Week 3 Yuteh Weekly Blogging Club Magazine (2017 - 2018)

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Yuteh Weekly


Travel & Tourism – My U.S Trip (Las Vegas & Utah) Article by: Alex https://b05028.wixsite.com/mysite

The summer before I was in

However, I could not wait to get

fourth grade, my family and I

there, my excitement increased

took a three week trip to western

day by day until we finally drove

America. I was super excited

to the airport. After we reached

when I first heard this great news

the airport and took off smoothly,

from my parents because I no

I started to play poker and some

longer had to go to the cram

other board games with my

school in my summer vacation

sisters, and I tried to keep my

again. I told all my friends and

holiday mood until we arrived at

classmates about it, they all have

Los Angeles world

the same surprise and envious

airport, but the route

reaction after hearing this, some

was about thirteen

of them even want me to buy

hours, it would be

chocolates and send postcards to

extremely boring if I


only played board

“The City of Lights”

games for the entire--


-- 13 hours, so I watched several movies such as “Madagascar”, “Avatar” and “Mission impossible” right after the board game. I really like the movie Madagascar, especially the penguins, they were adorable and funny, they always do something cool to trick the people on the road, they even stole a car in the middle of Africa.



Finally, we arrived at the LA airport, it was nighttime when we finished all the procedures in the airport, and then we rented a silver van and started our journey to Las Vegas. After a couple of hours, we stopped at a little town

Las Vegas really is the city of lights, at night it is such a beautiful scene

next to the highway, I was tired and hungry, my mom went to the

When I woke up, my sister told

I couldn’t believe we actually lived

hotel to check in, and the rest of

me we were almost there, I sit up

in a blue pyramid, furthermore,

us went to burger king for dinner.

and I saw a city in the middle of a

there was even a giant artificial

The burgers in America were

desert, I was so stimulated and

wave pool next to the hotel, how

more expensive than the burgers

excited because I could finally see

good is it if I can live here for the

in Taiwan, the French fries and

the “Disneyland for adults” with

rest of my life. We stayed in the

the nuggets tasted quite the

my own eyes.

“sin city” for about six days and I

same. We went back to the hotel and my mom told me the next day would be super boring

realized almost every hotel has a

“Las Vegas is like Disneyland for adults”

big casino. My dad told me never gamble because he just lost

because we would do nothing

We drove our van around the city,

almost a hundred dollar by

except driving. Next morning, I

there was a big tower in the

playing the 777. It was very sad

went to a bookstore and bought a

middle of the city known as the

that we ate almost every meal in

comic book about doctor octopus

“Stratosphere Tower”, it was

the same Korean restaurant just

and his partner inventing some

super tall and there was even a

because my parents didn’t like

strange equipment. If you really

mini roller coaster on it. Before

the hamburgers in Vegas, and

think I am going to read the

long, we arrived at our hotel - the

they were too expensive.

comic book then you are totally

Luxor Resort - its appearance was

wrong, I ate some Oreos and fell

very glamorous because it looked


just like a pyramid.



-water and rainbows, really cool. Not only the natural landscape captivated me, I was also thrilled with all the animal sights, we saw It’s always a good idea to wear sunscreen when it’s sunny, especially when you’re in a car

a lot of bison in the park. I was very surprised to see them in the

After a week of joy and happiness

We stayed in the city for a day,

first few days, but there were too

we started our journey to Salt

and as usual, we did take a lot of

many of them, so I was kind of

Lake City in the state of Utah.

photos next to the lake and the

tired to see bison in the last few

From the name I could already

view there was actually quite

days. It was quite a good move as

guess the city was next to a big

beautiful. Later on, we went to a

during this drive we saw various

salt lake, but I wished the name

pizza store to have dinner, my

organisms like black bear,

was just a trap to trick all the

Mom ordered Hawaiian flavor

cubs, mule deer, cranes, osprey,

tourist to visit there, because my

pizza because she has no idea

baby mountain goats, elk,

family would definitely spend a

what other flavor there was. The

pronghorn, we even saw a scenes

lot of time taking photos. I could

pizza tasted great and if I have

which almost paralleled what we

never understand why people like

the opportunity to come back, I

were imaging – two grizzlies

to take photos wherever they go.

would like to try the double

fighting a wolf for the carcass of

During the boring and suffering

cheese pizza with ham. Our next

an elk while a coyote was eating

route, the sun was extremely

stop was the Yellowstone

the elk!!! We couldn’t believe this

harsh, I took some newspaper

national park, the size of the

just happened 20 meter away

and stuck it on the window but

national park is about one fourth

from us. Yellowstone is very

the sunlight can still penetrate

of Taiwan. The weather there was

famous with its animal but you

the paper and burn my skin, so

great and we travel around the

must go mountain climbing, the

after we arrived at Salt Lake City,

park for a week. Paint pots, mud

scenery on the very top of the

my right arm was like super red,

pots, geysers and fumaroles were

knoll was fantastic, you can see

and the skin began to come off

all over the park, it smells awful

almost every natural feature on it

my arm, it was really painful, this

but the view was super beautiful,

such as waterfalls, forests, rivers,

might be the worst experience I

the paint pots were like a mixture

giant paint pot, grassland with a

had on the trip.

of boiling-

bunch of bison on it etc.



“Motivated me to travel!” We had such an exciting time in America that we all wanted to stay a little longer. I remember very little from the flight back home as I was sleeping most of It was a great experience to see the bison grazing at Yellowstone national park

the time on the plane. I do however remember the cool and

The most unforgettable view I

humid weather when we arrived

have ever seen in my life is the

to the airport in Taipei. I’ve

remains of a forest fire in

traveled with my family several

Yellowstone, a normal forest is

times but the trip to America has

green and lively but if you see the

been an amazing & unforgettable

remains of a forest fire, you will a

experience, which will remain in

hundred percent be shocked by

my mind as the best holiday trip

the tremendous difference

with my wonderful family I’ve had

between the two, the forest was

so far. It would be a dream to go

just like it had been bombarded

back again, or even another part

by a million pounds of TNT, there

I participated in a lot of activities

of America like Florida or New

were no leaves, no animals, but

in this short week, I went

York. This trip also motivated me

dust and scorched branches. To

kayaking in the Eustis Lake, I fed

to travel around the world, so I

commemorate those forests, the

the cubs in Yellowstone zoo, I

can discover unique and fantastic

national park established a

even went swimming in the

natural feature and enjoy my life.

museum to introduce the wildfire

Yellowstone River in Hayden

& how it affects the evolutionary

Valley. Yellowstone was our last

life cycle. I learned a lot in that

stop in America, we went to the

museum and I bought several

Jackson Hole airport, then flew

postcards to remember my time,

to LA airport and then back to

then we continued our journey.




Movie Review – Your Name (Kimi No Nawa) Article by: William https://b05029.wixsite.com/mysite

Japanese anime has a lot of good movies to watch, like the most famous movie by Hayao Miyazaki "Spirted away," most of Hayao Miyazaki projects are always on the top of the rank of a Japanese films. On October 21st, 2016, there was a Japanese phenomenon came to the big screen called "Your Name." This was the highest grossing film of that year, the movie made it to second place as top grossing movie in the history of Japanese films, quite an amazing feat. There are lots of comments about the movie, about 99% said it was really good. It's a beautiful and attractive movie, has good characters, the emotion is in good detail, the background music gives the full expression to the movie. Lastly, it has a strong ending to it, which makes people want to watch the movie again and again.

The meteoroids shoot down from the sky" I always feel I'm trying to search for something or someone." The story begins, it's talking about two characters. Mitsuha a high school girl who lives in Itomori, a quaint village in the Hida region of Japan. Taki is a kind of older boy living in Tokyo (Why do I say kind of? You will find out later). One day, Mitsuha woke up in Tokyo in the body of Taki, and on the other hand, Taki wakes up and looks down and see breasts. He’s in Mitsuha’s body. A lot of people besides them discuss that they are acting weird and strange, that's how the both of them know that they are switching bodies. They contact each other with smartphone messages and diaries to keep up with each other’s lives. Telling the other what he/she is doing when they are not inside their own body.

This kind of movie is fun to me because it lets the boys know what the girl’s life is like, also the girls know what the boy's life is like. It would be an interesting experience if it happened to me personally. Ok, back to the story. One day they didn't switch, Taki was worried about what had happened, but then Taki found out Mitsuha had died three years ago by the asteroid, which was shown at the beginning of the movie. That's why I said ‘kind of’ if it was in the same timeline Taki would be older than Mitsuha, but actually, Taki is younger than Mitsuha by three years. When I was watching this part, I was confused, so I watched it again and figured it out. After that, the story gets a little "magical" Taki went back in time and saved the village, but the consequence of this is forgetting about her. Of course, at last, they meet each other a few years later, asking each other "your name is…."

“Let's go to a café!”

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