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“ 크루즈에서 메이시스 불꽃축제의 장관을 즐기세요

맨하탄과 뉴저지 스카이라인이 보이는 경치 좋은 허드슨 강, 크루즈로 즐겨보세요!

멋진 촬영을 위해 셀폰과 카메라를 준비하세요~ 그리고 해가 질때 뉴욕워터웨이페리 갑판에서 환상적인 불꽃놀이가 펼쳐집니다.

DJ의 음악과 맥주,와인, 칵테일과 청량음료, 가벼운 음식과 간식을 구매할 수 있습니다. - 예약을 강력 추천! 크루즈 매진 임박! -


현지에서 소유 및 운영 광범위한 외부 테스트 미국에서 재배하고 가공한 제품 미국 식품의약국 인증 유기농
BODYFRIEND INC. NEW JERSEY 2029 Hudson St, Fort Lee, NJ 07024
하나님이 세상을 이처럼 사랑하사 독생자를 주셨으니 이는 저를 믿는자마다 멸망치 않고 영생을 얻게 하려 하심이니라 뉴욕: 코너약국/스마일약국/서울약국/모두나약국/하트약국 뉴저지: 헤나리뷰티건강 (빵굼터 �층) [판 매 처] 야엘제품 취급문의: ���-���-����/���-���-����


세상을 아름답게 살려면 꽃처럼 살면 되고 세상을 편안하게 살려면 바람처럼 살면 된다. 꽃은 자신을 자랑하지도 남을 미워하지도 않고 바람은 그물에도 걸리지 않고

험한 산도 아무 생각 없이 오른다.

무심히 떠가는 흰구름을 보고 어떤 이는 꽃같다고 말하고 어떤 이는 새 같다고 말한다.

보는 눈이 달라서가 아니고 서로의 생각이 다르기 때문이다.

무심히 흐르는 세월을 두고 어떤 이는 빠르다고 말하고 어떤 이는 느리다고 말한다.

세월의 흐름이 달라서가 아니고 서로의 삶이 다르기 때문이다.

저절로 열리고 닫히는 귀를 가졌으면 좋겠다. 남을 칭찬하는 소리엔 저절로 활짝 열리고

남을 욕하는 소리엔 금방 닫히는 그런 예쁜 귀를 가졌으면 좋겠다.

칭찬보다 욕이 많은 세상에 한 쪽만을 가지더라도 그런 귀를 가졌으면 좋겠다.

사람들은 말한다. 그 때 참았더라면 그 때 잘 했더라면 그 때 알았더라면 그 때 조심했더라면 지금은 아무렇게나 보내면서..

이달이 지나면 벌써 반년을 보냅니다. 뭘했는지.. 순간순간을 열심히 살기는했는데

한달을 잎서서 살아가야 우리들은 더 빨리 더 멀리 보기위해 부지런히 움직였습니다.

소심해질때마다 서로가 서로를 위로하며 격려해주고 배려해주며 오늘도 함께 가고 있습니다. 일년을 뒤돌아 보면 정말 힘들고 어려웠지만 격려와 도움주시는 분들이 함께 하셔서 이끌어 갈 수있었습니다. 감사합니다. 앞으로도 더 알차고 좋은 컨텐츠로 보답하겠습니다

2024년 6월호 제13권



New York

Ron Kim, a Korean-American politician running for a seventh term in the New York State Assembly.

the incumbent New York State Assemblyman (D-40th District), is seeking a seventh term in the November general election.

Mr. Kim's campaign slogan is “A Politician for the Middle Class.

“I grew up in Flushing and am raising and educating my children here,” said Rep. Kim at his campaign kickoff with more than 130 supporters and community leaders. Flushing means the world to me and my family.

I am running for re-election to keep our community safe, to build affordable housing, and to protect our local workers and small businesses.”

‘I thank you for all of your support, and I look forward to working together to win so that I can continue to serve and dedicate myself to the people of the 40th District,’ said Kim.

“I've been a local politician for 12 years, and I've gotten to know each and every one of you. I believe that I have been able to hold on to this seat because of all of you who have supported me throughout the years. There were times when I wanted to give up, but thanks to those who have always supported me and stood by me, I have come so far. I will definitely win this election and become a politician who will represent you,” he said.

Ron Kim is the Chairman of the New York State Assembly Committee on Aging and is a seven-term legislator committed to improving the quality of life for seniors.

When I was 7 years old, I immigrated to New York City with my parents, and my father ran a vegetable store in the Bronx. Helping my parents with their limited English, I watched them run their business up close. I witnessed their business struggles and their bankruptcy, and I saw how they were treated unfairly because of their lack of English. I decided then that I wanted to help people who suffer from hardship and inequality, and I decided to become a politician to fix and change policies.

My most cherished beliefs are my commitment to creating a fair and inclusive society. Creating an environment where everyone has equal opportunities, where they can express their opinions and be respected is a core value of mine.

As Chairman of the Committee on Aging, I am committed to improving the quality of life for our seniors, and to that end, I plan to improve the quality of social day care, expand Medicaid benefits, and expand senior apartments. I will also increase tax relief and job creation support for working families and the middle class. We will work to keep our communities and families safe by increasing police

I believe that when all immigrants have equality of opportunity, they will be able to live their lives to the fullest extent of their abilities. To this end, I am fighting hard to end Asian hate crimes, and I hope that by investing in the education of the next generation, the children of immigrants will be treated fairly and be able to live as part of the American community.

I hope that all Korean Americans will actively participate in voting and make their voices heard. It is our privilege as Americans to support and vote for candidates who can influence policy and adequately represent their interests. As the first Korean American politician in New York State, I work closely with the Korean American community and understand their needs. I ask you to join me in returning to the State Capitol to represent you.

974 JFK Blvd E East, Weehawken, NJ 07086 (201) 330-1130
115 River Rd, Edgewater, NJ 07020 (201) 313-2155
1 County Rd 682, Weehawken, NJ 07086 (201) 223-1200
1700 Harbor Blvd, Weehawken, NJ 07086 (201) 348-6628
건조할 땐 기초화장품 듬뿍? 피부과 교수가 알려주는 환절기 피부 관리법 � 일교차가 크고 건조한 환절기에는 기초화장품을 많이 발라야 하나요?
물 세안만 해도 충분하다고 하던데요? �일 �팩을 하는 분들이 많습니다. 피부 건강엔 괜찮을까요? 팩을 오래 붙이면 오히려 피부 건강에 안 좋다고 하던데요? 클렌징 시간은 길면 길수록 좋을까요?
메디케어 신청 및 상담 사무실 이전 안내 201-403-1911 전 미 나 908-720-5612 저스틴 김 21 Grand Ave. Suite 509 Palisades Park, NJ 07650 (1층 김홍순 한의원, CK 통증병원 앞)

주정부,시정부에서 허가받은

믿고 맡길수 있는


끝까지 해결해 드립니다!

다양하고 재미있는 프로그램 맛있고 신선한

스마트폰반/ 컴퓨터반/초급중급


생활영어반/미술,공예반/뜨개질반/요가/난타/라인댄스/ 스포츠댄스/합창반/피아노/기타/탁구/당구/노래방/바둑/장기/ 윷놀이/빙고게임

32-38 148th Street, Flushing, NY 11354 Fax. (866) 944-3399 / E-mail. 718-799-0133 / 718-864-6430 상담전화 장수데이케어 노인 아파트 신청 / SSA SSI SSP / 푸드 스탬프 / PA / 시니어 교통카드 / 렌트 동결 / 장애인 파킹 퍼밋 / 시민권 신청 / 영주권 갱신 / 각종 정부 펀드 보조 프로그램 신청 모든 소셜 업무 신속,정확히,
간식/식사 병원차량 예약 일체 댁부터 편안하게
하나님이 세상을 이처럼 사랑하사 독생자를 주셨으니 이는 저를 믿는자마다 멸망치 않고 영생을 얻게 하려 하심이니라 뉴욕: 코너약국/스마일약국/서울약국/모두나약국/하트약국 뉴저지: 헤나리뷰티건강(빵굼터 �층)/센타약국/로얄약국/레오니아 약국/솔약국/로데오약국 [판 매 처] 공진단제품 취급문의: ���-���-����/���-���-����
하나님이 세상을 이처럼 사랑하사 독생자를 주셨으니 이는 저를 믿는자마다 멸망치 않고 영생을 얻게 하려 하심이니라 뉴욕: 코너약국/스마일약국/서울약국/모두나약국/하트약국/Artistique헤어싸롱 뉴저지: 헤나리뷰티건강 (빵굼터 �층) [판 매 처] 야엘제품 취급문의: ���-���-����/���-���-����
“Morning Brillance”

허리�통증은�나이와�성별을�가리지�않고�많은�사람들이�겪는�문제이지만�특히, 직장인에게는�매우�흔한�질병이다.

장시간�앉아서�근무하거나�공부하는�현대인들은�잘못된�자세를�오랫동안�유지하면�허리�근육과�척추에�무리가�가해져�허리에�통증이�발생한다. 평소에�운동을�거의�하지�않거나�주말에�무리해서�운동을�하면�운동을�자주�하는�사람에�비해�허리에�무리가�갈�수�밖에�없다. 최근에는�스마트폰이나�태블릿 PC, 컴퓨터�등의�사용이�늘면서�허리통증을�호소하는�사람이�많아지고�있어�각별한�주의가�필요하다. 허리�통증을�예방에�도움�되는�스트레칭의 �가지�동작을�알아본다.

각각의�자세를 �세트씩 반복해보자.

스트레칭�동작을�할때�그림의 자세를�최대한




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먹자골목 - 함지박, 열린노래방

산수갑산 1, 2, 종로상회

소나무집, 탕, 노던 160가, 갈비마을,

넌짜장 난짬뽕, 칠성가든,

은행(우리, 뱅크 오브 호프, 뉴뱅크)

데이케어-장수, 상록수, 로얄, 한마음, 실버타운,

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엑스트림 홈케어, 뉴 홈케어, 엘림 홈케어, 금산인삼, 국보, 퀸즈 볼보, 메세데즈 벤츠, BMW, 플러싱 아우디, 통증-염카이로, 시온, 한마음, 누리, 고경현, 다나다, 바른 발병원,

뉴욕 특수신발, 상가 건물-154가, 155가, 159가, 163가, 164가, 188가, 195가


상하이 몽





씨티 뱅크

뱅크오브 홉


Gong Tea

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SPA 32


New York
347-273-4136 Flushing Cell. the-trendus 광고 신청 및 배포 문의
347-633-1550 /
718-514-0321 (Korean) 201-906-7971 (English)

Contents New Jersey

The Korean-American Brotherhood in Law Enforcement

Peter Kwon

Daniel Lee

Hana Lim Michael Lee


The Korean-American Brotherhood in Law Enforcement

The Korean-American Brotherhood in Law Enforcement (KABLE) was founded in February of 2012. This organization was originally a fraternal group which comprised of a handful of friends who worked for various law enforcement agencies in New York and New Jersey. Over time, they realized that this group could contribute so much to the Korean-American community by providing services which are unique to Korean-American’s. Most of us represent what society calls the 1.5 or 2 nd generation of Koreans in the United States. The first generation had the arduous task of “assimilating” into their new adopted country and found work as private shop keepers, having great success. We now find that many of the children of these shop keepers are not following the footsteps of their parents, but rather pursuing a career in the public sector such as law enforcement. Most members of KABLE have gone through the process of finding employment in law enforcement without much guidance. One of KABLE’s many missions is to provide this guidance to the future generation who are pursuing a career in law enforcement. Another mission is to provide services to the Korean-American community through educational forums and volunteer work with the goal of bettering the quality of life for Korean-Americans who are still in the process of assimilating in their new home. At the core, we are an organization made up of law enforcement personnel who are very familiar with both the Korean and American culture. This allows us to provide services to local, state and federal law enforcement agencies which face the unique challenges of policing

communities with a large Korean- American population. As more Korean-Americans join the law enforcement community in the upcoming years, we hope to grow and provide better services to the public and the law enforcement community. KABLE currently consists of over 50 members and is growing rapidly. We have been actively involved within the communities we serve and working harder to promote a positive police-community relationship, especially in the Korean community. Our main mission is to engage with all members of the community by taking part in and sponsoring programs such as our annual Law Enforcement Career Fair, youth and senior citizen programs and educational seminars.

Peter Kwon

Upon completing my bachelors of Sociology from NYU, I attended the John Jay College of Criminal Justice for my Graduate degree. During this time, I became employed with the Office of Personnel Management conducting Federal Background investigations for individuals who were seeking employment with Federal Agencies, such as the Air Force, Drug Enforcement Agency, Federal Bureau of prisons, etc. My task was to make sure that these individuals has the necessary backgrounds to obtain Secret and Top Secret Clearances from our government and be trusted with sensitive intelligence. I was employed with OPM from July of 1998 –July 2001. In July of 2001 I became the first Korean-American to be hired with the Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office. I attended the Division of Criminal Justice Police Academy in Seagirt, NJ successfully graduation in December of 2001. The 911 attacks happened while I was in the Police Academy and it me want to be in law enforcement even more.

12/2020 – Promoted to Detective Lieutenant and re-assigned to the Narcotics Task Force (NTF) as the Deputy Commander and also becoming the first As one of KABLE’s co–founders, I feel that it is important to be an example for future Korean-American that will be joining Law Enforcement. I encourage current individuals who are in law enforcement to carry themselves with integrity

and demonstrate hard work ethics. This is very important because as being the minority among minorities, they are setting an example for the future generations of Korean- Americans joining their ranks. Unfortunately, we will be judged as a whole and not as individuals. I am happy to see that many of KABLE members are assigned to special units where only the best are selected, such as academy instructors, Emergency Service Units, SWAT Teams, Intelligence Units, etc. It is crucial that we show leadership qualities to our respective Police Departments. Only then will opportunity present itself to us to be in a position to be policy makers and shape the future of Law Enforcement. I like to stress to the younger generation that just because you are given a supervisorial title does not mean you will be automatically respected. Respects comes from the willingness to lead from the front and never ask your subordinates to do something you haven’t already done or willing to do. In my 23 years of Law Enforcement, I always told myself that I represent my people, the Korean people and this has served me well.

Michael Lee

After graduating from NJIT, I was hired by Fairfax County Fire & Rescue department as a firefighter/EMT and worked there from 2006-2016.

My goal was to become a firefighter in NJ since I was from here but it was difficult being that there aren't many professional fire departments in North Jersey.

When I was looking for other public safety opportunities in the NYC metro area, a couple of my friends introduced me to the Law Enforcement world. It was then that I decided that I would try to become a police officer in NJ. People always ask me if I miss being a Firefighter and my response is that becoming a Police Officer was one of the best decisions of my life.

Daniel Lee

I was hired in February 2009. Currently, I am assigned to the Patrol Division as a Senior Patrol Officer. During my tenure, I was assigned to the Investigations Division as a Detective for the past eight years.

Prior to my law enforcement career, I was deeply involved with martial arts since I was a youth. I have a 4th Dan Black Belt in Tae Kwon-Do and have trained in various martial arts throughout my life. I taught martial arts as an instructor for many years to children and adults of all ages before I decided on seeking a full-time career in law enforcement.

I am the current Vice President of the Korean American Brotherhood in Law Enforcement (KABLE) association and have been a member since its inception in 2012. I strongly support KABLE's mission in providing guidance and mentorship to future generations of Korean-American's who are pursuing a career in law enforcement, as I personally have gone through the process with having minimal guidance and facing challenges alone.

I believe in promoting diversity for a positive police-community relationship, especially amongst the growing Asian communities. I hope to see more Korean-American law enforcement officers in the local, county, state, federal levels, and throughout the United States.

Hana Lim

Since September 2014, Hana Lim has been serving as a Police Officer in the North Brunswick Township Police Department, as the first Korean-American in the department. Assigned to the Uniformed Patrol Division, she responds to calls for assistance, enforces laws, and identifies community needs. Her commitment to community engagement is further demonstrated by her participation in numerous community events and her role as an instructor for the junior police academy for four years. Approaching a decade in the force, she cherishes this fulfilling journey of public service.

A rewarding part of her job is connecting with the Korean elderly community, where she represents both protection and cultural familiarity. Balancing my roles as a Korean woman and police officer is challenging yet deeply rewarding. Off-duty, she prioritizes my personal life, relishing her roles as a mother of two beautiful children, a wife, and a daughter, ensuring my emotional well-being and my family's happiness.

Palisades Park 팰팍점

Tel. 201-302-6010

322 Commercial Ave.

Palisades Park NJ 07650


2024 Center Ave. Fort Lee NJ 07024 Fort Lee

전통방식 고수 깊이있는 육수 팁없는 착한 가격!



자폐스펙트럼장애의 원인은?

과학적으로 효과가 검증된 치료방법은?

1) 약물치료

자폐스펙트럼장애 아이들에게서 관찰되는 주의력 결핍, 충동성, 과잉행동, 불안, 수면장애, 공격성, 자해행동 등과 같은 문제 행동을 조절하는 데에는 약물치료가 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 약물치료를 통해 문제행동이 개선될 경우 행동치료나 언어치료의 효과를 극대화시킬수 있습니다. 2) 행동치료

‘응용행동분석(ABA: Applied Behavior Analysis)’은 자폐스펙트럼장애 치료에서 가장 큰 효과를 인정받고 있는 검증된 치료 방법입니다. 행동주의 기법에 근거하여 아이의 문제 행동의 원인을 면밀히 분석하여 문제 행동을 감소시키고, 바람직한 행동을 향상시키기 위해 사용됩니다.

3) 언어치료

자폐스펙트럼장애 아동들의 언어 능력은 매우 다양하게 나타납니다. 말을 하지 못하는 아이나 언어 제한이 큰 아동에 대한 보완대체 의사소통(AAC: Alternative and Augmentative Communication)에서부터 말은 유창하지만 언어 활용 기술이 부족한 아이들에 대한 치료까지 언어치료는 자폐스펙트럼장애 아동의 사회성 발달과 의사소통 문제 개선에

보고되고 있습니다.
효과적인 방법으로
세브란스 어린이병원 소아정신과 교수)
초기 신호와 개입 글|천근아 (연세대

마블잼 센터

포용적이고 적응력 있는 예술 및 강화를 통한 사회적 기술, 정신 건강 및 웰빙라이프

마음의 휴식,몸을 건강하게,영혼을

풍요롭게 하고, 미소를 나누는 것..

자폐증 • ADHD • 발달 장애

어린이, 청소년 및 성인을 위한 특별한 필요 • 등록이 열려 있습니다. MarbleJam Kids는 NJ DDD 및 NJ DCF 공인 제공업체입니다.

비전 아트 영화 제작 실습

독특하고 유능하게 준비된 야심 찬 영화 제작자를 위한 2년 프로그램 2024년 1월 시작하는 프로그램 지금 등록하세요

연기와 순발력 적응형 음악 교육 미술 치료 프로필 계획 디지털 예술 수업 디지털 음악/작곡 드라마 치료

연극극단 미술 수업

활력넘치는 생활 건강과 웰빙

멀티 아트 애프터 케어

음악 치료 자폐증이 있는 청소년과 성인을 위한

PEERS 사회 기술 인증

소셜 CATS 자폐증 프로그램

여름 필름잼 워크숍

비전 예술 성인 2년

영화 제작 실습

201-894-1333 TRY YOUR FIRST CLASS FOR FREE! At Progressive Dance Studio, we inspire and guide students to be strong and confident dancers, from the classroom to stage.

라인댄스의 효과와 취미로서의 장점은 신체적, 정신적, 사회적으로 다방면에 걸쳐 있습니다.

중년 이후의 성인들 사이에서는 건강 유지와 사회적 교류를 동시에 추구할 수 있는

활동으로 인식되고 있어 다양한 커뮤니티가 활발하게 운영되고 있습니다.


쉽게�즐길�수�있는 근력향상, 체력향상, 골다공증�예방에


파트너 없이 쉽고 재미있게 누구나! 라인댄스 현수업중/수강생모집 201.233.6343 Call LINE DANCE
기초반 중급반 고급반 한인 뉴저지 추석 잔치 (2회공연 2022&2023)
라인댄스�프로그램 라인댄스 1시간 = 일만보 효과!

매력적인 사진을 위한 구도

따라하면 인생샷 건지는 사진구도 팁! 수평과 수직 맞추기 1 황금분할 2 삼분할 구도 3 시선의 방향 4


A community to lead, network, and support each other.


e-mail us with pretty photos capturing precious moments of your pet. We select the best photo of the month and send them a H-Mart gift certificate along with the magazine.
include your name, address, contact information and pet's name, gender and age. Only one entry per household is allowed. Application Deadline: By the 20th of each month Email to: - HOW TO APPLY -
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정직한 서비스로

한차원 업그레이드 된

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최고의 노력하겠습니다!

103 N Summit St, Tenafly, NJ 07670 (201) 569-7387

Mon/Tue/ Thur/Fri

Mon/Tue/ Thur/Fri

9:10am - 10am

9:10am - 10am

8:10pm - 9pm

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웹사이트 인테리어




디자이너광고/그래픽 필요하세요? 472 11th St. Suite3 Palisades Park NJ 07650 Tel. 201.448.5826
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