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The Rampage 2270 Highway 133 Carbondale, CO 81623

February 2018

Volume 11 Issue 4

ReLAX! Roaring Fork High Lacrosse Season Is Underway

What’s Inside

- Lucy Meade

Roaring Fork High School’s 2018 girls lacrosse season officially starts Monday February 26th. There are high hopes for the season with nearly triple the amount of people interested in playing compared to last season, and a new head coach. In their 2017 season, the girls only had 2 losses to Aspen, so one of the main goals for this spring is defeating the up-valley high school. Players and staff also hoped to create a varsity team this season, but this objective will not be possible due to Colorado law relating to school-based sports. According to Athletic Director Jade Bath, “the 2 year cycle of being able to petition CHSAA for a varsity team does not fall on the year of 2018.” Because RFHS is a voluntary member of the Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA), along with 354 other Photo by Roark Roney Colorado schools, the sports program must adhere to the expectations set forth by the committee. Bath explains that CHSAA implemented the 2 year cycle system in order to keep the game schedules organized between Roaring Fork and other schools. Regardless of the delay in creating a varsity girls lacrosse team this year, Bath states, “If underclassmen continue having enough interest, there are definitely hopes for varsity in the future.” Players and staff will continue working on building interest in playing for the team in the hopes of eventually having a varsity team. Being denied the opportunity to form a varsity team is not an exciting way to start the season, but what is exciting is a change in the head coach. Jason Rusby, former boys lacrosse coach at Glenwood Springs High School, is now stepping in as coach of the Roaring Fork girls lacrosse team after the position became vacant at the end of last season. Rusby, along with the whole team, is looking forward to the upcoming season and all of the promise it carries with it. The team and staff also hope to build a greater level of Photo by Roark Roney support this season. Bath believes that additional school support will lead to the girls lacrosse team becoming a school-funded instead of self-funded team. Ultimately, having more fans leads to more funds. Rusby says, “There is a lot more parental involvement than when I worked down valley for the boys lacrosse team,” which makes funding the team much easier and more effective. Rusby is also a volunteer coach for the 2018 season, which will make save the team money. Aside from the funding benefits, school support is also another opportunity for the Roaring Fork Valley to unite. Neither Basalt High School (BHS) nor Glenwood Springs High School (GSHS) has a girls lacrosse team, so players from these schools will be joining RF players. In the past, uniting these communities has proven to produce great teamwork both on and off the field. Hopefully, with the unification of these schools, home games will attract a larger crowd than past years to support the girls lacrosse team, and build on the foundation built from last season.

SnowComing Recap Page 2

ELD Segregation Page 6

Upcoming Soccer and Basball Seasons Page 7

Senior Slump Page 8

Photo by Roark Roney

Contact us at rframpage@gmail.com

Follow us on instagram @rframpage


2 Rampage February 2018

Design Team: A Roaring Fork Project

-Daniela Rivera

The three words most frequently used by students in the United States to describe their high school experience are “tired,” “stressed,” and “bored.” US high schools’ approaches to education are based on a hundred-year-old models designed for a different era. Many teachers still lecture students in time-chunks that have no correlation to teenagers’ brain and body chemistry. Rigid, industrial-era roles still exist for principals, vice-principals, counselors, and teachers. It’s time to boldly reimagine the high-school experience using the power of human-centered design, the latest adolescent neuroscience, and purposeful learning—to usher in a new era of education that prepares students for this century, not the last, by providing them with opportunities to engage with others and with technology. The Third Teacher Design Project is a Project introduced by the Roaring Fork School District with the intention to reverse these experiences starting with the spaces around us. There was a brief meeting at the beginning of January in which RFHS principal Brett Stringer introduced the building design project to a handful of students and teachers who chose to participate. At

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the meeting, he explained what the project was and that there would be two future meetings. The first meeting would more formally introduce the project to those involved, while the second meeting would be used to begin drawing plans. Those plans would later be shown to interior designers and made into an electronic model to present to staff. The group met 3 times to discuss these designs and the teacher presentation. Members accomplished this with the help of educator, innovator, entrepreneur, and school leader Chris Hazleton. With the use of his experience from supporting more than 40 independent and public schools in 13 countries, 12 states and 4 Canadian provinces, Hazleton offered the team information and insights off which to base their designs. Once the designs were drawn by the student and teacher teams, and made into electronic copies, they were presented to the superintendent and revised by the staff. Now that this step has been complete, the next step in the process is to meet as a group once again and then, order the furniture so it can be installed over the summer and be ready for the fall.

Roaring Fork Winter Homecoming Recap

-Hannah Bingaman

Student Council (StuCo) made a collective decision to add a winter homecoming to the list of the school’s exciting activities. In past years, the school has hosted a dance, but never a whole homecoming week. StuCo made plans to amp up enthusiasm levels among the student by incorporating Homecomingesque events, such as spirit dress up days, a pep rally, and royalty, all leading up to the basketball game held on Friday February 9th, and the dance on Saturday February 10th. The idea presented itself during one of StuCo’s weekly meetings. The inspiration behind winter homecoming came from senior StuCo executives and teacher Ms. McCullugh, who “wanted to add a new tradition that the rest of the school could carry on,” stated senior StuCo member Bella Ulrych. One hope for introducing winter homecoming was to encourage the school and the community to attend RFHS’s basketball games. Many people enthusiastically support the football and volleyball teams during fall homecoming, so winter homecoming seemed like a feasible event to draw more support and participation. RFHS’s head girl Reece Ettleson stated, “Our hope of adding another event to the school year is to help unify the school more, and show and support our basketball teams.” When planning the exciting week, StuCo took extra precautions in incorporating the ideas of the student body so there would be high levels of participation, and so it would be more enjoyable. StuCo sent out surveys asking for students opinions on spirit week days. With many eager responses the school came to a decision of assigning Monday as PJ day and jersey day, Tuesday as meme day, Wednesday as dynamic duo day, Thursday as teacher look alike day, and rounding up the week with Friday as class color day. With outstanding numbers of participation, it was a success. Friday, the RFHS Rams JV and Varsity teams

took on Gunnison. During the game, class royalty was announced, with Ryan Camp and Leah Jenkins receiving freshman homecoming king and queen, Jaime Vega Gutierrez and Ruby Fuller as sophomore king and queen, Leo Loya and Ricela Tapia as Junior king and queen, and finally taking the title of senior homecoming king and queen was Justin Thompson and Megan Rusby. The week ended on Saturday, February 10th with the dance held at the Orchard church in Carbondale. With a successful week filled with school spirit, it looks like winter homecoming will become a long held tradition at RFHS.

Ericka Anderson, MALPC (970) 309-7549 erickaanderson812@gmail.com Michele Matara 330, MFTLPC (617) 799-5709 michelem812@gmail.com

Courtesy Photos

801 Main Court Carbondale, Colorado (970) 704-9400 WHITEHOUSEPIZZA.COM

Feature Feature

3 Rampage R February 2018 Febru

Humans of theofRoaring Humans the Roaring Senior Spotlight: Paige Gianinetti Senior Spotlight: Paige Gianine Fork Fork ValleyValley Roaring ForkRoaring senior Paige Gianinetti behas being ablebe tobeing watchable all the students staff Fork senior Paigehas Gianinetti to watch all and the students an -Lilly Peery

-Lilly Peery

-Chelsey Serrano -Chelsey Serrano

On December 2017, the5th, ICE acting On5th, December 2017, thedirector ICE acting director taken advantage ofadvantage every opportunity has develop a strongsuch connection become and a bec taken of every that opportunity that has suchdevelop a strongand connection Thomas Homan said,Homan “If you’re in “If thisyou’re country Thomas said, in illegally, this country illegally, come her way during high family,” she says. come herher way4-year during herschool 4-year high school family,” she says. we’re lookingwe’re for you and we’re going lookgoing to apprelooking for you and to we’re to look to apprecareer. By taking part extracurricular activiGianinetti learned to never put her grades career. Byintaking part in extracurricular activiGianinetti learned to never put her gra hend you.” With message ringing through the air more theties hendthis you.” With this message ringing through air more such as Model UN, Council, andCouncil, before any student’s, well-being; ties such as Student Model UN, Student andher, orbefore her, or any student’s, knowledge well-being; k strongly sincestrongly the introduction of the Trumpofadministrasince the introduction the Trump administracheerleading,cheerleading, Gianinetti has made thehas most of the she to college and Wishing her Wish Gianinetti made mostwill of take she will take tobeyond. college and beyond. tion, many undocumented immigrants and their families tion, many undocumented immigrants and their families her time here.her time here. fellow graduating best of luck fellowclassmates graduatingthe classmates the after best of l have felt a lingering One such family thatfamily of have feltstress. a lingering stress. One issuch is that of Interested in Interested majoring in stud- graduation, that “...every one“...ever in environmental majoring in environmental stud- Gianinetti graduation,hopes Gianinetti hopes that Sandra Lopez. Sandra Lopez is a mother and of a three ies/engineering Sandra Lopez. Sandra Lopezofis three a mother and a and aquatic biology, Gianinetti of [her] graduating gets thepeers opportunity ies/engineering and aquatic biology, Gianinetti of [her]peers graduating gets the to opportu 16-year Roaring ForkRoaring Valley resident whoresident has beenwho facing 16-year Fork Valley has beenis facing hoping to attend a university Florida in in Florida experience something amazing andamazing folis hoping to attend in a university in experienceabsolutely something absolutely removal proceedings one of her accidenremoval after proceedings afterchildren one of her children accidenthe fall of 2018. Gianinetti to challenge low the path low in life makes most happy. ” the fall of 2018.strives Gianinetti strives to challenge thethat path in lifethem that makes them mos tally dialed 911 then911 hung upthen backhung in 2010. When tallyand dialed and up back in 2010. When herself in all herself areas ofinlife. Her dedication Summing upSumming her experience RFHS theat past four the all areas of life. Herisdedication is up heratexperience RFHS police arrived, theyarrived, arrestedthey Lopez for criminal police arrested Lopez mischief. for criminal mischief. demonstrateddemonstrated through the way she balances her balances years her as “exciting one of aand kind,” through the way she years and as “exciting oneGianinetti of a kind,” Gi Although charges werecharges dropped, Lopez is stillLopez listed for Although were dropped, is still listed for academic duties and commits to her extracuris excited to begin the next chapter of her life, but academic duties and commits to her extracuris excited to begin the next chapter of her deportation proceedings. In such tumultuous Lopeztimes, deportation proceedings. In suchtimes, tumultuous Lopez ricular activities. “Student Council, Girls Sum- Girls willSumbe sad towill go. be It’ssad truly bittersweet for ricular activities. “Student Council, to ago. It’s truly atime bittersweet ti expresses herexpresses views onher the views need for andempathy love on empathy the need for and love mit, and nowmit, making a yearbook the seniorfor the hersenior and her peers. and now makingfor a yearbook her and her peers. between people. between people. class make for a full schedule,” Gianinetti. class make for a fullsays schedule,” says Gianinetti. “On October“On 19th,October I made19th, a veryI made difficult decision. It decision. a very difficult It of these On top Gianinetti is Gianinetti a On responsibilities, top of these responsibilities, is a was not easywas for me myme lawyer the news. not when easy for whengave my me lawyer gave me the cheerleader news. for Glenwood HighSprings School.High School. cheerleader forSprings Glenwood I remember when my lawyer because of because I remember whensaid, my ‘Sandra, lawyer said, ‘Sandra, of team recently Her wonrecently the statewon competition Her team the state competition immigration immigration you won’t beyou ablewon’t to stay behere ablein tothe stayUnited here in the United and is attending in February and nationals is attending nationals at in Disney February at Disney States.’ It wasStates.’ something made methat suffer a lot It wasthat something made mebecause suffer a lotWorld because in Orlando, Gianinetti World Florida. in Orlando, Florida.currently Gianinetti currently I knew that IIwas going enter the immigration system. I knew that to I was going to enter the immigration system. I onhas has a boot hera leg due anleg injury, butanit injury, does but it does boot ontoher due to was going towas enter into to this unfair system that issystem separating going enter into this unfair that is separating not stop her from attending practices to show not stop her from attending practices to show many families. I turned to him and I to asked, ‘How can they many families. I turned him and I asked, ‘How support can theyfor her team.for Sheher states, way support team.“The She best states, “The best way think that mythink human is going to beisheld captive thatdignity my human dignity going to be on held captive on I can manage schedule is by taking one I my can daily manage my daily schedule is by taking one a legal paper?’ I’m sorry I said him,I but not going to notactivity a legal paper?’ I’mto sorry saidI’m to him, but I’m going toat a time, andatputting my effort all intomy effort into activity a time, all and putting go. You havego. to have a lot to of have courage your to deporYou have a lottooffight courage fight yourthat deporparticular one.” that particular one.” tation, but I want tellIyou never to you lose never your dignity in dignityThroughout tation,tobut want to tell to lose your in her time at RFHS, Gianinetti’s Throughout her time at RFHS, Gianinetti’s defending your human your rights. defending human rights. fondest memories arememories of cheering of the at all of the fondest areat ofall cheering The happiestThe moments in my life have beenlife thehave onesbeen thehome happiest moments in my ones football games for thegames past three years. home football for the past three years. that I alwaysthat share with my husband andhusband my children. I always share with my and my children. She appreciates close-knitthe community. Shethe appreciates close-knit “The community. “The These moments that you are able to share withtoyour family These moments that you are able share with your family of my highlight time spent RFHS would highlight of myattime spent at RFHS would are priceless.are Everything is replaceable; money that priceless.else Everything else is the replaceable; the money that you earn, theyou things that buythat - they arebuy all -worth nothearn, theyou things you they are all worth nothing. The onlying. valuable thing in life isthing being tobeing shareable to share The only valuable inable life is -Ruthie time with your loved since Octobersince 19thOctober time withones. yourHowever, loved ones. However, 19th Brown -Ruthie Brown time. Local teachers Aaron and Molly time. Local teachers AaronGarland and Molly Ga five RFHS willstudents join July 14th,students five RFHS will join a lot has changed. I was forced Itowas abandoned role as a my roleOn a lot has changed. forced tomy abandoned as aJuly 14th,On and local Dominic Karamushu and Native local Kenya Native Dominic will Karamu a group to the in Reserve a group to Lewa travel Wild to theReserve Lewa Wild in Kenya mother in some ways. All I have two daysare a week mother in some ways.areAll I have two with days a week withto travel leadInstudentslead through a variety of learning students through a varietyopporof learnin days asfor part theasMcBride In- McBride 14 of days part of the my husband my andhusband my children. They come and visit me and visitKenya and my children. They come me for 14Kenya hope isTheir to provide students withstudents an tunities. hope is to provide ternship. to participate this once in ternship. In order toinparticipate in athis tunities. once in aTheir in sanctuary,in but two daysbut is not I could not buy sanctuary, twoenough. days is not enough. I could not buy In order educational any other. “Iany want educationalunlike experience unlike other. lifetime students applied by submitlifetime opportunity, students applied by submit- experience my children Christmas and we had celebrate my childrengifts Christmas gifts to and we had my to celebrate my opportunity, to learn about who live in awho placelive across topeople learn about people in a the place ting an application, of recommendation, ting an letter application, letter of recommendation, daughter’s and son’s birthdays in sanctuary. daughter’s and son’s birthdays in sanctuary. worldsays fromHamilton. here,” says Hamilton. and interviewing with the committee. and interviewing with the committee. world from here,” My birthday My is onbirthday the 6th is ofon February, butFebruary, we celebratthe 6th of but we celebratWhile immersed in immersed a new culture While in a without new culture with Internship since 2013, McBridehas, Internship has, since 2013, ed it on Saturday, because it was the only timethe that mytime that myThe McBrideThe ed it on Saturday, because it was only to electronic devices, the students be access to electronic devices, will the students sent over 40 high school fromstudents the Roarsent over 40 students high school fromaccess the Roarfamily could family be withcould me. We friends over, but it was be with me.come We friends come over, but it was forced to experience of their comforced tosomething experienceout something out of the ing Fork Valley a trip to the ing on Fork Valley on Lewa a trip Wildreto the Lewa Wildresort of sad because is not freedom. Wefreedom. are immigrants, sort of this sad because this is not We are immigrants, forthas zone, intojumping a cultureinto unlike any they fort zone, a culture unlike a in Kenya. “Living in a “Living small valley a valley serve in Kenya. in a has small a jumping but we are not Wecriminals. must faceWe things butcriminals. we are not mustwith facedignity things withserve dignity known. “Thisknown. really is an incredible [opportu“This really is an incredible lot very of perks...but is very sheltered...I to have lot ofit perks...but it is very wanted sheltered...I wanted to have because we are strongwe workers whoworkers have contributed because are strong who have very contributed nity]and and I’mnity] excited was selected to particiandthat I’m Iexcited that I was selected t branch out...Ibranch wanted to leave the country out...I wanted to leave and the country much to this much country. At times likeAt this, we must stand to this country. times like this, we must stand pate,” says Serrano. expose myself to something says senior expose myself tonew,” something new,” sayspate,” seniorsays Serrano. bravely and united.” bravely and united.” Chelsey Serrano whoSerrano will be leaving forbeKenya Chelsey who will leaving for Kenya this summer.this Thesummer. studentsThe willstudents have thewill opporhave the opportunity to interact with local people and explore tunity to interact with local people aand explore a new environment, while also reflecting on reflecting their new environment, while also on their new experiences dailythrough journaldaily writing new through experiences journal writing and discussions. willStudents be leaving behind and Students discussions. will be leaving behind all electronicall devices as they striveastothey become electronic devices strive to become immersed in immersed a culture unique and unfamiliar in a culture unique andtounfamiliar to their previoustheir surroundings. previous surroundings. The committee the McBride Internship Thefor committee for the McBride Internship selected 8 students in8total. RFHS sopho-RFHS sophoselected students in total. more Rex Hamilton is excited to “go to a wild more Rex Hamilton is excited to “go to a wild reserve,” adding that itadding is “a whole reserve,” that itdifferent is “a whole different world.” At the reserve, willstudents be exposed world.” Atstudents the reserve, will be exposed to the wildlife including giraffes, lionsgiraffes, lions toof theKenya, wildlife of Kenya, including and elephants. Serrano is looking forward to forward to and elephants. Serrano is looking Courtesy Photo Courtesy Photo seeing animals like animals these in person forin the first for the first seeing like these person

RFHS Students To Get In Kenya RFHS Students ToWild Get Wild In Ke



Rampage | February 2018

Love is in the Air! A look at Some Lucas Bensch & Megan Rusby

Q: What is your favorite memory together? “Climbing to the top of a water tower at night to look at the stars with our favorite third wheel, Ralphie”

Q: What is the weirdest habit your partner has? “Megan doesn’t like strawberries but likes stawberry flavored foods” “Lucas argues with his parents in a different language and I get really confused”

Lazaro Cruz & Payton Issel

Q: What is your favorite memory together?

“When we went to Wyoming to visit my family over the summer

Q: What is your favorite thing about your partner?

“My favorite thing about Laz is his sense of humor and how he can make everything we do fun!”

Marco Ramos & Felina Cruz Q: What is your favorite memory together? “I have a lot of good memories, but my favorite would have to be the time we went to prom” Q: What’s your favorite thing about your partner? “The way he laughs and smiles. He laughs with so much joy and his smile is so charming, I can’t go a day without seeing it.


Rampage | February 2018


of Roaring Fork’s Cutest Couples

Angie Morales & Edwin Candela

Q: What’s your favorite thing about your partner? “Everything Angie does makes me smile. She makes me smile more than everybody else ”

Q: What are your plans for valentines day? “Im getting her flowers, chocolate, and a surprise gift that I can’t tell you about” Q: Anything else you would like to add? “No, I just love her ”

Leo Loya & Ricela Tapia Q:What is your favorite memory together?

“Winning Winter Homecoming sophomore king and queen this year”

Q: What’s the weirdest habit your partner has? “We both act like every goodbye is our last one and do something really extra”

Aidan Knaus & Vanessa Montoya Q: What’s your favorite memory together? “Destroying her at chess”

Q: What are your plans for valentines day? “I’m going to get her lots and lots of chocolate because she likes chocolate”

Q: What is one thing you have always want-

ed to do together? “Go ice skating!”


6 Rampage February 2018

ELD Students and Their Struggle for Integration

- Josie Sanchez

Integration is a big part of the typical adolescent life. Being a part of something is important for many teenagers and at RFHS there is a wide variety of people that are interested in certain sports, clubs and other activities. Common interests and backgrounds help form distinct groups of friends. But there seems to be one group that’s left in the dark. Although RFHS is a very accepting and open-minded school ELD students tend to be isolated into a group all on their own. They communicate amongst each other with the language they know best; spanish. There is a language barrier that makes integration an extremely difficult part of an ELD student’s life. Most ELD students have come from Latin American countries. They have had to abandon the lands they know best, the traditions, streets, and people they grew up with and have had to start all over in a new country, a country that can seem cruel and unwelcome at times. They try their best and tend to find the people that seem to understand them, this is why ELD students become friends with other ELD students. Andrea Caruso, a Photo by Jackie Vosler counselor at RFHS, believes that the the biggest barrier for ELD’s students integration is “feeling intimidated.” Leaving a comfort zone is difficult in itself but not fully comprehending the language of your peers, not knowing how to communicate or whether it’s safe to try and communicate makes this task a hundred times more difficult for ELD students.

Genesis Torres, a previous ELD student, admits that she wouldn’t talk to people outside of her friend group for fear of being judged. She states “People seem nice it’s just difficult to talk to talk to others because they seem so different.” Andrea Caruso states “There are two types of segregation institutionalized and self imposed. Self imposed segregation is our biggest concern.” This makes sense as people tend to stick to what they know best. ELD students stay with other ELD students and other students go about their life with the friends they have created. Is there a way to make this better? Yes there most definitely is. RFHS holds a very diverse student body compared to many other schools. Most students are aware of the ELD students around them. But sometimes being aware isn’t enough, Other than being aware of them, students could make an effort to say “hi” or wave a “hello”. Small acts like this could lessen the barrier that has been created amongst ELD students and students that aren’t in any ELD classes. ELD students could feel more welcomed and accepted while adapting to their new surroundings. Furthermore, Caruso says “Humans are complicated.” and that is true but we can all try to understand each other more and grow as a community. As a school we are already very inclusive, lets just take that a bit further and include this group that we have, without meaning to kept in the dark. Let’s bring them out now to the light.

Thank you to Susan’s Flowers for sponsoring our Valentine’s Day fundraiser! Susan’s donated hundreds of flowers to the Rampage, allowing us to spread positivity & support to all students at Roaring Fork High School

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Contact Susan’s Flowers for all of your flower needs, especially Prom!

Sports He’s Out! A preview of the RFHS Baseball Season -Frankie Harrington

The RFHS Baseball team aims to improve on their record from last season with a grinding approach to get better everyday. Last season, the team finished with a record of 8-11 (4-5 Western Slope League) and have lost many crucial players, yet the team believes they can be right at the top of the league standings at the end of this year. The team’s pitchers will be crucial to a successful season. Led by seniors Ralph Good and Drew Broadhurst, the pitching rotation for the Rams is statistically one of the best in the Western Slope League. During the 2017 season, Broadhurst posted a 2.82 ERA and gave up only 11 earned runs through 27.1 innings, according to MaxPreps. Junior Dawson Kuhl was also no slouch at pitching, striking out 31 batters through 38.1 innings. “We have the core group of our lineup returning and pretty much our whole pitching staff,” said head coach Marty Madsen. “With that, we have a ton of varsity experience to rely on.” The team will have to overcome some tough challenges if they want to make a deep run this season. This team needs a brand new outfield, a first baseman, and a third baseman, as all were seniors or were lost to injuries. Juniors Layne Crisp and Kelvin Requeno are poised and ready to take on that challenge. “We have some holes we need to fill. However,

7 Rampage February 2018 Roaring Fork Baseball Home Games 3/13 vs. Hotchkiss 4pm 3/22 vs. Aspen (Rivalry) 4pm 3/29 vs. Grand Valley 4pm 4/5 vs. Steamboat Springs 3pm & 5pm 4/11 vs. Rifle 4pm 4/17 vs. Coal Ridge 3pm 4/24 vs. Moffat County 4pm

Courtesy Photo

we have a bunch of young kids that are talented and ready to come up,” said Good. “They will be inexperienced, but we are going to be working hard to get them ready for playoff baseball.” This team has the potential to be a serious competitor this season. “We expect to compete for the conference title this year,” said Madsen. Despite not having any playoff experience, this team has all of the tools to be playing baseball well into May. With 183 combined games of varsity experience, a full rotation of dynamic pitchers, and a powerful offense, this seems to be the year for the Rams. They will be a fun team to watch this season, and are ready to put on a show for Roaring Fork fans.

4/25 vs. Glenwood Springs 4pm 4/28 vs. Olathe 11am 5/3 vs Meeker 4pm (Senior Night)

Roaring Fork Girl’s Soccer Home Games To Be Determined

SerranosMarbleInc@gmail.com Cell: (970)948-7321 Office: (970)384-2015 Courtesy Photo

Girls Soccer Team Has Their Sights Set on the Playoffs -Ralph Good

The Roaring Fork Girls Soccer team just missed the Class 3A tournament last year, but the players are confident in their ability to secure a spot this upcoming season. And why shouldn’t they, considering a majority of the Lady Rams’ top contributors will be making a return to the pitch this season. Despite the loss of their leading goal scorer, the offense has plenty of talent to pick up the slack. Junior Lux Andrade and Sophomore Emily Broadhurst were a strong duo out front with a combined 13 goals. Senior midfielders Kloe Lee and Kajsa Sutro are also poised to be a threat at both ends of the field. The Lady Rams are also very confident in their goaltending. Odalis Corcuera’s performance in the goal, as a sophomore last year, earned her recognition as an honorable mention on the All-State team. Strong leadership will be essential to getting this talented young Rams team over the hump and into the playoffs. Four year varsity player Lee stated, “It is very important for the seniors to lead by example, especially this season, since we have a lot of young

players and a lot of new faces in the program.” Some consider the youth of this team to be a weakness. However, the seniors that lead this squad are more than capable of leading this team back into the top top spot in this league. “We try to be role models and lead by example,” said senior Sutro. “It is a great group of girls that loves soccer, and we want to prepare them for success.” Along with this team’s strong leadership, head coach Nick Forbes’ approach to the game is why this team is poised to succeed this season. Forbes has been at the helm of Roaring Fork Soccer for three years, as he is also the head coach for the highly successful Roaring Fork Boys Soccer Team.“He is so helpful in improving our game, and creating a sense of team chemistry,” said Lee. Between talented youth and experienced leadership, the Roaring Fork Girls Soccer Team is in a great position to succeed. It seems very likely that this group will improve on their 6-6-2 record last year, and return to the Class 3A playoffs representing Roaring Fork High School.

Photo Courtesy of Sue Rollyson

Entertainment The Valentine’s Verdict: Romantic or Ridiculous? - Peyton Sherman

Valentine’s Day gifts are what makes Valentine’s Day, well, Valentine’s Day. Buying a loved one a gift shows how much you care about that person. But are some gifts unnecessary or a little too much? In order to find out, The Rampage interviewed RFHS students to get their opinions on the best and worst Valentine’s Day gifts. “I likeFuller Valentine’s gifts, but it all depends on who -Ruby you’re giving it to. It is also about how the other person makes you feel, and you want to give them a gift that reflects your feelings.” - Junior Kelvin Requeno “The only gift anybody needs is a Pizza. Just get them a Pizza.” -Sophomore Charlie Candela “A bad Valentine’s Day gift would be something they already have because what’s the point in having two things if you just need one?” - Freshman Noah Wheeless “A good Valentines Day gift would be some chocolate and a rose because it’s tradition.”- Junior Lazaro Cruz

Gems of the Valley: CP Burger Ice Skating Rink CP Burger Ice Skating Rink: The CP Burger Ice Skating Rink is definitely one of the best known ice skating rinks in the valley and is Aspen’s only outdoor ice skating rink. Great for family fun or even a date with a special someone! When it starts to get cold, CP Burger is right there for a yummy meal at a great price. The ice rink is always in good condition and is an affordable place to have fun.

“Something that makes a terrible Valentine’s Day gift is something simple because it shows you don’t appreciate them.”- Junior Marco Hernandez

“Don’t make a big deal about Valentine’s Day and then just not get them a gift. That could ruin feelings for your Valentine’s.” -Sophomore Rex Hamilton “I think that it’s a good day to celebrate love. We could live without it, since we celebrate every other holiday by giving gifts, but Valentine’s Day is for your significant other.” -Sophomore Isabella Hernandez “I have mixed feelings. Valentine’s day is unnecessary, but it’s fun if you have someone to celebrate it with.”-Senior Kenya Rodriguez “The real Saint Valentine would not have approved of this commercialization!”Alejandra Baca “Chocolate is always a good option...”- Freshmen Samantha Ferry “Flowers and chocolate are such cliche gifts to show you care about someone.”Sheija Binshaban “Any kind of gift is good if it’s a surprise for someone you care about.” - Freshman Ava Lee Some things shouldn’t be given as a Valentine’s Day gift. Especially gift cards. Those just say you forgot to get your Valentine a gift or you don’t really care about the romantic day. If there is an ideal gift, it should be something that makes your Valentine happy! An ideal gift for Valentine’s is something personal and not just roses and chocolate. It’s something that comes from the heart.

RFHS Heard in the Hallways “I had a full on panic attack yesterday because my pasta burned” “If I buy you a rose will you put me in the paper?” -Anika Chapman “I sat on my leg weird and now my neck hurts real bad” “Is it possible to get mono or some other sickness from being stabbed with a fish hook?

“You know those mustaches that make you look like Satan?” “Oh, soup catchers?” “Yeah! Those!” Courtesy Photo

How to get there: 433 E Durant Ave, Aspen, CO located about a short walk away from Aspen Mountain. What to do: Get your skate on and also enjoy some burgers and fries while you’re at it! Words to the wise: Don’t forget to bring a camera, because the ice rink is known for being one of the prettiest areas to visit in Aspen. Reviews from our students: “I like it because it’s surprisingly cheap and the ice is always good! If you go at the right time you sometimes have the rink all the yourself!” -William Luckett

“Dude, we’re basically all grasshoppers. It all makes sense!”

8 Rampage February 2018

Rampage Staff Editors in Chief Iliana Castillon Kloe Lee

Editorial Staff Feature Editor Lilly Peery Chelsey Serrano News Editor Ruby Fuller Focus Editor Iliana Castillon Kloe Lee Sports Editor Ralph Good Frankie Harrington Entertainment Editor Daniela Rivera Solana Teitler Copy Editors Hannah Bingaman Tyler Gruel Lilly Peery

Journalists Tomas Bensch Ruthie Brown Daniel Cortes Josie Sanchez Colin Shapard Peyton Sherman Lucy Meade Policy Statement: Published 7 times a year, the student newspaper of Roaring Fork High School is a public forum, with its students editorial board making all decisions concerning its content. Unsigned editorials express the views of the majority of the editorial board.

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