Week 4 Yuteh Weekly Blogging Club Magazine (2018-19)

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Yuteh Weekly

Journalism Club Magazine 2018/2019 Week 4 COVER BY: LINUS TECHTIPS – LINUSTECHTIPS.COM


Internet Personality – linus techtips (Linus Sebastian) Article by: Harry https://harryhong0304.wixsite.com/harryhong0304

During this year, I started to get

This channel was created in 2009,

interested in building a computer.

and his channel is mostly talking

I watched many clips showing

about how to build or upgrade

how to build a computer, but

your computer. He has 7 million

there was always something that

subscribers and 2 billion views. I

stopped me. Then, I found out

have learnt many things from his

that there is a professional

videos. I started from nothing

YouTuber who talks about

and kept watching his videos. I

building computers. His channel

only watched four to seven videos

is called Linus Techs Tips

from him, which solved all of my problems, because his videos are

"His motivation sphere

easy to understand. He also gives you many choices on how to build

is unprecedented"

the PC, and for different things.

Linus is an IT expert and internet sensation

Linus Sebastian is from Canada and lives there with his wife, Yvonne Ho and their 3 children. Linus was originally working for a computer company as a sales rep and high end design builder. The company asked him to make some tutorial videos, which gained a lot of popularity. He then created linus techtips.



I used his idea to build a computer

I also like to watch him making a

In conclusion, I think building the

by myself, then changed it a little

water cooling computer, because

computer is not only for rich

bit. In one of his videos, he used

a water cooling computer is really

people, it’s also for regular

two GTX1070 graphic cards, but

expensive and needs a lot of time

people. Building a computer can

because I didn't have enough

to make sure it works. It’s really

be quite affordable, not to

money, I change it to AMD rx580

easy to fail if you make one

mention rewarding, because that

8g. I spent 3 hours on building, 30

mistake. So I would like to learn

computer is totally unique to you.

minutes on problem solving, and

more information about water

I believe that Linus Sebastian is

1 hour installing software. The

cooling, save more money, and

one of the most unique

most difficult part of building the

eventually build a water cooling

YouTubers out there at the

computer is to find all the little

computer for myself.

moment. His style and creativity

cables and install them into the correct ports. I needed to do that correctly, otherwise the computer would never work. I really spent a lot of time on building it.

always have me checking for his

"His motivation sphere is unprecedented"

new content, almost every day. I think even though I already built my PC, I will still continue to follow and pursue this hobby.

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