Teynham News Autumn 2022

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Teynham News

With the weather on the turn life in Teynham is starting to feel very Autumnal Some beautiful colours can be seen through our windows and throughout our countryside Don't forget if you have a lovely photo or picture for our front page send them to us at teynhamparishnews@outlook.com

We have so much to look forward to before the end of the year in our lovely village, lets make the most of the last of 2022

This wonderful drawing, of our beautiful church St Mary's was created using biro.

by local artist Derek Knight


Dates for your Diary

Haloween in the Park, Lynstead





Fungus Foray, Lynstead

St Marys Christmas Market, Chrispins

in Teynham

of Lights Community Hall


The Drop in Cafe 10

Comunnity Hall

The Community Hall

Nov, 2nd Dec,16th Dec

C o licnu Teynham Autumn 2022
29th Oct 4pm
5th Nov 10am
6th Nov 10 4
4th Dec Christmas
see pg 4 -
4th Dec 6.30 Festival
24th Dec 6 30 9 Presents
21st Oct, 4th Nov, 18th

Teynham Parish Council

Teynham Parish Council Meeting Dates

You are all are very welcome to attend these meetings, we really do value your input and interest in your village.

Community Hall Commitee Meeting

Time TBC 14th November Teynham Community Hall

Ammenities Commitee Meeting

7.30 22nd November Teynham Community Hall

Parish Council Meeting

7 30pm 13th December Teynham Comunity Hall

Finances and General Puposes Commitee Meeting

7.30pm 16th December Teynham Comunity Hall


TeynhamCouncil Parish Report

At the beginning of the summer, we were all looking forward to the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. Now I share my sorrow and pass on my condolence for the passingof Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. May she rest in peace and never be forgotten.


The book of condolence which TPC opened in the Community Hall will be kept there until the end of October. Anyone wishing to leave a condolence message is welcome. After October, it will be sent to the central library in Maidstone and kept as part of our history.

It is also with great sorrow for me to say that Teynham recently lost a valued councillor, Glynn Lock. He was born in Plymouth in 1956 and died suddenly this summer. The funeral was at Bobbing Crematorium on 5th September 2022, which was attended by his family and friends. May he rest in peace.

The Meadow play area and games area seems to be a great success.

We welcomed back the twice monthly Friday Morning Drop in Cafe at the Community Hall. Many thanks to all who organise and help at these mornings and special thanks for the delicious cakes.

The village sign is back in place at Station Road, after undergoing a completerefurbishment. It's now looking lovely.

Wishing you all a great autumn.

Co-opted Parish Councillor Vacancy MAKE A CHANGE, BECOME A LOCAL COUNCILLOR

! Do you want to serve your Community?

! Do you have time or expertise which could benefit your Community?

! Do you want to make a difference to all those around you?

! Do you want to turn your ideas into action? Do you want to represent the views of local people? If you would like to make a difference, and be involved in shaping the future of your local Community, why not step forward and apply to become a Teynham Parish Councillor?

Teynham Parish Council is looking for a new Parish Councillor if you are interested or would like more information please contact the Clerk, Hayley Steel at clerk@teynhamparishcouncil.org. The successful applicant will be co-opted to the Council at the next meeting. To qualify to become a Parish Councillor a person must *be a British subject over 18 years old *be listed on the current electoral role *live in Teynham, or within 3 miles of its boundary, or occupy as owner/tenant any land/ premises therein or have a principal place of work within the Parish *must not be disqualified from holding office as a Councillor.


The Government requires all Councils to revisit their Local Plans every five years and the current Swale Local Plan (Bearing Fruits), which was adopted in July 2017 is under review. The Local Plan Review will set out the planning framework for the borough for the period to 2038 and will cover issues such as; housing provision, the economy, retail and town centres; infrastructure provision and the environment.

Regulation 19 consultation is carried out with the purpose of seeking the views of residents, businesses and stakeholders as to whether the Local Plan Reviews are legally compliant and have been positively prepared, are justified, effective and/or are consistent with national and regional policy

Swale Borough Council is proposing that the next stage of the local plan review consultation is paused, due to uncertainty around the Governments direction of travel for the planning system. Any consultation now may have to be repeated in the future to take into account the Council’s response to any changes.

We will keep you updated on progress and when you can review documents and have your say.

Teynham Parish Council Update on the Highway Improvement Plan

This is a brief update on highway improvement plan and our next steps.

Thank you to everyone who shared their concerns about the local highways. The feedback was remarkably consistent and focused on 4 main areas:

• London Road – speed, vibration, noise, drains and air quality.

• Station Road traffic island, speed and parking on the junction corners.

• Lower Road – speed of traffic, overgrown hedges, blocked drains.

• Conyer Road speed of traffic (particularly near the working farms). Cllrs Helen Dixon and Paul Townson are currently leading this project. During the summer, Helen and Paul made contact with the new highways team at KCC to share the initial concerns.

As a result of this meeting KCC have completed a site visit of the area (they cover the whole of East Kent so it’s always good to understand the local challenges). In addition they commissioned 3 speed surveys of the local roads. Many items were highlighted as routine maintenance, which have been logged with the KCC maintenance teams for action

We are due to receive the results from the speed survey in early October, and have a follow up meeting with the highways team to understand the options and next steps We will share the information in a community session during the autumn.

In addition we will work with our neighbours in Lynsted with Kingsdown and Tonge PCs for issues on our shared boundaries.

We are also following up on the maintenance issues with the drains/gullies on the junction of Frognal Gardens and Frognal Lane.

Don’t forget to report highway maintenance issues directly to KCC (who look after the roads). Information can be found on their webpage: https://www.kent.gov.uk/roads and travel/report a problem


Teynham Parish Council Small Grant Application

Grants for community purposes may be considered for projects and works that bring cultural, sporting, recreational, health, environmental, heritage, community safety, crime reduction or educational benefits to the local community

The Parish Council have agreed a total grant allocation of £2000 which may be made available to applicants such as local clubs, voluntary committees, community organisations, the school, and the church. It cannot be given to support functions that would otherwise be funded by statutory education or support political or directly religious activities. Also, grants will not be approved for organisations operating for direct commercial gain.

How to apply

• Apply online at www.teynhamparishcouncil.org

• The closing date is 5pm, 31st January 2023

Please apply online by 5pm 31st January 2023 for consideration

If you have any issues with the online form, or unable to use the online form, please let us know by 5th January 2023 by calling the clerk on (10am 5pm weekdays only)


For further information, contact Kate Barnett on k.barnett@teynhamparishcouncil.org or Teynham Parish Clerk on clerk@teynhamparishcouncil.org 01795 487063

Teynham Parish Council are raising awareness of local groups, societies and clubs with the aim of connecting potential new members and groups together. If you run a club, group or society in the local area we would love to hear from you. To be considered for this list:

• Activities should be based within the Teynham Parish or within 3km of the parish.

• Clubs/groups should be free or low cost fees/subscriptions

• If working with under 18s you must have a safeguarding policy in place. Please contact Paul Townson on p townson@teynhamparishcouncil org with an overview, including:

• Group/Club/Society Name

• A brief description max 30 words.

• Is the club free of charge or are there fees/subscriptions?

• Your contact details

• A link to your website (if you have one) The list of clubs and groups can be viewed online. Visit teynhamparishcouncil.org then select COMMUNITY for details.

Merry Christmas WILL FATHER CHRISTMAS COME CHRISTMAS MORNING? ...to deliver some last minute presents Take your wrapped presents to the community Hall on Christmas Eve (6.30-9pm) and Father Christmas will deliver them to your door on Christmas Morning for more information please call Clive on 07821008431 or Colin on 07835973649 Free of charge but all donations to Demelza House are welcome No valuables, breakable or bicycles please

St Marys Parish Church Teynham

within the Parish of Kingsdown and Creekside

A Prayer Card that we are using during our daily Morning Prayer on Facebook (details below) says: ‘Generous Creator God we take comfort from the rhythm of the seasons, bringing beginning and endings, growth and change.’

Here we are in Autumn with all the changes in God’s Creation going on around usthe harvest is (largely) in for this year. The Conkers have fallen from the tree in front of the Church, the leaves are turning and falling off the trees and we see all the other changes that Autumn brings, but recognise they are all part of the natural rhythm of life that God has given us.

Autumn also brings opportunities for remembering:

Our Remembrance Service, this year is on Sunday November 13th at 10.40am, at St Peter and St Paul Lynsted, as we remember those who gave up their lives in war, particularly from the villages of Teynham, Lynsted & Norton, so that we might know peace. All are welcome to join us.

Remembering our loved ones:

Our annual service of remembering loved ones who have died, especially those who have died in the last year, will be held at 4.00pm on Sunday October 30th at St Mary’s Teynham. We will include the names of those whose funerals we have been involved with in the last year but if you would like someone parFcularly remembered please let us know.

Steve Lillicrap, Rector (01795 522510 steve.lillicrap@kc-hd.org.uk)

Regular Services at St Marys:

1st & 3rd Sundays of the month at 10.30am.

4th Sunday of the month at 4.00pm

Our website also hosts an audio recording of 2 hymns, bible readings and the sermon for the day. (https://kc-hd.org.uk/page/51/services)

Morning Prayer at 9am each day: We live-stream a 30minute service of bible readings and prayer, on our Facebook page @kingsdowncreekside (also accessible without a Facebook account at the bottom the homepage of our website www.kchd.org.uk) All are welcome to join this, either at 9am when we are live or at any point of the day as it is posted soon after the live-stream finishes.


We are collecting food which all goes to the food bank. The list of suggested food is: Packets of soup, Packets of rice, Packets of pasta, Jars of pasta sauce, Packets of cereal, UHT Milk, Tinned meat/fish, Tinned vegetables, Jars of jam, Tea/coffee, Sugar. Boxes are available for donations at the church, school and in the Rectory Porch

Foodboxes for those in need: With the cost of living increasing at present with food prices, full costs and utility bills all going up, things can become difficult. I, acting on behalf of the Family Foodbank, have food boxes available for those in need - If you or anyone you know is in need then please contact me (Steve. 01795 522510). Anyone seeking help remains confidential between myself and the Family Foodbank

Youth Club at Lynsted Church

For Secondary school aged young people

Alternate Fridays (usually) in term-time 7.00-8.30pm

Call Gill (520597) or Steve for more details

[21st Oct, 4th Nov, 18th Nov, 2nd Dec, 16th Dec and then restarts January 13th]

is a modern informal time of worship each Sunday at 6pm at Lynsted Church, followed by refreshments. All are welcome!

Funerals This is a sad subject but anyone who has lived in the village whether a church goer or not is able to have a service in church or alternatively ask the local vicar to take a service at the Crematorium. If you would like to find out more then do please ring Steve Lillicrap (522510) email: steve.lillicrap@kc-hd.org.uk.

Baptisms & Christenings If you are interested in a baptism (sometimes called a christening), which usually take place on the first Sunday in the month then do give me a ring on 522510 or email steve.lillicrap@kc-hd.org.uk. Alternatively you can complete the form on our website by going to the Life Events and then Baptism page.


Anyone who lives in the parish or has lived in the parish for at least 6 months of their lives is entitled to be married at St Mary’s. If you would like to discuss having your wedding at St Mary’s then do give me a ring on 522510 or email steve.lillicrap@kc-hd.org.uk.

Steve Lillicrap, Rector

www.kc-hd.org.uk 9

Lynsted with Teynham W.I.

The death of Queen Elizabeth was felt by all members of the W.I. as she had been a member of Sandringham WI for 80 years and a great supporter of the Institute. Secretary Myra Scott and her late husband Len had been privileged to have attended a Palace Garden Party in acknowledgement of their work with the Friends of the Memorial Hospital and the late Ann Diamond had attended a Maundy Service and received the gift of Maundy money from her majesty.

The Lynsted with Teynham W.I. have been holding their meetings in the last few months, with more members attending. Our speakers have been varied with Richard Emmett from the HRGS Sittingbourne on Ancestry Carole Ritche the horticulturalist who lives in Teynham, who gave tips on planting up pots for the Autumn and Spring Bulbs.

The visit to Provender House was interesting, with Princess Olga Romanoff as our guide on the history of the family and the house. The tea and cake were well received with the Princess a very hands on hostess

Many thanks to those members and supporters who gave their time to raise much needed funds for the MacMillan Nurses Coffee Morning run by Teynham Parish Council

For further information please contact the Secretary on 01795 522428

Meetings held 1st Wednesday of the month 2pm at the Community Hall

Lynsted with Teynham W.I

Lynsted with Teynham WI meets the 1st Wednesday of every month at 2pm at Teynham Comminity Hall



Contact details Mrs. Scott tel. 01795 522428

The WI the Perfect Ingredient For An Interesting Social Life!


News from Teynham Parochial CEP School

We have been back in school for a few weeks now and life in school is very busy We welcomed our new reception class in September and they have settled in really well. Our Year 6 children buddy up with our reception children and it is wonderful to see how caring they are towards each other The year 6 children help them at playtimes and get involved in lots of aspects of their learning. We have a few places in our reception class so please contact the school office if you are looking for a school place.

At this time of year, we are already looking forward to next September and will be holding 2 open days for children who will be of school age in September 2023 Please see the school Facebook page or Website for more details or contact the school office.

In July we won a commendation in the Wilder Kent awards run by Kent Wildlife Trust. The Wilder Kent Awards is a scheme to reward and acknowledge the work of schools, helping us to create a Wilder Kent by taking positive action to restore nature and help children to reconnect with nature. We have been running our Forest School for over 6 years now. Our children absolutely love Forest school and we have seen the benefits in many different areas from emotional wellbeing to links with learning. We are now embarking on lots of other environmental projects over the next year which the children are involved with.

We are also working on Global Neighbours which looks at issues facing the wider world. Already our Global Neighbours club raised money for Toilet Twinning in Malawi. They also have lots of plans for the next year.

Our Christian ethos is very important part of the school’s identity. This year we have value ambassadors in all classes Each class nominate a person each week to go on our value board. This term we are focusing on Trust. We look at Trust through our collective worship and class work learning from stories and examples of trust and how that affects our lives. The children have been making lots of posters, poems and pictures showing what Trust means to them.

Finally, we have taken the difficult decision to stop holding a Fireworks display at Teynham School. We know this was a huge community event but pressures on school, staff and cost have meant that it is no longer possible. We are looking at other ways to be involved in the community.

Teynham Parochial C of E Primary School Station Road Teynham Kent ME9 9BQ 01795 521217 office@teynham.kent.sch.uk 11

Teynham Community Hall

We have again this year donated the hall to host the flu vaccinations for the local residents.

Our beautiful community hall has recently been refurbished and is looking and feeling fabulous.

The Community Hall diary is very busy with weekend party bookings. We also have regular hirers in the hall who run various classes such as Dancing Vibrations (adult Ballroom and Latin classes), Stay & Play, Friendly Faces, WI, Indoor Bowls, Tai Chi and Judo. If you are interested in any of these classes please contact them on the below details:

Dance Vibrations (adult Ballroom and Latin classes) Lyn Staples lyn.staples2019@gmail.com or 07845 670573 Friendly Faces – Lesley Nowell lesley@friendlyfacesofkent.co.uk or 07825 630108

WI & Tai Chi – Rose Ingram graningram2014@outlook.com or 01795 522249 Bowls Pete Tilbee pete.tilbee@outlook.com or 01795 475211/07941 339247 Judo Lorraine Millen loz316@hotmail.co.uk or 07939 656126 Stay & Play Lisa Simester lcsimester@yahoo.co.uk or 07725 912194

We are very proud of our Community Hall and grateful for your continued support.

Teynham Parish Council Hayley Steel – Clerk to Council

clerk@teynhamparishcouncil org


On Friday the 23rd of September we ran a very special Drop in Cafe in aid of MacMillan. We welcomed a great turnout raising a fantastic £280.

Pop into to our drop in cafe, meet some new friends and enjoy delicious homemade cakes over a hot drink.

10am to 12pm and runs every other Friday (except bank & school holidays) We rely on volunteers to help set up the tables/chairs, serve teas & coffees and put table/ chairs away afterwards. If you are able to commit to helping please contact Hayley on 01795

or clerk@teynhamparishcouncil.org.

Upcoming dates are:

21st October, 4th November, 18th November, 2nd December and 16th December

Please note that the coffee morning on Friday 4th November will be in aid of Breast Cancer. There will be a bake sale and raffle so please come along and support a great cause.


Nash Farm Christmas Trees

With your great support, last year

raised £9,165. These donations are given to over 40 local parish churches and 20 charities.

We have a very good selection of Christmas trees available of many varieties, shapes, colours and aromas, between 5 and 12ft in height. We also have some up to 16ft - ideal for schools, churches, village halls and outside spaces.

Since we started this fundraising scheme

years ago, the procedure is the same: you can visit to choose your tree from late September, and return to collect it in December nearer Christmas.

As before, the arrangement is for you to make a donation for your tree; over half will be returned to your Parish church and the rest goes to the 20 charities. This is a great chance for you to raise funds for your Parish church and some deserving charities at the same time.

get in touch with us to book a time and date to come to choose your tree, by emailing, texting or phoning. (Please postpone your visit if you have covid or suspect you have

it). Email nashsfarmhouse@btinternet.com Landline 01795 532596 or Peter’s mobile 07910 248 308 Many thanks for your support Peter and Alison Howard Nashs Farmhouse, Luddenham, Faversham ME13 0TQ

Swale Borough Council Report

Our postbag continues to overflow with complaints about missed bin collections and misinformation about bin collections on the Council's website. We have passed these complaints onto the Council, including some that had to wait four weeks to get their recycling collected. This is not good enough and has gone on for too long. We will be raising this on residents' behalf at the Full Council meeting on 12 October. We will report back after the meeting.

We continue to meet with Crest Nicholson and Swale's planners to sort out the remaining serious issues of concern to residents in Station Road affected by the development - namely the management of the new car park off Nobel Close, soil levels behind some residents' homes further down Station Road, and the planned footpath from the new estate that is supposed to come out between number 76 and 80 Station Road. We have also asked for a rubbish/dog litter bin to be installed and maintenance of the green areas to be improved on the new Blossom Grove estate.

We have been having these meetings with Crest for over a year, and expressed again our frustration with them on our most recent Zoom call We will ask Swale's planners to consider enforcement action if Crest continues to fail to meet its planning obligations.

We have been asked what progress, if any, is being made on the planning application concerning the brick field site in Conyer. We raised this with planning officers at Swale in June and will continue to remind them that we have yet to get a reply!

We have lobbied KCC to retain the bus services which are under threat. If lost, this could severely affect children getting to school. KCC's cabinet has agreed to reconsider it's plans in October I have spoken with Chalkwell Coaches who say their services will continue for the time being but will stop if KCC removes the subsidy in October.

We continue to liaise with the NHS regarding the reinstatement in the village of a GP surgery and other services such as vaccinations. If you have been affected, particularly if you have been unable to get to Sittingbourne for an appointment, then please let us know.

We have asked KCC to limit road works on the A2 for the next four months while the slip roads at junction 5 of the M2 are closed At the time of writing there are works with traffic lights between Key Street and Teynham, causing long delays This is a matter of concern to residents and businesses, but we have yet to get a reply from KCC. National Highways have responded to our concerns saying they continue to promote the A229 and M20 as suitable diversions.

Finally, we congratulate the Parish Council on providing a Book of Condolence to HM Queen Elizabeth II at the Community Hall, ensuring residents had the opportunity to share their thoughts.

If you have an issue or concern then please contact us using the details below: Cllr Lloyd Bowen, phone 01795 522357, email lloydbowen@swale gov uk Cllr Mike Whiting, phone 01795 842631, email mikewhiting@swale.gov.uk You can also follow us at Facebook.com/Cllrs Lloyd and Mike


KCC Council Report

There are two updates this month. Firstly, a piece on an excellent local campaign which has the potential to open up a safe cycling route between Faversham and Whitstable, and then an update on the situation with KCC's bus subsidy cuts.


The Solar Cycleway is the brainchild of a keen cyclist and local campaigner from Graveney

He came up with a great idea to try and get something positive out of the hugely unpopular solar farm scheme in Graveney by campaigning for the developers to include a cycle path across the site, leading from the creekside path in Faversham across to The Sportsman at Seasalter

This would make cycling from Faversham to Whitstable significantly safer, as cyclists would no longer have to navigate the fast, winding sections of Seasalter Road from Graveney up to the coast

I have been working with the Solar Cycleway team over the past year to see what is possible in terms of the laws relating to public rights of way, and our hard work is beginning to pay off Sustrans, the national cycling charity are now on board with the scheme and keen to assist us, and the scheme has the support of KCC, Swale Borough Council, Faversham Town Council, and the two MPs whose constituencies the path would be in (Helen Whately and Rosie Duffield).

Despite the strong support from every local authority, the developers have so far not budged and not met with us to discuss the idea of allowing a cycle path, but we now have a chance to employ people power to get the Solar Cycleway on the agenda. Although the decision on building the site was taken by the government, the developers now have to get some final details agreed with Swale Borough Council before they can proceed with construction One of these details is a traffic management plan, which makes no mention of the danger their construction traffic will present to pedestrians and cyclists on the Seasalter Road

Their proposals are currently on the Swale Planning Portal and we are hoping that enough responses about the need for walkers and cyclists to be considered in the plans will put the topic firmly on the agenda If you would like to respond in support of this project, please visit www.solarcycleway.com for more information.


Despite councillors from all parties presenting strong arguments against the council's proposal to cut £2.2m from its bus subsidy budget, the administration at KCC have moved forward with this decision This will have a huge impact on our area, leaving many villages without access to regular public transport. I am in talks with officers at KCC and other opposition members to see if it's possible to have the decision looked at by the Scrutiny Committee If we are able to do so, a Scrutiny meeting will take place in early August. I will report the outcome of the meeting in my next piece, and also provide updates via my Facebook pagewww.facebook.com/RichLehmannSwaleEast.

Assuming the cuts go ahead (which now seems likely), the only public transport option remaining for some villages will be the Kent Karrier service This costs £3 50 per return journey (regardless of whether you have a bus pass or not) and requires booking in advance I will write more about the Kent Karrier in the next piece, or if you would like to find out more, search online for 'Kent Karrier Swale'.

Rich Lehmann



In memory of Cllr Glynn Lock

Glynn sadly passed away in August this year and his funeral was 5th September at Bobbing Crematorium.

Glynn Lock was married to Christine and they shared a son Janick as well as a much loved granddaughter Amelia.

Glynn Lock was born in Plymouth in 1956 and worked for Her Majesty’s Government all his working life. He greatly enjoyed his commute into London everyday and particularly loved living so close to Teynham train station

Glynn joined the Parish Council in 2014 and soon took over the Chairmanship of the Street Lighting committee Over the years has sat on many other committees and has been a valuable member of the Council and will be sorely missed, he was such a kind and generous man. Glynn's generosity with both his time and knowledge made him the life of every occation and loved by all who knew him, his eclectic taste in jewlery and interior design was renowed by most of us in the village.







Feed our Friends



Keep ontop of dead heading, flowers will continue to be prodused until the first frost

support birds with food such as seed mix, fat balls and mealworms

Plant fruit trees and bushes

For glorious blossom come spring and an abundance of fruit come summer now is the time to plant fruit trees and bushes

Tidy plants

Give shrubs a light prune to keep them in shape, dead shrubs and roses and diseased leaves and stems.

Make leaf mould

Collect up fallen leaves and store them in holey bin liners or compost heaps ready for next year, leaf mould produces invaluble soil conditioner.


St Mary's Christmas Market Sunday 6th November 10am - 2pm

Crispin's Car Park London Road, Teynham

Funds being raised to support St Mary Church, Teynham

Local craftspeople selling everything from slate gifts, soap, bath bombs, jewellery, stained glass, clay gifts, wood craft, chutney, marmalade, dog treats and animal gifts. Cakes and refreshments. Tombola gifts to win.

Parking will be available with parking attendants showing you the way.

Start the Christmas season with some fun

HOT&COLDDRINKS,Biscuits/Sweets AVAILABLEforsmalldonation AchancetomeetnewfriendsWhilstthelittleOnesPlay ThisGroupisrunVoluntary FollowusonFacebook orcontactusonWhatsApp:07725912194 NoneedTobook,Session'sarePayasyougo At TheCommunityHall 89StationRoad Teynham Kent ME99DU PaintAreaSandArea Blocks Cars&ToyKitchen&Puzzle'sMessyPlayBallPitBabyAreaWalkersAnimals £3.00perchild £1Siblings EveryWednesday (TERMTIMEONLY) 9:30am to 11:30am Teynham'sStay&Play Baby&ToddlerGroup Forchildrenunder5


Teynham walking group meets on Tuesday mornings outside the Teynham Community Hall at 10.00 for departure at 10.10 to walk various routes around the footpaths and lanes in and around Teynham Our sociable walks are moderately paced, and we aim to return to our starting point at around midday If anyone feels like joining us you will be made welcome, just turn up (in suitable footwear for what can be somewhat muddy pathways given our changeable weather, and I would suggest bring a small drink of water, as we do not walk for long enough to stop for a drinks break)

Our Queen 8th September 29, 2022

Just like our mums who we thought would be with us forever

The passing of our Queen today has produced many a sad tear

Even not knowing her she was like a comfort blanket

Her presence her dedication we held with great respect

Queen Elizabeth the second was truly the best fulfilling her duties to the end

A mother a grandmother wife and our Queen And would like to think to us all a very dear friend

There is a void in hearts that will never mend Finally, our Queen's reign has come to an end To the nation for seventy years, she has been like a mother

Now we must say a tearful goodbye and God bless her

You were a shining light that has now gone out Our lives will never be the same

So, rest in peace Queen Elizabeth the second Thank you for your dedicated seventy-year reign

Marilyn Edmunds



Support Officer

We are seeing an increase in scams across Swale, many of which are claiming to be from organisations that we know and trust. These types of calls/emails/text messages will look and sound genuine. For example, claiming to be a police officer, a utility company, your bank or even a family member.

Use the A,B,C of scam awareness: never Assume a caller, email or text is genuine.

never Believe a caller, email or text is genuine.

always Confirm by contacting a trusted number, family member, friend, your bank's fraud department or the police



With the cost of living crisis, please be mindful that scammers will use this to their advantage. If you receive a call, email or text message claiming to be your energy provider, be mindful that this could be a scam. If you are unsure, make enquiries to confirm if this is genuine.

further advice,

Jessica Stocks

about fraud


please visit Advice
| Kent
PCSO Jessica Stocks 61217 Community Safety Unit | Teynham & Lynsted / East Downs Email: jessica.stocks@kent.police.uk Mobile: 07970076477
Police Community

Teynham's Little Black Book

Church St Mary's Teynham ME9 9EU

Community Hall 89 Station Rd, Teynham, ME9 9DU

Defibrillator 89 Station Rd, Teynham, ME9 9DU

Doctors The Surgery, London Rd, Teynham, ME9 9QL

Library 131 London Road, Teynham, ME9 9QJ

Meadow Play Area Belle Friday Close, Teynham, ME9 9TU Pharmacy 105 London Road, Teynham, ME9 9QL

Playing Fields Frognal Lane ME9 9DA

Tel: 522510

Bookings: 487063

Tel: 521205

Tel: 521674

Tel: 521224

Post Office 137 139 London Road, Teynham, ME9 9QJ School Teynham C of E Primary School, Station Road, ME9 9BQ Tel 521217

Train Station Lower Road ME9 9DU; Village Hall Belle Friday Close, Teynham, ME9 9TU

Bookings: 522291


To update or suggest items for the list contact Paul Townson on p townson@teynhamparishcouncil org KEEP TEYNHAM CLEAN!
Use the bins or take it home
26 email: clerk@teynhamparishcouncil.org
B D S (London) and ASSOCIATES Dental Surgeons 121 London Road, Teynham, nr. Sittingbourne, Kent. ME9 9QJ Teynham (01795) 521535 Email: rpdodds@outlook.com Website: rpdodds.co.uk Dr. J. Meakin
John and Jayne Skilton 4 Rubbish Cleared Service Household-Garden-HArdcore etc. Better than a skip, we load it KCC & EA Registered Est 1998 jayne.skilton@btinternet.com
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10 % discount with this advert Teynham Parish News is kindly printed for Teynham Parish Council by 'The Print Section' Swale Borough Council. Tel: 01795417416. Email: printroom@swale.gov.uk

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