The Sunwest Life - February 2023

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06 18 04 ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Wellness Loving Yourself Science Heart Health: Tips for Keeping it Healthy Home Caring for Houseplants Click Here to Read

President’s Day is more than an extra day out of the office. It’s a day to reflect on our history and celebrate those who’ve paved the way forward.

Practicing self-care is an essential aspect of maintining a healthy lifestyle and can help reduce any unnecessary stress.


Have you ever wondered what the best chocolate is? Well, we have the answer! See where your favorite chocolate is on this list.

Aeration is one of the most crisical task for your yard. Learn everything you need to know about aeration.


Have you ever wondered about the science behind falling in love? How does it happen and how does love make you feel, scientifically?


Losing a spouse is a stressful transition. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to make dealing with these matters less difficult.

Self-love is a process within ourselves. It is critical aspect of overall well-being and mental health.

Our heart supports our entire body, that is a lot of work! Read some tips to help keep your heart is healthy.

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Living in one of SunWest Management’s communities is more than just having a place to rest your head — it’s where you call home. At SunWest Management, we know it’s a privilege to say, “Welcome home!”

In our wide variety of communities that meet virtually every need, the perfect fit for your lifestyle is just through the front door of your next dream home in one of our Southern Utah communities. I 3 Click the links for more content!


Self-love is a critical aspect of overall wellbeing and mental health. It is the process of accepting and valuing oneself for who you are, flaws and all. Loving oneself means treating yourself with kindness, respect, and compassion. It also means taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally.

One of the first steps to loving oneself is to practice self-compassion. This means being kind and understanding towards oneself when facing difficult situations, rather than being self-critical or judgmental. It also means recognizing that everyone makes mistakes and has flaws, and that it’s okay to be imperfect.

Another important aspect of self-love is setting boundaries. This means learning to say no to things that aren’t good and protecting oneself from negative influences or toxic relationships. It also means setting realistic expectations for oneself and not comparing yourself to others.

Self-care is also crucial in the process of selflove. This means taking the time to engage in

activities that bring joy and fulfillment and taking care of one’s physical and emotional needs. This can include things like exercise, healthy eating, meditation, or journaling.

It is also important to work on building selfesteem and confidence. This can be done by identifying and challenging negative self-talk and replacing it with positive affirmations. It also means recognizing and celebrating one’s strengths and accomplishments rather than focusing on one’s weaknesses.

Loving oneself is a lifelong journey, and it may take time, but it is worth it. By valuing yourself, setting boundaries, practicing selfcompassion, and taking care of oneself, you can build a strong foundation of self-love that will improve overall well-being and mental health. Remember to be patient and kind to yourself, and know that it’s okay to ask for help when needed.

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presidential overview

president’s Day is more than an extra day out of the office, or a time to get deep discounts from stores. It’s a day to reflect on our history and celebrate those who’ve paved the way forward. While there have been a plethora of controversial figures and moments in presidential history, there’s also been defining moments when history in our country evolved. A good example of this is the role of the vice-president.

For most of U.S. history, the vice-president position has largely been viewed as a insignificant role. In fact, the first few vice-presidents were the runner ups in the presidential election. Not a great way for the start of a relationship between the two most powerful positions in our government. George Washington

never invited John Adams to any of his cabinet meetings and inadvertently created the standard of such a cold relationship.

Once a distant figure in government, the vicepresident is now a top advisor to the president. It’s only been recently (the last two decades) that the vice-president role has been redefined. Beyond presiding over senate hearings, the vice-president is a member of the presidential cabinet as well as several councils. At the start of the 21st century the vice-president was even making policy decisions. So while we celebrate President’s Day this year and all that’s been accomplished, consider that while the President’s role has drastically changed, so has the role of those around them. I 5 Click the links for more content!

caring for housplants

during the winter

over a large area, minimizing the heat and energy from the sun, giving us long nights and shorter days. This affects plants in a big way! But what are some of the major things plants need? Let’s look at some of the major needs and consider how winter might affect these:

• Light

This time of year it can be hard to help some of the plants that you truly care about. Some plants are hardly affected by cold weather at all, but there are others, such as more of our tropical plants or some house plants that really struggle or ultimately will die in cold weather. Because the sun comes up later and goes down sooner and tends to hide behind clouds more often in winter, temperatures drop, and in turn we get less sunlight and warmth. This happens during the winter because of the earth’s axis. The sun’s rays are hitting the earth from a shallow angle, allowing a lot of the sun’s heat to be spread out

• Air

• Water

• Source of Nutrients

• Space to live and grow

• Optimal temperatures to grow in

During the winter months, these 6 items can all be affected. The plants use the energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide, soil nutrients, and water into food. Water can either be overabundant because of snow and more rain, but can be harmful if it freezes around, or in, the delicate roots and fleshy parts of the plant. Plants can go dormant during these times, not allowing

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them to take in nutrients from the sun or the soil. What’s more, the air temperatures drop, not allowing plants to have the warmth that they need.

So, what can you do about those more delicate outdoor plants that need more sunlight and warmth and indoor plants that are already indoors for the winter months ahead? Here are a few tips for bringing in plants from outside and helping with existing plants already inside.

1. Wash and trim plants before bringing them inside

Washing and trimming your plants before bringing them inside is a must. This way, you make sure they are all ready for their temporary home.

2. Watch out for insects or pests

Look for possible pests such as aphids or spider mites that will cause harm to your plant, and ultimately, may even spread to other plants throughout your home.

3. Clean the leaves

If the leaves of your plant are dusty, they will not be able to absorb sunlight to create food. Dusty leaves can also encourage disease. Lightly brush dust off the leaves of plants every month or when needed. The majority of plants will benefit from this, but keep in mind that plant leaves have pores and they can become clogged. To help avoid this, you can also use a cleaner for your plant leaves (Miracle Grow makes one called Leaf Shine). I 7 Click the links for more content!
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4. Cut down on watering

Plants will go dormant or into a hibernation state during the winter. During this time their uptake in water will be decreased. If you were to continue to water your plants at the same rate as during the summer, it could develop rot or disease. During the winter, water lightly, allowing moisture roughly an inch below the surface. Citrus plants though, require more moisture even in the winter. For example, an Orange, Lemon, or Lime tree that you might wheel inside and outside, will still require more water.

5. Dilute or all together avoid fertilizing

Fertilize during the winter only if you feel your plant needs it and dilute fertilizer by 50% before applying it. If your plants are healthy, it’s best to skip fertilizing all together.

6. Don’t re-pot until Spring if possible

Let’s face it, repotting is good for plants, but it can also be very stressful for them. Repotting during the winter, when the plant is already experiencing changing temps and other stressful situations, is not best. It’s best to wait till spring to do this, if it can be avoided.

7. Have a place for your plants to be for maximum sunlight

Find a nice window where the maximum amount of sunlight is let in to help the plant with photosynthesis, so it can continue to create food.

8. Move plants away from windows on cold freezing cold nights

Although it is good for plants to be near the window for Sunlight, cold nights can harm your plants. So, on those cold nights, move them into a warmer part of your home.

9. Avoid drafts and breezes that could stress the plant out

Drafts and breezes throughout your home can harm or stress out your plant. Look for areas of your home away from drafty windows, doors or A/C or heating ducts.

10. Use a humidifier

Using a humidifier can add extra moisture to the dry winter air and help plant leaves from browning.

11. Avoid too much heat

Although we are worried about plants freezing in the winter, we still need to remember to avoid too much heat. Space heaters, for example, that are used in homes during winter months to help warm up can also be harmful because of too much heat. Try finding a place for your plants away from fireplaces, heaters, or vents.

12. consider a growing light

Having a LED growing light for those days with short sunlight can help provide extra energy. There are different types of lights that will affect plants in different ways, so make sure you’re getting the right ones for your plants.

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Coming out of Winter into Spring

As we come out of the colder weather and into the warmer weather it can be tempting to want to stick your plants back outside, but make sure that you are looking at your upcoming weather. If you’re not watching the weather closely, you may have some cold snaps still ahead and you want to avoid putting your plant outside, possibly forgetting about them and, in turn, causing them harm.

Consider pruning, fertilizing, and repotting during the spring. It is a good time to do it with there not being extremely cold weather from the winter and you don’t have the excessive heat from the summer months yet. These optimal weather conditions will help with not putting extra stress on your plant.

Pruning could be considered hard on a plant, but keep in mind that pruning can actually be beneficial and helpful. Pruning promotes new, healthy leaf and root growth. Just remember to not do an excessive amount of pruning, that could be harmful. Along with pruning, repotting and cutting back on some of those roots will also help with new growth and the overall health of the plant.

Fertilizing should be carefully done around the right season times. Early spring and early fall are great times to fertilize to help prepare plants for the upcoming seasons whether it is headed into summer or winter. Just be aware that fertilizing applications should be followed closely from the application rates provided with the fertilizer.

I hope that all your plants continue to thrive and that you enjoy them as much as I enjoy mine. I 9 Click the links for more content!

WAYS TO start practicing self-care

• GET ENOUGH SLEEPAim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night and establish a regular sleep routine.

• EAT A HEALTHY DIETMake sure to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Avoid processed foods, saturated fats, and added sugars.

• EXERCISE REGULARLYRegular physical activity can help to improve circulation, strengthen the heart and boost mood. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking or cycling, most days of the week.

• PRACTICE MINDFULNESSMindfulness practices can help to reduce stress, improve focus and boost overall well-being.

• TAKE TIME FOR INTERESTSEngage in activities that bring joy such as reading, writing, art, music, or sports.

• SPEND TIME IN NATURESpending time in nature can help to reduce stress, improve mood and boost overall well-being.

• CONNECT WITH OTHERSMaintaining relationships with friends, family and loved ones can provide emotional support and reduce feelings of isolation.

• PRACTICE SELF COMPASSIONBe kind and compassionate with yourself, rather than being your own worst critic.

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Just like self-love, practicing self-care is an essential aspect of maintining a healthy lifestyle and can help reduce unnecessary stress.

Remember, self-care is not a one-time event, but rather a daily practice that requires consistent effort and dedication. By incorporating self-care practices into your daily routine, you can help to improve your overall health and well-being. I 11
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The Best Chocolates

The United States has many staple items that make us American. Baseball, football, hamburgers, and Hershey’s chocolate all contribute to the culture we have developed today. If you are like me, and love to indulge in a chocolate bar, you may have also wondered what the most popular chocolate bars in America are. Below is a list of the top 10 chocolate bars purchased in the United States.

1. Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Bar

As I previously mentioned, it is the most popular chocolate bar in the United States.

2. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup

A very popular chocolate bar that is filled with peanut butter and covered in milk chocolate.

3. Snickers

A chocolate bar that is filled with nougat, peanuts, and caramel and covered in milk chocolate.

4. KitKat

A chocolate bar that is made with wafers and covered in milk chocolate.

5. Milky Way

A chocolate bar that is filled with nougat and caramel and covered in milk chocolate.

6. Mars

A chocolate bar that is filled with nougat, caramel, and almonds and covered in milk chocolate.

7. M&M’s

A chocolate candy that is covered in a hard candy shell and comes in a variety of colors and flavors.

8. Nestle Crunch

A chocolate bar that is filled with crisped rice and covered in milk chocolate.

9. Almond Joy

A chocolate bar that is filled with coconut and almonds and covered in milk chocolate.

10. Toblerone

A Swiss chocolate bar that is known for its unique triangular shape and honey and almond nougat filling.

Keep in mind that these are the most popular chocolate bars in the United States based on market share, but it’s worth noting that the chocolate market is diverse and there are many other bars and brands that are also well-liked by many people!

The average American consumes around 22 pounds of candy per year.
The global candy market is estimated to reach $180 billion by 2026.


When soil becomes compacted (even a little bit), grass roots struggle to absorb oxygen and nutrients. This reduces the growth, thickness, and the overall health of the lawn.

Lawns that aren’t getting their basic needs struggle to deal with stress caused by heat and drought conditions, as well as weeds and other diseases. This can cause your lawn to lose its luster, thin out, and eventually die.

So, what does that mean for us, here in Southern Utah, where water is such a precious resource? How do you be mindful of your water use while still enjoying a beautiful yard? Glad you asked! While still being water conscious, we’re bold enough to claim your lawn can still stay resilient, healthy, and envyof-the-neighborhood gorgeous!

First, aerating your lawn in early spring, will help your lawn flourish through the active growing season

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Aeration is one of the Most Neglected but Most Critical Tasks

and prepare it to weather the extreme summer. Specifically, benefits of aeration include:

• Improved effectiveness of fertilizers and soil treatments.

• Increased airflow and water movement to the roots.

• De-compacted soil promotes more, and deeper, root growth.

Aeration un-does the compaction that comes from evaporation and foot traffic. Did you know that? It seems like common knowledge that activity on the lawn will compact the soil. But most compaction comes from moisture evaporating out of the turf and soil. Each time it rains, or your sprinklers run, and the sun dries out the grass, the soil contracts and gets a little bit tighter. So, aeration for us in the southwest desert is very needed for the health of the grass.

We’ve addressed how spring aeration helps. And all the same benefits apply for a fall aeration when the grass is trying to recover from the hot and dry summer. That’s the recommendation for aerating your grass: 2 times per year, spring and fall.

Along with the aeration, add in a robust, year-round, fertilization program, and you’re on your way to a beautiful lawn. Fertilizations should include nutrients specifically for the grass, sure. But be sure you are also addressing the soil so that the environment where the roots are is as good for growth as possible.

For most soils in Southern Utah, that means adding sulfur and other conditioners to balance and soften the soil. Additionally, insecticides to control grubs and other pests are best applied before the critters have eaten your roots!

There is a big difference in keeping your lawn alive, as if on life-support, and feeding your lawn to thrive. A comprehensive program will do the latter and provide a place for you to enjoy your yard!

So, you’ve aerated your lawn and you’re on schedule with your fertilizers, pest and disease controls. The final piece is proper watering. For a healthy lawn,

deep, infrequent watering is best. This encourages deep root growth. Deep roots indicate a thick, healthy lawn. Deep roots are tolerant of drought, weeds, and pestilence.

The Washington County Water Conservancy District is a great source—perhaps THE source—for marrying water-wise practices with the growing of a healthy lawn. Even in the peak of the summer, watering every-other-day, as the Conservancy District recommends, is sufficient for your grass!

Yes, there is some strategy in it: the goal is to get the soil to absorb as much water as possible, watering with short cycles, with some resting period between cycles. The grass is not benefitted when water is running off, so each cycle should stop before that point. The Conservancy District keeps their website up to date. Follow their seasonal recommendations for watering. Keep consistent in your other care, and water-wise watering is sufficient for a great lawn.

Again, there will be a difference between barely keeping your lawn alive, or watching it thrive, based on how you care for it beyond the water. Your watering practices may be the single-most important factor to the grass living or dying, but aeration and fertilizer practices will be the difference in having a lawn and enjoying your yard! And it all starts now, with an early spring aeration! Happy I 15 Click the links for more content!
landscaping in 2023!

Following Your Intuition: The Key to a Fulfilling Life

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the rat race and lose sight of what truly matters. We often find ourselves making decisions based on external factors such as societal expectations, financial stability, and the opinions of others. However, what if there was a better way to approach decision-making that was more aligned with our inner selves? This is where following your intuition comes in.

Intuition is a powerful tool that provides us with a sense of guidance and direction in life. It is the inner voice that whispers to us, guiding us towards what is right for us regardless of external circumstances. It is a fundamental part of who we are and has the power to help us live a life that is fulfilling and meaningful.

Here are three reasons why following your intuition is essential for living a fulfilling life:

1. It leads to increased happiness and fulfillment. When we make decisions based on our intuition, we are aligning ourselves with our true desires and values. This creates a sense of purpose and direction in life, which leads to increased happiness and fulfillment. On the other hand, making decisions based on external factors such as societal expectations or financial stability can often leave us feeling unfulfilled and uninspired.

2. It builds confidence.

By following our intuition, we are trusting ourselves to make decisions that are in line with our values and desires. This builds self-confidence and helps us feel more in control of our lives. When we make decisions based on external factors, it’s easy to feel like we’re being pulled in different directions and that we lack control over our lives.

3. It leads to better decisions.

Intuition provides us with a sense of guidance and direction that is based on our inner wisdom and experiences. This means that following our intuition can often lead to better decisions that are more in line with what is right for us. On the other hand, making decisions based on external factors can often lead to regret and dissatisfaction in the long run.

Following your intuition is a powerful tool that can help you live a fulfilling and meaningful life. By trusting your inner voice, you can make decisions that are aligned with your values and desires, leading to increased happiness, confidence, and a sense of purpose. So, next time you find yourself faced with a decision, take a moment to listen to your intuition and see where it takes you.

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Heart health tips to an overall healthier life

Heart health is a vital aspect of overall wellness, as the heart is responsible for pumping blood and oxygen throughout the body. Maintaining a healthy heart can help to prevent a variety of cardiovascular diseases, including heart attack and stroke.

Here are a few different ways that you can take to maintain a healthy heart!

1. Eat a healthy diet: A diet that is high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can help to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, reducing your risk of heart disease. Avoid processed foods, saturated fats, and added sugars.

2. Exercise regularly: Regular physical activity can help to improve circulation and strengthen the heart. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderateintensity exercise, such as brisk walking or cycling, most days of the week.

3. Quit smoking: Smoking is a major risk factor for heart disease, as it damages the heart and blood vessels. Quitting smoking can help to reduce your risk of heart disease and improve your overall health.

4. Manage stress: Chronic stress can contribute to high blood pressure and other heart disease

risk factors. Find ways to manage stress through meditation, yoga, or other relaxation techniques.

5. Maintain a healthy weight: Being overweight or obese can increase your risk of heart disease. Losing weight through a healthy diet and exercise can help to improve your heart health.

6. Get enough sleep: Adequate sleep is important for maintaining overall health, including heart health. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

7. Regular check-ups: Regular check-ups with your doctor can help to identify potential heart health issues early on, allowing for prompt treatment and management.

In addition, some populations may benefit from specific supplements, such as omega-3 fatty acids, coenzyme Q10, magnesium and others. However, it’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any supplement, as they may interact with other medication you are taking.

Remember, maintaining a healthy heart is an ongoing process and requires a commitment to making lifestyle changes. By following these steps and working with your healthcare provider, you can help to protect your heart and improve your overall health and well-being.

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Am I falling in love... Or is it atrial fibrillation?

Just like the great philosophers Fleetwood Mac have said, Love is Dangerous. Experts say while falling in love does enhance your well-being it can also cause stress. When looking at your cherished one, your brain sends signals to the adrenal gland, which secretes hormones like adrenaline, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. This causes the heart to use more oxygen which can be risky for a person with blood vessel blockage or who has had a prior heart attack.

Well, I say don’t listen to that tomfoolery. Love has many more benefits than we could even begin to count. Being in love makes people feel optimistic, energetic, focused, and motivated, which are all positive for health.

Studies show that, when in love, it ramps up your parasympathetic nervous system (a network of nerves that relaxes your body after periods of stress) It also reduces stress and improves feelings of depression or anxiety. So let’s keep those rose-colored glasses on, but check with your doctor just in case.

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Organizing Your Finances When Your Spouse Has Died

Losing a spouse is a stressful transition. And the added pressure of having to settle the estate and organize finances can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to make dealing with these matters less difficult.

Notify others

When your spouse dies, your first step should be to contact anyone who is close to you and your spouse, and anyone who may help you with funeral preparations. Next, you should contact your attorney and other financial professionals. You’ll also want to contact life insurance companies, government agencies, and your spouse’s employer for information on how you can file for benefits.

Get advice

Getting expert advice when you need it is essential. An attorney can help you go over your spouse’s will and start estate settlement procedures. Your funeral director can also be an excellent source of information and may help you obtain copies of the death certificate and applications for Social Security and veterans benefits. Your life insurance agent can assist you with the claims process, or you can contact the company’s policyholder service department directly. You may also wish to consult with a financial professional, accountant, or tax advisor to help you organize your finances.

Locate important documents and financial records

Before you can begin to settle your spouse’s estate or apply for insurance proceeds or government benefits, you’ll need to locate important documents and financial records (e.g., birth certificates, marriage certificates, life insurance policies). Keep in mind that you may need to obtain certified copies of certain documents. For example, you’ll need a certified copy of your spouse’s death certificate to apply for life insurance proceeds. And to apply for Social Security benefits, you’ll need to provide birth, marriage, and death certificates.

Set up a filing system

If you’ve ever felt frustrated because you couldn’t find an important document, you already know the importance of setting up a filing system. Start by reviewing all important documents and organizing them by topic area. Next, set up a file for each topic area. For example, you may want to set up separate files for estate records, insurance, government benefits, tax information, and so on. Finally, be sure to store your files in a safe but readily accessible place. That way, you’ll be able to locate the information when you need it.

Set up a phone and mail system

During this stressful time, you probably have a lot on your mind. To help you keep track of certain tasks and details, set up a phone and mail system to record incoming and outgoing calls and mail. For phone calls, keep a sheet of paper or notebook by the phone and write down the date of the call, the caller’s name, and a description of what you talked about. For mail, write down whom the mail came from, the date you received it, and, if you sent a response, the date it was sent.

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Also, if you don’t already have one, make a list of the names and phone numbers of organizations and people you might need to contact, and post it near your phone. For example, the list may include the phone numbers of your attorney, insurance agent, financial professionals, and friends--all of whom you can contact for advice.

Evaluate short-term income and expenses

When your spouse dies, you may have some immediate expenses to take care of, such as funeral costs and any outstanding debts that your spouse may have incurred (e.g., credit cards, car loan). Even if you are expecting money from an insurance or estate settlement, you may lack the funds to pay for those expenses right away. If that is the case, don’t panic--you have several options. If your spouse had a life insurance policy that named you as the beneficiary, you may be able to get the life insurance proceeds within a few days after you file. And you can always ask the insurance company if they’ll give you an advance. In the meantime, you can use credit cards for certain expenses. Or, if you need the cash, you can take out a cash advance against a credit card. Also, you can try to negotiate with creditors to allow you to postpone payment of certain debts for 30 days or more, if necessary.

Avoid hasty decisions

• Don’t think about moving from your current home until you can make a decision based on reason rather than emotion.

• Don’t spend money impulsively. When you’re grieving, you may be especially vulnerable to pressure from salespeople.

• Don’t cave in to pressure to sell or give away your spouse’s possessions. Wait until you can make clear-headed decisions.

• Don’t give or loan money to others without reviewing your finances first, taking into account your present and future needs and obligations.

Refer a friend


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To the extent that this material concerns tax matters, it is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by a taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed by law. Each taxpayer should seek independent advice from a tax professional based on his or her individual circumstances.

These materials are provided for general information and educational purposes based upon publicly available information from sources believed to be reliable — we cannot assure the accuracy or completeness of these materials. The information in these materials may change at any time and without notice.

Prepared by Broadridge Advisor Solutions Copyright 2023. I 21 Click the links for more content!
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