Issue 1 Yuteh Journal - Blogging Club Magazine (2019/20)

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Yuteh Journal

Blogging Club Magazine 2019/20 - Week 1 COVER BY: WALT DISNEY – TREASURE PLANET


Movie Review – Treasure Planet Article by: Sophia

I remember a few years ago, one of my school teachers showed my classmates and I a wonderful

This movie is about the main

Disney movie. Maybe it was not

character, fifteen-year-old Jim

well-known, but it was so great

Hawkins, searching for treasure

Most people know the big

that I still remember scenes from

by a map. At the beginning of the

production company, Walt

it until this day. The movie was

story, an alien appears in front of

Disney. Disney made a lot of

“The Treasure Planet”.

Jim’s house and gave him a map

films. Such as Snow White, Big

to the Treasure Planet. So, Jim

Hero 6, Frozen...and so on.

“Look at you, glowing

started his adventure to this

However, those are just the most

like a solar fire. You're

mysterious planet. He decided to

popular movies Walt Disney produced, there are still movies that are great but not many people know about them.

something special... You're going to rattle the stars, you are.”

travel by the flying spaceship of Captain Amelia, whose ship was also going toward the Treasure Planet.



On the way to their destination,

All in all, my favorite scene was

I like the plot of this movie and

Jim met two new characters, John

when Jim first met John, and they

the theory taught. Money is

and his pet, Morph, on the flying

both had fun spending time with

important, but friendships are

spaceship. Jim soon became

each other. I loved seeing them

even more significant.

friends with John and Morph as

explore the spaceship happily

Relationships between people

the spaceship flew toward the

together, even sacrificing for each

connect all of us together, and

Treasure Planet. However, after

other. All those things are what I

that is what makes us human

all the good times they spent

like to see from people and what I

beings instead of wild beast.

together, Jim found out that John

would want to do with my

Furthermore, we should cherish

was the evil cosmic pirate who

friends. After watching the

this affection, starting to love and

wanted to steal all the treasure

movie, I viewed their relationship

be loved. At the end of the movie,

for himself and then destroy the

as a real friendship.

John had learned his lesson,

Treasure Planet.

Morph, the pet of John, was my

picked the right choices, and

Fortunately, at the end of the

favorite character. He is pink and

chose the right things to do when

story, John chose to give up all

kind of adorable in normal his

he saved his friend's life instead of

the treasure that he had stolen to

conditions. But, he can also shape

taking all the treasures and losing

save Jim, who was almost falling

himself into any figure when he is

a precious relationship with John.

into a deep hole. John had

facing danger. The best thing to

Friendships are more important

apologized and changed his

describe his appearance may be a

than money, and I hope people

heart, so he and Jim became

“slime”. Another skill Morph has

can all understand this theory

friends again. The Treasure

is flying. He floats in the air at all

after watching "Treasure Planet".

Planet was safe at last, and all the

times. I wish Morph could be my

“You got the makings of

passengers on the flying

pet. He is SO CUTE, and it would

spaceship survived.

be wonderful if I can have one!

greatness in you”

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