Teynham News - Spring 2022

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Spring 2022


Teynham Parish Council are pleased to annouce refurbishment of The Meadow Play Area. This exciting project will be completed by the Bank Holiday weekend in June. It will include a multiplay unit, zipwire, swing bank, multi purpose sports area, trim trail and much, much more. Join us Sunday 5th June for the Big Jubilee Lunch at The Meadow Play Area for a wonderful afternoon with fun for all the family. More information on page 4.

Dates for your Diary April 9th Teynham Spring Litter Pick The Village Hall Easter Day April 17th 10.30 Family Communion and Egg Hunt St Mary's April 23rd 12-3 The Meadows Presentation The Community Hall Thursday 2nd June 10.30 Coronation Coffee Morning The Community Hall Thursday 2nd June 9pm Lighting the Beacon The Meadow Sunday 5th June 12.30 The Big Jubilee Lunch The Meadow

Teynham Parish Council

Did you know Teynham Parish Council are involved in a wide range of activities in the local area. A summary is shown below. If you'd like any further information please contact the Parish Clerk. • Allotments - 13 allotments are set aside to grow fresh produce. • Car Park - The car park by the Teynham doctor’s surgery is provided by the Parish Council. • Community Hall - The Community Hall is a versatile venue with open hall, stage and kitchen. Available for hire. Contact the Parish Clerk. • Community Information - We manage the Teynham Parish Council website and are currently updating the community information section. • Community Events - From coffee mornings to celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee we organise a number of events. • Frognal Lane Playing Fields - 2 Acre site with football field and space to play grass based games. • The Meadows Play Area - Adjacent to the Village Hall, there’s space to play and explore. New adventure play equipment arrives this summer. • Planning response - The Parish Council responds to planning applications - large and small - with input from specialist advisors when required. • Signage - We are refurbishing the village sign and creating a new visitor map. • Street Lights - TPC provide and manage 90 street lights across the parish. For faults or request for additional lights contact the Parish Clerk. • Teynham News - A quarterly magazine for the parish with news and updates. Delivered free in the parish or available via post for a small fee. • A voice for our community - Working together to create a collective voice. Interested? Come and join the Parish Council. Details below. 2

Teynham Council Parish Report

So, Spring has arrived and let’s hope it's going to be a good year in Teynham. The new estate of houses off Station Road is near completion. Welcome to all residents there, enjoy your new life in Teynham Village. The Meadow Field is going under a development, with the playground area having lots of new equipment that will accommodate children from 2 years of age up to teenagers. We are also trying to make it friendly for people with disabilities. A multi-use games area, MUGA, will soon be seen in place, with exercise equipment going in between the MUGA and Play area. June will see the celebrations for the Queens Platinum Jubilee. Let’s hope we have a good turnout for the lighting of the Jubilee Beacon on Thursday 2nd, then followed by Picnic in the Park on Sunday 5th. Finally, I would like to give a big thanks the children of Teynham school for their beautiful Christmas tree decorations and to Peter Butt, Osiers Farm, for kindly donating the tree we put up at Christmas. It was a first and beautifully decorated and lit up, giving a great festive feeling to the village. Thanks to all involved. A wonderful new Teynham festive tradition. Cllr C.F.Brodigan

Co-opted Parish Councilor Vacancy MAKE A CHANGE, BECOME A LOCAL COUNCILLOR ! Do you want to serve your Community? ! Do you have time or expertise which could benefit your Community? ! Do you want to make a difference to all those around you? ! Do you want to turn your ideas into action? Do you want to represent the views of local people? If you would like to make a difference, and be involved in shaping the future of your local Community, why not step forward and apply to become a Teynham Parish Councillor? Teynham Parish Council is looking for a new Parish Councillor if you are interested or would like more information please contact the Clerk, Hayley Steel at clerk@teynhamparishcouncil.org. The successful applicant will be co-opted to the Council at the next meeting. To qualify to become a Parish Councillor a person must *be a British subject over 18 years old *be listed on the current electoral role *live in Teynham, or within 3 miles of its boundary, or occupy as owner/tenant any land/premises therein or have a principal place of work within the Parish *must not be disqualified from holding office as a Councillor. 3

New Equipment at The Meadows Play Area

With a focus on community spirit and accessibility for all, Teynham Parish Council are thrilled to announce the development of The Meadows Play area. Not only will there be a revamp of the existing play area with some exciting new equipment including a 25 metre zip-wire and play tower, we will be installing a 35 metre multi-use games area with all-weather surface for football, basketball, tennis, netball and cricket. There will also be a trim trail for chin ups, hurdles, bars and a balance beam, and refurbishment to some of the existing equipment. Join us on April 23rd at the Community Hall on Station Road for an exhibition of the new design. The official GRAND OPENING will be held on Sunday June 5th as part of the Teynham celebrations for The Queens Platinum Jubilee. The Picnic in the Park will start at 12.30pm and be a fun filled event for the whole family to enjoy.



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Cak e Pud and com ding peti tion !

Hang up the bunting and join us for a Picnic in the Park to celebrate The Platinum Big Jubilee Lunch on Sunday 5th June.

Everyone welcome The Meadow Play area, Belle Friday Close, Teynham 5th June 2022 from 12.30, join us to share friendship, food and fun on HM The Queenʼs Platinum Jubilee weekend. Letʼs use this opportunity to have fun and get to know one another a little better in our new park!


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Teynham Parish Council

Cake a nd Puddin g Ju d g i n g


Teynham’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations On 6th February this year Her Majesty The Queen became the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, marking 70 years of service to the people of the United Kingdom, the Realms and the Commonwealth. To celebrate this unprecedented anniversary, events and initiatives will take place throughout the year, culminating in a four-day UK bank holiday weekend from Thursday 2nd to Sunday 5th June. The bank holiday will provide an opportunity for communities and people throughout the United Kingdom to come together to celebrate the historic milestone. Teynham Parish Council are set to fully embrace this opportunity for a good old knees up and celebrate this incredible occasion.

Thursday 2nd June: Coronation Coffee morning presented by Lynstead with Teynham WI at Teynham Community Hall 10.30 - 12pm.

Thursday 2nd June: Lighting of the beacon. More than 1,500 beacons will be lit throughout the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and UK Overseas Territories, and one in each of the capital cities of Commonwealth countries in recognition of The Queen’s long and selfless service. The beacons will enable local communities, individuals and organisations to pay tribute to her as part of the official Platinum Jubilee Weekend of celebrations from 2nd to 5th June 2022. The lighting of the Teynham Village Beacon will take place at The Meadow Belle Friday Close. This is a free community event for all. Join us 9pm to light the beacon.

Sunday 5th June: A community event for the whole village. A Picnic in the Park starting at 12.30, this is going to be a fantastic day for everyone including bar and food stalls, Cake and Pudding competition. There is plenty of opportunity for volunteers for this event. If anyone would like to help please don’t hesitate to get involved. email: k.barnett@teynhamparishcouncil.org or parishclerk@teynhamparishcouncil.org

The Teynham Village Map: Teynham Parish Council are commissioning a map to honour 70 years. The map is being commissioned by the council and completed by a local artist. It will be placed outside the train station with the view to have more siting in the future. Postcards, tote bags and tea towels will also be available to purchase. 6

To all the budding bakers and pudding makers in Teynham... As part of Picnic in the Park on June 5th we will be holding a cake and pudding competition. Judged by our very own local royalty. Is your food fit for a King...or Princess? Fabulous prizes to be won The top 3 recipes will be published in Teynham News Bring your cakes on the day to be judged at 2pm


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St Marys Parish Church Teynham within the Parish of Kingsdown and Creekside

As we approach Spring we find ourselves coming towards Easter. As I write we are in the church season of Lent. A time of reflection and a time of preparation for the great celebrations of Easter. Easter, when we particularly remember the selfsacrificial death of Jesus on the Cross and his rising again on the 3rd day - Easter Day. As there is the sense of hope in the season of Spring, Easter (which is later in April this year) reveals the hope we can all have in God through Jesus. And hope is something we all need as we look out on to areas of the world in great turmoil with the evil of war in Ukraine, as well as the many difficulties that we encounter in life. Steve Lillicrap, Rector (01795 522510 steve.lillicrap@kc-hd.org.uk)

Easter at St Mary’s ! the Church on the Conyer Road! Easter Day, Sunday 17th April 10.30am Family Communion Service & Easter Egg Hunt You are also invited to be up for sunrise to celebrate the Sunrise: 6.00am Sunrise Service & breakfast (at Wychling) 3.30pm Holy Communion

Regular Services at St Marys: 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month at 10.30am. 4th Sunday of the month at 4.00pm

Morning Prayer at 9am each day

Since March 20th 2020, we have been live-streaming a 30 minute service of bible readings and prayer, on our Facebook page @kingsdowncreekside (also accessible without a Facebook account at the bottom the homepage of our website www.kingsdowncreekside.co.uk) All are welcome to join this, either at 9am when we are live or at any point of the day as it is posted soon after the live-stream finishes. 8

St Mary’s Teynham is part of the parish of Kingsdown and Creekside so we share services with other local churches, including Lynsted, Norton and Oare, For more details please go to our website: www.kingsdowncreekside.co.uk We are collecting food which all goes to the food bank. Suggested food is: Packets of soup, Packets of rice, Packets of pasta, Jars of pasta sauce, Packets of cereal, UHT Milk, Tinned meat/fish, Tinned vegetables, Jars of jam, Tea/coffee, Sugar. Boxes are available for donations at the church, school and in the Rectory porch. Foodboxes for those in need: I, acting on behalf of the Family Foodbank, have food boxes available for those in need - If you or anyone you know is in need then please contact Steve. 01795 522510.

8thApril, 22ndApril, 6thMay, 20thMay, 17thJune, 1stJuly, 15thJuly

Funerals This is a sad subject but anyone who has lived in the village whether a church goer or not is able to have a service in church or alternatively ask the local vicar to take a service at the Crematorium. If you would like to find out more then do please ring Steve Lillicrap (522510) email: steve.lillicrap@kc-hd.org.uk. "#$%&'(' ) *+,&'%-.&./' If you are interested in a baptism (sometimes called a christening), which usually take place on the first Sunday in the month then do give me a ring on 522510 or email steve.lillicrap@kc-hd.org.uk. 0-11&./' Anyone who lives in the parish or has lived in the parish for at least 6 months of their lives is entitled to be married at St Mary’s. If you would like to discuss having your wedding at St Mary’s then do give me a ring on 522510 or email steve.lillicrap@kc-hd.org.uk. Clergy Team: Rector: Rev Steve Lillicrap, steve.lillicrap@kc-hd.org.uk, 01795 522510 Associate Priest: Rev Jim Pye. jim.pye@kc-hd.org.uk, 01795 890726 Curate: Rev Caroline Turvey, caroline.turvey@kc-hd.org.uk, 01795886351


Lynsted with Teynham W.I. Lynsted with Teynham W.I. celebrated 102 years this February. The meeting was kept low key due to the past two years of Covid, masks and social distancing. We had a demonstration of sugar craft and members joined in by making their own sugar Easter eggs and decorating them. Many thanks to members Barbara Read and Nicole Clarke for providing an excellent cream tea which was enjoyed by all. The W.I. was formed in 1915 during the 1st World War and the Government called up these small groups in the rural areas to convey information on cooking, nutrition, health, hygiene and provide parcels for P.O.Ws. (Prisoners of War) Members are still great knitters, needleworkers, cooks and “make do and menders” very relevant in today's climate. WW2 the Government called again upon the “Jam & Jerusalem” (as we are often referred to) to convey once again information to the local population. They also produced vast quantities of jam, to ensure that the people gained vitamins. Food was rationed and many elderly persons today grew up as children on a thick slice of bread and jam. In our archives there is a request from a mother of a P.O.W. for socks to be sent to him and knitted socks were sent. The National Federation of the W.I. are planning many events across the country to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee this year. The Queen is President of Sandringham W.I. and has been a member since 1943. Local W.I. groups such as Lynsted with Teynham are looking forward to being involved in the local celebrations being planned by Teynham and Lynsted Parish Councils. Our programme of speakers for 2022-23 is ready and includes talks upon a variety of interests. Further information please contact the Secretary tel. 01795 522428 Meetings held 1st Wednesday of the month at the Community Hall 2pm. Lynsted with Teynham W.I


The Community Hall Station Rd. Teynham Lynsted withTeynham W.I.

Lynsted with Teynham WI meets the 1st Wednesday of every month at 2pm

BECOME A MEMBER Contact details Mrs. Scott tel. 01795 522428

The WI the Perfect Ingredient For An Interesting Social Life! 10

News from Teynham Parochial CEP School It has been a busy few months since I last wrote to you. We were waiting to hear if we won the DS Smith recycling competition. I am delighted to say that Teynham CofE Primary won first prize of £1000. This will be going towards a biodiversity project. Mental health and wellbeing have become more recognised particularly during the pandemic for both adults and children. As a school we have for years focused on lots of aspects that together help wellbeing for the whole school community. Back in 2016 we introduced Growth Mindset which helps children build their resilience when faced with challenges. The language we use around school reflects this so we might say, “We can’t do this yet!” We also have different areas that the children can use like our sensory room and wellbeing garden. Children comment that these are spaces that they can go and help to feel calm. Our Forest school, which is embedded in our curriculum, has so many benefits for the children including being in touch with the natural environment and learning to respect it. We have lots of trained members of staff who spend extra time with children, if they need that for whatever reason, no matter how big or small. Our wellbeing being team that consists of different members of our school community worked on applying for the Kent School Award for Resilience and Emotional Wellbeing. We applied at the end of January and were delighted to be presented with the Kent School Award plaque in an assembly on the 1st March. All the classes showed what wellbeing means to them during a special assembly. They presented posters, poems, how to help each other with their worries, which were very thought provoking and showed how embedded wellbeing is within our school. We are all very proud to have achieved this award and are the first primary school in Swale to be recognised for the work we do towards wellbeing. There is lots of information on our school website and Facebook page about how parents can help with their child’s wellbeing and what we do in school. Schools today are so much more than just the academic side. We need to prepare children for a future that may be very different to the one we grew up in or live in now. Equipping children with the tools to do that is essential to help them succeed in life and school plays a vital part in that. We are currently looking at ways we can be more involved in the local community. If you have an idea or work with an organisation that could link with the school. Please contact the school office. Mrs E Pearson - Headteacher Teynham Parochial C of E Primary School Station Road Teynham Kent ME9 9BQ


01795 521217 office@teynham.kent.sch.uk

Swale Borough Council Report It’s great to be able to update you on some of the work we have been doing recently on behalf of the community in Teynham. Network Rail: You may be aware that Network Rail intends closing the pedestrian crossing at the western end of the railway station - diverting the footpath to the Station Road crossing instead. We are determined that residents and those using the footpath are fully consulted and have secured a commitment from Network Rail that a public consultation, including a public meeting will take place. We will update when we get further details. Swale Local Plan: We continue to oppose the Swale Borough Council's plans for 1,200 new homes on land to the West of the village. We believe this will further increase air pollution on the A2, potentially damaging the health of residents, and that this proposed development is not required to meet the assessed housing needs of the Borough. The Council's plan has been delayed once and is likely to be further delayed due to inadequate traffic modelling. Both KCC and National Highways have serious concerns about how the Council plans to deal with increased traffic, concerns we share. Station Road: We have been active in getting Crest Nicholson and Swale planning to the table to resolve the outstanding issues relating to the new housing development off Noble Close. We have secured agreement from Crest that they will replace the wall to the rear of properties in Station Road, which is crumbling in places, and provide gated access to rear gardens where residents ask for it. The car park itself, though delayed, should be open soon, followed by some further speed calming in Station Road. We contnue to lobby for the Noble Close signs to be spelt correctly! London Road, A2: Having secured from KCC the new lines and signs on the A2 as you approach from Cellar Hill - designed to slow traffic as it enters the village, we have asked for further speed surveys to test how effective those changes have been. KCC has said it will do that work after May. We also note the good feedback we have had relating to the yellow box junction we had installed by the Co-op, to improve safety at that junction. Litter pick, Saturday 9 April 2022: We are pleased to be supporting Teynham in Bloom and Polka Dot Arts in the Litter Pick on Saturday 9 April, and welcome the support also of the Parish Council. This is part of the Keep Britain Tidy Big Spring Clean, and we meet at Teynham Village Hall at 10.30am on the 9th April. All equipment will be supplied, and we hope to see as many of you there as possible. If you need any assistance in these or any other matters then please do not hesitate to call us: • Cllr Mike Whiting, mikewhiting@swale.gov.uk - Tel: 842631 • Cllr Lloyd Bowen, lloydbowen@swale.gov.uk - Tel: 522357 12

KCC Council Report

At the KCC annual budget meeting in February, the administration put forward their proposed budget for the 2022/23 financial year. For a variety of reasons, they are in the unenviable position of having to balance the budget to provide more services each year for a growing population with increasingly complex needs; and do so with less money, because although council tax increases each year, the amount received from central government usually falls. One of the administration's proposals was to cut the current level of subsidy provided for bus services across the county by £2 million. Opposition groups put forward various amendments to try and prevent this cut from going ahead, but sadly were unable to get it removed from the budget. Unfortunately for Swale East, a fair amount of the services proposed to be cut are rural services, and a number of them serve the villages and parishes across our area. A consultation on the future of these services opened on 20th February and will remain open until 20th April. It can be found online at https://letstalk.kent.gov.uk/ bus-funding-reductions (or tinyurl.com/kentbus on most web browsers). If you use these services, please respond to the consultation so that your voice is heard. The services in Swale East in line for cuts are... Kent Karrier – formerly known as Dial a Ride, this service provides a vital lifeline for elderly and vulnerable residents in communities such as Throwley, which are already without a bus service. If the other services listed below are cut, then demand (and the need) for the Kent Karrier service would increase hugely. And the following services currently provided by Chalkwell... 8 – serving Sittingbourne, Bapchild, Teynham and Conyer 332 – serving Deans Bottom in Bredgar parish 343, 344 and 345 – serving Newnham, Doddington, Lynsted, Conyer, Teynham, Bapchild, Sittingbourne and Bredgar And the following school services... 662 – serving Teynham, Lynsted, Doddington, Newnham, Ospringe and Faversham 664 – serving Conyer, Teynham and Lynsted 666 – from Faversham to Sheldwich (The 666 Stagecoach bus from Faversham to Ashford will remain in service) I will be working hard to raise awareness of these proposed cuts over the coming weeks as I believe that the social and environmental costs of losing these services greatly outweigh the financial savings they represent. I will also be working with officers at the council as I believe the currently stated financial savings have been overestimated. One argument put forward for cutting services has been that bus usage is only at 70% of pre-pandemic levels, but figures I've seen suggest that these routes are seeing 89% of their pre-pandemic passenger numbers, which underlines their importance to our communities. I will be holding drop in sessions at the locations and times below for anyone that would like assistance responding to the consultation. Saturday 2nd April Rodmersham Village Hall – 9.30am to 11am The Ship, Conyer – Midday to 2pm Saturday 9th April Newnham Village Hall – 9.30am to 11.30am Doddington Village Hall – Midday to 2pm Rich Lehmann (rich.lehmann@kent.gov.uk) If you have any questions about the consultation, please feel free to email me at rich.lehmann@kent.gov.uk and I'll be happy to help. 13

Teynham Sports Association Currently we have four teams using the Playing fields at Frognal Lane. New Inn and Swale Madrid are Sunday sides and Lynten Veterans and Beechwood 76 who are Saturday sides. Over the last two years the clubs have done their best to keep things going whilst staying safe with the restrictions. This has meant that the fabric of the changing rooms has suffered. We were grateful to the assistance the Parish Council gave us with repairs to the roof. It is problematic not knowing how long we are expected to continue at Frognal Lane before the new development is in place. If we had some idea, we may be able to apply for some grants to repair and maintain the changing rooms. Currently we are looking into making a few rooms safe and closing off the other changing rooms that could be a danger. Finally at the risk of sounding like a broken record, we are still seeing evidence of repeated dogs mess at the playing fields. Whilst the football clubs deal with the mess on the pitches before each match it does not address the other parts of the playing fields. This will be a problem with the improving weather when families want to enjoy the open space and have to worry about where their little ones tread. As before we appreciate that it is only a small minority of dog owners that create this problem, we think if it is not mentioned then others feel the problem has gone away. John Cunningham Treasurer Teynham Sports Association

TEYNHAM WALKING GROUP Teynham walking group meets on Tuesday mornings outside the Teynham Community Hall at 10.00 for departure at 10.10 to walk various routes around the footpaths and lanes in and around Teynham. Our sociable walks are moderately paced, and we aim to return to our starting point at around midday. If anyone feels like joining us you will be made welcome, just turn up (in suitable footwear for what can be somewhat muddy pathways given our changeable weather, and I would suggest bring a small drink of water, as we do not walk for long enough to stop for a drinks break).



SPRING GARDENING TIPS Give roses a boost When planting roses pop a banana skin in the planting hole – as the skin decomposes it releases magnesium, potash and other nutrients which can boost the health and colour of the roses! For top results, feed them with Flower Power too, it helps produce lots more roses as well as stronger, healthier plants.

Thicken up a patchy lawn Spring is the perfect time to give your lawn a makeover if it is looking a bit thin – simply rake the ground gently to loosen the soil, spike it with a fork, sprinkle in a general garden fertiliser followed by a handful of fresh grass seed (approx. 35g per sqm). Rake the seed in, keep it well watered and the new grass will quickly fill in the patches. Feed daffodils for better flowers Daffodils look fabulous in spring, but they can look even better the following year. Once they’ve bloomed, remove any dead flowers and feed the plants because the extra high levels of potassium will help build the bulbs for next year’s displays. Don’t remove the leaves for the first six weeks after flowering. 15

HONORARY FREEDOM of the PARISH OF TEYNHAM Brian P Sharman, BSc CEng CMarEng FIMarEst Born in Wigmore, Gillingham, in 1945, to parents evacuated from southeast London, Brian grew up alongside an older sister and a younger brother. He attended the ‘Camp School’ in Rainham; then went on to Rainham Secondary School for Boys, took the Dockyard exam and completed a five year apprenticeship in Chatham Dockyard as an Electric Fitter and Turner attaining a Higher National Certificate. This was followed by a Degree in Electrical Power Engineering from Woolwich Polytechnic/Thames University. Joining Lloyd’s Register of Shipping as an Exclusive Electrical Engineer Surveyor in 1973, Brian had a 35 year career rising to Global Electrotechnical Leader serving as a UK Expert, developing rules and regulations for electrical installations, on national and international Technical Committees, chairing the International Electrotechnical Commission Committee for electrical installations on Ships and Offshore. One of his more memorable projects was the refitting of the QE2 where Brian was part of the owner’s specialist team in assessing the competing initial electrical designs, selecting the preferred electrical contractor, approving the final design and surveying the electrical equipment at the manufacture’s works. This included two of the largest electrical motors ever built at 44 megawatts each and 9 metres diameter. Brian came to Teynham to live in September 1973 after marrying Jennifer (Jenny); moving into a newly built house on Honeyball Walk, where Brian still lives and where they bought up two boys, Paul and Jonathan. Jenny, a well-known opera singer, died of ovarian cancer in 2009. He commuted to London from Teynham station. Having both come from villages they were aware that in order to get the greatest benefits they needed to ‘get involved’ and join clubs and/or village organisations. They became members of the Teynham and Lynsted Welcome Home Sports and Social Committee (WHSSC) which ran the Carnival Queen Selection Dance, the Carnival, the Carnival Dance, the Summer Fete, Father Christmas Delivery Service and Children’s Christmas Party. The committee went on to run Old Time Music Halls where Brian built the scenery and installed the stage lighting having previously used his manual skills, alongside other members of the committee in laying out the Frognal Lane field for events and building the Carnival floats. Brian also represented WHSSC on the Frognal Lane Management Committee. (FLMC).


Brian became a member of Teynham Parish Council in the early 1980’s, in those days a traditional council. After leaving the council for a short time work/career connected transfer period to Quebec, Canada, Brian re-joined a younger, more proactive council. By this time the council had bought The Meadow playing field, the Village Hall was being built and a Parish Council magazine was being produced.Brian joined the Teynham News Committee, was an inaugural member of The Meadow Committee and represented the Council on the FLMC. He has been an active member of the Planning Committee ever since first joining the Council. In subsequent years Brian represented the Council on the Village Hall Management Committee and was part of the team of Councillors that established the London Road Car Park and later agreed to the 125 year lease. When Lynsted Parish Council relinquished any responsibility for the Frognal Lane Field, Brian, as part of a team established an independent management committee to carry out the day to day operations under a legal contract and negotiated the rental lease and cost with the owners of the field. Also by this time Brian had taken over the production of Teynham News using computers, which were in their infancy. As computer technology further developed, Brian, by then Vice Chair of the Council, had introduced one for administrative functions by the Parish Clerk, Chris McIlroy. A Parish Council website was also being produced by Brian from material in Teynham News, www.teynham.org. This is now maintained as a historical site. In later years, Brian, negotiated the acquisition and undertook, with others, the major refurbishment of the old Labour Hall, renamed it Teynham Community Hall and has guided it to success. He twice oversaw the rebuilding of the Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee Memorial Pump after demolition in car accidents. After one of the longest periods in recent times as Chairman of the Parish Council, living with Parkinson’s disease, Brian has taken a back seat advisory role on the Council. On 14th December 2021 Brian was awarded the prestigious Honorary Freedom of the Parish of Teynham as a token of our thanks for his continued tierless efforts for our village. Thank you Brian from The Parish of Teynham. (Brian accepting his Honorary Freedom of the parish from TPC Chairman Clive)


Teynham Community Hall The Community Hall diary is very busy with weekend party bookings. We also have regular hirers in the hall who run various classes such as Dancing Vibrations (adult Ballroom and Latin classes), Stay & Play, Friendly Faces, WI, Indoor Bowls, Tai Chi and Judo. If you are interested in any of these classes please contact them on the below details:Dance Vibrations (adult Ballroom and Latin classes) – Lyn Staples lyn.staples2019@gmail.com or 07845 670573 Friendly Faces – Lesley Nowell lesley@friendlyfacesofkent.co.uk or 07825 630108 WI & Tai Chi – Rose Ingram graningram2014@outlook.com or 01795 522249 Bowls – Pete Tilbee pete.tilbee@outlook.com or 01795 475211/07941 339247 Judo – Lorraine Millen loz316@hotmail.co.uk or 07939 656126 Stay & Play – Lisa Simester lcsimester@yahoo.co.uk or 07725 912194 We are very proud of our Community Hall and grateful for your continued support. Teynham Parish Council Hayley Steel – Clerk to Council

We will also be re-starting our Drop-in Cafe from Friday 22nd April 10am to 12pm and they will run every other Friday (except bank & school holidays). We rely on volunteers to help set up the tables/chairs, serve teas & coffees and put table/chairs away after so if you are able to commit to helping please contact Hayley on 01795 487063 or clerk@teynhamparishcouncil.org. Its been two years since we have seen you all and we look forward to welcoming you all back! Dates are: 22 April, 6th May, 20th May, 17th June, 1st July, 15th July 18

Teynham Village Hall Teynham Village Hall Management Committee Back in Nov 2021 we welcomed back people to the hall for the delayed 2021 Wine and Wisdom. Although not as many joined us on the night compared to other years we still managed to make a profit which goes to the upkeep and improvements to the Hall. We were scheduled to have the 2022 Wine and Wisdom in Jan 22 but sadly Covid, once again, had other intentions and we took the decision to postpone it for the 2nd year. The 2022 Wine and Wisdom is now scheduled for Saturday 28th May. Teams of up to 6 are welcome and included in the entry fee will be some nibbles and a drink. Contact Lloyd to enter a team (teynham_village_hall@hotmail.com) or contact me via facebook. In early June the Hall will be supporting the Picnic in the Park event being organised by Teynham Parish Council. I hope many people are able to join us on the 5th June. If you are looking to hire the hall please contact our booking secretary Evelyn Winzar on 522291. Lloyd Bowen Chairman Teynham Village Hall Management Committee.

Calling ALL residents of Teynham Residents are being asked to share their views on a proposed reduction of Kent County Council’s (KCC) Supported Bus Services. The consultation will close on 20th April. 2022. Visit www.kent.gov.uk/bussavings to view the full list of the services proposed to be withdrawn and take part in the consultation. For queries or requests for hard copies, email bussavings@kent.gov.uk or call 03000 421437 referencing KCC Bus Funding Reduction. For any alternative formats, email alternativeformats@kent.gov.uk or call 03000 42 15 53 (text relay service number 18001 03000 42 15 53). Both phone numbers go to answer machines, which are monitored during office hours. The buses which could be affected in our village are 8, 343, 344,345, 622 and 664. You will need to register with KCC to access the consultation, which is simple to do. 19

Our Two Local Teynham Heroes

With bin bags and boundless enthusiasm, these little superstar litter pickers are helping hold back the tide of rubbish engulfing our village. These two Brothers RJ Smith, age 7, and Alfie Smith, age 5, have been working tirelessly keeping our village clean. With the country’s parks, beaches and open spaces being turned into rubbish dumps by mounds of plastic, discarded by mindless fly tippers and litter louts these boys and their mum Hayley are an inspiration to us all. Rubbish does not look nice and it can also be harmful to animals. For example, common mammals such as hedgehogs, and birds including swans, often suffer injuries caused by getting caught up in waste or eating it. An estimated eight million tonnes of litter enters the world’s oceans every year, with plastic pollution being the biggest risk to marine wildlife, it is so important that we all do our bit to protect our beautiful planet.

PUT YOUR RUBBISH IN THE BIN take a leaf out of these boys' book, and go and pick some up!

KEEP TEYNHAM CLEAN! DON'T DROP LITTER Use the bins or take it home 20

Supported by Teynham Parish Council your Swale Borough Councillors Mike & Lloyd, Teynham in Bloom and Polka Dot Arts 21


It's not goodbye, it's see you later! To all our dear friends and customers Katherine and I just wanted to say a very big thank you for all your support over the last 20 years. It has been a true pleasure serving our community. When Katherine and I first arrived we were mainly meet with kindness and welcoming arms and soon felt part of this wonderful village. As you have watched our children grow, we have enjoyed watching how your families have grown and changed sharing both the good times and the sad. It was not an easy decision to sell our business and we will miss working in such a close community. The new owner's name is Sugi and I am sure that you wil make him and his family feel as welcome as you did us. While he finds his feet Katherine and I will be helping him out so you will still see us working in the mornings and Katherine will continue her paper rounds, so she will be walking around the village, as we have no plans to move from Teynham. We would like to wish you all the very best for the future and thank you once again for your support and kindness. With gratitude Hari

2022 The winter is slowly turning into spring it is 2022 what a horrendous two years and more we have all been going through never realising just how much we took for granted losing family and friends because of the pandemic leaving so many broken hearted through the bad there has been good many communities including Teynham have supported and helped each other during this crisis when ever they can the spring flowers are popping up now birds are flying into the garden to feed and hedge hogs slowly coming out of hibernation these are such wonderful pleasures indeed the wheels are slowly turning again what is in front of us we cannot see the world has changed in many ways there is no normality and will there ever be Marilyn Edmunds 23

It’s great to be able to chat with you and explain a bit more about what we have been doing in Teynham village and how we can all participate. We are happy to be contributing to the great new Teynham News and hopefully we will do this on a regular basis. The Royal Horticultural Society has been running the National Britain in Bloom competition since 1963 its Britain's nationwide gardening competition and is a powerful tool for building communities and tackling local issues. (www.rhs.org.uk) There are many misconceptions about “Bloom” the main one being that as the name implies it’s all about Summer bedding displays, Hanging Baskets and Window Boxes. But that was Bloom decades ago. So, while gardening, planting and creating attractive places is an important element, it is now as much about caring for our environment and wishing to see the community and community volunteers becoming involved in caring for their place. (www.sseib.com) A small group of local community minded residents got together back in 2019 with the idea of planting a few flowers around the village. Little did we know how important this would be during the Covid years. We have all learnt so much about our community and the people in it. The group is totally independent and volunteer led. Our aim is to inspire and encourage both residents and local businesses. If you can sweep outside your house or business, pick up a few bits of litter (Teynham in Bloom does have litter pickers to lend out), scatter some seeds, put up a hanging basket or plant up a pot. Every little helps. We wish to thank our Swale Borough Councillors Lloyd Bowen and Mike Whiting for their continuing financial support, it’s very much appreciated. We are also working with South Eastern Rail to flower up Teynham Train Station. This year our working partners Polka Dot Arts has been awarded monies from SBC Eastern Area Committee Fund for more planting and some special creative community projects – check out our Facebook page for more info: Teynham in Bloom or Polka Dot Arts. Please if you have a spare few hours once or twice a month join us, no experience needed. We supply tools and kit, you supply the labour!!! It’s good to be out in the fresh air, great exercise and actually very social. We are now a happy band of friends, who I am very proud to know and to be a part of. We are so grateful for the support of Teynham villagers. Last year we entered the village in the South & South East in Bloom competition and won a bronze award. We gave out 50 certificates to amazing gardens and people for their contribution to village life. We couldn’t have done this without your support. In Bloom is about community and looking after our environment, caring for each other and our surroundings. In this Platinum Jubilee year Teynham in Bloom want to win Silver (at least). So will be out and about now creating a Brighter, Cleaner and Greener Village. Sioux Peto – Teynham in Bloom co-ordinator at Polka Dot Arts 24

Community Support Off e c i l o P icer R 's m a h epor T ey n t Dear Residents, My name is PCSO Jessica Stocks and I am your local officer for the area . Over the last couple of months, I have been made aware of a few locations in the area whereby speeding is an issue. Now the weather is better, and the days are getting longer, I will ensure speed checks take place to catch anyone exceeding the speed limit. We are also still receiving reports from members of the public in the area which relate to fraudulent calls. Residents are reminded to not disclose any personal details to anyone whom they do not know whether this be over the phone, online or face to face. For further information, visit the Kent Police website, alternatively you can report any incidents on the action fraud website. I would also like to remind residents to keep their vehicles safe and secure due to reports of vehicle thefts in the area. If you see anyone in the area acting suspiciously around any vehicles, please report this to the police immediately. Finally, I would like to introduce you to ‘My Community Voice’ which is an excellent tool to receive police updates and advice in your area from local officers. For more information and how to sign up, visit www.mycommunityvoicekent.co.uk If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to email me jessica.stocks@kent.police.uk. For any urgent or ongoing incidents, please report this via 101 or 999. Jessica


Teynham's Little Black Book Church St Mary's Teynham ME9 9EU Tel: 522510 Community Hall 89 Station Rd, Teynham, ME9 9DU Bookings: 487063 Defibrillator 89 Station Rd, Teynham, ME9 9DU Doctors The Surgery, London Rd, Teynham, ME9 9QL Tel: 521205 Library 131 London Road, Teynham, ME9 9QJ Tel: 521674 Meadow Play Area Belle Friday Close, Teynham, ME9 9TU Pharmacy 105 London Road, Teynham, ME9 9QL Tel: 521224 Playing Fields Frognal Lane ME9 9DA Post Office 137-139 London Road, Teynham, ME9 9QJ School Teynham C of E Primary School, Station Road, ME9 9BQ Tel 521217 Train Station Lower Road ME9 9DU; Village Hall Belle Friday Close, Teynham, ME9 9TU Bookings: 522291 To update or suggest items for this list contact Paul Townson on



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John and Jayne Skilton 4 Rubbish Cleared Service Household-Garden-HArdcore etc. Better than a skip, we load it KCC & EA Registered

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Teynham Parish News is kindly printed for Teynham Parish Council by 'The Print Section' Swale Borough Council. Tel: 01795417416. Email: printroom@swale.gov.uk

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