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Dahlberg Adlard Brannen Gould

Cecilia Dahlberg Rebecca Adlard Rob Brannen Mike Gould

On Stage 2 Pjäser på engelska för grundskolan

On Stage 2

On Stage 2 är sex spännande och roliga pjäser för engelskundervisningen i grundskolan. Till varje pjäs finns en engelsk–svensk ordlista scen för scen.Vi önskar er mycket nöje med On Stage 2 !

978-91-622-8802-X ISBNISBN 978-91-622-8802-0



789162 288020



Varför jobba med drama på engelsklektionerna? Att arbeta med en pjäs som en del i engelskundervisningen innebär ett välkommet avbrott från den ”vanliga undervisningen”. Att få en anledning att lämna klassrummet och slippa den traditionella undervisningen är en av fördelarna, en annan är att hela gruppen får ett tydligt gemensamt projekt och mål att jobba mot, vilket är oslagbart för att ”få ihop” en grupp. Man upptäcker också under arbetets gång att eleverna blir alltmer solidariska gentemot pjäsen. Man peppar varandra, tar frivilligt på sig olika uppgifter som kanske innebär engagemang utanför lektionstid. Och man vill inte vara sjuk på den stora dagen! En tredje fördel är att en del elever vågar mer när de går in i en roll för att prata engelska som de här citaten visar från en utvärdering: • • • •

Jag känner mig säkrare på att prata engelska. Tänk att jag vågade läsa en egen dikt inför alla föräldrarna! Kul att göra något annorlunda. Nästa gång vill jag säga mer.

Ta hjälp av lärare i andra ämnen när du till exempel ska bygga scener och rekvisita. Teknik är ett ämne man kan samarbeta med som att bygga en val, en båt, en trappa i ett spökhus, en damm som speglar sig eller en rustning! Musiklärarna blir ofta glada när de på den stora premiären får vara med och hjälpa till med ljudeffekter. Syslöjdläraren ställer förstås upp och kommer med goda råd när det är dags att sy dräkter. Bildläraren kan tipsa om hur man kan göra bakgrunderna så snygga som möjligt. De flesta lärare brukar tycka det är roligt med något nytt, det är sällan som lärare avböjer att hjälpa till. Ett tips är att spela upp en pjäs i samband med föräldramötet. Ett utmärkt sätt att lätta upp stämningen!

Exempel på övningar man kan göra när man jobbar med en pjäs • Eleverna får i läxa att träna på olika ord/uttryck i texten. Gloslistor finns till alla pjäserna. Alla ord/uttryck är översatta till betydelsen i sammanhanget. Orden står alltså inte alltid i sin grundform. • Ordklasser. Leta efter substantiv, verb, adjektiv och så vidare i texten. • Oregelbundna/Regelbundna verb. Leta efter verb i presens i texten. Leta efter verb i preteritum och så vidare. • Översätta sin roll/vissa stycken till svenska. • Skriva dikter som är relevanta till texten. Dessa läses upp mellan scenerna när man spelar upp teatern. • Skriva sånger som är relevanta till texten. När man gör det kan man använda sig av kända melodier som man sätter egna ord till. • Skriva ett välkomsttal som någon elev håller innan pjäsen börjar. • Talövningar: i par, i grupp och enskilt.


On Stage 2 © Bonnier Utbildning ab

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• Elever som vill säga mer kan fylla ut sina roller genom att skriva fler repliker, gärna tillsammans med någon annan i samma scen. • Illustrera manuset.

Småsketcher Innan man börjar med en pjäs kan man värma upp med lite småsketcher. Plasta in och klipp ut korten. Dela in eleverna i grupper, förslagsvis tre i varje grupp, lotta gärna. Ge ett kort till varje grupp och säg att de får cirka tio minuter på sig att träna in en dialog. Påminn att alla måste säga minst fem meningar var. Spela upp för klassen! Använd gärna uttrycket pokerface vid lottning. När man får reda på vem man ska jobba med jublar man inte och man ser heller inte besviken ut, man använder ett pokerface!

Korta beskrivningar av de olika pjäserna Mirror Image

The Monkeys and the Moon

Mirror Image handlar om fyra barn som får i uppgift av sin bildlärare att göra ett självporträtt. Under arbetets gång får både läraren och eleverna en nyttig lektion i självkännedom och självkänsla.

The Monkeys and the Moon är en dråplig historia om sju apor som försvinner en efter en. De har blivit helt förtrollade av månskenet som reflekteras i vattenhålet. När apornas ledare upptäcker vad som hänt beordrar han aporna att hämta månens spegelbild i vattnet som han tror är en skatt. Det slutar med att alla aporna utom en hamnar i vattnet och sånär drunknar.

Jonah and the Whale Jonah and the Whale är inspirerad av berättelsen om profeten Jona i Gamla testamentet. Här är Jona besättningsman på ett valfångstfartyg. Han ramlar överbord under en storm och slukas av en val. I en humoristisk dialog med valen lyckas Jona bli fri och lovar valen att den inte ska dödas av valfångarna.

Into the Dark Into the Dark är en spännande berättelse om fem barn som tältar hemma i trädgården. Barnen berättar spökhistorier för varandra och efter att ha skrämt upp varandra smyger de ut för att undersöka ett övergivet hus i närheten. Besöket överträffar deras värsta mardrömmar…

On Stage 2 © Bonnier Utbildning ab

Man in a Hurry Man in a Hurry utspelar sig på en skola. En av skolans före detta elever är en känd skulptör som har kommit för att visa sin senaste skapelse. Skulpturen, som är mycket värdefull, försvinner efter visningen. Fem barn sätter genast i gång jakten på den försvunna statyn. De finner snart spår som leder rakt till förövaren – statyn själv!

The Canterville Ghost The Canterville Ghost handlar om en amerikansk familj som köpt ett engelskt gods med spöke och allt. Till spökets stora förtret låter sig familjen inte skrämmas. Inte nog med det: barnen skojar och driver med spöket. Historien slutar dock lyckligt för alla, inklusive spöket.

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Into the Dark by Rob Brannen Cast: Drewey, girl aged 13 Jess, girl also 13 Dom, boy aged 13 Wes, boy also 13 Kia,Wes’ sister, 11

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On Stage 2 © Bonnier Utbildning ab

Kopiering tillåten

Into the Dark

The action is played out in an empty space with torches. Possibly some sleeping bags and what’s left of a midnight feast. The action starts in a tent in Wes and Kia’s back garden. Drewey is just finishing telling a ghost story.

Scene 1 Drewey Jess Dom Wes Kia Wes Dom Kia Dom Jess Drewey All

And the next day she found an axe under the passenger seat, dripping with blood! That’s disgusting. I feel sick. I feel sick now, I do. Do it outside the tent, Dom. If you don’t mind. My parents would go mad if we messed it up. Who’s got the chocolate? I need to take the taste away. We’ve got chocolate, crisps, popcorn and some marshmallows left. I’ll have popcorn with marshmallows. I thought you felt sick? It’s Drewey who is sick. Sick in the mind. How do you make all those ghost stories up, Drewey? I don’t make them up… They’re true!

They all laugh.

Scene 2 Dom Wes Dom Jess

I know ghost stories. Did you hear the one about the… Severed hand. Yeah, you told us before. No. The one about the woman… … in Victorian times playing hide and seek in a big old house. And she can’t find somewhere to hide, so she goes up into the attic room and quickly gets in an old trunk, like a big old Victorian chest, and the lid drops down. It’s really heavy and rusted and much smaller in there than she had thought. Now she can’t open the lid and she bangs and bangs and bangs, but the attic room is too high up and nobody ever goes up there because the owners have said there’s a ghost. So, all the others search the house but she’s never found. She bangs and bangs and bangs… and when the banging stops… she slowly rots away in the old chest.

There is a pause.

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Into the Dark

Scene 3 Dom Wes Dom

Jess Dom

Jess Drewey Dom Wes Dom Drewey Dom Jess Dom Wes Jess Kia Dom Drewey Dom Jess Dom Jess Dom Wes Dom

Drewey Kia Wes Kia Drewey

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That’s not the one I was thinking of. Tell us yours then. King of Spooky Tales. It was about a woman down our street. They’d been doing lots of roadworks outside her house and repairing the pavement and all that. And this had made lots of dust. So, she was washing her windows, sitting on the window ledge. Sitting on the window ledge? Yes, sitting on the ledge, washing her windows, leaning out. And they were repairing the pavement below. She lost her balance and fell straight into a concrete mixer. Concrete mixer?! Coke anyone? Drewey, we listened to yours. I’ll have one, Drewey, thanks. Everyone listened to Drewey’s story. My story was good. Good and scary. Give it a chance. This is terrifying. A concrete mixer, Dom? Yes, she fell into a concrete mixer. The angle wouldn’t be right. Yeah. What happened, Dom? So anyway. She dies. And it took fourteen blokes to lift her coffin! It’s not a joke, Drewey. This is true. Down our street. What was her name? Her name? Yes. What was her name? Mrs… Mrs… (he looks around) Tent… erly. Mrs Tenterly. Mrs Tenterly? Does she live next door to Mrs Sleeping Bagly? Never mind what her name was. It’s not important! The thing is now, down our street, loads of people have seen a ghost of a woman… but instead of a head… there’s just… a block of concrete. How spooky is that? That’s the worst ghost story I’ve ever heard. That would be pretty scary, if you saw a normal woman’s body but with like this block of concrete head, coming towards you. Just push her over and she’d never be able to get up again! What time is it? It’s nearly midnight.

On Stage 2 © Bonnier Utbildning ab

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Into the Dark

Scene 4 Kia Wes Drewey Kia Drewey

Kia Drewey Jess Wes Dom Drewey Wes Kia Wes Dom Jess Dom Jess Dom Drewey Kia

Do you think mum and dad have gone to sleep, Wes? I’ll have a look. All the lights in the house are off. Listen. What? Quiet, isn’t it? I’d say it was too quiet. The kind of quiet that happens just before midnight. The kind of quiet that there is just before something terrifying happens. Stop it, Drew. Something terrifying, that happens to four kids sleeping out in Wes’ garden… with no parents around… and nobody to hear them scream. That’s not funny, Drewey. You know how freaked out Kia gets. Four? Drewey, you said something terrifying was about to happen to four kids. Yeah. There are five of us. No, you’re wrong. There are four kids and one flesh-eating zombie! Aaaaaaahh!! (she goes to attack the others) Drewey, you squashed my Fruit and Nut, you twit. Chocolate all over my sleeping bag. I think I’m going to go back into the house now. You can’t. You’ll wake up mum and dad. Let your little sister go, if she’s scared. Since when have you been so brave, Dom. What do you mean? When we turned all the lights out at my house, you freaked out. Had to leave the room. I thought it was a kissy game. That’s all. I thought it was a kissy game or something and everybody was going to chase round and… and kiss. Who’d want to kiss you? Kia can’t leave because we haven’t had the adventure yet. I told you all I’d sleep out in the garden, but I’m not going out. We’re not allowed out of the garden. Mum and dad would go mad.

Scene 5 Drewey Wes Drewey Jess

Only to the old house at the back. Not again, Drewey. You go on about this every time you come round here. Unless we go, we’ll never know. Know what?

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Into the Dark


Dom Wes Kia Drewey Kia Drewey Kia Drewey Jess Drewey

Drewey Dom Jess Wes Dom Drewey Jess Wes Dom Kia

If what they say is true. Why it’s been deserted for so long. What happened to the people who lived there. Why you can hear a moaning sound coming from inside when you stand at the front gate and listen… You can actually. I’ve heard that moaning sound. It’s Kia. She’s always moaning. You could hear her from over there. I am not. Kia, you don’t have to come with us. You could stay here all on your own if you wanted to… all on your own. Listen. Did you hear that? What? Oh, maybe it was nothing. I thought I heard a strange sound. You can’t leave me on my own. Let’s all go then. It’s midnight. We’d better go now or it’ll be too late. Too late. The gate only opens to strangers at midnight, just for a short while. Enough for four kids and a zombie to slip through and then it will close again. At midnight, once a year, the night of the terrible happening… And tonight just so happens to be that night. We’ve got to finish these crisps, they’re Prawn Cocktail flavour. Jess, your favourite! Time to go then. Wes? I’ll go if you and Drewey are going. I’ve got some mint Aeros somewhere. They must be at the bottom of my sleeping bag or something. We’ve nowhere near finished this midnight feast. It’s a different kind of midnight feast we’ll be going to, Dom. The zombie, vampire, werewolf feast of flesh and blood. A feast of horror. Drewey, pack it in. Let’s just go and have a look around, have a laugh and come back. Let’s do it! Well, I’m not staying here. Please don’t go, please don’t go. Seriously, I mean seriously. (the others are creeping out of the tent) Well I’m not going. I’m really not going you lot. Hey, wait for me!

Scene 6 They crawl out of the tent and stand in the night air. Drewey Dom

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A full moon. It’s perfect, just perfect. All the signs have come together to tell us this is the right night. The date is right, the full moon, the midnight hour. The smell of prawn cocktail on everyone’s breath.

On Stage 2 © Bonnier Utbildning ab

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Into the Dark


Lift the side gate latch, very slowly. Don’t let it creak and wake up mum and dad.

Jess does so. She pushes the gate open and everyone goes through. They move in a very tight group. Jess Kia Dom Drewey Wes Jess

There’s nobody in the street. Seriously, guys, I mean seriously, can we go back to the tent. We’re going to get into such big trouble. The gate! The gate of the old deserted house is open! It’s a sign! It’s always open. It’s nearly falling off. But the door…

They all now see what Jess is looking at. Dom Wes Kia Wes Drewey Dom Jess Drewey

The door is open. Wes, the door of the house is open. The door is never open. Kia, have you ever seen the door of the house open? No. Seriously. No. Neither have I. Anybody? The spirits have spoken. We must enter. No way! No way! No way am I going in that house. Afraid we’re going to play kissy games, Dom? Come on. Let’s go inside.

Scene 7 They slowly move forward into the house, shining their torches around. Dom Wes Jess Wes Drewey

Hello. Is anybody there? Dom. Don’t be stupid. It’s a deserted house. Look, the old wallpaper is peeling off the walls. There’s still coat hooks. What’s in there, Wes? (He pushes a door and lets it swing back) Nothing. Just an old fireplace. Some newspaper in the corner. Whatever is living here at the moment won’t come out straight away. It will wait until we’re not expecting it. There is certainly something within the house. I can sense it, but right now it is hiding… in the darkest corners, behind the wallpaper, under the floorboards. There may be one. There maybe more than one. Who knows. Just waiting. Waiting for the right moment. (Pause) Shall we go up the stairs?

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Into the Dark


Wes Dom Jess

I don’t think I’d like to do that. I’m quite happy just here. Or maybe outside, or maybe back in the tent, or in my own home, in my own bed. With your own teddy bear. Well are you going up there? We’re all going up there.

Scene 8 They take a deep breath. They climb up the stairs, by walking on the spot, shining their torches around, they notice things caught in the beam of the torch. Jess Drewey Wes Drewey Jess Drewey Wes Drewey Dom Wes Kia Drewey Dom

Jess Dom Jess Dom Jess Dom Drewey Dom Jess Wes

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An old picture of a woman. Still on the wall. Her eyes are following us. An old jumper or something, in the corner over there. They had to leave in a hurry. (pushing a door) Another old fireplace. A small one in the bedroom. Still glowing hot after all these years. Keeping the spirits warm. Another old newspaper in the corner. Telling of the dreadful fate… OK, OK, Drewey. That’s enough. We’ve done it now. We’ve looked around. There’s nothing more to prove. We can go. Look, you lot. More stairs. They must go up to an attic room. Attic room? I’m so frightened now. Can one of you take me back? I’d really like it if one of you took me back now. Just as soon as we’ve seen the attic room. (talking to himself) Here we are climbing the attic stairs of the spooky deserted house and I’m thinking about happy things like Christmas and holidays and it not being dark and scary. Don’t make me look in the attic, Drewey, don’t make me look in the attic. Dom, we’ll just take one quick look and then all go back to the tent. Promise? Promise. Don’t tell anyone I was scared, will you. You’re not scared, Dom. No, of course not. Oh no. Oh no. It can’t be. Don’t look, don’t look in the corner. (banging the torch to try to make it work) My torch. My torch has gone. Mine too. What is it, Drewey? I’ve seen it, Drewey. Look you two. Look. Where I’m shining my torch.

On Stage 2 © Bonnier Utbildning ab

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Into the Dark

Jess Drewey All

A chest. A big old Victorian chest, like the one in the story. In an attic room. But look, look at the lid. Aaaaagh!!!

Scene 9 They start running and bumping into each other. Kia is ‘lost’ amongst the panicking crowd. She always finds herself behind the others, whichever way they turn. Dom Wes Jess Drewey Dom Wes Dom Wes Drewey Dom

The lid. The lid’s opening! Go, go, go, let’s get out. The rotting woman, she’s coming out. She’s coming for us. Where’s Kia? Where’s Kia? Where’s Kia? The rotting woman has got Kia and she’s dragging her into the chest and she’ll shut the lid. We’ve lost Kia forever! Mum and dad will kill me. Get out. She’ll drag us in too. Out the door, out the door, out the door, quick!

They break through to the outside. Jess Wes Jess Wes Kia Wes Kia Jess

Come on quick. Back to the tent. (over his shoulder to see if anything is coming) Lift the latch slowly, Jess. We don’t want to wake… I think your screaming will have woken everyone up. I wasn’t screaming. (They stand for a moment out of breath) My little sister. We’ve lost Kia forever. I’m here. I was with you all the time. Well why didn’t you say so? I was so scared I couldn’t speak. Come on, let’s get back in the tent.

They crawl back into the tent. Pause. Kia Jess

I’m tired now, Wes. No more stories. Can we get to sleep? Yeah. Come on.

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Into the Dark

Scene 10 They all get in sleeping bags, plump pillows, lie down. Dom Wes All others Wes Jess

Let’s forget it now. Stupid old house, not going to scare us. Night everyone. Night. Yeah, night. Let’s get some sleep now. Night everybody.

There is a pause. After a moment. Dom Drewey

Did you really see that lid lift up, Drewey? I thought I did… yes, I did… it definitely lifted up. And I think I just saw a hand…

Pause. At exactly the same time they all sit bolt upright, eyes wide open, terrified.


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On Stage 2 © Bonnier Utbildning ab

Kopiering tillåten

Into the Dark

Gloslista: Into the Dark


Scene 5


Scene 1 dripping with blood disgusting do it outside messed it up crisps sick in the mind how do you make those ghost stories up?

drypande med blod äckligt gör det utanför sölade ner den chips sjuk i huvudet hur hittar du på de där spökhistorierna?

Scene 2 severed hand Victorian times attic room old trunk chest lid rusted slowly rots away

avhuggen hand 1800-talets England vindsrum gammal koffert kista lock rostig ruttnar långsamt bort

Scene 3 SpookyTales roadworks repairing the pavement window ledge concrete mixer blokes coffin never mind a block of concrete worst

spökhistorier vägarbeten lagade trottoaren fönsterblecket cementblandare typer likkista bry dig inte cementblock värsta

deserted moaning sound all on your own we’d better go midnight feast werewolf pack it in

övergiven jämrande ljud helt själv vi borde gå midnattsfesten varulv lägg av

Scene 6 prawn cocktail side gate latch creak

räkcocktail (chipssmak) haken till sidgringden gnissla

Scene 7 peeling off coat hooks swing back fireplace whatever straight away sense waiting for the right moment

flagnar kapphängare svänga upp öppen spis vad som än omedelbart känna väntar på rätt tillfälle

Scene 8 by walking on the spot still glowing hot dreadful fate dark and scary will you my torch has gone

genom att gå på samma ställe (låtsas gå i en trappa) fortfarande glödande het hemska ödet mörkt och skrämmande är du snäll min ficklampa har slocknat

Scene 4 quiet terrifying no parents around freaked out twit brave kissy game we’re not allowed

tyst hemskt inga föräldrar närvarande vettskrämd, utflippad dumskalle modig pusslek vi får inte, vi har inte tillåtelse att

On Stage 2 © Bonnier Utbildning ab

Scene 9 bumping into each other stöter ihop med varandra panicking crowd panikslagna hopen latch hasp

Scene 10 plump pillows definitely sit bolt upright terrified

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puffar upp kudddarna absolut sätter sig rakt upp vettskrämda

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Dahlberg Adlard Brannen Gould

Cecilia Dahlberg Rebecca Adlard Rob Brannen Mike Gould

On Stage 2 Pjäser på engelska för grundskolan

On Stage 2

On Stage 2 är sex spännande och roliga pjäser för engelskundervisningen i grundskolan. Till varje pjäs finns en engelsk–svensk ordlista scen för scen.Vi önskar er mycket nöje med On Stage 2 !

978-91-622-8802-X ISBNISBN 978-91-622-8802-0



789162 288020



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