Issue 6 Yuteh Journal - Blogging Club Magazine (2019/20)

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Yuteh Journal

Blogging Club Magazine 2019/20 – Issue 6 COVER BY: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC.COM


Myth/Folklore: Robin Hood Article by: Chris

Robin's fight against injustice, and his confrontation with the hypocritical rich displays a quintessential hero of those in

First of all, let's recognize that

need, especially of the poor.

Robin Hood was, ironically, the

Many people may resent those

Taking place in the 12th to the

earl of Huntington at birth. So,

who attempt to steal from others,

13th century when King Richard

you might wonder, how did he

the outlaws. However, after I give

the Lionhearted was planning the

descend into being an outlaw?

you some insights into the story

crusades, the story demonstrates

Shouldn't he resemble the nobles

of Robin Hood, I hope you can

how the nobility exploited their

and start stealing from the

change your perspective and

authority and unjustly seized

citizens? In Nottingham, England,

realize that not all criminals are

properties and lands from the

Robin's father was deprived of his

inherently evil. They only want

innocent citizens.

estates, enraging Robin. To seek

justice and rights, and this, in my opinion, is a reasonable motive to steal.

revenge and to regain lost lands,

“Taxes! Taxes! Beautiful, lovely taxes!”

Robin decided to participate in the king's archery contest.



On his way, however, some of the

By the way, the plot that I am

kings' men began to ridicule him,

describing is not the original

betting with laughter that Robin

version, but an adapted yet

was a dreadful archer. After the

similar work, The Merry

men attempted to shoot him with

Adventures of Robin Hood,

an arrow, Robin Hood exercised

published in 1883.

self-protection and killed one of them. He had to hide in Sherwood Forest, where he became an outlaw, while the Sheriff of Nottingham began Robin's pursuit because the archer that Robin murdered was the sheriff's cousin. Up to this point, I must say that this corrupt society should be renovated, so that innocent people like Robin would not be discriminated against. He should be allowed to testify, or society like that would crumble and not exist for long.

During Robin's forest banishment, he met other outlaws and those living in exile. They gathered and later Robin, confident and shrewd, immediately emerged as their leader. They decided to steal from the rich, repossess their lost reputation, and return those properties back to the poor.

“You know somethin', Robin. I was just wonderin', are we good guys or bad guys?�

Who is Little John? While Robin Hood was crossing a bridge one day, he encountered a tall, muscular man. Unwilling to step aside and let Robin pass, the man pushed Robin into the river. Robin's men quickly overwhelmed him and allowed him, Robin, to have a shootout. Robin won the shootout, and accepted the man into his gang, naming him Little John, and appointed him as his main assistant.



For instance, one of them was

Shrewd, and clever Robin then

lured to a pub and was forced to

disguised himself as a butcher

pay the bill twice. The final

and went into town. He tricked

attempt took place when the

the sheriff into buying a deer

sheriff decided to hold a

instead of a cow. Then he

tournament, hoping that Robin

escapes. What a great trick!

would appear. Clearly aware that

In response, the sheriff hires a

the sheriff was playing a trick,

professional thief, Guy of

Robin disguised with a mask and

Guisbourne, to kill Robin. As a

Numerous events occur within all

attracted everyone's attention by

fighter and a schemer, Robin

the Robin Hood stories, but all of

winning the competition. When

managed to defeat him in a close

the events are quite similar in

the prize was handed out, Robin

fight. Then, he and his

terms of cause and effect. Robin

refused to receive it, offending

companions defeated the sheriff

and his gang were motivated by

the sheriff. The sheriff assigned

and the warriors sent by the king

the injustice they had

various soldiers into the forest to

to defeat them. This shows how

encountered, and there's always

abduct Robin but instead

the noble can be suppressed if

the evil nobles, especially the

captured one of his gang

Robin were actually alive.

sheriff, trying to deceive Robin by

members. Therefore, Robin came

arranging different events. Robin

to the palace and defeated the

managed to avoid all the

troops. The sheriff eventually

Although Robin is a heroic figure

punishments, seized the riches'

gave up, and Robin continued

who helps the poor, he is still

properties, and also had the

seizing properties from the rich.

human, and death is inevitable.

The Robin Hood Disney cartoon

His Death, And the Betrayal

After the fight, fever struck him,

opportunity to live in the royal

and he sought for his cousin, the

court. Robin was ALWAYS

Prioress of the Nunnery of

DISGUISED in some way when

Kirkless for help. However, a plot

conducting his schemes.

twist occurs when his cousin

Some Clashes with the Sheriff

betrays him and lets him bleed to

The sheriff sent several men to

death. Then the story ends, with

pursue Robin, but most of them

the epilogue honoring Robin's

were deceived by Robin.

Irritated, the sheriff had another attempt to invite Robin to a feast.



As you may have noticed, not every heroic story ends with the


1. Individuals Should Question Authority

2. Morals are Inherently More Important than the Laws

protagonist living "happily ever

Imagine a scenario: Robin Hood

When Robin tricks the sheriff, his

after." It seems quite ironic as no

acquiesced to the nobility and is

soldiers, and the nobles, stealing

one, including me, expected

too cowardly to resist. He accepts

from them, he is defying the laws.

Robin's death at all.

the cruelty of the world and was

Yet he does not defy his

overwhelmed with depression.

conscience. The laws, directed by

Then he either lives a normal life

the nobles, are mostly a fallacy,

or commits suicide. How will the

as they only benefit the rich and

story unfold? There will be no

disregarded the poor. Therefore,

Robin Hood of course. But more

this shows that even if we break

importantly, thousands of poor

the laws (we should follow most

Before I begin, here's a reminder:

who Robin Hood had helped

of them though), as we help

stealing is always morally wrong

would suffer from abject poverty.

others through breaking the law

Lessons from Robin Hood

if you are stealing for greed

or protecting ourselves, we

instead of for the public welfare.

Instead of staying calm or

should accept our morality. The

Therefore, no one should steal

obedient, Robin was provocative

laws are independent of your

from others because you don't

and taunts the officials, stealing

moral actions, and everyone

deserve other people's good.

from them and giving back to the

should strive to complete the

Don't think you can get away with

majority of society. Therefore,

most moral acts.

it. Even if no one discovers your

this tells us that we should never

wrongdoing, you cannot deceive

stay quiet when confronted by

3. Have a Clear Plan, and Give

yourself; that is, you will always

injustice, and we should revolt.

Your Teammates Inspiration

experience the guilt associated

This is the only way to retain

None of Robin's plan would have

with stealing (including pilfering),

justice and the most effective

worked without his clever

and this can be overwhelming.

one. A person's actions can help

brainstorming. Therefore, no one

There are reports in which

provoke others. Robin's mockery

should be rash and should,

criminals committing murder and

towards the nobles prompted

therefore, plan with meticulous

stealing from others commit

citizens to join him and become

care. Being shrewd, combined

suicide due to the guilt they have

his companions, who steal with

with considerable persistence,

felt afterward.

much more efficiency.

should bring success.


Robin Hood always had been


Well, I think Disney was right,

I believe that there should be

encouraging his companions to

because Robin Hood also reminds

more people like this in our

act instead of being lazy, and he

me of a fox. Most foxes are evil

society, and humans should not

always averts their morph to evil

and cunning, but Robin, in my

be cowards. We should uphold

by curbing their urge to join the

opinion, is shrewd and honest.

our opinions and refuse to hide

rich. Thus, giving inspiration may

Therefore, this is probably why he

them (unless they are

be crucial to promote the team's

emerges as a leader. While his

inappropriate) I believe if we


companions indulge in

follow this we can also help to

extravagances and have traces

improve the world. So, don't fear

towards evil, such as when Little

any potential punishments and

John seeks to join the royals.

act like Robin Hood!

Robin Hood, is the most diligent and the most virtuous one.

“The remarkable person is one who can be both invincible and invisible at the same time�

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