The SunWest Life - March 2024

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Clean Living 08 18 14 ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Fitness Outdoor Workouts Wellness The Science of Clean Living Community Ways You Can Conserve Water



Discover the power of “green fitness” by adding outdoor workouts into your routine. Embrace the great outdoors and embark on a journey to a healthier, happier you.


Clean living—a lifestyle focused on nourishing the body, minimizing toxins, and practicing balance. Explore evidence-based strategies to detoxify your body.


Prepare your home for the Spring season ahead! From decluttering and organizing to refreshing outdoor spaces, this guide ensures no corner is left untouched.





Join the “Pack it In, Pack it Out” movement and preserve our natural wonders for generations to come. From parks to lakes, leave no trace behind.


It’s crucial to recognize the need for a digital detox—a break from screens. Unplugging allows us to reduce stress and reconnect with what truly matters in life.



Explore the heart of St. George, Utah, where history meets recreation. From the iconic ‘Dixie Rock’ to Vernon Worthen Park with its farmers market.

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Living in one of SunWest Management’s communities is more than just having a place to rest your head — it’s where you call home. At SunWest Management, we know it’s a privilege to say, “Welcome home!”

In our wide variety of communities that meet virtually every need, the perfect fit for your lifestyle is just through the front door of your next dream home in one of our Southern Utah communities. I 3 Click the links for more content!

Home Maintenance:


As the winter frost melts away and the days grow longer, it’s time to bid farewell to the hibernation of the colder months and welcome the rejuvenation of spring. Along with the blooming flowers and chirping birds, spring brings with it the perfect opportunity to refresh and revitalize your home. Whether you’re preparing to put your house on the market, hosting guests for the season, or simply craving a fresh start, a thorough spring cleaning can work wonders in creating a clean, organized, and inviting living space. Here’s a comprehensive spring cleaning checklist to ensure no nook or cranny goes untouched as you breathe new life into your home.

Declutter and Organize:

• Start by decluttering each room, sorting items into keep, donate, and discard piles.

• Clear out closets, cabinets, and storage spaces, donating or selling items you no longer use.

• Invest in storage solutions such as bins, baskets, and shelving to keep clutter minimal.

Dust and Wipe Down Surfaces:

• Dust ceiling fans, light fixtures, and crown molding using a microfiber cloth or duster.

• Wipe down walls, baseboards, and trim with a damp cloth to remove dust and grime.

• Clean and polish furniture, countertops, and other surfaces using appropriate cleaning products.

Deep Clean Floors:

• Vacuum carpets and area rugs thoroughly, paying special attention to high-traffic areas.

• Sweep and mop hard floors, using a cleaner suitable for the specific type of flooring.

• Steam clean carpets and upholstery to remove embedded dirt and stains.

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Freshen Up Windows and Treatments:

• Wash windows inside and out, using a glass cleaner and lint-free cloth for streak-free results.

• Clean window treatments such as blinds, curtains, and drapes according to manufacturer instructions.

• Replace worn-out or damaged window screens and repair any cracks or gaps in window seals.

Tackle Kitchen and Bathrooms:

• Clean and disinfect countertops, sinks, and faucets using a mild detergent or cleaning solution.

• Scrub grout and tile surfaces to remove mildew and soap scum buildup.

• Clean appliances inside and out, including the refrigerator, oven, microwave, and dishwasher.

• Empty and clean out kitchen cabinets and drawers, discarding expired or unused items.

• Scrub toilets, tubs, and showers with a disinfectant cleaner, paying attention to hard-toreach areas.

Freshen Up Bedding and Linens:

• Launder bedding, pillows, and mattress covers on a hot cycle to kill dust mites and bacteria.

• Rotate mattresses and fluff pillows to maintain freshness and extend their lifespan.

• Air out quilts, comforters, and blankets in the sun to remove odors and kill bacteria.

Spruce Up Outdoor Spaces:

• Sweep and power wash patios, decks, and walkways to remove dirt, debris, and mildew.

• Clean and inspect outdoor furniture, umbrellas, and cushions, repairing any damage as needed.

• Prune trees, shrubs, and bushes, and remove dead plants and debris from flower beds and garden areas.

With this spring cleaning checklist in hand, you’re well-equipped to tackle every corner of your home and usher in the season with a fresh, clean slate. By investing time and effort into refreshing your living space, you’ll not only create a more comfortable and inviting environment for yourself and your loved ones but also set the stage for a brighter, happier home all year round. So roll up your sleeves, open the windows, and let the spring cleaning begin! I 5 Click the links for more content!



Arugula or Baby Spinach

Sliced Fresh Strawberries

Slivered Almonds

Crumbled Garlic & Feta

Green Onion

6 Cups

1 1/2 Cups

1/2 Cup

1/2 Cup

4 Onions Chopped


Olive Oil

Dijon Mustard

Red Wine Vinegar

Lemon Juice

Balsamic Vinegar

Fresh Rosemary

Fresh Sage

Celery Seed


1/3 Cup

1 Tbsp

1 Tbsp

2 Tsp

1 1/2 Tsp

1 Tsp

1 Tsp

1/2 Tsp

1/8 Tsp

stRawbERRy aRgula

SalaD wIth fETa


Combine the fresh argula or baby spinich, the sliced fresh strawberries, the slivered almonds, the crumbled garlic, feta, and green onion into a large salad bowl.

In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, dijon mustard, red wine vinegar, lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, rosemary, sage, celery seed, and the pepper to make the vinaigrette.

Drizze the vinaigrette over the salad and toss to coat it all. Add some extra strawberries and feta on top to finish the salad. Enjoy!


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There’s plenty of ways to help conserve water, whether it’s not letting the water run while you’re brushing your teeth, taking a shorter shower, using less water in a bath or even not flushing that number 1 and only that number 2....GROSS! But seriously one of the best ways to conserve is to water smarter on your property.

It’s hard to know if you are overwatering or underwatering at times especially when we have far swinging weather from sometimes freezing in the winter to 100+ in the summer. During the summer, it’s only natural to feel you need to water more during that excessive heat of the summer. However, this is counter productive since fungus sets in due to too much water and is generally followed by mistaking fungus in your grass as dry grass, since they are similar in appearance. A common reaction is to water more, thinking that the grass is burning up but in turn this is only fueling the fungus and wasting more water. Three things to help remedy this are: treat the problem with a good fungicide, apply a moisture control that will retain moisture control in a positive way instead of a negative way,

and to address what is causing the problem. By changing your water practices, it not only will help your grass health, but it will further help conserve water.

We all want our yards to stay beautiful, lush and green. And with one of our most precious resources as water, we have to find ways to conserve. So ask yourself, “Am I killing my lawn and plants with intended kindness and in turn wasting that precious resource?” If so, look to the water conservancy and their suggested watering practices. The best one that we have found is to “cycle and soak” and we have seen great success with it. Because everyone’s landscape and irrigation system is different, you may need to adjust your personal schedule differently or hire a landscaper to help you dial everything in. Variables such as soil, weather, flow rate, and plant type will affect irrigation needs.

The cycle and soak method of watering on grass is watering several times a day, an hour or two apart. This allows water to soak deep into the soil creating healthy roots and eliminating runoff. This way

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days can be skipped between waterings. Even in the peak of summer, watering every other day (at most) is sufficiant. Watering less frequently teaches the grass that it can’t rely on having water everyday. This stresses the grass just enough to teach the roots to grow deep into the soil to seek after water. Grass roots, believe it or not, can grow up to and even more than 6’ deep to find water. Once you can train your grass roots to grow this deep, it helps your grass become extremely hearty.


• Run 3 cycles per watering day

• 1 hour between each cycle

• 5 minutes for a fixed spray or 10 minutes for a rotating spray (times can vary based on coverage of sprinkler heads, slopes, condition of soil, etc.)

• Monitor and adjust as needed

Have days in between with no watering to further train your grass and allow it to air out and breath. Drip, water low and slow to allow plants, trees and shrubs to be watered directly at the root, using a low pressure for a longer period of time.


• 20 – 40 minutes for high-flow emitters (deliver a steady, light stream of water; up to 20 gallons per hour)

• 30 – 90 minutes for low-flow emitters (deliver bead like droplets; 1-4 gallons per hour) I 9 Click the links for more content!

If a plant appears to be stressed, check around the plant bowl and the roots to determine if the soil is dry or waterlogged, both conditions can cause plants to show a wilted appearance. If you have issues manifesting your irrigation should be adjusted to fit your property.



• Avoid watering from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the summer months

• Adjust sprinkler heads so they don’t spray walls, driveways or sidewalks

• Trim around sprinkler heads so lawn doesn’t block the water spray

• Use the most efficient types of nozzles and irrigation clocks

• If you don’t know or aren’t familiar with how your irrigation clock works, find someone that does to avoid mistakes.

• Check the sprinkler system weekly and immediately replace broken or missing parts

• Overwatering and underwatering can cause brown spots; be sure to check water pressure and sprinkler coverage and adjust as needed

We can all help and do our part to water on our property smarter and in turn help the health of our grass and plants out as well as to conserve water for the future.

JC Hallman LPL Financial Advisor O ce: 435-656-7271 Email: Call Today! Located at Goldenwest Credit Union • Investment Management • Medicare • Retirement Planning • Life Insurance • Home Insurance • Auto Insurance Securities and advisory services are o ered through LPL Financial (LPL), a registered investment advisor and broker-dealer (member FINRA/SIPC). Insurance products are o ered through LPL or its licensed a liates. Goldenwest Credit Union (GWCU) and MEMBERS Financial Services are not registered as a broker-dealer or investment advisor. Registered representatives of LPL o er products and services using MEMBERS Financial Services, and may also be employees of Goldenwest Credit Union. These products and services are being o ered through LPL or its a liates, which are separate entities from, and not a liates of, Goldenwest Credit Union or MEMBERS Financial Services. Securities and Insurance o ered through LPL or its a liates are: Not Insured by NCUA or Any Other Government Agency Not Credit Union Guaranteed Not Credit Union Deposits or Obligations May Lose Value LET’S TALK ABOUT YOUR FINANCIAL NEEDS
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Did you know about The Packing It Out crew?

Back in 2015, on a single day on an Appalachian Trial, they packed out over 126 lbs of garbage. Now, don’t get me wrong, I feel the same sense of accomplishment when I go to a park or lake, picking up my own belongings and any little garbage I see along the way. But 126 lbs! We should not be getting to these points with our recreational areas.

Visiting parks, lakes, and recreational areas offers us invaluable opportunity to unwind and relax with nature and our loved ones. However, its important to recognize this advantage comes with a responsibility to safeguard these spaces for future generations.

Enter the mantra: “Pack it In, Pact it out.” The name is pretty straightforward: whatever you bring with you to a natural area, you should take it out when you leave. The goal is to Leave No Trace! Imagine showing up to your campsite, picnic spot, or hiking trail, and it’s so pristine that you’d never know anyone had been there.

Listen, am I a seasoned hiker or expert outdoorsmant? No! But that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy everything nature has to give when I go to the lake or on a hike with my family. Embrace “Pack It In, Pack It Out.” Let’s preserve these natural wonders for ourselves and for the generations to come. I 11 Click the links for more content!



In today’s hyper-connected world, where smartphones, tablets, and laptops are ubiquitous, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the constant barrage of notifications, emails, and social media updates. While technology has undoubtedly revolutionized the way we live and communicate, it’s essential to recognize the importance of taking a step back and unplugging from the digital world.

Enter the digital detox—a deliberate and conscious decision to disconnect from electronic devices and the online world to focus on mental and emotional well-being. Much like a cleanse for the body, a digital detox allows us to reset and recharge, reclaiming our time and attention from the often overwhelming demands of the digital age.


First and foremost, constant exposure to screens and digital devices can take a toll on our mental health. Studies have shown a clear link between excessive screen time and stress, anxiety, and depression. The endless stream of information and constant connectivity can leave us feeling mentally drained and emotionally exhausted. By unplugging, we give our minds the opportunity to rest and rejuvenate, fostering a greater sense of calm and clarity.

A digital detox can help us reclaim our time and attention. In today’s world, it’s all too easy to get sucked into the black hole of endless

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scrolling and mindless browsing. Before we know it, hours have passed, and we’ve accomplished little of real value. By disconnecting from our devices, we free ourselves from the constant distractions and interruptions, allowing us to focus on the things that truly matter—whether it’s spending quality time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies and interests, or enjoying moments of reflection.

Additionally, unplugging can improve our sleep quality. The blue light emitted by screens can disrupt our natural sleep-wake cycle, making it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep. By powering down our devices at least an hour before bedtime, we give our brains the chance to unwind and prepare for restful sleep, leading to more refreshed and rejuvenated mornings.


Start by setting boundaries and establishing designated times and spaces for device-free activities. Whether it’s during meals, before bedtime, or on weekends, carve out dedicated periods of time where screens are off-limits. Create a technology-

free zone in your home, such as the bedroom or dining area, where electronic devices are not allowed. Use this time and space to engage in activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul— whether it’s reading a book, going for a walk, or practicing mindfulness meditation.

It’s also essential to be mindful of your digital habits and consumption patterns. Take stock of how much time you spend on your devices each day and identify areas where you can cut back. Consider using apps and tools that help track and manage your screen time, such as screen time settings on your devices or productivity apps that block distracting websites and apps.

Lastly, be gentle with yourself and remember that a digital detox is not about deprivation or cutting yourself off from the world entirely. It’s about finding a healthy balance and reclaiming control over your digital habits. Start small and gradually increase the duration and intensity of your detox as you become more comfortable with unplugging.

In a world that’s constantly connected, taking time to disconnect is more important than ever. A digital detox offers a much-needed opportunity to reset, recharge, and reconnect with ourselves and the world around us. By unplugging from our devices and embracing moments of stillness and solitude, we can cultivate greater mental and emotional wellbeing and live more meaningful and fulfilling lives. I 13 Click the links for more content!

Outdoor workouts

and exercise routines for health

In pursuit of better health and wellness, many of us turn to gyms, fitness classes, and home workouts. However, amidst the concrete jungles and indoor facilities, we often overlook one of the most natural and rejuvenating fitness environments—the great outdoors. Incorporating outdoor workouts and exercise routines into your fitness regimen not only provides physical benefits but also nourishes the mind and spirit. Let’s explore the concept of “green fitness” and discover the many ways you can use nature to enhance your well-being.

Connecting with Nature:

Step outside and breathe in the fresh air. Whether it’s a nearby park, a forest trail, or a beachfront, nature offers a diverse and invigorating backdrop for physical activity. The sights, sounds, and smells of the outdoors awaken our senses and inspire us to move our bodies in ways that feel natural and free. Research has shown that spending time in nature can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while boosting mood and overall mental well-being. By taking your workouts outside, you not only improve your physical fitness but also cultivate a deeper connection with the natural world.

Outdoor Exercise Options:

The possibilities for outdoor workouts are virtually limitless, catering to a wide range of interests, fitness levels, and preferences. Here are just a few ideas to get you started:

Trail Running: Lace up your sneakers and hit the trails for a dynamic and challenging cardio workout. Running on uneven terrain engages different muscles and promotes balance and stability, while the scenic surroundings make the effort feel less like exercise and more like an adventure.

Hiking: Strap on a backpack and explore the great outdoors on foot. Hiking offers a low-impact yet effective way to improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles, and boost endurance. Choose trails of varying difficulty levels to tailor the intensity of your workout to your fitness level.

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Outdoor Yoga: Roll out your mat in a tranquil natural setting and practice yoga amidst the beauty of the outdoors. Whether it’s in a park, on a beach, or in a forest clearing, outdoor yoga allows you to harmonize your breath with the rhythm of nature, fostering a sense of peace and serenity.

Bodyweight Workouts: Take advantage of outdoor amenities such as playgrounds, benches, and stairs to create your own outdoor gym. Bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, lunges, and planks require minimal equipment and can be easily adapted to suit your fitness goals and abilities.

Swimming: Dive into a natural body of water and experience the exhilaration of outdoor swimming. Whether it’s in a lake, river, or ocean, swimming outdoors provides a full-body workout that’s gentle on the joints and refreshing for the soul.

Tips for Safe and fun Workouts:

Before embarking on your outdoor fitness journey, keep these tips in mind to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience:

• Check the weather forecast and dress appropriately for the conditions.

• Stay hydrated by bringing water or a sports drink with you.

• Protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays with sunscreen and appropriate clothing.

• Listen to your body and pace yourself, especially if you’re new to outdoor exercise.

• Be mindful of your surroundings and watch out for potential hazards such as uneven terrain, wildlife, or changing weather conditions.

Green fitness offers a holistic approach to health and wellness that embraces the healing power of nature. By taking your workouts outside, you not only reap the physical benefits of exercise but also nourish your mind, body, and spirit. So, lace up your shoes, step outside, and discover the transformative effects of outdoor fitness on your journey to a healthier, happier you. I 15 Click the links for more content!



As you drive through the center of town, several historic pieces of the community can be seen. Commonly known as ‘Dixie Rock’, this local site has been a feature of Southern Utah since the early pioneers settled the area. The iconic red rock formation is actually called The Sugarloaf hence its similar shape and color to the food. Although its been at the center of controversy in recent years, this, now nationally recognized landmark, is where you can hike, rappel, and view the valley below.

Directly south of The ‘Dixie’ Sugarloaf is Vernon Worthen Park. This community park boasts a gazebo, 4 sand volleyball courts, pickleball courts, a large children’s playground, 2 separate picnic areas, and a large amount of greenspace. On the weekends you can find the local farmers market with dozens of local vendors. Vernon Worthen Park becomes the center of several summer celebrations each year such as the St. George Marathon finish line and other sport tournaments. Directly across the street is the St. George Recreation Center with basketball courts and a fitness studio.

Northwest of Vernon Worthen, and Southwest of The ‘Dixie’ Sugarloaf is Main Street. Several delicious restaurants can be found as you drive through. Old historic buildings are also featured in this location and can be toured. The Town Square Park, which features a splash pad and carousel, is located in the heart of Main Street. During the summer the City of St. George closes a small section of Main Street for concerts each Friday night. With local food trucks in attendance, this is a perfect Friday date night activity.

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Whether you’re new to area, or have lived in St. George for years, the heart of town has something to offer to everyone. In the spring and fall when the weather is great, you won’t be the only one enjoying these amenities!


1. Sunny St. George: The city is renowned for its sunny weather, boasting over 300 days of sunshine annually. Its warm climate makes it a popular destination for outdoor activities year-round.

2. Red Rock Paradise: St. George is surrounded by stunning red rock landscapes, including nearby attractions like Zion National Park, Snow Canyon State Park, and Red Cliffs National Conservation Area. These natural wonders draw outdoor enthusiasts from around the world.

3. Golfing Mecca: The city is known for its numerous golf courses, earning it the nickname “Utah’s Golf Capital.” With over a dozen courses in the area, St. George offers golfing opportunities for players of all skill levels against breathtaking desert backdrops.

4. Cultural Hub: Despite its relatively small size, St. George has a vibrant cultural scene. It is home to the renowned Tuacahn Amphitheatre, which hosts Broadway-caliber productions amidst stunning red rock scenery. The city also features art galleries, museums, and annual events celebrating its heritage and arts.

5. Retirement Destination: Due to its favorable climate, outdoor recreational opportunities, and relaxed pace of life, St. George has become a popular destination for retirees. It consistently ranks among the top places to retire in the United States.

6. Economic Growth: In recent years, St. George has experienced significant economic growth and development. It has attracted businesses from various industries, including technology, healthcare, and tourism, contributing to its thriving economy. I 17 Click the links for more content!



In a world filled with toxins, pollutants, and stressors, the pursuit of clean living has become a paramount goal for many individuals seeking to enhance their health and well-being. From detoxifying our diets to minimizing exposure to harmful chemicals in our environment, adopting a clean lifestyle can have profound benefits for both body and mind. In this article, we delve into the science behind clean living and explore practical strategies for purifying your lifestyle to promote a healthier, happier you.


Define clean living and its core principles, including nourishing the body with wholesome foods, reducing exposure to toxins, and fostering a balanced

and sustainable lifestyle. Explore the concept of “toxic load” and its impact on overall health, highlighting the cumulative effect of environmental toxins, processed foods, and stress on the body’s detoxification systems.


Discuss the importance of a nutrient-dense diet rich in whole foods, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats for optimal health and vitality. Examine the benefits of organic produce, emphasizing the reduction of pesticide exposure and the preservation of nutritional value. Explore the science behind dietary approaches, such as plant-based diets, Mediterranean diets, and intermittent fasting, and their impact on longevity and disease prevention.

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Outline evidence-based detoxification methods to support the body’s natural detox pathways, including hydration, sweat therapy, and liver support through foods and supplements. Discuss the role of specific nutrients and antioxidants in promoting detoxification and protecting against oxidative stress, inflammation, and cellular damage. Highlight the importance of regular physical activity and its detoxifying effects on the body, including improved circulation, lymphatic drainage, and elimination of toxins through sweat.


Identify common sources of environmental toxins in the home, such as household cleaners, personal care products, plastics, and air pollutants, and their potential health effects. Provide practical tips for reducing exposure to harmful chemicals, such as choosing natural and eco-friendly cleaning products, opting for organic and non-toxic personal care products, and purifying indoor air with houseplants and air purifiers. Discuss the benefits of sustainable living practices, such as reducing plastic waste, conserving energy, and supporting environmentally friendly brands and initiatives.


Explore the connection between mental and emotional well-being and clean living, emphasizing the importance of stress management, mindfulness, and self-care practices. Highlight the benefits of activities such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises in promoting relaxation, reducing cortisol levels, and supporting overall health. Discuss the role of community and social connections in fostering resilience, happiness, and a sense of belonging in clean living lifestyles.

By embracing the principles of clean living and purifying our lifestyles, we can empower ourselves to take control of our health and well-being, and cultivate a happier, more vibrant life. From nourishing our bodies with wholesome foods to minimizing exposure to environmental toxins and nurturing our mental and emotional wellness, every step we take towards clean living brings us closer to our goal of living our best lives. So, embark on this journey of purification with confidence, knowing that each positive change you make is a step towards a healthier, happier you. I 19 Click the links for more content!
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