Week 11 Yuteh Weekly Blogging Club Magazine

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Yuteh Weekly



Lush –Mask of Magnaminty! Article by: Zoe and Philomena http://workfilonzoe.wixsite.com/fandz

When words like fresh, handmade, ethical, vegetarian, and cosmetic pop up in our minds, the first thing we can think of is the brand LUSH. LUSH is a brand that originated in England, and has opened countless stores around the world. “What makes this brand so unique?” you might ask, the reason why it’s so special is because everything that LUSH makes is from fresh organic ingredients, handmade, 100 percent natural and vegetarian. We wanted to try the products from the brand for a long time, unfortunately, the only store that’s located in Taiwan was pulled out during the year of 2015 so we couldn’t get our hands on any of them. However, during 2017 when we took a trip to Korea-

we finally located one LUSH store, and we basically lost all of our selfcontrol once we set foot inside. Today we are here to share a face mask that we really love and is one of the products that LUSH is famous for.

Lush really care about the environment

“Mask of Magnaminty” is a face and body mask that contain Kaolin Clay, peppermint oil, ground aduki beans, honey and other natural ingredients.

This is a mask that was formulated to be intensely cleansing, but never harsh or abrasive. Kaolin clay and the peppermint oil in the mask rid our pores of debris, the ground aduki beans exfoliates flaky or dry skin, vanilla is to calm redness and honey is to soothe and moisturize our skin.


When we first tried this mask, we were surprised by the minty, cool and tingly sensation, but after letting it set for a while and letting our skin get used to the feeling, we actually started to feel very relaxed. The way to use this mask is to apply a layer on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes, during this period of time you can feel the mask starting to dry and crack (don’t worry this is the natural process) Next, rinse it off with warm water while gently massaging your face to let the ground aduki beans work its magic to exfoliate your skin.

“Cooling and Invigorating”


After this process you will instantly feel a difference in your skin, it will feel refreshed, clean and alive. After the rinsing and exfoliating process, we can see all the blackheads and acne that was clogging our pores being brought to the surface. If you have a good pain tolerance, we also recommend you to use a pore strip after the face mask, because it’s much easier to remove those nasty things after using the mask.

Official Lush Magnaminty Mask

The reason why we love this mask so much is because this mask can effectively reduce the redness from pimples and can calm irritated skin. Even if you don’t have problematic skin you can still use this once a week to deep cleanse. This is a mask that is suitable for all ages and all skin types so we highly recommend it. The next time you go into a LUSH store don’t hesitate to try out this fantastic face and body mask!

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