The Sunwest Life - November 2023

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Grateful, USA



Thanksgiving Table Decor


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Science Gratitude: It’s a Science!

History History of Voting

CONTENTS Lifestyle + Home + More

04 FEASTING ON TRADITON Experience the heartwarming essence of Thanksgiving through cherished traditions: turkey to parades, we highlight moments of love, warmth, and gratitude.

06 THE POWER OF GRATITUDE Embracing the practice of gratitude through a gratitude journal offers profound benefits for mental and physical well-being.



Essential tasks you need to do like soil conditioning, fertilizing, pruning, and winterizing techniques for plants and trees in preparation for colder temperatures.



THANKSGIVING DAY FOOTBALL 17 SPREADING SERVICE The transformative powers of gratitude and acts of service foster a sense of community in today’s fastpaced world.





Embracing even the smallest moments of gratitude can transform lives and make the world a brighter place.

The rich history of voting, from ancient Greece to medieval guilds, suffragette movements, and the modern democracy

19 MEDIGAP Medigap, private insurance supplementing Medicare, fills healthcare cost gaps. Best bought during a 6-month window, it covers out-of-pocket expenses.

(435) 773-6456 2 I

Living in one of SunWest Management’s communities is more than just having a place to rest your head — it’s where you call home. At SunWest Management, we know it’s a privilege to say, “Welcome home!” In our wide variety of communities that meet virtually every need, the perfect fit for your lifestyle is just through the front door of your next dream home in one of our Southern Utah communities.

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feasting on

holiday tradition By Ally Thompson

As the leaves turn vibrant shades of red and gold, and the aroma of cinnamon and cloves fills the air, my heart swells with anticipation. Thanksgiving, for me, has always been more than just a date on the calendar; it’s a feeling, a warmth that spreads through the house as the aroma of roasting turkey fills the air. Growing up in a small town, Thanksgiving meant more than just the holiday season; it was a time when our tight-knit community came alive with the spirit of gratitude. At the center of our Thanksgiving tradition stands a glorious turkey, lovingly prepared with a family recipe passed down for generations. The hours spent in the kitchen, basting the bird and preparing the stuffing, are moments of bonding and laughter. The sizzle of the turkey in the oven is like a symphony, announcing the arrival of a feast that promises not just culinary delights but also the joy of togetherness. While the scent of roasting turkey wafts through the house, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is playing in the background. My family loves gathering around the screen, to check out this years big balloons and performances. It’s a tradition and it reminds me of when I was younger and me and my little brother would go back and forth about which balloon was the best one.

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Thanksgiving, for us, extends beyond our family circle. It’s a time for giving back, a tradition we hold dear. Volunteering in the community and seeing how we can spread holiday joy has been something that we look forward to every year. That is the true essence of the holiday season – having compassion and kindness. The first Wednesday of December marks another cherished tradition: the lighting of the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree. I would love to see this in real life one day, it is when it finally hits all of us that it is almost Christmas. I remember grabbing some Dutch Bros hot choclate last year, and decorating our own tree as the lighting of the Rockefeller Tree was happening in the background. The day after Thanksgiving dawns with the frenzy of Black Friday. A tradition in our family starts with me and my cousins going into town, armed with Click the links for more content!

shopping lists and a steaming cup of coffee. We wake up at 4:00 AM to get in line with our list of stores we have to hit. It’s not just about the deals; it’s about the shared excitement and spending time together as we fight through the chaos. It was definetly something that I didn’t expect to find joy in, but I have loved spending time with all of the girls and sharing that excitement. Thanksgiving isn’t merely a holiday, it’s a mosaic of memories. From the aroma of the turkey to the glittering lights of the Rockefeller Center Tree, each tradition is a thread that binds us together, creating a tapestry of love, warmth, and gratitude. As we gather around the table, hands joined and hearts open, we are not just celebrating a holiday; we are embracing the timeless traditions that make us a family, reminding us that in gratitude, we find the truest sense of belonging. I 5

The Power of Gratitude: Starting a Gratitude Journal By Casey Ritter

Gratitude is the practice of acknowledging and appreciating the good things in your life. It’s a simple yet powerful way to shift your perspective and improve your overall well-being. One way to cultivate gratitude is by keeping a gratitude journal. In this article, we’ll explore the power of gratitude and provide some tips and tricks on how to start a gratitude journal.

The Power of Gratitude: Gratitude has been shown to have numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. Studies have found that practicing gratitude can improve sleep, boost the immune system, increase happiness, and reduce stress and anxiety. Furthermore, cultivating gratitude can help you focus on the positive aspects of your life, rather than dwelling on the negative. Incorporating gratitude into your daily life not only enhances your well-being but also has a ripple effect on the people around you. When you radiate positivity and appreciation, you inspire others to do the same. As you delve into the practice of gratitude, you may find that challenges become opportunities for growth, and setbacks transform into valuable life lessons. Embracing gratitude is not just a personal journey; it’s a gift you give to yourself and everyone you encounter, making the world a brighter and more harmonious place for all. Embrace the power of gratitude, and watch how it transforms your life and the lives around you.

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Tips and Tricks for Starting a Gratitude Journal: 1. Choose a journal that you love: The key to sticking with a gratitude journal is to choose one that you enjoy using. Whether it’s a beautiful leather-bound notebook or a colorful spiral-bound notebook, find one that sparks joy for you. For those who prefer digital, several apps or voice-to-text journal options exist. 2. Start small: Don’t feel like you have to write an essay every day. Start with just one or two things you’re grateful for daily. Over time, you can increase the number of items you write down. 3. Be specific: Instead of writing “I’m grateful for my family,” try to be more specific. For example, “I’m grateful for my sister’s sense of humor” or “I’m grateful for my dad’s cooking.” 4. Be consistent: Try to write in your gratitude journal every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. This will help you establish a habit and make it easier to stick with over time. 5. Mix it up: Don’t feel like you have to write the same thing every day. You can express gratitude for different things each day, such as a beautiful sunset, a good cup of coffee, or a kind gesture from a friend. 6. Reflect on your entries: Take a few minutes each week to look back on your entries and reflect on what you wrote. This can help you see patterns or themes in your life that you may have overlooked. Cultivating gratitude through a gratitude journal is a simple yet powerful way to improve your overall well-being. By focusing on the good things in your life, you can shift your perspective and reduce stress and anxiety. Moreover, being grateful can help you turn your attitude from negative to positive, enabling you to see the world in a brighter light.

So grab a journal, start small, and enjoy the benefits of gratitude! Click the links for more content! I 7

Winterize Your

Garden By: Nick Boulton

It’s fall and winter will soon be upon us. This means that landscaping is coming to an end for the season, right? Wrong! The work continues all through the fall and even through winter. If you look throughout the community you will notice a lot of beautiful plants, trees, shrubs and palms that our community. During the warmer temperatures here in St. George, these various plants will flourish and do great in the heat as long as they are getting the water and nutrients that they need. During the winter months when colder temperatures set in, there is little to worry about with these plants. But now is the time to prepare your plants for next year. Here are a few things that you can do to help those plants in your own yard.

Soil Conditioning Adding a soil conditioner can help the soil in your yard give your plants the environment they need for continued root growth through the colder months, preparing them for spring and summer.

Fertilizing Along with soil conditioning, fertilizing is crucial for healthy growth. It is important to fertilize not only

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your grass, but also the plants and trees to help them thrive. Local stores sell step fertilizers. These are mixtures of fertilizer meant for specific months, such as Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter mixtures. These mixes will list the months that it’s best to apply them in. But plants needs do vary. If you have any questions, give us a call!

Pruning This is a great time to prune deciduous or leafy trees since they are becoming dormant. Overgrown evergreens also respond well to late fall prunings. The fall is also a great time to prune back plants, bushs, and other trees, especially perennials. Once freezing temps are in full swing, cut back your perennials within 1” to 2” from the ground. A good thin layer of mulch over these will help insulate them from the cold weather. Pruning at cooler temps can also help to prevent disease or bug infestation. Now is a great time to apply pest control on your trees and shrubs to help keep spiders, aphids, and other pests from bedding on your plants for the winter.

Watering and Winterizing In colder areas it is best to blow out your sprinkler lines and winterize your irrigation system. Making sure that any leaks have been taken care of is important as well, this will help with any possible cracks. In our area, we have warmer temps most of the winter season and we very rarely drop below freezing. We have found it is best to leave the system on and water for a short time each week. This is less about giving the grass and plants water, and more about maintaining the irrigation systems so there will be less breakage and problems. Obviously, in the middle of severe cold you will not want to do this. Listen to the weather for possible hard freeze warnings and make sure that if your back flow is outside, it is insulated and your valves are insulated as well. Remove hoses from outside hose bibs and cover your hose bibs with something to insulate them for the colder weather.

Planting for Spring If you’re wanting to plant new plants, most should be in the ground before the end of October. But roots can grow all winter here if plants are in a sunny spot. Bulbs should be in the ground by mid November and desert plants and palms should be by in the beginning of October. By planting trees or bushes in October, it will give it more time to adjust to its new home before the cold temperatures hit it. For next year, late Februrary into March would be the next best time to do some planting. Most of the palms here can survive in 5 degree weather for a short amount of time, and even during the winter they are great to help give a warm tropical feel to the area. Winterizing palms can be tricky so when it comes to helping your palms during this time of year, and after winter damage, here is some more helpful information. Back in December of 2013, St. George had a very hard freeze that lasted for multiple days. During this time there were a lot of palm trees throughout St. George that were lost. It doesn’t happen very often here in Southern Utah, but when it does, it can cause a lot of damage to some of our desert and tropical plants. For this reason it’s best to keep a watchful eye on the weather and if we do have a hard freeze warning, you can tightly wrap them in burlap or a blanket. For taller palms it’s best to wrap the trunk. During this time of year, these tropical plants will slow down their growth, Click the links for more content!

as well as root growth, and this can make them more susceptible to disease. Frost and freezing temperatures can damage the tissue of the plant as well as hindering the water it can take in through the trunk. It’s important to fertilize throughout the year, and before these colder temperatures set in, to help with the health of the plant. Around Christmas time I like to wrap my palms with incandescent Christmas lights around the base and some of the frondes to give it some extra heat. It’s important to use incandescent light bulbs and not the LED since LED light bulbs put off little to no heat. After Christmas, I’ll wrap mine in a special blanket. Nurseries sell them for around $40-$50, but burlap and blankets tightly wrapped around the trunk can work as well. Unfortunately, with all efforts, cold weather damage to your palm can and will happen. When this happens it will be best to determine how bad the plant’s tissue has been injured inside the trunk. The palm should produce a new growth of palm fronds from the center of the palm in the coming summer months as long as it hasn’t been harmed by the colder weather. A reasonable way to test for this and to assess the full damage to your palm is to lightly pull on a new leaf that is sprouting from the center of the trunk. If by chance this happens and a spear pulls out, there is most likely damage to the tissue of the palm. If this has happened, there is still hope. You should remove all the damaged fronds and shoots from the exterior of the trunk. You should then apply Copperbased fungicide to help with fungus and diseases. It will help with palms that have had damage caused in hard freezes. From this point it will be a waiting game that can take up a full spring and summer to see if it will come back and make a recovery. I hope this helps you in preparing for the weather ahead. Here’s to a great Fall and Winter and an excited eye looking forward to spring and the warmer temperatures that will be missed until then. I 9

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FOOTBALL By Joseph Brimer

The National Football League (NFL) season is well under way! Teams we thought were going to get better seemingly got worse. Teams that were underrated sit atop the standings. With so many variables going into a game, anything can happen; and this season is no exception. An unexpected injury, a mid-season trade, or one bad game can alter a team’s season in the blink of an eye. But one thing both teams and fans can count on:

THANKSGIVING DAY FOOTBALL! NFL football and Thanksgiving have become synonymous with one another. Games being held on this one day every year directly led to the popularity of the professional sport. In fact, each of the last three years have seen viewership of the games reach over 35 million people. But did you know that the Thanksgiving tradition actually started with college football. In 1876 the Intercollegiate Football Association began hosting their championship game on the Holiday. By 1890, the game had been moved to New York where weekend long celebrations of dinners, parties and balls would attract fans from across the country. When the NFL was founded in 1920, people weren’t interested in the sport from a professional perspective. Baseball was the most popular American professional sport, and football was still

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“for amateurs”. So, building off of the traditions of college football, the NFL began to schedule games on Thanksgiving in 1934. The Detroit Lions (who still play every year) and the Chicago Bears first set the tradition. In the 1960’s, the newly established Dallas Cowboys became the other pillar of Thanksgiving football and began their tradition of playing on the holiday. In the years since then, watching teams battle it out on the field has become intertwined with personal Thanksgiving Day traditions. There’s no doubt that the game has been, and will continue to be, an integral part of American history.


The Detroit Lions Thanksgiving record includes 37 wins, most of any team.

The Lions, Cowboys, Bears, and Packers have the most Thanksgiving appearances.

According to records, the Lions have only missed playing on Thanksgiving 6 times.

The Cowboys have missed hosting only two NFL Thanksgiving games.

The first Detroit game on Thanksgiving was played in front of 26,000 people (the average NFL stadium seats around 70,000). I 11


More Than a Feeling, It’s a Science! By Ally Thompson

Hey there, fellow gratitude enthusiasts! Ever wondered why that warm, fuzzy feeling washes over you when you count your blessings? Well, grab your lab coats and magnifying glasses, because we’re about to dive into the delightful world of the science of gratitude! Spoiler alert: it’s not just about being polite; it’s about rewiring our brains for happiness.

The Brain’s Happy Dance Picture this: your brain, that marvelous organ inside your head, has this fantastic little thing called the limbic system. It’s the emotional epicenter, and guess what? When you feel grateful, it’s like a disco party for your limbic system! Scientists have found that expressing gratitude triggers the release of those delightful neurotransmitters – dopamine and serotonin. In plain English? Gratitude literally makes your brain do a happy dance!

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The Ripple Effect Gratitude isn’t just a feel-good moment; it’s a social glue that binds us humans together. When you express gratitude, you’re not just making yourself happy; you’re creating a ripple effect of joy. Imagine it as throwing confetti at a party – the joy spreads, touching everyone it reaches. So, that ‘thank you’ to your barista or your friend for a favor isn’t just polite; it’s a tiny act of making the world a brighter place.

The Stress-Buster Stress – the unwelcome guest at life’s party. But guess what? Gratitude kicks stress out the door! When you focus on the positive things in your life, even the little ones like that morning cup of coffee

or a smile from a stranger, your stress levels take a nosedive. It’s like your brain saying, “Hey, chill out, we’ve got plenty of good stuff going on!”

complaints into gratitude. Instead of “I have to go to work,” say “I get to go to work.” See? It’s a gratitude makeover!

power of Resilience

In the end, the science of gratitude isn’t rocket science – it’s heartwarming, soul-stirring, and surprisingly simple. It’s about embracing the good, no matter how small, and watching it transform your life, one thankful moment at a time. So, go ahead, sprinkle gratitude like confetti, and let the science of being grateful make your world a brighter place!

Life can throw lemons at us, and sometimes it feels like a lemon storm. But fear not, because gratitude is like our very own superhero cape. Research shows that folks who practice gratitude regularly are more resilient. They bounce back from setbacks quicker, finding strength in even the toughest of times. It’s like having a shield made of positive vibes!

A Daily Dose of Gratitude So, how do you make gratitude a part of your daily life? It’s as easy as pie! Keep a gratitude journal, jot down three things you’re thankful for every day. Or, sprinkle gratitude in your conversations, letting people know you appreciate them. Try this: turn your



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VOTING By Ally Thompson


n the grand tapestry of human history, few threads are as vibrant and essential as the evolution of voting. From ancient assemblies to modern democracies, the act of casting a vote has been at the heart of societies, shaping nations and echoing the voices of the people. Join us on a thrilling expedition through time as we uncover the rich history of voting and guide you to the very places where you can make history today!

THE ANCIENT BALLOTS: Our journey begins in ancient Greece, the cradle of democracy. Here, in the bustling agora, citizens raised their voices in decision-making. Fast forward to the Roman Republic, where citizens voted to elect officials and shape laws. These early experiments in 14 I

governance laid the foundation for the democratic ideals we cherish today.

MEDIEVAL GUILDS AND TOWN HALLS: In medieval Europe, guilds and town halls became hubs of communal decision-making. The ringing bells of town squares called forth citizens to participate in shaping their communities. The right to vote was often a privilege, but it marked the beginning of a broader understanding of civic duty.

THE SUFFRAGETTE STRIDE: The 19th and 20th centuries witnessed a seismic shift in the voting landscape. Suffragettes, with unyielding determination, fought for women’s right

to vote. Their struggle, marked by unwavering resolve and passionate activism, expanded the electorate, bringing us closer to the inclusive democracies we know today.

MODERN DEMOCRACY: In the modern era, the right to vote is recognized as a fundamental human right. Democracies worldwide hold elections, allowing citizens to choose their leaders and influence the course of their nations. Whether it’s the iconic voting booths of the United States, the bustling polling stations in India, or the high-tech e-voting systems in Estonia, the act of voting remains a symbol of freedom and empowerment.

CAST YOUR BALLOT TODAY: Now, as we stand at the crossroads of history, it’s your turn to participate in this grand tradition. Voting is not merely a right; it’s a celebration of the democratic spirit that has been nurtured through centuries.

In the United States, find your local polling station by visiting the official government website or utilize mobile apps that provide real-time information about voting locations and wait times. In the United Kingdom, the Electoral Commission website offers comprehensive details about where and how to vote. In India, the Election Commission website guides you through the electoral process, ensuring your voice is heard.

EMBRACE YOUR ROLE IN HISTORY: Every time you cast your ballot, you contribute to the ongoing narrative of democracy. You become a part of the same legacy that began in the agora of ancient Greece, resonated through the suffragette marches, and continues to shape the world today. So, step into the hallowed halls of democracy, let your voice echo through the annals of history, and embrace the power you hold as a voter. The ballot box is not just a container for paper; it’s a vessel for dreams, aspirations, and the collective will of the people. Seize this opportunity, make your mark, and be a part of the ever-evolving story of voting. Your adventure in democracy begins now!

HERE FOUR FUN FACTS ABOUT VOTING FROM AROUND THE WORLD: 1. INDONESIA’S LARGE-SCALE VOTING: Indonesia holds one of the world’s largest one-day elections. In 2019, well over 192 million people were eligible to vote.

2. SMALLEST VOTING DISTRICT: The village of Bikoro in the Democratic Republic of Congo holds the record for the smallest voting district in the world, with only 29 registered voters.

3. ANCIENT BEGINNINGS: The concept of voting dates back to ancient civilizations. The Athenians in ancient Greece practiced a form of democracy around 5th century BCE, where eligible citizens could vote on laws and policies.

4. VOTING AGE: In some countries like Sweden and Belgium, voting is mandatory, and citizens can start voting at the age of 16. The voting age varies globally. In most countries, it’s 18, but in places like Brazil and Austria, it’s 16. Click the links for more content! I 15





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By Ally Thompson

In a world that often moves at a rapid pace, taking a moment to express thankfulness and engage in acts of service can have a profound impact. Not only does it create a positive atmosphere around us, but it also fosters a sense of community and connectedness. Whether big or small, every gesture counts. Here are some meaningful ways in which anyone can spread thankfulness and service, making a difference one act at a time.

Gratitude Journals and Notes Encourage the practice of gratitude by keeping a journal. Taking a few minutes each day to jot down things you are thankful for can shift your focus to the positive aspects of life. Additionally, handwritten thank-you notes carry a personal touch. Sending notes of appreciation to friends, family, or colleagues can brighten their day and reinforce the bonds of gratitude.

Random Acts of Kindness Surprise acts of kindness can have a tremendous impact. Pay for someone’s coffee, hold the door open, or leave an uplifting note for a colleague. These small gestures can create a ripple effect, inspiring others to spread kindness too.

Support Local Businesses Show thankfulness for your community by supporting local businesses. Purchasing from local stores and eateries helps boost the local economy and shows appreciation for the unique character they bring to your area.

Donate to Charitable Causes Contributing to charitable causes, whether in the form of money, goods, or time, is a direct way to spread thankfulness. Research and support organizations that align with your values, and encourage others to do the same.

Practice Active Listening Sometimes, being thankful means being present. Practice active listening when someone speaks, making them feel valued and respected. Often, the simple act of genuinely listening can be impactful.

Lead by Example Perhaps the most influential way to spread thankfulness and service is to lead by example. Your actions can inspire others. When people see the positive impact you create, they are more likely to follow suit, creating a cycle of gratitude and service that continues to grow. Incorporating these practices into our daily lives can transform our communities, making them more compassionate, supportive, and thankful places to live. Each small effort adds to the collective positive energy, creating a better world for everyone. So, let’s embrace the spirit of thankfulness and service, making a commitment to spread kindness wherever we go. Together, we can create a brighter, more thankful world for all.

Volunteer and Service Work Volunteering your time and skills to a cause you believe in is a powerful way to spread thankfulness. Whether it’s serving meals at a local shelter, tutoring children, or participating in environmental clean-up initiatives, volunteering not only helps others but also provides a deep sense of fulfillment.

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Table Decor By Diana Juarez

Thanksgiving, it’s just around the corner! How do you make sure the vibes, ambiance, atmosphere, and aura (whatever word you want to use), are what you want it to be. The details, my friend. Sometimes the most minor touches make lasting impressions. Here are a few ways to create a memorable evening with friends and family.

Conversation starter/Gratitude jar

While the appetizers are flowing and people are starting to come, have a jar with pieces of scrap paper and allow them to write down what they are grateful/thankful for. I like to add conversation starters in the jar to spice things up. Simple questions like, ‘Is there anything you used to like but isn’t cool, so you deny ever liking it?’ ‘What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever googled?’. Make these questions fun and lighthearted. Then you pull these out at dinner and watch people laugh and agree.

Personalize your decorations

I created a simple decoration where I could pin pictures near and dear to my family’s heart. I hung it where everyone would see as they walked by. It was nice to hear stories behind the pictures. Even for our friends who got to see a little of our family’s history.

Drink stations

This saved my bucket. Outside in a cooler, I had water and soda with a towel to dry up the excess water. Inside a Bloody Mary station with all the crazy amounts of toppings. Baby onions, pickled asparagus, olives, celery, tabasco, and my favorite, tajin! Or better, a cider station!


Pass the torch this year. Have a guest that you know would love to do this and have them create a fun or breathtaking centerpiece for you. It’s fun to see what someone can create and give everyone something else to talk about. 18 I


Medicare won’t cover all of your health-care costs during retirement, so you may want to buy a supplemental medical insurance policy known as Medigap. Offered by private insurance companies, Medigap policies are designed to cover costs not paid by Original Medicare (Parts A and B), helping you fill the gaps in your Medicare coverage. You’ll pay the private insurance company a monthly premium in addition to the monthly Part B premium you pay to Medicare.

WHEN’S THE BEST TIME TO BUY A MEDIGAP POLICY? The best time to buy a Medigap policy is during your 6-month Medigap open enrollment period, when you can’t be turned down or charged more because you are have health issues. If you are age 65 or older, your open enrollment period starts on the first day of the month in which you’re both 65 or older and enrolled in Medicare Part B. A few states also require that a limited open enrollment period be offered to Medicare beneficiaries under age 65. If you don’t buy a Medigap policy during your 6-month open enrollment period, you may not be able to buy the policy that you want later. Insurers have greater freedom to deny applications or charge higher premiums for health reasons once an individual’s open enrollment period closes. However, in some cases you may have special rights to purchase a Medigap policy without being charged more, even if you have current health issues. In most cases, you may have these guaranteed issue rights when certain other health coverage you have changes or ends. Click the links for more content! I 19

Any standardized Medigap policy you buy is guaranteed renewable, even if you have health problems. The insurance company can’t cancel the policy as long as you pay your premium. And even though buying a Medigap policy during your 6-month open enrollment period has advantages, you can shop around later. You might choose to do so if your insurance carrier decides to raise your Medigap premium when you get your annual renewal notice. Medigap is standardized so your benefits won’t change bur your premium might.

WHAT’S COVERED IN A MEDIGAP POLICY? Under federal law, only 8 standardized plans can be offered as Medigap plans (except in Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, which have their own standardized plans). Plans sold to individuals new to Medicare are Plans A, B, D, G, K. L, M, and N.* Each Medigap plan offers a different set of benefits. All cover certain out-of-pocket costs, including Medicare coinsurance amounts. Some plans also cover other costs, such as all or part of Medicare Part A deductibles, skilled nursing facility care coinsurance, and foreign travel emergency costs. *Two additional options, Plans C and F, may be available to you if you were eligible for Medicare before January 1, 2020 but have not yet enrolled in a plan, or if you already have either of these plans. These plans cover the Medicare Part B deductible, which new plans are not allowed to do.

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Medigap policies do not cover certain health-care expenses, including long-term care, vision care, dental care, or prescription drugs (to obtain prescription drug coverage you can purchase a Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan). You can buy the Medigap plan that best suits your needs. But it’s important to note that not all Medigap plans are available in every state.

ARE ALL MEDIGAP POLICIES CREATED EQUAL? Generally, yes. Although Medigap policies are sold through private insurance companies, they’re standardized and regulated by state and federal law. For example, a Plan B purchased through an insurance company in New York will offer the same coverage as a Plan B purchased through another insurance company in New York, or through an insurance company in Texas. All you have to do is decide which plan offered in your state you want to buy. However, even though the plans that insurance companies offer are identical, the quality of the companies that offer the plans may be different. Look closely at each company’s reputation, financial strength, and customer service standards. And check out what you’ll pay for Medigap coverage. Medigap premiums vary widely, both from company to company and from state to state, even for the same plan. You can find a tool on the Medicare website,, that will help you compare Medigap policies offered in your area. You can also visit this website to find other important information on how Medigap policies work with Medicare.

DOES EVERYONE NEED MEDIGAP? No. In fact, it’s illegal for an insurance company to sell you a Medigap policy that substantially duplicates any existing coverage you have, including Medicare coverage. You don’t need a Medigap policy if you join a Medicare Advantage plan or a private fee-for-service plan, or if you qualify for Medicaid or have group coverage through your spouse. You may also not need to buy a Medigap policy if you work past age 65 and have employer-sponsored health insurance. If you find yourself in this situation, you may want to enroll in Medicare Part A, since it’s free. Remember that if you enroll in Medicare Part B, your open enrollment period for Medigap starts. If you don’t buy a Medigap policy within six months, you may be denied coverage later or charged a higher premium, so you may want to wait to enroll in Medicare Part B until your employer coverage ends. In addition, you may not need to buy a Medigap policy if you are covered by an employer-sponsored health plan after you retire (e.g., as part of a retirement severance package). In this case, your employer’s plan may cover costs that Medicare doesn’t. If you have any questions about your coverage, talk to your employer’s benefits coordinator. Refer a friend

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IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES Broadridge Investor Communication Solutions, Inc. does not provide investment, tax, legal, or retirement advice or recommendations. The information presented here is not specific to any individual’s personal circumstances. To the extent that this material concerns tax matters, it is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by a taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed by law. Each taxpayer should seek independent advice from a tax professional based on his or her individual circumstances. These materials are provided for general information and educational purposes based upon publicly available information from sources believed to be reliable — we cannot assure the accuracy or completeness of these materials. The information in these materials may change at any time and without notice. Prepared by Broadridge Advisor Solutions Copyright 2023.

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SUNWEST MANAGEMENT? WHO ARE WE & WHAT MAKES US SPECIAL? SunWest Management specializes in helping you develop a strong sense of community and promote harmony in your community. Prudent financial management, the best governance practices and maintenance strategies, yeah, we’re good at that too! We work with you to keep your property values high and your community thriving. Our digital magazine is another way we share our passion and commitment to serve community associations everywhere. Read on for best practices, tips and offers to enhance your home and community. Contact us and discover how your community can start living the SunWest life! We can’t wait to hear from you! (435) 773-6456

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