Issue 2 Yuteh Journal - Blogging Club Magazine (2019/20)

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Yuteh Journal

Blogging Club Magazine 2019/20 – Issue 2 COVER BY: SPORTS MINISTER – THE COLORS OF SPORTS


The Benefits of Sports on People Article by: Cathy

Sports include all forms of competitive physical activity or games which could enrich people's lives and cultures. Many

For example, South Korea hosted

countries that were once being

the 1988 Summer Olympics as

forgotten have then gained

well as the Winter Olympics in

peoples' notice through their

2018. These two international

There are millions of people in

sports events and sometimes

sports events made South Korea

this world who will be touched by

their sports teams as well.

attract a lot more tourists during

sports every single day, such as

The Olympics, or the

those two years. This had helped

students like us, or adults. Some

international sporting events,

the economy there to grow

people even see sports as an

also help lots of countries to get

rapidly. South Korea had also

entertainment, while others work

more tourists visiting their

held the 2002 World Cup which

as athletes who will compete with

countries, and to develop a rich

made people there pay more

each other in different sports.

cultural national characteristic.

attention to sport games.



South Korea was so inspired by

Playing sports can also affect you

Sometimes when you are playing

sports that they formed the new

mentally. There are lots of people

sports, your teammates and

football team called the Korean

who have become more patient

coach can help you a lot and let

Republic national football

in their lives after playing sports

you feel like you are in a big group

team. Due to the large sports

for a while. Some people even say

of family. Also, sports can help us

events that have been held in

that sports help them to have

to cultivate the spirit of

Korea, people there have seen

better sleep habits at night, while

sportsmanship. This refers to the

sports as an important activity.

the other say that sports boost

pursuit of fairness in everything,

Korea has even become one of

their self-confidence and believe

be courteous to our teammates

the best known countries for a

in themselves more.

as well as the opponents, and to

kind of sport that was also part of

Furthermore, playing sports can

maintain a decent attitude

the Olympics: Taekwondo.

reduce our stress and depression,

regardless of winning or losing.

helping us to have a better mood Playing sports helps people to

for the new days.

enhance physical fitness and to improve the immune system.

“I’ve learned that

Sports can also reduce blood

something constructive

pressure, improved muscular

comes from every defeat.”

strength and endurance, as well as having better cardiovascular

Well in my own point of view, the

Because of these positive effects

health. When you start to

most important benefits we can

that can make changes to our

exercise more, you can maintain

get from sports is to cooperate

lives and personality, more and

your weight and make sure that

and learn from each other so we

more people are beginning to

your body is in a good condition.

can improve ourselves.

notice the importance of sports.

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