Sherfield School - Junior Prep Pupil Handbook

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Junior Prep Pupil Handbook


At Sherfield School we offer opportunities for high levels of academic study combined with a broad range of cocurricular opportunities which help us identify, nurture and celebrate individual talents. The school also supports a number of charities and there are many fundraising events throughout the year which we encourage you to embrace. There are opportunities to convey your views through the Student Council and develop leadership experience through our Junior Prep Lead learners system in Year 4.

We have a range of academic extension offered to all able and motivated pupils; these include after school clubs, public speaking and national competitions. Pupils are members of one of four competition houses, with house points awarded for achievement, consistency and effort in curriculum lessons, sport, music and drama.

As pupils progress through the school towards the Sixth Form, our Heads of Phase, Head of Careers and Head of Sixth Form will provide expertise on choices appropriate for aspirations, skills and interests. This will guide progress towards great universities (UK and overseas), colleges, apprenticeships and jobs.

Sherfield School is an all-through school, taking care of 3 month old babies that grow to become Sixth Form adults. Sherfield School is characterised by constructive, caring, open and trusting relationships, a place where dedicated staff know and value each pupil as an individual and can support sensitively if problems arise. To support this, we have an excellent pastoral system led by our Head of Prep, Deputy Heads of Prep, class teachers and two school nurses. The tutor groups are small to allow tutors to get to know pupils well. Regular updates and live learning looks are done through the SeeSaw application and academic reports are sent home regularly. The class tutor is the first port of call for a pupil or parent if difficulties arise.

Our motto, Ad Vitam Paramus, refers to our pupils preparing for life. This preparation begins at Sherfield but continues when pupils leave. There is a life-long journey of learning; and to do well and be happy it is important to be challenged at school, to learn to adapt to change and build resilience. Sherfield School equips pupils with the skills for a bright future.

We want our pupils to enjoy their time here by making the most of the opportunities we offer.

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An outstanding, all-round academic, active and creative school where learners thrive and flourish as they experience the excitement and enjoyment of learning

Our Purpose

We unleash the potential of passionate and creative problem solvers, ready to contribute to a global society.

At Sherfield…

• You can be strong and sure of who you are and what you can do

• You can be ambitious and brave, exploring outside of your comfort zone

• You can fail without fear, knowing there’s a whole community behind you

• You can be enterprising, inventive, playful and fun

• You can be thoughtful, inquisitive and supportive of each other

• You can learn without limits and wonder without walls

• You can be healthy, confident and eager to succeed

• You can be part of something bigger – a team, a family, a community

• You can be the most authentic version of you

• You can be fierce in your path, wherever it takes you

• You can be anything, because at Sherfield it’s your future to own

Own Your Future – Believe and Achieve

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The first day of the new academic year is Monday 4 September; pupils should arrive at school for 8:25am on this morning.

All pupils in the Junior Prep phase, including new pupils, should go to the Prep School Courtyard via the entrance at the side of the Cottage and your class teacher will collect you from there.

Your class teacher will take you to your class to register you and will give you your timetable, go through it with you, give you your school log on details and answer any queries you may have for the first morning.

When you are ready to be collected at either 3:15pm or 5.45pm, please go to the pick-up point where a member of staff will wait with you until you are collected. Those pupils catching the school bus (from Year 4) should go to the bus waiting area for the buses at 5:45pm.


The uniform for Sherfield can be found on this link and these are the only items you should wear when on school grounds. Uniform should be worn with pride and all pupils should be dressed smartly at all times, including wearing blazers when not in lessons, this includes arriving and leaving school, between lessons, assemblies, break and lunchtimes.


Sherfield opens at 7:30am for Breakfast Club. If you arrive between 8:00-8:15am, you must go to the Library.

Pupils arriving late must first report to Main Reception, via the black door to the left of the main entrance so that the registers may be corrected. Year 1 to Year 2


8:55 Period 1

9:50 Period 2

10:45Morning Break

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12:10 Lunch 13:10 Period 4 14:10 Period 5 15:15 End of School / Pick Up 15:15 After School Clubs 16.15 Tea Club 17:45 Pick up / Buses
11:10 Period 3

Year 3 and Year 4


8:55 Period 1

9:50 Period 2

10:45Morning Break

11:10 Period 3

12:10 Lunch 13:10 Period 4

14:10 Period 5

15:00 Afternoon Break


Period 6

16:15 End of School / Pick Up

16:15 Tea / Registration for Clubs

16.30 After School Clubs

17:45 After School Clubs Finish / Pick up


Your timetable is issued on the first day of school. It will tell you which lesson you have, where it is and who the teacher is. If you lose your timetable, your class teacher can print another copy for you.


Individual and small group lessons for music take place within the school day. The teacher for the lesson will let your parents know when the lessons will take place each week as they may not be the same time.

It It is your responsibility to make sure you attend them and if you are unable to that you speak with the teacher, or Mr Rampton, well in advance to arrange a different time.


All pupils will receive homework in certain lessons which is appropriate for your age.

You should be able to complete the homework on your own without help from anyone else.


At Sherfield pupil safety and safeguarding is paramount. If you have a concern or issue there are a number of people you can speak to but you should be aware that the Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Bouwer and the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr Page. You can identify safeguarding officers from the posters around school or by their orange lanyards.

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There are plenty of people to help you at Sherfield and you should always make sure that if you are not sure about anything you ask someone to help you.

Head of School (Interim) Mr N Richards

Head of Prep Mrs Bouwer

Deputy Heads of Junior Prep

If you have any medication that you need to take through the day, including pain relief, they must be taken to the Healthzone for safe keeping.

There is also a telephone at main reception if you need to call home in extraordinary circumstances.

All the staff at Sherfield are here to help you, so always make sure that if you’re not sure you ask one of them.


Year 1 to 6 Mrs Thorne Mrs Dransfield and Mr Rowson


Your first point of contact should always be your class teacher who can answer most questions for you. They will also spend time with you on the academic and personal elements of life at Sherfield .Your teacher’s role is to monitor overall performance and to nurture, listen, support and encourage all pupils to achieve their best in an atmosphere of positive education.

Next there is the Head of Prep, Mrs Bouwer and she is always to meet with children if they have any concerns.

For pupils who require additional support with lessons, either because they are advanced at something or need extra help, the Inclusion team are here to help with that.

Our School Nurses look after any pupils who are not feeling very well or have had an accident. They also help with the PSHE programme including healthy eating.

We have a strong anti-bullying policy and culture.

We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our pupils so they can learn and grow up in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at Sherfield School. If bullying does occur, all pupils should be able to tell someone and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. This means that anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell the staff. Sherfield School as a whole community is committed to minimising and, if possible, eliminating bullying.

By ‘bullying’ the School means physical and/or verbal assaults on others, or other behaviour which is hurtful. It may sometimes begin as so called banter but later cross the boundary into bullying. Bullying behaviour includes the following:

• Emotional - being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting (e.g. hiding books, threatening gestures)

• Physical - pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence

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• Racist - racial taunts, graffiti, gestures

• Sexual - unwanted physical contact or sexual comments

• Homophobic - because of, or focussing on the issue of sexuality

• Verbal - name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing

• Cyber - all areas of the internet, such as email, internet chat room misuse, social network sites; threats by text messaging and calls; misuse of camera & video facilities (e.g. sending or posting messages or pictures via mobile phone or the internet to or about other pupils which may hurt or discomfort them)

This list is not exhaustive and only gives examples. Most, but not all, instances of bullying are sustained over a period of time.

Pupils who have been bullied will be supported by:

• offering an immediate opportunity to discuss the experience with a form tutor or member of staff of their choice;

• reassuring the pupil

• offering continuous support

• restoring self-esteem and confidence including counselling if needed

• helping with coping and avoidance strategies

Pupils who have bullied will be helped by:

• discussing what happened and reasons for the bullying behaviour

• being given pastoral support to avoid such behaviour in the future

• informing parents or guardians to help change the attitude of the pupil

Where possible, the victim and the offender will be reconciled.

A written record will be made of proven incidents of bullying. This record will be kept in the School Pupil Database (iSAMS). Such records will always be handled with sensitivity.

Parents will be informed and in serious cases will be required to visit the school to discuss the matter.

Possible disciplinary action by the school:

• an official warning after a proper apology and reconciliation has been made

• a school detention

• exclusion from certain areas of school premises and life (such as co-curricular activities)

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• an official warning after a proper apology and reconciliation has been made

• a school detention

• exclusion from certain areas of school premises and life (such as co-curricular activities)

• in serious cases or where there is repeated bullying, suspension from the school for a fixed term

• continued bullying behaviour will be incompatible with staying at the school and permanent expulsion may be used in such cases

We expect you to observe common courtesies:

• Move around the school with dignity and respect for others

• Open doors for all adults (staff and visitors) and let them go through first. Say thank you when somebody opens the door for you

• Take your hands out of your pockets when speaking to staff or other adults

• Avoid offensive language, even if there is no teacher present


Pupils are taught, encouraged and expected to develop and maintain a strong personal integrity that is truthful, generous, courteous and considerate of the needs and feelings of others.

They are expected to have a positive and purposeful attitude to their studies and school lives, and to their relationships with staff and other pupils.

• Behave in a kind and caring manner, especially to those younger than yourself

Allow teachers to teach and pupils to learn:

• Never shout out in class

• If you wish to say something in class raise your hand and the teacher will ask for your contribution at an appropriate time

• The end of the lesson will be determined by your teacher and you should leave the classroom in an orderly manner and in the condition you would wish to find it

• Do not bring items to school that are likely to cause distraction

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Move around school safely:

• Do not run in the corridors

• Keep to the left in corridors and on stairs

• Wait patiently in queues

Appearances matter:

• Observe the school policy on uniform and wear your uniform smartly

• Treat your environment with respect and ensure that all litter is deposited in bins

Academic excellence and honesty:

• Complete all work on time and to a high standard; if a problem meeting a deadline is anticipated, the issue should be discussed with the teacher before the work is due

• Avoid copying or any other form of plagiarism as it subverts the assessment process, is a breach of academic integrity and undermines the standards and reputation of the school

Travelling to and from school and on trips:

• While travelling in public places pay particular attention to your conduct and appearance. Show courtesy and consideration to members of the public. Behaviour that may offend or intimidate members of the public or damage the reputation of the School is regarded as a serious breach of discipline


All pupils from Year 5 may wear watches and plain metal stud earrings. No other jewellery is allowed to be worn.


Hair must be neat and tidy.

Long hair should be tied back with navy or black hair ties, if long, with no pieces of hair hanging down.


Pupils are not allowed to bring food or drink from home. A water bottle may be filled from the dining room or the sports hall. Water bottles must only have water in them during school; no juice or squash. Energy drinks will be confiscated.


Pupils at Sherfield treat their school with respect. Pupils responsible for any damage to school property will be billed for their damage. We also reserve the right to charge collectively for damage done by a group of pupils, irrespective of each individual’s contribution to that damage.

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We expect all pupils to arrive at school for the start of their day by 8:25am and to be punctual for lessons and activities. No pupils may leave the Sherfield site during the day without the express permission of the Head of Prep.

If permission is granted for you to leave site during the day, you must sign out of school by going to the Main Reception and your parents must come in to pick you up from there.

If you are unavoidably late into school, you must sign in at Reception, as soon as you arrive and before going to your classroom. A member of staff will be available to take you over to your classroom.


We have a wide range of clubs for pupils in the Junior Prep School which take place after school.

After school activities are chosen in the last few weeks of the preceding term and are sent home to your parents to help you choose. The clubs run from the first day of each term until the last day of each term, unless you are advised otherwise. They run from 3:15pm to 4:15pm (Year 1 and Year 2) and 4:30pm to 5:45pm (Year 3 and Year 4). Your parents will enter the selection of clubs onto the online booking system to reserve your place.



We expect that valuables are left at home rather than brought into school. If there are extreme circumstances where valuables need to be brought into school, these should be given to your tutor for safekeeping. The school will not be held accountable should any valuables be lost or mislaid if they are not passed to your tutor for safekeeping.


Junior Prep Pupils are allocated a cloakrooms close to their classrooms.

Homework club is available to Year 3 and Year 4 pupils between 4:30pm-5:45pm and takes place in a classroom where you can do your homework before going home. This is booked in the same way as other after school clubs, but can also be booked at short notice if there is space available. As everyone is working in this club, you are expected to be silent and allow others to work just as you would in a normal class. Computer gaming is not permitted.

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Trips and excursions are organised throughout the year. These serve to enhance and enrich the curriculum in many ways.

You are expected to behave in the same manner as you would if you were in school whilst you are out on trips including sports fixtures.


Junior Prep Assemblies take place once a week and , if in Year 3 and above, you will normally attend another assembly with other pupils each week; such as a house assembly.


All pupils, Year 3 and above, and teachers are allocated to one of our four Houses – Buckfield (purple), Lydney (green), Wynstow (red) and Loddon (yellow).

There are a number of house events which take place each term, with at least one a week and these are normally advertised in house assemblies and on the house noticeboards. You can help win points for your house by taking part in or supporting these events.

You can also win house points with good pieces of work, improvement in lesson, good effort, acts of courtesy, positive contribution to school life, service in a school event, as well as other things.

All pupils should try to get as many as they can because at the end of the year, they are totalled together to win the coveted House Cup!


Star Awards are special awards used to reward Achievement, Consistency and Effort and are given for going above and beyond. Each pupil’s reading journal has 40 circles in, each set of ten circles gives a pupil an award. It goes from Bronze to Platinum Awards for the year.

There is a weekly Role Model for each class.

The Headmaster’s Award is given to pupils for exceptional work and contribution to the school.


Learning need not take place solely within educational buildings. The outdoor environment has massive potential for learning. We are extremely fortunate to have such amazing grounds and woodland environments on our school site, and our children and young people’s learning experiences can be enhanced by maximising the potential of the outdoors.

Outdoor learning in Junior Prep is scheduled as a two hour block once a fortnight.

Children need to bring appropriate clothes for the outdoor learning which may consist of a warm layer, wellies and waterproofs.

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We encourage a positive, healthy and active approach to life and learning. Fruit is on offer at breaktime and we provide healthy, balanced school meals. Lunch is compulsory for all pupils and special diets are catered for. Pupils are not allowed to bring meals, drinks or snacks from home.


There are buses which bring pupils into school and take them home again (from aged 8/Year 4). If you have registered for school transport, you will be told where to wait for the bus to collect you in the morning. You will arrive in plenty of time for registration at 8:25am. In the evening, you should be prompt in leaving your after-school club and report to Main Reception to wait for the bus to take you home. School buses leave at 5:45pm.

If you are not travelling home on the bus at the end of the school day, please let the Main School Receptionist know before you leave school for the day.


During wet break or lunchtime you are expected to go back to your classroom and your class teacher will be around to supervise indoor play.


All pupils should wait outside their building (Lydney) with the member of staff whilst they wait for their parents to collect them.

If you are not collected at 3:15pm and you are expecting to be, your teacher will contact your parents to make arrangements.


Pupils must not leave site at any time without an adult. If you need to leave the school during the day for things such as a medical or dental appointment, this has to be authorised by the Head of Prep at least 48 hours in advance and your parents must pick you up and return you to and from the Main Reception, where you must sign in and out of school.


We use our newsletter to highlight our pupils’ outstanding achievements both inside and out of school, therefore if you have any news stories and photographs for the newsletter, please share with your tutor who will be happy to pass them to our Marketing team.


There are a number of organisations outside of school who may be able to help if you feel you cannot talk to an adult you know.

Childline is a free, private and confidential service where you can be yourself. Whatever your worry, whenever you need help, Childline is there for you on the phone anytime.

Telephone: 0800 1111.

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TERM DATES 2023– 2024

Autumn Term 2023

Term Starts

Half Term Term Ends

Spring Term 2024

Term Starts

Half Term

Monday 4 September

Monday 23 October –

Friday 3 November

Friday 15 December

Term Ends

Summer Term 2024

Term Starts

Half Term

Monday 8 January

Monday 12 February –

Friday 16 February

Thursday 28 March

Term Ends

Monday 22 April

Monday 27 May –

Friday 31 May

Friday 5 July


Lunch Menus

Uniform Lists


Sports Fixtures

Term Dates

Staff List


Virtual Tour

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Sherfield School, Sherfield-on-Loddon, Hook, Hampshire, RG27 0HU + 44 (0) 1256 884 800 |
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