Week 5 Yuteh Weekly Blogging Club Magazine (2018)

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Yuteh Weekly

Journalism Club Magazine 2018/Week 5 COVER BY: GIZMODO.COM – THE



Future Food: Lab Grown Meat & Algae Cells Article by: Danial Kuan https://b05046.wixsite.com/danielkuanwebsite

Lab Grown Meat Many of our meat dishes come from conventional herding, which is not beneficial to human health, it is also having a bad impact on the natural environments. Professor Mark Post of the University of Maastricht, the scientist behind the first in-vitro burger, believes that test tube meat will be better for us than conventional grown meats, such as pigs , cows etc. So, what are the reasons why we should eat cultured meat? Eating cultured meat will not just prevented us from diseases, chemicals, and potential cancers,

it can indirectly protect our environment. Just think about that, to make a piece of meat requires a huge amount of water, energy, and space. To raise a cow, it needs land to graze, and water to drink and keep clean. Although cultured meat is still expensive now, but based on the thermal dynamics, creatures will lose up to 90% of its energy.

“Is lab grown meat still meat, and will vegetarians be willing to eat it?”

Lab grown meat could save countless cow’s lives

Lastly, since the cultured meat was raised from the stem cells from the animal, we can control its growth based on our demands For example, more nutrients, better texture, and quantity. Furthermore, animals being killed will produce some kind of toxin because of the pain, which as the consumer, we do not want that to happen to the animals.



Implanted Algae Cells Symbiotic union normally happens between vertebrates, but it is rare to see such degree of cross-species fusion, that algae cells live and photosynthesis within salamander embryo. Why is it rare? Because cross-species fusion mostly happened in invertebrates due to its immune system was not able to destroy invaders, unlike older vertebrates who have really strong immune systems to kill all the invaders.

Conclusion There is a reason why algae can live inside the salamander. The reason is because the algae starts to grow in the salamander's egg before its immune system is developed. This allows algae to become a part of the salamander, even becoming part of its DNA. This is then passed down to its future generation. Such unusual mutation is not common in nature. However, scientists are taking advantage of this to help mankind.

Although the creation of cultured meat seems it can reduce a lot of resources and time spent on traditional herding and slaughter of animals. But, there are still many challenges we have to be overcome in the future to able to create "animal free" in the cellular level. Because scientist are still unable to control the mutation of the stem cells. Compared to the cultured meat, the algae one seems to provide more benefits to humans. Can you imagine people walking around and photosynthesizing on the street? That basically means they are feeding themselves. I think this can fix the world hunger problem, just for that reason algae should be researched more.

“We would literally turn green just like plants�

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