Issue 4 Yuteh Journal - Blogging Club Magazine (2019/20)

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Yuteh Journal

Blogging Club Magazine 2019/20 – Issue 4 COVER BY: UNKNOWN ARTIST


Myth/Folklore: Chinese Taoti Article by: Cathy

The long history of China in the past had helped to create all kinds of legends that are past down from generation to generation either orally or in the written form. Starting from my childhood life, ancient Chinese mythologies and various folk stories had always been one of the things that attracted me a lot.

Taotie's appearance has often been described in many different

Within all the creatures that are

ways. Yet, every one of them

presented in the legends, have

have a really weird and scary

you ever heard of a kind of

appearance. The most popular

fearful beast, named Taotie?

saying was that it had a human

Taotie is a creature that eats

face with a goat's body, others

anything and everything, alive or

said that its eyes grew onto or

dead. Humans and many other

underneath its short arms. Some

creatures are all counted as prey.

legend also described it with big

Taotie is one of the "four evil

tiger's teeth and human's hands.

creatures of the world" in ancient

However, a common description

Chinese mythology, with the

that is agreed with was that it

other three known as Hundun,

only had its head and the upper

Qiongqi, and Taowu. The four

part of the body, but its lower

beasts are often represented as

body was shorter for the reason

the evil opponents of holy

that it was so greedy in eating

heavens. Like the four horsemen.

that it even ate its own body.



The origin of this dreadful

A common thing for every Taotie

creature that preys upon different

from the past is that they all

species was actually first shown

consist of strong facial

to the world not by the ancient

expressions. As people from the

myths, but on the bronze and

past said that a person's face is

culture jades in pattern form.

his or her own silent language.

These bronze and jades were

The sculptor always paid full

everything and anything, people

made into Chinese ritual bronze

attention and created a lot of

hoped that it can eat all the bad

vessels known as dings, which

details on Taotie's face. The joy,

luck and scare the enemies away.

were popularly created during the

the anger, and the sorrow

Whilst others believed that these

ancient period from Shang to

expressions are all revealed on

beasts can help them to absorb

Zhou dynasty. On the dings, the

the face, as well as solemn,

more wealth and money while

Taotie was carved either in a

ferocious, insidious, mysterious

they were eating things around.

simple or complex form with

and other attitudes.

There was also another mystery

Taoti has become to theme of many statues

saying that in ancient times,

detailed designs. The design is usually in frontal perspective and

Till this point, a question might

many unexplained phenomena

is bilaterally symmetrical.

appear in your mind: since Tao tie

are attributed to the power of

Sometimes it will appear on the

is such an evil demon, why did the

God by people. Therefore,

surface of the dings in 2D with

ancients still wanted it to be

sometimes people believed that

only the facial looks, while during

carved on the important ritual

these creatures were not meant

other times it would be in 3D, and

equipment? Well, According to

to scare, but to communicate

standing on the edge of the dings

different communities, there are

with God due to the mysterious

as a small statue.

various reason. Some said that

power that they represented.

due to the fact that it ate‌‌‌.



Since the existence of this

In this movie, Taoties appeared

horrifying beast had always been

in huge groups like an army lead

a mystery passed down in the

by a leader called Queen (a bee-

legend and folktales by the

like monster), trying to break

ancients, Taotie became an

through the Great Wall every 60

attractive theme in modern

years to get into China for the

movies as well as many famous

massive amount of "food". In the

novels. For example, just a few

movie, the myth of Taotie started

years ago, a movie called "The

from 2000 years ago, when

All in all, I can't really state that

Great Wall" was released in

people around the world were

the legend of this fearful creature

China. This historical fantasy

suffering under a greedy and

was real and if it really did appear

action movie was filmed along

ruthless emperor. Due to this

in the long history. However, I

the Great Wall in 2016. The

circumstance, God shot down a

have to say that all the myths and

director of this movie hoped to

meteorite glowing with the green

the adaptation movies based on

create the plot based on the

light on Earth, and the first Taotie

Tao tie are something that will

mysterious origins and legends

was generated from it. Since

really make people feel as if it's

behind the ancient architecture of

then, China suffered under the

much more than realistic. In

the Great Wall of China, and at

attack of the Taotie army once

conclusion, I hope that through

the same time, add elements

every 60 years as the punishment

this article, people's curiosity

such as action, & ancient Chinese

to admonish people from the sins

toward the ancient beast Taotie

culture to enrich the movie.

of greed.

will become stronger.

Taotie appears in the ‘The Great Wall’ movie

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