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s ’ t Le


Övningshäftena i serien Let’s Pick and Choose ger eleverna möjlighet att träna fokuserat på olika språkliga förmågor, så självständigt som möjligt. Instruktionerna är korta och tydliga och nya ord förklaras med hjälp av bilder och ordlistor. Häftena passar därför lika bra att arbeta med i skolan som hemma. Texterna passar utmärkt för dramatisering. Delarna i serien är helt fristående. Progressionen inom varje häfte och mellan häftena gör att eleverna kan utmanas på sin egen nivå. Let’s Pick and Choose, Reading 4 är det fjärde läsförståelsehäftet i en serie om sex läsförståelsehäften. Det består av korta och intresseväckande texter på teman som Old Photos, School Subjects, Night Mystery och Talent. Eleverna arbetar med olika typer av texter, som dialoger och instruktioner samt förklarande och beskrivande texter. Övningarna tränar framförallt sökläsning och eleverna svarar ofta genom att välja rätt svar, eller själva skriva enstaka ord eller meningar.



Facit ligger gratis på www.liber.se

Best.nr 47-11831-1 Tryck.nr 47-11831-1


Omslag_Pic and choose_4.indd 1

2014-12-12 10:09

ISBN 978-91-47-11831-1

© 2014 Birgitta Ecker Hoas och Liber AB REDAKTION OCH PROJEKTLEDNING Erica Myrefelt och Anna Karlberg FORMGIVARE Lotta Rennéus TECKNARE Sonja Reuterskiöld FOTON Shutterstock PRODUKTION Anna Törnqvist Göpel SPRÅKGRANSKARE Michael Knight

Första upplagan 1 REPRO Repro 8 AB, Stockholm TRYCK People Printing, Kina 2015

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Kopiering förbjuden se sid 2

Nature 4 New Furniture 6 Old Photos 8 A Fairy Tale 10 School Subjects 12 Night Mystery 14 Talent 16 At a Restaurant 18 Missing Words 21 At Home 22 Questions and Answers 24 Holiday Activities 26 Adjectives 29 Waffles 30 Time 32



Nature A. Skriv orden som passar ihop med texterna på skrivlinjerna. Det blir ord över.


stars grass sky sand rain sea

weather beach

cloud field

wind garden

climate stone



1. ___________________________________________________________________________________ It came from the north and it was ice cold. It was blowing hard, so hard that it was difficult to walk upright.

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________ You must cut it often in summer if you want to keep it smooth, green and beautiful. You must cut it short if you want to play golf on it. 3. ___________________________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________________________ It was around zero, it was falling gently, covering the ground. The children tried to catch the flakes, they tried to taste them, but no, the flakes tasted of nothing. They just melted on their tongues.


melt – smälta, tongue – tunga

Kopiering förbjuden se sid 2

Deep down there is no light. Not many organisms can live there. But it is often full of life higher up. There are small particles such as plankton, and also enormous organisms such as whales and sharks. We build ships to sail on it, and we use it for transport.

5. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Some children were building castles using buckets and spades. Others were shouting angrily, throwing sand at each other. Parents were lying in deck chairs, under parasols. Some people were on their way down to the water. 6. ___________________________________________________________________________________ There were willows and oak trees. Roses were climbing up the walls of the house. The flowerbeds were full of daffodils, crocuses and snowdrops in spring. The house had a veranda overlooking the lawn, and the grass was always perfectly cut. 7. ___________________________________________________________________________________ The sky isn’t clear and you can’t see the sun if there are too many of them. They can be white or grey, sometimes heavy with rain. They are made up of small drops of water or ice crystals, but they are too small to see. 8. ___________________________________________________________________________________ The material is as old as Earth itself. Man uses it to build houses and monuments. It’s very hard. Rock is another word for it. There are different kinds. Granite is one.

Kopiering förbjuden se sid 2

9. ___________________________________________________________________________________ They twinkle. You wish you could take them down. They are millions of light years away, and there are billions of them out there where you and I can’t go. You put one on top of your Christmas tree. And people sometimes get them when they have been very good at something.

willow – pilträd, oak – ek, man – här människan



New Furniture A. Fill in the missing words.


curtains carpet

sofa furniture

living room bathroom

lamp meatballs chest of drawers

mirror colour




We really need some new 1._______________________________________________ now. Let’s just look around. We don’t have to buy anything today.


Look Dad, I like that 2._______________________________________________. We could sit on it, all four of us.


All four? It’s too big for our small 3._______________________________________________.


But I like the 4._______________________________________________. White, very elegant!


White! Are you crazy! Imagine our cosy Friday nights in front of the TV with the two of you eating all the time. And what do you usually eat and drink?


Crisps, chocolate, Coke. So what?


Hmm! A white sofa!


All right! How about that 5._______________________________________________ for the floor in my room? Kind of cool! Black with yellow and green dots.

Kopiering förbjuden se sid 2

The Adhami family are at a furniture store. They need furniture for their new home.

Familjen på väg in i ett varuhus. FURNITURE store på skylt utanför


Oh, but it’s awful. I’d like sheepskin on the floor beside my bed. I’d like something really smooth to put my feet on.

Kopiering förbjuden se sid 2

Now, I want a new 6.___________________________________________________________ for my underwear, tops and socks and all that stuff. I don’t want it all lying around everywhere. This one is nice. The perfect size between the door and the window. And I need new 7._______________________________________________ for the window. Mine are for small girls. Princesses with crowns! You know, my friends laugh at them. They are very childish. Dad

And I think we need better lighting in the hall. It’s too dark! How about that 8._______________________________________________ over there?


You can’t be serious. Never! Very old-fashioned!


Look, we need a new 9.__________________________________________ above the washbasin in the 10._______________________________________________. I need to see what I’m doing when I clean my teeth and wash my face. Here’s a nice one.


That’s a good idea. I can’t do my hair without one either. Let’s put that on our shopping list. We’ll buy it next time we get here. But now – let’s have some lunch! How about some 11._______________________________________________?

old-fashioned – gammaldags, above – ovanför, wash-basin – tvättställ



Old Photos Samuel

Dad, what did you look like as a fifteen-year-old? I mean, what did your hair look like? You weren’t always bald, were you? Did you look cool?


Sure, I was the coolest guy in my school. All the girls were crazy about me. Your mum was always jealous of other girls. They all wanted to be my girlfriend.


Did they really, Dad?


Come on, Frank! We didn’t even go to the same school at fifteen.


OK, just joking! But let’s look at some old photos! I don’t think you’ve seen them. Agnes, where are they?


Oh, we haven’t looked at them for ages. I think they’re on the top shelf in the cupboard behind the door. You need a ladder to get them down. You … oh, please don’t fall down.

Bilder: Erics pappas flint syns och Eric som pekar på ett foto av honom och skrattar.


bald – flintskallig, jealous – svartsjuk, ladder – stege

Kopiering förbjuden se sid 2

Me, the coolest guy in town.


Here they are now. Look! Me as a baby with a nappy on!


Oh Dad, you were really cute. But quite a fat little baby. And you look angry.


Yeah, maybe I was hungry. Can you see that I’m trying to reach the bottle of milk over there?


Oh, and, is that you Dad – at fifteen? You must be joking! Did you say you looked cool? Those glasses! You looked absolutely crazy in them. And your hair! You looked just like a girl! I can’t believe it!


But you should have seen your dad when he was twenty-five. He looked fabulous. The most good-looking guy ever.


Give me a kiss, honey!

A. True or false?

Kopiering förbjuden se sid 2


Samuel wanted to know what his dad looked like as a fifteen-year-old.


Dad said that he was the coolest guy in his home town.


Samuel’s dad said that all the girls in this school wanted to be his girlfriend.


Samuel’s parents went to the same school at fifteen.


The photos were hard to reach because they were on the highest shelf.


Dad showed Samuel a photo of his wife with a nappy on.


They needed a ladder because Samuel’s glasses were high up in the cupboard.


Samuel’s mum’s name is Agnes.

nappy – blöja



s ’ t Le


Övningshäftena i serien Let’s Pick and Choose ger eleverna möjlighet att träna fokuserat på olika språkliga förmågor, så självständigt som möjligt. Instruktionerna är korta och tydliga och nya ord förklaras med hjälp av bilder och ordlistor. Häftena passar därför lika bra att arbeta med i skolan som hemma. Texterna passar utmärkt för dramatisering. Delarna i serien är helt fristående. Progressionen inom varje häfte och mellan häftena gör att eleverna kan utmanas på sin egen nivå. Let’s Pick and Choose, Reading 4 är det fjärde läsförståelsehäftet i en serie om sex läsförståelsehäften. Det består av korta och intresseväckande texter på teman som Old Photos, School Subjects, Night Mystery och Talent. Eleverna arbetar med olika typer av texter, som dialoger och instruktioner samt förklarande och beskrivande texter. Övningarna tränar framförallt sökläsning och eleverna svarar ofta genom att välja rätt svar, eller själva skriva enstaka ord eller meningar.



Facit ligger gratis på www.liber.se

Best.nr 47-11831-1 Tryck.nr 47-11831-1


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2014-12-12 10:09

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