The Pinnacle - Q3 2016

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the Q 3 2 016

Smar t City Networks Extends Greater Columbus Convention Center Partnership W ILL PROV IDE DIGITA L INFR A S TRUC TURE AT GCCC E V ENT S THROUGH 2023 S M A R T C I T Y C O R P O R AT E

Smart City Networks, the nation’s largest provider of event technology services for the convention industry, has been awarded a new contract to remain the Greater Columbus Convention Center’s (GCCC) telecommunications and internet technology provider through SMG, the GCCC’s management company. The 7½-year deal will extend the partnership through 2023, and calls for Smart City to provide a variety of digital infrastructure enhancements within the 1.7 million-square-foot venue: • • • • • •

High-speed internet access in the exhibit halls and meeting rooms A Wi-Fi deployment of over 200 access points Upgraded network fiber and cabling Turnkey data networking, including local area, wide area and private networks High density network that can handle high-capacity demands of large events at increased speeds One gigabit capability internet backbone to be increased to 10 gigabit bandwidth.

As the new contract takes effect, Smart City’s network upgrades will be folded into the convention center’s current renovation and expansion project, which is scheduled for completion in July 2017. Smart City has committed to making additional infrastructure upgrades throughout the term of the agreement. “Smart City Networks has partnered with the Greater Columbus Convention Center since 2000, delivering comprehensive and reliable network services to convention exhibitors, attendees and vendors,” noted Smart City President Mark Haley. “This new agreement means we can leverage those investments in technology and people to expand our telecommunications and internet support at Columbus well into the next decade.” The contract renewal and upgrades will ensure guests continue to receive uninterrupted, integrated services for conventions and shows hosted by GCCC, including the Arnold Sports Festival, the world’s largest multi-sport fitness weekend; Cultivate, a Top 200 trade show produced by AmericanHort; the popular Ohio Education Technology Conference; and the Thirty-One Gifts conference for the 14th largest direct-selling company in North America. Demand for WiFi and cellular telephone coverage at these and other events continues to grow with increased use of live streaming, videoconferencing, mobile data access and back-channel communications on social media.



Quarterly overview from Smart City’s president, Mark Haley.

PRESIDENT’S CORNER A PAT ON THE BACK GOES A LONG WAY Labor Day has come and gone but what remains is the strength of the people in the workforce and the impact of their contributions to the country. The holiday celebrates the triumphs of the American worker that keeps our economy moving.

06 C E N T E R U P D A T E S What's new in our buildings? Special updates from the field.

If you are working, then the holiday is for you! Work is so deeply entrenched in almost everything in our lives that it has become a norm, a part of who we are. Our jobs have become such that we do not always remember to celebrate the hard work we do nor do we give ourselves and others that pat on the back we deserve.

14 W E CARE & GIVE BACK Highlighting the community service efforts of our Smart City teams across the country.


We should remember that a nurtured workforce develops the economy. The average person spends 30% of his life working. Therefore, maintaining a good work-life balance will make us happy. But on top of that, having a job, or more importantly a career that is engaging, will make us happier.

Recognizing this quarter’s outstanding employees.

18 T E A M U P D A T E S Team member milestones and new arrival announcements.


Anniversaries of team members throughout the company.

Think about those things. Our work determines a lot about how our lives will be. Do you believe you deserve a holiday to celebrate your hard work? I believe so. With so much on the line to keeping a satisfied and engaged workforce, it is always important for us to recognize quality work and to give a sincere pat on the back for a job well done. That is why it is our #8 Daily Basic. “Seek opportunities to instantly recognize a job well done by your fellow team members. A sincere "pat on the back" goes a long way” To the Top!


the PINNACLE • Issue 3, 2016


“In my ten years of dealing with various locations and customer service departments, I have never received the level of customer service I did with Pedro Arias. Pedro returned every call and email, and went well above and beyond to ensure all my questions and concerns were addressed. Jarrod Daniels, Petra Systems


“Jackelin Gonzalez & Mitchell Hughes, both provided excellent sales support prior to the event and technical support during the event when a problem was discovered. They rectified the problem in short order, which was identified to be on our end. I am very happy with Smart City.” Tampa Police Department


“We wanted to express our thanks to you (Debbie Olivas) for your efforts with the GBTA 2016 Convention. It takes all of us to make these events work and we really appreciate your high level of coordination, flexibility, and cooperation with the logistics of the Convention. The 2016 Convention experience was amazing, and we could not have done it without Smart City’s partnership and support of GBTA. We appreciate your professionalism and responsiveness to our needs to make the convention a memorable experience for both GBTA and our attendees. Again, we extend our gratitude for Smart City’s contribution to GBTA’s success. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you again when we return to Denver in 2020." Liz Huh, GBTA


“I have never been so happy…because I have Ben Behnkendorf to help us through routing and bandwidth issues. Seriously, he can never leave Smart City or Indy.” Zach Johnson, ggCircuite LAN Center Software and Events


“Robbie (Robert Garner) helped us out greatly!!! He was amazing!!! He solved everything for us. Super helpful!!!" PHILO Exhibitor, ACUCHO-I


“The connection for the event was a great success. The speed of the connection made all the difference! Thank you and OARnet for your efforts. The collaboration between SmartCity, OARnet and the City of Columbus was wonderful. I think we made a strong impression on the microscope community. We were able to demonstrate a very high quality connection, not only to the attendees of the conference but to our partners with FEI as well. Many of whom have seen remote connections demonstrated before, but not the high level we were able to demonstrate. Daniel Huber, The Ohio State University


“Heather Benjamin, I appreciate your kindness and great support again. You are actually one of the best service representatives I've ever seen. I highly admire your great work behavior and would love to work with you again and again. I wish other show decorators or contractors were just like you. Ina Kang, Enk Custom Display

the PINNACLE • Issue 3, 2016



“We just wanted to reach out and say thank you (Alexis Mayfield) for all that you did to make Comicpalooza 2016 a huge success. We know there were a couple speed bumps that we were working to correct but all in a huge success. We hope you know how much we all appreciate your leadership and hard work! Hopefully, you were able to enjoy the event just a bit. I know you were working, but still. We look forward to working with you again next year to make Comicpalooza 2017 event better than before to continue the growth of the Convention. Enjoy your time off from Comicpalooza for now but we will hit the ground running soon and will look forward to begin our meetings with you again.” . J B. Hall, ComicPalooza


“Thank you, Dan Dobson, for your help in ensuring that our event ran smoothly and our internet needs were met. It was fantastic working with you and I look forward to working with Smart City at future events.” Amanda Campbell, Lego Kids Fest


“It was a pleasure working with all of you at SIGGRAPH. We had some hiccups during setup but we pulled through as a team. Thank you working with us late on Saturday before the show to make sure the networking issues were resolved. Having Nicholas Urquiza and Quas Sine right there in our office also made a huge difference. The Smart City Team at Anaheim is the best we've worked with and I wish we could have you guys at all the Smart City operated convention centers. We hope to come back to Anaheim someday.” J Swaroop Samek, SIGGRAPH 2016 GraphicsNet


“I have always appreciated Robbie’s (Robert Garner) customer service and am consistently pleased with his can-do spirit and outstanding communication. He always follows through by keeping the event manager informed of status of task and any communication he has with clients. This is the kind of service that sets us apart in the eyes of exhibitors and show management." Bruce Gyger,WSCC


“On behalf of the American Sportfishing Association staff and board of directors, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to you for your service in ensuring the success of ICAST 2016. Over the years, and this year in particular, you have provided unmatched support and customer service to help produce a seemingly flawless show. You (Frank Loyke & Billy Bischof) and your team at Smart City were incredibly helpful throughout the entire show. We especially want to thank you for your personalized service assisting us in getting our show office up and running, accommodating last minute orders, and consistently monitoring our WiFi usage. Thank you again for all the personal touches and for going above and beyond for the show. Your attention to the needs of the show and our staff helps to make the show a better experience for everyone. We look forward to working with you again soon on ICAST 2017. Thank you! Kenneth Andres,Heather Ward, and Koryn Cramer, American Sportfishing Association


S T. L O U I S

“Daryl Olson, This is extremely overdue, however, it is still very true – thank you so much for everything you did to make the 2016 SBC Annual Meeting a success. You certainly lived up to the Smart City reputation we are used to experiencing. Thank you so much for getting most everything set up before we even arrived. That was nice! Your kindness and generosity were unsurpassed! I look forward to working with you again in the future." Lynn Richmond, Meeting Planner


“I wanted to thank Ben Behnkendorf again for all the quick responses. Kiha Skipper was very helpful and has been checking in with us for questions. Thanks!” Luke Alquizola, PSAV


the PINNACLE • Issue 3, 2016




Exhibit Halls produce a unique challenge for providing wireless internet service. The density of users and widespread use of personal devices create a distinctive environment where wireless internet delivery is complicated. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) clearly defines the specifications for wireless networking. The IEEE 802.11 set of standards is dedicated solely to describe how to implement wireless computer communication in several frequency bands. IEEE 802.11 operates in an unlicensed wireless spectrum of frequencies. The FCC controls these frequencies but does not require a license to use them. Therefore, using an unlicensed spectrum means there is a potential for a significant number of devices using these frequencies at the same time, and for a variety of purposes. Here are the standard devices that use the unlicensed spectrum frequency: • • • • • • • • • •

ZigBee networks Video senders Wireless keyboards Wireless mice Remote controls Medical devices Wireless printers Two-way radio transceivers Some sewing machines Most newer appliances

• • • • • • • • • • •

Wireless access points/Wireless routers Laptops Tablets iPads Mobile devices Bluetooth devices Microwave ovens Security cameras Baby monitors Remote car starters Wireless speakers

With so many devices competing for very little frequency allocation, an exhibit hall is one of the most challenging places to deliver high-quality wireless internet connection. With the combined efforts of exhibitors, attendees, and our on-site technicians the number of these devices can be minimized to ensure the best possible Wi-Fi experience for everyone. The keys to successfully mitigating wireless challenges are early planning and sound communication. Notifying the wireless provider of any high-density areas or any interactive sessions will help the provider plan for the coverage required to be successful. Exhibitors who plan to use 802.11 devices should also notify the wireless provider. The exhibitor and the provider can coordinate a channel and power plan that will offer the best opportunity for all parties to have successful wireless communications.



"I wanted to take a few minutes to send you and your organization my thanks for your assistance with my requests for AUA 2016 in San Diego. As you remember, I requested the assistance of Smart City with the development of information relating to WIFI in convention facilities that could be used to manage the expectations of medical convention attendees in San Diego. This user information was to be created to explain the wireless internet access capabilities of the convention facility in relation to the number of users and to provide a means for attendees to contact Show Management or the facility service provider to discuss connection or access issues. Simply, we felt that some step should be taken by our meeting to convey this information to attendees to improve their understanding of the process of providing this service and to give an outlet for attendee feedback. The Tri-fold information piece developed by Smart City and AUA was disbursed to AUA conference attendees in advance of the meeting and during the meeting in both paper and electronic format. We received very few complaints about the WIFI system at the meeting from attendees during the event and in post-show surveys. I think this positive outcome was the result of a combination of the excellent WIFI infrastructure that you have installed at the San Diego Convention Center, the excellent oversight of the facility resources by Donna Kacmarcik and your SD technical staff and, perhaps to some degree, the effort we made to make users aware of the WIFI experience in a large convention facility. I also asked for and received reports of AUA 2016 WIFI and Internet usage from Donna and her technical team post-show. I will be using this information to help build the infrastructure the AUA will need for our Annual Meeting in 2017 in Boston. I think this type of usage information will be key to maintaining the quality of service provided for the variety of conventions and trade shows that comprise our industry. Please feel free to use our data from AUA 2016 to help other meeting/ conventions design WIFI and Internet systems for their success. Thank you again for your help and for having a great team to assist AUA 2016 in San Diego." Andrew Nile, AUA

the PINNACLE • Issue 3, 2016



THE N ATION A L EDUCATION A SSOCI ATION COMES TO THE N ATION'S CA PITA L July was a very busy month for the Smart City team in Washington, D.C. The National Education Association (NEA) held their annual convention on July 2 – 6 with Keynote Speakers, Washington; D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser; and Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton. The NEA event move-in started June 26 and one of the goals for NEA was for all members of their delegation to access Wi-Fi, either on their phone, tablet, or laptop in the main hall. Smart City used a unique design, based on previous large, high-density, stadium-style implementations, that means installing 140 temporary access points under chairs, using risers, and utilizing 32 additional permanent access points. Overall, the NEA team gave the Smart City Washington, D.C. team great feedback for doing an excellent job of making sure the event ran smoothly.


S M A R T C I T Y 'S TA M PA T E A M C E L E B R AT E S 5 S TA R S F O R 2 016 The Tampa Convention Center team celebrated their 5 Star Award in 2016 aboard a yacht. Team members Mitchell Hughes, Ivan Gutierrez and Jackelin Gonzalez did a tremendous job working for this achievement. Patrick Sarcinella, Sr. Director Regional Operations, said, “This is a testament to hard work and dedication, and the TCC team went above and beyond. I cannot wait to see what we get to do next year! 5 Stars in 2016!!!!”. PICTURED LEFT TO RIGHT: Back Row: Patrick Sarcinella, Ivan Gutierrez Front Row: Tim Wortman, Jackelin Gonzalez, Mitchell Hughes


SMART CIT Y'S LOS ANGELES TE AM CONTRIBUTES TO RECORD BRE AKING EMM Y AWARDS Los Angeles Convention Center became part of making history when it hosted three Governor's Balls for the 68th Emmy Awards. The convention center’s West Hall was the award organization’s venue for the three full nights of festivities. The record-breaking post-awards celebration for this year’s Emmys had over 8,000 guests in attendance. The grand event was already the nation’s largest formal sit-down dinner without the additional third night. The event was a complete success and Smart City LA team contributed to it!


the PINNACLE • Issue 3, 2016



The Customer Support Team held a team member appreciation breakfast on August 3. Laureen Boykin, Christy Hogan, and Tommie Beltz wanted to recognize the team for all of their hard work and dedication to passing the internal Smart City Networks Customer Service and Networking Program exam with an overall average score of 92%. • What’s in this exam? – It includes materials for the CompTIA A+ Exam 220-821 & 220-802, CompTIA Network+ Exam N10-006, STAR12 Customer Service That Wows! and STAR12 Developing Your Emotional Intelligence exams. • What are the reasons behind initiating it? – The Customer Support team discusses internet services on a daily basis and troubleshoot with our customers, so it was important to provide additional education to the team. These exams include information-related to the different types of internet services that Smart City provides as well as some additional training in customer service. • Why is it so important and an such accomplishment for the team to complete the training? – The CompTIA A+ and CompTIA Network+ has a lot of new information for the representatives to learn. These two topics really provide the background information about providing internet service. CompTIA A+ explains how internet service is delivered and the different types of equipment used in creating a network. CompTIA Network+ explains the concepts of different networks and network addressing. Both topics include some material on the different types of wireless networks. These exams are difficult and require a lot of dedication and hard work to pass them.

PICTURED LEFT TO RIGHT: Back Row: Tammy Clark, Heather Benjamin, Debbie Green, Pedro Arias, Lester Michael, Lou Hoffman. Front Row: Christy Hogan, Melinda Hernandez, Dona Denton, Nicole Smith, Miriam Cowell.


CUSTOMER SERVICE TEAM VISITS ZAPPOS HEADQUARTERS Customer Support Team had the treat of visiting the Zappos Customer Service Department. It was an amazing learning opportunity for the team. Each person took away something different from the experience. The most significant lesson the agents walked away with was that breaking the routine of the day-to-day is very important. The team thought Zappos’s Tutu Tuesday was such a great idea that they wore tutus and paraded around the office in their glittery and fluffy ballet skirts during morning line up. The element of surprise made the whole thing a lot more fun for everyone, but Customer Support made sure that HR knew about their work apparel additions. Experiences like this help the department grow and succeed.

the PINNACLE • Issue 3, 2016




It was a very busy summer at the Atlantic City Convention Center with the team completing two large projects. The first project was assisting Spectra Venue Management’s Systems Administrator with setup and deployment of a brand new server and 32 new desktop computers, and a cut over to the new server and domain. The second one was cutting over the building's legacy circuit to Smart City’s circuit. Both transitions went very well. Shortly, the Smart City team in Atlantic City will do help desk support.


MI A MI BE ACH CON V ENTION CENTER MOV ES FORWA RD W ITH NE W E XPA NSION This year, construction began on Phase 1 of renovations on the Miami Beach Convention Center. You can see in the picture the completed structure framework of our North Loading Dock on the 1st level and our 60,000 square foot Grand ballroom on the 2nd level. The new North Loading Dock will be operational for our annual Art Basel 2016 event in December, but the Grand Ballroom will not be completed until Phase 2 in 2017. We look forward to expanding into the new additions of the center very soon!


RENO W ELCOMES BACK THE SA FA RI CLUB INTERN ATION A L Safari Club International is returning to Reno for 2019-2021. SCI is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation of wildlife, education of people, and protection of hunters' rights. SCI has a membership of 50,000 people and brings business to Reno during their stay. This show should generate about 1/3 of the yearly revenue at RSCC. It will positively impact Reno's economy by at least 21 million dollars during the convention period as it attracts about 20,000 attendees from 103 countries to the city.


the PINNACLE • Issue 3, 2016


TERRY FUNK TO DIRECT SMART CIT Y'S BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Smart City Networks, the nation’s leading provider of internet, Wi-Fi and other digital technologies for the convention industry, welcomes Terry Funk to the post of senior director of business development. In his new position, Funk will lead the expansion of the company’s services to new customers who will benefit from Smart City’s data - and voice - management services for events, vendors and show managers. In his work to source and secure new business in the hospitality and convention industry, Funk is eager to demonstrate how Smart City’s designs, management and technology solutions can transform venues plagued by insufficient capacity and coverage. “We have been on a winning streak since 2014, renewing or signing new contracts worth more than $400 million,” said Mark Haley, Smart City Networks president. “This substantial growth and increased market share has necessitated the hiring of a seasoned business development professional. Terry is one of the best in our industry and we welcome him to our team.”

Funk is actually rejoining the Smart City family. He is the founder and former president of Priority Networks, which provided wired and wireless Internet, networking services and telecommunications products to convention facilities across North America. Smart City acquired the company in 2006. That entrepreneurial spirit will serve Funk well in his new position. “Smart City has positioned itself to develop and leverage future technologies that will revolutionize the convention and hospitality industry,” Funk said. “I am thrilled to be back and am looking forward to introducing meeting planners and convention center managers to our expertise in implementing these dynamic platforms and services.


SA NTA CL A R A CON V ENTION CENTER A ND CEO CELEBR ATE 30 Y E A RS OF SERV ICE The Santa Clara Convention Center marked two 30-year milestones this summer. One, the opening of its doors for business on July 7, 1986 and the other was for current general manager & CEO of Santa Clara Convention Center and Convention & Visitors Bureau, Lisa Moreno, who began a career at the building shortly after it opened three decades ago. The center has since been the premier venue for events and meeting in the Silicon Valley, and Lisa Moreno witnessed it all. Lisa’s tenure with the center has been nothing but filled with success. She started as a guest greeter and from that position she advanced to various management roles, she became general manager of the convention center, and finally, CEO of both the convention center and visitor bureau. Santa Clara is very fortunate to have leadership which has contributed to the accomplishments of its convention center—from its public show beginnings to corporate technology events of Silicon Valley, and then to be the recent host of Super Bowl 50. PICTURED LEFT TO RIGHT: Emiliano Fernandez, Lisa Moreno, and Julia Slocombe

the PINNACLE • Issue 3, 2016





SM A RT CIT Y PRESENTS GIRL S DAY AWAY BENEFIT TING FUTURE CON V ENTION LE A DERS Smart City Networks sponsored the 11th annual Jerry Thornton Girl's Day Away golf outing benefitting the Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority’s (CRVA) Educational Foundation at the Rocky River Golf Club in Concord on September 16, 2016. The affair promises to be the social event of the season. It kicked off with breakfast and included lunch, beverages on the course, golf cart transportation, goody bags, green fees, prizes and more. The 19th Hole Celebration featured cocktails, wine tastings, dinner and raffle.

“Smart City is thrilled to serve as the presenting sponsor for this event that brings women business and community leaders together for a day of camaraderie, and friendly competition,” said Vanessa Cauthen, Smart City’s general manager at the Charlotte Convention Center. “More importantly, proceeds from Girls Day Away will help CRVA assist future local convention and meeting industry leaders through scholarships, training and professional development opportunities.” CRVA extends assistance with educational expenses to employees in the Charlotte region’s hospitality industry who are also students enrolled in accredited college or university hospitality industry-related programs. Scholarships are also available to CRVA employees to support their continuing education through related seminars or certification programs. Girls Day Away golfers embraced the spirit of the yearly outing, donning coordinated, themed outfits, competing in a golf cart decorating contest and vying for raffle prizes including wine packages, restaurant gift certificates, NASCAR-themed gifts and more.


SMART CITY HELPS TO SPONSOR RAUL JIMENEZ THANKSGIVING DINNER In 1979, a San Antonio restaurateur named Raul Jimenez saw a need in the community and decided to do something about it. During that time, Raul realized that many elderly and underprivileged people were alone, and went through the holiday season without proper meals. He decided to establish a Thanksgiving Day event to bring them together and create a sense of community and warmth. 35 years later, the Raul Jimenez Thanksgiving Dinner continues to bring light and joy to those in need. Held at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, San Antonio’s elderly and less fortunate are welcomed every year to a full turkey dinner with all the trimmings and an all-volunteer staff that go out of their way to make this day special. Also, there's live music and entertainment. Raul Jimenez was known for saying “We come into this world with nothing, we leave with nothing. What counts is what we do in between. I believe in caring and sharing.” Raul passed on his legacy to his daughter Patricia, who took over organizing the event after Raul’s passing in 1998.

Today, the Raul Jimenez Thanksgiving Dinner is sponsored and supported by the United Way of San Antonio, Walmart, Valero, The RK Group, The City of San Antonio, Time Warner Cable, Smart City, and more than five hundred other sponsors. The charitable contributions of sponsors combined with the generosity of over 3,000 annual volunteers have brought the holidays to more than 24,000 guests from around the area every year making it a “feast for the heart.”


the PINNACLE • Issue 3, 2016




SMART CITY NETWORKS WELCOMES INTERN ANDREA MOCINO Smart City Networks, the nation’s leading digital technologies provider for the convention industry, welcomes Andrea Mocino as the company’s latest intern for its Las Vegas office. A rising senior enrolled in Valley High School’s Academy of Hospitality and Tourism program, Mocino will spend 10 weeks at the firm’s headquarters, learning about Smart City’s business processes. She will divide her time among the company’s various functional departments, including customer support, accounting, quality assurance, systems development, marketing, technology, and project management.

aspects of the profession.

The academy prepares students for jobs in the tourism industry by educating them on the principles of hospitality, event planning, marketing, customer service, and other key

“Valley High’s Academy of Hospitality and Tourism has taken advantage of its proximity to the world-class hotels, meeting venues and tourist attractions in Las Vegas to expose the next generation of hospitality leaders to state-of-the art convention management theory and processes,” noted Rani Bush, Smart City’s manager of quality assurance, who serves on the academy’s advisory board. “Andrea shows great promise, and the hands-on experience her internship with Smart City will provide will augment the innovative education she receives daily at AOHT and Valley High’s magnet program.” The paid internship is offered through the National Academy Foundation to give students the opportunity to put their classroom learning to practical, real-world use. Interns not only get to practice their chosen trades, they also learn professional work habits and gain valuable insights into workplace expectations. “Our company’s success is built on developing people and technology,” Smart City President Mark Haley said. “We are excited to help Andrea explore potential career paths. It is gratifying to see this talented young lady express an interest in the technological side of hospitality.” Mocino is a member of the Valley High varsity flag football, soccer, and track and field teams. “I am looking forward to working with Smart City’s marketing and technical professionals,” she said. “I’m especially interested in seeing firsthand how technology and customer service come together to create unforgettable convention and show experiences.”


“Smart City team you rock!!! Thank you so much! You made my day!!!” Kimberly Hinton, Imagecraft


“I just want to say, thank you (Tammy Espinosa) and your team for all the help throughout the job fair” Jose Gutierrez, Anaheim Convention Center

the PINNACLE • Issue 3, 2016





S M A R T C I T Y S P O N S O R S K I W A N I S C L U B O F B A I N B R I G E I S L A N D A L L- C O M E R ' S T R A C K M E E T

This summer, Smart City Networks sponsored the 21st Kiwanis Club of Bainbridge Island All-Comer’s Track Meet. For a few years now, the Smart City Team in Washington has helped the beloved community tradition by providing funds for the supplies. The track meet events held at Bainbridge High School are for all age and skill levels and happen for six Monday evenings in the summers. The meet gets families to come out and have fun and watch their kids run races from 50 to 440 yards. Some years back, Smart City was able to save the track meet when a primary sponsor backed out.


B R I N G Y O U R K I D T O W O R K D AY 2 016 This August, parents had the opportunity to offer learning experiences and show their kids the various careers at the Santa Clara Convention Center during its “Bring Your Child to Work Day” (BYCTWD) event. During the event, the kids discovered fun facts about the facility –size, capacity, famous attendees – and received tours from the department heads. During the tours, they learned about the many tools and equipment used by departments to set up and deliver services to guests of the center. Each department made the experience informative and entertaining at the same time by letting the children operate network tools, test cables, use microphones, control lighting systems in the 600-seat theater. They even got to pop bubble wrap at the UPS store! For lunch, the children prepared their own pizzas in the kitchen using the many different toppings available. The little chefs also got to make their ice cream sundaes with endless toppings. For souvenirs, the kids received gift bags, ID badges and a picture taken of them on the forklifts. All the participants had a great time exploring and seeing what goes on at the convention center and our Smart City team in Santa Clara had a great time hosting BYCTWD.


the PINNACLE • Issue 3, 2016


10 Y E A RS Smart City San Diego’s technician, Francisco Magdaleno, celebrated his ten-year anniversary with the company in August. Thank you for a decade of hard work, Francisco!

15 Y E A R S Smart City Corporate’s senior systems developer, Alexandria Wagner, celebrated her fifteen-year anniversary with the company in September. Thank you for a decade of hard work, Alexandria!


LOS ANGELES CONVENTION CENTER RECEIVES VENUE E XCELLENCE AWARD The Los Angeles Convention Center was awarded the 2016 Venue Excellence Award by the International Association of Venue Managers (IAVM) during the 91st VenueConnect annual conference held in Minneapolis, MN July 23-26, 2016. The Venue Excellence Award recognizes five IAVM venues of any type within the membership which demonstrate excellence in the management and operation of public assembly venues. In order to win the award, the LACC had to excel in the following areas: Operational Excellence, which includes sales and marketing, customer satisfaction, sustainability, and financial integrity; Teambuilding and Professional Development; Safety and Security; and Service to the Community. Congratulations to our Smart City Los Angeles team for being a part of the center's success!

the PINNACLE • Issue 3, 2016




CSSR II - Smart City Corporate Office


Debbie Green is a CSSR II at the Las Vegas corporate office. She has shown tremendous growth over the last year and is continually volunteering within the department to assist new hires and fellow team members. Debbie is active in our meetings and brings forward great ideas to the table as she is not afraid to jump in and provide insight. Debbie has continually demonstrated the meaning of 'Teams Work' over the last year. "Teamwork means focusing on the teams’ success, realizing that ultimately the teams’ success is your success." Debbie exhibits the following Business principals on a continuous basis: "Do Right by All Our Customers." Doing right means acting with the best interest of the other party in mind. An important word in this phrase is “all” it includes every relationship at Smart City. We treat each other, our business partners and our vendors with the same care and respect with which we treat our customers. "It’s the People." We have great people who want to do well, who are capable of doing great things and who come to work fired up to achieve them. Great people flourish in an environment that liberates and amplifies their energy. "Teams Work". Teamwork means focusing on the teams’ success, realizing ultimately the teams’ success is your success. It also means that you succeed by helping other members of the team to succeed. Congratulations Debbie! Nominated by: Christy Hogan


Operations Supervisor - Smart City Washington DC


Mike Newton has epitomized the standard principles of Smart City. In the month that I have worked with him, he has achieved the following: always makes sure the customer received the product and service they expect; he would also continually have his staff inspect systems to verify they were still operating correctly. Mike is always looking at ways to streamline efficiencies and move quickly to implement them. Most of all, he's always in contact with our customers letting them know that Smart City cares about their success. Congratulations, Mike! Nominated by: Jim Erickson


the PINNACLE • Issue 3, 2016



Event Coordinator - Smart City Anaheim


Michelle embraces our daily basics and business principles each day through her understanding of "Integrity without Compromise". Michelle is extremely dedicated and conscientious and consistently receives great reviews from Show Management & Exhibitors. Michelle is understanding of the scheduling, scheduling adjustments, on-site changes, site visits, pre-cons, internal ACC meetings, etc, and along with her calm disposition ensures our clients receive prompt, professional service no matter what comes her way. Michelle often receives comments from our facility management how great and accommodating she is and what a pleasure it is to work with a person like Michelle. She is a team player and does anything that is asked of her: working at the service desk, assisting with exhibitor equipment, trouble tickets, working with VIP exhibitor —anything—with a smile. Our Motto, which is geared towards our clients, is “In a hectic world we provide peace of mind.” Michelle has taken this one step further and not only provided peace of mind for our building clients and the internal team, but recognized that their membership and active participation in several teams have ultimately resulted in the teams collective success. This past month at the Anaheim Convention Center, Michelle immediately stepped into action to provide superb customer service support to our in-house events as well as continued the communication with near and future events attending the center. Michelle provided scheduling support for the customer service team as well as taking a lead role. Michelle “does right” by all of her show management customers, making herself available to them even during hours when she is not in the office. As a result, her customers routinely give her rave reviews for the assistance she provides them to ensure the success of their events. Michelle is the consummate team player and makes our “team work.” She is always aware of the progress of our team on all events, and does not hesitate to step in where needed. Much of her hard work goes unnoticed because she works behind the scenes. Doing so without seeking recognition. PICTURED LEFT TO RIGHT: Mark Haley, Michelle Gualtieri, Kevin Patch, and Julia Slocombe


Smart City Orlando's data operations manager, Timothy Boyer, welcomed a daughter, Chloe Boyer, into the world. Congratulations, Tim!

the PINNACLE • Issue 3, 2016



EMPLOYEE JULY 2016 Shawn Manning Jeremiah Peterson Tammera Clark Jennifer Way Nicholas Urquiza David Thomas Hector Ruiz Jamila Brooks Dylan Deering

12 years 9 years 9 years 8 years 6 years 4 years 4 years 4 years 4 years

Michael Hertweck Dane Hardy Amanda Hammaker Alexis Mayfield Christabelle Kolafa Ebony Corneiro

3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 1 year 1 year

23 years 19 years 16 years 14 years 14 years 14 years 14 years 14 years 14 years 14 years 14 years 14 years 11 years 10 years

Hue Banh Christopher Delane Dan Wardi Dona Denton Corey Anderson Keith Bean Jesse Gallegos Stephanie Silva Brian Clear Marcos Catena Stephanie Garcia Mark Thompson

9 years 3 years 5 years 5 years 4 years 4 years 4 years 3 years 3 years 2 years 2 years 1 year

19 years 17 years 17 years 15 years 12 years 7 years 7 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 3 years 2 years 2 years 1 year

Michele Cinquegrani Jasmine Dero Natasha Johnson

1 year 1 year 1 year

AUGUST 2016 Tammy Espinosa Janae Tinsley David Langford John Boraca Michael Hampton, Jr. Frank Loyke Larry Mann Ted Moore Ronald Roberts Gonzalo Rodriguez Robert Romero Ernest Swilley Quas Sine Francisco Magdaleno

SEPTEMBER 2016 Julia Slocombe Beatrice Rivera Greg Smith Alexandria Wagner Tina Shields Sterling Oakland Karen Nelson Jennifer Mezquita Timothy Wass Paul Russell Ivie White, Jr. Nycole Smith Dustin Unger Jeff McCourt


the PINNACLE • Issue 3, 2016

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