2 022-2023 ANNUAL REPORT
Art by MAry-Sue JenoveSe '24
St. Pius X, an archdiocesan high school, provides a college preparatory education for the formation of the mind, body, and spirit of each student in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Aaron Parr President
Edye Simpson, Ed.D. Principal
Rachel Braham Dean of Students
Jason Eaglen Dean of Academics
Mike Lancaster Dean of Students
Todd Mooney Director of Athletics
Chris Murphy Dean of Students
Sara Geiger Schmitt Director of Enrollment
Jennifer Sedlack Director of Advancement
Blaise Wannemacher Director of Operations
2022-2023 SNAPSHOT
$15,300 Catholic Rate
$17,200 Non-Catholic Rate
Average award: $8,888 Students assisted: 153 (15% of student body)
13,807 total St. Pius X alumni
Sant Perez '77, Chair
Pat Esser
James Flanagan '01
Molly Lane '74
Andrew Leipold '09
Dev Maguire '74
Maria Rodriquez Miller '87
Sam Noyd '03
Michelle Schlueter
Richard Whitcomb
Sonya Williams
The Annual Report has been prepared by the Office of Advancement for the benefactors of St. Pius X Catholic High School. Every attempt was made to ensure accuracy in this publication. If you find any inaccuracies or omissions, please accept our apology. Please contact the Office of Advancement with any corrections.
Special thanks to Mary-Sue Jenovese '24 for providing the cover artwork.
102 faculty members
18 years average experience
75% have advanced degrees
Beneficial interest held by The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia: $8,883,195
Additional funds held by The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia: $2,197,094*
Held by the Archdiocese of Atlanta: $105,595
*These funds are not included in our financial statements.
College preparatory courses with four tiered levels of learning: - Advanced Placement - Honors - College Prep Accelerated - College Prep 27 AP Courses Offered Study Support Program
SAT average for the Class of 2023: 1228
ACT average for the Class of 2023: 26.1
Number of AP exams taken in 2022-23: 1,064
2022-2023 National Merit Program Semi-Finalist: 1 Commended Students: 7 Hispanic Scholars: 8 African-American Scholars: 3
Edye Simpson, Ed. D. Principal
Dear Alumni, Parents, and Friends of St. Pius X,
On behalf of the entire St. Pius X Catholic High School community, thank you for your unwavering support and generosity this past school year. It is with great pleasure that we present our benefactors with the 2022-2023 Annual Report. This report is a wonderful illustration of the vibrant and healthy community we have here at St. Pius X thanks to the generosity of so many.
The most recent and one of the most impactful expressions of that generosity is the current Ring the Bells Capital Campaign. This campaign is transforming our campus into a space that enhances the educational experience for our students and furthers our mission of nurturing both their academic and spiritual growth as well as their personal development.
We are thrilled to share with you the tremendous progress we have made since launching the Ring the Bells campaign. While this report chronicles gifts through June 30, 2023, as of the printing of the report, we have raised an astounding $14 million, thanks to your dedicated support. St. Pius X students, both now and well into the future, will have a more robust campus experience thanks to the generosity of the nearly 750 donors supporting this effort.
The 2022-2023 school year opened with a fully renovated library, providing students with a light-filled space complete with moveable furniture, meeting rooms, a computer lab, and more. Deemed the new "living room of the school," this area remains busy throughout the day and into the evenings. In January 2023, the new entrance to the school and the rear gates became operational. The general safety of our campus improved tremendously simply by closing the iconic gates of the school and re-routing visitors through a new, secure entrance.
Currently, we are constructing the state of the art Joan of Arc Field House complete with classrooms, dedicated locker rooms, a strength training room, an athletic training room, coaches' offices, and storage. In addition, we are making significant improvements to the Seaver Family Sports Complex by adding long-awaited restrooms, a press box, a concession stand, and new bleachers. These projects will further elevate our students' experiences by providing them with cutting-edge facilities for their academic, athletic, and extracurricular pursuits.
The impact of your generosity cannot be overstated, and we are excited to witness the positive changes taking place on campus. A capital campaign of this magnitude can only be successful if the day-to-day operations of the school continue unabated. The Annual Fund remains our most important yearly fundraising campaign, and we offer prayers of thanksgiving for the hundreds who continue giving to the Annual Fund, ensuring we further our mission each day.
We remain steadfast in our commitment to our students' spiritual formation, the delivery of a challenging and enriching curriculum, and a diverse range of arts and athletic offerings. Our ultimate goal is to prepare our students for success in college and to inspire them to live lives that align with their faith, striving for their heavenly reward. Your partnership and dedication to our mission are deeply appreciated and are making a lasting difference in the lives of our students. It is through the collective efforts of our donors that we can create a better tomorrow for our students and strengthen our beloved St. Pius X community.
Domini Sumus…We are the Lord’s.
Aaron Parr President
Edye Simpson, Ed.D. Principal
Aaron Parr Interim President, 2022-2023
The following Summary of Contributions includes all gifts received by St. Pius X Catholic High School from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023. To all of our supporters, your thoughtful generosity and volunteerism is appreciated and serves as a testament to your spirit of commitment to St. Pius X. Thank you.
Salaries and Benefits
Student Services
Utilities Maintenance
Expenditures from Operations
Deposits to Reserves and Endowment
Total Expenditures
2022-2023 TUITION: $15,300
Net Tuition Revenue
Archdiocesan Tuition Assistance Subsidy Fees
Scholarship Donations
Arts and Athletic Gate
Investment Income
Cafeteria, Plant Rental, and Other Income
Revenues from Operations
Total Revenue: $4,359,617
School Fundraising
Annual Fund
Ring the Bells Capital Campaign
Restricted Gifts
Endowed and Funded Scholarships
Program Directed Giving
Total Revenue: $799,207
Athletic Association
Mothers’ Club
Home & School Association
St. Pius X parent organizations play a vital role in the success of the school. Financial and volunteer support fund and enhance extracurricular and other student activities, parent programs and hospitality, scholarships, and more. We thank the St. Pius X parent organizations for their extraordinary contributions during the 2022-2023 school year.
2022-2023 President: Wallace Moreman
Membership Concessions
Golf Tournament
Basketball Tournament
Sponsorship and Program Ads
Coca-Cola Sales
Team Expenses
Coaches’ Supplements
Program Printing
Coca-Cola Sales
Basketball Tournament
Golf Tournament
Fundraising and Administrative
RTB Capital Campaign Contribution
2022-2023 Co-Presidents:
Aimee Trupiano and Megan Drinan
Membership Other
Total Sources
Parent, Student, and Faculty Services
2022-2023 President: Ashley Marratt
Membership Marketplace
Used Uniform Sales
Other Revenue
Fundraising and Administrative
Parent, Student, and Faculty Services
Service Projects
RTB Capital Campaign Contribution
2022-2023 President: Teresa Perella
Membership Sponsorship and Program Ads
Fine Arts Fees
Fine Arts Festival
Other Revenue
Student Services
Fine Arts Festival
Administrative and Other Expenses
RTB Capital Campaign Contribution
$8,925 $59,308 $9,687 $1,745 $79,665 $35,653 $10,866 $3,408 $103 $10,000 $60,030
$78,007 $21,690 $30,500 $81,259 $193,418 $569,224 $230,926 $61,000 $49,782 $26,920 $145,602 $23,707 $14,306 $39,425
$10,000 $601,668
$28,082 $28,082
$44,938 $16,400 $30,095 $23,255 $9,301 $123,989 $79,391 $64,363 $12,294 $10,000 $166,048
New Mac Computer Lab
Faculty Salaries, New Learning Management System
Electronic Gates and Fencing
Chorus Instructor, Stage Lighting
New Mac Computer Lab
In 2022, St. Pius X introduced a cutting-edge Mac Lab with 22 Mac computers paid for with Annual Fund donations. These Macs are used across various subjects, including music production, graphics, and personal finance. The students in the AP Computer Science Principles class also use Macs to learn Python coding, enhancing their skills in gaming, video production, and AI applications. The Mac Lab has significantly enriched the student learning experience.
Electronic Gates and Fencing
Thanks to generous contributions to the Annual Fund, new gates were installed in three key areas of campus. Specifically, the Maloof Stadium Lot, Senior Lot, and the parking area across Johnson Road are now equipped with gates and locks, thus limiting access to campus and increasing campus security.
Chorus Instructor, Stage Lighting
Annual Fund contributions bolster the Fine Arts program at St. Pius X each year. This year, funds supported a Chorus Instructor, giving students the option of Vocal Studio and Musical Theatre classes while also having the opportunity to sing at All School Masses and with the Choral Ensemble. Additionally, Annual Fund dollars brought new stage lighting to the Young Center Auditorium, improving the overall experience for both performers and the audience.
New Learning Management System: Canvas
St. Pius X introduced a new learning management system, also adopted by major universities, to faculty and students this year. Funded with Annual Fund dollars, Canvas ensures a uniform and easily accessible learning journey for students. This dynamic platform fosters seamless communication, collaboration, instant feedback, and data-driven insights for monitoring student advancements. It also grants convenient access to a comprehensive array of educational resources and tools, all consolidated within a single platform.
$944,050 IN SUPPORT
SPIRITUALITY Campus Minister Pilgrimages
New Scorers’ Table, Pitching Machine
Minister Position, Pilgrimages
Campus Minister Position, Pilgrimages
The Campus Ministry program continues to thrive thanks to the generosity of Annual Fund donors. Susan Baker became the new Campus Minister, bringing with her decades of experience working with young people. Students continued the tradition Pius tradition of participating in off-campus pilgrimages with their classmates, exploring their faith through organized activities and prayer.
New Gym Scorers' Table, Pitching Machine
St. Pius X has a robust athletic program that relies on substantial funding to meet the needs of its student athletes. Each year the Annual Fund contributes essential resources to the program. This year, these funds were used to acquire a new scorer’s table for the Mark Kelly Gym and a pitching machine for the baseball and softball programs.
New Moveable Desks/Chairs for eology, Upgraded Access Panel
New Moveable Desks/ Chairs for Theology, Upgraded Access Panel
New, movable desks with whiteboard tops allow students to easily form small groups for discussion. Theology teacher, Dr. Liberty Hall, says, "It's game-changing to have the ability to group students for project work and discussion and then easily shift the desks for individual reflection and assessments. The whiteboard tops are also handy for group brainstorming, and honestly, the students love the novelty of being able to write on their desks!" A new security access panel was installed which will allow the school to add unlimited doors to our security system. Upon completion of the Joan of Arc Field House, the new panel will also allow us to tie into the security system for the new building.
The $14.8M Ring the Bells Capital Campaign continues to transform campus. Seaver Family Sports Complex pathway and field lights were installed in January 2022, and the renovation of the Flannery O’Connor Library was completed during summer 2022. A new main office and rear gates were built during the 2022-2023 school year, and construction began on the new Joan of Arc Field House in the spring of 2023, with a completion date of spring 2024. Seaver Family Sports Complex upgrades, including new bleachers and press box, and a concession stand with restrooms, will be completed during the 2023-2024 school year. At the time of printing of this Annual Report, more than $14M has been raised toward the effort.
With sincere gratitude, we wish to acknowledge the following donors who made pledges and/or contributions to Ring the Bells from November 1, 2019 to June 30, 2023. These donor gift categories are calculated by totaling personal donations (cash, check, stock) and/or personal pledges, plus any matching gift payments we have received from the donor's employer during this time frame.
Gifts of $1,000,000 and above
Anonymous (2)
Donald and Marilyn Keough
Foundation and Shayla and Chip Rumely
Gifts of $500,000 to $999,999
Frank and Kathy Blythe Argenbright '66
The Estate of Tom Novack
Robert W. Woodruff Foundation
Gifts of $250,000 to $499,999
Tom and May May Bindewald
Bickes '74 & '75
Amy and Daniel Edwards '89
Pat and Connie Esser
Jim and Mary Angelich Rubright '79
The James M. Cox Foundation
Gifts $100,000 to $249,999
Rich Arroll '80
Patrick and Michele Boushka
Estate of Bob & Barbara Foley
Mr. Jose Raul Gomez and Mrs. Leticia
Bill and Kristine Hayes
Robert and Kate Kennedy
Billy and Lisa Laube '72
John and Angela Laughter
Rich and Patti Macchia
Scott and Maribeth Madden
Kim and John Mount
Rebecca and Patrick O'Connor '74
Christopher and Jennifer Prindiville
Greg and Joanie Reardon
Raines '80 & '80
Kermit and Sarah Randa
The Seng Family ’87, ’89, ’95
St. Pius X Gala 2022
Joe and Anne Tomolo
Kenneth J. Turner and Martha A.
The Whitcomb Family Foundation
Jay and Ann Wolverton
Kim and Scott Woods
Gifts $50,000 to $99,999
Ms. Diane Barnsley and Gary G. and Diana Barnsley Fleming '93
The Coca-Cola Company
Joseph and Patricia Evangelista
Kris and Kimberly Funkhouser
Ms. Teresa Jackson
Bryan and Brandi Kler
Steven and Ashley Lehwald
Matt and Melanie Lipscomb
Mary Ryan & Henry G. Kuhrt
Travis and Sarah Schlenk
Jenn and Phil Sedlack '88
St. Pius X Gala 2020
Gifts from $25,000 to $49,999
Casey and Marcy Adams
Raul and Susana Ajoy Alfonso '86
Eric and Linda Anderson
David and Julie Bakken
Jon and Julie Barber
John and Elizabeth Buyarski
Adolph and Dede Casal
David and Laura Case
Catholic Foundation of North Georgia, Inc.
Steen and Emma Llano Clausen '81
The Estate of Joan Diemer ✝
Sean and Megan Drinan
Arthur and Teresa Hungeling Ebbs '98
Jennifer and Marty Flanagan
Jim and Shea Geeslin
Michael and Danielle Eaccarino
Halkos '93
Don and Courtney Hendrix
Jim and Ashley Howser
Michael and Christine Salgado
Hungeling '93
David J. Hungeling '91
Glen and Kelly Asip Iannucci '98 & '98
Joe and Ann Kolshak
Jeffrey and Rose Longoria
Brett and Michele Person Madison '91
Steve and Valerie Miller
Maloof '85 & '85
Karen and Stephen M. Maloof '88
Brian and Holly Monaghan
Kevin and Samantha Murray
Rob and Nancy Ortner
Peoples and Quigley, Inc
Shawn and Sant Perez '77
Nickolas and Anny Reimer
Adam Roe
Richard and Michelle Schlueter
Curtis and Tracie DeBeltrand Schmidt '94 & '94
Vincent and Kristi Schofield
Joanne and Gene Shatlock
Bill and Kim Sheppard
The Soha Family
St. Pius X Arts Society
St. Pius X Athletic Association
St. Pius X Mothers' Club
Mark and Natalie Uebelacker
The Vasser Woolley Foundation, Inc.
Gifts from $10,000 to $24,999
Anonymous (3)
Fred and Stacy Altiery
Jose and Sarah Alvarez
David and Sharyn Baer
David and Marty Banks
Dan and Kerrie Bauer
The Bello/Lechowicz Family
Bohach Family
Jack and Charlotte Boland
Brice and Chris Boyle '91
Jim and Joy Brennan
Paul and Lisa Broniec
Fred Bruce
Carlos and Kelly Carreras
Jim and Kelly Chasteen
Class of 2021
Georgia and Jim Connell '88
Kevin and Melissa Cooney
Bradford and Monica Cowles
Patrick and Trish Davey
Chris and Carrie Dimino
Chris Dixon and Hilary Goodno
Dixon '96
Brian and Michele Dubay
Glen and Dawn Duggan
Louis and Claudia Edwards
Wendy and Billy Egan '85
Robert and Julie Eichenberg
Shannon and William T. Euart '90
Nigel and Mary Fleming
Judson and Elizabeth Flynn
James and Jody Foster
Luis and Deanna Franco
Preston and Jincy Futrell
Ms. Maria E. Garcia
Christopher and Camilyn Germann
The Glennon Family
Google, Inc.
Kevin and Linda Grass
Jeff and Ellen Gregor and Family
John W. Griffin '66, in honor of Steve Spellman and Paul Standard
Kevin and Jennifer Smerek Harlan '90
Sam and Jenn Harry
Dustin and Jennifer Heizer
CJ and Alice Hicks
Thad and Susan Hildreth
Home Depot
Ed and Carol Anne Hong
William J. Hungeling '89
Derek and Annette Idalski
Amy and Matt Jardina '85
Mark and Courtney Joines
James and Meghan Kessell
Steve and Sally McQuaid
Kramer '67 & '69
Dan and Emily Lynch
Beth and Dev Maguire '74
Rob and Michelle Mancini '94
Mike and Maureen McAbee
Terrence and Jennifer Coady
McBride '93 & '90
John McHugh
Joseph and Astrid McVeigh
Ashley and Maria Rodriguez Miller '87
Sheila and Michael Mohr '79
Morin Family
John and Krista Morris
Mark and Amber Noel
Carolyn and Sam Noyd '03, Mary and Mark Noyd, Stephanie and Dan Noyd '98
Ricky and Laura Patch
O'Connell '89 & '94
Dennis and Heidi O'Shea
Lewis and Leslie Palumbo
Carlos and Anny Perez
Mike and Susan Petrik
Luis and Abrenda Planas
Philip Pompilio '78 and Peg Cassidy
Bob and Mary Remmes
Salesforce.com Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Santy
Eugene Smith
Brian and Jan Studdard
Dean and Cathy Hollis Underwood '90 & '91
Mr. and Mrs. James Van Slate
Brian and Amy Weick
Frank and Julie Winski
William and Susan Riesmeyer Wood '92
Chuck and Jennifer Pitra Wootten '82
Jim and Kari Yantis
Gifts up to $9,999
Anonymous (17)
ABM Industries
Ryan and Kara Adams
Bob and Ann Addison
Marco Alarcon
Rich and Jessica Alderman
Robert and Amy Aldrich
Renee Alladin
Guy Anderson
Mike and Luci Anderson
Rock and Carla Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. John P. Anderton
David and Heather Andignac
Boyd and Jeanne Andrews
Annie I. Anton '84, in memory of Monsignor Donald Kiernan
Richard and Cynthia Apgar
Curt and Susan Arenson-Tootle '89
Stephen and Keri Arroll
AT&T Services, Inc.
Jon Michael Atchley '67
Mike and Pat Athans
Bernie and Charlene Auer
David and Alex Catroppa Azzarello '95
Travis Baer '04
Troy and Angel Baker
Alexandra Balzer
Bank of America
Bearden and Jill Barnes
Karl Webster Barnes '68
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Barnicoat
Paul and Cynthia Barranco
Angele McDaniel Barrow '74
Bryan and Lauren Bays
Alexander B. Beal '67
Melissa Beam '88
Greg Beckham '65
Malcolm and Leigh McAllister Bentley '83
Michele Berrell-Treadway
David and Jackie Beverly
Matt and Mary O'Brien Beyer '80 & '82
Mrs. Gloria J. Bezaire
Lauren Bingham
Nicholas and Siobhan Bissell
Christopher and Millicent Black
Cary Johnson Blackburn '85
Matt and Shannon Franklin
Blackburn '97
Christopher and Melanie Blanchard
Jeff and Lauren Blaszyk
Mr. and Mrs. William Bohach
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Bolash
Matthew and Virginia Boyd
Arthur and Deborah Bradley
James and Debra Brady
Jeff and Christine Brady
Marty and Marian Braham
Rachel Braham '86
Kevin and Joleen Branford '92
J. Thomas Brannan '64
Brendan and Kore Thompson Breault '87
Mary Breen
Rev. Michael Bremer
John and Karoline Rumps Brennan '82
Luke and Erin Brewster
James and Tonja Bridges
Jeanie Brieske
Mary Ellen and Neil Brigham
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Brinson
Olin and Michelle Broadway
Broniec Associates
Tom and Debbie Brooks
Gini McMahan Brower '85
Patrick and Lisa Brown
Richard and Kellie Brownlow
Daniel J. and Melissa D. Brutto
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Buckley III, in honor of Jenn Sedlack
Ismary and Rob Buechner '81
Thanh and Tracy Bui
Kathie Lyons Bunker, in memory of Tom Novack
Howell Buot '15
Tracey and C.J. Buot
Tom and Jennifer Burns
Cindy and Mark Burton
Nancy Rupp Butler '75
C. Jenovese, Inc.
Jennifer '00 & Sebastian '03 Cahill
Tracey Caldwell
Matt and Wynne Callaway
Jon and Christina Cannon
Scott and Corcelles Capps
Michael and Sandy Capretta
Christi Lampe Caragher '84
Stephen and Kristin Carney
Karen Sudduth Carter
Carter's Cares
Jenny Castro, in honor of Steve Spellman
Frank and Linda Catroppa
Jim and Mary Chamberlin
Mrs. James Chatfield Sr.
Nathalie Chekoua
Jay and Leslie Chiabotti
Chubb Corporate Giving
Chad and Kim Clarke
Paul and Vivian Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. A. Robert Claxton
Paul and Jocelyn Collett
Maureen Collins '97
Jennifer Andrews Conner '93
Rob and Laura Consolazio
Kathleen Kelly Conwell '69
Frank and Niki Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Cook
Madeleine Corcoran
Keith Cordell
Maria Lia Cornejo '87
Ricardo and Maria Corser
Michael and Nancy Coveny
Robert and Claudia Cozine
Donald and Eileen Crochet
The Crofton Family
Crutcher Family Foundation
Will and Theresa Carr Cummings '92
AJ and Elizabeth Cunningham
Ashley Marriott Curlette '02
Carol and John Cuviello '70
Dave and Ann Czabala
Natalie Darling
The Daulby Family
Drew and Gail Davidson '63
Donald and Jolene Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Jeremy Davis
Janice Stevenson Dawson '70
Kelly Shiver DeFrates '01
Jeffrey and Paula Dellapina
Delta Air Lines, lnc.
Charles and Eveie DeWitt
Cassie Dillon
Vincenzo and Lourdes Di Pietro
Ross Doelling '08
Michael and Laura Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Dowhy
Richard and Joan Driscoll
Bill and Dot Drury
Mallory Duncan
Patrick and Adrienne Duncan
Tim and Judith Dunn '79
Taylor and Alyson Durke
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Eaglen
Consuelo Leon Ecuyer '86
Eli Lilly and Company
Scott & Bridget Elliott Brady
Kathryn Emling
Philip and Nicole Erickson
Richard and Nancy Esker
Richard and Jennifer Fangmann
John Favier and Family
Mike and Mary Feeney
Drs. Aldo and Bonnie Ferri
Constance and Grosvenor Fish
James Flanagan '01
Ron and Molly Flexon
Blake and Karin Flood
Lindsay Wagner Fortner '95
Timothy and Susan Dorn Fowler '68
Michael and Elizabeth Foy
Fleming and Marsha Free
Eric and Karyn Froseth
Jonathan Gagliano '88
Trent and Mary Lynn Gaines
Gregory and Patricia Galvez
William Nichols and Silvia Garcia
de Nichols
Juan and Rosa Garcia
Jose Garcia-Castaneda
Mike and Debbie Gembala
Derek and Kelly George
Heather and Chris Gerdes '85
Jennifer Gibbs
Bradley and Christia Gifford
Ginsberg Family
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Ryan and Nicole Godbey
Jerry and Debbie Goebeler
Anthony and Sikta Gomes
William and Jessie Buechner Gordon '07
Sara and Daniel Graciaa '05
Robert and Stacie Granberry
Peter and Mary Ann Bell Green '73
Ms. Deana Griffin
Bo Groves '89
David and Teresa Renee Grubbs
Laura Guerin '99
James and Lupe Guyton, in honor of
Diana, Alicia, Richard and Sabrina
Michael B. Hagearty D.D.S.
Tewodros Haileselelassie and Sofia
Timothy and Nancy Halloran
Kathleen Hart Hanofee '72
Andy and Jamie Harlin
Gregory and Emily Harrell
Steve and Missy Hart
David and Denise Hatter
Yvonne Haugh
Scott and Portia Hawley
Mrs. Abbie E. Heath-Babin '12
Johnny and Donna Heilman
Charles and Jennifer Hicks
Michael and Jennifer Higgins
Dan and Amy Hillman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Hodge
Mike and Marilyn Honeycutt
Perry and Deborah Hopkins
Ken and Janet Horvath
Jay Hoxie
Gregg and Salome Romero Hudock
Rowe and Raven Huggins
Tom and Shelley Hughes
John and Stephanie Hull
Julie Hungeling
Lt. Col. Frank K. Hurd '64
IBM Matching Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. Arden W. Inda
Bradley and Chandra Ingram
Irastorza Family
Dr. and Mrs. Joe Irastorza
Steven and Jennifer Jacobellis
Emily Jameson '15
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Jardina
Martye Tucker Jeffords '59
Dennis and Christine Jenovese
Robert and Jennifer Jobson
Doug and Gwen Johnson
Khadeja Johnson '97
Christina M. Jones '11
Jones Family
Kevin M. Jones '14
Daniel K and Mary Vallés Jones
Deanna Jones-Puig '01
Bob and Suzy Kalb
Paul Guy Kamisky '85
Gert and Joan Kampfer
Michael and Laura Kandilakis
Jay and Jenniffer Todd Kapp '94 & '94
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kappel
Art and Elizabeth Karalexis
Gayle Deckbar Keating '66
Mark and Linda Buechner
Kelly '70 & '74
Nicholas and Nour Salman
Kelly '99 & '99
Richard and Cheri Kenah and Family
Maria Kepler
Mr. and Mrs. Keegan and Shannon
Garvey Kettering '88
Patrick Keuller '91
Beatrice Kibera
James H. King Jr.
Eric and Dana Kisala
Kim and Douglas Kissell
Frank and Molly Klein
Denis Kler
Kling Family
Joe and Vivian Knoerle
Peter and Karen Knowles
Jim and Toula Kostopoulos
Daniel Kozarich '91
Kristin Kramer '98
Elliott and Mary Kyle
Ian LaBreck
Bruce and Diane Baly LaBudde '66
Matt and Beth Whitesell
Lammers '74 & '76
Randal and Amy Lampert
Jeff and Molly Messner Lane '73 & '74
Carolyn Lantelme
Philip and Debra LaPorte
Jeffrey LaRocco
Kristian and Anna Kristina Larsen
Dolores Hopkins Lauderdale '68
Tom Lawrence '63
Rachel Hayward Leach '03
Stephen and Connie Lenich '86
Antonio Lentini '83
William and MaryLynn Llop
Nigel and Martha Love
Walker and Adrian Love
Aaron and Clare Lucas
John and Sherry Bond Lundeen '73
Brian and Renee Latone Luse '93
Gregory and Brenda Maddaleni
Mac Devereux Maguire '10
Doris Mann
Steve and Jennifer Mann
Troy and Julie Mann
Jennifer Mannino '96
Ross and Gaby Marcoot
John and Ashley Marratt
Mike Marshall '66
Dan and Melinda Marshburn
James W. and Mary Pat Warner
Martin '82 & '86
Tom and Melinda Martin
Silvia Rosado Martin '95
Steve Martin '76, in memory of Mark
Mitcham '76
Glen, Cynthia and Alex Matullo
James and Christine McAleer
Mel and Bonnie McAllister
Ceci Shook McAuliffe '68
Terry and Elaine McClean
Bill and Kelly McCluskey
Daniel and Kathleen McDonough
Andy and Betsy McDowell
Ed and Beverly Reiker
McElroy '62 & '62
Catherine McGahan
Matthew and Cynthia McIntyre
Brad and Heather McKee
McKesson HBOC Information
Technology Group
Joe and Tricia McLellan
Cindy McNamara '76
Stephen and Elizabeth McTighe
James and Catherine Schroer McVey '62
Al and Mary Jo Barnhart
Means '59 & '62
Keith and Leah Melton
Kevin and Juliet Jones Melvin '76 & '80
Karen and Marty Mercer
Nick and Cindy Meyer
Robert and Shannon Meyring
Joy and Gino Miraglia
Kristie and Mark Montello '88
Todd and Kelly Mooney
Mrs. Kathleen Moore, in memory of Ryan P. Moore
Wallace and Beth Moreman
Steve Morgan '69
Kevin and Natalie Muir
Mark and Tricia Mullins
The Natal Family
Tim and Camille Naughton
Carlos and Maria Navarro
Daniel and Tracy Yeates Navarro '90
Alan and Butchie deGolian Neely '62
Dwayne and Katie Neil
John and Jen Nelson
The Nerbonne Family
Thanh and Anh Thu Nguyen
Marco and Monika Nicotera
Joanne Noll
Andrew Northway '19
Gregory and Sonia Aguirre
Northway '88 & '88
Lucas Northway '18
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Oaktree Capital Management L.P.
John and Dana O'Donnell
Leann Petit O'Donnell '68
Cuneyt and Vanessa Oksuzer
Jason and Julie Oliver
Garrett and Jane O'Malley
Michael and Courtney O'Mara
Douglas Orsagh '88
Barb and Chris Osment
Jim and Michelle O'Sullivan
Otsuka Pharma
Terry and Donna Owens
Chris and Carol Pajer
Mary Margaret Hotard Pappas '61
Ward and Staci Parker
Aaron and Katie Perez Parr '06 & '07
Zani and Mary Patasin
Brad and Ruth Patch
Raymond and Teresa Wilkinson
Pawlik '62
Tim and Meg Peaden
Dena Peck
Ray and Monica Peebles
Steve and Patrice Pendergast
Rachelle Esser Petusky '04
Ian and Sara Pilling
Pimco Foundation
Gus and Susan Pina
The Pistone Family
The Pitra Family
Barbara McIntyre Pittman '77
PNC Foundation
Mr. John D. Podhorez
Jennifer and Kent Polzin
The Estate of Marietta Pompilio ✝
Bill and Barbara McCusker
Poole '62 & '62
Winston and Mary Porter
Terry and Bobbi Powis
John and Stephanie Prevost
Chuck and Diane Rawlins
Jeff and Michelle Rayman
Regions Financial Corporation Foundation
Mrs. Pat Reiley
Catherine DeWitt Rice '00
Andrew and Amanda Riepe
John and Lisa Ripoll
Emile L. Risby
Benjamin and Carla Rivers
Paul and Becky Roberts
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Robl
John and Meghan Rogowski
Mark and Joan Rohs
Tony and Jen Romano
Ronco Family
Matt and Rebecca Jones Rose '96
Marian Goode Rosenberg '77
Matt and Kim Rousseau
Thomas and Colleen McNulty
Rowland '87
David Sabino '00
Mark and Melissa Sanders
Julio and Mary Santander
Mark and Courtney Sarajian
Neil and Christy Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Schelhammer
Gary Schmitt and Sara Geiger Schmitt
Dan and Nancy Schrage
Mrs. Carolyn K. Schwartz and Dr. Douglas Wagner
Michael and Vanessa Sciacchetano
Scott and Kim Sergent
Curt and Jessica Shannon
Tommy and Jacqueline Sharp
James and Karen Sheehan
Charlene and Michael ✝ Shikany '66
Darrell and Susan Beyer Sik '81
Laura Simon '71
Matt and Kelly Simontacchi
Edye Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. David Sims
Branch and Kara Sinkule
Elizabeth Marshburn Small '02
Betsy and Bridges Smith
Derek and Beth Smith
Mary Hedges Smith '76
Jeff Amy and Maureen Smith '90
James and Sharon Someren
Randy and Paula Spak
Mary Martha Spear
Steve and Maureen O'Shea Spellman '70
Leslie and Susan Spencer
Valerie and Peter Speth
Mr. Roger G. Speth '13
Lisa Lovelace '94
St. Pius X Catholic High SchoolJungle Club
Todd and Lisa Stalter
Dale and Sandy Stanley
State Farm Insurance Company
Michael and Kelly Stevens
Katie Bush Stilson '00
Carrie Stockard
Marycarol and Carter Stout '78
Jim and Mary Swartz
Dianne Sweeney
Elizabeth P. Syribeys
Bill and Susan Talend
Michael Tartaglione
Amanuel Teklegzi and Elizabeth Tewolde and Ezana Tewolde '24
Nitshite Teklemariam
Robert and Candace Terris
Beth Thompson
Chris and Kim Thorpe
TIAA Employee Giving Campaign
Luciano and Maria Tiberia and Family
William and Christina Tice
Ethan and Catherine Tolbert
Edith and Lou Tomasetti
Mrs. Joseph Tomasetti
Warren and Wendy Toth
Michael and Emily Tracht
Chris and Laura Trainor
Julia T. Tran
Karen and Jerry Travers
Sharon and David Troncale '91
Truist Foundation
Augusto Michael Trujillo '01
Greg and Sue Trzaska
Kevin and Enid Turner '80
Randy and Melissa Turner
Tom and Marylyn Tuura
Brian and Michelle Twiner
Edward and Jane Gennaro Udell
Arline and Jorge Umpierre
Kelly Van Nort
Peter Van Nort
Marcel and Sharon van Rooijen
Varicent Software
Philip Varona '96
The Velleca Family
Mark and Sonya Verrill
Voya Matching Gifts
Vivian Ngo-Vu
Michael and Margo Brewer Wach '83
Molly McCarthy Wack '06
Bill and Elaine Di Cristina
Waidelich '62 & '63
Matt and Carolynn Smith
Walker '90 & '90
Kathleen Hamilton Waller '61
Janis Haddad Walsh '67
Warner Media
Pete and Julie Warner
The Warren Family
The Werner Family
Mr. Daniel A. White
Hugh and Martha White
Jason and Laura Whitworth
Meggan and Ron Wilcauskas
Bill and Sharon Wildman
Amy Foster Williams '85
Jeff and Heather Williams
Keith and Sonya Williams
Kathy and Ralph Williams '81
Patricia Wilson
Stephan and Samantha Wiseman
Mr. and Mrs. John Woodward
John and Kimberly Woodward
Workday, Inc.
Alex and Loreen Wright
Chris and Kim Yates
Yelton Family
Bethelehem Shemelis and Kaleb
Scott and Debbie Young
The Annual Fund Honor Roll recognizes individuals who support the school’s Annual Fund. We further recognize those who have contributed on a continuing basis. Any donor who has contributed this year, and the previous four years, is listed with his or her name in italics. Furthermore, any donor who has contributed this year, and the previous nine years, is listed with his or her name in bold and italicized. Placement reflects the sum of personal gifts and any company matching gifts. Please note that this list only reflects Annual Fund gifts made July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023. Donations to other funds are disclosed elsewhere in this report or online. Thanks to the generosity of this community, this year, we raised $944,045.00. This money supports the day-to-day operations of the school and builds on the foundation laid decades ago.
Grandparent donors are recognized with this heart icon: �� 2022-2023 St. Pius X faculty/staff donors are recognized with this apple icon: ��
($15,000 + )
Dr. Spero and Mrs. Johanna Karas
($7,500 + )
Adolph and Dede Casal
Christopher Clare ✝
Conrads Family Education Fund at CFNGA
Delta Air Lines, lnc.
Mr. Jose Raul Gomez and Mrs. Leticia Castellanos
Bill and Kristine Hayes
Gert and Joan Kampfer ��
Robert and Kate Kennedy
Robert and Marile Leeth ��
John (Jack) Millkey '63
Christopher and Jennifer Prindiville
Kermit and Sarah Randa
Chip and Shayla Rumely
The Coca-Cola Company
The Whitcomb Family Foundation
($5,000 + )
Casey and Marcy Adams
Frank and Kathy Blythe Argenbright '66
Rich Arroll '80
Andrew and Jill Bierbaum
Gerald Bohn, M.D. '68
Catherine Downey
Nigel and Mary Fleming
Kris and Kimberly Funkhouser
Sam and Jenn Harry
Julie Hungeling
Amy and Matt Jardina '85
Matt and Melanie Lipscomb
Andy and Betsy McDowell
Howard and Catherine McLure
Mr. John and Mrs. Angelica O'Shaughnessy
Jim and Mary Angelich Rubright '79
Neil and Christy Sawyer
Joe and Anne Tomolo
Matt and Morgan Weatherly
($2,500 + )
Eric and Linda Anderson
Stephen and Keri Arroll
David and Marty Banks
Jon and Julie Barber
Scott Bingham
Christopher and Millicent Black
Mary Breen
Steen and Emma Llano Clausen '81
Mark and Nichelle Daulby
Thad and Rebecca DiGiuro
Chadwick and Kimberly Eaton '90
Amy and Daniel Edwards '89
Pat and Connie Esser
James and Jody Foster
Christopher and Camilyn Germann
Mike and Jen McGowan Guynn '87
Scott and Portia Hawley
Gerald ✝ and Mary Haywood
Tom and Shelley Hughes
Michael and Christine Salgado
Hungeling '93
David J. Hungeling '91
Mark and Linda Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Keegan and Shannon
Garvey Kettering '88
Bryan and Brandi Kler
Billy and Lisa Laube '72
Scott and Maribeth Madden
Beth and Dev Maguire '74
Steve and Valerie Miller
Maloof '85 & '85
Stephen and Mary Beth Raterman
Martin '99
Kevin and Juliet Jones Melvin '76 & '80
Troy Meyers and Samuel Worrill
Mignerey-Larkin Families
John and Krista Morris
Kevin and Samantha Murray ��
Mark R. Noyd and Mary L. Joseph
Carolyn and Samuel Noyd '03
Ricky and Laura Patch
O'Connell '89 & '94 ��
Carlos and Anny Perez
Shawn and Sant Perez '77
Chris and Jamie Petitt
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pistone ��
Jennifer and Kent Polzin ��
Chris and Francie Quigley
Greg and Joanie Reardon
Raines '80 & '80
Kevin Reardon '87
The Nicholson Family
Mrs. Pat Reiley ��
The Riley Family
Curtis and Tracie DeBeltrand
Schmidt '94 & '94
Bill and Kim Sheppard
Jamie and Carolyn Sims
Deone and Brad Spratte
Michael and Kelly Stevens
UBS Community Affairs
Mr. and Mrs. James Van Slate
Jeff and Heather Williams
Kim and Scott Woods ��
Chuck and Jennifer Pitra Wootten '82
Alex and Loreen Wright
Msgr. Terry W. Young
SOCIETY ($1,500 + )
Anonymous (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Adams
Nancy Allee ��
Gail Anderson ��
Mike and Luci Anderson
Paul and Cynthia Barranco
The Bello/Lechowicz Family
Erik and Jenny Berg
David and Jackie Beverly
Tom and May May Bindewald
Bickes '74 & '75
Christopher and Stephanie Kampfer Bohach '96 & '95
Patrick and Michele Boushka
Brice and Chris Boyle '91
Marty and Marian Braham
Jim and Joy Brennan
Paul and Lisa Broniec
Brett and Katy Carpenter
Tiffany and Craig Charette
Mr. and Mrs. John Chizzolin
Mr. Sam Christopher ✝ and Mrs. Yvonne Christopher ��
Chris Hooper and Anne Marie Ciprari-Hooper '77
Melvin and Debra Coheley
Paul and Jocelyn Collett
Johnny Conklin '95
Linda Conrads '70
Philip R. Consuegra '02
Holmes and Angela Cooper
Bradford and Monica Cowles
Robert and Amparito Cox
The Crofton Family ��
Sharon Daspit ��
The Davey Family
Didem Dildar
Chris Dixon and Hilary Goodno Dixon '96
Kevin and MaryJo Dorse
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Dowhy
Durieux Family
Scott and Wendi Ebersole
Louis and Claudia Edwards
Elizabeth A. Esparolini
John and Susan Murray Euart '64 & '64
Gary G. and Diana Barnsley Fleming '93
Edward and Leslie Flowers
Preston and Jincy Futrell
Jim and Shea Geeslin
Derek and Kelly George
The Godshall Family
Google, Inc.
Alec and Rosemary Gorham
Chris and Michele Gratch
Richard and Maria Hare
James Heavrin
CJ and Alice Hicks
Michael and Jennifer Higgins
Thad and Susan Hildreth
Dan and Amy Hillman
Jason and Maggie Gonzalez Hoback '89
Brad and Brenna Hoth
Jim and Ashley Howser
Brent and Maria Humphrey
Glen and Kelly Asip Iannucci '98 & '98
IBM Matching Gifts
Doug and Gwen Johnson ��
Blake Barton Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Jones
Mark and Linda Buechner Kelly '70 & '74
Patrick Keuller '91
Alex and Sue Kitchin
Tricia and Shawn Kowalewski '88
Steve and Sally McQuaid
Kramer '67 & '69
Jeff and Molly Messner Lane '73 & '74
James and Donna Lucarini
Dexter and Lori Leach
Lummus '80 & '80
Rich and Patti Macchia ��
Karen and Stephen M. Maloof '88
William and Marilyn McBride ��
Terrence and Jennifer Coady
McBride '93 & '90
Frank and Beth McCormack
Joseph and Astrid McVeigh ��
Michael Miller and Jennifer Singh
Sheila and Michael Mohr '79
Brian and Holly Monaghan
Kim and John Mount
Mark and Tricia Mullins
Russell and Kerry Nelson
The Nerbonne Family
Jacqueline and Joe Odom '69
John and Dana O'Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. O'Hara
Michael and Courtney O'Mara
Bill and Lani Paxton
W. Porter Payne, Jr
Roger and Larissa Pearce
Ray and Monica Peebles
Nancy Conrads Pendergast '72
Ian and Sara Pilling
Bryan Reid '87
Nickolas and Anny Reimer
John and Lidia Reteneller
Heidi and Travis Riney
Emile L. Risby
Adam Roe
William and Eleanor Rose ��
Matt and Kim Rousseau
Mrs. Patricia Rouster ��
Salesforce.com Foundation
Irene and Leonard Savini
Tom and Kelly Scanlon
Scott and Nicci Schemmel
Travis and Sarah Schlenk
Richard and Helen Schneider ��
Michael and Vanessa Sciacchetano
Jenn and Phil Sedlack '88 ��
Andrew Seng '95
Tim and Leigh Sheehy
Noel J. Sitzmann and Janine A. Boehm
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Soulimiotis
Mary Martha Spear ��
Steve and Maureen O'Shea Spellman '70
Mark St. Onge
Max Stone
Marycarol and Carter Stout '78
Brian and Jan Studdard
Kory and Anna Sutter
John and Jackie Stanczyk Tardy
Willie and Shunti Taylor
Luciano and Maria Tiberia and Family
Daniel Tipton
Truist Foundation
Richard and Lori Turbe
Mark and Natalie Uebelacker
James and Rebecca Walsh ��
Pete and Julie Warner
Alan and Marcia Watt
Richard and Betsy Westenberger
Jason and Laura Whitworth
Stephan and Samantha Wiseman ��
Jay and Ann Wolverton
William and Susan Riesmeyer Wood '92
Jim and Kari Yantis
Chris and Kim Yates
1958 GUILD
($1,000 + )
Anonymous (4)
Bill Abraham '65
Fred and Stacy Altiery
Annie I. Anton '84, in memory of Patricio Anton, M.D.
Richard L. Armitage '63
John and Katy Hunter Asip '80 & '80
Steve and Debbie Asip '72 ��
David and Julie Bakken
Ms. Diane Barnsley ��
Mike and Jan Bays ��
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Beavin '68
Jeff and Lauren Blaszyk
Gene and Mary Jane Brisbane
Tobias and Jennifer Brinkley
Mike and Christina Broxterman
Howell Buot '15 ��
Tom and Jennifer Burns
Michael and Sandy Capretta
Greg and Bonnie Chandler
Russ and Maria Chandler ��
Jim and Kelly Chasteen
Jay and Leslie Chiabotti
Rob Conners '91
Thomas and Mandy Conroy '00
David and Jeanne Culver
Cassie Dillon ��
The Dixon Family
Margaret Doig '01
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Dolan Sr.
Victor and Jennifer Ferrugia
John and Dorothy Fischer ��
The Fjelstul Family
The Franzini Family
Ryan and Nicole Godbey
Ms. Deana Griffin
Joseph and Leslie Habachy
Jim and Cathie Haddad '65 ��
William and Erin Haraway
Perry and Deborah Hopkins
Daniel Hovey
The Huff Familly
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Irvin
Theodore and Deborah Jaeger
Mark and Courtney Joines
Tim and Jody Kelly
James and Kelly Kisla
Thomas W. Kitchin ��
George and Denis Koenig, in honor of Steve Spellman
James and Heather Lane
Brett and Lyndsay Langston
Brian and Penny Leahy
Joy and Jason Lee
Virginia and Joseph Mallof Family Fund
Paul and Madeline Hoch
Marsden '80 & '80
Cy and Jennifer Martinez
Mike and Maureen McAbee
Mark and Amber Noel
Rick and Kathy Durden O'Brien '69 & '70
Rob and Nancy Ortner ��
Robert and Rebecca Parker
Mike and Susan Petrik
Philip Pompilio '78 and Peg Cassidy
Steve and Stephana Poole
Craig Reynolds '66
John and Meghan Rogowski
Ronco Family
Sherwin-Williams Company
Edye Simpson ��
Gary and Martha Sledge
Scott and Meredith Smith
Paul Spellissy '73
Todd and Lisa Stalter
Graeme Stewart
DeeDee and Brent Story
William and Cheri Sullivan
Kristy and Kris Swayze
Neal and Mary Sweeney
Michael Tartaglione
Evan Tighe '04, in memory of Blair
Tighe Sr.
Ethan and Catherine Tolbert
Sean and Thuy Tran
Steve Turpin and Renee Dracakis
Michael and Rachel Walsh
The Warren Family
Brian and Amy Weick ��
Ralph and Rachael Wright ��
Christopher Zuniga
Anonymous (5)
Ryan and Kara Adams
Rich and Jessica Alderman
Tom and Megan Anderson
Apex Environmental Services
AT&T Services, Inc.
Avanos Medical
David and Alex Catroppa Azzarello '95
Susan Baker ��
Alexandra Balzer
Dan and Kerrie Bauer
Melissa Beam '88
Shannon Beirne
Mario and Magdalena Beneito
Matt and Brooke Blackmon
Dr. Jennifer Burrell and Tom Burrell '97
Scott and Meredith Butler
Chuck and Lynn Byrd
Scott and Corcelles Capps
Jackson Carlson '26
Tom and Jackie Tusa Carriker '83
Richard and Jan Carroll ��
Jean Chandler ��
COL(R) and Mrs. James Chatfield, Jr.
Chad and Kim Clarke
Class of 2007, in memory of Feeny Armistead, Brad Gay, Patrick Magrath, Alexis Tipton Jones, and Amegie Undie
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Coggin
Maria Lia Cornejo '87
Brian and Bonnie Craver
Donald and Eileen Crochet
Alison Sherrill and Chris Crow
Will and Theresa Carr Cummings '92
AJ and Elizabeth Cunningham
Rafael and Amanda DiCarlo
Mark and Susan Dooley '90
Gerard A. Dowd Family
Glen and Dawn Duggan
Tim and Judith Dunn '79
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Eaglen ��
Sandra Eaton-Heter '61, in honor of Andrew Someren
Matt and Ann Marie Dooley
Edwards '96 ��
Mike and Paula Thomas Fannon '74 & '82
Lindsey and Gregory Farrell ��
Mike and Mary Feeney
Constance and Grosvenor Fish ��
Blake and Karin Flood
Judson and Elizabeth Flynn
Luis and Deanna Franco
Kerry and Meg Hyle Frederick '70 & '70
Fleming and Marsha Free ��
Brendan and Kore Thompson Breault '87 ��
John and Karoline Rumps Brennan '82 ��
Mark and Heather Fritz
Trent and Mary Lynn Gaines
Jim and Sue Gallo
Bryan and Mindy Garcia
Dustin and Avra Gilleland
Christopher Gilligan '97
Jerry and Debbie Goebeler
Robert and Stacie Granberry
Dr. Liberty Hall and Mr. Randy Hall ��
Kevin and Amanda Hanes
Conrad and Kelly Hanson
Andy and Jamie Harlin ��
Bradley and Shannon Harris
Steve and Missy Hart
Loren and Toni Lynn Hauck ��
Matthew and Claire Hegarty '97
Don and Courtney Hendrix
Mark Huffman and Tara Hill
Matthew and Kerri Hiller '94
Home Depot
Ed and Carol Anne Hong
Gregg and Salome Romero Hudock
Christopher and Robin Hughes
Derek and Annette Idalski
Bradley and Chandra Ingram
Rick and Jessica Inskeep
Brandon Irvin '10
Darryl and Nina Jackson
J.J. and Sue Jeanguenat
Yvonne Johnson
David and Jaime Jones
Greg and Janice Jones
Martin and Tracy Jones
William Kelly '74
B.J. and Natalie Kelly
Nicholas and Nour Salman
Kelly '99 & '99
Ann M. Kennedy ��
Dusty and Theresa Keppen
James and Meghan Kessell
Kling Family
Joe and Vivian Knoerle
Jim and Toula Kostopoulos
Kristin Kramer '98 ��
Rob and Jeanne Krieger Kraus '74 & '75
Ian LaBreck ��
Bruce and Diane Baly LaBudde '66
Kyle, Kim, Olivia and Veronica Landers
Philip and Debra LaPorte
Steven and Ashley Lehwald
Chuck and Blair Lisowski
William and MaryLynn Llop
Keith and Kellie Loges
Tom and Brenda Luczynski ��
Bob and Leigh Mack
Humberto and Melissa Maio
Michael and Linda Gerstner
Manning '76 & '76
Dan and Melinda Marshburn
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Marston ��
Dana and Emily Martin
James W. and Mary Pat Warner
Martin '82 & '86 ��
Anthony and Elaine Masso ��
Jonathan and Kathleen Boyle
Mathers '89
Ryan and Katie McClay ��
Bill and Kelly McCluskey
George and Patricia Meharry
Alyson and Mark Metzler ��
Marlo and Chuck Mong
Todd and Kelly Mooney ��
John and Dolly Morgan ��
Anthony and Sarah Esser Morgan '11
Amy and Marc Morin
Ansley Davis Murphey '91 and Marshall Murphey
Chris Murphy '97 ��
The Natal Family
Frank and Tara Neel
Dwayne and Katie Neil
Marco and Monika Nicotera
Tim and Jill Nieman
Farhad Niroomand '80, in memory of Sister de Sales
Joanne Noll ��
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan O'Connell ��
Dr. and Mrs. Sang Wan Oh��
Garrett and Jane O'Malley
Mr. Douglas Orsagh '88
Carlos and Marta Osmon ��
Jim and Michelle O'Sullivan
Terry and Donna Owens ��
Jose and Karen Kerner Pagoaga '80 & '82
Aaron and Katie Perez Parr
'06 & '07
Greg and Jennifer Peay
Kevin and Nora Petersen
Rachelle Esser Petusky '04
Mark and Michelle Pittman
Bill and Barbara McCusker
Poole '62 & '62 ��
Pulte Group
Chuck and Diane Rawlins ��
Kim and Kathleen Hogan
Reichling '70 & '71
Benjamin and Carla Rivers
Christopher and Leigh Rogers '97
Tony and Jen Romano
Dennis and Margo Ruggiero ��
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Santy
Dan and Nancy Schrage
Judy Schultz ��
Stephen and Ann Schwartz
Scott and Kim Sergent
Chris and Laura Sertich '77
Rob and Beth Shaw
Jacqueline Siebert
Darrell and Susan Beyer Sik '81
Brian and Melissa Smith
Henry and Mary Ann Maguire
Smith '79 & '79
Keller and Bennie Smith ��
Mary Hedges Smith '76
Tate and Paige Smith
Kevin and Lauren Sok
State Farm Insurance Company
Tim and Jodi Stultz ��
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sudduth ��
Michael and Maureen Sullivan
Bill and Susan Talend
Amanuel Teklegzi and Elizabeth
Tewolde and Ezana Tewolde '24
Chris and Kim Thorpe
Caroline McManus Thrasher '85
TIAA Employee Giving Campaign
Bob Tipton
Edith and Lou Tomasetti
Karen and Jerry Travers ��
Sharon and David Troncale '91 ��
Matthew and Meg Ullengren
Arline and Jorge Umpierre ��
James and Perha Varley ��
Paul and Mary Voss
Mrs. Carolyn K. Schwartz and Dr. Douglas Wagner
Bill and Elaine Di Cristina
Waidelich '62 & '63
Matt and Carolynn Smith
Walker '90 & '90 ��
Patrick and Kelly Walsh
George and Judy Walton
Blaise and Lisette Buechner
Wannemacher '06 &' 06 ��
Dale and Peggy Warner ��
Warner Media
Mr. Daniel A. White ��
Karen Conrads Wibell '67
Frank and Lauren Wickstead
Anne McGill Wilson '87
Annalena Giarrusso Winer '90
Mark Wulkan
Yelton Family
Bruce and Maggie Ziran
(Gifts up to $499)
Anonymous (15)
Mike Abel '74
Marcia Abide ��
Mark and Acelyn Abinsay ��
Chip and Martha Acker
Greg and Sharon Fleming Adams '81
Marian Van House Adamson '61
Kevin and Doris Adler ADP
Robert and Amy Aldrich
Barb Aleksa-Parr
The Alfaro Family
Renee Alladin
Dr. and Mrs. David T. Allen ��
Sherri Allen
Thomas Almon '63
Anastasiades Family
Guy Anderson ��
Mrs. Marie Anderson ��
Peter Anderson '60
Rock and Carla Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anderson ��
Andignac Family
Sheri W. Andino Straka, in memory of Gregory M. Straka
Bailey C. Apgar '23
Abraham Araya
Curt and Susan Arenson-Tootle '89
Jimmy Asip '66 ��
Jon Michael Atchley '67
Mike and Pat Athans
Dan Attanucci
Leeann Buergler Attanucci '00
Bernie and Charlene Auer ��
Ranjan Avasthi '95
Oluropo Ayeni
Reverend Nicholas G. Azar II, in memory of Donald L. Azar
Killebrew Bailey ��
Troy and Angel Baker
John Ball '65
Allen W. Ballar, DDS '67
Kathryn (Kit) Stultz Ballentine '74
Kevin and Susie Ballew
Karl Webster Barnes '68
Ewing and Lutricia Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Barnicoat
Fred and Brigid Foster Bartholomai '83 ��
Alexander B. Beal '67
Paul Beavin '61
Joshua T. Beck '14
Jerry and Lisa McBride Beck '85
Timothy J. Beck '17
Jeff Becker ��
Jason and Amy Beckham
Todd Bennett '87
Sarah P. Benson '23
Joe and Cathy Berry '74
RADM Bob and Jennie Besal '68
Bret and Ashleigh Buhler
Matt and Mary O'Brien
Beyer '80 & '82 ��
Mark and Joan Bielak
Andrea Bieytes Castro ��
The Biggs Family
Lauren Bingham
Alejandro and Arlyn Bisogno
Nicholas and Siobhan Bissell
Cary Johnson Blackburn '85 ��
Madison Schrama Blanchard ��
Lukas J. Blaszyk '23
John and Patty Bliss '69
Lizzie Bond ��
Randy Booth and Lisa Marx
Matthew and Virginia Boyd
Tom ✝ and Corinne Boyle ��
Jeff and Donna Bradford
Arthur and Deborah Bradley
Grace E. Bradley '23
Brad and Eileen Jones
Bradshaw '72 & '73
James J. Brady '23
James and Debra Brady
Jeff and Christina Brady
Luke and Daniele Braham '96
Patrick and Julie Auer Brandon '87 ��
J. Thomas Brannan '64
Corinna Brannon ��
Ben and Rachele Branson
James and Tonja Bridges
Jim and Cindy Brieske '82
Nicholas Brigham ��
Mike and Sam Briones
John and Glenda Brooks ��
Tom and Debbie Brooks
Jeffrey and Chi Brosovich
Trey Broussard '01 ��
Gini McMahan Brower '85
Andrew and Shirley Brown
Chris and Janet Brown
Mark A. Brown
Spencer Brown ��
Richard and Kellie Brownlow
Mr. Thomas K. Brunner III '17
James Buckalew ��
David and Betsy Buechner '73 and '85
Will Davis and Jane Burgsteiner ��
Kevin and Dora Burke
Glenn and Catherine Burns (Brian '96, Gregory '98, and Jeffrey '02)
Jessica A. Burns '23
James Burton, in memory of Pat Thorman-Burton
Cindy and Mark Burton
Matt and Elyse Burton
Nancy Rupp Butler '75, in memory of David Caragher
Karen T. Buttermore '65
Roman Byczek
Eric and Ann Bynum
Dolores Pisano Byrd '68
John and Susan Caffrey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Caffrey '86
Greg and Annie Caiola
Matthew Ellis Callaway '20
Matt and Wynne Callaway
Paul and Caroline Camick
Joanne Cannarella ��
Christi Lampe Caragher '84 ��
Eileen and John Cardillo
Morgan Carney '08 ��
Melodie Carr ��
Yvette and James Carr ��
Cynthia and Donald Carson
Mr. & Mrs. Belfield Carter III
John and Linda Carter
Karen Sudduth Carter
Scott Carter ��
Carter's Cares
Heather Hickein Cartier '95
Olivia R. Casal '26
Vincent F. Casal '24
Kathleen Hellgeth Cashin '81
Tonnie and John Cassandra ��
Michael E. and Nancy Frierson
Cassidy '68 & '67
Cavanaugh Family
Ben and Merry Cella
Brent and Dana Cervenka
Jim and Mary Chamberlin
Lauren and Kevin Chatelain ��
Mrs. James Chatfield Sr. ��
Doug and Patty Gilmer Childs '77
Mr. Brian Christopherson ��
Chubb Corporate Giving
Claire Clifford
Will Cloyd ��
E.R. Coggin III '66
Amy Adams Collins '86
The Collins Family
Joe and Gretchen Conboy '77
Louise Fisher Coniglio '85
Joey Connell '23
Annie M. Connors '23
Rob and Laura Consolazio
Kathleen Kelly Conwell '69
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Cook ��
Kevin and Melissa Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. William Cooper ��
Madeleine Corcoran ��
Anazion and Elena Cordeiro
Larry Cordek ��
Keith Cordell ��
Fred and Cecelia Shannon Corso '83 ��
Conyers J. Coupland '11
Michael and Nancy Coveny
Jane S. Cox ��
John Coyle '88 and Amy Forsee
Robert and Claudia Cozine
Anne Reimer Craig '82
Ann Crane
Jeremy Cranford
Jeremy Crawford '12
Maddie Crofton '23
Gracie Crofton '23
Camilo and Alejandra Cruz
Nancy Cullen
Ashley Marriott Curlette '02 ��
Ann Hudson Currie '77
Bob and Jean Cutlip ��
Dalton Family
Reverend Avery Daniel '11
Bob and Carolyn Daniell
Paul and Lynn Darcy
Robert F. Davenport, Jr.
Taylor Davidson '07
Andree Davila
Mary Carter Davis '77
Janice Stevenson Dawson '70
Kevin Dawson '69
Deasy Family
Eugene and Kathleen DeBerardinis ��
Muff Sullivan DeCelles '74
Drs. Elizabeth and Jim deGive '73
Gianna Dellapina
Ms. Lindsay H. Dent and Mr. EJ Brosas ��
Susan Greene DePasquale
Jeff Hayden and Susan Devine '76
Stephen and Tricia DeWitt
Vincenzo and Lourdes Di Pietro
Jose and Vicki Diaz
Adele and David DiCristina
Charles and Ann Dillon
James and Katherine Dillon
Margaret Elizabeth Richardson Dinerstein '95
Commander Stephen Dlugos, USN, RET. '72
Ross Doelling '08
Mike and Ginny Dolan '76
J. Luis and Josefa Dominguez
Luz Dominguez ��
John and Kristin Vari Dooley '01 & '01 ��
Sean T. Dowd '02
John and Mary Drinan ��
Barbara Bishop and Rob Dulaney ��
Robert and Janet Dulaney
Herbert and Betty Dunaway ��
Patrick and Adrienne Duncan
John DuVal '01
Terence Earley '60
Arthur and Teresa Hungeling Ebbs '98
Christopher Eck '84 and Tracy Allen-Eck
Consuelo Leon Ecuyer '86
Robert and Julie Eichenberg
Doug and Julie Eidson
Jim and Brenda Eiland
Eli Lilly and Company
Ken and Lori Elston
Tom and Holly Miller Emberson '90
Rebecca Entrekin ��
Philip and Nicole Erickson
Sydney G. Erickson '23
Richard and Nancy Esker
Shannon and William T. Euart '90
Woody Euart '69
Chad and Amy Evans
Mike and Denise Evans ��
Robert and Charlotte Fannon '69
Robyn Farmer and Christian Leard
The Fedeli Family
Martin and Johnna Feild
Siobhan Rieger Finnegan '85
Yohannes Fitsum
James Flanagan '01
Cheryl Fletcher ��
Jon and Meg Jones Fligg '89
James Flowers '77 ✝
John and Herlene Fluker ��
Luz Fortes-Thacker
Timothy and Susan Dorn Fowler '68
Catherine Anderson Foxworth '79
Mr. and Mrs. Cary Franklin
Judy Langford and Russell
Frankofsky ✝
Kyle Elizabeth Frazier '09
John and Ann Frederick ��
Ben Freeman '23
Left-right: 2023 Salutatorian Grace Tran, President Aaron Parr, and 2023 Valedictorian Catie Schwartz
Kevin and April Gagnon
William Nichols and Silvia Garcia de Nichols ��
Juan and Rosa Garcia
Ms. Maria E. Garcia
Christopher Garcia '23
Jose Garcia-Castaneda ��
Patricia Garvey ��
Mike and Debbie Gembala ��
Gen Digital Matching Gifts
Heather and Chris Gerdes '85
Sharon Scheurer Germano '66
Heather Gibbons (Doig)
Helen Gilmer ��
Ginsburg Family
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Jay and Carol Goda '79 and Jayson
Goda '11
Ava Godbey '23
Mike Goode '79
Tracey A. Gordineer '00
William and Jessie Buechner Gordon '07
Sara and Daniel Graciaa '05
Jack and Sunita Graves, in honor of Andrew Someren ��
August Stoney and Anne Green '83
Therese T.J. Jones Green '74
Thomas and Colleen Greene
Montanez Family
James and Lupe Guyton, in honor of Diana, Alicia, Richard and Sabrina
Ms. Brady L. Gwynn '15 ��
Steven and Jennifer Gyorffy
Ted and Judy Gyorffy ��
Michael and Heather Quinn
Haddad '96 & '96
Tewodros Haileselelassie and Sofia Hagos
R. Josepah Halcik '02
Timothy and Nancy Halloran
Patrick and Ashleigh Hally
Andy and Lynn Hamilton ��
Brennan Hamilton ��
Dr. and Mrs. James Hamner IV
The Hardy Family
Jack Harney '71
Nancy Harper ��
Norma and William Harper ��
Gregory and Emily Harrell
Eileen Fitzgerald Harris '61
Jay and Nora Harris
Thelma Harris ��
Jay and Helena Harron
Chris and Cathy Harvey
Ray Harvey '62
David and Denise Hatter ��
Mr. Daniel R. Haugh '14
Yvonne Haugh
Philip A. Haugh '12
Cheryl Hawkins '84
Maj General (Ret) Bryan Hawley and Marlene Hawley ��
Robert Hayes ��
Lydia (Lee) Levergood Hazelwood '88
Vivian Orr Heard '79
Joey Jones Hedrick '05
Brian and Pamela Hefner
Samantha Hefner '23
Dustin and Jennifer Heizer
John and Sue Helbling ��
Chad and Kerri Lynn Deberardinis
Henderson '86
Michael and Lise Hennick
Julia Herring '23
Joseph Prescott Hickey '09
Charles and Jennifer Hicks ��
Sean and Julie Duvall Hiland '96 ��
Christopher Hill '86 ��
Rosemary Hines '63
Lara O'Connor Hodgson '88
Larry and Ellen Hogan
Stephen Hogan '80
The Holcombe Family
Brian and Mandie Holmes
Randy and Lauren Rotchford
Holmes '94
Robert R. and Elise Holmes ��
Chris and Barbara Homans
Brenda and Mark Homrich '80
Mrs. Patricia Hook
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Horne
Mrs. Alice F. Horney ��
Allison amd Jimmy Houston
Nathan Hovey '10
The Howard Family
Thomas Howser '23
Jay Hoxie ��
Rowe and Raven Huggins ��
Anderson and Katie Whitehead
Hughes '96 & '96
Mr. and Mrs. Hughes
John and Stephanie Hull
Natalie Hungeling '23
Robert Hunter ��
Lt. Col. Frank K. Hurd '64
Bob and Mernie Huttman
John K. Huynh '02
Kay Lombardy Hynes '61
Geraldine Iacoboni ��
Mr. and Mrs. Arden W. Inda
Kevin and Michelle Ingham
Lauren Kenechi Izegbu '09
Jamf Software
Liz Peeples Jamieson '72
Thomas and Barbara Janas '73
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Jardina ��
Martye Tucker Jeffords '59
Karen Keiser-Jenkins
Scott and Donna Jennings
Soot and Marilyn Jew ��
Robert and Jennifer Jobson
Gary and Melissa Johnson
Khalil and Donna Johnson ��
Thomas Johnson '65, in memory of Maximo F. Munoz
Tommy and Kathryn Johnson
Avery Jones '23
Christina M. Jones '11
Jones Family
Kevin M. Jones '14
Daniel K and Mary Vallés Jones
Deanna Jones-Puig '01
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Nicole Hiltgen Jung '91
Constance and Matthew Kalb ��
Bob and Suzy Kalb
Michael and Laura Kandilakis
Jay and Jenniffer Todd Kapp '94 & '94 ��
Ms. Kathryn R. Kavanagh '19
Brad and Karen Kazmer
LeeAnn and Bill Kearney
Carl and Andgelia Kelly ��
Pat Kelly ��
Todd and Emily Kelly
Richard and Cheri Kenah and Family
Robert B. Kennedy
Jim and Lynne Kessell ��
Faith Khalik '08
Beatrice Kibera
Rev. Patrick Kingery '82
Hugh F. Kinsel '06
Hugh and Paula Kinsel
Eric and Dana Kisala
Kim and Douglas Kissell
Klein Family
Gerard and Lynn Kleinrock
Denis Kler
Zoe Kling '23
Phil and Peggy Knipper ��
Brian Knuth '23
Carolyn Ann Koenig '09
Rita and Karl Koenig
Paul Koenig '11
Carol L. Kofsky ��
The Krause Family
Linda Krebs '70
Angeline M. Kringel ��
Ellen Frances Krol '81
Marie Phelan and Kevin Ksionzyk '06 & '05 ��
The Laba Family
Matt and Beth Whitesell
Lammers '74 & '76 ��
Les and Penny Lampe ��
Randal and Amy Lampert
Mr. Mike Lancaster ��
Beth Chyzik Landry '86
Steve and Marta Gutierrez
Lane '71 & '71
Ann S. Langston ��
Carolyn Lantelme
Jeffrey LaRocco
Stephen and Jennifer Lathrop
Dolores Hopkins Lauderdale '68
Andrew and Ana Lauer ��
John and Carole Laughter ��
Kathy and Kevin Lavery
Adrian and Laurie Law
Tom Lawrence '63
Kristin Hare Lawson '07
Jason and Katherine Leeth
Gary and Jana Leiner '75, in memory of Charles and Rosamond Leiner
Andrew Patrick Leipold
Stephen and Connie Lenich '86
Robert and Elizabeth Leonard
Terri Lynn Lewis '82
Andy and Kristen Lichtenwalner '97
Marcelyn Linsey ��
Chuck and Penny Lisowski ��
Matthew Livingston '23
Mark W. and Sheila Long '81
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Longmire
Nigel and Martha Love
James and Jill Lowe
Lumen Matching Gifts
John and Sherry Bond Lundeen '73
Kathie Allen Lunsford '60
Frederick and Patricia Luster
Dan and Emily Lynch
Jeannette Friedwald Lynch '60
Bruce MacDowall '65
Daphne Kasey Mack '14
Michael Macking '98
Macy's Inc.
James and Reeny Madathany
Shane and Mara Maddox
Will Maguire '14
Barbara Maimone
William and Kerianne Maloney
Mr. and Mrs. William Maloney ��
Amelia T. Maloof '23
Mr. Francis J. Maloof '21
Robert and Anne Manarin '81
Rob and Michelle Mancini '94
Robert Mangan '61
Doris Mann ��
Troy and Julie Mann
Gerilynn and J.T. Marburger
Chris Markham '82
Tim and Resa Markham '77
John and Ashley Marratt
Mike Marshall '66
Patrick and Lindsay Marshburn '05
Betty Lou Grubbs Martin '60
John Martin and Sharon Ferguson
Silvia Rosado Martin '95
Steve Martin '76, in memory of Mark
Mitcham '76
Joe and Kim Masak
Dave and Carol Mason
Jack and Jennifer Massey
Therese Mastrangelo '96
Victor and Christine Mattei
Matt Matthews
Glen, Cynthia and Alex Matullo ��
Susan and William L. May '76
Carl and Sigrid McAllister
Mel and Bonnie McAllister ��
Ceci Shook McAuliffe '68
Shaun and April McCarthy
Tim and Ashley McCauley ��
Maria Mahon McDonald '99
Daniel and Kathleen McDonough
Mrs. Amie McDougal and Mr. Ramon
McDaniel ��
Molly McElfresh '23
Philip and Carol McGonegal ��
Mary McGrath ��
Yvonne Freant McHone '62
Jude McIntyre '23
Ruth McIntyre
Sandy McIntyre '81
Bill McKenzie '71
James McLellan '77
Monsignor Francis G. McNamee
Paul and Ashlyn McNeil ��
Bev Kirby McPhee '83
Sam McQuaid '68
Camila Hernandez
Lisa Meehan Crosby
Keith and Leah Melton
Joan Gunning Merkle
Laurenthia Mesh '65
Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Messick ��
Todd and LeyAnna Messick ��
Gina Michelbach ��
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Rebecca Setili Millard '68 ✝
Victoria Millard '16 ��
Ashley and Maria Rodriguez Miller '87
Stephen and Stephanie Miller
William P. Miller
Mark and Connie Mills
Joy and Gino Miraglia
Charles and Macaria Mitchell
Earl C. Moccia
Dina Molaison-Kong
Elizabeth Wible Molloy '61
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Monsour
Kristie and Mark Montello '88
Natalie Esser Moody '08
Ms. Alice Mooney ��
Jonathon and Amanda L. Moore '13
Michael Moore '00
Kevin and Kathryn Fletcher Moran '94
Bernie and Lark Morgan
Steve Morgan '69
Robin Morrow '77
Bill Mosley '65
Luke and Rebecca Hitchcock Motes '95
Larry and Valeria Moyer ��
Kevin and Natalie Muir
Patrick F. Muir '24
Jim Mungovan and Bonnie Stenson
Alicia Cervantes '89
Maria and Alex Munoz '83, in memory of Max Munoz
Emma Murphey '23
Elena Mowiser Murphy '84
Kathryn Renee Murphy '75
Paul Myers '64
Tim and Camille Naughton
Daniel and Tracy Yeates Navarro '90
Charles and Sharon Nelson ��
Sam and Robin Nelson ��
Anita Gentle Newcomb '72
Peter and Deidre Newfield
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Newman ��
Hung Nguyen
Thanh and Anh Thu Nguyen
Trinity Nguyen '23
William and Dace Nichols��
Norma Wrigley Nicholson '60
Judith Nicks '66
Elaine Gussman Northern '65
Linda Thalman Norwood '68
Stephanie Saltau and Daniel Noyd '98
John and Michelle Obester
Gaby Obregon '23
Annalise O'Connell '23
Lisa and Brian O'Connor ��
Brooks O'Donnell '22
Angela D. O'Donoghue '11
Cuneyt and Vanessa Oksuzer
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Leary
John and Donna Muscolino Oliver '80, in memory of David Vincent Caragher '83
Dimitry and Mari-Eddyne Olivier
John Olson III '73
James and Josephine Gegan Olson '62
James B. O'Neal '75
Mr. Frank O'Neill and Ms. Noreen Carew
Robert and Darlene Osborn
Kathleen O'Shea '23
Judy Myers Owings '63
Chris and Carol Pajer
Ronald Pajer ��
Meghan Lammers Palmer '06
Chandler Panarese '23
Ward and Staci Parker
Patilla Family
Richard and Janet Patrick ��
Tracy Shiver Patrick '01
Anne Payne-Schutte '86
Tim and Meg Peaden
Jason and Andreka Peat
Dena Peck ��
Ava Peebles '23
Lee Peeler '66
Patricia Peeples '75
Steve and Patrice Pendergast
Lily Perella '23
Teresa Perella
Mary Rose Perez '10
John Perk '04
Nancy N. Perk, in honor of
Aaron Parr and Steve Spellman
Kathleen Hurd Peters '66
Lindsay and Mike Petrik '00
John and Susan Berthelsen Pettit '75
Michael Piacentino '97
Thomas and Phyllis Piehl
George and Jill Cannarella Pierce '91
Gus and Susan Pina
Mark and Lisa Pinson
Gene and Susan Piontek ��
Brenda H. Plishka and Stefann Plishka '06
Derrick Porter '23
Miranda Possert '23
Molly Mungovan Powers '01
Powis Family
Mr. and Mrs. Nenad Pracer ��
Jim and Layne Preau
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Preau Sr. ��
Mr. Buzz Preston
John and Ginny Kirouac Provost '98
Muffet Adams Puckett '63
The Pusateri Family
Michael and Jeanne McAllister
Queen '86
Dan Fitz Randolph and Karen Eagan
Adrian Ranson and Nichole
Carl Rappold III
Jeff and Michelle Rayman
John and Jennifer Reddaway
Regions Financial Corporation
Mrs. Caroyl Reichling ��
Steven and Elizabeth Rein '73 & '74
Susan Renno
Todd and Nancy Rewis
Giovanni Reyes ��
Frances Reynolds Lukas
Catherine DeWitt Rice '00
Andrew and Amanda Riepe
Tom and Mary Riesmeyer, in honor of Steve Spellman ��
Darren and Judith Riley
Dr. Linda Riley ��
Mary Rinaldi Winn '88
Robert and Michelle Young Rivers '84
Laura and Michael Robertson ��
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Robl ��
Rolando and Maureen Rodriguez ��
Jim and Candy Rogers
Nick and Nancy Rogge '01 & '02
Joanie and Bill Rogge
Mrs. Peter Rolfes
Nicole Ronco
Matt and Rebecca Jones Rose '96 ��
Marian Goode Rosenberg '77 ��
Kerry Stolte Ross '93
Mike and Leisa Rowe
Alexander D. Rowland '23
Alex and Julianne Royter
Raven A. Royter '23
Mason A. Rudder '23
Michelle Russell
Gerulski-Rutz Family
David Sabino '00 ��
Ted and Kim Sak '69
Samar Salman ��
Jimmy and Tricia Salter
Don Sanders��
Mark and Melissa Sanders
Carolyn Trammell Sannuti '02
Julio and Mary Santander ��
Mark and Courtney Sarajian
Don and Jan Sasso
Mr. Andy Scantlebury
Mary Pat McGinn Schaaf '76
Gina Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schar ��
Clare and Glen Schelhammer ��
Hannah D. Schemmel '23
Vincent and Kristi Schofield
Gerard and Cindy Schramm '75
Mathew and Melanie Schuh
Bill and Peg Schulz ��
Tomina Schwenke
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott ��
Curt and Jessica Shannon
Lauren Sharp '23
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sharp
Alan and Gin Shaw
James and Karen Sheehan
Edward G. Sheppard ��
Mr. and Mrs. Don Sherwood ��
William Shifrin ��
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Shipley '69
Dr. and Mrs. Brian P. Shortal '88
Denny and Meredy Shortal
Carmen Shytle ��
Dave Siff and Renae Wolter
Steve and Julie Bell Siler '95
Laura Simon '71
Brian and Amy McBride Sims '86
Branch and Kara Sinkule
Mariene Kruse Skinner '62
Vincent and Jeanne Slagel
Elizabeth Marshburn Small '02
Anne Armstrong Smith '92
Betsy and Bridges Smith
Derek and Beth Smith
Kelly M. Smith '82
Mary Matthews Smith '60 ��
Jeff Amy and Maureen Smith '90
Ray Smith ��
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle M. Snipes ��
The Soha Family
Austin T. Sok '23
James and Sharon Someren
Bill and Valorie Sonnemaker
Urcina Soto
Mrs. Jill Soulen ��
Jessica Darga Sowers '97 ��
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Spall
Bonnie Spark
Mr. and Mrs. David Speight
Leslie and Susan Spencer
Tim and Erin Spink
Markus and Kathy Spitzer
Thomas Quinn Spitzer, Jr. '67
David Stancil ��
Dale and Sandy Stanley
Grant and Corrette Stephens
Charlie Stevens '23
Todd and Kelli Ann Terracino
Stewart '12
Kim and Lorann Stien ��
Katie Bush Stilson '00 ��
Carrie Stockard ��
Mrs. Sandy Stogner ��
Dr. and Mrs. David Stokes
Anthony C. Stout '19
Carolann J. Stout '16
Wendy Strassner
Debbie Ogle Stubbe '72
Michael B. Stubbs '66
Jorge Suarez '97
Roger and Susan Sullivan ��
Elisa Graciaa Suri '08
Karen Thompson Swan '97
Jim and Mary Swartz
Peter and Vivian Syribeys
Malik and Stephanie Warner Tadros '90
Julia A. Tardy '23
Justin A. Tardy '20
Joseph and Anne Tartaglione ��
Earle Richard Taylor IV '08
Tiffany Taylor
Jack Yvan C. Tchienchou '23
John and Ann Terracino
Kathleen Jones Testa '70, in memory of Dr. Joseph B. Testa
Ellis and Ellen Thomas ��
Thompson Family
Julia E. Tiberia '23
Paul J. and Carol Blanks Todd '82
Paolo Tolusso '83
Mrs. Joseph Tomasetti ��
Warren and Wendy Toth
Mrs. Beth Towner ��
Ryan and Lori Tozier
Arthur Tracht ��
Michael and Emily Tracht
Anita Trammell, in memory of Alan Sims ��
Julia T. Tran
Travelers Insurance
George and Mary Eberhart
Tremmel '63
Augusto Michael Trujillo '01
Mike and Truc Truong
Jim and Aimee Trupiano
Sienna R. Trupiano '23
Elsabet Tsegaye
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Turner
Tom and Marylyn Tuura
Brian and Michelle Twiner
Edward and Jane Gennaro Udell ��
Deacon Allen and Loida
Underwood ��
UnitedHealth Group
Dr. and Mrs. Rafael Urrutia ��
Dan and Nobuko Usher
Kathy and Quentin VanMeter
Paul W. van Rooijen '23
Mark Van Zant '95
Sally T. Varner '15
Philip Varona '96
Mr. Joseph Vega and Mrs. Carolina Magana
The Velleca Family
Mark and Sonya Verrill
Eugenie Viener '04
Carolyn L. Von Biberstein ��
William and Paula Voorhies
Quinn Voss '23
Vivian Ngo-Vu
Molly McCarthy Wack '06 ��
Ralph and Cammy Wagner
Mrs. Jane R. Walker ��
Kathleen Hamilton Waller '61
Michael and Jane Walsh ��
Pat and Denise Najour Warner '69 ��
Catherine Gagliardy Weaver
Suzanne McHugh Weaver, in memory of Thomas J. McHugh
Denny and Ann Webb ��
Mr. and Mrs. S. Wayne Weeks
Alicia Hatter Weir '00
Greg and Jamie West
Greg and Michelle Whatley
Doug and Gwynne Whipple
Eli L. Whitcomb '23
Angelique deGolian White '66
Gena Mitchell White '77
Hugh and Martha White
Jerry White '76
Michael and Brooke White
Mary Whitehead ��
Liam G. Whitlark '23
Meggan and Ron Wilcauskas ��
Craig and Claire Farnsworth Wildman '01
Bill and Sharon Wildman
Frank and Barbara Wilensky
Abby Williams '23
Amy Foster Williams '85
John and Marilyn Williams
Keith and Sonya Williams
Mary Ann Williams ��
Tori Williams ��
John and Laurie Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wilson
Patricia Wilson ��
Wiltrakis Family
Jack Winch
Antoine and Sandrine Winckler
Matthew and Lauren Wineski ��
Mr. and Mrs. James Winkler
Ali Asip Wood '11 ��
Jack H. Woods '23
Brant and Kim Woodward
Workday, Inc.
Wroe Family
Bethelehem Shemelis and Kaleb
Sal and Lora Zammuto
Traci and Jason Zimmerman
30% 27% 18% 10% 9% 6% 1420 DONORS* Current Parents Alumni Parents of Alumni Grandparents Faculty/Staff Other *NOTE: Many of our donors fall into multiple categories.
�� 19
Reflecting a continued commitment to supporting the financial needs of the school, 527 graduates participated in the 2022-2023 Annual Fund. The amount contributed by alumni was $213,284. We are grateful to all of our alumni for their continued support of St. Pius X.
Total Support: Undisclosed
Participation: 1.5%
Martha Tucker Jeffords
Total Support: $495
Participation: 7%
Pete Anderson
Terence Earley
Kathie Allen Lunsford
Jeannette Friedwald Lynch
Betty Grubbs Martin
Norma Wrigley Nicholson
Mary Matthews Smith
Total Support: $1,460
Participation: 7%
Marian Van House Adamson
Paul Beavin
Dennis Brennan
Sandra Eaton Eaton-Heter
Eileen Fitzgerald Harris
Kay Lombardy Hynes
Robert Mangan
Elizabeth Wible Molloy
Kathleen Hamilton Waller
Total Support: $1,945
Participation: 5%
Ray Harvey
Yvonne Freant McHone
Josephine Gegan Olson
William Poole
Barbara McCusker Poole
Mariene Kruse Skinner
Bill Waidelich
Total Support: $12,115
Participation: 6%
Tom Almon
Richard Armitage
Rosemary Hines
Tom Lawrence
Jack Millkey
Judy Myers Owings
Muffet Adams Puckett
Mary Eberhart Tremmel
Elaine Di Cristina Waidelich
Total Support: $3,450
Participation: 3%
Thomas Brannan
John Euart
Susan Murray Euart
Frank Hurd
Paul Myers
Total Support: $2,625
Participation: 6%
Bill Abraham
John Ball
Karen Teske Buttermore
Jim Haddad
Tom Johnson
Bruce MacDowall
Laurenthia Mesh
Bill Mosley
Elaine Gussman Northern
Total Support: $7,568
Participation: 7%
Kathy Blythe Argenbright
Jimmy Asip
Emmett Coggin
Sharon Scheurer Germano
Diane Baly LaBudde
Mike Marshall
Judith Nicks Nicks
Lee Peeler
Kathleen Hurd Peters
Craig Reynolds
Michael Stubbs
Angelique deGolian White
Total Support: $3,000
Participation: 5%
Jon Atchley
Allen Ballar
Alexander Beal
Nancy Frierson Cassidy
Steve Kramer
Thomas Spitzer
Karen Conrads Wibell
Total Support: $7,150
Participation: 7%
Karl Barnes
Thomas Beavin
Robert Besal
Gerald Bohn
Dolores Pisano Byrd
Mike Cassidy
Susan Dorn Fowler
Dolores Hopkins Lauderdale
Ceci Shook McAuliffe
Sam McQuaid
Rebecca Setili Millard ✝
Linda Thalman Norwood
Total Support: $6,400
Participation: 7%
John Bliss
Kathleen Kelly Conwell
Kevin Dawson
Woody Euart
Robert Fannon
Richard Farnsworth
Sally McQuaid Kramer
Steve Morgan
Richard O'Brien
Joseph Odom
Ted Sak
Hugh Shipley
Denise Najour Warner
Total Support: $7,225
Participation: 5%
Linda Conrads
Janice Stevenson Dawson
Meg Hyle Frederick
Kerry Frederick
Mark Kelly
Linda Krebs
Katherine Durden O'Brien
Kim Reichling
Maureen O'Shea Spellman
Kathy Jones Testa
Total Support: $1,550
Participation: 4%
Jack Harney
Marta Gutierrez Lane
Steve Lane
Bill McKenzie
Kathleen Hogan Reichling
Laura Simon Simon
Bill Stogner
Total Support: $6,075
Participation: 5%
Steve Asip
Brad Bradshaw
Stephen Dlugos
Liz Peeples Jamieson
William Laube
Anita Gentle Newcomb
Nancy Conrads Pendergast
Debbie Ogle Stubbe
Total Support: $3,648
Participation: 5%
Eileen Jones Bradshaw
David Buechner
James deGive
Tom Janas
Jeff Lane
Sherry Bond Lundeen
John Olson
Steve Rein
Paul Spellissy
Total Support: $10,300
Participation: 7%
Michael Abel
Kathryn Stultz Ballentine
Joe Berry
Tom Bickes
Muff Sullivan DeCelles
Mike Fannon
Therese Jones Green
Bill Kelly
Linda Buechner Kelly
Rob Kraus
Matthew Lammers
Molly Messner Lane
James Maguire
Total Support: $3,650
Participation: 5%
May May Bindewald Bickes
Nancy Rupp Butler
Jeanne Krieger Kraus
Gary Leiner
Kathryn Murphy
James O'Neal
Patricia Peeples
Susan Berthelsen Pettit
Elizabeth Baggett Rein
Gerard Schramm
Total Support: $4,875
Participation: 5%
Susan Devine
Mike Dolan
Michael Manning
Linda Gerstner Manning
Steve Martin
William May
Kevin Melvin
Mary Pat McGinn Schaaf
Mary Hedges Smith
Jarrette White
Total Support: $6,150
Participation: 7%
Patty Gilmer Childs
Anne Marie Ciprari-Hooper
Joseph Conboy
Ann Hudson Currie
Mary Carter Davis
Jay Flowers ✝
Timothy Markham
Jim McLellan
Robin Morrow
Santiago Perez
Marian Goode Rosenberg
Chris Sertich
Gena Mitchell White
Total Support: $3,100
Participation: 1%
Phil Pompilio
Carter Stout
Total Support: $8,350
Participation: 5%
Timothy Dunn
Catherine Anderson Foxworth
James Goda
Mike Goode
Vivian Orr Heard
Michael Mohr
Mary Angelich Rubright
Henry Smith
Mary Maguire Smith
Total Support: $20,655
Participation: 9%
Richard Arroll
John Asip
Katy Hunter Asip
Matthew Beyer
Steve Hogan
Mark Homrich
Dexter Lummus
Lori Leach Lummus
Paul Marsden
Madeline Hoch Marsden
Juliet Jones Melvin
Farhad Niroomand
Donna Muscolino Oliver
Jose Pagoaga
Greg Raines
Joanie Reardon Raines
Total Support: $3,910
Participation: 4%
Sharon Fleming Adams
Kathy Hellgeth Cashin
Emma Llano Clausen
Ellen Krol
Mark Long
Robert Manarin
Sandra McIntyre
Susan Beyer Sik
Total Support: $6,300
Participation: 7%
Mary O'Brien Beyer
Karoline Rumps Brennan
James Brieske
Anne Reimer Craig
Paula Thomas Fannon
Patrick Kingery
Terri Lewis
Chris Markham
James Martin
Karen Kerner Pagoaga
Kelly McGonegal Smith
Paul Todd
Jennifer Pitra Wootten
Total Support: $1,175
Participation: 4%
Brigid Foster Bartholomai
Jackie Tusa Carriker
Cecelia Shannon Corso
August Green
Beverly Kirby McPhee
Juan Munoz
Paolo Tolusso
Total Support: $1,505
Participation: 3%
Ana Anton
Christi Lampe Caragher
Christopher Eck
Cheryl Hawkins
Elena Mowiser Murphy
Michelle Young Rivers
Total Support: $11,875
Participation: 6%
Lisa McBride Beck
Cary Johnson Blackburn
Gini McMahan Brower
Betsy Goggin Buechner
Louise Fisher Coniglio
Siobhan Rieger Finnegan
Christoph Gerdes
Matt Jardina
Francis Laba
Steve Maloof
Valerie Miller Maloof
Caroline McManus Thrasher
Amy Foster Williams
Total Support: $2,335
Participation: 5%
Rachel Braham
Michael Caffrey
Amy Adams Collins
Consuelo Leon Ecuyer
Kerri DeBerardinis Henderson
Chris Hill
Beth Chyzik Landry
Steve Lenich
Mary Pat Warner Martin
Anne Payne Payne-Schutte
Jeanne McAllister Queen
Amy McBride Sims
Total Support: $9,050
Participation: 5%
Todd Bennett
Julie Auer Brandon
Kore Thompson Breault
Maria Lia Cornejo
Jennifer McGowan Guynn
Maria Rodriquez Miller
Kevin Reardon
Bryan Reid
Anne McGill Wilson
Total Support: $9,900
Participation: 5%
Melissa Beam
John Coyle
Lydia Levergood Hazelwood
Lara O'Connor Hodgson
Shannon Garvey Kettering
Shawn Kowalewski
Steve Maloof
Mark Montello
R. Orsagh
Mary Rinaldi Winn
Phil Sedlack
Brian Shortal
Total Support: $7,475
Participation: 4%
Susan Arenson-Tootle
Daniel Edwards
Meg Jones Fligg
Maggie Gonzalez Hoback
Kathleen Boyle Mathers
Alicia Cervantes Muniz
Ricky O'Connell
Carl Rappold
Total Support: $8,449
Participation: 6%
Mark Dooley
Chadwick Eaton
Holly Miller Emberson
William Euart
Frank Klein
Jennifer Coady McBride
Tracy Yeates Navarro
Christine Auer Schwartz
Maureen Smith Smith
Stephanie Warner Tadros
Carolynn Smith Walker
Matthew Walker
Annalena Giarrusso Winer
Total Support: $7,925
Participation: 3%
Christopher Boyle
Rob Conners
David Hungeling
Nicole Hiltgen Jung
Patrick Keuller
Ansley Davis Murphey
Jill Cannarella Pierce
David Troncale
Total Support: $2,010
Participation: 1%
Theresa Carr Cummings
Anne Armstrong Smith
Susan Riesmeyer Wood
Total Support: $6,025
Participation: 2%
Diana Barnsley Fleming
Christine Salgado Hungeling
Terrence McBride
Kerry Stolte Ross
Total Support: $10,400
Participation: 5%
Matthew Hiller
Lauren Rotchford Holmes
John Kapp
Jenniffer Todd Kapp
Michelle Gembala Mancini
Sarah Digel Matthews
Matt Matthews
Kathryn Fletcher Moran
Laura Patch O'Connell
Tracie DeBeltrand Schmidt
Curtis Schmidt
Jennifer Hawkins Seebach
Total Support: $7,076
Participation: 5%
Ranjan Avasthi
Alexandra Catroppa Azzarello
Heather Hickein Cartier
John Conklin
Margaret Richardson Dinerstein
Stephanie Kampfer-Bohach
Silvia Rosado Martin
Rebecca Hitchcock Motes
Andrew Seng
Julie Bell Siler
Mark Van Zant
Total Support: $5,209
Participation: 5%
Christopher Bohach
Luke Braham
Nathan Deasy
Hilary Goodno Dixon
Ann Marie Dooley Edwards
Michael Haddad
Heather Quinn Haddad
Julie DuVall Hiland
Anderson Hughes
Katie Whitehead Hughes
Therese Mastrangelo
Rebecca Jones Rose
Phil Varona
Total Support: $3,529
Participation: 4%
Rebecca Castillo Buehler
Thomas Burrell
Christopher Gilligan
Matthew Hegarty
Andrew Lichtenwalner
Chris Murphy
Michael Piacentino
Chris Rogers
Jessica Darga Sowers
Jorge Suarez
Karen Thompson Swan
Total Support: $4,400
Participation: 3%
Teresa Marie Hungeling Ebbs
Glen Iannucci
Kelly Asip Iannucci
Kristin Kramer
William Macking
Daniel Noyd
Virginia Kirouac Provost
Total Support: $3,600
Participation: 2%
Nick Kelly
Nour Salman Kelly
Mary Raterman Martin
Maria Mahon McDonald
Total Support: $1,655
Participation: 4%
Leeann Buergler Attanucci
Thomas Conroy
Tracey Gordineer
Michael Moore
Michael Petrik
Catherine DeWitt Rice
David Sabino
Katie Bush Stilson
Alicia Hatter Weir
Total Support: $2,785
Participation: 5%
Trey Broussard
Margaret Doig
John Dooley
Kristin Vari Dooley
John DuVal
James Flanagan
Deanna Jones Jones-Puig
Tracy Shiver Patrick
Molly Mungovan Powers
Nicholas Rogge
Augusto Trujillo
Claire Farnsworth Wildman
Total Support: $2,700
Participation: 3%
Philip Consuegra
Ashley Marriott Curlette
Sean Dowd
Richard Halcik
John Huynh
Carolyn Trammell Sannuti
Elizabeth Marshburn Small
Total Support: $2,686
Participation: 1%
Samuel Noyd
Nancy Rogge
Total Support: $1,825
Participation: 2%
John Perk
Rachelle Esser Petusky
Evan Tighe
Eugenie Viener
Total Support: $1,675
Participation: 2%
MaryJo Terrill Dorse
Daniel Graciaa
Joey-Maria Jones Hedrick
Kevin Ksionzyk
Patrick Marshburn
Total Support: $2,430
Participation: 3%
Hugh Kinsel
Marie Phelan Ksionzyk
Meghan Lammers Palmer
Aaron Parr
Molly McCarthy Wack
Lisette Buechner Wannemacher
Blaise Wannemacher
'63: $12,115 CLASS
'80: $22,655 CLASS
'85: $11,875 CLASS OF '94: $10,400 CLASS
'74: $10,300 DOMINI SUMUS.
Total Support: $1,020
Participation: 2%
Taylor Davidson
Jessica Buechner Gordon
Kristin Hare Lawson
Katie Perez Parr
Marin Gerulski Rutz
Jackie Sherry
Total Support: $445
Participation: 2%
Morgan Carney
Robert Cloyd
Ross Doelling
Faith Khalik
Natalie Esser Moody
Elisa Graciaa Suri
Earle Taylor
Total Support: $2,005
Participation: 2%
Kyle Frazier
Joseph Hickey
Lauren Izegbu
Blake Jones
Carolyn Koenig
Andrew Leipold
Total Support: $950
Participation: 1%
Nathan Hovey
Brandon Irvin
Mary Perez
Total Support: $1,005
Participation: 2%
Conyers Coupland
Avery Daniel
Christina Jones
Paul Koenig
Sarah Esser Morgan
Angela O'Donoghue
Alexandra Asip Wood
Total Support: $200
Participation: 2%
Jeremy Crawford
Philip Haugh
Ashlyn Pyden McNeil
Paul McNeil
Kelli Terracino Stewart
Total Support: Undisclosed
Participation: <1%
Amanda Stitt Moore
Total Support: $300
Participation: 2%
Joshua Beck
Gianna Dellapina
Daniel Haugh
Kevin Jones
Daphne Mack
William Maguire
Total Support: $1,165
Participation: 1%
Howell Buot
Rebecca Entrekin
Brady Gwynn
Sally Varner
Total Support: $65
Participation: <1%
Victoria Millard
Carolann Stout
Total Support: $60
Participation: <1%
Timothy Beck
Thomas Brunner
Total Support: $0
Participation: 0%
Total Support: $35
Participation: <1%
Kathryn Kavanagh
Anthony Stout
Total Support: $55
Participation: <1%
Matthew Callaway
Justin Tardy
Total Support: Undisclosed
Participation: <1%
Francis Maloof
Total Support: $Undisclosed
Participation: <1%
Charlotte O'Donnell
Total Support: $589
Participation: 18%
Bailey Apgar
Sarah Benson
Lukas Blaszyk
Grace Bradley
James Brady
Jessica Burns
Joseph Connell
Andrea Connors
Madeline Crofton
Savannah Crofton
Sydney Erickson
Benjamin Freeman
William Garcia
Ava Godbey
Samantha Hefner
Julia Herring
Thomas Howser
Natalie Hungeling
Avery Jones
Zoe Kling
Brian Knuth
Matthew Livingston
Amelia Maloof
Molly McElfresh
Matthew McIntyre
Emma Murphey
Trinity Nguyen
Gabriela Obregon
Annalise O'Connell
Kathleen O'Shea
Madison Panarese
Ava Peebles
Lily Perella
Derrick Porter
Miranda Possert
Alexander Rowland
Raven Royter
Mason Rudder
Hannah Schemmel
Lauren Sharp
Austin Sok
Charles Stevens
Julia Tardy
Jack Yvan Tchienchou
Julia Tiberia
Sienna Trupiano
Paul van Rooijen
Aquinas Voss
Eli Whitcomb
Liam Whitlark
Abigail Williams
Jack Woods
Founded in 2008, GRACE Scholars is a student scholarship organization devoted to students who wish to attend Catholic schools in Georgia. Georgia taxpayers can redirect part of their tax liability to GRACE, which in turn awards scholarships to deserving students. Taxpayers receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for their qualified contributions. Taxpayers can designate a specific Catholic school to receive their contributions, and Georgia taxpayers designated $293,384 to St. Pius X Catholic High School through June 2023.
Anonymous (13)
Donald and Anne Albino
Raul and Susana Ajoy Alfonso '86
Santiago Arboleda and Maria
del Mar Arango
Anonymous on AF and RTB
Mike and Pat Athans
Bernie and Charlene Auer
Alexandra Balzer
Mr. Bearden D. Barnes Jr. '11
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bartlett
Clyde and Mary Baxter
Jim and Jill Bernhardt
Tom and Debbie Brooks
Jonathon and Kathryn Brouse
Don and Susie Bushey
Scott and Corcelles Capps
David and Laura Case
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Colluro
James and Pam Coltrane
Mary and Todd Cozart '89
Margie and Steve Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. DeAndrade
Drs. Elizabeth and Jim deGive '73
Chris and Carrie Dimino
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Dolt III
Ken and Una Dooley
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Dowhy
Consuelo Leon Ecuyer '86
Amy and Daniel Edwards '89
Pat and Connie Esser
Mrs. Judith A. Fernandez-Travieso
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Follmer
Raymond and Janet Foster
Michael and Elizabeth Foy
Gregory and Patricia Galvez
Ms. Maria E. Garcia
Gerry and Mary Gay
Giff Gfroerer
Ricardo and Julie Gonzalo
Randy and Kim Doucette
Graebner '96 & '96
Robert and Stacie Granberry
Mr. David Grippando and Mrs. Cindy Alvarez Grippando '90
Martha Gross
Joseph and Leslie Habachy
Bill and Kristine Hayes
Lydia (Lee) Levergood Hazelwood '88
Dustin and Jennifer Heizer
Brad and Brenna Hoth
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Huerkamp
Tom and Shelley Hughes
John and Stephanie Hull
Mr. and Mrs. Arden W. Inda
Mr. Brian Iselin and Mrs. Christy Etter
Cody and Diane Jackson
Bob and Suzy Kalb
Gert and Joan Kampfer
Michael and Laura Kandilakis
Ray and Kathy Kasten
Robert and Kate Kennedy
Alex and Sue Kitchin
Bryan and Brandi Kler
The Krause Family
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Krysiek
Robert and Marile Leeth
Cristina Leon '88
Robert and Elizabeth Leonard
Rob and Joanne Lorys
Rich and Patti Macchia
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madonia
Beth and Dev Maguire '74
Mark and Tracy Mancinelli
Steve and Jennifer Mann
John Marlar
John and Ashley Marratt
Salvatore and Dawn Massaro
Alistair and Julie Mawson
Mr. and Mrs. David J. McGill
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Meehan
John and Dolly Morgan
Mark and Tricia Mullins
Kevin and Samantha Murray
Daniel and Tracy Yeates Navarro '90
Russell and Kerry Nelson
Terri and Joe O'Leary
Greg and Jennifer Peay
John and Sara Pilger
Gus and Susan Pina
Philip Pompilio '78 and Peg Cassidy
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Postma
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Preau Sr.
Jeff and Michelle Rayman
Ronco Family
Neil and Bobbie Sampson
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Santy
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell C. Saunders
Irene and Leonard Savini
Neil and Christy Sawyer
Travis and Sarah Schlenk
Bill and Kim Sheppard
Mr. and Mrs. David Sims
Noel J. Sitzmann and Janine A. Boehm
Gary and Martha Sledge
Scott and Meredith Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Soulimiotis
David and Gigi Spear
Mark and Mary Stouffer
Ms. Pat Strougal
Elizabeth P. Syribeys
Malik and Stephanie Warner Tadros '90
John and Jackie Stanczyk Tardy
Earle Taylor
Luciano and Maria Tiberia and Family
Joe and Anne Tomolo
Sharon and David Troncale '91
Armand and Judy Vari
Alan and Marcia Watt
Jeff and Heather Williams
William and Susan Riesmeyer Wood '92
Mrs. Kathleen H. Woods
Kim and Scott Woods
Chi-Rho Society members help secure the long-term future of St. Pius X Catholic High School through various forms of planned gifts. While providing for the future of their loved ones, they have also had the foresight and generosity to include St. Pius X in their estate plans. As members of our Chi-Rho Society, we acknowledge their commitment to supporting Catholic education. To date, St. Pius X Catholic High School has received $3,737,654 in realized gifts from Chi-Rho Society members.
For information on the Chi-Rho Society or if you have already included the school in your will or estate plan and would like to become an official member of the Society, please contact the Director of Advancement.
Barb Aleksa-Parr
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Barnett Jr.
Ms. Diane Barnsley
Tom ✝ and Corinne Boyle
Bill and Karin Bruckert
Daniel Burg '87
Mary Byrne Callahan ✝
Linda Conrads '70
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Craft
Kathleen Darko ✝
Timothy and Judith Dunn '79
Joan Diemer ✝
Bob and Barbara Foley
Olga Castelerio de Goizueta ✝
Roberto C. Goizueta ✝
Noel Greene '93
Ann Guscio ✝
Charles and Mildred Hart ✝
Brenda and Mark Homrich '80
Daniel and Mary Vallés Jones
Charleen Klister ✝
Stephen and Stephanie Miller
Ottis Moore '67
Katherine O’Neil Nelson '73
Norma Wrigley Nicholson '60
Tom and Joanne Novack ✝
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. O’Hara
Mike and Susan Petrik
Gus and Susan Piña
Bill Poole ’62 and Barbara McCusker Poole '62
Chris and Karen Ratcliffe
Mrs. Pat Reiley
James M. Seaver '64 ✝ and Mrs. Susan Seaver '64
Steve and Julie Bell Siler '95
Betsy and Bridges Smith
Marycarol and Carter Stout '78
Tony and Maryanne Waddell Sutter '82
Cliff and Ann Switzer
David Wallace '63 ✝
Msgr. Terry W. Young
Ben and Regina Znosko
Thanks to the generosity of numerous families and individuals through the years, St. Pius X Catholic High School is the beneficiary of $11,185,884 in endowments and awards. These funds include $8,988,790 held by the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia as well as the Archdiocese of Atlanta for the beneficial interest of the school. In addition, donors established endowment funds totaling $2,197,094 at the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia which are not included in any of the school’s financial statements. In total there are more than 80 individual endowed funds and funded awards that support tuition assistance, student and faculty enrichment, and the general operating needs of the school. Endowments allow a gift to remain intact while only the interest from the principal is used for the stated purpose of the fund. Named funds of $25,000 or more are considered endowed, generally providing at least $1,000 in funding each year.
If you are interested in establishing a fund, please contact the Director of Advancement for more information. Please note, funds with an asterisk* are actively seeking donations as they have not yet reached the $25,000 endowment level.
The following scholarships were established in the past year. We thank these St. Pius X supporters who made these scholarships possible.
Billy '72 and Lisa Laube Scholarship
The Billy '72 and Lisa Laube Scholarship Fund is awarded to students in need of financial assistance who exhibit leadership and team building skills. Preference is given to student athletes, preferably soccer players, who exemplify the values of hard work and dedication both on and off the field. Billy played on the inaugural boys' soccer team, was the MVP both his junior and senior year, and went on to play soccer at the collegiate level. Billy is an active member of the Class of 1972 and serves as his class representative. He is committed to making a Pius education accessible to others and helped establish the Lt. Alexander Brooks Montgomery Jr. '72 USN fund in honor of his classmate and friend.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Billy and Lisa Laube '72
Christopher Philpott '08
Rebecca Setili Millard '68 Scholarship
A proud member of the St. Pius X Class of 1968 and a loving mother, Becky sacrificed daily to raise four boys, Matthew '91, Marcus '92, Douglas '95, and Thomas '98. The Rebecca Setili Millard Scholarship Fund was created by her husband Robin and provides scholarships to students in need of financial assistance.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Carroll EMC
Jackson EMC Employees
Robert and Kathleen Angus
Lorene Benton
Robert Bryant
Joe and Julie DeLoach Dangel '68
Mike and Joane Goodroe
Barry Gray
Nelson Houston
Greg and Mary Jordan
Joe and Sue Kelenfy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mall
Ceci Shook McAuliffe '68
The McGinniss Family
Robin Millard and Rebecca
Setili Millard '68 ✝
Kendall and Wendy Mitchell
Leann Petit O'Donnell '68
John and Maureen Oliaro
Philip and Barbara Langsfeld
Otwell '70
David and Donna Porter
Duane and Sherry Schlereth
Leo Schlinkert
Phillip Sutton
Nils and Carol Thompson
Arlene Toole
Ronald and Velma Walters
Scholarships are given to students who have a demonstrated financial need.
Created as part of a 1982 capital campaign conducted by the Archdiocese of Atlanta, this fund provides scholarships to students at St. Pius X.
Established in 2008 and endowed by friends of Greg Abbott and the St. Pius X Mothers’ Club after his sudden death in 2006, this scholarship honors this father of two St. Pius X alumni and is given to a student in the performing arts program at St. Pius X.
Donations received in 2022-2023: Mrs. June Abbott
Peter and Mary Ann Bell Green '73
Established in 2002 by the St. Pius X Alumni Association, this scholarship is awarded to students of St. Pius X alumni.
Donations received in 2022-2023: St. Pius X Alumni Association
Greg and Bonnie Chandler Mary Baker Culwell '60
Established by the family of Archbishop Donnellan, the second Archbishop of Atlanta, this fund provides scholarships to students who are actively involved in the arts program at St. Pius X.
Established in 1999 by Timothy’s family and friends, this scholarship is awarded to an incoming freshman who is a well-rounded student and has contributed to the school community.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Fred and Ann Angulo
Philip R. Consuegra '02
Kelly Shiver DeFrates '01
Established by Edward’s mother and sister in 1996 to reward two students— one current student who is an advocate for environmental needs on and away from campus, and one incoming freshman.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Ms. Diane Barnsley
Brice and Chris Boyle '91
Jay and Jenniffer Todd Kapp '94 & '94
Established by his classmates, family, and friends to honor this mathematics teacher and coach at St. Pius X from 1989 until his death in 1992, this scholarship is given to two students who possess the qualities that Mikel possessed—quiet diligence, commitment, respect, and understanding.
Established by his family in memory of Byron Bickes, father of five St. Pius X graduates, this scholarship is awarded to a freshman active in the St. Pius X community and in his/her classes.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Richard W. Clements Scholarship Fund
Sue Bickes Kranyecz '68
Established in 1996 by Mrs. Catherine Brisbane in honor of her husband, the father of Mr. Gene Brisbane, formerly of the St. Pius X math department, this scholarship is given to a freshman who is outstanding in both academics and service.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Gene and Mary Jane Brisbane
Karen M. Trujillo '95
The Gene and John Brisbane Scholarship, established in 1999 by Mrs. Catherine Brisbane in honor of her two sons, was combined with the St. Joseph High School Scholarship, which was established in 1997. This combined fund provides scholarships to students at St. Pius X.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Gene and Mary Jane Brisbane
Established in 2007 by Dan and Lisa Brutto, parents of two St. Pius X alumnae, Michelle ’04 and Danielle ’06, this award is given to a deserving student who excels in the fine arts of dance, drama, music, or the visual arts.
Donations received in 2022-2023: Daniel J. and Melissa D. Brutto
Established in 2007 by an anonymous donor, this scholarship honors Bob Buechner, father of seven St. Pius X graduates. This scholarship is given to a capable student who is unable to afford full tuition.
Donations received in 2022-2023: Jay and Jenniffer Todd Kapp '94 & '94
Established by the Holy Cross Catholic Church Council of the Knights of Columbus, this scholarship honors Harry Burns, a Holy Cross Parishioner and long time member of the Knights of Columbus. The scholarship is given to a positive and enthusiastic student who has an excellent attitude and who is willing to help wherever needed and provide service to the community.
Donations received in 2022-2023: Knights of Columbus - Holy Cross James and Pam Coltrane
Established in 1999 by the Callahan family in honor of this devoted St. Pius X mother, this scholarship is given to students who have shown academic excellence and expressed an interest in participating in St. Pius X activities. A portion of this endowment also funds continuing education for St. Pius X faculty.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Thomas Gagnon and Helen O'Brien
Zach and Heather Wilson
This fund was established in 2008 by the family of Ms. Doll deGolian Sullivan '71 and the Class of 1971 after she passed away following a courageous battle with cancer. The donors desire to assist those families with multiple children enrolled in St. Pius X and other Catholic schools. The donors wish to express their gratitude and recognize the sacrifices made by parents who educate their children in Catholic schools.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Larry and Teresa Hotard Beckwith '71
Chris and Mary Colbert Billingsley '71
James and Kelly Schmidt
Carlin '71 & '73
Jonathan "Jerry" and Anne deGolian '69
The Estate of Heather Rathbone deGolian
Alfred Gentle '71
Jack Harney '71
Bill McKenzie '71
Timothy and Mary Ann Mesh-Isenhower '71
Julio Ramirez '71
Greg and Karen Garcar Swabe '71
Established in 2009 by Mrs. Sheila Collins, former volunteer and St. Pius X employee, this scholarship honors her husband, Mr. Edwin J. Collins Sr. A beloved husband and friend, “Big Ed” was the father of four St. Pius X graduates (Kathleen '84, Sheila '86, Ed '90, and Maureen '97), and was a longtime St. Pius X supporter.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Adriana de la Torriente
The Jinny and Jim Conrads Scholarship is awarded to students in financial need. When possible, preference is given to students with physical or learning disabilities. Students must maintain good conduct.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Mike Conrads and Family '78
Linda Conrads '70
Meghan Pendergast Dean '04
David Pendergast
Jim and Elizabeth Pendergast
John F. & Jayme Pendergast III
Nancy Conrads Pendergast '72
Karen Conrads Wibell '67
This fund was established in 2015 in honor of Ann Crawford by her husband John Crawford and their daughter Katherine Crawford '10.
This fund was established by friends and family to honor the memory of Matthew G. Daneker ’09, who passed away in 2020 after a brief illness. He will be remembered for his wit, wry smile, and accomplishments as a student and healthcare professional. Matthew’s life was shaped through the influence of caring St. Pius X teachers and faculty, especially Principal Steve Spellman.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Anonymous (2)
Gary Adams, in honor of George W. Daneker Jr., M.D.
George and Bonnie Daneker
Established by the family of this Atlanta archbishop who encouraged the growth of the St. Pius X fine arts program, this scholarship is given to a student of the arts.
This award was established in 2011 by Pat and Connie Esser, parents of three St. Pius X graduates; Rachelle '04, Natalie '08, and Sarah '11. Throughout their tenure at St. Pius X, the Esser family dedicated much of their time in support of the arts. This award is given to students in the fine arts program.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Pat and Connie Esser
Established in 2007 by her family, this award honors this devoted wife and mother of two St. Pius X alumnae, Jackie Estafen Zurinaga ’85 and Janine Estafen Kourieh ’91. Madeline, who succumbed to cancer in 2001, was the St. Pius X business manager from 1980-1983. The award honors a female student who has deep Catholic faith and a keen interest in learning about the teachings of the sacred scriptures and the study of the faith.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Joe and Madeline Estafen Educational Fund
Bob and Janine Estafen Kourieh '91
Established by her children in
Established in 1998 by the family and friends of this father of two St. Pius X alumnae, this scholarship is awarded to students who lives the principles of Catholicism and good citizenship.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Cheryl Fletcher
Kevin and Kathryn Fletcher Moran '94
Established in 2012 by his family following his tragic and untimely death, this scholarship honors the memory of Brad Gay '07, a four year member of the football team, known for his kindness and quiet confidence. He was also a dedicated teammate and a very loyal friend. Inspired by desire and determination, he made himself into an outstanding young man both in the classroom and on the gridiron.
This scholarship was established by the sisters of Brad Gay '07 after his tragic and untimely death in 2012. Meredith and Pepper Gay honor the special memory of their brother who supported their softball careers for
Established in 2010 by her family and friends, this scholarship honors Margaret Soulen Gilbert who, after a courageous battle with breast cancer, passed away in 2009. When possible, this scholarship is given to a deserving member of the St. Pius X Swim Team, who is in good academic standing and exhibits leadership skills.
Donations received in 2022-2023: Jay and Jenniffer Todd Kapp '94 & '94 St. Pius X Softball Team
Created in 1998, this fund provides need-based scholarships for Hispanic/ Latino students.
Established in 1998 through a gift from the Roberto C. Goizueta Foundation and further endowed through gifts in 2000 and 2004, this scholarship is given for the Catholic education of Hispanic/Latino students.
Created in 2019 with a gift from the Estate of Olga Casteleiro de Goizueta, this fund provides need-based financial aid to students, with a preference for Hispanic/Latino students.
Established in 2008 by Jim and Julia Modak, parents of two St. Pius X graduates, this scholarship honors the Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart who taught at St. Pius X and other Catholic
schools in Atlanta. The Grey Nuns were one of four orders of religious women that staffed St. Pius X when it opened in 1958. Their mission statement: “We will collaborate with one another and with other groups and individuals to increase the influence of God’s love within our world.”
Established in 1998 by the family and friends of this father of three St. Pius X alumnae, this award is given to a student who exemplifies determination and team spirit.
Established by her family after her death in 1993, this award is given to a student who, like Holly, displays the qualities of patience, courage, faith, and outstanding kindness.
The Liliana Hagiopol Scholarship was established in 2019 by the St. Pius X Student Council, her family, and the Class of 2019. Madame Hagiopol passed away in 2019 during her 14th year of teaching French in the St. Pius X World Languages Department. She was devoted to her students and instilled in them a love of world languages and culture. Her memory and spirit live on in this scholarship that supports students who are studying French at St. Pius X.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Mr. Cornel Hagiopol
The Charles and Mildred Hart Scholarship provides assistance to students who are unable to afford tuition. Charles and Mildred were the
parents of Kathleen Hart Hanofee '72 and James B. Hart '75. They were also the grandparents of Charles Dixon Edwards '12.
The Hedges Family established this student scholarship to honor Don and to keep the family tradition of St. Pius X alive. St. Pius X was a great part of Don's identity. While attending St. Pius X, he was a member of the 1968 State Championship football team.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Linda Trotochaud Hedges '70
Richard W. Clements Scholarship Fund
Funded by the Home & School Association, this scholarship is awarded to a student who exhibits leadership and a willingness to make contributions to the community.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
St. Pius X Home and School Association
The Del and Carol Homrich Family Scholarship honors the faith of Del and Carol as expressed through their commitment to Atlanta’s Catholic community. Del served as St. Pius X Athletic Association Director from 1970-71, and Carol began working at Immaculate Heart of Mary in 1973 and retired as Parish Director in 2010. The fund was established by their children: Christine '69, Patricia '70, David '71, Joan '74, Janice '76, Dan '77, Mark '80 and Tim '84. This scholarship supports students who demonstrate
a commitment to serve others through community involvement and volunteer work. Preference will be given to students from single-mother households.
Donations received in 2022-2023: Joe and Janice Homrich Brandt '76 & '76
Patricia Homrich Golden '70
Brenda and Mark Homrich '80
Timothy Homrich '84
Mark and Joan Homrich Murray '74
Established in 1998 by Mrs. Charlotte Vogel, formerly of the St. Pius X science department, and her family in honor of her father, this award is given to a sophomore who shows responsibility, dedication to studies, and a love for learning.
Donations received in 2022-2023: Ronco Family
The Deacon Mike and Ruth Jones Family Fund honors the mother of this family, who died in 2019, as well as their children who have died: Michael Kevin '72, David Roy '79, and their infant daughter, Kay Marie. This fund also recognizes their other children and grandchildren who were well prepared by their education at St. Pius X. They are Dianne '75, Danny '80, Robert '83 and Nancy '84 and their grandchildren: Michael '00, Matthew '02 and Callie Ulm '05, and Hannah '16 and Brennen Jones. Once this fund is fully endowed, the scholarship will provide an opportunity for others to experience the SPX traditions of family, faith, and service.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Richard W. Clements Scholarship Fund
Established by her family after her death in 1996, this award honors a sophomore student who combines a deep faith commitment with academic excellence in theology.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
George Morgan III
Richard W. Clements Scholarship Fund
Established by St. Pius X alumnus Jeff Lane '73 in honor of his wife, 2016 Distinguished Alumni award honoree Molly Messner Lane '74, this scholarship benefits female studentathletes.
Ricky O’Connell '89, Tricia Pawly Mueller '89, and the Liedtke Family established this fund to honor Alex, who passed away in April 2020 after a long and courageous battle with a brain tumor. Alex will always be remembered for his unwavering faith, strong work ethic, and his love for his family, friends, and community. This scholarship is awarded to students who exemplify a great commitment to their faith, family, and friends.
Donations received in 2022-2023: Jay and Jenniffer Todd Kapp '94 & '94
The McCarthy Cahill Scholarship is awarded to children of the faculty at St. Pius X with priority to families with more than one child enrolled, in memory of the lifelong commitment to Catholic education of the McCarthy Cahill families.
Established by members of the Class of 1966 in memory of their classmate, this scholarship is awarded to two students who, like Garry, exhibit a high degree of sportsmanship and who are involved in many aspects of student life.
This fund was established in 2020 by the Magrath and Rumely families to honor Richard Patrick Magrath III, who passed away in 2020. During his time at St. Pius X, Patrick was an accomplished swimmer, scholar, and traveler. He will be remembered as a gifted researcher, with a deep love for science and a passion for learning; he had a strong desire to make a positive difference in the world and devoted much of his time to helping others through tutoring and medical research. This fund provides scholarships to students in need of financial assistance.
Established and endowed by the Mothers’ Club and other donors, this scholarship honors Pam Miller, a St. Pius X alumna and mother whose devotion to St. Pius X was exemplified by her unbounded enthusiasm and tireless volunteerism for the school. The scholarship is given to a junior who is a well-rounded student and who has demonstrated outstanding enthusiasm, commitment, and devotion to St. Pius X through service to the school and participation in a wide range of school activities.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Steve and Debbie Asip '72
Susan Keefe Pizzo '70
Established in 2014 by the Miller family in honor of Walt and Jane Miller, parents of five St. Pius X graduates (Melanie Miller Wall '82, Valerie Miller Maloof '85, Lisa Miller McCarthy '87, Holly Miller Emberson '90, and Lee Miller '97). This scholarship honors Walt for his tireless acts of service to St. Pius X for over 30 years and Jane’s devotion to raising her children and demonstrating the blessings that come from working hard. This scholarship is awarded to a junior who has a proven commitment to service and who possesses a strong character and work ethic.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Tom and Holly Miller Emberson '90
Jay and Jenniffer Todd Kapp '94 & '94
The Brooks Montgomery Scholarship Fund was established by classmates, family, and friends of this 1972 graduate on the 30th anniversary of his death. Lt. Alexander Brooks Montgomery, Jr. lost his life in the service of his country on February 20, 1981, leaving behind his two siblings Lisa '73 and Robert '77. He attended Auburn University on a Navy ROTC Scholarship and graduated in 1976.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Steve and Debbie Asip '72
John Chambers Jr. '72
Gloria Crockford '72
John Kelly '72
Kingery Family Foundation
John and Sherry Bond Lundeen '73
Terry and Elizabeth Markham '72
Michael Mitcham '72
Mrs. Placida B. Montgomery
The Mothers’ Club provides scholarships for students who exhibit a willingness to serve school and society with initiative and enthusiasm.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Patsy Cain
St. Pius X Mother's Club
The following gifts were given in memory of Martha Pierce:
Robert and Jean Abney
Joseph Carragher
John and Mary Forbes
Amy Foreman
Kelly Grant
Alan P. Harbuck
Milbrey Heard
Polly Mills
Nancy Robinson
Lee and Alma Scroggins
The Jill Mulligan Scholarship was created by her family as a legacy to her lifelong commitment to Catholic education and her deep love of St. Pius X Catholic High School and, in particular, the band and arts programs. Jill’s children, Elena Mulligan '18 and Jackson Mulligan '21, were involved in the arts programs with Jackson having been involved since joining the St. Pius X Honor Band while in middle school. It is the family’s belief that this scholarship will help sustain the beauty and meaning that music and the arts bring to life at St. Pius X Catholic High School.
Originally established in 1999 as the “Elizabeth Novack” scholarship by Tom and Joanne Novack in honor of his mother, Tom changed the name to “Novack Family” after the death of his beloved wife Joanne in 2019. This scholarship is awarded to a student who comes from a single parent home. Donations received in 2022-2023:
Carter's Cares
Jay and Jenniffer Todd Kapp '94 & '94
The Estate of Tom Novack
Melissa and Tim Porter
Kathy Sengstack
This fund was established by St. Pius X alumni, friends, coworkers, and family who knew and worked with Aaron Michael O’Brien. The fund preserves his memory following his untimely death. Aaron’s love and appreciation for his experiences at St. Pius X and the lasting benefits he enjoyed as a result of his Catholic education were evident in his life. This fund was established for the benefit of a soccer player (or qualifying student) to help supplement tuition payments.
Donations received in 2022-2023: Albert Nasuti '75
Bruce Ruggles
Established in 2005 by Paul Ollinger '87, Patricia Ollinger Wieler '84, Johanna Claire Ollinger Rohlen '89, and Cole Ollinger '85, in honor of their parents, Bea and Bill Ollinger, this fund provides scholarships to students at St. Pius X. Donations received in 2022-2023:
Mary Jane Ollinger Stephens '65
Established in 1977 by faculty and friends of this beloved English teacher,
This fund provides scholarships to student-athletes. Because of the Reardon family’s deeply held respect and appreciation for the St. Pius X faculty, priority for this scholarship will be given to children of the faculty of St. Pius X Catholic High School.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Kevin Reardon '87
Established by Mrs. Pat Reiley in 2009 after her husband’s passing, Mrs. Reiley was involved in the St. Pius X community for over 30 years as both a volunteer and employee. Gene was a loving husband, father of four St. Pius X alumni (Trish '81, Terri '83, Gene '85, and Peter '98), and strong supporter of the school’s mission.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Martha Anderson
Mrs. Pat Reiley
Named for a St. Pius X math teacher who died in 1991 and established by
Established by his family after his death in 1996, this award honors a student who displays the qualities that this father of two St. Pius X graduates possessed—faith and hard work despite difficulties.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Jay and Jenniffer Todd Kapp '94 & '94
Curtis and Tracie DeBeltrand
Schmidt '94 & '94
Palmer and Leslie Schmidt Williams
Established in 2014 by Mrs. Susan Seaver '64, this award honors the memory of her husband and provides tuition assistance for two students who possess the same strong character traits which made Jim an honorable, loyal, hardworking, and successful man. Awards are given to a student in the dramatic arts as well as a student-athlete in the baseball or football program who is determined, hardworking, dependable, dedicated, honorable, and strong-willed.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
The goal of this scholarship is to have each succeeding class make donations towards this fund. The fund was originally inspired by Msgr. Richard Lopez, who suggested that there should be a scholarship dedicated to deserving minority students – particularly Hispanic students who may be unable to afford tuition.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
St. Pius X Catholic High School Class of 2023
This scholarship honors former St. Pius X principal Steve Spellman. It is awarded to a capable student who is unable to afford tuition.
Donations received in 2022-2023: Philip R. Consuegra '02
Jay and Jenniffer Todd Kapp '94 & '94 Greg and Alison Spellman
This award is given to a student who excels in the performing or visual arts.
Established by Terry and Margaret Stent, this scholarship is awarded to a student who is interested in graphic arts.
Laura and David Stokes began raising scholarship funds in 2013 to honor their son Owen, one of five children, who passed away suddenly two months before he was to start kindergarten at Christ the King School. Owen had a passion for reading, sports, and arts and crafts. Owen was known for his kindness and good manners, and was always ready to do the right thing. This scholarship was formally established in 2019. Once endowed, this scholarship will be awarded to a student who is involved in the arts at St. Pius X.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Joey Jones Hedrick '05
Richard W. Clements Scholarship Fund
Established by Cathy’s friends and loved ones after her death in 1995, this scholarship is awarded to a student who displays the qualities that this mother of four St. Pius X alumnae possessed—living by faith, compassion toward others, true love of life, and outstanding service in the community.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Jay and Jenniffer Todd Kapp '94 & '94
Jay and Kimberly Salter Macmurphy '95
Richard W. Clements Scholarship Fund
Jimmy and Tricia Salter
Established in 2009 by Terry Trotochaud '64, this scholarship honors Terry’s parents, Ed and Berniece, who were well aware of the sacrifices and the blessings that come with sending children to Catholic school. All ten of the Trotochaud children and a number of their grandchildren graduated from St. Pius X.
Established in 1982 after her death, this award is given to a student who excels in the visual arts program.
Donations received in 2022-2023: Ronco Family
Established in 1996 by David Wallace '63, this scholarship is given to an incoming freshman from a Catholic elementary school. It rewards student academic excellence and a willingness to make sacrifices for the good of themselves and their families.
Established in 1998 by Mr. and Mrs. John Williams in memory of his parents, this award is given to a student who works hard to attain success, shows character, and has an outgoing personality.
Established in 1999 by the family and friends of Wes after his death, this scholarship is given to a student who combines deep faith with exceptional perseverance, hard work, and dedication.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Jay and Jenniffer Todd Kapp '94 & '94
Bruce and Diane Baly LaBudde '66
Established in 2008 by Mr. Jerry Woods, Kathi’s husband, this scholarship honors Kathi’s 33 years of dedicated service as a counselor, teacher, coach, and leader at St. Pius X. This award is given to an outstanding performer in the Study Support program.
Established in the name of St. Pius X’s fifth principal who served from 19761991, this scholarship is awarded to a sophomore who displays excellence in academics, involvement in school activities, and service.
Established in 1998 by friends and former students of this theology teacher and spiritual mentor, this award is given to a junior who exemplifies the values of hard work, caring, and respect for life. On April 28, 2023, Monsignor Lopez celebrated the 50th anniversary of his ordination.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Annie I. Anton '84
Brendan and Kore Thompson Breault '87
Linda Conrads '70
Consuelo Leon Ecuyer '86
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fargie
Ken and Janet Horvath
Ronco Family
Denny and Meredy Shortal
Greg and Alison Spellman
Mary Beth Zibilich Thompson, in memory of Gloria Kelly and Pat Grissom
Khaki Lerer, in memory of Ruth Haigh Maguire
The following gifts were made in honor of Monsignor
Richard Lopez's 50th Anniversary:
Hunter Argenbright '01
Joseph Huey Ashkouti '85
Michael and Mandy Berretta '85
John and Karoline Rumps Brennan '82
Brad and Alyene Burnett
Neal and Teri Callahan '85
E.R. Coggin III '66
Bill deGolian '68
John and Susan Murray Euart '64 & '64
Daniel Farnsworth '93
Matthew and Thérèse Mruk Garrett '85
James E. Haddad III '92
Ms. Lynnda Jabaley
Ray and Kathy Kasten
Rich and Patti Macchia
Mary Kay Vollrath Mangiarelli '88
Jonathan and Kathleen Boyle Mathers '89
Richard and Ruth McCullough
Robert G. Miller Jr. '81
Michael A. Murray '79
Mr. and Mrs. William H. O'Brien
Melissa Dolgetta Owens '99
Brian and Amy McBride Sims '86
Greg Warner '94
Jerome and Mary Wolf
Gorka and Jackie Estafen Zurinaga '85
The Memorial Scholarship, held at The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia, is a pool of funds endowed by gifts from various donors to memorialize deceased individuals. When a loved one passes away, families may ask that donations be made to the St. Pius X Memorial Fund in memory of the deceased. If donations to an individual do not reach $25,000 (in which case an individual endowed scholarship would be created) then the monies are pooled with other gifts in the Memorial Scholarship fund. This endowed fund is held in perpetuity while the interest from the principal provides student scholarships. The following gifts were received during the 2022-2023 fiscal year.
Nadyne Manson
Ann Braswell
Carl Dillman
Todd M. Helmeke
Ned and Jane Lesh
Deirdre D. Perry
Beth Thompson
Cameron Walts
John Cahill
Lee Gamble
Mrs. Nancy Hudgins and Mrs. Greene
Martin Fahey and Patricia McLaughlin-Fahey
The school’s needs extend beyond scholarships for students, and the following funds support other facets of campus life.
This endowment was established by alumni Tom and May May Bindewald Bickes ’74 & ’75 in 2015. It provides professional development funding for St. Pius X faculty.
Established in 1999 by the Callahan family in honor of this devoted St. Pius X mother, this endowment provides continuing education support for St. Pius X faculty. A portion of this fund also provides student scholarships.
This endowment provides teacher enrichment at St. Pius X Catholic High School.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Michael E. and Nancy Frierson
Cassidy '68 & '67
Rick Wagner '68
Janice Ward '68
The Excellence in Teaching Endowment provides the Excellence in Teaching Award to reward excellence, dynamism, and exceptional dedication on the part of individual St. Pius X teachers,
counselors, and librarians. The St. Pius X Excellence in Teaching Award will recognize those who demonstrate devotion to the whole student through their contribution of time, talent, and energy to all aspects of student life, both inside and outside the classroom.
This endowment was established in 2016 by Martin and Jennifer Flanagan, parents of two St. Pius X alumni, to provide enrichment opportunities for faculty, staff, and students. The fund is designed to encourage teachers to take their classes on pilgrimages, field trips, or out-of-classroom experiences that engage students in local arts, events, and learning experiences.
Created in 2004, this endowment provides professional development and continuing education funds for faculty and staff.
This fellowship was established to supplement the income of a superior classroom teacher in order to recognize the importance of classroom teaching.
This award was established in 2010 by Tom and Mary Anne Mall, grandparents of Jessica Mall ’13. Tom Mall, a Notre Dame graduate, is keenly interested in assisting St. Pius X graduates attend his alma mater. Funds are awarded to a graduating senior who has been accepted and plans to attend the University of Notre Dame.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Lee and Meg Clemmer
Ed and Beth Lewis
Alexandra Lukacs
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mall
Mike and Donna Mall
Hank and Beth McCauley
Mr. and Mrs. Matt O'Kane '94
This endowment was established in 2015 by Mike and Susan Petrik, parents of Michael Petrik ’00 and Stephanie Boyea ’04. This fund benefits the general mission of St. Pius X.
Established in 2000 to honor the sixth principal of St. Pius X, this endowment provides books for children of faculty and staff.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Karen M. Trujillo '95
Established in 2013 by a supporter of the drama department, this endowment honors former Director of Theatre Ms. Bonnie Spark for her years of dedicated service to the school. Funds support the drama department.
Donations received in 2022-2023: Anonymous
John and Karoline Rumps Brennan '82
This award is given to student(s) for advanced study in the performing arts during the summer.
Established in 2012, this endowment provides for the general operating needs of St. Pius X Catholic High School. This fund will be endowed once the principal reaches $3 million.
Donations received in 2022-2023:
Matt and Ann Marie Dooley
Edwards '96
John K. Huynh '02
Bill and Sue Paxton
Mark Van Zant '95
We are grateful for the following donors who provided St. Pius X with gifts for restricted use. These gifts include funds for tuition assistance, faculty and staff development, specific equipment and facilities enhancements, direct support for our parent organizations, as well as in-kind gifts.
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Jose Raul Gomez and Mrs. Leticia Castellanos
CDH Architects
Bill and Donna Hungeling
John Thomas R. Scott '93
St. Pius X Alumni Association
St. Pius X Mothers' Club
The Whitcomb Family Foundation
GIFTS OF $2,500 TO $4,999
Bill and Pam Beason
Amy and Daniel Edwards '89
Kyle and Sara Chamberlin Massey '06
The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation
GIFTS OF $1,000 TO $2,499
Elizabeth Bailey
Amber Blanchard
Jim and Joy Brennan
Brian and Christy David
Bill and Kristine Hayes
Kollins Communications
Brian and Renee Latone Luse '93
Pass the Rock, Inc
Michael and Vanessa Sciacchetano
Jerome and Mary Wolf
James Wyatt '78
GIFTS OF $500-$999
Killebrew Bailey
Greg and Bonnie Chandler
The Chizzolin Family
St. Pius X Catholic High School Football
Grant and Corrette Stephens
Kim and Scott Woods
GIFTS OF $100 TO $499
Alexandra Balzer
Mr. Ignacio Ibarguen and Ms. Marcela Bedoya Ziran
Boathouse Row Sports
Brendan and Kore
Thompson Breault '87
Shaun and Laura Brown
Richard and Kellie Brownlow
Brett and Katy Carpenter
Colby Craig
Dwayne and Sabrina DeBose
Thad and Rebecca DiGiuro
Brian and Michele Dubay
Luis and Deanna Franco
Fleming and Marsha Free
Mark and Heather Fritz
Heather and Chris Gerdes '85
Alec and Rosemary Gorham
Lance and Gracie Gummere
John and Stephanie Hull
Michael and Christine Salgado
Hungeling '93
James and Kelly Kisla
Frank and Molly Klein
Robert and Elizabeth Leonard
Michelle Luchese '97
Kris and Cheryl Maher
Karen and Stephen M. Maloof '88
Troy Meyers and Samuel Worrill
Ms. Alice Mooney
The Morin Family
Katherine O'Neil Nelson '73
Marco and Monika Nicotera
Tim and Jill Nieman
The Pusateri Family
R. M. Smith & Associates
Mark and Melissa Sanders
Don and Robin Sanders
Denny and Meredy Shortal
Tony Stephens
Robert and Candace Terris
Sean and Thuy Tran
Brian and Amy Weick
Doug and Gwynne Whipple
Craig and Claire Farnsworth
Wildman '01
Anonymous (2)
John and Laura Aisthorpe
Bret and Aileen Almassy
Meridith Archibald and Jason
Stephen and Keri Arroll
Jason and Allyson Atwell
The Bello/Lechowicz Family
David and Jackie Beverly
Matthew and Virginia Boyd
Corinna Brannon
Mike and Sam Briones
Paul and Lisa Broniec
Adolph and Dede Casal
Carolyn Bennett and Martin Clark
Chad and Kim Clarke
Claire Clifford
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Coggin
The Crofton Family
Camilo and Alejandra Cruz
AJ and Elizabeth Cunningham
Mark and Nichelle Daulby
Dr. and Mrs. Jeremy Davis
Adele and David DiCristina
Kevin and Maryjo Terrill Dorse '05
Patrick and Adrienne Duncan
Rich and Cam Escoffery
Jerry McDaniel and Carly FreemanMcDaniel
Angelo and Danielle Galante
Peter and Mary Ann Bell Green '73
Thomas and Colleen Greene
CJ and Alice Hicks
Michael and Jennifer Higgins
Mark Huffman and Tara Hill
Gregg and Salome Romero Hudock
Tom and Shelley Hughes
Julie Hungeling
Mr. and Mrs. Arden W. Inda
Mike and Elizabeth Jackson
Amy and Matt Jardina '85
Gerald and Susan Jeanguenat
John and Leslie Johnson
Jones Family
Bob and Suzy Kalb
B.J. and Natalie Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Keegan and Shannon
Garvey Kettering '88
Patrick Keuller '91
Alex and Sue Kitchin
Thomas W. Kitchin
Kling Family
Joe and Vivian Knoerle
James and Heather Lane
Stephen and Jennifer Lathrop
Frederick and Patricia Luster
Scott and Regina Malvestiti
John and Ashley Marratt
Jack and Jennifer Massey
Lisa Meehan Crosby
Brian and Holly Monaghan
Kevin and Natalie Muir
Mark and Tricia Mullins
Gabriel and Angela Navarro
Rami and Heather Odeh
Mr. John and Mrs. Angelica
George and Jill Cannarella Pierce '91
Mark and Lisa Pinson
Susan Renno
Giovanni Reyes
The Riley Family
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Santy
Mark and Courtney Sarajian
Tom and Kelly Scanlon
Curtis and Tracie DeBeltrand
Schmidt '94 & '94
Jenn and Phil Sedlack '88
Mike Sheridan
Brian and Amy McBride Sims '86
James and Sharon Someren
Bill and Valorie Sonnemaker
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Soulimiotis
Michael and Kelly Stevens
Tarah Stewart
Brian and Jan Studdard
Jon Thompson '93
Edith and Lou Tomasetti
Richard and Lori Turbe
Mr. and Mrs. James Van Slate
Michael and Rachel Walsh
Patrick and Kelly Walsh
Dermot and Aimee Waters
Robert and Robin Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Whitlark
Frank and Lauren Wickstead
Chris and Kim Yates
Bethelehem Shemelis and Kaleb
O Lord Jesus Christ let your passion be my strength to sustain, guard, and protect me.
Let your wounds be my food and drink to nourish, fill, and invigorate me. Let the shedding of your blood cleanse me of all my sins.
Let your death obtain eternal life for me and your cross lead me to everlasting glory.
Let these constitute for me refreshment and joy, health and uprightness of heart.
St. Pius X Catholic High School
2674 Johnson Road, NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30345-1720
404-636-3023 • www.spx.org