Issue5 Yuteh Journal - Blogging Club Magazine (2019/20)

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Yuteh Journal

Blogging Club Magazine 2019/20 – Issue 5 COVER BY: EL DORADO DREAMS


Myth/Folklore: El Dorado Article by: Emma

In the 1500s, the Spanish The legend of El Dorado began as an initiation ceremony of new chieftains in Muisca Tribe. The new chieftain would be covered with gold dust and submerged in Lake Guatavita. The priests and nobles would also put gold and What and where is El Dorado? El Dorado is a term in Spanish that means the Golden one. It is also originally named ”El Hombre Dorado (the Golden Man)" or ”El Rey Dorado (the Golden King)". It is also believed to be a place in South America that is rich in gold and precious stones.

precious stones into the lake. There are some sayings from South American tribes about trading with another tribe for gold and precious stones. People stated that they had seen those people from the Golden Tribe with tons of gold.

“The Lost City of Gold”

conquistadors began to invade South America. They found a huge amount of gold and noticed that local people there had no idea about how much those things were worth. When Pizarro (Spanish Conqueror) invaded the Inca Empire, the chieftain of the empire promised to fill the room up with gold as an exchange for his life. He did fill the room up, but was killed. Later, Europeans heard of the legend of El Dorado, so they began to explore and search for the legendary city of gold.



The legend story of El Dorado had

The legend of El Dorado led to a

attracted European nations to go

big series of exploration in South

to South America and search for

America. It took many lives,

that treasure city of lost gold (also

money and time to explore.

Known as Manoa). The city was

Even though Europeans spent a

believed to be located right next

whole lot of money trying to find

to Lake Parime (Lake Parima),

El Dorado, none of them had

which is in South America.

found the golden city. In the early

Explorers all over Europe had

19th century, they found Lake

been putting in lots of effort and

Guatavita (Muisca territory,

money for this research.

believed to have a huge amount

Explorers such as Nikolaus

of gold and emeralds) in

Federmann (German), Georg von

Colombia. But, there was not

Speyer (German ) , Gonzalo

much gold, and Lake Parima,

Jimenez de Quesada (Spanish),

which is believed to be in Guyana

Hernán Pérez de Quesada

was proved to drain due to the

(Spanish), Walter Raleigh

tectonic plate movement which

(British), and many other people.

happened about 700 years ago.

The legend of El Dorado was truly looking lost, until 1969, when people had found a solid gold artifact of a boat with 8 people. They were all wearing golden ornaments and 1 person in the middle appeared to be the chief (king) of the tribe. El Dorado has even inspired many stories, movies and games. Like the Dreamworks animated movie ‘Road to El Dorado’.

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