Sestrinski glasnik br.2 / 2012.

Page 81

NURSING JOURNAL [NJ] - ADVERT Nursing Journal [NJ] is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal covering the entire spectrum of clinical medicine and related areas such as ethics in medicine, nursing and doctor’s management, public health and the history of nursing and medicine. In addition to original articles the Journal contains editorials and leading articles on recent topics, review articles, case reports and a wide spectrum of special articles. Nursing Journal [NJ] promotes and develops the systems of patient management by providing a multidisciplinary international forum for all those health care professionals involved in: Knowledge of Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)/Total Quality Management (TQM) processes. Patient safety-Include sentinel event monitoring and reporting, root cause analysis, incident reporting, medication safety policy/procedures. Workplace safety-Includes knowledge of regulatory requirements. Promoting intradepartmental - interdepartmental communication. The Journal aims to develop and uphold standards in research, provide a focus for evidence-based medicine and nursing and opportunity for the critical appraisal of cutting-edge original research. As a combined nursing and medical journal covering all specialties Nursing Journal [NJ] aims to facilitate the transfer of important ideas and lines of thought between medical and nursing specialties. The Journal also aims to provide a broad knowledge base for its readers and includes sections on technology and innovation, art and history and a critical analysis section which will help to build the readers analytical abilities and hopefully lead to the greater application of evidencebased nursing and medicine. The International Editorial Board and Executive Committee have the support of diverse range of peer-reviewers who help to ensure that the Journal achieves the highest standards of publication and maintains its International readership.

Papers are included on: Basic and clinical research-all fields of nursing and medicine. Administrative issues- including facility development, management, governmental issues and reimbursement. Perioperative care- covering patient and procedure selection, discharge criteria, Quality of life, costs and home care. Also included are topical and educational reviews examining a wide range of subjects and controversies in the field of nursing-medical-combined care. Nursing Journal [NJ] is the Official Journal of the Croatian Nurses Association [CNA].

Audience All nursing and medical professionals and managers with an interest in health care managing, treatment and facilities.

Frequency circulation 3 issues p/y Our provisional plan for this multi-disciplinary journal is to maximize circulation for the first 2 years, by securing a controlled circulation of 4000. This will bring the total circulation of the journal to 4.300. Website: On-line publication: www.issuu/com.sestrinskiglasnik

Supplement publishing lead times From Submission to Acceptance: approx. 4 weeks From Acceptance to Publication: approx. 14 weeks Instructions for Authors;

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