Week 2 Yuteh Weekly Blogging Club Magazine (2017 2018

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Yuteh Weekly

Journalism Club Magazine Week 2 COVER BY: HENRI BOURGEOIS –



Drinks Review – White Wine X French Fashion Article by: Ariel https://arielhong13.wixsite.com/website

France is the birthplace of wine. Wine has a history of over two thousand years. It not only depicts the high quality of living in France, but it also influences the way of life worldwide. When we talk about France, the first thing we will think about is their culture of wine. For them, having wine is not just a kind of beverage, it's their culture, enjoyment and a big part of their daily routine. French people drink when they are happy, sad, and for celebrating. That means they drink in every occasion. The grading system in France is very strict. The wine labels are like their resume.

There are producing areas, called vineyards. Wineries, where they make the wine, which needs a particular time and even certain types of grapes. There are four levels of wine. The lowest level is called "Vins de Table" which is the best choice for normal family and it's the cheapest. The level above is "Vins de Pays" it's better than vins de table. They also put the producing area on the label. Before the highest level, there is another one called "Vin Délimité de Qualité Supérieure". That is the most important procedure for Vins de pays to get into the highest level.

Eggsy joins the Kingsman

The highest specification will be the AOC, there are only six AOC areas in France. The origin of the grape varieties, the number of cultivations, brewing processes, alcohol content, etc make the wine AOC certified. It’s very strict the products of AOC can only use the grape from that area.


The very first glass of wine I have ever had was in Portugal, it was called the "Port". One of the most different things from Port and other kinds of wine is, Port tastes sweet. Women would like it a lot, I think. For me, I was a beginner of wine, therefore I like the Port so much. Also, there's a difference in wine from different years. For example, I tried Port of 2000 and Port of 1990, I thought I like the one in 2000 quite a lot, but after I tried the one of 1990, I totally changed my mind. The bartender served us some grapes and cheese. You might say it is weird to eat grapes and cheese in the same time, but actually it's the best taste I have ever had, with those snacks, I could taste the Port even better.

Even the thought of wine is romantic


“Wine is the noblest embodiment of the spirit of nature� I spent two years in France, during these two years, I tasted all kinds of wine from all of the wine producing area. My host father always served us a bottle of wine with every meal. And he is very particular about different main dish should serve with white wine, red wine or even champagne. I learned this kind of knowledge a lot. And I found out that a good glass of wine could make our dish even better! My favorite wine is the white wine for Alsace. Not like the other kind of wine, it tastes not only with the smell of the grapes, but also its smooth and unique.

I prefer white wine over red wine

Wine is a good beverage to make me feel relaxed, but sometimes people don't respect their right of having alcohol, they drink as more as they can to show that they have good capacity for liquor. But this is not the purpose of having wine, we could enjoy the wine and be relaxed as long as we do nothing illegal.



Drinks Review – Redbull Gives You Wings Article by: Alex https://b05028.wixsite.com/mysite

What is Red Bull? Red bull is a popular energy beverage from Austria, In 2016 it sold about 6.06 billion cans of red bull around the world, 3 billion more than its biggest rival “Monster” and “Rockstar.” The Red Bull company claim that drinking it during or before a sport can encourage your body to do better physical performance or actions, but is it really true? Let us find out...

The drink contains Caffeine, sucrose and glucose, B-group vitamins. Although it contains some beneficial ingredients and can give you a boost if you are feeling lethargic, drinking too much will still make you feel ill such as headache, anxiety, nervousness and even heart diseases.

Every can of Red Bull contains 37 grams of sugar, so this might cause weight gain if you consume it regularly, however, you don't have to worry about this because there is a sugar free option. Some claim that Red Bull works better than coffee, but actually it isn't true, 8 oz Coffee contains 180 mg of caffeine but there is only 80 mg in a can of Red Bull and it contains much more sugar than coffee.

Does Red Bull really work? First off, this drink is really unique because there are B-group vitamins in it and it is very convenient to get especially in Taiwan where stores and supermarkets are widespread. But, we have to concern about the ingredient which most of them are sugar, it can cause a lot of side effects. So if your goal is to make better physical action and improve muscle ability in a short time, you should better choose a beverage with less sugar and side effects.

However, Red Bull is a great drink for me, it taste really good and there is a lot more special flavor such as Kiwi Edition, Tropical Edition, Berry Edition etc. Unfortunately it isn't on sale in Taiwan, so if it release I will definitely go try it; and whether you like this series of drink or not, it depends on your personal demands.



Drinks Review – Starbucks Frappuccino Article by: Ron https://ronchou9377.wixsite.com/mysite

Starbucks is a multinational coffee shop chain in the United States and the largest chain of coffee shops in the world. The birthplace is headquartered in Seattle, Washington, USA. In addition to coffee, there are other beverages, as well as sandwiches, pastries and other snacks food. It was founded in 1971, initially monopolizing coffee beans, in the transition to the current business model. They began the rapid development of their stores, and became one of the symbols of American life, some shops and even supermarkets, bookstores and other businesses started to sell their products. Starbucks currently has about 21,000 stores worldwide, of which 12,000 are located in the United States.

Chocolate Cream Frappuccino Blended Beverage and Chocolate Cream Java Chip Frappuccino Blended Beverage is one of the best-selling drinks. With mocha sauce, milk and cocoa debris, plus fine fresh cream and mocha sauce, strong chocolate flavor and multiple flavors, make me deeply love this type of drink.

“People around the world, they want the authentic Starbucks experience.” I think Chocolate Cream Java Chip Frappuccino Blended Beverage is the best one, I can eat the chocolate inside, and it has mocha Syrup mixed with a smooth chill of milk, making a chocolate milk feast. The top is covered with fresh cream and chocolate syrup lines and is ideal for chocolate lovers.

Every time I went to Starbucks I will buy Chocolate Cream Java Chip Frappuccino Blended Beverage, and I will walk and drink.

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