Teynham News Summer 2023

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Teynham News SUMMER 2023

Parish C o licnu Teynham

Teynham Parish Council

Co-opted Parish Councillor Vacancy


! Do you want to serve your Community?

! Do you have time or expertise which could benefit your Community?

! Do you want to make a difference to all those around you?

! Do you want to turn your ideas into action?

Do you want to represent the views of local people? If you would like to make a difference, and be involved in shaping the future of your local Community, why not step forward and apply to become a Teynham Parish Councillor?

Teynham Paris h Council is looking for a new Parish Councillor if you are interested or would like more information please contact the Clerk, Hayley Steel at clerk@teynhamparishcouncil.org. The successful applicant will be co-opted to the Council at the next meeting. To qualify to become a Parish Councillor a person must *be a British subject over 18 years old *be listed on the current electoral role *live in Teynham, or within 3 miles of its boundary, or occupy as owner/tenant any land/ premises therein or have a principal place of work within the Parish *must not be disqualified from holding office as a Councillor.

TeynhamParish Council

Message from the Chair

Dear friends,

Welcome to the Summer edition of Teynham News.

The new Parish Council started in May this year. Our role is to represent the interests of the whole community – from Conyer to Teynham; Deerton Street to Barrow Green. Our work falls into three broad categories: representing the local community; delivering services and striving to improve the quality of life.

Meetings are open to the public and there is a forum at the start of each meeting at which members of the publ ic can raise concerns and ask questions. You can bring to the attention of the Parish Council anything that concerns you, either in person or through the Parish Clerk, Hayley Steel. It is, after all, your Parish Council.

Best wishes, Paul Townson, Chair, Teynham Parish Council Editorial deadline.

The deadline for the Autumn edition of Teynham News is September 25th 2023. Send articles or updates to news@teynhamparishcouncil.org.

What a view!

This beautiful picture was taken near the bridge on Teynham Street.

And the front cover from a beautiful summer ' s day at Conyer.


Teynham Parish Council Meeting Dates

You are all very welcome to attend these meetings, we really do value your input and interest in your village.

Ordinary Meeting

7.30 Tuesday 25th July Teynham Community Hall -

Ordinary Meeting

7.30 Tuesday 12th September Teynham Community Hall


Ordinary Meeting

7.30pm Tuesday 24th October Teynham Community Hall


Budget/Precept Ordinary Meeting

7 30pm Tuesday 12th December Teynham Community Hall

Teynham Parish Council are raising awareness of local groups, societies and clubs with the aim of connecting potential new members and groups together.

If you run a club, group or society in the local area we would love to hear from you. To be considered for this list:

• Activities should be based within the Teynham Parish or within 3km of the Parish.

• Clubs/groups should be free or low-cost fees/subscriptions

• If working with under 18s you must have a safeguarding policy in place. Please contact Paul Townson on p townson@teynhamparishcouncil org with an overview, including:

• Group/Club/Society Name

• A brief description - max 30 words.

• Is the club free of charge or are there fees/subscriptions?

• Your contact details

• A link to your website (if you have one) or Facebook page The list of clubs and groups can be viewed online. Visit teynhamparishcouncil.org then select COMMUNITY for details.


Teynham Parish Council Summary of local concerns and opportunities

Updated: June 2023

This is a summary of local concerns and opportunities within Teynham Parish. If you would like further information or have other suggestions, please get in touch. Contact the Teynham Parish Clerk, Hayley Steel Email: clerk@teynhamparishcouncil org

Topic Summary Actions

Amenities The Meadow Organised by Teynham in Bloom, two additional cherry trees have been planted in The Meadow, creating a total of four trees. Teynham School/TIB have requested to create a wildflower area.

Antisocial behaviour Graffiti on children’s play equipment

Ball landing in neighbour ’s garden

Air quality Concerns about air quality along the A2.

Issue raised with SBC’s CCTV team to make the best use of the CCTV service and the patrol team. Site meeting scheduled for early July

Currently seeking alternative contractors to supply and fit ‘ball stop fencing’. Our regular contractor was unable to help.

TPC responded to DEFRA’s National Air Quality survey. One of only 4 parish councils in the UK. LKPC also completed the survey. TPC also responded to the SBC’s draft Air Quality Mgmt Plan.

Bus Service Local bus services cut; poor evening service.

Community Assets Community assets.

TPC responded to SBC’s Bus survey. Key points included restoring bus services to communities (eg Conyer); cost; and poor evening service.

‘Protecting assets of community value’, to be discussed at July Parish Council.


Community Events King’s Coronation Tea

Delivered ‘King’s Coronation Tea’. Feedback was excellent for those who attended; Feedback also highlighted that other residents would have attended if the event had been held on the weekend.

Drop in Cafe The regular drop-in-cafe, hosted by the WI and funded by TPC, is held every second week at the Community Hall

Community Hall

A slight dip in the floor reported

Community Grants Financial support requested

Cost of living

The cost of living has impacted many people.

Drainage Road drains blocked in multiple locations

Parish Cllrs have reviewed and will keep it under review.

The successful grant applicants for 2022/23 were Friendly Faces and Stepping Stones.

During January and February, TPC worked with Friendly Faces and Teynham Church to deliver a weekly warm space with free drinks and hot soup

We have identified a new contact within KCC to help escalate operational issues linked to drainage.

Frognal Pond floods. Reported to Southern Water (after work to divert run-off water). Awaiting response.

Doctors Former GP surgery building sold.

Updated: 26 June 2023

TPC investigated a number of different options to support community requests This included options under the ‘community right to bid’ and ‘assets of community value’


Footpaths Many footpaths overgrown

Hedges overgrown

Footpath ZR256+7 obstructed

In general KCC are responsible for maintaining footpaths. Working with KCC Rich Lehmann to escalate the issue

TPC have trimmed shrubs/hedges along HBW due to road/path safety issues. Work limited due to bird nesting season.

Reported issue to KCC Public Rights of Way. Subsequencent planning application received (as part of Frognal Place Dev)

Footpath over railway closed

Highways Multiple projects creates gridlock

TPC gathered a range of community feedback to inform their reply to KCC. TPC responded to KCC consultation on the railway crossing. The key points: Keep crossing in the same location; raise safety standards to acceptable levels.

Teynham PC has written to KCC Rich Lehmann to raise the need for greater coordination across multiple highway projects to reduce impact on residents

High speed of traffic Speed surveys data received from KCC. Information to be published on the TPC website shortly.

Lower Road

TPC held a zoom meeting with KCC’s Highway Improvement team Raised community concerns about speed of traffic on Lower Road. As a direct result of feedback about safety concerns, KCC will do in-depth analysis of Lower Road

Access roundabout on A2

Updated: 26 June 2023

Contacted the SBC Planning team to enquire what is permitted development/activity at this stage of the planning process. Raised concerns with SBC Ward Councillors.


EV Charging Scheme

TPC has registered for KCC’s scheme to provide EV charging points Initial survey to check options completed.

Traffic Calming

‘island’ on Station Road

Litter Significant litter issues

TPC identified potential timing issues with new yellow lines on Station Road (near traffic calming ‘island’) and the completion of the additional parking. KCC is planning to approve yellow lines at the top of Station Road before the car park is complete. TPC raised issues with Highways plus cllrs from KCC and SBC.

Draft strategy prepared to reduce the amount of litter in the community Draft to be shared shortly for community comment

Bin request in Meadow Request chased. We reconise that this request needs to be prioritised

Parish Council Opportunity to join parish council

Banking & Accounting

Risk management


Three seats available on the Parish Council. Help serve our community. For information contact the clerk or chairman.

Implemented the first stage of electronic banking. Currently testing financial software to simplify financial reporting

At the request of the new chairman, TPC is undertaking a rapid risk assessment. To be discussed at July Parish Council.

Committees scheduled for next six months; remainder of year to follow


Updated: 26 June 2023

TPC is looking at different ways to improve how we communicate. This document is an example of working in different ways Feedback welcome


Planning Frognal Place We expect the application for ‘Reserved Matters’ will be submitted later in the summer. This application will provide more detail than was shown in the outline application for example appearance, landscaping, layout and community facilities Teynham Parish Council have created a dedicated webpage bringing together information relating to the Frognal Place development in one place

http://www.teynhamparishcouncil.org/Fro gnal Place 45155.aspx

Highsted Objection updated & submitted, inc 70 page report, against 8000+ homes dev.

380 houses Church Rd. Tonge

Streetlights Resident request: Repaint Street lights.

The application for 380 homes has been referred to the Planning Inspector. Cllr Townson spoke at the planning meeting in June considering the application.

Currently, awaiting feedback from street light contractors to confirm the start date to repaint TPC’s 90 street lights.

This summary was updated by Paul Townson, 26 June 2023.

Teynham Parish Council would welcome your feedback

Send your comment to the Teynham Parish Clerk, Hayley Steel.

Email: clerk@teynhamparishcouncil.org.

You are most welcome at Teynham Parish Council meetings. There is a public session of up to 20 minutes at the start of each meeting where you have the opportunity to share your views.

Alternatively, contact one of your Parish Councillors. Our details can be found online: Your Councillors - Teynham Parish Council.

Updated: 26 June 2023


St Marys Parish Church Teynham within the Parish of

Kingsdown and Creekside

I write this on what has been a beautiful sunny summer’s day which we have been waiting for for sometime this year. I am hopeful that our second Fun Day which is taking place on the field next to Teynham Church (park at the Church and walk through the churchyard to the field) on Saturday 15th July from 10.00am-2.00pm will be an equally good summers day and be a day of fun for all the family.

By the time this Teynham News is published I will have announced in the Parishes my forthcoming retirement in September. This is very much with mixed feelings as I will have completed 15 years here in Teynham by then and have got to know so many people in the village over that time. Jane & I will be moving to Chilham but will not be strangers back in the village here, especially with some of our family in the village. My last Sunday Service will be on September 17th in Lynsted Church at 10.30am.

Regular Services at St Marys:

1st & 3rd Sundays of the month at 10.30am.

4th Sunday of the month at 4.00pm

Our website also hosts an audio recording of 2 hymns, bible readings and the sermon for the day. (https://kc-hd.org.uk/page/51/services)

Morning Prayer at 9am each day

We continue to live-stream a 30minute service of bible readings and prayer, on our Facebook page @kingsdowncreekside (also accessible without a Facebook account at the bottom the homepage of our website www.kc-hd.org.uk) All are welcome to join this, either at 9am when we are live or at any point of the day as it is posted soon after the live-stream finishes.

Breakthrough is live-streamed on the Breakthrough at Lynsted Facebook page every Sunday at 6pm (and available shortly after the service is finished).


-We are collecting food which all goes to the food bank. The list of suggested food is: Packets of soup, Packets of rice, Packets of pasta, Jars of pasta sauce, Packets of cereal, UHT Milk, Tinned meat/fish, Tinned vegetables, Jars of jam, Tea/coffee, Sugar. Boxes are available for donations at the church, school and in the Rectory Porch

Foodboxes for those in need: With the cost of living increasing at present with food prices, and utility bills, things can become difficult. I, acting on behalf of the Family Foodbank, have food boxes available for those in need - If you or anyone you know is in need then please contact me (Steve. 01795 522510). Anyone seeking help remains confidential between myself and the Family Foodbank

Youth Club at Lynsted Church

For Secondary school aged young people (Year 7 and above)

Alternate Fridays (usually) in term-time 7.00-8.30pm

Call Gill (520597) or Steve for more details

[30th June, 14th July and then restarts September 8th]

is a modern informal time of worship each Sunday at 6pm at Lynsted Church, followed by refreshments. All are welcome!

Funerals This is a sad subject but anyone who has lived in the village whether a church goer or not is able to have a service in church or alternatively ask the local vicar to take a service at the Crematorium. If you would like to find out more then do please ring Steve Lillicrap (522510) email: steve.lillicrap@kc-hd.org.uk.

Baptisms & Christenings If you are interested in a baptism (sometimes called a christening), which usually take place on the first Sunday in the month then do give me a ring on 522510 or email steve.lillicrap@kc-hd.org.uk. Alternatively you can complete the form on our website by going to the Life Events and then Baptism page.


Anyone who lives in the parish or has lived in the parish for at least 6 months of their lives is entitled to be married at St Mary’s. If you would like to discuss having your wedding at St Mary’s then do give me a ring on 522510 or email steve.lillicrap@kc-hd.org.uk.



Lynsted with Teynham W.I.

Obituary for Rose Ingram-Friend Lynsted with Teynham WI

It was a sad day for our community on Wednesday 15th March when our much loved President passed away. Rose had been in office since January 2017 following the demise of Mrs Marlene Disney

Rose lived in Teynham for most of her life and was involved in many local activities including WI, The Historical Society and Thai Chi to name three examples. Rose was always ready to offer advice and reassurance and her lively vivacious nature endeared her to everybody. It is ironic she died on a Wednesday, the day we have our WI meetings.

Our deepest sympathies are offered to her husband Clive and her family, you will be much missed. May your dear soul rest in peace.


Lynsted with Teynham Women’s Institute

meet on the 1st Wednesday in each month at Teynham Community Hall at 2pm.

Our programme for the year is varied and interesting and includes a talk from an antique dealer (June) and a gardener (September). We also campaign on important issues of the day such as keeping our rivers clear.

All enjoyed with a cup of tea and a piece of cake!

If you would like to join us just turn up or alternatively contact the Secretary Mrs Myra Scott on 01795 522428


The TIB volunteers have had a busy couple of months getting ready for the judge’s visit for Swale in Bloom competition on July 4th. We’ve been tidying and replenishing the planters along Station road and by the library and water trough along the A2. We have also given the planters outside the Coop a complete new look and they are now looking fabulous. Many thanks to the staff in the library, fire station and Co-op as well as the TIB team who regularly help water them.

The train station really bloomed throughout spring this year, with all the daffodil and tulip bulbs that were planted last year, and Crispins corner has had some additional new plants added to provide a bit of colour The rockery plants are really thriving there

You may have also noticed some signs to encourage everyone to protect the environment dotted around the village. The signs were drawn by school pupils at Teynham primary and we were so impressed with the winning designs. The winners each received some gardening gloves as well as their own litter pickers to say thank you and well done.

We also had help from an enthusiastic group of Year 4 pupils to help plant the new cherry trees in the Meadow play area. Two trees were planted initially with further funding from Swale Borough Council for a further three trees. We hope to plant more cherry trees along the length of the car park next year as well as adding some wild flower seeds to the longer patches of grass to encourage the butterflies, bees and other insects later in the year as part of another competition with pupils from Teynham primary.

The TIB team always enjoy chatting to locals whilst they’re working and we are always looking for more volunteers to help.

We usually meet on the last Sunday of the month from 10:00am- 12:00pm to either do gardening tasks or litter picking. In the evening we hold our planning meeting in the Dover Castle, so please get in touch if you have a couple of hours to spare and you’d like to join us. Follow us on Facebook and send us a message if you’d like to get involved

We’d like to thank Lloyd Bowen & Mike Whiting from Swale Borough Council, everyone at Teynham Parish Council, Teynham Library, Teynham fire station, Southeastern Trains, Crispins and the staff at Teynham Primary School for their ongoing support

We’d also like to thank the residents of Teynham who join us on our litter picking days or who help contribute to help keeping the village cleaner and greener!


News from Teynham Parochial CEP School

As we approach the end of another successful academic year we look forward to September. Our biggest challenge over the next year will be the proposed new building. Our current school is too small and showing its age. We had large numbers of applications for September’s reception intake and I know that many living in Teynham were unable to get a place in the school. With so many houses going up the issue is only going to get worse. The proposed build is really exciting doubling the number of children we currently have. It has been designed to be eco friendly and fits with our ethos of looking after nature. I’ll keep you all updated with further news over the next year.

Terms 5 and 6 are always very busy. Year R in May went to Howletts on their first ever school trip. Our Year 6 went on a residential to Carroty Wood for an adventurous activities’ week. This included high ropes, archery, raft building, climbing, swimming and abseiling. It was amazing to see the children push themselves out of their comfort zones and have such fun.

Most of Year 5 took part in Bikeability gaining knowledge and confidence in cycling on the road They took level 1 and 2 of the course and although some found this challenging their really showed a growth mindset.

Our last challenge day was with the Family Trust and Revs, Steve and Caroline who joined us for an interactive and thought-provoking prayer space day for the whole school. There were four themes with three activities in each covering topics including: Nature and Creation, Global Neighbours, Those in need and Perseverance. It was a great day that the children really enjoyed.

We are currently looking at ways we can be more involved in the local community. If you have an idea or work with an organisation that could link with the school. Please contact the school office.

As we look forward to September we look forward to welcoming our new reception class. In June and July, the children spent several afternoons with us getting used to the school environment and staff.

At the other end of the school our Year 6 will be moving to a variety of secondary schools. This is an enormous change for them but they have all the skills needed to move on, resilience, growth mindset, curiosity and a love of learning. Everyone at Teynham C of E Primary wishes them well and we are sure they will all have bright future.


Teynham Community Hall

The Community Hall continues to be busy with lots of weekend bookings. We held a joint event – Coronation Cream Tea with Teynham & Lynsted WI to celebrate the King’s Coronation The previous President of the WI Rose IngramFriend had recently passed away so Teynham PC and the WI hosted this event in her memory. We provided cream tea’s, tea, coffee and more cake. We also ran a raffle to raise money for Cancer Research UK in memory of Rose and we raised £407 for that charity. Overleaf is a photo of the event which was a huge success and we are grateful to everyone who helped in the kitchen, baked cakes and helped on the day – Rose would have loved it!!

Our regular hirers in the hall who run various classes are listed below, so if you are interested in any give them a call…

Dance Vibrations (Adult Ballroom and Latin classes) – Lyn Staples lyn staples2019@gmail com or 07845 670573

Friendly Faces – Lesley Nowell lesley@friendlyfacesofkent.co.uk or 07825 630108

WI & Thai Chi – Barbara Read - barbararead283@btinternet.com

Bowles – Pete Tilbee pete.tilbee@outlook.com or 01795 475211/07941 339247

Judo – Lorraine Millen loz316@hotmail.co.uk or 07939 656126

Stay & Play – Lisa Simester lcsimester@yahoo.co.uk or 07725 912194

The Drop-in Cafe is going very well and we have held two special events to raise money for Macmillan Coffee Morning and Breast Cancer Care and we hope to do more of these in the future. We rely on volunteers to help set up the tables/chairs, serve teas & coffees and put table/chairs away after so if you are able to commit to helping please contact Hayley on 07985 662179 or clerk@teynhamparishcouncil.org.

Teynham Parish Council

Hayley Steel – Clerk to Council email: clerk@teynhamparishcouncil.org


Pop into to our Drop-in Cafe, meet some new friends and enjoy delicious homemade cakes over a hot drink.

10am to 12pm and runs every other Friday (except Bank & School holidays). We rely on volunteers to help set up the tables/chairs, serve teas & coffees and put table/chairs away afterwards. If you are able to commit to helping please contact Hayley on 01795 487063 or clerk@teynhamparishcouncil org

Upcoming dates are: Friday 30th June, 14THJuly, 8th September, 22nd September, 6th October, 20th October, 3rd November, 17th November, 1st December, 15th December (Christmas Celebration).

An amazing turn out at our Coronation Cream tea this morning - 65 cream teas sold plus lots of cakes and raffle tickets. We certainly did our dear friend Rose IngramFriend proud, she would have loved it and we missed her so much. We raised £407 for Cancer Research UK in her memory.

We’d like to thank the Bowls team for setting the tables up and the WI for all their help setting up, working in the kitchen and just being generally fabulous! Thank you to Paul Seymour for the music and the moving national anthem that everyone joined in for at the end.

Also thanks go to JoJo’s, Crispins Fish Bar and the Co-op in Teynham for their generous raffle prizes.

Finally we’d like to thank Rose Ingram-Friend who did so much for the Parish Council, always there to help at events with laughter and a wicked sense of humour


Swale Borough Council Report

Firstly, we would like to say a big thank you to the residents of Teynham & Lynsted ward for electing us as your Borough Councillors for the next four years. For Lloyd, it’s his fourth term as a Councillor - whilst for Julien it’s his first, although he’s been chairman of the Parish Council in Lynsted since 2020.

Uppermost in our minds is the proposed development of 300 new houses off Frognal Lane. Teynham doesn’t have the infrastructure to support this level of housing – the roads are congested, air quality is poor, there’s no GP surgery, school places are an issue, public transport has been cut, the area is prone to flooding The list goes on

It is going to be very difficult to stop this development altogether, as it was granted outline planning permission in 2021 and the land was allocated in the Swale Local Plan back in 2017. Work has already started, as you will have noticed, on building the access road from the A2.

However the full planning application has yet to be submitted and this will be an opportunity to shape the appearance and layout of the site, whilst also ensuring the developers include facilities that will benefit the community for years to come

The full application is expected sometime over the Summer and advice will be provided on how to navigate the complexities of responding to planning proposals.

Another burning issue is the loss of our GP surgery to the Memorial Hospital in Sittingbourne. It is not acceptable that there is now no doctor’s practice in the entire ward. The old surgery building in London Road was sold at auction last month and Dr Nilan decided not to bid as it cannot accommodate his plans for expansion

Dr Nilan has told us he is actively exploring other options and we will work with him to help bring the surgery back to the heart of Teynham.

Missed bin collections are also close to the top of our in-tray. The service is unacceptable and we would encourage you to contact Swale Council directly every time your bin is not emptied. If you notify them within two days of the due date, they will usually send out a vehicle to rectify mattersand the more complaints they get from individual residents, the more likely they are to improve the service.

You can call the Council on 01795 417888 or simply Google ‘Swale report missed bin’ and complete the online form.

Finally, we would like to congratulate Paul Townson on his election as chairman of Teynham Parish Council. We look forward to tackling the challenges ahead with Paul and his fellow Councillors


KCC Council Report

Proposed Closure of Faversham Household Waste Recycling Centre

I have received an unprecedented number of emails about KCC's proposals to close the HWRC site at Salters Lane in Faversham. It's absolutely shocking that they are considering closing this site, and although there is a consultation coming, it feels to some degree like it's a done deal, given that Faversham is closed in all three of the options currently put forward by KCC.

I have been on Radio Kent to argue against the closure and give some of the reasons why I thought it was a bad idea. Since then, I have continued to assemble arguments against the closure; Swale district already has the highest rates of fly tipping in Kent, and the closure of the Faversham site would result in tens of thousands of extra car journeys through Air Quality Management Areas, (these are areas where air quality is already poor and the local authority have put together an improvement plan). The closure of the site is also likely to result in an increase in fly tipping, in an area which is already blighted by high levels of illegal dumping of household and builder’s waste. In terms of action people can take to oppose this, the main one will be to respond to the consultation when it opens. It may be fruitless, but it will carry significantly more weight than signing a petition. The consultation is due to open in mid-July and will "provide an opportunity for alternative proposals to be put forward". I will continue to investigate viable alternative options and will also ensure as many people as possible are alerted when the consultation is open.

I will be writing to the members of KCC's Environment and Transport Committee to ask them to request that the consultation be made as open and transparent as possible. Ideally the consultation should include the background data on ALL of the Household Waste Recycling Centre sites (currently data on only 13 of the 19 sites has been shared), to allow for a greater understanding of the current situation and to also give more scope for alternative proposals to be found.

There are some wonderful individuals in our community out there litter picking and taking pride in our lovely village, but there is still a lot of rubbish out there being dropped by the residents of Teynham.


These offences can be reported online at www.swale.gov.uk photos can also be uploaded.



New walkers are always welcome to join us.

Teynham walking group meets on Tuesday mornings outside the Teynham Community Hall at 10.00 for departure at 10.10 to walk various routes around the footpaths and lanes in and around Teynham. Our sociable walks are moderately paced, and we aim to return to our starting point at around midday. If anyone feels like joining us you will be made welcome, just turn up (in suitable footwear for what can be somewhat muddy pathways given our changeable weather, and I would suggest bring a small drink of water, as we do not walk for long enough to stop for a drinks break).

HOT&COLDDRINKS,Biscuits/Sweets AVAILABLEforsmalldonation AchancetomeetnewfriendsWhilstthelittleOnesPlay ThisGroupisrunVoluntary FollowusonFacebook orcontactusonWhatsApp:07725912194 NoneedTobook,Session'sarePayasyougo At TheCommunityHall 89StationRoad Teynham Kent ME99DU SandArea PaintArea Blocks &Puzzle's ToyKitchenCars&Animals Walkers BabyArea MessyPlayBallPit £3.00perchild £1Siblings EveryWednesday (TERMTIMEONLY) 9:30am to 11:30am Teynham'sStay&Play Baby&ToddlerGroup Forchildrenunder5

Stepping Stones Pre-School (Lynsted)

Places available

Based in Lynsted & Norton School

We offer a nurturing, inclusive, friendly and fun environment which allows children to thrive using a multi sensory approach to early years learning.

Our staff are highly trained and experienced

We understand the fundamental importance of language and communication in early years and buy in services from a professional Speech and Language Therapist.

We are able to offer show rounds, feel free to book an appointment to come and see us and take a look

Contact us on:

01795 522396

office@steppingstoneslynsted.org.uk https://www.facebook.com/steppingstones1990



Hello little honey bees buzzing around collecting nectar from the flowers all day and every day working for hours and hours flying from garden to garden you don't earn any money but with your hard work and dedication help provide us with such beautiful honey

hello hens clucking away scratching for your grain of corn producing for us lovely golden yolk eggs

Practically from the day you were born

hello dairy cows grazing in the field in all kinds of weather then off to the milking shed to be milked standing in a row all together your milk gives us strength and is so nutritious a drop of the white stuff is absolutely delicious

hello tubby sheep with all your woolly coats on waiting for the shearer to come so you can have your coats shorn your lovely fleece is then made into wool for us to knit all kinds of things from blankets socks and jumpers and cosy cardigans

so thank you all my precious ones you are worth your weight in gold and all you other creatures of the world whether you are large or small young or old

Marilyn Edmunds

Little Black Book

Church St Mary's Teynham ME9 9EU Tel:01795 522510 Community Hall 89 Station Rd, Teynham, ME9 9DU Bookings:01795 487063 Defibrillator 89 Station Rd, Teynham, ME9 9DU Doctors The Surgery, London Rd, Teynham, ME9 9QL Tel:01795 521205 Library 131 London Road, Teynham, ME9 9QJ Tel:01795 521674 Meadow Play Area Belle Friday Close, Teynham, ME9 9TU Pharmacy 105 London Road, Teynham, ME9 9QL Tel:01795 521224 Playing Fields Frognal Lane ME9 9DA Post Office 137-139 London Road, Teynham, ME9 9QJ School Teynham C of E Primary School, ME9 9BQ Tel:01795 521217 Train Station Lower Road ME9 9DU; Village Hall Belle Friday Close, Teynham, ME9 9TU Bookings:01795 522291 To update or suggest items for the list contact Paul Townson on p townson@teynhamparishcouncil org KEEP TEYNHAM CLEAN! DON'T DROP LITTER Use the bins or take it home
Teynham Parish News is kindly printed for Teynham Parish Council by 'The Print Section' Swale Borough Council. Tel: 01795417416. Email: printroom@swale.gov.uk 27 telephone: 01795487063 / 07985 662179 email: clerk@teynhamparishcouncil.org

Email: rpdodds@outlook.com

Website: rpdodds.co.uk Dr. J. Meakin


Dental Surgeons

121 London Road, Teynham, nr. Sittingbourne, Kent. ME9 9QJ

Teynham (01795) 521535

John and Jayne Skilton 4 Rubbish Cleared Service Household-Garden-HArdcore etc. Better than a skip, we load it KCC & EA Registered Est 1998 jayne.skilton@btinternet.com Call 07885 944876 29
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