Loving God & Allowing Him to Love You As You Are preview

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Love’s Compassion Magazine

Getting To Know Us Mission Statement: Restoring souls, not just through God but also through God’s soldiers, gifted and anointed. Hello, my name is Tashara Gilyard. I am the CEO and Founder of Love’s Compassion Magazine. As a young person growing in Christ I came to learn it’s not always easy to dedicate yourself to this walk of life. There are a number of reasons for this: the fear of the unknown, having to let go of things we believe we enjoy, trust issues caused by past hurt, observing hypocrisy amongst those in the church, feeling like you’re too young… let’s face it the list could go on forever. I came to learn it is very difficult to be busy for God and the enemy at the same time, (“No one can serve two masters, either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other”) sounds familiar? Matthew 6:24. I have made up my mind to be busy for God.


Love’s Compassion Magazine

We all have gifts and talents of some sort. There are some things we learn and things the Lord just blesses us with for His purpose. My gift from God is words. He has given me the ability to take someone’s life’s journey and bring it to life on paper. I am able to listen to someone’s cries of pain and or joy and pour those feelings into a poem/spoken word piece for another to hear and relate to. With this ability combined with the compassion God has placed in me, He has given me a vision to start a ministry where souls can be restored and hearts can be mended. What better way to do this then by sharing of ourselves for the kingdom of God. There are many that refuse to step foot into a church today for a number of reasons and it’s not always because they don’t believe in God. There has been so much hurt caused in and by the “Church.” People decide they would much rather take their chances in the street getting hurt, rather than going into the church where we are supposed to be able to receive a healing, and instead receive a spiritual homicide. They are often judged, ostracized and made to feel as though they are counted out. I don’t know about you, but if I walk into a hospital, blind, lost and wounded; I would expect assistance, guidance and a great effort of aiding my needs. Anything less would most likely discourage me from ever returning to this hospital or even seeking any assistance from anyone affiliated with it. The vision God has given me is an open line of communication between God’s children, both lost and “found.” It is time to take back all that the enemy has tried


Love’s Compassion Magazine

to destroy. It is time to get the beam out our own eye, time to remember we did not come out of our mother’s womb carrying a bible, speaking in tongues and walking upright with Jesus. We too were once dirty, broken, battered, abused and or abusing others. Had it not been for an obedient vessel of God allowing themselves to be used for the glory of God and the building of His kingdom we would still be the mess we were before we began ministering the message to another. This magazine is creating an opportunity to see where the “Church” has gone wrong and rectify the situation. What have we done to discourage God’s children from coming to visit Him in His house? We are creating an opportunity to hear the broken hearts cry out, allowing them to release their pain instead of living a selfdestructing life. Be an example and share our testimonies. Allow them to see they aren’t in this alone and that our God is still in the business of healing. Provide them with spiritual food so that they no longer have to starve. Provide them with help and prayer to come out of their situation. Reach out to them with non-judgmental arms and embrace them with a warm and open heart. Love them the way God loves us, unconditionally. Remember how you felt the first time God embraced you, wiped your tears, and showed you were loved. Do everything in your power to help them feel that same way. Most importantly this is the opportunity to assist those who don’t have a relationship with their heavenly father and encourage and teach them how to. God


Love’s Compassion Magazine

loves us with compassion and now it’s time for us to love our neighbors the same.

Founder/CEO: Tashara Gilyard


Love’s Compassion Magazine

Loving God and Allowing Him to Love You Exactly Where You Are What is Love? Love is the thing everyone wants, but don’t know what to do with it. We want to be loved, but don’t know how to give it. At times we don’t even know how to receive it. Mark12:30 reads, “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.”

I believe we, as Christians do not know how much God truly loves us. He does not have a list of requirements. He loves us just because. He loves us when we are good, bad, and or evil, His love does not change. We have to remember that God is not human; He is not petty, like can be. We need to transform our minds and just let God accept us from where we are. All God requires is our hearts and our truths. Have you ever read the sinner’s prayer? The first thing that was confessed to God is acknowledging that I am a sinner. At this point you are being honest with God and confessing what you are. (i.e. I am a whore, I am a liar, I am a cheat, I am a substance abuser). It is at this moment of confessing; God accepts your fault(s) and opens his arms to you. He accepts you just as you are. One of Satan’s biggest tricks is throwing your past in your face. He will constantly remind you of your shortcomings just to keep you stuck. There’s more love in God for you, than there is sin in you! We have been taught that God hates sin and yes that is very true. When Jesus took the sins of the world on the cross, God had to separate himself and for the first time Jesus did not feel the presence of God. Many times we feel that God hates us because he hates sin. Know that He hates the act of sin, not the sinner. It is time for us to be honest with ourselves and open our hearts to God. Admit our faults, our sins and our truths to God and allow ourselves to rest in our Father’s 6

Love’s Compassion Magazine

arms; allow him to totally direct our paths.

Roslyn Simmons


Love’s Compassion Magazine

Preface When I was in my late teens I was very rebellious. My parents both worked & couldn't keep track of my every move. I yielded to alcohol & experimented with marijuana, especially at parties with my friends. I cleaned up my act long enough to start a career & enlisted in the Army. But when I got to my permanent duty station and during AIT, I continued to drink alcohol to relax & unwind because I thought I deserved it after a hard days work. I managed to perform my duties to standard & served for approximately 3 years, but continued to drink during the evenings/weekends.

A Testimony of The Grace of God I was born & raised in Ohio. I had a fairly good childhood, was raised with good morals & values. I went to Sunday school as a young child & was saved at the age of 7, but as I grew I went my own way. I joined the Army at the age of 19, which was a good start to my young life because I wanted a career. I excelled in the beginning, but without acknowledging the Lord in my plans, I 8

Love’s Compassion Magazine

progressively became an alcoholic. Then, in 1992, I received an honorable discharge from the Army while stationed at Ft. Huachuca, AZ. I chose to live in Arizona to stay involved with the wrong crowd of people and did what I wanted to do without regard. I just kept spiraling downward, but I couldn't see it at the time. Life was a party to me.

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Love’s Compassion Magazine

“Then The man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called the man, “Where are you?” He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; So I hid.” (Genesis 3:8-9 NIV) One might wonder why I started with scripture and or why I started with this scripture. My answer would be two things, 1) Because when asking God’s help to write this for you all, it’s the scripture He dropped in my spirit. 2) It’s where I am. This issue of Love’s Compassion Magazine is reflecting “Loving God and Allowing Him To Love You Exactly Where You Are.” I know most if not all of you have heard “God says come as you are.” Well guess what… THAT’S NOT SCRIPTURE. Search your entire bible and you will not find a scripture that says such. You will find multiple scriptures that one may interpret or feel means “come as you are” but none that actually says such. Now what IS in the bible is, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” (John 3:16-17 NIV) ~Freeze Frame~ I lost my footing. I woke up one morning after serving and believing in God for more than half my life and knew not where to stand. And so I hid. I hid from man, I hid from ministry but I had one problem, I couldn’t hide from God. You see we all have vices, or something that we “struggle” with. We all have that thing(s) we tell God or ourselves “When I stop this…” or “When I get rid of this… I’ll come to you.” What happens when that “thing” is 10

Love’s Compassion Magazine

bigger than you? What happens when you die before ever getting rid of that “thing”? Or what happens when you realize that “thing” is not a thing, but rather it’s you. Go To Magazine Issues to read complete article…


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