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3 okus ! f d Me vande kri på s

The Book about Me

I serien The Book about Me arbetar eleverna strukturerat mot ett personligt skrivande med ämnen som utgår från eleverna själva, deras familj, deras omvärld och deras ordförråd. Den är uppbyggd kring ett tematiskt arbetssätt som gör det lätt att se progression i skrivandet.

The Book about Me 1 år 4 The Book about Me 2 år 5

The Book about Me – Lärarhandledning med CD


The Book about Me 3 år 6


Serien består av:


Serien riktar sig i första hand till år 4 – 6, men kan också användas för repetition i högre årskurser.



Detta läromedel är tänkt att underlätta för lärare som vill arbeta på ett fritt och elevindividualiserat sätt och erbjuder ett alternativ eller komplement till andra läromedel.




The Book about Me 1 – 3


Best. nr 47-08163-9 Tryck. nr 47-08163-9

Barbro Carlsson Åsa Sällberg


omslag_03.indd 1

08-01-31 13.42.02

ISBN 978-91-47-08163-9 © 2007 Barbro Carlsson, Åsa Sällberg och Liber AB Projektledning och redaktion Ulrika Wendéus Grafisk form Eva Jerkeman, Marta Coronel Teckningar Ola Nyberg (akvareller) Marta Coronel (övriga) Fotografier s. 9 Photodisc V 22 s. 16 Konrad Wothe/Reuters, Scanpix s. 17 a, c, d; Göran Lundqvist, b; Dan Norrå/Scanpix s. 25 Edelpix bs 02, 03, Photodisc V 09 s. 37 Photodisc V 09 Kartor Liber Kartor Litteraturförteckning s. 28, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer av Mark Twain, s. 29, Molly Moon’s Incredible Book of Hypnotism av Georgia Byng, tryckt med tillstånd av Macmillan Children’s Books, London, UK, © Georgia Byng Första upplagan 1 Repro Repro 8 AB, Nacka Tryck Elanders, Ungern 2008

Kopieringsförbud Detta verk är skyddat av upphovsrättslagen och får ej helt eller delvis kopieras. Kopiering för undervisningsändamål enligt BONUS-avtal är inte tillåten. Den som bryter mot lagen om upphovsrätt kan åtalas av allmän åklagare och dömas till böter eller fängelse i upp till två år samt bli skyldig erlägga ersättning till upphovsman/rättsinnehavare. Liber AB, 113 98 Stockholm tfn: 08-690 92 00 www.liber.se kundservice tfn: 08-690 93 30, fax: 08-690 93 01 e-post: kundservice.liber@liber.se

inlaga_book.about.me_3.indd 2

08-01-31 14.18.54


Kapitel My English-


speaking Family






The Country

The Continent

Animals in the World

Going on a Trip




books, books.


Famous People



Animals and Environments



Me and



Du ska kunna presentera personer i tredje person Du ska kunna beskriva en påhittad familj i ett engelsktalande land i tal och skrift. Du ska lära dig ord för yrken, länder och världsdelar.

Continents and countries: Europe, Asia, India, The Atlantic Ocean … Occupations: plumber, vet, secretary …

Du ska lära dig geografiord som beskriver ett land. Du ska kunna berätta om det land din påhittade familj bor i, både skriftligt och muntligt. Du ska lära dig lite fakta om Irland.

capital, situated, coast, climate, largest, constitution, currency, Prime Minsister, inhabitants, population, natural resources …

Du ska lära dig geografiord som beskriver naturtyper, naturtillgångar och annat som hör till beskrivningen av en världsdel. Du ska känna till hur man komparerar ett adjektiv. Du ska känna till att komma markerar tusental i engelska. Du ska kunna beskriva och berätta om den världsdel din påhittade familj bor i, både skriftligt och muntligt.

mountains, desert, plain, consist, bounded, produce, borders, map legend, industries … big, bigger, the biggest 4,810

Du ska lära dig namn på däggdjur, vattendjur och insekter i världen. Du ska lära dig adjektiv som beskriver djur. Du ska skriva en text om ett djur.

Mammals: lion, blue whale … Fish and marine animals: shark, jellyfish … Insects: wasp, butterfly Adjectives: scary, friendly, playful …

Du ska kunna beskriva en resa som din påhittade familj gör till ett engelskspråkigt land både muntligt och skriftligt. Du ska kunna söka fakta om ditt resmål och lära dig ord som har med resor att göra.

luggage, arrivals, departures, check in, destination, go abroad, take off, passport, aisle, cabin …

Du ska lära dig namnen på några svenska högtider. Du ska söka information om och skriva om högtider i engelsktalande länder. Du ska lära dig vanliga ord som hör ihop med jul. Du ska skriva en text om din födelsedag. Du ska skriva ett födelsedagskort.

Halloween is celebrated in … When is your birthday? My birthday is … to decorate … electric lights, tinsel, candles …

Du ska kunna läsa texter ur ungdomslitteratur och kunna svara på frågor om texten. Du ska förstå innebörden av orden main character, setting och plot. Du ska kunna beskriva en person, en miljö och en handling. Du ska kunna skriva en egen berättelse utifrån en tankekarta.

main character setting plot

Du ska lära dig ord som hör ihop med vetenskap och uppfinningar. Du ska söka fakta om personer och skriva om dem. Du ska skriva en fantasitext om en upptäcktsresa du gör.

an inventor – to invent an explorer – to explore The telephone was invented by … astronaut, scientist, adventurer …

Du ska lära dig ord som hör ihop med djur, natur och miljö. Du ska lära dig namn på några utrotningshotade djur. Du ska söka information om utrotningshotade djur och skriva en text om dem. Du ska i grupp skriva om miljöproblem.

To be an environment fan. To influence … carnivorous, habitat, global warming, toxic, oil discharge, transport, recycling …

Du ska kunna berätta om framtiden och kunna använda verb som beskriver framtid.

opposites: forget- remember … synonyms: silent- quiet … wireless, pollution, climate change, exhaust fumes, air pollution, unemployed …

Du ska lära dig ord för olika typer av film. Du ska i grupp skriva ett filmmanus till en bildserie. Du ska lära dig vad key words for the plot och synopsis betyder och kunna använda dig av dessa när du skriver manus till en egen film.

action film, adventure film, animated film, comedy, documentary, fantasy film, fiction, horror, science, thriller

the Future


inlaga_book.about.me_3.indd 3

08-01-31 14.18.55

My English-speaking Family Hello! My name is Fiona O’Sullivan. I’m twelve years old and I live in Dublin in Ireland. Ireland is a country in Europe. It’s an island. Dublin is the capital. I have red hair and blue

personer resentera p a n n u k a Mål: Du sk kriva en kunna bes , n o rs e p nde land i tredje ngelsktala e tt e i j il m rd för påhittad fa lära dig o a k s u D . krift i tal och s elar. ch världsd o r e d n lä , yrken

eyes. Red hair is very common in Ireland. They say that the red colour came with the Vikings when they invaded Ireland a thousand

She has blue eyes and red hair, like me and

years ago. Now I’m going to tell you about

my brothers. Her hobby is cycling. She cycles

my family.

for miles every week in the Dublin Mountains.

My father’s name is Pete O’Sullivan. He is forty-two years old and he is a plumber. He

Her favourite food is seafood. She doesn’t like cruelty to animals or to people. I have got two brothers. They are twins

His favourite food is pizza. His hobby is golf.

and they are ten years old. Their names are

He has brown eyes and dark hair. He doesn’t

Finn and Fergal. Their hobbies are singing in a

like war or spiders. My mum’s name is Tara

choir, hurling and football. Hurling is an Irish

O’ Sullivan and she is forty years old. She is a

sport. You use a small, very hard ball and

vet, a doctor for animals, and she works at a

a wooden stick. Their favourite food is fish

clinic for small animals.

fingers. They don’t like school.

Kopiering förbjuden. Se s. 2

installs toilets and stuff like that in houses.


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10 5 22


9 16

15 18 21






19 4



11 13 6

Look at the map, search in an atlas and fill in the correct English

Kopiering fรถrbjuden. Se s. 2

names for the countries, the continents, the polar regions and the seas.

1. _______________________

9. _______________________

17. _______________________

2. _______________________

10. _______________________

18. _______________________

3. _______________________

11. _______________________

19. _______________________

4. _______________________

12. _______________________

20. _______________________

5. _______________________

13. _______________________

21. _______________________

6. _______________________

14. _______________________

22. _______________________

7. _______________________

15. _______________________

23. _______________________

8. _______________________

16. _______________________

24. _______________________

Listen to this! Listen and find out who works with what.

Clare __________________________________

Billy __________________________________

Bridget ________________________________

Tom __________________________________


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08-01-31 14.18.58

Now it’s your turn. Invent a family living somewhere in the English-speaking world. Maybe

Draw a picture of each person in

they live in the United States, Australia, Hong

your family or cut out pictures from a magazine

Kong, India, New Zeeland or somewhere else?

and then fill in the form. Look at the example.

Describe your family. There is only one rule. One person in the family must be your age.

Pete O’Sullivan Name: __________________________________ Forty-two Age: ____________________________________ Plumber Occupation: _____________________________ Pizza Favourite food: ___________________________ Golf Hobby: _________________________________ Brown Eye colour: ____________________________ Black Hair colour: _____________________________

Name: __________________________________

Name: __________________________________

Age: ____________________________________

Age: ____________________________________

Occupation: _____________________________

Occupation: _____________________________

Favourite food: ___________________________

Favourite food: ___________________________

Hobby: _________________________________

Hobby: _________________________________

Eye colour: ____________________________

Eye colour: ____________________________

Hair colour: _____________________________

Hair colour: _____________________________

Does not like: ____________________________

Does not like: ____________________________

Kopiering förbjuden. Se s. 2

War or spiders Does not like: ____________________________


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08-01-31 14.19.01

Name: __________________________________

Name: __________________________________

Age: ____________________________________

Age: ____________________________________

Occupation: _____________________________

Occupation: _____________________________

Favourite food: ___________________________

Favourite food: ___________________________

Hobby: _________________________________

Hobby: _________________________________

Eye colour: ____________________________

Eye colour: ____________________________

Hair colour: _____________________________

Hair colour: _____________________________

Does not like: ____________________________

Does not like: ____________________________

Tell a friend about your family. Where does your English-speaking family live? (town/city, country and continent?)

My English-speaking family Write a text about your family.

They live in ______________________________ _________________________________________

Look at Fiona’s text on page 4.

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Kopiering fĂśrbjuden. Se s. 2

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Idiom ______________________________________________________________________________________

To wash your hands of something.




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08-01-31 14.19.01

The Continent This is Europe, our continent. Europe is the second smallest continent in the world. Do you know which is the smallest? Yes, only Australia is smaller. Europe covers about 2 per cent of the surface of the Earth. That’s not much, is it? But more than 720 million people live here. So

skriver ord som be fi ra g o e g ig lära d ör till Mål : Du ska annat som h ch o r a g n å g aturtill nna till naturtyper, n l. Du ska kä e sd d rl vä n n av e nna till beskrivninge iv. Du ska kä kt je d a tt e r parera u ska hur man kom i engelska. D l ta n se tu r arkera sdel din att komma m m den värld o a tt rä e b riva och muntligt. kunna besk skriftligt och e d å b i, r o milj b påhittade fa

it is crowded, don’t you think? Europe is bounded in the north by the Arctic Ocean, in the west by the Atlantic Ocean and in the south by the Mediterranean Sea. But in the east, Europe is bounded by the Ural

There are vast plains in central Europe and

Mountains. These mountains are in Russia which

huge forests in the north. One fourth of the

is the biggest country in Europe.

land area in Europe is covered by forests. In

Do you know how many countries there are here in Europe? Today, there are 46 countries

the far north the ground is always frozen. Farming in Europe is highly mechanised

but in the future there could be more. The

and most of the farms are big. The most

smallest country is the Vatican in Rome in

important crops are wheat, barley and rye.


Fishing is important along the coast. Europe is

Nature in Europe varies a lot. The coast is very long and Europe consists of many peninsulas and islands. There are many mountains in

an industrialised continent and there are many factories in all the countries. In Europe we produce almost everything

the Pyrenees and the Carpathians. The highest

machines. The positive side of industrialisation

peak is Mount Blanc on the border between Italy

is that Europe is a wealthy continent and the

and France. Do you know how high it is? It’s

negative side is the pollution and the damage

4,810 metres high.

to the environment.

Kopiering förbjuden. Se s. 2

Europe, especially in the south, such as the Alps,

from food products to cars, airplanes and huge


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08-01-31 14.19.13







Map legend Fill in the map colours in the boxes and

Write Europe in the correct place in the map.

write the Swedish word explaining the colour on the line.



desert _________________________

mountain _________________________

Kopiering fรถrbjuden. Se s. 2




In English you use a comma to mark thousands. For example 4, 810 metres. You say


glacier _________________________





2 4 3 11

four thousand eight hundred and ten. Put the comma in the right place in these numbers.

Read the numbers to a friend.


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08-01-31 15.25.35

Look at the text on page 12. Translate these words and expressions into Swedish. Use a dictionary if you need to.


the Atlantic Ocean







the surface of the

the Mediterranean Sea








the Ural Mountains

vast plains







the Vatican

highly mechanised








wheat, barley and rye






the Arctic Ocean






Draw a map of your continent or stick in an outline map. Look in an atlas, colour the map and draw a map legend (teckenfรถrklaring). Draw borders, rivers, lakes, cities, mountains etc. Fill in all the names of countries, capitals, seas, rivers, lakes, deserts, mountains etc. that you think are important. Draw some animals and plants typical for the continent

Kopiering fรถrbjuden. Se s. 2

on the map.

Show your map to a friend and tell him or her about your continent.


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08-01-31 14.19.18

Find some facts about your continent. Search the Internet or look in books. Find out facts about:

Largest country: __________________________ Biggest city: ______________________________

Size (area): _______________________________

Number of countries: ______________________


Natural resources: _________________________

Biggest languages: _________________________

Farming: _________________________________

Religions: ________________________________

Industries: _______________________________

Longest river: _____________________________

How people live: __________________________

Largest lake: _____________________________

People: __________________________________

Highest mountain: ________________________

Famous people: ___________________________

My Continent Now it’s your turn to describe your continent. Look at the text on page 12 and at all your facts, and write a text describing your continent.

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Kopiering fĂśrbjuden. Se s. 2

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Idiom ______________________________________________________________________________________ Read your text to a friend.

To be green with envy. ____________________________



inlaga_book.about.me_3.indd 15

08-01-31 14.19.19

Going on a Trip Do you know what? I’ve just been to Australia on a trip. Me and my family went to Australia to visit Dad’s sister, my aunt, and her family. We went there because her daughter, my

riva en resa kunna besk a sk u D l: å M annat ilj gör till ett m fa e d ta it h ch som din på e muntligt o gt land båd ki rå p ks ls e g en ka fakta om ska kunna sö u D t. lig ft ri sk r med ord som ha ig d ra lä ch o ditt resmål ra. resor att gö

cousin, was getting married. So we had to bring very nice clothes for the wedding. We went there on the first of December and

We attended the wedding. It was magnificent

stayed until the fifth of January. Did you

because it was on the beach in the sunset.

know it’s summer there in December? We had

After the wedding there was a huge

lovely weather all the time. We flew from

barbeque on the beach and the party went

Dublin via London to Sydney. It took more

on all night. Next day, me and my family

than twenty hours and it was very tiring. We

went on by ourselves to the Great Barrier

flew a big Jumbo Jet but it was very boring

Reef which is the world’s largest coral reef

in the end.

system. A large part of the reef is protected

When we got to Sydney we stayed with

by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and the

my aunt’s family in their bungalow outside the

reef is a very popular destination for scuba

city for a couple of days. We went to see a

divers, but we went there to snorkel. It was

lot of things in Sydney. I think that the most

absolutely fantastic. It was like swimming in a

exciting sight was the famous white Opera

huge aquarium. We spent Christmas there and

House in the harbour. It looks like big white

we went on a trip in a glass-bottomed boat on

shells or something. Did you know it’s made

Christmas Eve.

of tiles from Sweden? Or maybe the huge

We went back to Sydney for the New

Sydney Harbour Bridge was the most exciting?

Year and it was amazing to see the fireworks

After a few days we all went by train up

from the big bridge in the harbour. When we left Australia we stayed a couple of days in

train ride along the Australian eastcoast. Here

Singapore on the way back. It was the most

we met Marcus’ family. Marcus, my cousin’s

fabulous journey I have ever made. But I didn’t

husband is from Brisbane.

see any kangaroos, which was a pity.

Kopiering förbjuden. Se s. 2

to Brisbane in Queensland. It was a beautiful


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08-01-31 14.19.41

Read the text and answer these questions.

Where did Fiona go on her trip?

What did they see?



Why did she go there?

What did they do?



Who did she travel with?

How long were they gone?



How did they get there?

What did Fiona think about her trip?



Where did they stay?




Look at the picture and translate these words into English.

utgång ___________________________________

ankommande _____________________________

tull ______________________________________


bagagevagn ______________________________

incheckning ______________________________

resväska _________________________________


säkerhetskontroll _________________________

Kopiering förbjuden. Se s. 2


passenger suitcase


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08-01-31 14.19.43

What are these words in English? Look them up in a dictionary if you need to.

resa utomlands ________________________ resebyrå ______________________________ boka biljett ____________________________ enkel resa/retur resa ____________________

flygvärdinna ___________________________ gångplats (i flyg) _______________________ sittplats _______________________________ kabin _________________________________ nödutgång ____________________________

lyfta (ett flygplan) ______________________ landa _________________________________

Listen to this!

pass __________________________________ busstation _____________________________ förvaringsskåp _________________________

Listen to the dialogues. Write the letter in the box after the words you think match the dialogue. There are more words than dialogues.

Now it’s your turn. Your English-speaking family has been on a trip. Where did they go? Or maybe it was you who visited them? Look at the mind map and fill in the answers first. Search the internet to get some facts.

What was the weather like? When did they/you go?

How did they/you get there?

Who went there?

Why did they/you go there?

What did they/you have to bring?


Where did they/you stay?

Who did they/you meet?

What happened?

How much did it cost?

Kopiering förbjuden. Se s. 2

What did they/you see?

What did they/you do?

Tell a friend about the trip.


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My trip to Write about the trip. Look at Fiona’s text and the mind map to get some help.

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Draw a picture from the trip. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Kopiering förbjuden. Se s. 2

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Idiom Read your text to a friend.

To pull someone’s leg. ____________________________



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08-01-31 14.19.46

3 okus ! f d Me vande kri på s

The Book about Me

I serien The Book about Me arbetar eleverna strukturerat mot ett personligt skrivande med ämnen som utgår från eleverna själva, deras familj, deras omvärld och deras ordförråd. Den är uppbyggd kring ett tematiskt arbetssätt som gör det lätt att se progression i skrivandet.

The Book about Me 1 år 4 The Book about Me 2 år 5

The Book about Me – Lärarhandledning med CD


The Book about Me 3 år 6


Serien består av:


Serien riktar sig i första hand till år 4 – 6, men kan också användas för repetition i högre årskurser.



Detta läromedel är tänkt att underlätta för lärare som vill arbeta på ett fritt och elevindividualiserat sätt och erbjuder ett alternativ eller komplement till andra läromedel.




The Book about Me 1 – 3


Best. nr 47-08163-9 Tryck. nr 47-08163-9

Barbro Carlsson Åsa Sällberg


omslag_03.indd 1

08-01-31 13.42.02

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