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Ken Methold • Pieter Koster
2 CONTENTS 1. NARRATIVE An Honest Boy 4 2. NARRATIVE Parrot Talk6 3. E-MAIL Letter to a Pen Pal8 4. NARRATIVE Horse Medicine 10 5. NARRATIVE Smart 12 6. INFORMATION Sports Day 14 7. E-MAIL An E-mail Message 16 8. E-MAIL Reply to an E-mail Message 18 9. NARRATIVE The Bed20 10. NARRATIVE A Very Patient Family 22 11. MAP Reading a Street Map 24 12. NARRATIVE Cheap Parking 26 13. NARRATIVE In the Air 28 14. LETTER Christmas in Australia 30 15. NARRATIVE Pass the Salt, Please 32 16. NARRATIVE A Cruel Comment 34 17. NARRATIVE, DIALOGUE An Error 36 18. NARRATIVE The New Neighbour38 19. NARRATIVE A Lazy Man 40 20. NARRATIVE Payment in Full 42 21. DIARY A Night at the Theatre 44 22 CHAT On-line Chatting46 23. NARRATIVE Can You Hear Me? 48 24. NARRATIVE A Tall Story 50 25. REVIEW Uncle Henry's Holiday Video 52 26. NARRATIVE A Kind Grandmother 54 27. E-MAIL Judith's E-mail 56 28. E-MAIL Sarah's E-mail 58 29. DIARY The Accident 60 30 NEWS ARTICLE Car Hit School Bus62 GLOSSARY – UNIT BY UNIT 64


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Vocabulary Review Vocabulary Review

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Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension

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Summary Summary

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Unit An Honest Boy 1

When people find something valuable and return it to its owner, they are often given a reward. This is because the person not only found what was lost but also spent time to find its owner or take it to the police station.

There was once a young boy who found a woman’s purse in a shopping center. Inside the purse there was some money and the woman’s driver’s licence. Her name and address were printed on the licence, so the boy knew where she lived. That evening he went to her house and knocked on her door. When she opened it, he said, “I found your purse,” and handed it to her.

“Thank you very much,” she said. She opened her purse and took out all the money. She wanted to give the boy a small reward but there were only £20 notes in the purse and she thought that £20 was too much to give the boy. “I’m so sorry,” she said, “but I don’t have any small change to give you.”

The boy said, “That’s all right,” and went away.

A few days later he found another woman’s purse. It also had her driver’s licence in it, so he knew where she lived. He went to her house and said, “I found your purse,” and handed it to her.

“Thank you very much,” she said. She opened her purse and took out her money.

“That’s strange,” she said. “Before I lost my purse I had a £100 note and a £20 note in it. Now I have a £100 note, a £10 note and two £5 notes.”

“Yes,” the boy said, and smiled.

5 10 15 20 25 30

Vocabulary Review Vocabulary Review

Match each word with its meaning.

1. valuable

a. small money (notes or coins)

2. change b. something for doing a good thing

3. reward c. worth a lot

Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension

Choose the best answer.

1. Why did the boy smile at the end of the story?

a. He changed the notes in her purse. b. He kept some of the money. d. He wanted to look honest. d. He thought the woman was funny.

2. How did the boy know the owner of the purse?

a. He saw her drop the purse. b. Someone told him the name of the woman.

c. He took the purse from her. d. Something in the purse had her name on it.

3. After the boy returned the purse to the first woman, he felt

a. proud b. excited

c. disappointed

d. confused

4. The boy “handed the purse to” the woman? This means he … it to her.

a. dropped

c. threw

b. gave

d. took

Summary Summary

Choose the right word for each blank.

returned reward changed another owner (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

A boy found a purse and _____ it to the owner. The owner said she wanted to give him a _____, but she did not have any small notes. The boy found _____ purse. It only had large notes in it. He _____ the £20 note into smaller notes, so the _____ could give him a reward.


Unit Parrot Talk 2

There was once a parrot on sale in a pet store. It was a beautiful red and blue bird. It sat on a perch in the middle of the store, so that everyone who came into the store could see it. The owner was very proud of it and was asking a high price for it.

One day a man went into the pet store. “That’s a beautiful bird,” he said to the pet store owner, “but why is it so expensive? Is it a rare bird?”

“No, it’s not very rare. It’s expensive because it can talk,” the pet store owner said.

“I see. How can I make it talk?” the man asked. The pet store owner asked him, “Do you see those strings tied to each of the bird’s legs?”

“Yes,” the man said.

“Well, you pull those strings,” the pet store owner told him. “That’ll make the parrot talk.”

The man asked, “Do you mind if I try?”

“Not at all,” the pet store owner said. The man walked up to the parrot and pulled the string on its left leg. The parrot said, “Good morning.”

The man pulled the string on the parrot’s right leg. This time the parrot said, “How are you today?”

“That’s not very interesting,” said the man. “Any parrot could do that!” Then he laughed, “But what would happen if I pulled both strings at the same time?”

“I’ll fall off my perch, stupid,” the parrot said.

5 10 15 20 25 30

Vocabulary Review Vocabulary Review

Match each word with its meaning.

1. perch

2. rare

3. string

a. hard to find; not common

b. small rope

c. a small place where birds sit

Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension

Choose the best answer.

1. This story is funny because the parrot

a. couldn’t understand the man

c. liked playing with string

2. Which is true about the parrot?

a. It can’t talk.

c. It knows many languages.

b. sang a song

d. could speak and understand well

b. It is for sale.

d. It never learned to fly.

3. How does the man get the parrot to talk?

a. with food

c. with a tape

b. with money

d. with strings

4. The store owner tells the man, “Not at all.” By this he means … .

a. Don’t do it.

c. Go ahead.

Summary Summary

Choose the right word for each blank.

b. It’s free.

d. The store is closed.

perch tied to strings both other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

A man went into a pet store and saw a parrot on a _____. The parrot had two strings _____ its feet. The owner told the man to pull the _____. When the man pulled one or the _____ of the strings, the bird spoke. The man asked what the parrot would do if he pulled _____ strings at the same time. The bird said it would fall.


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Studentlitteraturs trycksaker är miljöanpassade, både när det gäller papper och tryckprocess.

Reading Success B ges numera ut av Studentlitteratur AB.

Denna andra upplaga innehåller dock inga förändringar av innehållet jämfört med den första upplagan.

Art.nr 35382

ISBN 978-91-44-17864-6

Upplaga 2:9

© 2007 Adastra Läromedel AB / © 2011 Studentlitteratur AB

© 2007 Ken Methold och Pieter Koster (text), Cheryl Orsini (teckningar) och Compass Publishing Inc, Seoul.

Originalets titel: Reading Success 3 samt Reading Success 4

Den svenska upplagan är språkgranskad av Michael Stevens.

Printed by Dimograf, Poland 2023

Reading Success vill hjälpa läsaren att utöka sitt engelska ordförråd och att lyckas i läsförståelse på engelska. Syftet är att skapa en aktiv läsare – en som behärskar såväl sökläsning som att reflektera och dra slutsatser. Texterna är hämtade ur olika genrer, t.ex. berättelser, dagböcker, informationsblad och e-post. Som ett extra stöd för läsningen finns alla texter inlästa.

Reading Success består av 30 fristående kapitel. Texten på vänstersidan följs upp av övningar i ordkunskap och läsförståelse på högersidan. I ”Vocabulary Review” övar man ord som förekommit i texten. Tanken är att man ska tillägna sig nya ord på ett lättsamt sätt genom att ordens betydelse framgår av sammanhanget. Frågorna i ”Reading Comprehension” visar om läsaren förstår fakta som står uttryckligen i texten och sådant som kräver att man läser mellan raderna och drar slutsatser. Den avslutande övningen ”Summary” sammanfattar texten och dess budskap.

Längst bak i boken finns en ordlista till varje kapitel. Ljudfilerna till bokens texter följer med den digitala licensen.

Art.nr 35382 studentlitteratur.se

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