Week 6 Yuteh Weekly Blogging Club Magazine (2017 2018)

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Yuteh Weekly

Journalism Club Magazine Week 6 COVER BY: TWENTIETH CENTUARY FOX –

Movie Review:



Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Article by: Stephanie https://stephanielin123.wixsite.com/website

Have you ever wondered what it is like when humanity comes to an end? This movie, directed by Rupert Wyatt, shows us unexpected scenes of the true side of humanity. After

Then, to their surprise the infant ape has inherited Bright Eyes' intelligence. With the chance Will gets, he took the infant ape home

The filming began in July 2010 in

and named him ‘Caesar’.

Vancouver, San Francisco, and

watching this movie, it has put this

around Hawaii. At first the producers

world in a different perspective that

thought of using real apes however

I've never seen before. The

after having a few discussions, they

perspective of being endangered.

used digital apes instead. Advanced technology allows the use of

The movie starts out with the main

He took care of him like his own

performance capture in a more

character, Will Rodman, testing the

child, he had forgotten that no

exterior environment. After they

newest cure of Alzheimer's disease

matter how smart an animal is, they

shot the actors playing the human

called ALZ-112 on a female ape

belong to nature. They cannot be

interaction, the other actors wearing

called Bright Eyes. However Will has

kept in captivity. Eventually a series

motion capture suits have to learn

discovered that she has recently

of human-animal conflicts starts to

the characteristics of the apes, to

given birth to an infant ape.

build up.

have realistic movements.


After watching this movie, many thoughts came to mind. Humans always wants to invent new scientific technology, however, have they ever thought about the consequences after inventing. It is very sarcastic


“Get your stinking paws off of me, you damn dirty ape!”

Just like the conclusion above, animals are meant to be in nature and not kept in captivity, although Caesar and Will had developed very strong feelings with each other, at last, they will go their separate ways.

that humans ruined the world by

In this movie, one of the scenes that

I got very emotional after watching

themselves, saying they are helping

got me teared up is at the part when

this scene because I can understand

but in fact just finding an excuse.

Caesar was let loose to the woods

that it is hard to leave someone that

and as Will found Caesar with all his

you loved so much.

Also, are humans noticing that the world is going to be torn apart very quickly if we don't restrict ourselves from developing more advanced technology, if we have no

might, he begged Caesar saying "Let's go home" on the other hand, Caesar touched his face very gently and said in a deep voice "Caesar is home".

restrictions, human nature will be destroyed by our selfish ways.

“Caesar is home

Movie Trailer

this is my home..”

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