Week 1 Yuteh Weekly Blogging Club Magazine (2017 2018)

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Yuteh Weekly



Movie Review – Kingsman: The Secret Service - (2017) Article by: Alex https://b05028.wixsite.com/mysite

"Kingsman: The Secret Service" is a British spy film released on the 24th of January, 2015. It was directed by Matthew Vaughn - he is known for producing such films as Stardust (2007), the superhero comedy, Kick-Ass (2010), and the superhero film, X: First Class (2011). This interesting spy movie illustrates how a normal teenager "Eggsy"(Taron David Egerton) became a professional spy who served for a secret organization known as the Kingsman.

The main character, Eggsy, is a 21 year old college student whose father was also a Kingsman agent. Eggsy's father died in a mission with Harry Hart (Eggsy's later mentor) and Merlin (Eggsy's later commander) when he was 5 years old. Kingsman gave Eggsy a mysterious card with a phone number for compensation and told him to call the number if something unsolvable happened. Several years later, Eggsy called the number because of some serious issue that can make him become imprisoned. A Kingsman agent, Harry Hart, Eggsy's future mentor, then appeared and solved the problem.

"Manners maketh man."

At the same time, a rich guy named Valentine (Samuel L. Jackson) and his secretary Gazelle (Sofia Boutella) were planning to decrease the human population, he will later change the majority of the people in the world into extremely violent, barbaric animals that can actually destroy everything and even kill themselves by sending free SIM cards all over the world which can spread some sort of radiation to the person who use that phone. Valentina's purpose was to save human society from the pandemic like the overpopulation of our planet.



Eggsy joins the Kingsman

Kingsman agent Harry recommended Eggsy to participate in the selection competition. The final victor can become a kingsman spy and can get some benefits for his entire life. Later on, Eggsy joined the competition and started to train with Roxy (Sophie Cookson) and other contestants. He bested most of the people and reached the final (Eggsy VS Roxy). During the competition, Eggsy and Roxy established a good relationship and they always helped each other when something unlucky happened in the test or mission. This was also the reason why they were able to reached the final. But in the end, Roxy still defeated Eggsy.

“Sorry, love. Gotta save the world.” Harry was angry after he knew Eggsy lost the game, and then he went on a mission. The mission was to investigate a church where Valentina did his SIM card experiment. The SIM card radiation made everyone in the church crazy and started killing each other. Harry was the only survivor in the church, he killed everyone unconsciously.

He was very upset and confused, he walked out of the church, and he saw Valentina and his fellow agents standing outside ready to kill him. If you are thinking Harry was going to escape in an impossible way, then you are wrong. Valentina shot him in his head, killing him instantly. Strangely enough, Valentina acted like he was uncomfortable to shoot Harry, doing so made him feel ill.

After Harry was dead, Valentina started to count down for his celebration (spreading the radiation and making the world a mess). Kingsman agent Merlin, Roxy and Harry's successor, Eggsy, went to Valentina's base to stop them. They used a fake identity so they were able to enter his base.

“Would sir care for a drink?”



Valentine partner’s heads exploding

Because there were too many security guards, Eggsy was ready to be killed, at the same time, Merlin used his professional hacking skills to stop the SIM card radiation, he also turned on the self-explode system of the SIM card to blow every Valentina gang member's heads off. They could do this because the people who work for or cooperate with Valentina will be asked to insert a SIM card into their neck, so they won't be affected by the radiation.

Eggsy went straight into Valentina's operation room and had a quick fight with his secretary, Gazelle. Eggsy took a lot of effort to win the final battle. He finally killed the mastermind of all this chaos, he saved every innocent human being in the world, making him their hero.

“How deep does this elevator go?” Official Movie Trailer

"Kingsman" has been my favorite movie since I watched it, I really like the film setting, plot, and characters. This movie is not like the usual spy movies such as 007 or Mission impossible, the movie keeps every single audience member engaged, and I'm sure people who really enjoy this will never take their eyes off the screen. I expected a lot in this movie, and the second episode is about to be released. Therefore, I’ll definitely go watch it with my friends or family and write another review about it just like this one.



Movie Review – Beauty and the Beast - (2017) Article by: Andrea https://andreamau2004.wixsite.com/website

Beauty and the Beast is a romantic story. It's about a prince that has to find his true love. However, he has been turned into a beast. So, can you guess how he can break the curse? Yep, you guessed right, true love's kiss. Disney turned this story into an animated movie in 1991. Let's fast forward to 2017 as Disney decided to remake a live action version of the original animation. The main characters are the Beast and the beauty, Belle. The Beast and Belle found each other at last. Belle, being the Beast's "true love", lifted the curse that was placed on his kingdom. Once upon a time, there was a selfish, conceited and unkind prince. An old beggar woman came, offering him a rose in exchange for shelter for the night. Unfortunately, he refused here her and even laughed at her. In that moment, the old lady's ugly appearance melted away to show her true beautiful form as the Enchantress. The prince then begged her for forgiveness, but the Enchantress rejected his plea. -

She cursed his kingdom and turned him into a hideous beast until he could find someone to love him in his beastly form.

“Sacre bleu! Invaders!� The way to break the curse and turn the beast back into his handsome self was for him to find his true love before the rose's petals all fall off. After many years he found a pretty lady named Belle. At first, Belle was not comfortable in the castle with the beast, because the beast behaved really badly towards her. However, the furniture in the castle, which was all alive and could even talk like human beings, treated Belle very well. Every time when Belle felt unhappy she would talk to the furniture. After a few weeks, Belle found that the beast is really nice, so she was not afraid to be around him. After many weeks, the Beast and Belle fell in love. However, they didn't know how to tell each other their true feelings. Gaston persuaded the village to march to the kingdom and kill the Beast.

To love a person is not just looking at the outside of the person, sometimes you have to see what's inside, then you will know that you truly love that person. I really believe this is true, especially after watching this movie. My favorite character is Belle. Belle has a strong heart, even though the Beast is really rude to her. She still tries to get close to the Beast. She knows that she loves the beast, and she knows that loving a person is not looking at the outside of him or her. The Beast is not handsome, he even looks strange, but Belle still understand its heart. This movie is suitable for families watching it together, it's a soft and lovely movie.



Movie Review – 42 The Jackie Robinson Story - (2013) Article by: Daniel C http://newyorkyankees781.wixsite.com/daniel

Modern baseball was founded in 1845 and became a big part of the movie industry with many movies giving their portrayal of the game. 42 is a 2013 American biographical sports film written and directed by Brian Helgeland about the racial integration of American professional baseball player Jackie Robinson, who wore jersey number 42 through his Major League career.

This movie is based on a true story about Jackie Robinson under the guidance of team executive Branch Rickey, Robinson's signing with the Brooklyn Dodgers to become the first African-American player to break the baseball color barrier. The story focuses mostly on the 1947 Brooklyn Dodgers season and somewhat on Robinson's 1946 season with the Montreal Royals, which emphasize his battles with racism.

“A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives”

Hero is a word we hear often in sports, but heroism is not always about achievements on the field of play but the spirit of the athletes. In 1946, Branch Rickey put himself at the forefront of history when he signed Jackie Robinson to the team, breaking Major League Baseball's infamous color line. But the deal also put both Robinson and Rickey in the firing line of the public, the press and even other players. Facing unabashed racism from every side, Robinson was forced to demonstrate tremendous courage and restraint by not reacting in kind, knowing that any incident could destroy his and Rickey's hopes. Instead, Number 42 led his talent on the field do the talking-ultimately winning over fans and his teammates, silencing his critics, and paving the way for others to follow.


I think 42 is a great movie, because it is telling an incredible story and the actors are also very good, it makes me feel like I am really going back to that period in time. I have a few favorite parts from this movie, the most impressive part is when he played on the field, he always stole a lot of bases, he has a good speed, and always tried his best to help their team to win the game. This teaches me that, we have to try our best when we are participating in a group and never give up.


“Life is not a spectator sport. If you’re going to spend your whole life in the grandstand just watching what goes on, in my opinion you’re wasting your life.” Official Movie Trailer

Another of my favorite moments is the time that when they were playing a game, and the coach from the opposite team refused to have Robinson participating in the game, and so does the umpire, so he was kicked out. This made me think that we shouldn't have different races based on their skin color or their different culture. We should treat everyone equally no matter what. I learned a lot from this movie, Jackie Robinson is a very brave person, although he faced a lot of difficulties, he never gives up on baseball.

“Dollars aren't black or white” I think Robinson is a great person not just because his performance on the field but his altitude, he never forgot his aim. As a result, he wrote a new history for those AfricanAmericans to play in Major League Baseball, and make their dreams come true. I highly recommend this movie to baseball fans.

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