Teynham News Winter 2023

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Teynham News

February 2023

Full steam ahead into 2023

The Spring flowers are just starting to appear and with them the hope of the exciting year ahead in Teynham

We look forward to celebrating 2023 together, with the coronation to organise watch this space for a PARTY!

Don't forget if you have a lovely photo or picture for our front page send them to us at teynhamparishnews@outlook.com

Dates for your Diary


Teynham Community Hub 10 30am - 4pm Community Hall -

Tuesday 7th March

7 30 Parish Council Meeting Teynham Community Hall -

Saturday 6th May

All Day The Coronation The Meadow -

4th June & 2nd July

1-6 Newnham Open Gardens -

The Drop in Cafe 10.00 The Community Hall

Friday 10th Feb, Friday 24th Feb, Friday 10th March, Friday 24th March, Friday 7th April, Friday 21st April, Friday 5th May, Friday 19th May, Friday 2nd June

Parish C o licnu Teynham

Teynham Parish Council

Teynham Parish Council Meeting Dates

You are all are very welcome to attend these meetings, we really do value your input and interest in your village

Annual Parish Meeting & Ordinary Meeting

7 30 Tuesday 7th March Teynham Community Hall -

Ordinary Meeting

7.30 Tuesday 11th April Teynham Community Hall -

Annual Parish Council Meeting & Ordinary Meeting

7.30pm Tuesday 16th May Teynham Community Hall -

Ordinary Meeting

7.30pm 20th June Teynham Community Hall


TeynhamCouncil Parish Report

The cold weather continues, so for those who need a helping hand with keeping warm the Warm Hub is available every Tuesday until February 28th at the Community Hall from 10.30am till 4pm.

Eighteen trees have now been planted along the grass verge on Station Road. This is part of the more trees initiative. Teynham in Bloom have also planted two cherry trees in The Meadow.

I have spoken with Dr Nilan regarding Teynham Medical Centre and he assured me that he is doing all he can to try and relocate the centre back to Teynham.

The railway crossing at the west end of Teynham Station is shut indefinitely. Network Rail will update the community, but as of yet we don't know when this will be.

Wishing you all a great 2023.

Co-opted Parish Councillor Vacancy


! Do you want to serve your Community?

! Do you have time or expertise which could benefit your Community?

! Do you want to make a difference to all those around you?

! Do you want to turn your ideas into action?

Do you want to represent the views of local people? If you would like to make a difference, and be involved in shaping the future of your local Community, why not step forward and apply to become a Teynham Parish Councillor?

Teynham Parish Council is looking for a new Parish Councillor if you are interested or would like more information please contact the Clerk, Hayley Steel at clerk@teynhamparishcouncil.org.

The successful applicant will be co-opted to the Council at the next meeting. To qualify to become a Parish Councillor a person must *be a British subject over 18 years old *be listed on the current electoral role *live in Teynham, or within 3 miles of its boundary, or occupy as owner/tenant any land/ premises therein or have a principal place of work within the Parish *must not be disqualified from holding office as a Councillor.

Teynham Parish Council, Friendly Faces of Kent and volunteers from Kingsdown & Creekside are working together to create Teynham Community Hub - a warm, safe and welcoming space, offering free hot drinks throughout the day and a warming soup at lunchtime. The sessions started on Tuesday January 10th and had an initial run of five weeks. Due to additional generous funding we are extending the run for an extra couple of weeks until February 28th

The current rise in the cost of living, in particular the cost of energy, has had a significant impact on many people across our Parish The UK Government has taken a number of steps to provide support At a local level, there are a number of actions that we can undertake to provide additional assistance to our communities. Teynham Community Hub an initiative from the Parish Council has only been possible due to the generous funding and support from a number of organisations and individuals. This includes funding and facilities from Swale Borough Council, Teynham Parish Council, Asda, Coop, anonymous donations plus the support from volunteers from Friendly Faces and Kingsdown & Creekside. In addition thanks to Paul for providing background music! Activities like this are only possible with great community support. A huge thank you to everyone involved.

If you have any feedback or suggestions for future activities please let us know.

Teynham Parish Council


**** Stop press ****

Due to the generous funding from the members of Friendly Faces and fund matching from the Coop we hope to extend the sessions for another two weeks. Watch out for local posts on the Parish notice boards, updates on social media, plus our own website teynhamparishcouncil.org


Local concerns and opportunities

We are looking at different ways to share information about local concerns and opportunities within the Parish. Below is a brief summary of some of the local concerns.

If you would like further information or have other suggestions, including the format of this information, please get in touch.

Topic Summary Actions

Antisocial behaviour Damage to children’s play equipment in The Meadow, Belle Friday Close.

Air quality Swale BC is proposing to remove the Air Quality Management Area on London Road

TPC has received a grant for CCTV. Survey complete. Quote requested but not yet received. Chasing quote.

TPC has responded to the SBC’s draft Air Quality Management Plan. Next steps, to be discussed, include raising awareness of air quality and impact on health, plus requesting real-time monitoring.

Community Events Request for Community Events

We are considering a number of community events this year. Details to follow. If you have suggestions/ would like to help please get in contact.

Community Grant Community groups have requested financial support.

We have received a number of application requests for TPCs community grant funding. We are currently reviewing these applications and will respond over the next couple of weeks.


Cost of living

The rise in the cost of living has impacted many people in our community

Drainage Road drains blocked in Frognal Gardens, A2, Station R & Lower R

Frognal Pond floods Lower Rd. after work to divert run-off water

Doctors The surgery has moved to Sittingbourne It is difficult to get appointments.

Footpaths Footpath ZR256+7 ploughed over.

Footpath ZR681 over the railway line closed Crossing closed for more than 21 days.

Highways Multiple issues including high speed on Lower Rd, London Rd and Station Road;

Traffic island on Station Road

Traffic vibration impacts houses on A2.

We are delivering a weekly warm space with free drinks and hot soup. For details read the article in this newsletter

Issue reported online to KCC Next steps: Escalate issue to KCC highways management

Issue to be reported to Southern Water.

Next steps, to be discussed, include raising awareness, being more vocal, seeking input from local residents.

Issue reported online to KCC (PROW) team online.

What's your view? We would be interested to understand your view. We will share concerns with KCC’s public rights of way

A summary of local concerns and issues published online. Speed surveys completed for Lower Rd, Station Rd and Conyer Rd. Follow up meeting with H’way Improvement team to be scheduled. Actions to be discussed: reduce speed on Lower Road; Support quiet lane project on Lower Road.



Significant litter on A2 (near ZR256); Ash Path; Conyer path and Lower Rd

Bin request: Play area in Belle Friday Close.

Planning Highsted application Updated

Tonge planning application for 380 houses nr Church Rd.

Streetlights Resident request: Older lamp columns need repainting.

We are planning to raise awareness of the litter issues and invite local residents to help with clearing rubbish. Making initial contact with SBC to request ‘deep clean’

We are currently discussing the issue with the waste contractor.

Objection updated and submitted, inc 70 page report

Submitted planning objection Spoke at the planning meeting reviewing the application.

We have surveyed all 90 street lamps owned and managed by TPC.Quote for repaint approved

Work to be scheduled this year

This summary has been compiled by Paul Townson, 1 Feb 2023.

Teynham Parish Council would welcome your comments or suggestions. Send your comment to the Teynham Parish Clerk, Hayley Steel. Email: clerk@teynhamparishcouncil.org.

You are most welcome at the Parish Council meetings. There is a public session at the start of each meeting where you have the opportunity to share your views.

Alternatively, share your views via one of the Parish Councillors. Our contact details can be found online:

http://www.teynhamparishcouncil.org/Your Councillors 33715.aspx


Teynham Parish Council continues to object to Highsted Park plans for 8,400 houses

Quinn Estates have revised their two applications to build a total of 8,400 new dwellings and commercial space North and South of the A2

The new documents require comments to be re-submitted.

Teynham Parish Council initially responded in October 2021, following consultation with the community and a professional planning advisor (appointed jointly by Teynham and Tonge Parish Councils). The full report and letters objecting to the proposals in October 2021 and January 2023 are available to view on the Swale planning portal.


Planning applications: 21/503906/EIOUT Land to the West of Teynham 21/503914/EIOUT Land South and East of Sittingbourne (Highsted Park)

It is not too late to have your say by submitting your comments online or via email planningcomments@midkent.gov.uk. Don’t forget to include both application numbers.

Closure of Teynham West Crossing

Teynham Parish Council are aware of parishioners' feelings about the sudden closure of the Footpath across the Railway line at Teynham West by Network Rail Footpaths are the responsibility of Kent County Council but we would like to hear your views Please either contact The Clerk Hayley Steel or any of the other councillors


Teynham in Bloom started in 2019 with just a few dedicated volunteers, after like-minded residents of Teynham came together wanting a greener and cleaner village for all

The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) has been running the National Britain in Bloom competition since 1963. It is Britain’s nationwide gardening competition and it is a powerful tool for building communities and tackling local issues (www rhs org uk)

In its first year of entering the competion Teynham in Bloom gained bronze, in its second silver gilt, and this year it’s aiming for gold! At its heart is community and it has enlisted the help and support from Teynham fire brigade, the local library, Crispin's fish bar, Teynham Primary School, Southeastern trains and Teynham Parish Council. It is always looking for local business to join in its quest for gold and welcome any additions of hanging baskets or planters to the outside of local businesses.

This year Teynham in Bloom members will be sprucing up its six planters around the village, tidying and weeding the train station and the corner of Station Road/Crispins, organising litter picks and continuing with planting up the ash path with wild flowers. We will also see members enlisting the help of students at Teynham Primary School with a “pick up your dog poo” campaign which is a subject of importance to many in the community. It has been awarded a grant to design, make and display signs around the village with the aim of encouraging dog owners to pick up their dog’s waste and dispose of it properly Teynham in Bloom members have planted a couple of cherry trees in The Meadow play area and school children will be designing wildflower areas to encourage biodiversity and make it an even lovelier place for families to play Teynham in Bloom have been able to finance these initiatives through grants obtained through Swale Borough Council.

Each year following the National competition, Teynham in Bloom gives out certificates to those with beautiful front gardens. It is a small gesture to say thank you to residents from around the village for making it an even more beautiful place to live in.

Teynham in Bloom are as ever thankful for the continuing support of both its councilors Lloyd Bowen and Mike Whiting, without their support many of its achievements wouldn’t have been possible.

Teynham in Bloom are always looking for volunteers to join them and welcome any time that anyone can spare however great or small. No experience is needed, and all tools and equipment are supplied.

If you are new to the village or a long-standing resident and are looking to make new friends and learn more about where you live, volunteering with Teynham in Bloom is a fantastic way to do this, we have volunteers of all ages Teynham in Bloom are looking for help with litter picking, planting, weeding and watering. You can contact members directly via their page on Facebook for more information.

If you have any suggestions of how you think Teynham in Bloom can make improvements to the village, or have things you want to see improved in the village it welcomes them, it’s your community we want to hear from you.


St Marys Parish Church Teynham

within the Parish of Kingsdown and Creekside

I am particularly looking forward, as I write, to the appearance of the snowdrops in the Churchyard at St Mary’s. They seem to me to be a beacon of hope as we approach Spring. The long winter nights are being gradually eroded away to the longer days of spring. Recently I had the privilege of conducting a funeral service at St Mary’s only in talking to the family to discover the gentleman concerned had planted the original snowdrops in the Churchyard, many years ago, which have gone on to multiply and cause people to come to the Churchyard to see them in early spring. I don’t he realised when he first planted them hat a great result many years later there would be. That is a sign of hope - a little act bringing so much joy for many, many years on. Further on into this Spring we will reach Easter with its celebrations an joy of the one who did so much for humankind in dying on the cross and rising again - Jesus and his hope continues for millions of people today - for each one of us.

Regular Services at St Marys:

1st & 3rd Sundays of the month at 10.30am.

4th Sunday of the month at 4.00pm

Morning Prayer at 9am each day


Since March 20th 2020, we have been live-streaming a 30minute service of bible readings and prayer, on our Facebook page @kingsdowncreekside (also accessible without a Facebook account at the bottom the homepage of our website www.kchd.org.uk) All are welcome to join this, either at 9am when we are live or at any point of the day as it is posted soon after the live-stream finishes.

Easter at St Mary’s

Easter Day (9th April) at 10.30am

Our Service for Easter Day with Communion.

Look out for the Easter Eggs!

All Together Now at Lynsted Church

Every 2nd Sunday at 10.30 For Families together. 10

-We are continue to collect food which all goes to the food bank. The list of suggested food is: Packets of soup, Packets of rice, Packets of pasta, Jars of pasta sauce, Packets of cereal, UHT Milk, Tinned meat/fish, Tinned vegetables, Jars of jam, Tea/coffee, Sugar. Boxes are available for donations at the church, school and in the Rectory Porch

Foodboxes for those in need: With the cost of living increasing at present with food prices, full costs and uglily bills all going up, things can become difficult. I, acting on behalf of the Family Foodbank, have food boxes available for those in need - If you or anyone you know is in need then please contact me (Steve. 01795 522510). Anyone seeking help remains confidential between myself and the Family Foodbank

Youth Club at Lynsted Church

For Secondary school aged young people

Alternate Fridays (usually) in term-time 7.00-8.30pm

Call Gill (520597) or Steve for more details

[8th April, 22nd April, 6th May, 20th May, 17th June, 1st July, 15th July]

is a modern informal time of worship each Sunday at 6pm at Lynsted Church, followed by refreshments. All are welcome!

Gatehouse Café last Wednesday of the month (22nd Feb, 29th March)

9am-12noon serving Full English Breakfast, Bacon Rolls, Sausage Rolls, Tea, Coffee, Cakes. ALL WELCOME.

Funerals This is a sad subject but anyone who has lived in the village whether a church goer or not is able to have a service in church or alternatively ask the local vicar to take a service at the Crematorium. If you would like to find out more then do please ring Steve Lillicrap (522510) email: steve.lillicrap@kc-hd.org.uk.

Baptisms & Christenings If you are interested in a baptism (sometimes called a christening), which usually take place on the first Sunday in the month then do give me a ring on 522510 or email steve.lillicrap@kc-hd.org.uk.


Anyone who lives in the parish or has lived in the parish for at least 6 months of their lives is entitled to be married at St Mary’s. If you would like to discuss having your wedding at St Mary’s then do give me a ring on 522510 or email steve.lillicrap@kc-hd.org.uk.



Lynsted with Teynham W.I.

Lynsted with Teynham WI, founded in 1920, have just celebrated 103 years as part of the Women’s Institute Though a very small rural community in 1920, with agriculture, brick works and paper mills as the main employers, Teynham was self-sufficient and I have been told it was a treat to visit Sittingbourne or Faversham Conyer had a shop as did Lynsted There was no shortage of pubs during that time, mainly visited by the men! There were always gatherings and events to celebrate, so a very close community in the villages. It’s nice to see that the TPC is now reviving interest in fetching the communities together.

In November 2022 member Mrs Hawkins and husband celebrated their Platinum Wedding Anniversary and a special congratulations card was sent from Buckingham Palace to them, signed by King Charles and his wife Camilla To see the signatures of the King and Queen Consort was a surprise and treat to us all

We were sad to learn of the death of Doreen Parrish in December, she was a few days older than the Queen, two great ladies and both will be missed.

The Coronation of King Charles III in May will be an event we have to plan in conjunction with other organisations.

Tai Chi has now restarted on every Thursday 10-11am, Vena, the instructor is a great help encouraging good health and balance A friendly group, work at your own pace and no equipment is required

We are now in the process of arranging our new programme and visiting speakers for 2023-2024 Happy New Year

Contact Mrs Scott tel. 01795 522249 for further details. Meetings held 1st Wednesday of the month 2pm at the Community Hall.

Lynsted with Teynham W.I


News from Teynham Parochial CEP School

It has been a busy few months at Teynham C of E Primary. We had all the excitement of Christmas. Our Singing Cherries performed at the Christmas Light turning on at The Community Hall in Teynham. It is a growing event and was wonderful to see so many children from the school taking part in the Lantern Parade.

We had amazing performances from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 who performed Hay Presto. We asked parents for comments after and were overwhelmed by the support, one parent wrote “Absolutely terrific to put so many children into action is second to none. Well done Teynham school.” Another wrote “What a fantastic nativity – great singing and signing together! Lovely smiles.”

The children also made items to sell at our Winter fair which was very well supported. We finished off our term with parties and a visit from Father Christmas who gave every child in the school a book.

We are now into term 3 and are as busy as ever. You may have seen some of our Year 6 children out with their bikes completing Bikeabilty in January. Our Year 5 children will be given the opportunity in April. It is so important that we teach the children about road safety especially as the roads appear to be getting busier. Lots of our children now cycle or scooter to school which they enjoy and keeps them healthy.

The school is working with Teynham in Bloom. We had a litter poster competition for all classes. The winner from each class will be having their poster made and will be up around the village. Look out for them.

Our Year 5 and 6 are also going to design a wildflower area alongside Teynham in Bloom for the community More details in the next Teynham news

We have a few spaces in the school particularly in our reception class. If you are new to the area and need a school place please give the office a ring.

Thank you to all the parent, staff, governors and local community for their ongoing support.

Teynham Parochial C of E Primary School Station Road Teynham Kent ME9 9BQ 01795 521217 office@teynham.kent.sch.uk

Teynham Community Hall

Happy New Year from the Community Hall Committee! We have been very busy over the Christmas period and continue to enjoy lots of party bookings over the coming months.

Our regular hirers in the hall who run various classes are listed below, so if you are interested in any give them a call…

Dance Vibrations (adult Ballroom and Latin classes) – Lyn Staples lyn.staples2019@gmail.com or 07845 670573

Friendly Faces – Lesley Nowell lesley@friendlyfacesofkent.co.uk or 07825


WI & Thai Chi – Rose Ingram graningram2014@outlook.com or 01795


Bowles – Pete Tilbee pete.tilbee@outlook.com or 01795 475211/07941


Judo – Lorraine Millen loz316@hotmail.co.uk or 07939 656126

Stay & Play – Lisa Simester lcsimester@yahoo.co.uk or 07725 912194

The Drop-in Cafe is going very well and we have held two special events to raise money for Macmillan Coffee Morning and Breast Cancer Care and we hope to do more of these in the future. We rely on volunteers to help set up the tables/chairs, serve teas & coffees and put table/chairs away after so if you are able to commit to helping please contact Hayley on 07985 662179 or clerk@teynhamparishcouncil.org.

email: clerk@teynhamparishcouncil.org

Teynham Parish Council
to Council
– Clerk

Pop into to our drop-in cafe, meet some new friends and enjoy delicious homemade cakes over a hot drink

10am to 12pm and runs every other Friday (except bank & school holidays). We rely on volunteers to help set up the tables/chairs, serve teas & coffees and put table/ chairs away afterwards. If you are able to commit to helping please contact Hayley on 01795 487063 or clerk@teynhamparishcouncil org

Upcoming dates are: Friday 10th Feb, Friday 24th Feb, Friday 10th March, Friday 24th March, Friday 7th April, Friday 21st April, Friday 5th May, Friday 19th May, Friday 2nd June

Teynham Village Hall

The village hall remains popular with hirers with several regular bookings. If you want to book the hall for your event please call Evelyn on 01795 522291.

We held the 2023 annual Wine and Wisdom at the end of Jan at which 16 teams competed for the title and cup. After a good contest that saw the lead change a few times the eventual winners were team ‘blah, blah; blah’ Congratulations to them

The day after the wine and wisdom saw the return of G-scale model railways at the hall. This attracts interest from hobbyists all over the SE and we are pleased to see them every year.

We welcome Chris Garland and Janet Redman onto the management committee last year and also said farewell to Gwen Parr, who decided to step down after many years’ service. Our thanks to Gwen for her help.


Swale Borough Council Report

It continues to be busy at Swale as the Coalition grapples with setting its budget for this year. One of the many things we disagree about is the proposal to cut grants to voluntary organisations like Citizens Advice and to cut member grants. We have used our member grants to support many local organisations and voluntary groups including the 1st Teynham scouts, Oare Parish Council, Lynsted parish council and Teynham in Bloom (plus others) We also used some of the grant money to support the Sittingbourne Chrsitmas Lights and Teynham Parish Council in providing a warm space at the Community Hall with free hot drinks and soup during the past few weeks. Thank you to all the volunteers involved. We were pleased that we also arranged for a Father Christmas visit to the village.

The biggest item in our post bag remains bin collections - or lack of them. Blossom Grove and Honeyball Walk seem to have been the worse affected, but we know of other areas too across the ward. The council has just agreed a new waste collection contract, but that doesn't come into force until 2024 Let's hope they can sort the problems out before then - we'll keep pressing them.

The works to complete the changes to Station Road, including new double yellow lines, continue to be delayed. We have had many meetings with the council and with the developers of the Blossom Grove estate, but every time we think we've cracked it another reason for delay is given. We will continue to push for the works to be completed in Station Road, in the car parks off Marconi Crescent, and the remaining road and landscaping works throughout the new estate.

More details are emerging about the proposed Highsted Park development to the west of the village. We will continue to monitor this and would very much like to hear your views.

If you need help with an issue, or want to talk to us about the things that bother you locally, then please get in touch:

If you have an issue or concern then please contact us using the details below:

Cllr Lloyd Bowen, phone 01795 522357, email lloydbowen@swale.gov.uk

Cllr Mike Whiting, phone 01795 842631, email mikewhiting@swale.gov.uk You can also follow us at Facebook.com/Cllrs Lloyd and Mike


KCC Council Report

The couple of months since I last wrote one of these columns have been a real rollercoaster for me I'm grateful there have been a number of wins to offset some the losses across our area, although sadly none of the wins are on the scale of the loss of a regular bus service to so many local villages

In keeping with the long held tradition, I'll start with the bad news.

Unfortunately, I've been unable to make headway with the public transport officers at KCC and local bus operators, so the services earmarked for cuts in KCC's budget last year will stop running on 11th February. Bus users in affected villages will have to rely on the Kent Karrier service which costs £3 50 to use even if you have a bus pass and only serves villages on certain days For Conyer, Lynsted, Rodmersham, Bredgar, Tunstall and Milstead, the bus is available on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and goes into Sittingbourne For Doddington, Newnham and Oare, the bus is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays and can take you to either Faversham or Sittingbourne For more details, please Google 'Swale Kent Karrier' or call 01892 832447. I would urge any parents unable to get their children to school to contact me for information about submitting an appeal for transport assistance. I will continue to monitor this situation in the hope that a new service can be created to serve the villages that are now without regular public transport.

In December, Network Rail applied for the emergency closure of a well used foot crossing at the western end of Teynham Station This crossing is part of a very popular walking route and was used by hundreds of residents Network Rail have since applied to divert the public right of way and a consultation on this will be opening shortly I will ensure local residents are aware of the survey when it opens to enable all those that use the path to share their views on the proposals.

Upcoming roadworks on Boughton Hill scheduled to take place from February to May will cause a huge amount of disruption for residents in Boughton and Dunkirk, especially those that rely on the bus service through the villages Unfortunately the works are required to protect against the dangerous levels of subsidence in the area Once the works are complete, the road should be safe from subsidence for the rest of the century As above, I will do my best to ensure residents are kept updated on the roadworks and the replacement bus services that are put in place

And onto the good news. The Green Doctors sessions held in early December were very successful. Despite the cold snap, dozens of residents came to visit the events and left with some great energy saving freebies like hot water bottles and draught excluders.

In Teynham, a couple of long awaited improvements finally came to fruition in December One of the footpaths just north of the level crossing was given a makeover, and some trees were planted on the verge alongside Station Road

Another project I've been supporting since my election was a speed limit reduction in Sheldwich. The main part of Lees Court Road through the village and beside the green will soon be reduced from a 60mph limit down to a far more appropriate 30mph. Further speed limit reductions in Selling, Dunkirk and along the A2 between Bapchild and Teynham are all progressing well too, so will hopefully be in place by the summer.



New walkers are always welcome to join us.

Teynham walking group meets on Tuesday mornings outside the Teynham Community Hall at 10.00 for departure at 10.10 to walk various routes around the footpaths and lanes in and around Teynham. Our sociable walks are moderately paced, and we aim to return to our starting point at around midday. If anyone feels like joining us you will be made welcome, just turn up (in suitable footwear for what can be somewhat muddy pathways given our changeable weather, and I would suggest bring a small drink of water, as we do not walk for long enough to stop for a drinks break).

This was taken by one of our local Walking group enjoying a rare Sunny November Day 2022.
HOT&COLDDRINKS,Biscuits/Sweets AVAILABLEforsmalldonation AchancetomeetnewfriendsWhilstthelittleOnesPlay ThisGroupisrunVoluntary FollowusonFacebook orcontactusonWhatsApp:07725912194 NoneedTobook,Session'sarePayasyougo At TheCommunityHall 89StationRoad Teynham Kent ME99DU SandArea PaintArea Blocks &Puzzle's ToyKitchenCars&Animals Walkers BabyArea MessyPlayBallPit £3.00perchild £1Siblings EveryWednesday (TERMTIMEONLY) 9:30am to 11:30am Teynham'sStay&Play Baby&ToddlerGroup Forchildrenunder5

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