Supernal Magazine Australia - Issue 40 - January/February 2023

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Sacred Sites: The Alchemy - Tintagel Castle • Reflections - When to Speak Up 21st Century Parenting – The D Word • Divine Time – Attuning to Integrity Features Freya Sampson - Humanities Collective Amnesia Anthony Kilner - The Elephant Series Charles Snelleksz-Mathelot - Coerced Normality New Columns David Starlyte - Expect Magic Jess Kennedy - Conversations: Mental Health Awareness News Page 11 News - VALE: Robert Lawlor Ordinary People Living Extraordinary Lives Ordinary people living extraordinary lives Issue 40 - January/Feburary 2023 The Elephant in the Room

Re-Wild Your Water

Kangan water is possibly the healthiest restructured water available on the planet. There are a range of machines and products available to suit all countries, interest free terms (conditions apply) and Enagic’s distribution network is global making it easy to get a machine in your home in virtually any country!

“The world is using almost 500 Billion plastic water bottles every year, the majority of which end up in our landfills and oceans. Transforming ordinary tap water into structured, hydrogen rich, electrolysed reduced water essential for health and wellbeing is the answer to this staggering problem.”

“Our Earth is a giant container of water, from which all forms of life arose. And every living thing is itself essentially a container of water. Like the Earth, we are 70 percent water. It follows, naturally, that the health of the Earth is directly proportionate to the health of ourselves.”

“Not only does drinking and utilising Kangan water for cleaning and toxin removal purposes create a healthy life, there’s a unique business opportunity that allows people to live a lifestyle that is financially rewarding as well.”

If you are ready to Re-Wild your Water contact Anthony Kilner, Freya Sampson or Louise Clarke

Supernal Magazine Supernal Magazine 2

supernal [soo-pur-nl]

adjective Being in or belonging to the heaven of divine beings; heavenly, celestial, or divine.

Lofty; of more than earthly or human excellence, powers, etc.

Being on high or in the sky or visible heavens.


We call on the over-soul of Supernal Magazine; we call on Supernal’s unconditionally loving team of guides, teachers and friends in spirit.

We call forth the elements of creation and the essence of creation – geometries of light, sound and unconditional love. We call forth the flower of life and our soul family to co-create with us the most extraordinary Supernal Magazine possible, in service to the unfurling Divine Plan. So Be It!

Giving of Thanks

We give thanks to all those in Spirit who have been with us throughout this creative process, to all those in-body who have selflessly contributed and to all those who read Supernal Magazine.

May you be blessed!

In Lak’ech.

Founders: Anthony Kilner, Jane Offer

Publisher: Supernal Media Pty Ltd

Editor: Anthony Kilner

Deputy Editor: Freya Savitri Sampson

Sub Editor: Jane Offer

Editorial Consultant: ShirleySienna Coventry

Art Director: Christel Mathelot

Assistant Art Director: Lia Estate

Art Consultant: Kev Howlett – Busybird Publishing

Advertising Manager:

Feature Story: Freya Sampson

Cover Design: Christel Mathelot

Cover Image: Unsplash, Pexels

Contributors: Louise Clarke, Melanie Dufty, Jess Kennedy, Hollie Mariconte, Charles SnellekszMathelot, Amy Dalla Riva, Olivia Sinco & David Starlyte

Copyright: No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of Supernal Australia Magazine Founders or Editor.

Disclaimer: The views and comments expressed by individuals and contributors do not necessarily represent those of the publishers and no legal responsibility can be accepted for the result of the use by readers of information or advice/suggestions of whatever kind given in this publication, either editorially or from advertising. Refer to for details.

Supernal Magazine Australia is a division of Supernal Media Pty Ltd ACN: 631 649 584 ABN: 91 631 649 584

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questions life and humanity and opens this feature with the words, “Due to my lifelong curious nature, it became evident to me that there is a ‘situation’ occurring on our planet, within the collective human culture and psyche… The ‘global-collective amnesia’.”

in the Room

introduces us to the herd. “Whilst in the process of researching this feature, it became obvious to me that there’s more going on locally and globally than initially meets the eye.”

We acknowledge the
all countries and tribes. We call on the Ancestors, past and present, Earth and star, who
unconditionally. We call
the good spirit to be present with us as we journey
Magazine. We call on th
Serpent and the Dreaming Serpents of each Aboriginal
Thank you for being with us and for your blessings and guidance.
Acknowledgment Of Country
Booja (country)
it’s Traditional
- The Aboriginal peoples of
love us
– Custodian Eartheart CONTENTS – JANUARY/FEBRUARY SUPERNAL 6 Ed’s Letter 8 Supernal Videos & Podcasts 9 Quote of the Month - Peter Sellers 10 Numerology - 2023 11 Page 11 News - Vale Robert Lawler FEATURES 12 Freya Savitri
22 Elephant in the Room Consent, Implied or Otherwise 23 Elephant in the Room Age of Consent, Paedophiles – Minor Attracted 24 Elephant in the Room Smart Cities, ID and Loss of Freedom 25 Elephant in the Room Jobs, Employment - Mandates 26 Elephant in the Room Geoengineering, Cloud Seeding, Chemtrails, Contrails 27 Elephant in the Room Electric Cars & Everything Electric 30 Charles Snelleksz-Mathelot
1 Machinations
34 Conversations - Mental Health Awareness Joining
Supernal Magazine 4
Savitri Samsson
Humanities Collective Amnesia
Anthony Kilner
of a Toxic Culture. “The foundation of this article is to examine the state of coerced
machinations of a toxic
which human beings have considered
normal state of reality.”
the Supernal team is Jess Kennedy
her new column;

Health Awareness. Her first column titled ADHD & Addiction – Lets Open the Conversation is an intense look at living with ADHA and addiction with lived experience.

36 Expect Magic

Also joining the Supernal team is David Starlyte with his column Expect Magic. In his column called Lift Off, David explains his journey through pain and mental anguish and how that journey has set him on the path to help others live a happier life, mentally, physically and spiritually.

38 Reflections

Jane Offer reflects on ‘When to Speak Up’ and how did the widely understood phrase of ‘The Elephant in the Room’ become embedded into our language. Jane also reflects on how the ‘elephant’ can be missed.


42 Sacred Sites – The Alchemy

Freya Savitri Sampson takes us on a shamanic mystical journey to Avalon - Tintagel, King Arthur and Merlins Cave. These powerful and energetic places will open the heart and the spirit to an adventure for the soul.

44 Sacred Sites

Louise Clarke continues her stories on Africa’s Great Mysteries, exploring Adam’s Calendar.

Indigenous accounts refer to this sacred place as ‘Inzalo y’Langa,’ or the ‘Birthplace of the Sun’.


46 21st Century Parenting Discipline isn’t a dirty word; in fact it could be a contributing factor in addressing the so-called mental health crisis among our younger generation right now. Olivia explains why.

DIVINE GUIDANCE 50 Divine Time ShirleySienna explains why it’s critical to `Attune to Integrity’ now as it lays the foundations for a super resonating 2023!


New Earth – Now Melanie Dufty explores the ‘The Astrological Elephant in the Room’, and how there is a huge impact and force creating a transformation on the planet.

20 34 36
SUPERNAL 55 Next Issue 56 Ad Directory 58 Contributor Bios 60 Business Cards
52 A
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Ed’s Letter

Well folks, it’s 2023, and we are back for another Supernal ride throughout the year! We are starting the year off with a bang and looking at the proverbial ‘Elephant in the Room’ or the elephants really!

In Jane Offer’s Reflections column on this issue, she offered the origins of the phrase: “So, how did this widely understood phrase become embedded into our language? Apparently, in 1814, Ivan Krylov (1769–1844), a poet and fabulist, wrote The Inquisitive Man, a fable of a man visiting a museum, where he notices all the tiny items yet fails to see an elephant. It has become a metaphor for any subject so big and most likely inflammatory that it is ignored for the sake of peace.”

The story’s origins highlight just what we don’t see, for whatever reason, and it’s a familiar tale as old as time itself. I have asked myself why –especially since I began to look at things from different angles.

I’ve been known to espouse the value of looking at both sides of the coin. Be balanced and non-judgemental in my views, and be nice about it. This has led me into much deeper discussions with people, and it’s pulled me out of my fundamentalist views on life and opened my eyes to what is really going on in my world.

Now, this is where the coin analogy gets interesting because there’s more to the coin than just two sides. Many of our coins are round with little ridges in them. I believe this was to help blind people distinguish between coin values. I could be wrong on that – hmm, I might look at that in more detail. Apart from that, the coin’s monetary value is what we believe to be its true worth. Well, there’s an elephant right there.

Anyway, there are always more than two sides to a discussion/argument, and each person’s opinion is based on the value of what they see/hear/perceive. In my world now, the value of seeing everything I can around a discussion leads me into more trouble than not because not everyone sees or agrees with what I am saying. It’s also led some people to call me a Conspiracy Theorist or that I am being stupid!

A Letter from the Editor
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Anthony Kilner

Well, I am neither really. I’m someone that is searching for answers/explanations that are the elephants. For example, many people really believe that the Government is actually looking after our wellbeing – Hmmm, maybe? Many believe that all drug companies really care about our health – Hmmm? They certainly care about their money. Just look at how they indemnify themselves!

Look at the media too. They show you the news that somebody else thinks you need to know. Who is in charge of that information? Is it really in your best interest if the stories are not balanced in their viewpoint?

One of the giant elephants is the schooling system. Many may not agree; however, our kids are not taught to think independently and research thoroughly. They are being taught to toe the line, do as they are told and create a society of followers that the Government more easily controls – I mean, who really wants a nation of free thinkers that can’t be influenced and call out BS when they see it?

There are so many elephants to consider, and in this issue, we are posing lots of questions around the elephants in the hope/expectation

that we are helping people to see more than just a dollar ‘Cents/Sense’ amount! I’d love to hear your thoughts about your elephants. Email and let us know what you think.

New Columns for 2023!

New to Supernal as a columnist, Jess Kennedy is my daughter-in-law and has helped me with Supernal on and off for quite some time.

Conversations: Mental Health Awareness is her new column - ADHD & Addiction – Let’s Open the Conversation. Jess’s passion for helping people suffering from ADHA is genuine and based on lived experience. Jess is an advocate for mental health and a passionate writer who works hard to create a voice for understanding this issue in the broader public.

We are also welcoming into the fold

Queensland-based David Starlyte, a spiritual teacher, mental health consultant, artist and author. David reached out to me looking for an outlet to share his vision to help people heal themselves based on his unique healing experience. Expect Magic is his column, and after chatting with him about his philosophies, his accident, and his learning, I knew he would create magic for our readers.

There’s more exciting news to come – so stand by. Welcome to 2023, and have a Supernal Month!




Image Credit: Pixabay
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“…who really wants a nation of free thinkers that can’t be influenced and call out BS when they see it?”

Supernal You Tube Channel

Supernal Magazine Interview Series

Peter Harris - Australia’s Representatives Party

Peter Harris is back in politics with gusto, taking on the major political players here in Australia. Peter and his representatives are out to create a new, modern style of democracy by listening to the people! No more pushing them into a corner under the old totalitarian style of running the country!

This video was produced for the June/July 2021 issue, check it out HERE: Check out the list of fascinating interviews done by the Supernal Team @

Supernal Podcast

Supernal Podcast

Wholefood Medicine Cowboy Don Tolman –‘Wisdom of the Ancients’, food, expansion and a healthy life! By Radio Media PTY LTD

Don Tolman has lived an amazing life that has seen him travel the globe as a speaker and author in understanding food is medicine, and how it works within and for our bod. A vegetarian from birth, Don knew there was something magical about food and once he heard about Pulse as a food of life, he travelled the world to find it.

Supernal interviewed Don Tolman in the June July 2021 Issue or

Listen to the podcasts at:

Read Supernal Magazine Free at:

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Quote of the Month

“If you ask me to play myself, I will not know what to do. I do not know who or what I am.”

“Some forms of reality are so horrible we refuse to face them, unless we are trapped into it by comedy. To label any subject unsuitable for comedy is to admit defeat.” - Peter Sellers – 8th September 1925 - 24th July 1980. Actor, Virgo, spiritualist and member of the ‘Goon Show’.

When searching for a character, he left himself open as does a medium, feeling perhaps the spirit of someone who once lived, a bit like the character he was personifying, would come in.

Sellers captivated his audience playing highly inappropriate and ‘politically incorrect’ characters such as Inspector Clouseau in The Pink Panther and as Fu himself in,

The fiendish plot of Dr. Fu Manchu. A genius with satire and humour, he could literally be described as the ‘the elephant in the room’, particularly in the 1968 film The Party, which also included an actual elephant in the room!

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Image Credit: Pixabay, WWW



Enter the Gregorian 2023. A seven vibration, created from two thousand, twenty and three. The zero’s serve to raise this vibration to epic proportions. Rather than 2 + 2 + 3 = 7, we may observe it as 2000 + 20 + 3, and raise 7 by the power of 4, utilising the 0000 to enhance the sum as 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 = 2401 (7)

We could also acquire this sum total of the seven frequency - the most divine numeric value, as 7 cubed, and multiplying it by itself, again, e.g.: 7 cubed = 343, and 343 x 7 = 2401.

I call this an exercise in numerological gymnastics. It is how spirit guides me to experiment and experience the power of number.

Don’t be afraid to play with numbers, God speaks to us in number, all is number. Imagine the vibrational thoughts of the Great All! We are just little particles of constantly changing and reincarnating thought patterns. As each thought changes, worlds of opportunity evolve!

It is not just the sum total that counts, it’s the adding up along the way, just as our point of destination is created from the journey.

I have enhanced, detailed, multiplied and played with the 7 sum of 2023 because it is a year of higher inspiration, frequency, telepathy, and the key to the rest of our lives. It is the pen with which we shall write the forthcoming pages of our Cosmic Akashic Records, now blank, ready and waiting. Let the ink flow from the 7 fountain pen.

Each of us has an innate ability to switch on our 7-antenna-interlinking divine communication with our body, mind, and spirit.

This is the year to ‘think’ outside of the square and behave accordingly.

Two – Intuition, feminine, depth, fatigue, mother, magnetising, compassionate, dutiful, strength.

Three – Crazed, scattered, mindful, mediumistic, communicative, mindful, emotional.

Seven – Divine influence, a key to freedom.

Multiplied by 0000 times, it’s time to get your 7 skates on!

Contact ShirleySienna at Divining Me for ‘Soul Symmetry’ readings and ‘Extra Sensory Perceptions’.

Image Credit: Pixabay 10 Supernal Magazine Supernal Magazine 10


Robert Lawlor Master Sacred Geometer 1938 - 2022

Robert you are a legend of our time. Inspiring so many towards their self-realisation through ‘Sacred Geometry - Philosophy and Practice’.

You and I had a special connection from the moment we met. ‘A wizard of note!’ I thought. A synergy of high-tantric alchemy was sparked. You put all of the worlds into geometric equations and I performed the alchemy. It was joyous to spend time writing and traversing consciousness together.

I recall my visit to your perfectly geometrically harmonic, self-designed home on King Island, Tasmania, where we spoke about the human life cycle in sacred geometry terms. You explained that there were four cycles to life - lots of 21. Twenty-one is divisible by 7, 3 x 7,7,7, a very sacred number. ‘In the first cycle of 21, a human is a child, in the second becoming a teenager, in the third becoming an adult, and in the fourth becoming a wise-one.’ To make it to 84 years was the completion of that cycle. I am proud of you for making it to 84 years of age, your goal achieved, then ready to leave this earthly realm, 1938-2022.

I recall your soul’s calling, as you described it, ‘to translate the works’, The Temple of Man, by R.A. Schwaller De Lubicz, from French to English. He was the last living alchemist of his time. You did this by candlelight in a French villa, with your then-wife making the drawings to accompany the words. Also, made in consult with R.A. De Lubciz’s wife, yet you did not know how to speak or write French at the time. You said, “This translation was the most important literary task of my life.” A beautiful tribute to your teacher, inspiring countless others.

Thank you for edifying me, through the rare tomes in your extensive library, to the power of my birth-name. It was a gift to learn I had embodied its gifts before the completion of my teens to 42. In my heart and mind, the word extraordinary pales to your magnificence and I will fondly recall your humility and grace; you were a true gentleman. I trust we’ll meet again, dear friend, in a new time and place, with new bodies and divine commissions, may we once again share the miraculous.

Dearest Robert, Image Credit: Freya Sampson
“This translation was the most important literary task of my life.”
“In my heart and mind, the word extraordinary pales to your magnificence dear friend.”
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By Freya Savitri Sampson

Humanities Collective Amnesia

Due to my lifelong curious nature, it became evident to me that there is a ‘situation’ occurring on our planet, within the collective human culture and psyche. No one that I have encountered can explain either experientially or within 3D evidence, demonstrate our origins as a species in their entirety, succinctly. Both wittingly and unwittingly I’ve questioned and investigated this concept over decades; The ‘global-collective amnesia’.

A constant nagging feeling in my being spurred me. I was meant to remember something very important. At aged four, viewing a documentary about the Amazon, it triggered an overwhelming feeling of longing, followed by awareness; I intimately knew and missed my life there, and that life was in the past, there was no way back, and I burst into tears. Unprepared for this realisation, yet the intense emotion and sense of certitude changed my paradigm in an instant. I was never the same again.

Questions ran through my mind: Where did I come from? Why am I here?

Beyond Earth, are other lifeforms in the cosmos? What happened to the ancient cultures?

Why were they obsessed with the stars?

Why and how did they build such elaborate structures, which we do not have the technology or skill to create today?

Why is their mythology so similar, despite enormous distances between them?

Why is the history of ancient cultures considered myth?

Why has humanity stopped prioritising the care of Earth? Why are we taught historical fact that is historical misinformation?

What wisdoms were contained in the great Alexandria Library that was lost at Caesar's hand? Why is humanity so apathetic, or conversely zealot-like? Why are people irrationally afraid of so many things? What is true love?

Interestingly, there is a series currently on Netflix - 'Ancient Apocalypse' by Graham Hancock, an investigative journalist who proposes an


interesting theory towards answering some of these questions. He shares the same idea of a human collective

progress! This experience didn't come with a get-out-of-humanexperience-free card, it simply gave clarity, direction, inspired passion, particularly in service to others.

The soul can comprehend in an instant, however, the denser the body and dimension the more linear-time it can take to perceive, realise, and then embody in the astral (mind and emotions) and the 3D/physical.

The Answers Are Within You

After years of being discontent with society's version of how I 'should' live my life, a great awakening was catalysed within my being; a conscious reconnection with my Spirit Guides (SG), simultaneously down-loading the light-codes of my life-blueprint, realising it and setting my intention to fulfil it. I had remembered my soul, its unity with All, felt bliss, peace and compassion, yet I could not continuously consciously maintain it – it’s a work in

My SG's were clear; 'You can ask us anything, although, all of the answers are within you.' Years passed, following their guidance, learning healing modalities and facilitating them, it became my experience that no modality or methodology has all the answers.

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” - Aristotle

The Investigation and Discoveries within Cellular Memory

The journey of becoming a spiritual healer and teacher lead me to these pivotal awareness’s;


It doesn't matter which Pantheon you look at there are stories of Dragons, Giants, Stellar/Inter-Stellar Beings, Fairies, epic sagas of floods, Ancient Ruins and Cultures whose mathematical and building technology far surpasses humanities currently.

“You can ask us anything, although, all of the answers are within you.” feature

They cultivated an extraordinary relationship with the stars/heavens. Many recorded in words and imagery still exist. Some may yet be unearthed or have passed to the Ages. Then there is 'the gods' half man half animal. Myth or fact?

The very word myth in itself is both disrespectful and dismissive of the written histories of the cultures whose languages are the oldest in the world. Myth Entomology – Myth Meaning

The word myth infers and is generally accepted as an untruth, or at best a metaphorical imaginary fiction, yet the very existence of the word myth speaks to the 'collective amnesia' we're exploring.

“This experience didn’t come with a get-outof-human-experiencefree card…”
Why does that word exist? Could it be because the description of these ancient events is so beyond the contextual nature of our current collective reality that it is too 13

hard to fathom, so it's easier to sweep it under the carpet?

Every religion, including science whose god is 'Reason', every country, and culture has different names and explanations for these things which pertain to their locale. There are threads of commonality across them, yet still to this day no group can agree, or cooperate with all of the others to get to the 'Truth'.

The road to unity has long been thwarted by egoic limitations.

What is Truth?

“The truth is stranger than fiction.” - Lord Byron

We are born into a world of contrast; each person has differing beliefs, and these shape our life experiences, relationships and way of being. Who of all these billions of people is accurate?

The funny thing about 'truth' is that there is very little of it. For the most part, it's subjective, dependent upon interpretation. It's mutable, changing with individuals' experiences. It would be fair to say, at various junctures in life, one's 'truth' about a small or large thing, will change in an instant.

Most people will have experienced the phenomena of information relayed from one person to another changing - many factors play a part in its translation; Ability to listen, annunciation, tonality, and one's interpretation is affected by experience, knowledge, education, culture, language, religion, and one’s conscious and/or emotional state at any given time, and so on.

This begs the question, does Absolute Truth exist? It is certainly a paradox.

Attachment and The Need to Be Right

This factor is at play within every person. Our ego, also known as 'lower will', whilst a vital part of our multidimensional anatomy, is a tricky beast. Its primary role is to keep us safe. It is the part of our consciousness that makes sure we stay alive and in our body.

It is located at the level of our Solar Plexus, just below the diaphragm, where we feel butterflies when we get nervous from fear, or feel expectant anticipation when we are excited.

It's also responsible for how we shine in the world, and its core healthy frequency is 'self-love'. Being part of us and like everything in our world, it moves in frequency between positive and negative states, in relation to our thoughts and beliefs.ts dipoles are 'poor self-esteem' and 'arrogance' in the negative and 'assertiveconfidence' and 'humility' in the positive.

One of the biggest challenges with the ego is its attachment to identity, which is connected to one’s security, and when transposed to an externalisation of self, which is the habit of the ego, to see the self as separate from everyone and everything, it then includes; 'how things are'. The ego struggles with change, and feeling safe within that process.


An individual’s identity can in part be expanded to a collective, for example a nationality matrix.

These days that can be even more complex; I am an

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Australian, born here, yet I have a mixture of English, Irish, Scottish and Spanish bloodlines. Whilst I identify as Australian, I also identify in-part with these other cultural matrixes, and whether I do or not, due to my bloodlines I am subject to, both their light and shadow aspects.

Other matrixes we contend with on a daily basis are; social, familial, educational, caste, creed, professional, ethical, vocational and gender. More widely we interface with; politics - local, state and national, legislative, legal, sporting and corporate.

Then greater still; moral, economy, multinationalcorporate, and globalpolitics. All of these come with their own set of polarities and together they form our collective global-matrix.

Power and Human Struggle

We all have access to infinite power, it comes from the Source. However, most people have forgotten their connection to Source. Everyone has an idea of what the Source is; God/Goddess/

Creator, the Quantum Field, Is, Divine, The Universe, Nature, Unity/Oneness. It really doesn't matter what you call it. It's there, beyond our mind's explanation, as is The Divine Plan.

and Source. It is a necessary state and experience to grow to know thyself. 'Separation is the Shadow of Unity'.

Everything we experience as a unit of unity on Earth is upsidedown, inside out and back to front. In order to remember, then we must make a hero's journey and jump paradigms. In fact, we need all the aspects of our multi-dimensional selves, and all of our 3D-outer and inner-plane senses, well-honed to ultimately remember the 'Absolute Truth' of who we are.

In order to have the experience of Individualisation, free-will and self-realisation, then a soul needs to forget their Unity with Source. To do that we need to have a 3D vehicle/ body and an ego. The ego (an individualised unit of unity) gives us the misguided perception that we are separate from everyone, everything, nothing

By the very nature of the relationship of 'the Self' with 'The All', this catalyses the drawing of breath. Inspiration and expiration - through this physiological process, which is ongoing from the moment one is born, till the moment one dies. Source is communicating with the body through Soul, which is inspiring the Mental Body (ideas, thoughts and beliefs) Emotional Body (feeling and the feeling of feelings) and the Etheric Body (aura, chakras and Meridians) which processes and distributes energy for all of the other bodies and acts as a transceiver between them.

as humans are very dependent on our eyesight for many things, however, the view we see from our 3D eyes is purely that.

“In order to have the experience of Individualisation, free-will and selfrealisation, then a soul needs to forget their Unity with Source.”
“Everything we experience as a unit of unity on Earth is upside-down, inside out and back to front.”

They do not see beyond, and there is vastly more to perceive.

When a person is disempowered and has forgotten their true connection to and relationship with Source, then they believe that they need to get power from something/one/where external to themselves, that's where power struggles come into play. This will only ever result in a win-lose or lose-lose situation.

The relationship dynamics of disempowerment are victim and perpetrator, nag and aloof. None of which are empowered stances.

Realising that taking 100 percent responsibility for everything in one’s being and experiences in life is the first step to empowerment, the healing comes later. To reinstate harmony and create an empowered win-win in relationships takes an open heart and mind, patience, conscious awareness and skilfulness in action, which like all others skills comes with repeated application.

The Shadow Simply put this is the part of the self that we cannot see. Others can see it clearly. It contains our judgements, right/wrong, good/bad, and likes/dislikes.

The goal is to transform these into discernments healthy/ unhealthy. This frees us from being cut off from love/the divine flow.

Emotional Trauma and Memory

Over decades of facilitating shamanic journeys and healing sessions, it's became apparent to me that emotional trauma (ET) has a particular effect on individuals and the pattern repeats across the board with everyone - regardless of their belief system, culture, gender or life experience.

Simply, humans have an inbuilt survival coping mechanism, to forget things that are too unpleasant to remember and feel - suppression, resulting from emotional trauma.

Emotional trauma is not measured by an external amount of drama (like war), it's measured by the depth of impact it has on the individual experiencing it.

An example I've witnessed repeatedly in clients; A parent laughs at their child who mispronounced a word. Their amusement was not malicious, yet the child felt deep shame, causing them to make an internal vow, not to express themselves unless they are 100 percent right, for fear

of judgement, ridicule and humiliation. This fear carries throughout their life, without their conscious understanding of why, as they've suppressed/ forgotten what occurred, it's been filed away subconsciously - they didn't consciously realise they made that vow with themselves.

The sorts of things they experience in life which drew them to seek healing and conscious evolution are; inequality in relationships - inability to stand up for themselves, allowing their life

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partner/others make decisions for them, depression and anxiety.

then reincarnating, which can go on for countless lives, until one master's life on Earth. How does that which is infinite compress itself into a unit of unity? With the sacred geometry of 'perfect nesting' - wheels within wheels. The pressure of this configuration, plus crossing the dimension of the Astral which unlike the Soul and Divine Dimensions has no light of its own and is aka 'the river of forgetfulness' in some traditions, whilst simultaneously obtaining an astral body (mental and emotional vehicle), this is a feat in itself. Then growing a body and being squeezed out of a very small doorway - well that in itself is enough to cause almost any/everyone to forget...

Our soul remembers all of its experiences. It's the strenuous nature of incarnating that causes us to forget, and the traumas we may have encountered in past incarnations that hold us back from joy, bliss and self-realisation. They must be cleared and harmonised to clearly recall.

of becoming conscious when reincarnating.

“Know thyself and thou wilt know the universe.”Pythagorus

I'm no longer concerned about mentally understanding answers to questions I've asked on this life-journey. It's only my ego that has the need to know. The questions have served their purpose, to dig deep enough to know the 'Absolute Truth' of the elephant in the room; I Am.

Self-realisation is an eternal journey, which is a very long time, especially towards the end, and truly I know nothing at all... “…unlike the Soul and Divine Dimensions has no light of its own and is aka ‘the river of forgetfulness’ in some traditions…”

Incarnation, Excarnation and Reincarnation

The ET situation is compounded by the enormous process of incarnating, then excarnating,

My dear and recently departed friend and Master Sacred Geometer, Robert Lawlor reminded me that Pythagoras's mystery school was solely focused on the task

Freya is available for Crystal Dreaming TM. The Liquid Crystal and a range of holistic services

Image Credits: Pixabay

“I’m no longer concerned about mentally understanding answers to questions…”
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Elephant in the Room

Whilst in the process of researching this feature, it became obvious to me that there’s more going on locally and globally than initially meets the eye. The Elephant in my Room is ‘how deep does one have to scratch the surface to start seeing what is not obvious?’

For a couple of years now I have been called an anti-vaxxer, a conspiracy theorist and worse, by family and friends, to the point that they no longer want to chat to me about issues around vaccine regret, mediacontrolled fear factor and Governments who want to control people through fear and narcissism. It’s too hard for many people to even think that big Pharma and Government don’t have their best interests at heart!

The scary thing for me is, even when authority figures, those known in the field, come out and explain what’s been going on, people still can’t accept the truth. They resist considering the alternative, as it can literally destroy their thinking processes. It’s too depressing to go there, because the simple fact is that it’s all true! This is not their fault; they have been conditioned into that way of thinking.

‘Follow the science; let us decide what’s good for you! You just work, pay your taxes, be good little citizens and we’ll let you live in comfort! Don’t even think to question us as we have ways to destroy you and we will!’

FEAR mongering and conditioning, coupled with removal of our right to think as an independent being, are only two of the ways of controlling a population who have lost the choice to think and act for themselves. Check out the Little Boxes video in this story as it really holds true to the Elephant!

This feature is about helping people to scratch the surface and see what’s underneath. To take an un-emotional look at what’s on the other side and

We are not sending people down the governmentconstructed Rabbit Hole or Conspiracy Theorist tag line; we are simply suggesting there is more to see. For one, the loss of freedom of speech being created by the Governments around Australia by encouraging people to ‘dob’ in any person who is anti-Dan Andrews and the Government, as they are deemed to be TERRORISTS.

form an idea that there’s more going on right in front of us than we’d ever thought possible. See the Video HERE:

On that note, check out the video of Dan Andrews’ Social Media ‘Big Brother’ monitoring system, that allows him to see what people are saying – yep we have paid for that! See the Video HERE:

Supernal Magazine 20

The following pages are to highlight a range of Elephants, a herd, in the room that people might or might not take on board. However, they might start the thought processes moving, as some of the

to understand who they are and acknowledge their good and bad points, they won’t be able to look under the surface of the bigger picture that will impact their lives now and for generations to come. It will be too hard!

There are two sides to every coin however. Around the edge of the coin are ridges that require exploring and they create the circle of life as we know it. In other words, there’s always more to explore, find and understand in life and many people simply can’t or won’t do it. According to one report, 80 percent of the population will struggle with this concept! See the Video HERE:

Federal Laws. Then there are the Law Makers from the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the World Health Organisation (WHO). And who controls them? It’s not the countries who have signed up to them, is it?

Who is it that controls the money, the food, the Pharmaceuticals, the direction of all people on the planet? You are a person with your own soul, who has chosen to live on this planet in these times. So, dear readers, Who or What, is taking away your FREEDOM to live a happy, healthy life?

information is based on opinion pieces, some are fact and others are thought bubbles. Regardless, we at Supernal are encouraging all readers to ‘Scratch the Surface’ and recognise The Elephant!

Consider these two closing thoughts: It was pointed out to me as I write this feature that, if a person isn’t prepared to scratch under their own surface

The other comment is taken from a non-fiction real-time book about two people in slavery. It said, ‘As much as our masters feed us and look after us, treat us as sub-human in a good way. Never forget we are just like the dogs they own. We get freedom until they yank the lead and discipline us. Never forget who the real MASTER is!’

The important question to be asked is WHO is controlling WHO? So, you think you are free and independent, until your boss lays down the laws. Your boss thinks he’s doing the right thing, because the Local and State Government lay down the laws. They think they are acting correctly because they are laying down the

Anthony is available for Dream Interpretations, 1:1 Readings and Bridging Realms Core Issue Vibrational Healing™ sessions.

Image Credit: Pixabay

“Around the edge of the coin are ridges that require exploring and they create the circle of life as we know it.”
21 feature Supernal Magazine 21 Supernal Magazine 21

Consent, Implied or Otherwise Elephant in the Room

There are plenty of variables when it comes to consent in all its forms. However did you know that just by saying and doing nothing, whether you agree or not, that implied consent applies? This means that by doing nothing, both Federal and State Governments, Councils and even workplaces can control your lives without YOU having any say in it!

Express Consent, Implied Consent, Bundled Consent and more are detailed online: Consent to Handling of Personal Information section. There are ways you can remove all consent as explained in detail via TimsTruth Video on Rumble.

Basics of Consent?

Consent means ‘the free and voluntary agreement to participate in an activity which may include an intimate or sexual relationship given by a person with the cognitive capacity to do so.’

Consent is not freely and voluntarily given if the person is: Under force; Unconscious or asleep; Under the influence of drugs or alcohol;

Under threat or intimidation; In fear of bodily harm;

Subjected to the exercise of authority; Under false or fraudulent representations about the nature or purpose of the act, or Under a mistaken belief that the offender was someone else (for example, their sexual partner).

We cover the Age of Sexual Consent on another Elephant Page. While there are several elephants in this room, consider Informed Consent and ‘Under threat or intimidation’. How many people have been coerced and forced to take an untested and now, known to be faulty injection?

Informed Consent

This is a snippet of the Fact Sheet for Clinicians: Informed consent is a person’s decision, given voluntarily, to agree to a healthcare treatment, procedure or other intervention that is made: Following the provision of accurate and relevant information about the healthcare intervention and alternative options available; and With adequate knowledge and understanding of the benefits and material risks of the proposed intervention relevant to the person who would be having the treatment, procedure or other intervention.

Ensuring informed consent is properly obtained, is a legal, ethical and professional requirement on the part of all treating health professionals and supports person-centred care…

Informed consent is integral to the right to information in the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights, and recognised in Professional Codes of Conduct. Additionally, the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards require all hospitals and day procedures services to have informed consent processes that comply with legislation, lawful requirements and best practice.

Credit: Pixabay, Flickr

22 Supernal Magazine
“Consent means the free and voluntary agreement to participate in an activity…”

in the Room

Age of Consent Paedophiles – Minor Attracted

One wonders where people, especially parents, would draw the line at the age a child can consent to sexual relations with an adult? That’s a big question and very confronting and disturbing for everyone who may have been sexually abused as a child at the hands of family, people in authority - paedophiles.

What an elephant this is!

From Wikipedia: The word pedophilia comes from the Greek παῖς, παιδός (paîs, paidós), meaning “child”, and φιλία (philía), “friendly love” or “friendship”. Pedophilia is used for individuals with a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children aged 13 or younger…

Why is this an elephant? Because internationally, there is a push to lower the age of consent for children to have sex, which history shows will impact Australia. At this stage 16-17 are the legal ages across Australia. Check out Age of Consent Laws in Australia. Kids in Australia can’t vote until they are 18, they are subject to being treated as a minor for offences. How can people think that a child of 10 to 14, or even younger, can make choices for themselves in regard to

anything sexually oriented. Or have they been groomed?

There has also been a push to change the name from Paedophiles to Minor Attracted, a new pronoun allowing a more stigma free association. In an effort to stop bullying and create/support gender and sexual diversity, I think we have to look long and hard at the messages we are putting out there.

Oh, and check out the Vic Gov Guidelines around teaching our kids about sexuality.

A quote from Dr Gary Dowsett, Emeritus Professor at LaTrobe University and part of the Safe Schools Coalition Project, “First, we have three legal/social questions to win: custody rights for gay men and lesbians; the legal right of paedophiles and their young loves; and finally, the sexual rights of children as a whole….”

This topic is huge and there is a lot of divisiveness in Government, various

communities and within families. There is a need to stamp out bullying – full stop! There is a need to treat people with respect and compassion in everything, including sexual orientation – across the board!

There is NO place in society for paedophilia, sexual grooming of children and the associated trauma that can lead to a life time of pain and suffering, with very little accountability for the perpetrators.

Here are some interesting Links to research:

Great Australian Dream – War Against Children and Parents Australia Peacemakers –What’s Gary Dowsett got to do with it

LaTrobe Uni - Celebrating the Career of Professor Gary Dowsett

MP Adam Bandt, PM Turnbull Safe Schools Review PM Turnbull Orders Review ZEROTIME - Make It Rain: Geoengineering Our Future, Includes an Interview with Bernie Finn regarding Children’s education Click to (31.39).

If anyone is impacted by this story we would ask that you contact Lifeline, Beyond Blue or other organisations. There are many others listed in our Beyond Bullying Issue.

Image Credit: Australia Government

23 Supernal Magazine

Elephant in the Room

In reality each of the headline topics can be its own elephant, however looking at the bigger picture, they are all tied together in such a way to cause people to miss the elephant completely.

S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely and is used mainly in goal setting. However, what if, in the case of cities, it means Specific Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology? There are other acronyms around like this around too.

Smart Cities: There is a push to create councils into a third tier of Government with similar power and controls to State Government. The discussion is based around the merging of some councils to create zones. The idea is that people can access all the services required with 15-20 minutes of their home. People who live in these zones, will have to stay in them, unless they have a permit, with a generous 100 days of travel allowed. All in the name of Climate Change. Check out Tony Heller – Real Climate Science.

Sounds a bit like the Hunger Games. How would YOU feel about being restricted within a zone?

Check out What is a SMART City, RAIR Foundation Japan’s Smart City, TimsTruth and The Great Reset, Davos Agenda 2021 - ‘You’ll Own Nothing And Be Happy’ There is a lot more to look at. It’s not a conspiracy theory; it’s a massive herd of elephants!

In the words of Klaus Martin Schwab (World Economic Forum), “You will own nothing and will be happy about it!”

To travel around, each person will be monitored from multiple devises, See Consent, Implied or Otherwise and Electric Everything in this Feature, so each person will be tracked. We will all be connected to the Internet of Things, which really means the Internet of Bodies. A test of this is planned in Oxfordshire UK in 2024. See: The Wentworth Report on Smart Cities and Oxford County Council’s 15-Minute City idea

The social Credit system that governments are using overseas, with China is leading the way, is yet another play of reducing people’s ability to true freedom. Make a mistake and you get cut off from your bank account, prevented from leaving home and more. Is the beginning of that here in Australia and other countries, the push to ban cash? If everyone is forced to use the internet, won’t that mean everything is traceable?

One final thought to ponder: Smart Phones, Smart Meters, Smart Schooling, Smart Tech, Smart Surveillance and Smart People who are instilling fear to create change are they all driven by the almighty dollar –Just a thought?

Image Credit: Pixabay, WWW

Smart Cities, ID & Loss of Freedom 24

Jobs, Employment - Mandates Elephant in the Room

Under Government enforced work mandates, people were required to be jabbed or face termination. I know many people that chose to leave their jobs rather than be misinformed and coerced regarding the proven falsehoods around jabs. I also know many people who were terminated and made to feel like S&#t because of their pro-choice stance.

Many pro-choice people have been treated appallingly by government, family, friends and work colleagues out of FEAR. Personally, I applaud all the pro-choice people who have stood up against a faulty and bias science and government bullying tactics.

The government applied the Mandates, and then forced businesses to control and enforce those mandates. When the mandates were dropped, many businesses still enforced them; there’s the Elephant in this Room – why are there workforce shortages?

Every day we hear cries of lack of workers to keep the country moving, let alone growing. The Government is changing Visas to allow more people into the country to take up jobs that Australians should have. Why?

When you consider Australia is reportedly one of the highest vacc’d countries in the world, we shouldn’t have Covid sickness issues either?

It’s simple, even though we were lied to by Big Pharma about what the jabs could and couldn’t do; many businesses are still requiring a vax certificate before they will employ anyone.

Below is one job I looked at, which is representative of thousands more affecting all ages. I’ve blanked out which council, however it highlights NO discrimination against gender, race or sexual orientation, yet it does discriminate against any unvaxed or not up-to-date vaxed peeps. No job application I know of asks if you have communicable diseases?

To ensure equity of access to employment opportunities, Council encourages applications from underrepresented groups including people who are

from an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background, people from different ages, abilities, gender identities, sexual orientation and cultural backgrounds.

Manningham Council have a number of policies and practices to help support our staff, including a Working from Home policy, flexible work practices and an IT infrastructure to support various communication methods when working remotely.

If you require any additional support or adjustments regarding interview arrangements, please advise the contact listed above in advance.

Manningham Council is a child safe organisation and, as such, applicants may be required to hold a Working with Children Check.

This role will require proof of Covid-19 vaccinations, as per Council Policy.

Apply Now

If the mandates were truly dropped, then this country’s workforce will reappear with vigour. When you look at OS countries and the successful suing of companies and governments over mandates reinstating jobs and lost income, then watch this space here in Australia. It’s starting to happen!

Image Credit: Pixabay


Elephant in the Room

Here’s a flighty conspiracy theory that’s now created a disaster globally. The new term is Geoengineering (Climate Engineering) or Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) and it’s technology that supposedly can be used for good. However, there is a growing body of evidence to prove otherwise.

Basics from Encyclopedia Britannica Contrail - also called condensation trail or vapour trail, is a stream of cloud sometimes observed behind an airplane flying in clear cold humid air. It forms with the condensation of water vapour produced by combustion of fuel in airplane engines. When the ambient relative humidity is high, the resulting ice-crystal plume may last several hours.

The chemtrail conspiracy theory is the erroneous belief that long-lasting condensation trails are “chemtrails” consisting of chemical or biological agents left in the sky by high-flying aircraft, sprayed for nefarious purposes undisclosed to the general public. Believers in this conspiracy theory say that while normal contrails dissipate relatively quickly, contrails that linger must contain additional substances. Those who subscribe to the theory speculate that the purpose of the

chemical release may be solar radiation management, weather modification, psychological manipulation, human population control, biological or chemical warfare, or testing of biological or chemical agents on a population, and that the trails are causing respiratory illnesses and other health problems.

Climate engineering (also called geoengineering) is a term used for both carbon dioxide removal (CDR) and solar radiation management (SRM), also called solar geoengineering, when applied at a planetary scale. However, they have very different geophysical characteristics which is why the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) no longer uses this overarching term. Carbon dioxide removal approaches are part of climate change mitigation. Solar geoengineering involves reflecting some sunlight (solar radiation) back to space. All forms of geoengineering are not a standalone solution to climate change, but need to be coupled with other forms of climate change mitigation. Another approach to geoengineering is

to increase the Earth’s thermal emittance through passive radiative cooling.

The information out there on Geoengineering and cloud seeding for rain in Australia dates back 70 odd years. There is information on Government websites relaying what is licensed and being sprayed around our country. However, it’s not easy to find, concealed by Governments globally. There is no publically released information regarding the effects this may have on the people of this planet - now or in the future. We might refer to this Elephant as Conspiracy Fact!

Links to a variety of sites:

GeoEngineering in AustraliaAustralian Rain Corporation AustraliaOne Party -

Geoengineering #1: NASA Cloud Seeding (

MarieZee Geoengineering Our Future (

Qld Cloud Seeding Research Program

Flood Commission Reports cloud seeding most likely created floods. Geo-Engineering is on the Australian Federal Government CHEMTRAILs ������ 1����0s !!! On Aussie TELL-LIE-VISION (

The Dimming: Exposing The Global Climate Engineering Cover-Up

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, Oct 2��, 2022, # 377 (Dane Wigington)

Geo-Engineering Explained

Inside a Geoengineering Plane Chemtrails - conspiracy con 2011|Sofia Smallstorm

Image Credit: Pixabay

Geoengineering, Cloud Seeding, Chemtrails, Contrails Supernal Magazine 2626

Elephant in the Room

Electric Cars & Everything Electric

Here’s a great Elephant question to ponder. If electric cars are meant to create zero emissions, how much emissions are created in building and owning one?

Let’s start with the mining of Lithium to create the batteries that run them. Then there’s the energy and products to create the electrics, the body, the wheels, tyres and brakes; the whole vehicle! At this point the vehicles are shipped from the manufacturing plant to the various countries. How many carbon miles?

The next questions to ponder are how much it takes to move the vehicles around the country of sale and, once bought, the charging that starts at home. How much will it cost to charge the vehicle at home and at various charging stations (WHO built these and at what environmental cost?) around the home city? Or for a longer journey, where is the electricity coming from and being generated?

The push to subsidise electric vehicles by the government, supposedly for environmental benefit, seems a bit off when you ask the above questions. What’s in the bigger picture here? There’s plenty of oil around to make fuel. It’s not a finite resource as many,

including myself thought. Who is controlling the oil and why?

Another point to consider is the question of battery life. There have been lots to stories about fields of ‘dead’ vehicles that still have a perfectly good body and running gear, however it’s cheaper to buy a new vehicle than replace the battery. We understand that this is changing, however, with these facts in mind, are we really saving our planet buy buying electric?

So, why is the government subsidising electric vehicles and pushing/creating an agenda that promotes saving

the planet? Check out the Elephant in the Room when it comes to Safe Cities, and loss of the freedom to go whenever you like.

It’s already a fact that all electric systems can be tracked. Teslar has proven this. All the data from the vehicle from speeds, to locations, charging data and anything else you can think of is able to be tracked. In fact, these cars are controlled by an app. If an owner can control the car remotely, who else can do so in the case of a violation of boundary, speed etc.?

The question begs then. What happens if you speed? What happens if you travel outside of your allocated zone? What happens if the vehicle is used in a violent crime? What happens if your social credit score drops to low and your vehicle is switched off and can’t be driven – including in an emergency? One does wonder?

One last question. What will sitting inside a giant electrical field do to a human body if a smart phone is known to create health issues from electro magnetic fields?

Image Credit: Pixabay
27 Supernal Magazine 27
“If an owner can control the car remotely, who else can do so in the case of a violation of boundary, speed etc.?”
Supernal Magazine 2828 An epic reimagining of the story of Lilith Book trailer and buy links at She led the fall of the feminine. Now she leads the rise to unity. ‘IamLilith, andthisstoryismine.’ David Starlyte Mental health consulting available as well as online healing, counselling and psychotherapy sessions, mindfulness & meditation instruction. Click Here to Contact us Trauma - informed Spiritual Healer , Teacher & Counsellor B.H.Sci ( Naturopathy ) MA ( Mental Health )
29 Supernal Magazine 29

Coerced Normality ( Part 1) Machinations of a Toxic Culture

The foundation of this article is to examine the state of coerced normality and the machinations of a toxic culture, which human beings have considered our normal state of reality. Cultural toxicity is birthed out of people’s trauma or wounding.

Before we proceed any further, let us examine the definition of coerced, normal, machination, toxic and culture. The Cambridge Dictionary defines 1. Coerce: to persuade someone forcefully to do something that they are unwilling to do. 2. Normal: ordinary or usual; the same as would be expected.

3. Machination: complicated and secret plans to get power or control or to gain an advantage. 4. Toxic: poisonous.

5. Culture: the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs of a particular group of people at a particular time.

On the 25th January 2020, the first case of SARS-CoV-2 infection was reported in Australia and, as the cases of people infected with this virus increased on the 27th February, the then prime minister, Scott Morrison, activated the Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Scott Morrison stated that the rapid spread of the virus outside of China, concerned the government and prompted the decision to elevate its response.

Notice how the government did not work with the people collaboratively, inviting us to an open discussion and review of the presenting facts. We were told, in no uncertain terms,

that we had to do as they commanded or be punished by them. As if their violence against us was not enough, in a time of great crisis, the government sort to divide us and even encouraged us to turn on each other. I realised through my extensive research on the history of humanity, that the majority are being ruled by a group of rich elite fascists, who were more afraid of us than we needed to be of them.

“Dictatorial leaders such as these represent the extreme potential of the human capacity for evil, and yet, despite their apparent omnipotence within their individual spheres of power, these individuals also tended to suffer from excessive anxiety – mostly regarding paranoid fears of citizen uprising and/ or assassination.” - Seth Davin Norrholm, Ph. D. Wayne State University, Samuel Hunly, Ph.D. Emory University,

Wild Gaia – Timeless Wisdom 30

The Psychology of Dictators: Power, Fear, and Anxiety

For the past three years, authorities have incited the vaccinated into battle with the unvaccinated, stating that the latter were a threat to the health of the community. The community was divided and personal unresolved traumas and wounds were

triggered, sending the majority into battle with each other. Anger was raging on all fronts. Information was coming in through alternative media that the pandemic may well be a plandemic.

I began to see a pattern emerging: create a problem – the virus. Illicit the reaction –people were scared that they

may die or lose a loved one to the deadly virus. The solution – a vaccine that made the stakeholders very rich and did not stop transmission. Yet, the people kept lining up to be vaccinated and masked their faces while receiving the toxic message that the world had entered a new ‘NORMAL’ and we, the people, have to adjust to it if we want our imagined freedom back. Right there is a great example of coerced normality.

I see them as traumatised beings, working very hard to build a world where they feel safe and fulfilled by securing this planet for themselves. They believe that their wealth affords them the status to do as they please and take whatever they want. They have created a world where the most vulnerable are exploited and we, the people, accept the exploitation as normal. This includes the exploitation of our beloved Earth and her wild life. I believe that the essence of a culture is known by the way in

Supernal Magazine 3131 feature
“…authorities have incited the vaccinated into battle with the unvaccinated…”

which the most vulnerable are treated.

My work with homeless young people opened my eyes to the darkest substrata of society, where the most toxic culture and traditions are practiced. The young people I worked with spoke to me of the ritual abuse, drug and sex trafficking they were coerced into, either through fear for their lives or the illusion of being protected and provided for by a sex or drug trafficker. The toxic culture of the city’s underbelly is normal for many, they have grown up in that soup of dark, sticky, traumatic goop!

I realised that to make a real and lasting difference in the lives of the young people I served, society would need to look into its shadow self to begin to understand the machinations of the toxic culture we have allowed to exist around us.

“No society can understand itself without looking at its shadow side.” - Gabor Mate,

In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction, 2010

The brilliant work of Dr Gabor Mate in the area of addiction, trauma and authenticity has helped me to revisit my own shadow self and look deeply into it. It helped me to acknowledge my trauma and to allow the trauma to share its truth with me. For years, I didn’t want to face the

possibility that I may not be in control of my life; to see that others may have control over me. Like many, I shut myself off to the truth, by feeding my dopamine fix through partying on weekends, overindulging in food and alcohol, binging on movies, bitching at all the institutional systems and blaming my family for all my dysfunctional behaviour.

So, how did we get to this place, where most of us believe our governments know us better than we know ourselves and therefore, have our best interests at heart? How did they get intelligent people to follow them into the COVID madness, when it was blatant that good science was not the foundation of their decision making? It was through fear and reward, because we have been programmed to respond to fear and then pleasure as a reward for compliance. The controllers are experts at stimulating our dopamine receptors to numb the anxiety caused by the toxic culture they were instrumental in creating.

“The measure of society is how it treats the weakest members”
- Thomas Jefferson, Works of Thomas Jefferson
“The young people I worked with spoke to me of the ritual abuse, drug and sex trafficking they were coerced into…”

“Fear alone breeds hatred of those who are feared. But the doling out of rewards and sweets makes the concomitant fear palatable to the point where we don’t notice it.” - Daphne Caruana Galizia, Controlling through fear and reward, The Malta Independent.

The controller’s addiction to power and control caused, I believe, by a personal wounding or trauma, drives them to narcissism and fascist control over the people, through prescriptive cultural beliefs, ideologies, rules and behaviours. A traumatised

narcissistic fascist has to feel that they have complete control, where they dictate the terms of life. Only their opinion matters and becomes law.

We have witnessed this in the past three years, as we watched the governments of the world instil fear in the people of a deadly killer virus and threaten us with fines and imprisonment if we chose not to follow their rules. Rules which, as we have found out, were not rooted in good science. To me it feels like wounded people were making decisions to feed their addiction for power and control.


Thomas Jefferson

Daphne Caruana Galizia, The Malta Independent

Seth Davin Norrholm and Samuel Hunley

Check out Charles’ Blog on Gaian Heart Wisdom HERE

Image Credit: Pexel, Pixabay, Unsplash

33 Supernal Magazine
“…I believe, by a personal wounding or trauma, drives them to narcissism and fascist control over the people…”

Conversations: Mental Health Awarenes

ADHD & Addiction – Lets Open the Conversation

There is no denying that in the last 18 months, ADHD has become common in the language of all generations across Australia. We have seen an increase in prescriptions for ADHD medications double for two reasons. Heightened awareness has led to more children being diagnosed and, in turn, their parents realising they too suffer similar symptoms, yet have remained undiagnosed.

The change in stigmatised language and viewpoint of what a person with the neurodivergent condition ‘looks like’ is a positive step forward. However, it’s not without its problems, specifically around adults living with comorbid conditions. Currently they are waiting an average of six to nine months to be assessed by a psychiatrist.

questioning the motivations of publicising their ‘Super Power ADHD’. Why don’t they discuss the life challenges they faced before achieving the success they have today in diagnoses and treatment? For those in the public eye, I wonder how long they had to wait for their assessment for ADHD, whilst others wait quietly and painfully at our local GP office for months, our lives falling apart slowly.

possible places. I can explain, how I masked symptoms to create friendships and relationships, to only have them breakdown, creating a fear of rejection that I still struggle to overcome.

We see public figures discuss that ‘having ADHD is super power’. On social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and Twitter, every other video and post seems to be another person or influencer telling you their “Top 5 signs you have ADHD” or “This is how my medication helps my ADHD. ” It is everywhere you look! However, I find myself

I don’t discuss their chaotic lives, lived as an undiagnosed ADHD person. I know it because I have lived it. As an adult diagnosed with ADHD, I can tell you from start to finish, how much my life has changed for the better since being diagnosed.

My life, as an adult was complete and utter chaos for almost 20 years. I lost countless jobs, due to seeking hits of Dopamine that I was medically unable to produce, wherever I could find it: often in the worst

As most undiagnosed adults with ADHD will tell you, I was aware I was unable to function like my peers. As a result, along with an estimated 48 percent of others, I fell into a severe addiction to various substances; simply keep up with a world where I did not fit in.

Common comorbid conditions, such as anxiety, depression and complex trauma walk alongside those of us with ADHD. For me, it was a voice constantly telling me that I wasn’t good enough, smart enough, that I was too sensitive, too emotional, that I was always, simply, “too much.” After many unsuccessful attempts to see a psychiatrist, I was finally diagnosed at 35 years old. Two years on, I am

Supernal Magazine 3434
“ADHD has become common in the language of all generations across Australia.”

in recovery from addiction and treat my ADHD using a variety of medical interventions, including stimulant medication.

if diagnosed, should have both diagnoses treated side by side.

Australia has such a substantial shortage of psychiatrists willing to treat adult ADHD, we are now faced with pop-up online telehealth companies charging excessive amounts of upfront costs, with a guaranteed assessment within four to six weeks. These services are still subsidised by Medicare, yet they profiteer greatly from the sheer amount of people in need yet cannot get help.

The recently released ADHD clinical guidelines from the AADPA are a step in the right direction. This agrees clinically that ADHD is common in adults, due to the diagnoses being missed in childhood. The guidelines also state that those of us, who fit the criteria of substance misuse disorder, should be screened for ADHD as common practice and,

However, it’s almost impossible for the Australian Medical Professionals within the Alcohol and Other Drugs sector, Mental Health and General Medical Practice to educate themselves on such a complex neurodivergent disorder, let alone treat it correctly. Adults with ADHD also suffer from various Mental Health issues such as Anxiety, Complex Trauma, Depression and Bipolar. Read the document HERE:

A dual diagnosis simply can’t be treated successfully with exasperating wait times and lack of education. Equipping clinicians with basic understandings of ADHD is one simple step required for Australia to meet the requirements of a population, not only needing help they are actively seeking it while being faced with barriers, red tape and stigma in the process.

To help combat this, key ADHD advocates around Australia are in the process of setting up a NFP Advocacy Campaign to draw attention to the very clear, yet ignored, link between addiction, Mental Health and undiagnosed ADHD. This is intended to drive change and create awareness through stories of lived experience.

People should be the priority, not organisational targets and lack of understanding to help.

35 Supernal Magazine 35
Jess Kennedy: Mental Health, Addiction & ADHD Lived Experience Speaker, Advocate and Consultant. Image Credit: Rethink Addiction, Pixabay
“After many unsuccessful attempts to see a psychiatrist, I was finally diagnosed at 35 years old.”
“…ADHD advocates around Australia are in the process of setting up a NFP Advocacy Campaign…”
health and

Expect Magic

Lift Off

The warm humid summer sunshine was expanding its reach as I lay on a tarmac, dazed, alone and confused. Semi-conscious, I was wondering exactly what happened, yet could clearly recall being thrown through the air from my bike in a mysterious turn of events, precipitated by a lack of mindfulness and wandering imagination. In that moment, as much as I was used to falling and getting up again, brushing off the scratches and bruises, this seemed different. I had landed first on my leg, then on my elbow and was holding my arm together, clearly dislocated. I tried to get up, quickly realising that this was to no avail as my injuries were too severe.

In time, I spent over two gruelling hours in a taxi drive to the hospital on a rocky countryside road in Vietnam. Initially, the greatest pain was when I moved, or was moved. Upon arrival at the hospital, an over-keen attendant opened the door and I fell on top of him, as I had been leaning against the door trying to get my leg stable and straight. Eventually, I was to spend almost a month in a hospital in Nha Trang.

It was an arduous journey getting back to Australia, including three flights and four airports, as there were no direct flights. It was also an introduction into wheelchair travel. When I was assessed by Australian doctors, it was clear I would need further surgery on my knee and elbow and extensive rehabilitation. Apparently, there was even a hole in my knee!

After many months living with crutches and receiving more surgeries, I finally learnt to walk again. The pain of broken bones is excruciating and. the recovery from surgery, attempts to straighten limbs through the pain barrier, plus secondary issues like sympathetic dystrophy in my foot or bacterial cellulitis on my leg, created many hurdles. When the pain gets really bad, one starts to fantasise about amputations, yet I was fortunate to have a supportive family and friends. On the positive side, crutches stimulate compassion and kindness amongst people of all walks of life; even beggars smiled at me sympathetically. Airline staff were gracious and in vulnerability, one realises the sacrifices people make, while

“I tried to get up, quickly realising that this was to no avail as my injuries were too severe.”
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“On the positive side, crutches stimulate compassion and kindness amongst people of all walks of life; even beggars smiled at me sympathetically.”

appreciating the many helping hands offered from complete strangers.

This humbling experience taught me to appreciate the simple things more, and to never look down on anyone. You never know who your saviour or the saviour of others could be. Whatever your perceived deficiencies, there’s always someone suffering more than you. All I went through was perfect preparation for Covid. Not much changed for me, just increased isolation and, due to having an account with Spotify, I had an expansive playlist to inspire me. I explored healing art and art therapy to help ease the pain and find balance again. Especially with all the drugs administered, recovery takes time and patience. And a lot of limping! I remember the struggle when one of my crutches broke and I was left with only one to use!

With the passage of time, the pain mostly went away and I began studying other approaches to healing. This included Buddhist mindfulness, counselling and art therapy,

which led me ultimately to Nan Tien University.

I am currently studying Humanistic Buddhism; I have completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Naturopathy and a Masters Degree in Mental Health. Previously I had travelled the globe as a healer and wellbeing practitioner. I had also explored a number of paths, including mysticism and spent a couple of years as a monastic in my twenties in the Holy Land.

to see many which deeply touched and expanded my vision. I will endeavour to celebrate the splattering of stardust, sometimes wellhidden away. Whereas the density of illusive pursuits may weigh us down and lead is into emptiness, beyond that is the Higher Field of quantum creation. Shifting ourselves back into the operator role by reclaiming our own divine light, our own divine power, is where we embody this ‘magic.’ Welcome to limitless possibilities!

What would you like to be discussed? What would you like to hear more about? Always feel free to connect with interest, comments or questions.

This column is the result of my experiences, with the focal point being enhancing consciousness, guiding a soul towards higher awareness. Why ‘Expect Magic?’ The converse is what – doom and gloom? When you look up at the night sky and are blessed to see stars shining back at you, perhaps a supernova may appear, or a shooting star. I’ve been blessed

37 Supernal Magazine
David is an Australian Spiritual Teacher and Mental Health Consultant and author based in Queensland, Australia. Image Credit: David Starlyte, Unsplash
37 health and wellbeing
“…our own divine power, is where we embody this ‘magic.’ Welcome to limitless possibilities!”


When to Speak Up?

What a fascinating saying, ‘the elephant in the room’, describing our resistance to acknowledging the ‘big issue’, choosing rather to focus on the minutiae of life. It conjures up the vison of this huge beast peeping out from behind an insubstantial curtain or standing in the middle of the room covered by a lace doily with a vase of flowers balanced on his head, hiding in plain sight. I have an odd mind, you understand!

So, how did this widely understood phrase become embedded into our language? Apparently, in 1814, Ivan Krylov (1769–1844), a poet and fabulist, wrote The Inquisitive Man, a fable of a man visiting a museum, where he notices all the tiny items yet fails to see an elephant. It has become a metaphor for any subject so big and most likely inflammatory, that it is ignored for the sake of peace.

As a child of a very private - one could say secretive –mother, I was instructed from a very early age on what could and could not be mentioned to a visitor, particularly family members. A list of taboo subjects was rolled out and I knew that, should I slip up, I would receive ‘The Look’. I became anxious at these events, waiting for the ‘the balloon to go up’, discord the

result, and a rapid retreat by the visitor. It took me many years to overcome the fear of saying the wrong thing. Thankfully age dispels much of that basic training!

However, these days spiritual teachings tell us to ‘speak our truth’, as this allows us to stand firm and gives others the opportunity to hear and understand our opinions. This is obviously a powerful way to communicate our needs and values to others, while maintaining openness and grace. However, do people really want to know what we think? Are they ready to hear what we have to say?

As I grew older, I realised that life is not black and white, right or wrong, it depends on the individual’s experiences, creating a massive grey area, the very colour of the elephant.

It is widely recognised that one should not mention politics, religion or sex in general conversation, as these subjects are likely to evoke friction.

My personal opinion is that in most cases, no, they don’t. They are comfortable with their position and have no inclination at this point to have it upset or challenged by the opinions of another.

We each have a developed set of beliefs and ideals, moulded through our background patterning and our experience, both of which create a safe

“…it depends on the individual’s experiences, creating a massive grey area, the very colour of the elephant.”

place – our comfort zone - for us to live out our life without too much mental turmoil The path we walk is made up of what to us are solid paving stones reflecting this safe framework and, when it is challenged, we become uncomfortable at best.

We must remember though that when we speak our truth, it often conflicts with another’s framework and will promote its own resistance. The result is inevitable conflict, as we have seen over the past couple of years within family units and friendships. The elephant in the room now is definitely related to the choices individuals have made over the last few years and the subsequent results of the action taken. And it is still a very sensitive area indeed!

There is a fine line between giving an opinion before the event or voicing it after, which smacks of “I told you so,” and no-one wants to hear that. For example, we may be invited to go shopping with a friend to buy a dress for her special occasion valuing our opinion on style, suitability and colour. However, it would be unwise to give an opinion on her choice should she have shopped alone. We would not rudely say “What were you thinking? That looks awful!” if we valued the friendship.

We have now reached a point where it is important to find a way through this quagmire and create a balance that avoids anyone sitting in resentment and anger over another’s opinion, while still feeling able to express our feelings. We know that,

irrespective of the fact that it may be totally opposed to our own, it is another’s view on life, at the stage they have reached and is as valid as our own. To oppose their view is a challenge to them, to allow their view to over-ride our own is a challenge to us and to say nothing reinforces the idea of ‘this is right and that is wrong’. Quite the dilemma, so I usually come back with, “What an interesting view.” I find it works well, while keeping me balanced and out of trouble!

Jane Offer is available for counselling, Soul Mastery and life guidance sessions. Please ring for an appointment 0431 168 027. NDIS clients are welcome.

Image Credit: Pixabay
“We must remember though that when we speak our truth, it often conflicts with another’s framework and will promote its own resistance.”
39 health and wellbeing
“There is a fine line between giving an opinion before the event or voicing it after, which smacks of “I told you so…”
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Avalon Tintagel, King Arthur and Merlins Cave

one hasn’t seen in what seems an age. The vibrant green grass and the blue sea, reflecting the grey overcast skies transport my senses to a time of old.

fabled King Arthur’s footprint. Now, each placing our own foot in his stead and declaring our intention to serve light, unconditional love and the unfurling divine plan of peace. Our prayers and statements were witnessed by one another and the Goddess, ever present in the wind, land and sea.

My body resounds with the response from my soul, as truth bumps arise over my skin, head to toe, as every tiny chakra and meridian are filled with the blessings from the eternal font of the Source of Absolute Truth, Wisdom, Unconditional Love and Grace.

A winding path leads to Tintagel’s Castle ruins, the ancient castle, atop the craggy cliffs, stretching o’er the grass-covered hills.

At first sight, a warm feeling awakens in my heart, like greeting an old friend whom

My shamanic senses attune, now perceiving ‘ye olde’ world folk in common and fair dress, going about their day. Soldiers guarding their keep and Kingdom, fair ladies gazed wistfully over the sea, minds wandering, traversing through wonder to lands far beyond.

My scrying is interrupted as our leaders; Master Shaman Raym and Chicchan, guide us to an area off the beaten track, where we gather around the

Our party moves through the landscape united in our hearts, each finding our way, drawn to different areas of the ruins, spectacular in their essence, evoking cellular memory. The air is fresh and clean, and the breeze adds to the mystery of this magical place, as it whisks away these sensed knowing’s just before they materialise as visceral memory.

I daren’t chase them through my Akasha, rather I stay in

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“Our party moves through the landscape united in our hearts, each finding our way…”

receptive listening, consciousfeeling repose.

Our merry band with smiling faces and shining eyes stand on top of the immense staircase that leads down to the sheltered cove below. Here awaits us Merlins Cave, little did I know, some of its wonders were soon to be revealed...

A bright student had gifted me a sacred tool, Lemurian and Atlantean in nature, I took it into Merlin’s domain. Inspired, I squat down over a rock pool inside the cave, the tide now out, its bedrock exposed. Centring myself, a vortex opens, transportedintimately experiencing the sight beholden from every sea creature in the ocean’s eyes, as one.

Awed, though present with the experience I inwardly asked, ‘What it would be like to view through an individual creature’s eyes?’ The rhythm moves, changing from one moment to the next, a moment is all that was required to feel into each of their ego vehicles and natures. I explored these new relationships. Again, I quested, ‘what if I wanted to go onto land?’ Instantly I was in an adorable cheeky creature.

I giggled outwardly, recognising its being before its form, a sea otter!

The little grey-brown being scarpered up the rocks to the grassy seaside. To my surprise, there was a small red-striped tent, as one would see in a movie. Knights in shining armour engaged in strategic planning, next moves now revealed, I left the otter’s vehicle, and exited my altered state, becoming aware of the tunnelled cave surrounding me.

Removing the sacred tool from the pool of salt water, a miniature version of the Celtic Sea, which surrendered a part of itself to be held for a time, would be reclaimed, with the turning of the tide, revealed new yet ancient shamanic wisdom memories to add to its expanse. All the oceans will remember, and be remembered as the mer-lineage waters of life that they are.

Deep in the cave, I join our group, Chicchan now sky clad, diving into the icy waters. Her bright shining eyes glowing with her soul’s light like that sweet and cheeky otter...

‘Raym,’ I catch his attention and share my experience. ‘Yes! That’s exactly how we used to do it... “Write it down,” he says. Etched in my cellular memory every feeling every nuance... the memory of life as a Druid long ago, I write it down now, to share with each of you.

Freya is available for Crystal Dreaming™, The Liquid Crystals and a range of holistic services.

Image Credit: Supplied by Freya Sampson

“…the oceans will remember, and be remembered as the mer-lineage waters of life that they are.”
43 Supernal Magazine 43 sacred sites alchemy

Sacred Sites

Africa’s Greatest Mysteries Adam’s Calendar

Isn’t it interesting that, in this day and age, new discoveries of our mysterious past are still coming to light? It makes us wonder how much we really know about our origins and the story of humankind.

Solemnly standing on the edge of the escarpment, overlooking the oldest geological location in the world, a site of awesome standing stones was ‘discovered’ in 2003 by a pilot named Johan Heine, on a search and rescue mission in Mpumalanga, South Africa.

An air crash involving one of his crew, led Johan to the puzzling monolithic circle quite by accident. While rescuing the pilot who had crash landed his plane on the edge of the cliff, Johan noticed the arrangement of large stones sticking out of the ground.

He also noticed that they were aligned to the cardinal points; north, south, east and west. Months of observations and measurements led him to suspect that the site was a stone calendar.

Often referred to as the ‘African Stonehenge’ or ‘Adam’s Calendar’ as nicknamed by Michael Tellinger referring to Adam and Eve. Indigenous accounts refer to this sacred place as ‘Inzalo y’Langa,’ or the ‘Birthplace of the Sun’. It is the site where the venerated High Lion Shaman,

Baba Credo Mutwa, was initiated in 1937 and he speaks of the site being the place, “Where Heaven mated with Mother Earth.”

Incidentally the Barberton Valley, below the stone site, is considered geologically to be the only place on earth where the development of the early earth crust and evolution of life itself can be studied. These ancient rocks are 3.5 billion years old and are so well preserved that their fossils accurately record the earliest life forms on the planet. They also carry evidence of the first massive meteorite impact on record, possibly related to the formation of our moon. The valley is also rich in gold…

In the years following his discovery, Johan worked with Michael Tellinger in an attempt to unlock the riddle of these stones. They employed various dating techniques, scrutinising

“Standing on the edge of that escarpment at sunset, in a land before time amongst those ancient stones, is one of the most transporting encounters to be experienced.”
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the magnetic alignment, soil shift, geology, erosion, the archaeo-astronomy, stellar alignment, patina growth. They also had psychic revelations of the place and controversially concluded that the site is approximately 75,000 years old! Various astronomical alignments have been identified at the site and it is possibly the only example of a completely functional, mostly intact megalithic calendar in the world.

This is how it works: The largest central stones of the calendar are aligned perfectly to East and West. The shadow of the setting sun is cast by the taller, central monolith onto the flat stone behind it and, almost perfectly accurately, records the sun’s passage from Winter Solstice to Summer Solstice and back, along the width of the stone. The monoliths are dolomite and weigh approximately five tons each and, since they are not carved from the bedrock at the location, it is believed that they were transported from a distant site.

Since 2011, I have been exploring this site with the thousands of other stone circles in the area in an attempt to make sense of it all. Read the Stone Circles article HERE: As discussed in the previous six issues in my Africa’s Greatest Mysteries series, the strands of a great enigma have woven themselves into the intricate fabric of the story of our past.

We have explored the ancient Egyptian concept of Zep Tepi, or ‘First Time’, which coincides with a meridian of longitude stretching, unbroken by water, the entire length of Africa, from the pyramids of Giza in Egypt to South Africa. This line is known by the ancients to be mirrored by the Milky Way. Read the River of Gold article HERE:

Along this sacred Nilotic Meridian, which lies at 31 degrees, 14 minutes east, underground flows the legendary ‘Lulungwa Mangakatsi’, which is associated with a vein of gold extending the length of the African continent. Read the River of Gold article HERE:

Gold, with its profound metaphysical properties, controls the existence, flow and purification of water on our planet. It is also the reason for the rise and fall of great civilisations along this line. Read the Great Zimbabwe article HERE:

The prophesied arrival of the White Lions in the Timbavati wilderness in South Africa, at a location directly corresponding to the Sphinx in Egypt along the sacred meridian, brings a warning to humanity in modern times to either bow to the supremacy of nature or become extinct! Read the White Lions article HERE:

Standing on the edge of that escarpment at sunset, in a land before time amongst those ancient stones, is one of the most transporting encounters to be experienced.

Exploring sacred sites in Africa and walking as an art of healing.

Louise Clarke
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Image Credit: Louise Clarke

21st Century Parenting The D WorD

Discipline isn’t a dirty word; in fact it could be a contributing factor in addressing the so-called mental health crisis among our younger generation right now. Discipline is more a loaded word – a trigger for our personal childhood experiences and, let’s face it, there are many, many things hidden under the discipline umbrella that clearly don’t belong there.

Discipline is about setting boundaries, where as punishment is about inflicting pain to get a certain result. Consider a school that puts a focus on achieving excellence in academic results, pushing staff and students to perform in order to compete with other schools in the area. This is a results-based approach. In contrast, consider a school leadership that understands wellbeing precedes academic achievement and puts their focus on emotional support of the staff. This filters down to students, through to families and creates a beacon of safety for the whole community. Such a place finds excellence through these nurturing connections and setting healthy boundaries, where academic success is a healthy result of collaboration and wellbeing.

The discipline is in the commitment to regular connection.

Good parenting is a balance between disciple and nurture, which are not mutually exclusive. Effective, sustainable discipline means applying the right amount of nurture, not when we’re angry and triggered. It needs to be carefully thought out with the notion that we are raising adults.

Taking care of a child’s wellbeing means that we never impose consequences without first making connection and never done in anger, or with the element of suffering. Being an Education Support Worker, the nurture/discipline balance is the basis of my entire role. To ensure my students engage with their education to the best of their abilities, I must keep

“Good parenting is a balance between disciple and nurture, which are not mutually exclusive.”
“Discipline is about setting boundaries, where as punishment is about inflicting pain…”

the education goals in mind. Consider Ben, a student who presents with trauma. Ben has repeated Prep for a second year; he is a capable learner who simply needs much more nurture than a typically developing student.

For example, he finds it difficult to cope when the normal routine has been changed, as it makes making him feel unsafe. ‘Feel’ is the important

word here because he’s always physically safe with us. This is where nurturing that emotional need is the true meaning of wellbeing. Every form of genuine success for a child stems from feeling safe. As you can imagine, no two school days are ever alike, with changes happening all the time, so Ben has needed two years of nurturing to feel safe in this environment and be ready for discipline. The reason it’s clear to see; his safety bucket is now full and he is ready to move to Grade One and cope with some firm boundaries is that he’s starting to try and pull the wool over our eyes!

All children have their own level of need and, as parents our number one job is consistently meeting that need. School staff could have said at the end of last year, “Oh well, Ben’s had our one-on-one attention for a whole school year, that should be enough for him to be ready to move out of Prep.” This would be the ‘results-based’ response. The level of ‘enough’ nurture isn’t something we measure and set for children, they must lead and let us know by their behaviour when that level is reached.

expectations is not something he would choose. This is a different challenge and part of the grieving process that goes along with growing up. My own children expressed a lot of sadness at this point in their own education; leaving behind the toys, dress-ups and craft for more maths and literacy was difficult. If we were to allow Ben to make this choice, his education and social development would suffer, his mental health would decline, and he wouldn’t develop the stamina to sustain future educational settings. Here is where the discipline will serve these needs. The skill we need, as parents, is in monitoring the need versus the want. All the signs are there for Ben to be ready to move forward, it is what he needs.

Loving, caring boundaries ensure children are not the ones making long-term decisions for their own futures that they simply do not understand.

If I were to say to Ben, “Are you ready to move to Grade One next year?” His answer would be “NO!” Taking on more responsibility and higher

Olivia Sinco is an Education Support Worker, Facilitator of the 21st Century Parenting Program and artist. Image Credit: Pixabay
“The skill we need, as parents, is in monitoring the need versus the want.”
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Attuning to Integrity Divine Time

Whatever, doesn’t resonate with your highest good can be let go of in a kind and honourable way over the coming moons. You can love something or someone dearly and let them go. Best always do it with love, forgiveness, and the realisation that it’s simply not ‘for now’, and it’s okay to be true to yourself first.

The world is turning in a multi-calendric system of code, we can give ourselves permission to play as we are now midway into a journey of personal healing and empowerment.

January 10th till Feb 6th, we reside, and ride, the Resonant Moon of Attunement - to Channel, Inspire and Attune. The totem of this Moon is the Monkey Magician, guaranteeing a tricky, yet splendid time indeed!

This Supernal issue theme is ‘the elephant in the room’. A quote by Dr Jose Arguelles, founder of the Foundation for the Law of Time says “The 13-Moon Calendar is an evolutionary tool to assist humanity in the unprecedented act of uniting itself on one issue central to its complete wellbeing; time.”

People must value their soul’s journey and make the applicable changes. Anything not of your current or likely future resonation, will simply hold you back, creating angst and misconception of what is evolving. We are heading into a new out-posted direction of non-conformity.

The key (a universal avatar to freedom) to 2023 is the key of alignment, and finding true resonation.

February 7th to March 6th we reside within the 8th Galactic Moon of Integrity. Key words are Harmonise, Model and Integrity and the totem is the Hawk.

Without attending to the self with personal effort, we cannot attune to our point of resonation; we cannot hold onto or be held by our personal integrity. Failing to supply and apply ourselves, leads to constantly falling to our knees, and picking up pieces of residual what if’s and maybe’s!

Everyone prefers to ignore, our individual, community and global wellbeing and the factor of time – The Elephant. Our time is taken. It’s taken up, taken over, taken out and controlled. More so than ever before, our wellbeing

to be none of our business!

Considering ‘time’ is an abstract concept of psychological and measurable quantum physics - relativity speaking, it seems rather ridiculous that we choose to give it away so easily.

We will soon be leaving the Six Moon of Equality and Rhythmic tone, so life will have encouraged you to get with it and get in ‘time’ with your soul’s tune. Do you dance to the rhythm of the number 9 - with your head, hands, hips, feet, to ‘keep in time’?
“Do you dance to the rhythm of the number 9 - with your head, hands, hips, feet, to ‘keep in time’?”
“More so than ever before, our wellbeing seems to be none of our business!”
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Instead, we could be utilising the power of its malleable and intangible status to cocreate on a level way beyond anything we have dared to deem ourselves capable of.

Seven kin-days a week, 28 kin-days a moon. The cycle of Earth’s feminine wisdom and organic conception is the basis for wellbeing and making one’s ‘time’ here count.

It’s past time to start thinking of ourselves as multi-dimensional beings of creativity and eternal life, yet it’s never too late as when we own our time, we begin to really ‘know’ our mind. A great way to do this is to meditate in ways that take you past your normal boundaries, freeing your imagination, freeing yourself from preconceived ideas, archaic and false history.

Considering ‘natural logic’, rather than preconceived ideas and the systematic rote of conventional education,

you begin a transformational process; attuning with the ray of ‘measure’, and aligning with the natural cycles - thus creating a base for your own self-constructed pyramid of etheric and epic proportions.

This 13 Moon year is focused on you. Your healing, your vision, your expansion, your commitment to healing the self: purification!

Purge, breathe it all out, and then breathe in light from the universe. Imagine it coming in from 360 x 360 degrees. This by the way adds to 129600, which reduces to nine. We like to breath, and keep in time.

Breathe - Now we’ve got the rhythm of the head.

Each of the ‘nine steps’ of such a sacred pyramid is a preordained moment in the time of this life, each step holding a page of your akashic record relevant to your ‘time’ incarnate on Earth.

Apart from this Gregorian year 2023 which qualifies as seven numerically speaking, a key, a tone and multidirectional change and high spiritual vibratory frequency leading us straight to the ‘heavens’, it’s the Red Self Existing Moon Year. We entered its phase July 26, 2022 and will continue up until the ‘Day out of Time’, July 25th 2023.

Breathe - Now we’ve got the rhythm of the hands. Breathe - Now we’ve got the rhythm of the hips.

Breathe - Now we’ve got the rhythm of the feet.

Breathe - Now we’ve got the rhythm of the number nine.’

In Lak’ech ala’ kin

Contact ShirleySienna at Divining Me for ‘Soul Symmetry’ readings and ‘Extra Sensory Perceptions!’ Image Credit: Skytime 13 Moon,,

“Each of the ‘nine steps’ of such a sacred pyramid is a preordained moment in the time of this life…”
51 Supernal Magazine 51 divine guidance

A New Earth – Now

The Astrological Elephant in the Room

We’re constantly undergoing astrological shifts affecting our evolution, including major outer planetary transits and even bigger cycles like the turning of the ages every couple of thousand years.

While these certainly have oomph, there’s a shift of an even greater scale occurring. This helps to explain the game-changing scene the human race is in the thick of right now. In essence, we’re birthing an era of unification, which many call the New Earth.

The challenging part is that before the proverbial Phoenix can rise from the ashes,

the situation will get wild. Could it be that the mechanism for this intensity to play out, is the situation behind and surrounding the era of Covid-19?

Perhaps early 2020 crystallised a fork in the road, where souls made their choice, often without conscious awareness, between staying in the fear and ignorance of another

cycle of separation or to rise in unity.

Astrologically speaking, the force behind this transformation is something of an elephant in the room, because its scope and impact is enormous. Far beyond being explainable by transits of our solar system’s big hitting planets like Pluto, Saturn and Uranus.

Beyond the Ages

There is a galactic-level cycle at the foundation of this transformation. It’s known as the Grand Precessional Cross, presented to us by the late and great astronomer and astrologer, Nick Anthony Fiorenza. It now places the Earth and humanity at a key turning point. In a nutshell,

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“Astrologically speaking, the force behind this transformation is something of an elephant in the room…”

we’re ending an era where we turned from the heart at the centre of our galaxy, to experience separation and now we can return to face the galactic heart once more in a spiritual homecoming.

The Grand Precessional Cross goes beyond the turning of the ages, showing a separation then reunification of the feminine and masculine energies. This has the purpose of evolving consciousness using creative contrast.

The Cross becomes exact when the Earth’s vernal point is perpendicular to the galactic equatorial node.

Further detail is not currently available, as soon after Fiorenza passed in October 2020, his website was taken down. Hopefully we will see his extensive work become easily available again soon.

Prophesied Times

A shift on the Earth of grand proportions has long been heralded in a variety of sources. Such prophecies can comfort us by offering higher reasons for upheaval, helping us hold strength and faith as we experience chaos.

A little known reference to the great shift is found in the novel published in Hungary in 1946 called The Red Lion: The Elixir of Eternal Life by Maria Szepes.

It covers five lifetimes of the alchemy-loving protagonist across hundreds of years in Middle Age Europe, as he develops from a base to masterful character.

Soon after publishing, the novel was condemned to destruction by Hungary’s communist regime. The book re-emerged again and nowadays you can still buy it, find free PDFs or a YouTube narration of the book online, as it apparently has no copyright restrictions.

It contains a statement that is very prophetic, especially in light of the Covid-19 situation. In the prologue the protagonist Adam Cadmon, named after the Kabbalahistic primordial man representing a divine being experiencing a physical body, says, “There is to be a time of great transmutation of the earth. Her entire essence is to be altered. She will cast out the contaminated and refine the remaining few into precious metal.”

“The coming cataclysm is by way of a provocative injection; it will bring the latent disease to the surface in those who are tainted with it.”

The latent disease could be seen as fear or separation consciousness.

We Are One

At this point in the Grand Precessional Cross, the poles of feminine and masculine expressions can more easily merge in the Heaven and Earth star, made of the feminine blue

downward pointing triangle and the masculine red upward pointing triangle.

We have a window of opportunity, a launch window that can now be accessed most easily if we have the will to do so.

Those not ripe to move into unity at this time will continue on the wheel of karma and it will seem that we are living in entirely different dimensions, even while sharing the planet. All is one.

While it can be frustrating and upsetting to see all the elephants in the room of current events, it can also be a relief to just let it unfold when we have faith in a higher plan.

Melanie Dufty is an astrologer qualified by the Federation of Australian Astrologers, a Mahat Meditation lover and the author of metaphysical fantasy novel I Am Lilith.

Image Credit: Pixabay

“It now places the Earth and humanity at a key turning point.”
53 astrology
“Those not ripe to move into unity at this time will continue on the wheel of karma…”
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Next Issue

Averting an Atlantis Replay

The March/April issue of Supernal will look at the ‘Averting of an Atlantis Replay’.

Was Atlantis real? What happened, why did it fall and what has that got to do with modern times and our current social and global issues? Looking at ‘Humanities Collective Amnesia’, how do we connect the relationships between Atlantis, and the effect of electricity on the electromagnetic human field (torus) and the physiological effects on the human bodyanimals, plants, Earth and minerals?

How do we, or can we change the trajectory of where humanity is heading? Supernal Magazine will offer some detailed suggestions!

Out March 16th

55 Supernal Magazine 55
Plus • Expect Magic • Sacred Sites • Reflections • Conversations: Mental Health Awareness • Numerology …and more
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1Life Radio Bridging Realms Bridging Realms Core Issue Vibrational Healing™ Busybird Publishing David Starlyte Freya Sampson Custodian Eartheart Forever Haunted Gaian Heart Wisdom Hollie Mariconte Photography Jess Kennedy Lia Estate Design Group Melanie Dufty Olivia Sinco Orgone Effects Re-Wild Your Water ShirleySienna – Divining Me Supernal Magazine Australia The Oaktree Organisation Ad Directory January/February 2023 Ordinary people living extraordinary lives

Re-Wild Your Water

Kangan water is possibly the healthiest restructured water available on the planet. There are a range of machines and products available to suit all countries, interest free terms (conditions apply) and Enagic’s distribution network is global making it easy to get a machine in your home in virtually any country!

“The world is using almost 500 Billion plastic water bottles every year, the majority of which end up in our landfills and oceans. Transforming ordinary tap water into structured, hydrogen rich, electrolysed reduced water essential for health and wellbeing is the answer to this staggering problem.”

“Our Earth is a giant container of water, from which all forms of life arose. And every living thing is itself essentially a container of water. Like the Earth, we are 70 percent water. It follows, naturally, that the health of the Earth is directly proportionate to the health of ourselves.”

“Not only does drinking and utilising Kangan water for cleaning and toxin removal purposes create a healthy life, there’s a unique business opportunity that allows people to live a lifestyle that is financially rewarding as well.”

If you are ready to Re-Wild your Water contact Anthony Kilner, Freya Sampson or Louise Clarke

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Contributor Bios

Anthony Kilner Editor

Anthony has worked in magazines and publishing for over 25 years as a photo journalist, travelling Australia and the globe, with a bent towards lifestyle and spirituality. Anthony is a published author with 2 full books (Secret Spiritual Business & Practical Mediumship) plus 3 co-authored books (Healthy Mind, Healthy Body & Healthy Spirit). As a Psychic Medium Anthony is qualified in trance healing, massage, Reiki and Seichim, he also works as an educational facilitator, mentor, energy worker, speaker and musician. Having studied Vibrational Healing and meditation techniques in India and Australia, Anthony understands these to be powerful tools to promote ongoing wellbeing that encourages self-healing. In 2018, Anthony launched Bridging Realms — Core Issue Vibrational Healing™. This system of energy work combines Anthony’s knowledge into a single package, offering a unique holistic service for his clients.

David Starlyte

Spiritual Teacher, Naturopath, Mental Health Counsellor

David is a spiritual guide with a background globally as a healer at some of the world’s most beautiful locations including Maldives, Thailand, Vietnam, India, China, and Mauritius. After an extensive inner journey of suffering, David was able to transmute pain. This informed his approach as a psychotherapist and coach. His work is holistic, focused on the whole person, informed by Buddhist mindfulness and compassion, and follows his dedication to fulfilling his soul purpose to awaken people. David is a Masters Degree graduate of Australia’s only Buddhist university, Nan Tien. As a mental health advocate, David’s writing is informed by the pursuit of recovery, healing and wholeness. In his spare time, he enjoys creating original artworks (available for commission). See:

Eartheart Custodian

Freya Sampson is the Founder and Custodian of, ‘A New Eartheart Foundation Ltd’ in Fremantle, WA. Her transformational awakening in 1999 catapulted her into a life in service to humanity, the Earth and all sentient life upon it. Freya has worked extensively with the Australian Aboriginal culture and with world leaders in the movement of Consciousness-Change. She is an internationally renowned shaman, healer and teacher. Her huge heart overflowing with compassion and ability to get to the core of the issue has allowed countless peoples dis-ease to be transformed into ease and grace. Freya shares her wisdom in her body of work, ‘Tree of Life, Pathway to Empowerment’. Her passion is awakening hearts, to together, transform life on Earth.

Jane Offer Sub Editor

Jane is a counsellor, teacher, health practitioner with a Masters in Metaphysical Science. Through family illness, Jane became fascinated by the holistic approach to wellness, founding Spectrum Health Trust UK in 1991, facilitating life empowerment workshops, meditation, healing courses and health management programmes, helping many people to explore their potential. In 2007, Jane relocated to Australia opening The Purple Dragonfly in Warrandyte Victoria and launched The Oak Tree Organisation Australia continuing her passion of promoting personal empowerment. “I believe that everyone has infinite potential, which remains undiscovered when the pain from the past overshadows the present. We are amazing and unique with a definite purpose in life and, when fear and uncertainty are swept away, our possibilities are limitless. The joy and privilege of watching a person rediscover their own power touches my soul every time.”

Jess Kennedy Mental Health Advocate, Speaker, Writer

Jess Kennedy is a speaker, writer and fierce advocate to remove stigma, judgement and barriers to treatment around addiction, mental health and neurodiversity. Living in Melbourne, Australia, Jess shares her journey with people who stood where she once did to inspire hope, create awareness and drive change. Jess believes in a transparent and personable approach to those in active addiction. As someone who has been judged and stigmatised whilst in the same position, she brings a realistic view of what recovery looks like and the possibilities for someone to move forward when treated with compassion rather than judgement.

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Freya Sampson
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Contributor Bios

Lia is an award winning Interior Architect/Designer, Furniture/Product Designer with over 30 years’ experience utilising intuitive skills to create environments and spaces that are nurturing, aesthetically pleasing, functional and supportive. As an artist Lia explores her creativity with drawing, painting, photography and printmaking. A qualified senior educator, Lia assists her clients to investigate and go deep into the psyche to reveal insights, viewpoints and a creative perspective in real world realms. Lia is a qualified Quantum Medical Intuitive/Energy Healer, Newlife Reiki Seichim practitioner, Matrix Energetics and is Clairvoyant. As a lead singer/vocalist and musician, Lia utilises voice, tone and sound in her vibrational healing work. With over 12 years in practice and a life time of intuitive experiences, Lia is an empath who assists clients to understand their own dis-ease and issues that lie beneath the surface of dysfunction for ongoing wellbeing and happiness.

Louise Clarke Earth Walker, Crystal Dreaming® practitioner

Louise was born in South Africa and has spent the majority of the past decade traveling the world to feed her passion for Sacred Sites, Indigenous Wisdom, the connection between Wilderness and Wellbeing and Walking as an Art of Healing. A dedicated advocate for freedom, Louise co-founded the global liberation movement in 2011 called Ubuntu Planet and currently actively contributes on the executive committee of Wirritjin Peggera:lin - a movement of unity in Australia. Louise is unapologetically a ‘bush girl’ and spends much of her time in nature. Walking 400km in a month in Mozambique in 2021, she was inspired to create an online store showcasing the life art of rural artisans, so connecting them to the global market. She is also a Crystal Dreaming® practitioner.

Melanie Dufty Astrologer

Melanie Dufty is an Astrologer, Tarotist and Writer, Melanie is a Federation of Australian Astrologers qualified astrologer and author of metaphysical fantasy novel I Am Lilith. Based in Perth with her husband and two teenage sons, Melanie previously spent nine years in London and Sydney working in corporate communications (banking and retail), and highly sceptical about the non-material realms. During the homebirth of her first son, and in the year that followed, she hit the spiritual road, becoming passionately interested in the soul’s journey and energy medicine. Melanie began with Pranic Healing, and the last 10 years has been devoted to Mahat Meditation and Integrated Therapeutic Alignment (ITA) energy medicine. Reconciling light and dark has been a big theme in Melanie’s life, leading to a quest to understand duality and to embody the truth that transcends it - unity.

Olivia Sinco

Olivia has extensive experience of working with children and supporting parents to introduce and develop techniques that create positive and effective strategies within the home. Olivia works with children, has raised three children of her own and is now the grandmother of her first grandchild. Therefore, she has had a wide range of opportunities to use and perfect her knowledge and expertise. With sensitive observation, she guides parents to implement simple changes in approach to improve emotional, mental and physical wellbeing in the family as a whole. Olivia is now sharing her in depth knowledge with parents who are struggling with issues in today’s busy world. Helping you to develop a natural love and mutual understanding between you, your child and the rest of the family. Read Olivia’s blog linked above.

ShirleySienna Coventry Medium, Numerologist, DreamSpell and Divine Symmetry

ShirleySienna is recognised throughout Australia and around the globe, by her clients and peers as a highly perceptive and accurate Psychic Medium, Tutor, Speaker, and Demonstrator. Proficient in many modalities of Spiritual and Galactic communication and connection, ShirleySienna’s passion and international acknowledgment as a Crystal Skull Caretaker and Earth-Spirit Wisdom Keeper, has enabled her to travel and integrate a diversity of unique teachings and experiences into both her personal and professional life. In turn she assists others as they endeavour to access and understand the many areas of their own ‘Divine Soul Symmetry’. ShirleySienna facilitates public and private events, workshops, classes and lectures in many areas of spiritual and psychic development as well as private consultations.

Supernal Magazine 59
59 Supernal Magazine
Supernal Magazine 60 Shirley Sienna At Divining Me Mediumship/Oracle/Tarot/Numerology/Psychic Readings Public and Private Events Crystal Skull Wisdom Keeper Consultations by Appointment Email: Tel: 0403 484 892 Divine Symmetry MELANIE DUFTY Astrologer (Dip. Federation of Australian Astrologers) Who are you, why are you here, what’s up now? 60 Supernal Magazine David Starlyte +61447082955 Trauma - informed Spiritual Healer Teacher & Counsellor B.H.Sci ( Naturopathy ) MA ( Mental Health ) MENTAL HEALTH AND WELL-BEING CONSULTANT starmentalhealth Facebook davidstarlyte Instagram
61 Supernal Magazine If you are ready to Re-Wild your Water contact Anthony Kilner, Freya Sampson or Louise Clarke Advertise here in the next issue of Supernal Magazine 61 Supernal Magazine

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