Week 4 Yuteh Weekly Blogging Club Magazine (2019)

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Yuteh Weekly

Journalism Club Magazine 2019 - Week 4 COVER BY: PETSMART – WHITE RABBIT PET


"Let's pretend it isn't”

My Favorite Pet – Rabbit Article by: Maggie https://maggie950103.wixsite.com/website

Peter Rabbit However, I think that rabbit will not be comfortable to have so many people watching, so I didn't

I wouldn’t really like to have a pet,

I would prefer the white rabbit

go there when it's nap time. I

because when the seasons

because I think the color white is

have friends that like the rabbit

change the pet will lose a lot of

very beautiful on rabbits. I like the

very much, so they will go there

fur. Also, the fur will probably fly

rabbit's ears because they look

every nap time. I don't really like

everywhere, and I have allergies

really soft and cute. If I have a

to go to a place that has a lot of

to animal’s fur. My parents told

rabbit in my house I would feed it

people, so I didn’t go with them.

me if I wanted to have a pet then I

some vegetables and clean water

When they saw the rabbit they

should take care of a rabbit.

so it can be more healthy and

will go to hug the rabbit, but I

That’s because they are easy to

strong. In my elementary school,

don't like to do that. That’s

look after. Therefore, if I didn’t

there is a male teacher that has a

because I don't want the fur all

have allergies, the first pet I

rabbit in school. Every nap time,

over my clothes. Also I prefer to

would want is a rabbit because I

there will be many students

see the rabbit, because I'm kinda

think rabbits are very cute.

surrounding the rabbit.

scared to touch animals.


There are many rabbit characters in a lot of cartoons. For example Peter Rabbit, My Melody and Miffy. Many people like the cartoons, and I like them too. That’s because I think those characters are very cute. You can also watch many of those animated cartoon characters online, on websites like YouTube.


Many magicians used rabbits to do the magic. For example they will take the rabbit from the hat or let the rabbit turn into another thing. But I really don't like the magicians used the rabbit to do the performances because I think when people use animals to perform the animal will could get injured, or even die.

People have even made stories about rabbits, like the moon festival's story and the rabbit race with the turtle. Those stories are very interesting. The first time I heard those stories, I liked the story with the rabbit and the turtle race. I think we can learn not to judge a person by their appearance, and to be humble.

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