Poinsettia sale

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8 th Grade Poinsettia Sale Attention 8th Grade Class! Starting today, the 8th grade class will be selling poinsettias to kick off fundraising for your class trip in May! This should be a fairly easy sale. Simply ask people if they would like to order a poinsettia…available in 5 sizes and 4 colors. A small poinsettia is $6, a medium is $12, a large is $24 an extra- large is $36 and a jumbo is $48. The colors are red, white, pink and variegated. The sizes of the pots are listed on the order form. Be sure to tell everyone that the poinsettias are from Corso’s Nursery in Sandusky. All pots will have a decorative foil covering on the pot. When ordering, please put the customer’s name and phone number on your order form. Also make sure that you put your name on the paper as YOU will get ALL of your profits from the poinsettias you sell applied to your trip balance! We will be putting the information in church bulletins and the school newsletters. We also have the opportunity to sell after the weekend masses on November 30th and December 1st. Please visit: https://signup.com/go/WNNqodo to add your name to the calendar. Please collect the money NOW (checks payable to BHCS). The due date for orders will be on Tuesday, December 3. Poinsettias will be delivered on Thursday, December 5th and can be picked up on the first floor of SJCC from 1pm-4:30pm. Keep in mind we will need parents and students to volunteer to check poinsettias in and hand them out on Thursday, December 5th. If you are able to help, please contact either Angie or Darcy via our emails below. Everyone that sells 10 poinsettias (ANY SIZE) will get 1 Free Jeans Day on Thursday Dec. 5th. If you have any questions, please contact: Angie Halbeisen ahalbeisen@bishop-hoffman.net or Darcy Woolf darcylwoolf@yahoo.com Now Sell, Sell, Sell!!!! Thank you! Angie Halbeisen & Darcy Woolf

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