” will host a special Open Day. This event will give specialised operators the chance to visit the factory and learn about the technologies on offer firsthand. For Sacmi it will be a chance to illustrate the benefits of pressurised casting, a technology which has generated excellent results for the group from Imola to date: as of December 2013, a total of 383 high-pressure casting machines had been sold worldwide (152 for 2-parts moulds and 231 for multi-part moulds), 5,747 moulds and 1,586 die boxes.


IDEAL WORK OBTAINS A 1 RATING FROM CRIBIS D&B This year Ideal Work, a company with registered office in Treviso, Italy, European leader in the sector of flooring and decorative concrete plasterwork, has again obtained a 1 Rating, the highest level of certification assigned by Cribis Dun & Bradstreet, a leading company in the business information field. The certificate, awarded by Cribis D&B to Ideal Work, confirms the company's economic and financial reliability and the efficient management of the operating processes at the base of its organisational model, as well as the commitment and professionalism it has always invested in its customer and supplier relations over the years. This certificate is only assigned to companies that comply with several essential parameters, such as: maximum punctuality in payments, a stable asset and financial situation, economic profitability.


The unique shapes of water

With a glance always oriented to the future

The only one cerTified en 274-2 and en 1253-2 The only one wiTh floor flush overall heighT of 85 mm The only one modular

gna Bolo er b 014 2 m e e t i sa 6 sep nd 22 cer a 22 - 2 t S 5 Hall 4 Area/

The only one subjecT To elecTropolishing and passivaTion


siphon wiTh a Tube adjusTable up To 360째

PROSHOWER - Drain systems PROSHOWER is a water collecting duct system, the only one with floor flush overall height of 85 mm with siphon adjustable up to 360째, entirely made of AISI 304/1.4301-V2A steel, available in 5 different lengths and equipped with 6 different stainless steel finish grids. An innovative solution that combines flexibility, functionality and aesthetical research to satisfy every needs in an unique way.

Progress Profiles SpA

Certificated company UNI EN ISO 9001:2008



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FILA CONSULTING CERAMIC OPENS AT FIORANO MODENESE On 16 June, in an event hosted at the Ferrari Museum in Maranello, the new headquarters of the FILA Consulting Ceramic Division of Fiorano Modenese were opened. This move brings Fila to the heart of the Italian ceramic district, enabling it to offer producers an even swifter technical aftersales and design service. The unit, which will also support the new FilaTech division, hosts a training centre and a laboratory, used to analyse and test the surfaces produced by local ceramic companies. As explained by Fila President, Beniamino Pettenon, the investment is a further attempt to consolidate the working relationships with ceramics producers, with whom the company from Padua has in fact already launched many partnerships: indeed, there are over 200 producers worldwide who recommend Fila products. The company also has prestigious working relationships with Research Institutes, including the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of Surfaces of the National Research Council (ICIS-C.N.R) of Padua and the Institute of Science and Technology of Ceramic Materials of Faenza

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(ISTEC-CNR). Fila, which has its registered office in San Martino di Lupari (Padua), has six foreign branches in France, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, the US and the Arab Emirates, and a sales network that spans more than 60 countries.

DEL CONCA GROUP: 10 DURST DIGITAL PRINTERS The number of Durst digital printers used in the factories of Gruppo Del Conca has risen to ten. Indeed, in the first four months of the year, four new machines were commissioned for the Italian production facilities of Ceramiche Del Conca and Pastorelli, and for the US company Del Conca USA. The new Durst Gamma 120 HD-RS, specifically designed for the decoration of large format tiles (100x150 cm) was chosen for the San Clemente Del Conca facility in Rimini. La Pastorelli of Savignano sul Panaro (Modena) opted for a Gamma 75 HD-NRS, from the new N series, characterised by the exclusive ink feeding system. This product offers significant economic advantages, with a superior print and decoration quality. Instead, two Gamma 75 HD-RS printers were chosen by the Group for its production facility in Loudon in Tennessee, which opened at the beginning of the year. The Del Conca Group, headed by Enzo D. Mularoni, is one of the main industrial companies in the Italian ceramics sector, with a global turnover of 121 million euros and around 480 employees on the payroll of its four companies (Ceramica Faetano is also part of the group).


The choice of Durst as the supplier of these printers further strengthens a consolidated relationship which began in 2006 with the installation of the first digital printing line in the San Clemente facility in Rimini. "In 2006 we were one of the first companies to believe in the potential of digital production methods, a choice that turned out to be a winning one. Over the years, the market has seen a gradual increase and net prevalence of these machines compared to those based on traditional technology", explains Paolo Mularoni, President of Del Conca USA.

RAK CERAMICS FOCUSES ON NEW SIZES Rak Ceramics (Ras Al Khaimah, EAU), one of the multinational leaders on the international scene in the production of ceramic tiles, sanitaryware and tableware production, has decided to renew its production line for large-format tiles. The heart of the facility will be the Sacmi Continua Plus line for the production of slabs in technical and glazed porcelain in the 1500x3000 mm size, which offers the possibility of obtaining different thicknesses. The line, which focuses precisely on the maximum flexibility of the products it produces, will be integrated with the existing line, without compromising its already impressive production capacity. To complete the line, the company will also add a brand new Colora HD 1808 digital decorator from Intesa, capable


FOLLOW TILE EDIZIONI ON ISSUU of printing up to the 1800 mm size of tile with a maximum of 8 colours of ink, particularly suitable for decorating slabs and tiles of a high aesthetic value. The innovative project, which has been developed by RAK technicians in collaboration with Sacmi, will allow the facility to make the most of the new line in its dual function as traditional Continua (and therefore with dual pressing) and Continua Plus (only with dynamic compaction).

A FORMIDABLE DUO‌ XAMURAY AND PERFETTO Constant developments in the field of building materials - especially ceramic tiles - must be matched by parallel efforts in developing and adapting the tools used for working and installing these materials. The Italian company Montolit has worked alongside the industry since 1946, supplying tools capable of alleviating the physical fatigue of construction site workers while delivering end results that meet ever more stringent specifications. Over the years the company has responded to market trends by diversifying its product range and introducing a complete series of diamond tools to complement the increasingly

advanced machines for cutting, drilling and processing ceramic tiles and stone that remain its core business. Starting out from the simple universal building disks first placed on the market over 30 years ago and designed predominantly for use on angle grinders, Brevetti Montolit now offers a complete range of diamond tools including cutting tools for use on all kinds of materials and machines, from drilling to profile machining. Tools for ceramic tiles are an important part of the Montolit diamond tool range and form part of the company’s core business. In the specific field of watercooled cutting tools for use on bench cutters, Montolit has developed two products called Xamuray and Perfetto. The two diamond disks, available in standard diameters, look similar but in fact have entirely different technical characteristics. While Xamuray is designed for maximum performance at high speed, Perfetto stands out for its exceptionally clean cut with the complete absence of chipping. What the two disks have in common however is their universal range of application, making them suitable for all kinds of ceramic tile - from the most delicate double-fired tiles through to tough thin porcelain sheets and including various types of single-firing, terracotta, clinker and vitrified or textured tiles. For further information and details go to www.montolit.com.


NUOVOCORSO: FIRST TIME AT REVESTIR This year, for the first time, Nuovocorso took part in Revestir, the International Architecture and Building Show, held in March in SĂŁo Paulo in Brazil. The company already has a high sales volume in Brazil, thanks also to a market that has proved ready for large formats and the effectiveness of the sales network. The visitors to Revestir showed great interest in the latest 120x120 range, already in production with the Lipica and Concrete series and which, due to digital technology, offers many different graphics for each article.

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Economy & markets by Poola Giacomini

Brazil forges ahead

Edson Gaidzinski Jr.

On 13 March during Expo Revestir (São Paulo, Brazil), the largest exhibition of floor and wall coverings, architecture and building in Latin America, the Annual General Meeting of Anfacer elected Edson Gaidzinski Jr. as president of the Brazilian association of manufacturers of ceramic tiles, sanitaryware and allied products for the second time. Edson Gaidzinski Jr. (president of Eliane) will lead the Brazilian ceramic manufacturers’ association for the next four years, taking over from Michael Rumpf Gail (president of Gail). We met Mr Gaidzinski in April at Coverings in Las Vegas, where each year Anfacer is responsible for organising the Brazilian pavilion. The picture he described of the Brazilian ceramic industry is that of a sector in a good state of health, buoyed by strong domestic demand but at the same time showing growth rates in all key indicators, including a resurgence in exports.

Tile International: Brazil saw its economic growth slacken in 2013 compared to previous years. What are the key indicators and forecasts for 2014? Edson Gaidzinski Jr.: Brazil’s growth

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over the last 5 years has largely been sustained by the double-figure growth of China, which buys raw materials from us. The slowdown of Brazil’s economy is therefore in part a direct consequence of the slower pace of Chinese growth. Another factor is the reduced availability of credit. Although the rate of GDP growth is just 2%, however, inflation is under control, the exchange rate is stable and unemployment is dropping. But there is still a lot to be done. To be able to consider itself “developed”, a country needs four things: education, infrastructures, technological innovation and a global brand.


Brazil still has to work a lot on these four factors. We have seen a dramatic rise in the standard of living of the population over the last 10 years. Some 40 million Brazilians (out of a total population of 200 million) have migrated from Class D to Class C, in other words from working class to lower middle class. This rapid emergence of such a large and varied middle class is naturally driving equally rapid growth in demand for highquality services and infrastructures, which the government must be capable of meeting. Tile International: What is the trend in the building industry? E. Gaidzinski Jr.: The infra-

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2014 (est.)







Production capacity % var. on previous year






986.6 1,004.0 1,023.4










Production % var. on previous year



















Domestic sales = National Consumption * % var. on previous year



















Exports % var. on previous year



















Total sales * % var. on previous year



















Exports in value (million US$) Mill. sq.m




















Values in million sq.m . Source: Anfacer (*) The values for “Domestic sales” and “Total sales” include products manufactured abroad and imported by Brazilian producer companies, equivalent to 41 million sq.m in 2011 and 2012 and 50.5 million sq.m in 2013 and 2014. structure projects ahead of the 2016 Olympics are well under way, while 6% annual growth in the residential building segment is forecast for the period 2013-2018, supported by the Government’s measures to facilitate access to credit on the part of families and individuals. We should not forget that Brazil’s housing deficit is estimated at around 7 million dwelling units. Tile International: And this growth will have a positive effect on demand for ceramic tiles. E. Gaidzinski Jr.: Yes, Brazil’s tile production capacity is continuing to increase. The leading companies in the sec-

tor, such as Eliane, Portobello, Cecrisa and Incepa, have been making numerous investments and a further 120 million sq.m of installed capacity may be added over the next two to three years. Tile International: Apart from the increase in production, what are today’s most critical factors in your investment choices? E. Gaidzinski Jr.: Certainly the need to cut Brazil’s very high manufacturing energy costs. Environmental, economic and social sustainability are further key issues we are working on at Anfacer. The Santa Gertrudes ceramic cluster is investing heavily in product


quality, in many cases combining traditional dry grinding technology with wet grinding production lines. Tile International: What new product types are most in demand in Brazil? E. Gaidzinski Jr.: We are seeing strong demand for polished unglazed and low-thickness glazed porcelain tile. Large sizes are very popular, as are wood effect surfaces. Digitally decorated products are gaining ground and there is also growing interest in functionalised surfaces (water-repellent or antibacterial). Tile International: What is the state of Brazilian exports? E. Gaidzinski Jr.: In 2013 ex-

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Dry grinding









Wet grinding


















Values in million sq.m. Source: Anfacer









Floor tiles









Wall tiles

















Porcelain tiles









- glazed









- technical unglazed


















Total Values in million sq.m. Source: Anfacer ports once again grew by 7% to 63.3 million sq.m. Paraguay, the United States and the Dominican Republic confirmed their positions as the three largest export markets and all three showed good rates of growth. The current Real-dollar exchange rate of 2.20 (compared to 1.57 two years ago) is also more favourable for our companies. Tile International: What are the main challenges facing the Brazilian ceramic industry today? What are its strengths and weaknesses? E. Gaidzinski Jr.: Energy and labour costs are undoubtedly

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the biggest difficulties facing the sector. On the other hand, I believe the Brazilian tile industry has strong creative potential and is capable of adapting to the needs and demands of the market. Tile International: Revestir 2014, held in São Paulo last March, was once again a big success. What is your assessment of the exhibition and of the growing interest on the part of Italian and Spanish ceramic tile producers? E. Gaidzinski Jr.: With its 51,000 visitors, 6% up on last year’s show, Revestir 2014 chalked up another all-time


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Exports 2012

Exports 2013

% var. 2013/2012

% share on total 2013 exports











Dominican Rep.

























Trinidad and Tobago















Other countries





Total Exports





Values in million sq.m. Source: Anfacer


record. The participation by increasing numbers of Italian and Spanish exhibitors each year provides a clear indication of the show’s good organisation and of the strong appeal it has for Latin America’s top professionals and buyers. Brazil is the world’s second largest ceramic tile market and it is natural that it should attract the leading international producers and exporters such as the Italians and Spanish. This high-quality presence brings benefits and advantages for the Brazilian ceramic industry itself by encouraging the industry to raise the level of quality and design of its products and by helping to keep selling prices high. But in order to be successful, European producers entering the Brazilian market must take account of the high costs of logistics and the importance of having local distribution centres. The creation of joint ventures with local producers would be desirable. 5

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Economy & markets by Poola Giacomini

Turkey chalks up new records Against this generally positive backdrop, the local ceramic industry was able to register record growth. We spoke to Ahmet Yamaner, chairman of the Turkish Ceramic Federation, first at Unicera - the most important Turkish exhibition for ceAhmet Yamaner ramic tiles and bathroom furniture, In spite of its rela- held in Istanbul in February tively high unem- then again during Coverings ployment (10.5%), Tur- in Las Vegas. key maintained a good level of growth in 2013 with GDP up Tile International: How do by 3.2% and inflation drop- you view the results of the ping from 10.6% to 7.1%. Turkish economy and what

are the forecasts for 2014? Ahmet Yamaner: These figures are signs of a healthy industry. In spite of the recent economic crisis which has affected countries all over the world, Turkey has continued its growth thanks to a good national economic policy and a hardworking population. We are expecting this trend to continue in 2014. Tile International: How did the ceramic tile industry perform? A. Yamaner: In 2013, tile production rose to a new record level of 340 million sq.m, 21.4% up on 2012 - much higher than the 7.7% growth registered in that year. Domestic sales also reached a record

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Production capacity Mill. sq.m










Output Mill. sq.m










Exports Mill. sq.m










Exports Mill. sq.m










Domestic sales Mill. sq.m










Imports Mill. sq.m










Imports Mill. sq.m



















Domestic consumption Mill. sq.m

Source: Turkish Ceramic Federation

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figure of 220 million sq.m (22.2% up on 2012), as did domestic consumption, which far exceeded pre-crisis levels at approximately 225.6 million sq.m (22.3% up on 2012) and was almost entirely met by local production (imports totalled just 5.6 million sq.m). Tile International: What about the sanitaryware sector? A. Yamaner: In the sanitaryware sector, Turkey retained its place at the top of the rankings as the largest European producer country in 2013. Production rose to 270,000 tons, corresponding to around 18

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million pieces (4% up on 2012). Domestic sales reached 144,500 tons, or about 9.6 million pieces (+1.4%). This volume entirely met domestic demand as imports fell almost to zero. Tile International: In your opinion, what aspects contributed to this further growth on the part of the two industries? A. Yamaner: The main factor driving demand for ceramic tiles and sanitaryware is the huge local construction activity we are seeing all over the country. In 2013, the housing industry output rose to 121.3

million sq.m (+11.2% on 2012), of which 788,880 sq.m consisted of two-family or more residential dwellings, a volume which also showed an increase of 9.2% on 2012. Anti-seismic renovation also played an important role in this high performance. Turkey is a country at high seismic risk which has suffered numerous severe earthquakes and much damage over the last decade. The problem is compounded by the fact that most of the existing buildings were built before the new building codes came into force. The Government initiat-

ed a new project called ‘civic transition’ to support people who are willing to demolish their houses and rebuild them according to the new building codes. This applies in particular to old buildings in urban areas, which are at greatest risk. Tile International: Turkish companies appear to be striving more and more to upgrade their product quality and brand image. Can you confirm this? A. Yamaner: It’s true, as we could all see at Unicera, which confirmed the excellent health of the Turkish tile and


sanitaryware industries. The only difference between the two sectors is that the tile industry is launching new products onto the market every year, whereas the sanitaryware sector is doing it once every two years. Tile International: The growth in Turkish tile exports by volume in 2011 and 2012 was not as high as expected, although they did increase in terms of value. How did they perform in 2013? A. Yamaner: Although tile exports declined by 4% in volume to 87.8 million sq.m, they grew by 3.14% in terms of val-

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Production capacity ton x 000







330.0 (22 mill.pcs)

330.0 (22 mill.pcs)


Output ton x 000







260.0 (17.3 mill pcs)

270.0 (18 mill pcs)


Exports ton x 000







113.5 (7.5 mill.pcs)



Exports ton x 000










Domestic sales ton x 000







142.5 (9.5 mill.pcs)

144.5 (9.6 mill pcs)


Imports ton x 000










Imports ton x 000
















144.3 (9.6 mill.pcs)

146.7 (9.8 mill pcs)


Domestic consumption ton x 000

Source: Turkish Ceramic Federation

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% Var 12/11



ue to achieve a record turnover of $605 million. Even though the increase in unit price can be seen as a positive factor, this does not constitute a growth trend. The Turkish tile industry is shifting its production to innovative products with greater added value such as largesize and porcelain tiles, where export value is more important than volumes. Tile International: Where were your main export markets? A. Yamaner: Germany remained the top export market for Turkish tiles in value, although turnover dropped from US $64 million to $61 million (7.2% down on 2012) as a result of the decline in export volumes (7.0 million

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Value ($)

% var. 2013/2012

2013 Unit Price ($/m2)

Quantity (m2)

Value ($)

Unit Price ($/m2)









































































































































Source: Turkish Ceramic Federation sq.m, 16.3% down on 2012). But there was an increase in average selling price (from 7.9 $/sq.m in 2012 to $8.7 in 2013), returning to the levels of 2011. In 2013 Israel became the largest market for Turkish tiles in terms of volume (10.7 million sq.m, equal to the previous year), and the second largest market in value (US $59.4 million, up 2%). As in 2012, Iraq, the UK and Azerbaijan maintained their positions amongst the top five markets. Just as in 2012, the biggest increases were in Canada

(+22% in volumes and +29% in value), the USA (+29% in volume and +32% in value, following a rise in average price to 7.3 $/sq.m). The Libyan market, which began its recovery in 2012, showed a sharp rise in unit price (from 3.6 to 7.3 $/sq.m) resulting in an increase in turnover from US $13.7 million in 2012 to US $26.5 million. Tile International: How are companies reacting to the recovery in the US tile market and the general fall in European demand? A.Yamaner: Generally speaking, Turkish tile producers

boosted their workforce last year and produced new porcelain tile ranges specifically aimed at the North American market, to be launched at Coverings 2014. The European market began to show some positive signs, although it still hasn’t gained the necessary momentum. Tile International: Turkey is the market leader in a number of markets in the Middle East and Caucasus regions. Do you think that emerging new competitors could threaten this leading position in the near future? A. Yamaner: The fact that


transportation makes up a large part of the tile industry’s total costs gives Turkey an advantage over its neighbouring countries. In the Middle East, Iran will be a powerful rival for Turkey due to its very strong ceramic industry coupled with recent political progress. The Gulf countries, especially Saudi Arabia, have also been making significant investments in the sector. Tile International: Did sanitaryware exports show a similar performance last year? A. Yamaner: In 2013 our sanitaryware exports recovered for the fourth year running,

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Value ($)

% var. 2013/2012

2013 Unit Price ($/ton)

Quantity (ton)

Value ($)

Unit Price ($/ton)










































































































































Source: Turkish Ceramic Federation despite remaining slightly below the peak levels of 20062007. Total export volumes reached 119,800 tons (around 8 million pieces, 5.5% up on 2012), while total value rose to US $203 million (+8.7%). In terms of value, Germany remained the largest foreign market for the sanitaryware sector, with a turnover of $28.1 million (10% up on 2012) and a 6.3% increase in exported volumes. In 2013, Italy ranked second in terms of value ($20.2 million) with an increase of 19%. France, the UK

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and Iraq confirmed their positions at the top of the list in terms of both volumes and value. Tile International: What are the biggest challenges facing the Turkish ceramic industry today? A. Yamaner: Europe is Turkey’s largest export market for sanitaryware, and the crisis in the region is affecting our exports. Fortunately, this is compensated by the strong demand in our domestic market. Among the positive factors, the depreciation of the Turkish Lira

by around 20% will bring a good degree of development, especially in the North American market, and the fact that there is no mention of an increase in gas prices will also have a positive effect on costs. The competitive structural elements of the Turkish industry include its highly skilled and professional workforce and the 45 hour working week. Tile International: Do you think that the Turkish ceramic industry will further internationalise its production?


A. Yamaner: I don’t think this will become a widespread policy. In any case, the most important thing is to have personnel capable of handling international business. Tile International: What are your forecasts for the current year? A. Yamaner: I expect to see a positive upward trend in exports in 2014 as well as further rapid growth in the domestic market due to government measures to promote housing for low-income families. 5

Companies showcased

VitrA starts up a new plant in Russia

The Eczacıbası Building Products Division is continuing to invest in manufacturing capacity outside of Turkey, in line with its growth strategy. On 13 May 2014 the Division officially inaugurated its new Russian sanitary ware production plant, the first investment in this field outside of Turkey. The new plant, realised at a cost of € 21 million, is located at the same production complex in Serpukhov, some 100 km from Moscow, where the Group is already manufacturing ceramic tiles. The number of Eczacıbası Building Products Division

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The ribbon cutting ceremony plants (manufacturing ceramic tiles, sanitaryware, fittings, bathroom furniture and bathtubs) has now raisen to 16: six of these are based in Turkey, six in Germany, two in France, and now two also in Russia. The ceramic tile production capacity of the Group totals 33 million sq.m/year, while it raises to 5 million pieces in the sanitary ware segment. Eczacıbası Group Chairman Bülent Eczacıbası and Vice Chairman Faruk Eczacıbası hosted the inauguration ceremony, which was attended by the Moscow Region Minister of Investment and Innovation Denis Petrovich Butsaev, Ser-


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pukhov Governor Alexandr Vyacheslavovıch Shestun, and Turkey’s Ambassador in Moscow, Aydın Adnan Sezgin. Eczacıbası President and CEO Dr. Erdal Karamercan, Eczacıbası Building Products Executive Vice President Atalay Gümrah, and Eczacıbası Building Products Vice Presidents Ahmet Yamaner (Technology and Investments) and Zeki Safak Ozan (Tiles) also at-

tended the event. In his speech at the ceremony, Eczacıbası Group Chairman Bülent Eczacıbası said, “Russia has now become an important production center for us, following Turkey, Germany and France. Ten of the Building Products Division’s 16 plants are located abroad and are producing for international markets. We are proud to represent Turkey in different loca-

tions around the world with our production facilities as well as our sales,” he added. To date, the Eczacıbası Building Products Division has invested €60 million in its production complex in Serpukhov, which encompasses 46 thousand square meters of covered space on a total area of 200 thousand square meters. Opened in 2011, the tile plant can produce up to 3.2 million

sq.m of tiles per year; the new ceramic sanitary ware plant has an annual capacity of 250,000 large pieces. Eczacıbası Building Products Division is exporting its VitrA branded products to more than 75 countries. On the Russian market, VitrA brand is available at 1,000 sales points throughout the country. 5

Serpukhov production complex

Signature on the products Del first Conca "Fast"

Serpukhov production complex 39

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Companies showcased

New eco-sustainable headquarters for Progress Profiles

ď ‘

Progress Profiles, a leading company operating in the production and sale of profiles for the building and furnishing sectors, has opened new headquarters in Asolo (Treviso, Italy), embodying its forward-looking entrepreneurial spirit and respect for the environment.

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The project consists of two blocks merging into each other to form one single architectural solution developed over a covered area of 11,500 sqm occupying an overall surface of 21,000 sqm. Built using materials selected in compliance with the REACH* requirements, the new Progress Profiles headquarters reflects the most in-

novative architectural-construction concepts and combines eco-sustainability, attention to environmental impact and wellbeing. The advanced construction techniques allow minimisation of pollution inside the building and offer high living standards, in terms of both comfort


and wellbeing. Attention has been paid to every detail to obtain a sustainable, healthy safe environment for the employees and on the roof a spacious terrace-roof garden has been created for relaxation during the lunch hour. The new headquarters is equipped with a 700 kwatt photovoltaic system, for an en-

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ergy requirement of 500 kwatt at full capacity, designed to power the air conditioning of the offices which are classified in Class A (high energy saving). Thanks to an innovative radiant strip heating system, gas consumption is also reduced in the production area. All this, together with optimal zenithal lighting, a passive solar design and a high-insulation facade, makes the new Progress Profiles headquarters an example of excellence in contemporary green building. “Investing and creating employment in Italy is certainly no easy task at the moment - declared Dennis Bordin, CEO of Progress Profiles - and all too


Del Conca "Fast" 41

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Companies showcased


often Italian companies prefer to open factories abroad, in Poland, China and Turkey for example. Progress Profiles, on the other hand, believes in the potential of our country and has dedicated over 10 million euros to this project, without yielding to the temptations of relocation, continuing to successfully invest in Veneto and


in the made in Italy brand. In fact, the value of made in Italy abroad has never been affected by the recession because it is synonymous with elegance and luxury, passion, creativity and, above all, quality.” Progress Profiles’ products are distributed in over 50 countries worldwide and used for im-

portant architectural projects, including the Louis Vuitton Fondation in Paris (photos 1-2), where the architect Frank Gehry used the Proflex Acc. joint for the terraces and outside paving. There are many examples of use of Progress Profiles’ products also in leading projects in the Arab world: the latest include the Mafraq


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Hospital in Abu Dhabi (photo 3), the Madinah Airport in Saudi Arabia (photo 4) and the Sidra Village Project in Qatar (photo 5).

* European Parliament Regulation concerning restrictions in the use of chemicals, to improve knowledge of the associated hazards and risks. 5

Economy & markets

Italian ceramic companies, sales figures for 2013

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The 156 ceramic companies operating in Italy in 2013 produced a total of 363.4 million square metres (-1.05% compared with 2012), while sales in the sector amounted to a total of 389.3 million sqm, 1.85% more than in the previous year, giving Italian companies a chance to clear their stocks. The performances on the markets of destination were very different. Sales on the domestic market registered an additional drop of 7.18% (86.5 million square metres in 2013), while there was a significant upturn in exports, +4.76%, bringing the total to 302.7 million square metres. The overall turnover in the sector for 2013 reached 4.73 billion euros (+3.16% compared with 2012), of which 3.87 billion came from exports (+5.66% compared with 2012) and only 856 million euros were generated by sales of product on the domestic market (-6.84%).

When presenting its Statistic Survey for 2013, Confindustria Ceramica anticipated that in the first quarter of 2014, following years of decline, the consumption of Italian ceramic tiles has again begun increasing in Western Europe. This is especially true in France (+10.2% in turnover), Germany (+16.5%) and the UK (+29.2%). Extremely positive results were also registered in

Tile International 2/2014

tiles alone amounting to 2,677 million dollars. Although it is not an Italian sales figure, we feel that the consolidated data from Mohawk Industries deserve a place in our list, as the figure was also registered thanks to the activity of the Group's Italian production sites. For the purposes of comparison, it should be noted that the consolidated turnover for Marazzi Group in 2012 had been more than 857 million euros, with 81% generated by sales outside Italy, and that the total production generated by its facilities in Italy, Spain, France, the USA and Russia, had exceeded 97 million square metres. Again in 2012, the Mohawk Industries, Inc. Group had reported that its revenue from the ceramic segment was 1.616 million dollars.

Hungary (+42.7%), the Czech Republic (+15%) and the Baltic area (+43.1%). For Western Europe, forecasts envisage the overall turnover increasing by 5% in 2014, with an additional increase of 3.5% in 2015. Instead, the situation in the countries outside Europe did not change, consolidating the turnover of the first quarter (+2.38%) following the intense growth experienced during 2013. The Russian market suffered a decline (-16.05%), which can be attributed to the devaluation of the rouble, the situation of conflict in the Caucasian area and the slump in the national market. The Gulf area also saw a drop. This market appeared to stop for a moment to reflect, following the considerable increases of the last few years. Instead, export figures to Africa (+12.08%) and Australia / Oceania (+28.57%) remained encouraging.

Our list of the most significant players in the ceramic market To open our traditional hit-parade, here are the public results for Marazzi – Dal Tile relative to the Mohawk Industries, Inc. Group. Thanks to the acquisition of the Marazzi Group in April 2013, today this is the largest producer of ceramic tiles in the world, with a consolidated turnover for ceramic

TURNOVERS EXCEEDING 200 MILLION EUROS - Poll position in the list of Italian producers of ceramic tiles produced in Italy is occupied by the Concorde Group which, despite not anticipating the data for 2013, is undoubtedly firmly heads above the rest, in 2012 marking an increase of 1% compared with 2011 (the year in which it had registered +2.9% compared with 2010). This result was generated exclusively by the group's Italian brands (the sales figures from Novoceram, France; Italon, Russia; Meta, producer of ceramic body and Svimisa, pro-


ducer of raw materials, have therefore not been included here). In second place, with a 440 million euros turnover in 2013, the Fiandre – Iris Group continued to hold its own. The Group was founded on 1 May 2011, when GranitiFiandre rented the industrial and sales divisions of Iris Ceramica. In third place is the Finfloor Group which owes its increase mainly to its sales in the US market, bringing its consolidated turnover to 325.8 million euros. Panariagroup, in fourth position, closes 2013 with a total of 273 million euros, 2.8% down

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Entire contents Copyright Tile Edizioni srl All right reserved on the previous year, while Casalgrande Padana, with its 272.7 million turnover, is hot on its heels. Cooperativa Ceramica d’Imola, which slightly improved its performance compared with the previous year, is the last company on our list of those with turnovers exceeding 200 million euros. Up until this point, the first six positions have all remained stable. TURNOVERS BETWEEN 100 AND 200 MILLION EUROS Next we have the central bracket, which includes companies with turnovers of between 100 and 200 million eu-

ros. In the last survey on sales figures registered in 2012, this category only contained four companies, but now has six, with the stylish return of ABK Group and Gold Art, respectively registering increases of 7.3% and 10.2%, compared to 2012. Emilceramica achieved an important, noteworthy goal, when it generated 190 million euros, increasing its turnover by 11.7% on 2012. TURNOVERS OF LESS THAN 100 MILLION EUROS - The Groups that registered turnovers of less than 100 million euros display the most serious signs of

difficulty, with some companies' results rising in comparison with 2012, but with many more with sales figures dropping marketwide. Gresmalt performed well, registering a 4.4% increase, which can be added to the +8.2% trend already registered in 2012 compared with 2011.The trend registered by Coem is also continuing to improve, while the results achieved by Sant’Agostino are proof of the group's strong reaction to the damage caused by the earthquake. The results achieved by the Rondine Group are certainly


noteworthy. The group saw a +13.5% increase in turnover in 2013, almost climbing back up to its pre-crisis level. In this financial year, the cpmpany is also expected to benefit from the participation of the Turkish company Seramiksan in its share capital, providing valuable synergies that are expected to promote the export side of the group's business. Novabell also had a good year, having increased its 2011 sales figure by 7.2% in 2012, followed by a new increase of 12.3%, indeed exceeding the 50 million euros mark. 5

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CONFINDUSTRIA CERAMICA DATA In 2013, the Italian ceramic industry, represented by Confindustria Ceramica in its 4 sectors - Ceramic tiles, Sanitaryware, Tableware and Refractory Materials, invoiced a total of 5.5 billion euros, with exports accounting for 75% of the overall sales. In total, the Association represented 236 companies, which employ a grand total of approximately 27,000 workers. The ceramic tiles sector alone accounted for 4.73 billion euros and 20,537 workers, while the sanitaryware, refractory materials and tableware sectors generated an overall total of more than 740 million euros, providing jobs for 6,500 people.

Ceramic tiles produced in Italy. There are 156 companies (-3 compared with 2012) present on Italian soil, employing a total of 20,537 workers (-3.83%). During 2013, they produced 363.4 million square metres (-1.05%) enabling them to sell a total of 389.3 million square metres (1.85%). The performances on the markets of destination were very different. Sales on the domestic market registered an additional drop of 7.18% (86.5 million square metres in 2013), while there was a significant upturn in exports, +4.76%, bringing the total to 302.7 million square metres. The total turnover, 4.73 billion euros

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(+3.16%) includes 3.87 billion generated by exports (+5.66%) and 856 million euros by sales on the home market (-6.84%). Considerable investments, totalling almost 225 million euros, were made in the sector, a figure almost equal to 5% of the annual turnover. The investments envisaged for the year in progress are expected to exceed 248 million euros (+10% compared with 2013).

Ceramic sanitaryware. There are 36 industrial producers of ceramic sanitaryware, 32 of which are located in the district of Civita Castellana (Viterbo). They provide jobs for a total of 3,723 employees, who produced 3.8 million pieces (-6.77%) and sold 3.6 million pieces (-6.07%), produced by Italian factories. The turnover is 308.4 million euros (-8.68%), generated by 204 million euros in sales to the home market and 104.2 million euros in export sales . According to the surveys carried out by Eurostat, the number of tonnes of sanitaryware imported from abroad fell by 17.94%.

The refractory material industry. The 35 Italian companies manufacturing refractory materials employ a total


of 2,125 people (+6 compared with 2012), producing a total of 421,172 tonnes (-10.07%) and selling 442.694 tonnes (-9.17%) overall. In 2013, sales in Italy dropped to 279,680 tonnes (-12.67%), and now account for 63.2% of the total volume sold. The total turnover, which now equals 392.8 million euros, was generated by sales on the home market of 238.3 million euros (-11.17%), 91.7 million in exports to the EC (-4.25%) and 62.8 million euros from exports outside the EC (+0.33%).

Ceramic tableware The 9 Italian industrial companies in this sector employ 675 workers who produce (and sell) 13,000 tonnes of finished product. The sales made to the Italian market represent around 80% of the total sales. The 2013 turnover reached 40 million euros, of which around 70% was generated with sales on the Italian market. An interesting point is the adoption, since May 2013, of antidumping measures to limit imports of Chinese tableware to Europe, with customs duties weighing in at between 13.1% and 36.1% over the next five years, based on the dumping levels attributed to the various Chinese exporters: this measure has determined more than a 40% drop in imports, equal to around 200,000 tonnes per year.

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2013 TURNOVERS: MARAZZI - DAL TILE MOHAWK INDUSTRIES, Inc* USD 2,677 million (2013 Group turnover, only ceramic tile sector) 2012: USD 1,616 mil. The Group's turnover was generated by the following companies and/or brands: • MARAZZI (All markets) • DAL-TILE (North America)


Production 200/220 mil. mq (estimates by TILE INTERNATIONAL) Internationalisation North and South America - Europe - Russia - Asia Employees more than 32,000 in the ceramic segment In April 2013, Mohawk Industries purchased Marazzi Group, becoming the worldwide leader in the production of ceramic tiles. The ceramic segment, which grew in 2013 by more than 65% compared to the previous year, is today worth 40% of the total Mohawk Industries turnover (another 40% is accounted for by its Carpet surfaces and the remaining 20% by its Laminate & Wood products). In 2012, the production of Marazzi Group had reached 97 million sqm of ceramic tiles, generating a consolidated turnover of 857.7 million euros. The total sales registered by Mohawk Industries are distributed as follows throughout the world: 70% in North America; 20% in Western Europe; 5% in Russia; 5% in the rest of the world. 80% of the total surfaces produced by Mohawk Industries is used for the residential sector and 20% is destined for the commercial sector. * Data source: Mohawk Industries, Inc. "2013 Annual Report" and Mohawk Industries, Inc. "Investor Presentation - February 2014".


€ 573.8 million*

* The published data refer to 2012, originate from public sources and include only the Italian brands

2003: Euro 378.2 mil. - 2004: Euro 425.9 mil. - 2005: Euro 525.0 mil. - 2006: Euro 581.0 mil. 2007: Euro 651.0 mil. - 2008: Euro 669.0 mil. - 2009: Euro 544.0 mil. - 2010: Euro 551.3 mil. 2011: Euro 567.8 mil. The Group's turnover was generated by the following companies and/or brands: • CERAMICHE ATLAS - CONCORDE (Atlas Concorde - Keope - Supergres): Euro 219.965 mil. • MIRAGE GRANITO CERAMICO: Euro 98.201 mil. • CERAMICA CAESAR (Caesar - Fap - Minerva): Euro 122.516 mil. • CERAMICA MARCA CORONA: Euro 73.126 mil. • CERAMICA REFIN: Euro 60.014 mil. Internationalisation 2 factories in Europe (France and Russia) * The consolidated turnover does not include the turnovers of: Novoceram (France), Italon (Russia), Meta (ceramic body), Svimisa (raw materials).

Tile International 2/2014


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Economy & markets FIANDRE-IRIS GROUP

€ 440.0 million

2012: Euro 420.0 mil. The Group's turnover was generated by the following companies and/or brands: • GRANITIFIANDRE • TECHNORIUNITE • PORCELAINGRES (Germany) • STONEPEAK CERAMICS (USA) • SAVOIA CANADA • TECNOMIX • IRIS CERAMICA • FMG - FABBRICA MARMI E GRANITI • EIFFELGRES • ARIOSTEA • MATIMEX • ARCAREL • LA CERAMICA Production 18.4 mil. sq.m (floor tiles: 96% - wall tiles: 4%) Internationalisation 2 factories: Stonepeak in the United States and Porcelaingres in Germany Exports 75% Employees 1,600 On 09/04/2014 the European Patent Office granted and published the patent for Active Clean Air & Antibacterial Ceramic™ photocatalytic material and its production procedure. The merger of Ariostea with GranitiFiandre S.p.A. came into effect as of 01/05/2014. During Cersaie 2014, GranitiFiandre will be opening its showroom in Castellarano (RE) following complete refurbishment in partnership with a historic Italian design firm. Excitement is building in anticipation of the early 2015 opening of the new GranitiFiandre-Iris showroom in Moscow, designed by a well-known Italian architecture firm.

FINFLOOR GROUP € 325.8 million (consolidated) 2003: Euro 286.3 mil. - 2004: Euro 308.1 mil. - 2005: Euro 343.7 mil. 2006: Euro 355.2 mil. - 2007: Euro 343.4 mil. - 2008: Euro 330.6 mil. 2009: Euro 259.7 mil. - 2010: Euro 273.8 mil. - 2011: Euro 304.6 mil. 2012: Euro 315.3 mil. The Group's turnover was generated by the following companies and/or brands: • FLORIM CERAMICHE (Floor Gres - Cerim - Rex - Casa dolce Casa - Casamood - Slim/4+) • FLORIM USA Inc. and subsidiaries Production 23.0 million sq.m (floor tiles 92%, wall tiles 8%) Internationalisation 1 factory in Tennessee (USA); 2 logistic centres: 1 in Georgia (USA) and 1 in Paraná (Brazil) 83.5%(data calculated based on the business Exports carried out directly by the group, excluding the revenue generated by third party production and considering the turnover of Florim USA as exports) Employees 1,297 2013 saw the Florim Group continue to make improvements in all the key areas. In relation to the 3.5% turnover, a net profit of 35.7 million euros was registered compared to the previous one of 26.1 million euros, and the Group registered an EBITDA that rose from 59.6 million to 73 million euros, in addition to a 22.4% increase in turnover. In December 2013 Florim set up a new company called MaKer - Manifatture Ceramiche S.r.l., and assigned to it the Florim facility located in Mordano (BO), with effect from January 1st, 2014. During 2013, the Ing. Giovanni Lucchese Foundation was set up to commemorate the founder of the company known then as Floor Gres, and now as Florim. Florim has a 96.67% share in the foundation, the objective of which is to carry out no-profit interventions for the benefit of society.

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€ 273.0 million (consolidated)

2003: Euro 212.4 mil. - 2004: Euro 235.5 mil. - 2005: Euro 247.2 mil. 2006: Euro 351.5 mil. - 2007: Euro 354.4 mil. - 2008: Euro 328.0 mil. 2009: Euro 289.9 mil. - 2010: Euro 285.2 mil. - 2011: Euro 294.1 mil. 2012: Euro 280.8 mil. The Group's turnover was generated by the following companies and/or brands: • LEA NORTH AMERICA (USA) • CERAMICHE PANARIA • CERAMICHE LEA • FLORIDA TILE (USA) • FIORDO INDUSTRIE CERAMICHE • MARGRES (Portugal) • COTTO D’ESTE • LOVE CERAMIC TILES • BLUSTYLE • GRES PANARIA PORTUGAL Production 13 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 88% - wall tiles 12%) Exports 76% (by value) Employees 1,741 Panariagroup, a ceramic group listed on the Milan stock exchange, closed 2013 with a EBITDA of 14 million euros. In 2013 a new Florida Tile shop was opened in Dallas and another 2 will soon follow suit in areas that have already been marked. Again in 2013, the Group made investments totalling 16.6 million euros. In 2014, the new laminated porcelain tile product lines which are produced in Italy and sold under the Florida Tile brand will be launched in the USA. These are expected to be a great success. In 2013, the North American market accounted for 33% of the group's total turnover, with sales worth 87.3 million euros.


€ 272.7 million

2003: Euro 134.0 mil. - 2004: Euro 146.0 mil. - 2005: Euro 162.0 mil. 2006: Euro 178.3 mil. - 2007: Euro 294.0 mil. - 2008: Euro 295.9 mil. 2009: Euro 275.6 mil. - 2010: Euro 283.0 mil. - 2011: Euro 292.3 mil. 2012: Euro 275.0 mil. The Group's turnover was generated by the following brands: • CASALGRANDE PADANA Spa • NUOVA RIWAL CERAMICHE (Alfa Lux, Saime-SanProspero, Eurodomus, Riwal) Production 22.5 mil. sq.m Exports 72% Employees 1,042 A total of 5.2 million euro was invested in new production plant in the Casalgrande Padana Group's production facilities, all located in Italy.

COOP. CERAMICA IMOLA GROUP € 257.6 million (consolidated) 2003: Euro 358.3 mil. - 2004: Euro 369.1 mil. - 2005: Euro 386.4 mil. 2006: Euro 385.6 mil. - 2007: Euro 384.5 mil. - 2008: Euro 370.6 mil. 2009: Euro 278.7 mil. - 2010: Euro 274.9 mil. - 2011: Euro 266.4 mil. 2012: Euro 256.6 mil. The following companies and/or brands belong to the Group: • COOPERATIVA CERAMICA D’IMOLA Sc Euro 246.3 mil. • COOP. CER. IMOLA North America Euro 5.1 mil. • IMOLATECNICA Euro 4.7 mil.


Economy & markets • IMEX TOP 32, Polonia


FAETANO-DEL CONCA GROUP € 121.3 million (net of infra-Group transactions)

1.5 mil.

Production 18.7 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 85% - wall tiles 15%) Exports 76% Employees 1,648

2003: Euro 113.5 mil. - 2004: Euro 121.3 mil. - 2005: Euro 130.7 mil. 2006: Euro 155.3 mil. - 2007: Euro 155.3 mil. - 2008: Euro 145.3 mil. 2009: Euro 128.0 mil. - 2010: Euro 124.0 mil. - 2011: Euro 122.1 mil. 2012: Euro 121.2 mil.

The company ImolaTecnica was consolidated for the first time as of 31/12/2012. Coop. Ceramica d’Imola has obtained the voluntary certification AEO - Economic Operator Certificate as well as AEO Customs Simplification and Safety.

The Group's turnover (net of infra-Group transactions) was generated by the following companies and/or brands: • DEL CONCA USA Inc. • CERAMICA DEL CONCA Spa • CERAMICA FAETANO SA (Rep. San Marino) • PASTORELLI Spa EMILCERAMICA GROUP • PRODUCO Srl € 190.0 million (consolidated) 10.7 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 90% - wall tiles 10%) Production 2003: Euro 169.5 mil. - 2004: Euro 173.5 mil. - 2005: Euro 190.0 mil. Internationalisation Rep. of San Marino (Ceramica Faetano Spa) 2006: Euro 206.0 mil. - 2007: Euro 210.5 mil. - 2008: Euro 190.0 mil. Loudon, Tennessee - USA (Del Conca USA) 2009: Euro 131.4 mil. - 2010: Euro 155.9 mil. - 2011: Euro 162.2 mil. Exports 75% 2012: Euro 170.0 mil. Employees 480 The Group's turnover was generated by the following companies and/or brands: • EMILCERAMICA • ERGON • EMILAMERICA (USA) • CAOLINO PANCIERA (raw materials) • CERAMICHE VIVA • ZEUS CERAMICA (Ukraine)

In March 2014 the production of porcelain tiles was launched in the facility in Loudon, Tennessee (USA). More than 50 million USD have been spent to date to build the new factory.

GOLD ART CERAMICA GROUP € 106.6 million (consolidated)

7.1 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 95% - wall tiles 5%) Production Internationalisation the Group has three logistic centres in the United States. It operates in Ukraine with Zeus Ceramica, which produced 4 million sq.m in 2013. Exports 84% Employees 538

2003: Euro 63.1 mil. - 2004: Euro 64.4 mil. - 2005: Euro 72.3 mil. 2006: Euro 75.2 mil. - 2007: Euro 79.6 mil. - 2008: Euro 90.5 mil. 2009: Euro 77.7 mil. - 2010: Euro 88.2 mil. - 2011: Euro 100.0 mil. 2012: Euro 96.7 mil. The Group's turnover was generated by the following companies and/or brands: • GOLD ART CERAMICA/ENERGIEKER Euro 62.9 mil. • MANIFATTURA COTTO TUSCANIA Euro 26.6 mil. • CERAMICA MANDRIO CORREGGIO Euro 11.9 mil. • IL CAVALLINO CERAMICA ARTISTICA Euro 3.06 mil. • GOLD ART POLSKA Euro 2.1 mil.

In the group's Italian production sites, during the three-year period between 2012 and 2014, investments in plant totalling over 6 million euros were made or are being completed.


€ 184.1 million (consolidated)

2003: Euro 306.4 mil. - 2004: Euro 291.6 mil. - 2005: Euro 281.3 mil. 2006: Euro 282.3 mil. - 2007: Euro 271.0 mil. - 2008: Euro 241.0 mil. 2009: Euro 194.5 mil. - 2010: Euro 196.7 mil. - 2011: Euro 190.5 mil. 2012: Euro 188.6 mil. The Group's turnover has been consolidated in accordance with IFRS since 2004.

Production 12.6 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 87% - wall tiles 13%) Exports 60% Employees 407


€ 104.0 million

2003: Euro 78.9 mil. - 2004: Euro 80.6 mil. - 2005: Euro 87.9 mil. 2006: Euro 92.5 mil. - 2007: Euro 102.2 mil. - 2008: Euro 105.1 mil. 2009: Euro 90.1 mil. - 2010: Euro 89.9 mil. - 2011: Euro 104.8 mil. 2012: Euro 96.9 mil.

The Ceramiche Ricchetti Group includes the following companies: • GRUPPO CERAMICHE RICCHETTI (Ricchetti - Cisa - Cerdisa) • EVERS AS (Denmark) • KLINGENBERG DEKORAMIK GMBH (Germany) • CC HÖGÄNÄS BYGGKERAMIK AB (Sweden) • CINCA SA (Portugal) • OY PUKKILA AB (Finland)

The Group's turnover was generated by the following companies and/or brands: • ABK • ARIANA • FLAVIKER • ABKSIR Spa • HARDKOLL

Production 11.3 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 67% - wall tiles 33%) Internationalisation factories in Portugal, Finland and Germany Exports 89.1% Employees 1,415 (of whom 966 outside Italy)

Production 5.0 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 82% - wall tiles 18%) Exports 55% Employees 340

The Ceramiche Ricchetti Group has been listed on the Milan stock exchange since 1996.

AbK Group has recently presented Auto-leveling, a product that is the fruit of an innovative technology designed to endow the qualities of


Tile International 2/2014

Economy & markets RONDINE GROUP

traditional porcelain tiles with an unthinkable flexibility, guaranteeing perfectly flat installation even when large-format tiles are used.

SERENISSIMA CIR IND. CERAMICHE GROUP € 102.5 million (consolidated) 2003: Euro 75.1 mil. - 2004: Euro 85.0 mil. - 2005: Euro 94.1 mil. 2006: Euro 100.4 mil. - 2007: Euro 105.0 mil. - 2008: Euro 104.0 mil. 2009: Euro 92.8 mil. - 2010: Euro 100.3 mil. - 2011: Euro 117.0 mil. 2012: Euro 109.2 mil. The Group's turnover was generated by the following companies and/or brands: • SERENISSIMA • CIR • CAPRI • CERCOM • CERASARDA • MOMO DESIGN CERAMICS • EXE • ISLATILES Production 6.6 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 89% - wall tiles 11%) Exports 63% Employees 556 An important renovation project was carried out in the Rubiera production facility in 2013.


€ 85.1 million (consolidated)

The Group's turnover was generated by the following companies and/or brands: • SPRAY DRY (ceramic bodies) • RONDINE spa Production 7.1 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 100%) Exports 62% Employees 285 On 17 June 2013 an agreement was signed with the large Turkish group Seramiksan, which acquired the Rondine Group shares held by the private equity fund Progressio SGR since 2006. This has enabled Rondine Group to begin an internationalisation process with the support of a major industrial partner. Under the terms of the agreement, the Giacobazzi family and Seramiksan will each hold 50% stakes and Lauro Giacobazzi will stay on as Chairman and CEO of Rondinegroup. The two groups will also maintain their complete management, operational and commercial autonomy, although there is plenty of scope for synergies in distribution in various markets and in new product research and development.

€ 69.0 million (consolidated)

2003: Euro 93.8 mil. - 2004: Euro 98.8 mil. - 2005: Euro 96.8 mil. 2006: Euro 100.2 mil. - 2007: Euro 99.8 mil. - 2008: Euro 85.2 mil. 2009: n.a. - 2010: Euro 70.8 mil. - 2011: Euro 70.6 mil. 2012: Euro 67.3 mil.

The Group's turnover was generated by the following companies and/or brands: • INDUSTRIE CERAMICHE PIEMME Spa • VALENTINO • PIEMMEGRES • CLUB • SICED

The Group's turnover was generated by the following brands: • MONOCIBEC • NAXOS • CENTURY

7.1 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 93% - wall tiles 7%) 82% 335

Exports 70% 423 Employees In 2013, the Group made a significant investment in its production facility in Roteglia involving the: purchase of 6 digital machines; replacement of the turbine and pressure-reducing valve in the cogeneration plant; installation of equipment for recovering heat from the kiln for use in the dryers; installation of an automatic sorting line.

On 1 January 2013, Industrie Ceramiche Piemme started up its new plant for polishing and grinding tiles in the production line, making the company fully autonomous throughout all the phases of its production cycle, which takes place "under one roof": from the transformation of the raw clay up to the processes performed to finish the surfaces.


2003: Euro 58.8 mil. - 2004: Euro 58.0 mil. - 2005: Euro 60.0 mil. 2006: Euro 75.0 mil. - 2007: Euro 71.0 mil. - 2008: Euro 67.0 mil. 2009: Euro 46.8 mil. - 2010: Euro 56.3 mil. - 2011: Euro 63.3 mil. 2012: Euro 62.8 mil.


2008: Euro 89.5 mil. - 2009: Euro 71.6 mil. - 2010: Euro 80.3 mil. 2011: Euro 80.4 mil. - 2012: Euro 79.9 mil.

Production Exports Employees

€ 71.3 million (consolidated)

GAMBINI GROUP IND. CERAMICHE € 67.0 million (consolidated)

€ 83.8 million

2003: Euro 46.4 mil. - 2004: Euro 47.9 mil. - 2005: Euro 54.7 mil. 2006: Euro 59.3 mil. - 2007: Euro 68.3 mil. - 2008: Euro 65.0 mil. 2009: Euro 63.4 mil. - 2010: Euro 67.0 mil - 2011: Euro 74.1 mil. 2012: Euro 80.2 mil.

2003: Euro 70.4 mil. - 2004: n.a. - 2005: Euro 72.3 mil. 2006: Euro 66.0 mil. - 2007: Euro 77.0 mil. - 2008: Euro 65.7 mil. 2009: Euro 64.2 mil. - 2010: Euro 67.7 mil. - 2011: Euro 70.24 mil. 2012: Euro: 67.7 mil.

Production Exports Employees

The Group's turnover was generated by the following companies and/or brands: • EPOCA • ELLE-GI CERAMICHE • MANIFATTURA EMILIANA • CERAMICHE TEMPRA • MEG (France) • PAREFEULLE (France)

11.4 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 100%) 58% 314

Gruppo Ceramiche Gresmalt SpA made important investments in the two-year period from 2012-2013, when it installed new rectification and lapping lines in the new factory in Iano.

Tile International 2/2014



8.2 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 90% - wall tiles 10%)

Economy & markets Exports Employees

86% 300


Plans for 2014 include the assembly of a new vertical warehouse and the launch of the reconstruction of a new porcelain tile line.

€ 59.7 million


2003: Euro 51.5 mil. - 2004: Euro 55.0 mil. - 2005: Euro 56.0 mil. 2006: Euro 61.5 mil. - 2007: Euro 66.0 mil. - 2008: Euro 63.0 mil. 2009: Euro 52.0 mil. - 2010: Euro 59.0 mil. - 2011: Euro 62.6 mil. 2012: Euro 58.7 mil.

2003: Euro 102.2 mil. - 2004: Euro 98.0 mil. - 2005: Euro 98.0 mil. 2006: Euro 100.3 mil. - 2007: Euro 79.4 mil. - 2008: Euro 83.23 mil. 2009: Euro 70.2 mil. - 2010: Euro 70.8 mil. - 2011: Euro 69.8 mil. 2012: Euro 64.2 mil.

The Group's turnover was generated by the following companies and/or brands: • ASCOT • DOM

The Group's turnover was generated by the following companies and/or brands: • GARDENIA ORCHIDEA • VERSACE HOME

Production 5.7 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 65% - wall tiles 35%) Exports 73% Employees 259

Production 3.7 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 60% - wall tiles 40%) Exports 70% Employees 300

In 2013 the Group also produced 2.6 million sq.m of Bitech white body of various sizes.


In April 2013, the new line installed to process large-format porcelain tiles was implemented. The BiTech facility was also modernised and new sorting lines were installed.

€ 55.9 million


2003: Euro 48.0 mil. - 2004: Euro 53.0 mil. - 2005: Euro 54.8 mil. 2006: Euro 61.8 mil. - 2007: Euro 62.2 mil. - 2008: Euro 52.4 mil. 2009: Euro 43.0 mil. - 2010: Euro 50.5 mil. - 2011: Euro 54.7 mil. 2012: Euro 55.7 mil

€ 50.3 million (consolidated)*

*The published data refer to 2012

2003: Euro 61.0 mil. - 2004: Euro 68.7 mil. - 2005: Euro 65.5 mil. 2006: Euro 67.0 mil. - 2007: Euro 75.0 mil. - 2008: Euro 58.0 mil. 2009: Euro 50.3 mil. - 2010: Euro 52.0 mil. - 2011: Euro 47.0 mil.

The Group's turnover was generated by the following brands: • CERAMICHE COEM • CERAMICA FIORANESE

The Group's turnover was generated by the following brands: • CERDOMUS • L’ASTORRE • PORCELLANA DI ROCCA

Production 6.9 mil. sq.m Exports 64% Employees 254

Production 3.5 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 100%) Exports 81% Employees 229

The company is continuing its R&D investments for new graphic designs produced by digital printing. Major investments are being made to renew production plant and in the production of large sizes. Production also includes 2.8 million sq.m of body to be glazed.


€ 54.0 million*

*Does not include Gardenia Brasil

The company has made further investments in new Colorjet inkjet digital technology, in new cutting and polishing machinery and in the production of large sizes.

€ 55.8 million


2003: Euro 61.7 mil. - 2004: Euro 71.3 mil. - 2005: Euro 73.0 mil. 2006: Euro 80.0 mil. - 2007: Euro 80.7 mil. - 2008: Euro 68.3 mil. 2009: Euro 66.0 mil. - 2010: Euro 65.4 mil. - 2011: Euro 63,5 mil. 2012: Euro 51.4 mil.

€ 50.0 million

2003: Euro 41.1 mil. - 2004: Euro 44.3 mil. - 2005: Euro 45.6 mil. 2006: Euro 47.0 mil. - 2007: Euro 48.0 mil. - 2008: Euro 46.0 mil. 2009: Euro 39.0 mil. - 2010: Euro 41.5 mil. - 2011: euro 41.5 mil. 2012: Euro 44.5 mil.

Production 2.3 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 75% - wall tiles 25%) Exports 56% Employees 327

Production 3.5 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 85% - wall tiles 15%) Exports 88% Employees 173

Ceramiche Sant’agostino, based in the province of Ferrara, was the company in the sector most severely affected by the earthquake that struck the Emilia region in the spring of 2012. The company’s determination to continue was demonstrated when the double firing kiln was restarted on 23 July 2012. The company’s complete recovery was confirmed by the launch at Cersaie 2012 of the new product lines designed by Philippe Starck, with whom the company has embarked on a high-level collaboration.

The 2013 financial year, saw considerable investments made by the company in the production field. The work carried out included the purchase of a digital decoration machine, new sorting and palletisation equipment, and the renovation of the electric transformation booth. Towards the end of the year, the company began removing an obsolete kiln, which will be replaced in 2014


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Economy & markets by a new Sacmi kiln. The group's investments in R&D continued throughout 2013 with a view to reinforcing and diversifying the product range on offer.

group's composition with creditors on an ongoing basis.


CERAMICHE CCV CASTELVETRO € 40.7 million* *The published data refer to 2012

€ 33.4 million

2003: Euro 50.2 mil. - 2004: Euro 51.2 mil. - 2005: Euro 51.2 mil. 2006: Euro 53.6 mil. - 2007: Euro 55.0 mil. - 2008: Euro 48.3 mil. 2009: Euro 39.7 mil. - 2010: Euro 42.5 mil. - 2011: Euro 42.5 mil. 2012: Euro 36.6 mil.

2003: Euro 54.8 mil. - 2004: Euro 56.1 mil. - 2005: Euro 47.4 mil. 2006: Euro 52.0 mil. - 2007: Euro 55.7 mil. - 2008: Euro 47.9 mil. 2009: Euro 39.1 mil. - 2010: Euro 42.8 mil. - 2011: Euro 42.5 mil.

The Group's turnover was generated by the following companies and/or brands: • CERAMICA VOGUE • APPIANI • CERAMICA BARDELLI • GABBIANELLI

Production 4.0 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 100%) - 2011 data Exports 70% Employees 200

Production 1.6 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 30% - wall tiles 70%) Exports 55% Employees 354

The company produces glazed porcelain tile, body to be glazed and spray-dried body.

SICHENIA CERAMICHE GROUP € 40.6 million TAGINA CERAMICHE D’ARTE € 32.1 million *The published data refer to 2012 (consolidated)*

*The published data refer to 2012

2007: Euro 42.0 mil. - 2008: Euro 41.8 mil. - 2009: Euro 32.0 mil. 2010: Euro 33.6 mil. - 2011: Euro 33.6 mil.

2003: Euro 70.2 mil. - 2004: Euro 72.6 mil. - 2005: Euro 73.3 mil. 2006: Euro 75.1 mil. - 2007: Euro 70.2 mil. - 2008: Euro 67.1 mil. 2009: Euro 54.0 mil. - 2010: Euro 53.0 mil. - 2011: Euro 51.7 mil. The Group's turnover was generated by the following companies and/or brands: • SICHENIA € 36.703 mil. • PHORMA € 3.907 mil.


*The published data refer to 2012


€ 28.2 million

2008: Euro 35.6 mil. - 2009: Euro 33.6 mil. - 2010: Euro 35.0 mil. 2011: Euro 31.1 mil. - Euro 2012: 31.1 mil.

Production Exports Employees

3.8 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 70% - wall tiles 30%) 40% 217


1.2 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 85% - wall tiles 15%) 70%

The Group's turnover was generated by the following companies and/or brands: • SAVOIA • ALCO

2003: Euro 46.2 mil. - 2004: Euro 47.7 mil. - 2005: Euro 46.0 mil. 2006: Euro 59.0 mil. - 2007: Euro 54.6 mil. - 2008: Euro 42.6 mil. 2009: Euro 37.8 mil. - 2010: Euro 40.0 mil. - 2011: Euro 41.5 mil. Production Exports Employees

Production Exports

2.3 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 100%) 47% 132

€ 33.5 million

2003: Euro 62.0 mil. - 2004: Euro 63.5 mil. - 2005: Euro 63.5 mil. 2006: Euro 73.5 mil. - 2007: Euro 79.0 mil. - 2008: Euro 74.0 mil. 2009: Euro 62.0 mil. - 2010: Euro 64.0 mil. - 2011: Euro 55.8 mil. 2012: Euro 44.6 mil.

The Group's turnover was generated by the following companies and/or brands: • CERAMICA LA GUGLIA • KIS CERAMICHE • OTHER GROUP’S BRANDS

Entire contents Copyright Tile Edizioni srl

Production 5.5 mil. sq.m (floor tiles 74% - wall tiles 26%) Exports 40% Employees 170

All right reserved

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In the spotlight by Chiara Bruzzichelli

Mauro Vandini: "We need new technological advances"

Mauro Vandini

The plant in Casiglie, Fiorano (Modena).

The North-American group Mohawk Industries Inc. is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and is the world’s leading manufacturer of products for the flooring industry, offering a complete range of carpets, rugs, laminate flooring, natural stone tiles and ceramic tiles. When it acquired the Marazzi Group in 2013, it also became the world’s leading manufacturer of ceramic tiles. The total profit earned by Mohawk solely from the manufacture of ceramic tiles produced by the brands Marazzi, Ragno, Kerama Marazzi and Dal Tile - was 2,677 million US dollars in 2013. To put this in context, it must be pointed out that the Marazzi Group’s total turnover for 2012 was over 857 million euros, 81% of which was generated by sales outside of Italy, and that the combined production area of the company’s plants in Italy, Spain, France, the USA and Russia stretched over more than 97 million square metres. The Mohawk Industries, Inc. Group earned a total of 1,616 million US dollars from the ceramic sector in 2012. We interviewed Mauro Vandini, who was appointed CEO of Marazzi Italia by its new owners immediately after its acqui-

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In the spotlight Links

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sition, asking him what results can be seen at a global level just over a year after the merger of the two groups and what investment plans are being developed both in Italy and abroad. Tile International: Let’s start with Italy. Is the confirmation of spending in Italy an important indicator of confidence in and recognition of Italy’s supremacy in product innovation? Mauro Vandini: I think that the fact that we are currently working not only on doubling the production capacity of our plant in Fiorano (Modena) from 4 to 9 million square metres but also on upgrading the production processes there pretty much answers your question. The supremacy of Italian products is dependent on and very closely tied to technological innovation. I think that applies to other sectors, too, not just ceramics. In the textile industry, for example, the only companies who have retained their leading positions are those that have been able to combine product aesthetics and beauty with the use of new technologies for making different fibres. Architecture is another industry in which designers can only design buildings that are truly original if they employ innovative technologies. There is still a lot of work to be done in this respect. Tile International: What new

production lines are you going to install in the Fiorano plant and what types of products will they make? M. Vandini: The new lines will be devoted to manufacturing high-quality porcelain floor tiles and they will be extremely versatile in terms of producing medium- and large-sized tiles. Once fully operational, the plant will have new, highly automated production lines featuring presses, kilns and numerous state-of-the-art digital technologies for decorating, colouring, grinding and squaring ceramic products. The new facilities have been designed to reduce the environmental impact of production and increase the comfort and safety of workers in the plant. There will be a cogeneration system, heat recovery systems and state-of-the-art safety systems, and work stations will be organised in accordance with the company’s Productive Excellence Programme. We aim to put the first line into operation before the end of the year, while the plant as a whole is scheduled to be fully operational next year, without stopping production. There is work underway to increase efficiency and improve product quality at our other sites too. Tile International: Which Marazzi plants are you increasing spending on abroad? M. Vandini: We are currently increasing the production ca-


DelBlend Conca - Marazzi "Fast" Tile International 2/2014

In the spotlight

pacities of all our production sites, both in the US and Russia, as well as upgrading the technologies used in various processes there. This will consequently improve the quality of the products sold in these markets. Tile International: Is the demand for ceramic tiles increasing in the USA? In terms of volume, how big a role are competitors like China playing in this market? M. Vandini: The US demand for ceramic products has start-

ed to increase again, together with the positive trend of the building industry. Ceramic tiles are mostly manufactured in the Midwest and in the south of the country, and competition from the Chinese is not particularly strong in these areas. It is a different story in other parts of the US, however, where there are different competitors in the market and not just China. Tile International: Speaking of China, how do you rate your performance in the Chinese

market? M. Vandini: We believe our position in China gives us a valuable insight into the world’s largest ceramics market and will enable us to grow within that market. Tile International: What is the situation like in Russia with regard to the market and production? M. Vandini: Kerama Marazzi, the market leader, is doing very well, as are Italian exports to all the Eastern European markets where there are very

dynamic areas, especially in terms of consumption of premium products. Tile International: How do you see the future of the Italian ceramics sector in the market? M. Vandini: The sector is making a huge collective effort to innovate new products and, in some cases, new technologies too. That said, I also think ceramic tile producers, equipment manufacturers and other players in Italy, including institutions, need to re-enter into

Block - Marazzi Tile International 2/2014


In the spotlight

a spirit of collaboration and driving growth through innovation.The history of the sector, which is its greatest strength, is built on technological advances and marketing strategies that have enabled Italian manufacturers to retain a leading position, such as tinglazed earthenware, stoneware, glazed terracotta tiles, single-fired tiles and porcelain. However, innovation has focused on creating new dimensions and new aesthetics for many years now and these are not enough to maintain our supremacy. Aesthetics and formats are easier to transfer than a new product that revolutionises a process, changes the purpose or function of something or does it on a large scale. This kind of technological advancement has been lacking for a while now and I think it is one of the reasons, if not the most important reason, why the share of the global market held by Italian ceramic tiles has fallen. This loss has affected not only companies’ profitability but also their ability to invest. So I think the future of the sector will depend on its ability to develop strong, new technological advancements, which will enable its products to retain a leading position in the market. The supremacy of Italy and Italian products in terms of beauty and aesthetics is universally acknowledged, but the supremacy of our innova-

tions and technological innovations is not always recognised to the same extent. I think the real strength of “Made in Italy� lies in combin-

ing beauty with technology and expertise, a combination that is much harder to transfer and makes us stand out. 5

Pictures above: Detail of the "Kitchen" installation by artist Paolo Gonzato inside the The Art of Living exhibition at the Triennale di Milano design museum, sponsored by Living magazine and the newspaper Il Corriere della Sera as part of the Salone del Mobile [Milan Furniture Fair] in 2013. The installation interpreted the kitchen space as light and airy, with precise geometries and warm, vibrant colours, combining wood-effect Treverkchic Marazzi stoneware slabs with polished SistemC Marazzi solid-colour tiles.

Handmade - Ragno 59

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In the spotlight by Chiara Bruzzichelli

Franco Manfredini “My vision of the future” Links

in text

Franco Manfredini

Franco Manfredini, Chairman of Casalgrande Padana and Riwal Group (6 plants all in Italy and a total of 1042 employees) also held the position of President of Confindustria Ceramica [Confederation of Italian Ceramic Industry] in the two-year period 2009-2010 and then, reelected with 100% of the votes, in the following 2012-2014. “From this position - comments Manfredini - I witnessed first the effects of the “financial” crisis of 2009 on the entire sector and then the structural crisis caused by the excessive national debt which is suffocating many countries including ours.” The Casalgrande Padana group has also been through the crisis, of course: in 2009 it recorded the most “limited” downturn in turnover in the entire sector and, after the slight recovery in 2010 and 2011, a new balance deficit in 2012. In 2013 the turnover remained stable (272.7 mil/euros against 275.05 in 2012). These results were obtained without staff cuts and without internationalization: Casalgrande has all 6 of its production plants in Italy, it exports 72% of its production worldwide, and of this, 80% goes to Europe.

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Creative Centre by Casalgrande Padana

Tile International: Have you ever thought of setting up a new production plant in the USA? Franco Manfredini: “Obviously you can never completely rule out anything in life, but as I see it, so far, it’s not in Casalgrande Padana’s interests either to “emigrate”, by relocating its business abroad, or to “internazionalize” by setting up plants in distant countries with a better property market, because the investment would not automatically result


In the spotlight “Pinnacle� by D. Libeskid, Bologna Water Design 2013 during Cersaie 2013 Picture by: Valeria Portinari

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In the spotlight

in new synergies. What I mean is this: western European countries form the core of our market and, since I personally believe they will continue to do so in the future, it is here, in Sassuolo, that we have the best possible synergies, offered by the district, and the best possible hub for international shipping.” Tile International: But what differentiates Casalgrande

Padana, ranked fifth out of the most important Italian ceramic tile manufacturers, from the 4 groups above it which all have production plants in the USA and/or Russia ? F. Manfredini: “It’s a question of size, not only at financial level - Casalgrande Padana is overcapitalized and in this sense it could be accused of being excessively prudent but also in terms of human

capital, which certainly cannot be improvised. I appreciate and admire those who have invested abroad, because they deal with and manage much more complex business situations, the success of which is certainly partly responsible for their positive financial performance. However, I have always preferred to focus on good com-

MAST, Bologna

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pany management, I believe the real thermometer of the company is the profit and I am happy to return 50% in the form of taxes, on condition that the money is well spent. In this sense, as I said, I’m not interested in emigration; I hope this country improves, does its homework and finally becomes a little more public spirited.The Casalgrande Padana group is already international,

In the spotlight


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In the spotlight

because we sell all over the world.” Tile International: Do you think the European market will remain stable? F. Manfredini: “We’re still feeling the aftermath of the crisis and not only Italy but the whole of Europe is a low growth area. In 2013 even Germany consumed approximately half the volume of tiles compared to the records achieved in 2000/2007, and the situation will remain difficult in the medium term. So in 2014 we should be satisfied if we “maintain” the volumes produced and sold, with a slight increase in turnover, because it’s the higher price paid for the Italian products that confirm our leadership. In the advanced markets, western Europe and the United States - Casalgrande maintains a good capability for exporting products overseas that are not available locally where there is a great demand for innovative materials with high added value, we don’t necessarily need to sell much larger quantities, the important thing is to maintain profit margins that allow companies to continue doing research and development on their products and production technologies. Of course, the world is big and we could certainly do more, but in the nonEuropean areas we are penalized by the overvaluation of

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the euro against the dollar… This is another problem which I can’t see being solved in the short term but, as soon as the conditions are right, we’ll be there: all that needs to be done is to bring the euro/dollar exchange to 1.2 and remove the duties … Let’s compete under equal conditions and then we’ll see who wins!” Tile International: Does the lack of global market regulation significantly penalise companies? F. Manfredini: “It penalizes Italian companies, and also Spanish companies, a great deal. There can’t be any competition on the global market when there are powers that use dumping. It’s like competing against a doped player. It’s not globalization that’s wrong, it brings new opportunities for everyone, it’s the lack of rules that has caused it to degenerate. The WTO itself defines China as an “anomalous country.” Tile International: You are bound to be proud of the staying power of the Group, but what’s the secret? F. Manfredini: “Casalgrande’s staying power is due to management continuity and constant attention to the reference market which, for us, is represented by the developed countries where the demand is for advanced products. This means a high level of innovation, carefully assessing the

costs and rationality of the investments. Casalgrande Padana, the first company to produce porcelain tiles, has never stopped searching for new applications in ceramics and we now produce customised lines. We were ahead of our times when we focused on communication and the needs of architects and designers. My son has just told me that China will use our Bios Self Cleaning porcelain tiles, in the collection designed by the architect Daniel Libeskind and previewed at Cersaie 2013 with the Pinnacle installation, to clad its pavilion at Expo 2015 in Milan: this gives us incredible satisfaction!” Tile International: What are the Group’s results for the first quarter of 2014? F. Manfredini: “The export results are positive, showing growth, in some cases in double figures, in the demand from advanced European countries. Since there is no equivalent increase in building work in these areas, it is legitimate to assume that Italian ceramic products are “robbing” shares from the competitors. However, it’s too early to make a valuation: we must wait for confirmation from the second quarter figures before we can say whether it’s a stable trend.” Tile International: And what sort of help is fundamental at


central government level? F. Manfredini: “This is a country that needs to kick-start its economy. One simple question springs to mind: why doesn’t the government find a way, if not to facilitate, at least to stop penalizing companies that have export potential? With the home market at a standstill, these are the only companies that can revitalize the allied industries, and kickstart employment and the economy. Then there’s the cost of energy - which we pay 30% more than our competitors and we’re then taxed on it - and the regasifiers that have never been constructed: today we could buy methane from the best bidder, stock it and then re-sell it to the neighbouring countries. There’s the simplification of bureaucracy, a judicial system - above all civil justice which needs to be speeded up and the fight against corruption to safeguard a fundamental asset of our country, the manufacturing sector. And we should never forget that manufacturing is a friend of democracy: history - also recent history - teaches us that countries who obtain their wealth only from raw materials always share it between the few, whereas manufacturing guarantees work and distributes wealth.” 5

Extremely high definition. Skirting tiles have been around for a long time. To keep pace with the latest developments in the ceramic tile market, we have created products in new sizes (up to 60 cm) and with unique decorations. How have we achieved this? By investing in a state-of-the-art production facility that uses extremely high definition digital printing technologies. Turning yesterday’s dreams into today’s reality‌ With Ceramica Incontro, the future of skirting is already here.

In the spotlight by Paola Giacomini

It pays to invest in excellence

Claudio Lucchese

For the fourth year running, the Florim group has continued the trend of growth and improvement across all key indicators. Consolidated revenues have exceeded €325.8 million (up 3.5% on 2012), net profit has risen from €26.1 million to €35.7 million and the group's EBITDA has reached €73 million, which constitutes 22.4% of its turnover. The major reorganisation of production activities, led by President Claudio Lucchese, continues to bear fruit. Significant investment has focused on improving efficiency across all cost factors and and there has been a major drive to provide products that deliver ever higher levels of added value. All this has been firmly rooted in the company's social responsibility and sustainability criteria, the mission adopted by the group at all levels for several years now, ensuring the company stands out against the competition in the global ceramic industry. Our interview with Claudio Lucchese begins by covering the long list of targets met in 2013 and the objectives for 2014, contained in the 6th edition of the Group's Sustainability Report. Tile International: Florim certainly sets

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high standards for its business model, but is this still sustainable in Italy? Claudio Lucchese: Nowadays, running a business in Italy means accepting to base your operations on terms that are completely different to those which were agreed in the past, where excellence was the primary concern. In Italy, and more generally in Western European countries, the costs of energy, raw materials and labour account for between 60 and 80% of the industrial costs of any product; in all three of these factors, Italy is heavily penalised compared with its foreign competitors. In the light of this, any manufacturing company will strug-


gle to compete, regardless of the sector in which it is operating, if it is not producing a high level of added value. Tile International: We are therefore "forced" to innovate. This challenge can easily be met by large companies, but can be particularly tough for many small companies. C. Lucchese: Even our Italian ceramics district will certainly continue to survive and grow dependent on the level of research and innovation invested in it. The size of a business certainly plays an important part in its ability to make ongoing major investments, but it is not the only discriminating factor in a compa-

In the spotlight


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Florim Gallery Florim Gallery

Florim headquarters and the 16,000 sq.m photovoltaic roof ny's success. In our district, there are many examples of small companies that are able to offer materials that deliver the excellence and outstanding added value we were talking about. Tile International: Speaking of major investments, Florim has invested €150 million in the last four years, €49 million of which was invested last year. What have your most significant projects been? C. Lucchese: We spent over €28 million on completing ren-

Florim Logistica

ovation work to our headquarters in Fiorano, with two major projects: Firstly, the Florim Gallery – a building with a class-A energy rating, offering 9,000 sq.m dedicated to exhibitions and events; secondly, the construction of Florim Logistica, which will be completed in the next few months. This is our new multi-brand shipping centre; it has a vertical warehouse with 37,000 pallet positions (with a storage capacity of approximately 1.3 million sq.m of stock) and a lo-

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gistics area measuring 30,000 sq.m; this features the latest automation technologies which will enable order picking and palletisation to be managed quickly and efficiently. In the United States, an initial investment of â‚Ź20 million kicked off the first phase of the project to restructure the facilities in Florim USA, affecting areas such as milling, pressing, glazing, sorting and handling. The second phase is continuing this year. We are planning to completely restructure the raw material preparation area, we will be extending the office block and building a new warehouse.

Once completed in 2015, the plant in Clarksville, Tennessee, will be one of the most modern in North America. Tile International: Excellence and added value bring us back to the subject of research and development. Can you tell us about establishing the highly innovative brand Slim/4+? C. Lucchese: Slim/4+ is an example of the fruit of Florim's investment in production innovation. The innovative idea here lies in applying an ultrathin layer of steel to slim ceramic tiles. This makes the end product highly resistant and helps to overcome the mis-

conceptions of some users who think that "thin" means "fragile". It is available in 30x60, 60x60, 60x120 and 80x80 cm formats. We are talking about a very new brand that was only launched in 2012 and, as for all new products launched in various sectors, marketing boils down to the challenge of overcoming customers' initial reticence. In this respect, it is still early to be talking about "establishing the brand", but it is a project that we really believe in, just as we really believe in our new large tiles. Tile International: What initiatives have you put in place to make designers aware of the

highly innovative features of the Slim/4+? C. Lucchese: Slim/4+ made its debut in the world of architecture at the Fuorisalone 2012 show. The project was selected to tile the offices of the Order of Architects in Milan, which was hosting an exhibition dedicated to Italian architect and designer Giò Ponti at the Salone del Mobile home furnishing show. This important preview was followed by several initiatives, ranging from participating in industry shows to organising information sessions, courses and workshops across Italy in collaboration with the Orders of Architects

Outside of Florim headquarters Tile International 2/2014


In the spotlight

and of Engineers, and the Colleges of Surveyors, and even promoting courses for fitters. Tile International: You mentioned large ceramic tiles, which are the subject of Florim's most significant investment in 2014. How did you come into this sector of production, and what can you tell us about your partnership with Thailand-based Siam Cement Group (SCG)? C. Lucchese: We decided to enter this type of production, both as a result of the growing market trend towards large formats, and the light of the technological developments achieved in this sector, such as continuous pressing, and the development of digital printers capable of decorating very large formats. It is therefore now possible to achieve quality levels – both technically and aesthetically speaking – which were previously difficult to obtain. Last January, we founded Maker, a new company that will take over the former Cerim plant in Mordano (near Imola). SCG – which has been our partner since 1991 – has entered the company, making an investment of around €11 million and now holds a 33% share. The plant has been fully refurbished to accommodate both a traditional production line for 60x120 cm formats and Sacmi's new Continua+ line, set to be launched in August. The new production plant will have a total capaci-

ty of around 6.5 million sq.m a year. It will serve all the brands in our group (Floor Gres, Rex, Cerim, Casa dolce casa/ Casamood), as well as meeting the production requirements of SCG. Tile International: How do


you think the demand for large tiles will evolve? C. Lucchese: I think, in time, we will see demand for this type of material not only from the design sector, which is currently quite limited, but also from high-end specialised dis-

tribution. Let's not forget, however, that the distribution of large tiles will also depend on installation companies acquiring the necessary skills and expertise. Tile International: Let's discuss the group's results. Which

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In the spotlight

markets have performed best? C. Lucchese: Our products are selling really well in the United States, so much so that we have decided to increase our production capacity. In Europe, we are very happy with results in German-speaking countries, and we have seen a marked growth in sales in the Middle and Far East. Tile International: Florim is also at the forefront of environmental responsibility. What are the key achievements of last year and this first half of 2014? C. Lucchese: This year we achieved certification to the ISO 50001 Energy Management standard – we are the

first ceramic tile company to have obtained this - We also renewed our UNI EN ISO 14001 environmental management certification. The work carried out in 2013 to upgrade the facilities were oriented in this direction; this included installing a new energy-efficient kiln, dryers, a hot-air recovery system and a water purification system in the grinding area. These, together with the major investments made in previous years and with the many other smaller measures that have been implemented in the daily running of the company year-on-year, have now generated some impressive results: CO2 emissions have been re-

duced; the amount of waste produced has fallen by 35% (from 30,000 to 19,000 t); waste recovery has risen by 140% (in addition to recovering internal waste, we are also introducing waste recovery of third-party products as part of

the production process); we recycle 100% of the water we use, and the energy that is automatically generated by the photovoltaic roof (spanning 16,000 sq.m) now covers 68% of our energy needs. 5

other application.

automation and the security sector. Another university research project, carried out with POLI.design (a consortium of the Polytechnic of Milan), is looking into the possibility of producing green energy from "footfall".

SLIM/4+ A young and dynamic brand, Slim/4+ was created in 2012 and it stands out from the competition by virtue of its production characteristics and its versatility. This is a multi-layered product composed of a thin porcelain tile, to which a thin layer of steel is applied using a special sheet calendering (hot rolling) process. This creates an innovative product, which, thanks to pre-stressing, is highly resistant to impact; only 4.5 mm thick, it offers all the design appeal of porcelain tile. A highly versatile product, it

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can be installed in two ways: It can be glued in place (just like traditional floors) but it can also be fitted using a floating installation system, which is an advantage for lightweight and sustainable structures, in line with the most recent market trends. The features of the floating installation system make it the perfect product for restructuring work that requires quick and clean installation. The "temporary space" design makes it even more versatile, because the product can be recovered after it has been installed, for reuse in an-


The academic world immediately recognised the potential of Slim/4+ and researchers are now working with our in-house staff on various projects. The most innovative of these is FlorimAge, a genuine "smart floor" that can monitor and memorise the movements of those who walk on it, thanks to developments in the specific sensors in the product's covering. The possibilities are endless for applications in areas such as medicine, statistics, home

Finally, the new Slim+ Florim wall is in the process of certification with a major international organisation, before being launched on the market. This is a system designed to create ventilated façades offering high energy-savings in buildings.

In the spotlight by Chiara Bruzzichelli

Ceramica Sant’Agostino: full steam ahead

Filippo Manuzzi

We went to see Filippo Manuzzi, brand manager of Ceramica Sant’Agostino which this year is celebrating its first 50 years in business. Of all the companies in the area, this one suffered the greatest damage by the earthquake that struck Emilia Romagna (Italy) in 2012 but actually never suspended work and has returned to full production rate. Now that the damaged facilities have been made safe and repaired, design of the new vertical warehouse, to replace the one that collapsed, is currently being completed and the final project for rebuilding the areas housing the premises and plants destroyed by the earthquake is nearing approval. In the same area a new porcelain tile production line will be installed, which will significantly increase the company’s current capacity. An important investment, as Filippo Manuzzi defines it, reflecting the company’s firm intention to continue investing in the local area. Tile International: I don’t know if it’s correct to talk about the “rebirth” of Ceramica Sant’Agostino because you actually never suspended work…

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Filippo Manuzzi: “Our market relationship was never interrupted: 10 days from the earthquake we had already resumed deliveries and in July 2012, only two months later, we had re-started the production of double fired tiles.” Tile International: How are you planning reconstruction of the new part, in the area occupied by the four buildings that collapsed? F. Manuzzi: “We are going to set up a new line for the production of large and very large porcelain tile formats which will enable us to increase our current production. We hope to present our first collections at Cersaie 2016.” Tile International: What are the biggest problems you encountered in reconstruction? F. Manuzzi: “Bureaucracy was certainly one of the main obstacles and identifying the rules and regulations to be complied with for making the damaged premises safe and for re-designing the new parts was a major undertaking.” Tile International: In 2011, the year before the earthquake, you produced 3 million sqm of tiles and sales were equally split between home and the domestic and foreign market. How did 2013 go? F. Manuzzi: - In 2013 we produced 2.5 million sqm and today exports represent 65% of our turnover. The main reference markets are the United States, the Far East and Europe, with Germany, France and the countries of northern Europe in the lead. The Russian market is also very important but in recent months has been showing signs of instability. Exports did well but we must further increase our export


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share, splitting the risk as far as possible between different and “stable” countries and spreading the service more widely. This is necessary to compensate for the downturn on the home market and to prepare ourselves for when the new porcelain tile plant becomes operational.” Tile International: And yet in 2007 Ceramica Sant’Agostino made practically 60% of its turnover on the home market… F. Manuzzi: “The Italian market is suffering terribly, it is now a mature market and, due to the recession, a poorer market. Tension on prices is very high and in the showroom the top of the range is finding it difficult to establish itself although, for the Starck collection, we have had a huge number of requests for samples. So far we have selected 186 customers who have invested in sale outlets, becoming Starck Italy Selected Dealers. They were selected on the basis of the ability to communicate/dialogue with the designers, and we guarantee them an area in which they have exclusive rights for the Starck collection. However, to complete the picture on the home market, it must be said that the Starck collection is currently achieving greater success abroad, thanks to the big contractors and also to the projects designed by Starck itself.” Tile International: Are you

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pleased with your participation in the Milan Show? F. Manuzzi: “Firstly let me say that we’re very flattered to be invited to take part in the Show, together with only a handful of other reference companies in the ceramic and mosaic world. The reason for the invitation was the quality of our products for architects – and the Starck collection has certainly been decisive in this – and our exhibition skills. I believe we showed we were equal to the task. We transformed the Flexible Architecture by Starck space into a show within a show, presenting a realistic transposition of Flexible Love Affairs, the new advertising campaign by Starck in collaboration with the photographer James Bort. The part dedicated to the Ceramica Sant’Agostino products, which we called Materials for a Living Architecture, is also a new concept: we provide a condensed account of the company and its history, not confining ourselves simply to the presentation of new lines, as happens at Cersaie, for example. So my answer is yes, we were definitely pleased with our participation in the Show because the venue gave us the chance to make contacts which we would never otherwise have made anywhere else. What’s more there were huge numbers of foreigners.” Tile International: And what do you think about Cersaie’s

decision to open up to nonceramic floor and wall coverings? F. Manuzzi: “I’m definitely favourable to this evolution of the Bologna show. I believe the future of Cersaie lies in its ability to become the main international “surfaces” event and this year’s show is a first step in this direction. If the


show wants to truly appeal to architects, designers and contractors, it must offer a complete range of surfaces.” Tile International: How are you preparing for the next Cersaie? F. Manuzzi: “Also in this 2014 edition we will have 750 sqm stand space, 200 of which will be dedicated to the presenta-

tion of Flexible Architecture by Starck, both the 3D double fired walling series and its use as porcelain tile flooring. The rest of the area will be dedicated to our own brand products, presenting the most innovative lines – in the spring shows alone, we presented 4 new collections which met with great success.” 5

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In the spotlight

Ceramica Incontro: investing at a time of crisis

Filippo Ardito

Ceramica Incontro was founded in 1976 in the town of Corato (province of Bari, Italy). The company specialises in producing skirting (marketed under the brands “Ceramica Incontro”, “ReDi” and “Vittoria”) and has been using porcelain tile body since 2005. This means its entire range is guaranteed to have the frost-resistant technical characteristics that make it suitable for use even outdoors. Ceramica Incontro has now completed fully refurbishing its production facilities in Puglia; production restarted at the beginning of this summer. We met with Filippo Ardito, the company’s owner.

Tile International: When did production restart at the new facility? Filippo Ardito: Production restarted in June. It was an incredible feeling, after more than 18 months of hard work. I would say that now we are truly ready to face the market, armed with technological equipment which, at full capacity, will enable us to triple our output, producing up to 4,500 sqm/day of skirting (equal to some 55,000 linear metres), while guaranteeing optimum quality. Tile International: Does this now posi-

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tion Ceramica Incontro as the leading Italian manufacturer of ceramic skirting? F. Ardito: Yes, we are certainly the company with the most advanced technology in Italy, probably even in the world. In addition to our extremely high production capacity, we offer a comprehensive and varied range, both in terms of formats and also combined with the product’s quality guarantee. Tile International: What new formats are in production? F. Ardito: Our new facilities enable us to produce pressed skirting in lengths of 30, 60 and 90 cm, with a height of 7 to 15 cm. In future, when the extrusion line is also operational, we will also be able to produce skirting up to 120 cm in length. We can therefore support most large-format ceramic tile collections. Remember that, up to now, skirting has only been produced in standard 8x33.3 cm and 8x40 cm formats. The range had to be adjusted to meet the growing demand for large-format ceramic tiles in Italy and abroad. Even those European markets that are historically linked with the smaller formats, and which were always strictly supplied with skirting of equal length, seem to have definitively embraced the new trend for large-format tiles in recent years. Tile International: What about surface finishes? F. Ardito: We have a high-tech digital decoration system, complete with a roller printing system, which can produce an infinite number of surface decorations that are guaranteed to meet any requirement with the highest level of quality. As well as the new designs, the range has been extended to include shaped or rounded skirting. Tile International: What has the redevelopment of the plant’s production fa-


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In the spotlight

cilities involved, specifically? F. Ardito: Structurally, we have extended the existing covered production area (which measured 3,600 sqm), by a further 1,800 sqm. The old building was emptied of its existing machinery, and the plant design was completely updated and renovated. The new production facility, supplied by Siti B&T Group, includes: a new 2,000ton press; a dryer; a 75-m long kiln which fires material at 1,180 °C for 40 to 45 minutes; the Laser Guided Vehicle (LGV) handling system; and finally, as I mentioned, the EVO digital printer from Projecta Engineering, with six colour bars, which enables us to decorate even the shaped and rounded edges with the maximum definition. The facility is completed by the sorting line supplied by Sacs Errezeta, an Italvision automatic inspection machine and the Marpack

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packaging line. Everything has been designed with maximum flexibility in mind. The facility is fully automated to quickly set up production changes and enables us to respond to market demands for ever smaller runs and batches. It was also my firm intention to achieve full control of the production process in real time: Energy consumption, alarms, machine downtimes, programmed maintenance, including any manufacturing defects, everything is recorded in a single electronic database using specific software. This result satisfies these requirements and optimises work, time and quality. Tile International: Have you also based your production on environmental sustainability criteria? F. Ardito: At the same time as we overhauled the facilities,

we optimised the treatment of water, dust and gas emissions. However, we are already evaluating the possibility of installing photovoltaic panels on the roof of the building to cover the plant’s energy requirements in terms of electricity, as well as introducing a hot air recovery system from the kiln to the dryer. Tile International: What was the total investment? F. Ardito: Once the new office block and new warehouse have also been completed, the total investment is planned to be 6.5 million euros. This is a significant investment, which, according to current projections, will take us until 2016 to reach full capacity and employ more than 30 people; in the short to medium term, we are going to employ another five members of staff. Tile International: Which market do you intend to target? F. Ardito: We definitely intend to maintain and grow our traditional Italian customer base of retailers and manufacturers to whom, for many years, we have been supplying skirting to match flooring. To serve retailers, we have a network of around 50 representatives who cover the entire country offering our three brands “Incontro”, “Vittoria” and “ReDi”. We are also aiming to increase our work as suppliers to ceramic tile manufacturers in Italy and abroad, with customised projects. We already export to France and the Arab


Emirates, but we believe that there is ample potential for growth, as there are very few companies, in Italy and worldwide, which produce skirting in-house to match their own floor collections. Another of our objectives is to export to countries in northern Europe in the large-scale retail sector. We believe we are very competitive, now more than ever thanks to our new facilities, although our competitiveness has never been based solely on price, but rather on quality and service. That said, we do have a warehouse in the Sassuolo area, which enables us to guarantee delivery across Italy and abroad within optimum time-frames. Tile International: And how will you be presenting your new products to the market? F. Ardito: At Cersaie 2014 we will be showing the latest developments at Ceramica Incontro: We will be sharing details of the dismantling phases of the old plant and the construction of the new one. We will be presenting the complete new catalogue, revealing the numerous finishes, which are now possible with digital printing. We will launch a practical and innovative merchandising system, which will enable us to send samples to all the Italian retailers in just one month. We also hope to interest architects and designers in our skirting products. 5


Firing up for Tecnargilla 2014

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The 24th Tecnargilla – the international exhibition of the technological innovation for the ceramic and brick industries – is returning in Rimini from 22nd to 26th September 2014, organised by Rimini Fiera in collaboration with Acimac. All the industry's leading manufacturers are getting ready to present their processes, machinery and innovative finishing solutions for use in the production of tiles, sanitaryware, tableware, bricks and technical ceramics. In turn, the sector's most accomplished international operating companies are looking forward to Tecnargilla as an opportunity to discover the latest technologies that they can employ in their own production lines. Last edition in Rimini in 2012 brought together

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450 exhibitors from 29 countries and was attended by 30,458 visitors – 14,822 of whom came from 110 countries outside of Italy. This year's event will also have a very international atmosphere thanks to the large number of official delegates coming to represent foreign buyers in Russia, the former Soviet Republics, Egypt, Algeria, Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco, Turkey, Iran, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Balkans. These representatives from various operating companies have been chosen by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and the Italian Institute for Foreign Trade (ICE Agenzia) to interact with the exhibitors at Tecnargilla in special B2B meetings or by visiting the stands. The majority of them are new investors interested in purchasing the most innovative technologies available. The technologies on show will be divided into the usual categories: Tecnargilla, which is dedicated to technologies for tiles, sanitaryware and tableware; Kromatech, for showcasing colour and creativity in ceramics; Claytech, the section devoted to technologies for bricks and roof tiles; and Kermat, the area for advanced ceramics.

Colours and creativity at Kromatech Tecnargilla 2014 is staking out a role for itself as a creative

force in the global ceramics industry: Kromatech, the section of the fair reserved for glaze companies and design studios, will not only be larger than it was in 2012 but will also host some of the sector's leading players and largest suppliers of raw materials.

Tecnargilla Design Award The Tecnargilla Design Award will be presented for the third time in the exhibition's history at Tecnargilla 2014. This competition is being held especially for exhibitors to celebrate innovative projects and the results of the latest research into materials, applications and decorations. The theme of this year's award is "thickness". This is an unmissable opportunity to see all the greatest innovations in ceramic aesthetic design in one place, featuring innovative and original projects carried out using all the technologies, colours, decorations and finishes that can affect the look of ceramic tiles. A panel of technical and creative directors from ceramic companies, ceramic tile retailers, designers and journalists will be called upon to declare the winner.

Dreaming of ceramics "Ceramic Dreams 2014" is the name of the exhibition on trends in the ceramic industry

DelBlend Conca - Marazzi "Fast" 81

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organised by the Azzolini Tinuper architecture studio and dedicated to the world of dreams and fantasy. The show in Rimini will once again look to the future of aesthetics in ceramic tile decoration in or-

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der to put forward imaginative ideas and present creative challenges. The concept is based on the world of dreams. No matter what the pattern, colour, size or finish, everything will become possible. A sug-

gested pathway will guide visitors through exploring their senses and developing their creative thinking, touching on the perceptive, symbolic and evocative sphere. 5


Exhibition Calendar KAZBUILD Almaty, Kazakhistan - 3/6 September 2014 CERSAIE Bologna, Italy - 22/26 September 2014 TECNARGILLA Rimini, Italy - 22/26 September 2014 BUILD ASIA Karachi (Pakistan) - 23/25 September 2014 MARMOMACC Verona, Italy - 24/27 September 2014 ABITARE IL TEMPO Verona, Italy - 24/27 September 2014 DOMOTEX MIDDLE EAST Istanbul, Turkey - 13/16 November 2014 THE BIG 5 SHOW Dubai (EAU) - 17/20 November 2014 BATIMAT + IdĂŠo Bain + Interclima Paris, France - 18/21 November 2014 BEST 5 ALGERIA - DECOR EXPO Algiers, Algeria - 20/24 November 2014 BUILD ASIA Karachi, Pakistan - 23/25 November 2014 DOMOTEX Hannover, Germany - 17/20 January 2015 ISH Frankfurt, Germany - 10/14 March 2015 MADE expo Milan, Italy - 18/21 March 2015 DOMOTEX ASIA/CHINAFLOOR Shanghai, China - 24/26 March 2015 MOSBUILD CERSANEX Moscow, Russia - 14/17 April 2015 BATIMAT RUSSIA Moscow - 31 March/3 April 2015 COVERINGS Orlando, Florida USA - 14/17 April 2015 STONE+TEC Norimberga, Germany - 13/16 May 2015

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After the Canadian logistics centre in Montreal, also the new American centre of the multinational Schlüter-Systems - in McCarran, 15 miles east of Reno, Nevada - has obtained the prestigious LEED Gold* certification from the Green Building Council. The new American logistics centre of Schlüter-Systems occupies premises totalling 9,100 sqm, built on 2 floors – approximately 2,100 sqm of which are allocated to offices and training centre – while the ground floor houses the warehouse and distribution centre (approximately 7,000 sqm). In line with the requirements of

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Leed Gold for the new Schlüter-Systems American logistics centre the ownership, the design engineers paid great attention to the aspects connected with energy saving, protection of the environment and an appropriate level of interior comfort. The project therefore featured the use of a multitude of ecoefficient elements such as an underfloor heating and cooling system, solar and thermal panels, a sensor-regulated lighting system, a rainwater recovery system, maximum exploitation of sunlight, etc.. The wide use of ceramic, not only to clad internal walls and floors but also for the ventilated facades, was a very important element in achievement of the Gold certification. Ceramic tiles do not retain




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dust, they are easy to clean and do not produce harmful substances (Voc), all elements that contribute to improving air quality. The type of ceramic chosen is produced using a body consisting of a high percentage of recycled materials and this is also very important. A large green wall, i.e. an inner wall covered with ornamental plants and waterfall on two levels, acts as an air bio-filter. The plants oxygenate the air, increase the level of internal humidity, absorb noise and create a green environment which has a positive effect on the mood and wellbeing of the people working inside. The lighting system is regulated by sensors, and large sky-


lights direct the maximum amount of natural light into the warehouse, laboratories and offices. All the work stations are located along the glass panels of the building, so that the employees can benefit from optimal internal comfort with the lowest energy consumption. Installation of the Schl端terBEKOTEC-THERM patented underfloor heating-conditioning system also helped to significantly increase the LEED rating; this system, thanks to its minimum thickness and the low delivery temperatures required to bring the system to full operating capacity, guarantees a reaction to thermal variations 4 times faster than traditional underfloor heating

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*LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a certification issued by the GBCI (Green Building Certification Institute), which indicates the overall environmental impact of the construction and running of a building. To define the construction class, the GBCI evaluates 6 parameters, each of which is assigned a score; the sum of the individual scores gives the building the overall value determining its category. The Gold category is the top.

SCHLÜTER-SYSTEMS RENO, SUPPORTING THE WEST COAST Built to support mainly the West Coast market, from the southern tip of California right up to the western border with Canada, the strategic position of the new innovative logistics centre guarantees availability of Schlüter-Systems products throughout America and provides quicker service for customers in the west. Udo Schlüter - CEO - commented: “With this new logistics centre, we are able to guarantee delivery throughout North America in a maximum of 3 days. The distances in the continent are huge and the logistics centre in Canada alone could not guarantee the rapid delivery also required by customers living in the south or centre of the United States. The American market is a rapidly growing market for our Group and now represents our main foreign market.”

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systems. The underfloor heating-conditioning system has also been connected to a geothermal plant comprising 36 wells and a special air exchange system, called Canadian-tunnel, able to maintain the air temperature inside constantly warmer than the external air during the winter and colder during the summer. This drastically reduces energy consumption of the heating and cooling systems and guarantees a constant comfortable internal temperature. According to official figures, buildings comparable to the new SchlüterSystems logistics centre in Reno in terms of dimensions, use, geographical position and climate, have a total energy consumption cost of between 1.35$ and 1.55$ per square foot, whereas a cost of 0.44$ per square foot is estimated for the new Schlüter-Systems logistics centre. The integration of geothermal heat pumps, underfloor heating and cooling system and ventilated walls in ceramic has therefore produced exceptional energy saving: approximately 7075% compared to the traditional heating systems. 5


The terraces of Marina Bay in Singapore

Singapore is known worldwide as “the Garden City”, but the SkyPark of the Marina Bay Sand Resort is the fruit of a truly unique, new architecture. It evokes the idea of a giant surfboard thrown over three skyscrapers and offers a fabulous view over the city and the sea, from a height of just under 200 metres. The three skyscrapers on which the oversized platform rests are essentially designed as hotel accommodation for a total of 2,560 rooms, but they also include 120,000 square metres to be used as exhibition space and a casino, with 500 gaming tables and 1,600 gaming machines. The Sands SkyPark, in the form of an imaginative ship around 340 metres long, hosts, on various terraces of different sizes, roof gardens (containing 250 types of tall trees and 650 varieties of plants), whirlpools, wellness centres, discos, bars and restaurants that can hold up to 3,900 people. Here, at a height of 150 metres, is the highest deck level swimming pool in the world, named the “Infinity Pool” due to the particular optical effect produced for those who swim in it. The edge of the pool (150 me-

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tres in length) merges with the edge of the platform, making the swimmer feel as if he or she could swim over the edge of the ship‌ this is not an experience recommended for those who suffer from vertigo. Most of the huge ship that hosts the Sands SkyPark is made up of terraces with flooring in wooden planks, laid in a system raised on supporting structures produced by the Belgian company Buzon Pedestal International, a world leader in the production of this item. Just under 80,000 Buzon DPH supports were used to create the Skypark terrace in wooden planks and the 1,200 terraces on the balconies of the three towers underneath. This type of support can be ad-

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The art of finishing details in a new light

With a glance always oriented to the future.

gna Bolo er b 014 2 m e e t i sa 6 sep nd 22 cer a 22 - 2 t S 5 Hall 4 Area/


The innovation goes on. The new LED line of Progress Profiles reinvents the concept of profiles by bringing into play the lighting system as a creative solution for a new world of furnishing and living in both public and private spaces. It is enriched by personality, dynamism and by a charming and innovative esthetical and emotional dimension. It’s a project in pure contemporary style: the result of profound research and development in collaboration with young professionals from the world of architecture, experimenting new solutions that will be able to meet particular and specific requirements of both technology and design in the field of public and private housing.

Progress Profiles SpA

Certificated company UNI EN ISO 9001:2008


Floor installation

Ceiling installation




justed from 35 to 850 mm and stands out due to its built-in inclination corrector (present from DPH 4) and ring for adjusting the height (present from DPH 5). 5

THE BUZON® SUPPORTS: * The Buzon® range is available in three models, or generations, depending on the field of application and the requisites of the site/ project where it is to be installed. The inclination corrector can be installed on all models and is, in any case, a built-in feature of several products in the DPH Series. Accessories are available for attaching any type of floor covering (concrete, stone, ceramic, natural wood, composites, technical grilles) and for sustaining sheaths and pipes. Buzon terrace supports® are made of polypropylene, and can be adjusted, depending on the model, from 14 to 1,030 mm. The quality of the materials used for their production ensures a high level of dimensional stability and maximum resistance to adverse weather conditions and UV rays. Uses: • terraces in concrete slab, ceramics, stone or natural wood or composite planks • fountains and water features • raised technical floors for industrial applications (chemical, petrochemical, mechanical, metallurgical, construction industries)

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Valentina Algeri for Cersaie 2014 Civica Scuola Arte & Messaggio Milan - Visual Design

22-26 SePTeMBeR 2014 www.cersaie.it

Organized by EDI.CER. spa

Promoted by ConfInDustRIa CERamICa

In collaboration with

show management: PROMOS srl - P.O. Box 37 - 40050 CENTERGROSS BOLOGNA (Italy) - Tel. +39.051.6646000 - Fax +39.051.862514 Press office: EDI.CER. spa - Viale Monte Santo 40 - 41049 SASSUOLO MO (Italy) - Tel. +39.0536.804585 - Fax +39.0536.806510

Architecture Interior Design Materials Projects

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