Yes! Let's Go! 2020-21 Board of Directors Impact Report

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Yes! Let’s go! Last year, in the face of COVID restrictions, Nativity students continued to receive an excellent STEM education with online, hybrid, and in-person learning models. To make those models successful, our faculty and staff worked with families to ensure each student had a computer and access to the internet from home. Our annual fundraising events continued online. The entire Nativity School family came together to fulfill our mission. With our new inspiring facilities, the former St. Edward School, we’ve welcomed two sixth-grade classes for the second year in a row and are now serving 75 middle school students – next year, with your continued support, all three grades will have two classes. Our dedicated teachers provide a rigorous curriculum that has allowed our graduating students to attend college preparatory high schools every year since our first graduating Class of 2016. Through our Graduate Support Program, our students continue to enjoy your

support and thrive. Students from our Classes of 2016 and 2017 are now attending elite colleges including Arizona State University, Gonzaga University, St. Martin’s University, University of Washington, the U.S. Air Force Academy, and Wayne State University. Walt Whitman wrote: Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road, Healthy, free, the world before me, The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose. Our students are amazing young people, and they can go wherever they choose because you have chosen to invest in their future. We invite you to campus for a student-led tour and to meet some of the students whose lives you are changing through your support. Seattle Nativity School will continue to grow in the coming years as we expand the reach of our mission. We thank you for your support. The path is open before us. Yes! Let’s go!

Rich Barth Board Chairperson


In the Classroom Hours of Code Every year, we expand our STEM curriculum and include the worldwide event, Hour of Code. One of our Board of Directors, Janeth Moran of Amazon, and volunteer Sam Perlmutter of Microsoft, created a robust event for our students. The format changed from a 1-hour, in-person Hour of Code to a 3-hour online Hours of Code with volunteers from across the country.

08:00 Hour #1 Panel Discussion

Professionals from across the USA, shared their stories, career path, and answered questions from Nativity students.


The whiteboard and notes used in the Hour #2 in an online classroom for the Business Strategy brainstorm session.

Staying Connected

Imagine being a middleschool student in a new class in an all-virtual setting... Can I ask a question in class? How do I make friends? Can we discuss topics?

In this new context, teachers used an app which supported: 1. socialization 2. peer to peer editing 3. classroom participation 4. public speaking practice As Nativity transitioned from all-virtual learning to hybrid-learning, and finally to in-person learning, the app continued to keep students and teachers connected. Bonus!

09:00 Hour #2 Business Strategy

Collaborative problemsolving in small groups, uncovering customer "pain" points and generating new ideas.

10:00 Hour #3 Coding

Creating and coding a website as a team, and utilizing the new ideas to satisfy the customer "pain"points and communicate a story.

During Hour #3, students explored creating a website.

A Nativity 8th grade student received a Finalist award in a local high school speech tournament.



Graduation & Beyond! 2016-21 HIGH SCHOOL PARTNERS

Bellarmine Preparatory School Bishop Blanchet High School Cleveland STEM High School Eastside Catholic School Evergreen High School Federal Way High School Forest Ridge School

Foster High School Franklin High School Garfield High School Holy Names Academy Issaquah High School Kennedy Catholic High School Lindbergh High School Nathan Hale High School

O’Dea High School Rainier Beach High School Renton High School Roosevelt High School Seattle Preparatory School Summit Olympus High School Summit Sierra High School

Class of 2021 St. Ignatius Generosity Award Recipients Each graduating class recognizes two classmates who demonstrate our six virtues: Intellectually Competent, Religious, Open to Growth, Committed to Doing Justice, Loving, and Grateful. It is an honor celebrated annually at Graduation. 4


100% O N - T I M E


89% 47%

Seattle Nativity Class of 2017

Local average for low-income students

The Nativity Class of 2017 graduated from high school in June 2021. 89% of this class transitioned to a 2- or 4-year college or university for the Fall of 2021. The local average is 47% for low-income high school seniors transitioning to college.1 1


How did I impact student success? Additional Supports Behind the Scenes




8% Graduation & Beyond!

5% 60% Mission-driven Faculty & Staff

Every gift impacts the tuition-free education of our students and graduates. The numbers are calculated from our operating budget.

5% Graduation & Beyond! | Supporting middle school students and graduates

on a personal pathway through high school, college and into the work force. 8% Behind the Scenes | Working administrative details that make every day run

smoothly, including development and marketing. 13% Additional Supports | Providing each student with additional supports of meals,

computers, books, supplies, subscriptions, and more. 14% Facilities | Moving to our new location in 2020 and keeping the building safe,

and secure with all of the basic amenities necessary for our academic program. 60% Mission-driven Faculty & Staff | Providing individualized instruction, extended

days with support for Study Hall, as well as outreach and care for graduates. 6


From the first gift in 2012 through the end of our fiscal year, June 30, 2021, we are honored to thank all who have invested in the education of our young people. This list represents cumulative giving by our generous community. $500,000 or more Anonymous (1) Carlene Gaudette Tom & Mary Herche

Tom & Liz Hoover Donald & Lynda Horowitz Damian Hunt Liz Isaacson Sonya Johnston $250,000-$499,000 Mike & Pam Jones = Gene Colin & Susan Janus Martin Kerner Lakeside Industries & Steve & Anne Knight the Lee Family = & Carmela Koeplin Patrick Jim & Sheila Mallahan Mike & Debbie Koss Dave & Laura Matter Chris & Shannon Langer Jim & Bet Schuler Randy & Donna LaPlante $100,000-$249,999 Mike & Mary Lee Anonymous (3) Bob & Lynne Lemon Matt & Kristin Booty Jim & Maureen Lico The Enell Family Clark & Lori Lindsay Richard & Susan Fade Ryan & Carlie McAninch Mark & Victoria Fanning John McKay Maureen Mott Bobby Herrera Brendan Moylan Natt & Karen McDougall Art Oberto Michael & Laurie Mott Thomas Padilla Mike & Cindy O’Brien Bill Parks & Beth Struckhoff $15,000-$99,999 Jim & Lanette Peterson Anonymous (6) Neville & Joanna Ray Richard & Kathleen Barth Jim & Margie Rose Matt & Donna Bellew Jeff & Lara Sanderson Michael & Mary Rose Blatner Wally & AJ Saubert William & Jonell Boyeson Mark & Margaret Scheibe Christian Claiborn & Christina Filios Brian & Kristina Schwartz Steve & Marie DiPietro Paul & Laurin Sleeth Elaine Ervin Ron & Angela Souza Mark & Sarah Everitt Matthew & Kristine Sweeney Frank & Cindy Firmani Denise & Mark Tabbutt P. Tom & Leigh Foley Jim Guitteau & Lockey Todd Alan & Mary Frazier Michael & Mary Jo= Tucci Steve & Denise Gandara Mike & Mimi Tucci Faye Garneau= Dale Vogel & Nancy Bird Margaret P. Garvin Peter & Karen Wickstrand Michele Godvin & Gaston Deysine Dan & Annie Wilson Richard & Vendana Harris Bill Yedor & Adrienne Millican

( = Deceased)

$10,000-14,999 Anonymous (1) Robert & Cindy Blais Kathleen Brown Sanders Rob & Cam Campbell Janet Chess Duane & Debbie Covey Ed Curtis & Leslie Wagner Eric & Holly Dillon James & Rosemarie Flaherty Richard & Sheryl Gudaitis

Diane & Dan Kocer Michael Kuester & Nancy Newman Kuester Paul McKillop Tim & Susie McWilliams Janaki Mehta Samir Mehta Steve & Michele Miller Pierce & Mary Anne Murphy Alex Petrescu & Makalika Naholowaa Tom & Kappy O’Brien Anne Quigg Bob & Lisa Ratliffe Jay Schwartz & Renee Willette Craig & Mari Swanson Edwin & Sharon Sweo Daniel= & Theresa Twining Robert & Shannon Wilson 7

$5,000-$9,999 Anonymous (2) Tom & Donna Andle Tony & Michelle Audino Robert & Pauline Bach Brian Begert Rod & Mary Jo Bench Sam & Paige Bennett Rhett & Caitlin Bordner Kathleen Caldwell Mark Cappo & Katharine Durkee Bruce & Carol Cooper Mark & Kim Dales Kevin & Kimberly Foley Nydia Galarza Rosario Bruce & Lynn Gibson Rick & Jeannie Greaves David Haley Paul & Alice Hill George & Debra Hofbauer Chris & Kelly Hoffmann Gwen Houston Spencer Hurst & Jennifer Rogers Anne Jenkins Mary Knell Mary Kresky Jeanne Marie Lee= Brook & Paige Longdon Joe & Mary Magnano Don & Melissa Manning Greg & Molly Mason David Messner & Susan Allemann Jameson & Christine Morrell Christine Mullaney McKay & Bill McKay Matt & Kathleen Murphy Jack & Mary Peterson KC & Shonagh Pleas Mark & Becky Russo Steve & Diana Schiro Ted Schroth Tricia Schroth Alex & Gowri Sharma Scott & Michelle Ventoza $1,000-$4,999 Teebah Alsaleh Bob & Clodagh Ash= Joe & Theresa Bannick Matt Barmore & Nancy Hanson 8

Fr. Charles Barnes, S.J. Bob & Melisse Barrett Mike & Linda Bashaw Jeffrey Battle John Bauer Pamela Baughn James & Lynelle Beaulaurier Patrick & Tabitha Becker Lynne Berry Brent & Tara Binge Joey & Kate Blahut Kevin & Katy Blair Richard & JoAnn Block Alan & Nancy Bohling John & Liz Brennan William & Jackie Brennan Sean & Gretchen Brennan Bob & Julie Breshock Brian & Jennifer Briggs Jay Burrell & Renée Brisbois Anne & Mike Brixner Meghan Browne Charles Burdell, Jr. & T. Ryan Durkan Chris & Rebecca Burke

Devendra Chavan Dan & Julie Coleman Jim= & April Collier Billy & Jenni Condon Patrick & Patricia Coogan Carl & Lorene Davidson Lisa Davis Russell Dawson Terry & Darlene Deeny Erik Demaree Walt & Liz Demaree Stephanie Derke Renee DeVinck Alexandra Di Cesare Wright & Sandy Dickinson Steve & Shirley DiJulio Pat Donahue Tim Donlan & Dennis Jumaquio Margaret Dore Greg Dunfield & Michele Kohler James & Geraldine Dykeman Charles Eaton Tina Eskridge Gary Fallon & Leona De Rocco

Jim & Becky Burns Wesley Burns Patrick & Shannon Cahill Mark & Amanda Callaghan Philip & Deanne Calvert Jon & Jeanne Cantalini Bunny Carver Ross & Julie Case Charles Catalano Tim & Sarah Cavanaugh Alan Chaffee & Mary Raschko Catherine Chapin Matt & Lily Chastain

Patrick Fennessy & Ann Alokolaro Michael & Meg Ferguson Vincent & Amber Ferrese Tim & Barbara Fielden Brian & Teresa Fields Paul & Monica Flora Brian & Laurie Flynn, Jr. Sean & Alisa Foley Lesley Foley Peter Forsyth Jesse Franklin Joel Frauenheim & Michelle Constantino

James & Beverly Frohlic Don & Carla Lewis Danielle Limp Joe & Terri Gaffney John & Deb Loacker Lisa Gallo Santiago Lozano Garrido & Adam & Maureen Gavin Maria Pineirua Joseph & Gwen Geivett Greg & Val Gorder John & Donna Luger Patrick Grimm & Nancy Hurlbut Maria Mackey Henry & Janet Guarriello David Mael Tracy Hartz Fr. Paul Magnano Elizabeth Hebert Joe Mallahan Scott & Catherine Henson Connor Martin Charlie & Kara Herche Larry & Marjorie Mattson Mike Hess Ronald & Debra Maus Damien & Angela Hession Marc & Teresa Mayberg Kent & Terry Hickey Stafford Mays & Laurie Black Steve & Ellen Higgins Edward McAniff Bob & Wendi Hinton Robert & Shannon McCambridge Maura Hoss Mike= & Marilyn McCullough Renae Howard Fr. Jeff McDougall, S.J. Andrew Hoyal & Linda Walton Mark & Christina McDougall Michael & Jennifer Hyde Brian McKay Vince & Mary Pat Iaci Mike & Barbara McKernan Doug & Diane Irvine Scott & Patty Meden Susan Janus & Mark Phillips Janeth Moran Thomas & Cora Janus Flip Morse Cathy Jeney David Mossman Tom & Angie Johnson Michael & Patty Murphy Kari Manlove & Brian Kelly Erin Murphy Stephen & Kathy Kelly Chris Nagamine Patrick Kennedy Greg & Laurie Nelson Brigitte Kenny Thomas & Elizabeth Newman Monica Kent Mark Nielsen & Mary Peterson Richard & Fran Niichel Rosa Kim Peter & Tricia Nora John King Chuck Nordhoff Claire Klinker Kathy O’Brien Joanne Knight Sally O’Neal Steve & Karen Knudson Peter & Julia Odland Mitch & Cathy Koch Anna Olson J.D. & Shanna Kritser Pat & Patty Olson Rosemary Krsak Rich & Sage Papaioannou Walter & Kathy Krueger Don Paterson John Lamb Richard Pepper Tim Leary & Erin Swezey Lynn Phillips Cindy Lee Darryl & Karen Postelnick Jeff Leppo & Robin McManamin Jane Powers Chris Lewers & Michele Murray Joan Pratt

( = Deceased)


$30,179 Nick & Michelle Psyhogeos Len & Laurie Quadracci Michael & Jane Quinn Dave Raney John Rashford, S.J. Bruce & Kim Raskin Andrew & Kerilyn Read John & Maureen Reid John & Katie Rempe Chris & Ginny Rice Kirk Robinson= Hugo & Renee Rossi David Rothrock & Kirsten Johnson Rick Sanders Bruce & Mary Sangeorzan Jim & Shannon Schneider Michael Schreck Greta Sedlock Judy Shafer Sullivan Shaw, Jr. & Jenell Kheriaty Dwayne & Lorelle Shearer John & Mary Snyder Jack Steinhauer Sandy Stelling Lisa Stewart Bruce Strothers Elke Suber Michael & Elma Tan Ron & Pam Taylor David Taylor Jr. Bill & Katie Teplicky Matthew & Jennifer Tilghman-Havens Antoine Toussaint Steven & Tricia Trainer Philip Vanderhoef & Kathleen McKay 9

Pieter & Claire van Wingerden Mary McKay Vial & Peter Vial Jason & Carol Viydo CJ Voss & Anne Lyons Ed Walker & Stephanie Read LaMont Walker Ashley Walls Jim & MaryEllen Weber Brad & Jackie Weeks Dennis West & Margaret Kineke Loretta Wiltgen Joseph & Paola Womac Rick Workman Paul & Lesley Wyckoff Phil & Jen Yerkes Joe & Marianne Zech Ron Zipse & Sharon Stone


$250-$999 Anonymous (23) Monti & Marianne Ackerman Paul & Cristi Aigner Graham & Chris Albert Tina Aldridge Mike Allen Peter Alspach & Maureen O’Leary John Amato Kevin Anderson Salvador Arellanes Eric Aslakson Joel Aslanian Veronica Asui Sarah Babcock Patty Barnes Andy & Richelle Bassetti John & Barb Bender Mike & Stephanie Benjamin Gary Bennett Ann Bergman Mary Helen Bever Scott & Juli Blankenship Charlyene Blazey Tipton Blish & Bridget Perry Rebecca Bloom Bill & Kathy Bow John & Linda Bowers Violet Boyer Rick & Jolene Boyle

Vick & Alene Breed Brad & Susan Brickman Declan Brody Joe & Maureen Brotherton Mark Broughton Timothy Brown Chris Brown Kris Brown Brian & Conne Bruce Kathleen Bruno Brian & Laurel Buckner Mike & Gail Bulger Kimberly Burke Ester Burkhardt Michael & Carol Caflisch Catherine Callans Dave Campbell Christopher & Tessa Campbell Mary Campbell Todd Campbell Walter Campbell Rob & Janice Campeau Barry & Margaret Caparoso Joseph Carver Geralsine Catalano Daniel Cervantes Mark & Gina Chacon Sarah Chapman Lanny & Clarissa Ching Dino & Jeannine Christofilis Kevin & Julie Cipoletti Charles & Joy Clager Ann T. Clark Fr. Julian Climaco, S.J. Kelly Coleman Fr. Scott Connolly Tom Cook Clive Cook & Sara Allen Justin & Abigail Cooper Ulises Covarrubias Marilyn Crone John Cronin Graham Crow Diana D’Antuono Robert & Linda Dahl Tom Daly & Joe Poe

Timothy & Patricia Davies Kelly Dawson Thomas DeBord Jason Delles Molly Dennehy Mark DeRocco Nancy Devlin Victor DiGeronimo, Sr. Marc DiJulio, MD Eric & Tracy Dobmeier Ryan Dodge Stephen & Margie Dolim John & Kimrick Dolson Doug & Jeri Donnelly Michael Downs Michael & Rosemary Dunigan Juilng Edmonds Gary & Nancy Edwards Brian Elsner Fr. Peter Ely, S.J.= Joon Ho-Yu & Rebecca Engrav Ceil Erickson Michael Ervin & Samantha Bulger Kim Etherton Joe Faccone= Ann Fasano Frank & DeAnn Feeman William & Amy Ferron Margaret Finnegan Nancy Fisher John & Nancy Fisk Fr. Paul Fitterer, S.J. Michael Fitzsimmons Sean & Jamie Flynn Andrew Foley Megan Foley Braden Foley Erin Foley Nicholas Ford & Rachel Forte Herman Forrest Brett Franceschina Kyle Franklin Barb & Ed Fredenburg Katrina Freeburg Rebecca Frisino Chris & Ann Frossard Whitni Funsinn

Delores Lenzy-Jones Nancy Leone Andy LeRoy Grace Lewis Sophia Lewis Lawrence Lincoln & Tricia McKay Lincoln Ann-Marie Linde Diankha Linear April Little Peggy Lo Christopher Garlitz & Laurence Hicks Susan Masonis Rod Long Barbara Hoffman Julie Love Guy & Catherine Holliday Lora Gates Greg & Kathy Love Mike Hosterman Dan Gatien Erin Luby Corie Hou Gaul Construction Bob Luciano David & Shelley Hovind Eileen Geller Jeff & Jill Lum Sam & Jolene Howard Don & Mary Gher Kenneth Luu Paul & Mary Ann Huddleston Betsy Gilchrist Shawn Macfarlan Steve & Liz Huebner Tina O’Brien & Lance Ginaven David & Kay MacVicar Michele Hughes Jeff Giuzio Sharon Maghie Stan & Kate Humphries Paul & Emily Gomez Marco & Sheila Magnano Kathryn Hutter Joie Gowan Mike & Barb Maher Kristin Jack Mikel Gray & Patty Eakes Mike & Michelle Maher Brien & Catharine Jacobsen Lisa Green Audrey Manzanares Margaret Jenkins Brant & Kristi Greene Carl & Susan March Philippe Jeoffroy Angela Grimmer Bob Marcoe Amy Jolley Lori Guzzo Natasha Marques Lizzie Jones Frank & Joan Hainey Kenneth= & Robin Martin David Keller Ron & Candace Hallissey Randy Massengale Ryan & Laura Kelley Thomas & Ingrid Hansen Jennifer Mastroni Michael Kelly Maroof Haque Dennis McCormick Phil & Jennifer Kenney Mary Hartrich Brittany McCullough Jeffrey Kerscher Steve & Robbin Hastings Carolyn McGarvey Bishara Kharoufeh Lisa Hawes Steve McGrath Margaret Kineke Cheryl Healy Tucker & Mimi McHugh McAllister Kirschner Colleen Heffernan Michael & Tracy McHugh Thomas Knollman Keith Heffernan & Tami Fujii Kate McIntyre Anna Kocer T. Daniel Heffernan Mike McKay & Caroline Hagen Steve & Carol Koehler John Hempelmann Matthew & Silvia McKevitt Sandy Koszarek Matthew & Shannon Hendricks BJ McMahon Brian Kotzin & Kit Comick Andrew & Karishma Hendrickson Kelli McNichols Thom & Gwen Kroon Fr. William Heric Robert & Janet Megraw Beth Kumer Lorelei Herres Marie Mentor Tad & Kay Lane Daniel & Diane Heye Jodi Merrywell Rich Lappenbusch & Denise Muyco Arya Hezarkhani Ann Milam Christine Leahy John & Carolyn Hickman Jerry Lee

( = Deceased)


John & Gail Quigg Bobby & Michelle Moore David Simpson Edward Quinn Joe Mitzel & Alison Lunde Geoffrey Sittler Tina Ragen Todd & Heather Mohr Karen Lewis Smith Ryan Raisio Kris Moore Joe & Jenn Sprague Scott Morgan & Joanne Hennessy Sterling & Celeste Ramberg Rich & Erin Stearns Steve & Catherine Ramsden Tom & Janet Morton Jay Steinbrecher Mary Rennekamp Maddie Mott Joshua Stellick & Allison Reed Toby & Sue Richards Bob Muravez Sandra Stelling Tom Richardson & Carrie Bryant David Murphy Paul & Tracey Stone Mark & Heather Ring Terence Naughton Steve & Sandra Strobel Dan & Jacquie Roach Pankaj Nauriyal Judy Swanson Madaline Roach Jill Navone Liz Swift Hallie Roberts Steff Neff Mark Scheer & Amy Tangeman Rad Roberts & Beth Anderson Edward & Taylor Nelson Lyndi Taylor Rodrigo Rocha Karen O’Malley Nieman Mark & Sarah Terrio Mike & Tara Roth Peter & Kim Nisbet Stephanie Thatcher Jason Rothkowitz Siena Noe Patricia Thirlby Fr. Stephen Rowan Mae Numata Hilaire Thomas Tom Ryan & Sheila McKay Ryan Ellie O’Brien Bob & Jeanne Tiscareno Thomas & Christine O’Connor Michael Tobiason Harry & Mariette O’Donnell Daniel Tobin & Debra Vonnahme S T U D E N T : Brody O’Keefe Robert & Linda Torgerson T E A C H E R Ann O’Neil Sr. Mary Tracy, SNJM John & Janet O’Neil James Tran Susan Ocama Teresa Urquhardt Michael Olson Bob & Linda Van Hare David & Margaret Orem Carmen Vasilatos R A T I O Joseph & Carla Orlando Stephen & Lisa Visintainer Kathryn Vizas Christina Orr-Cahall Heather Vogler Alexandra Pace Abdul Saad Brian & Lena Waite Steven Palmer Morgan Sage Jim & Marguerite Walker Bryan & Rebecca Papé Joseph Sahagian Chuck & Melanie Werdel Mark Pellegrino Bob & Helen Santucci Alisha White Sr. Rosemary Perisich, SNJM Jeff Scarsella Diane Whitfield Tom & Beth Peterson Peter & Ronna Schmidt Herb Wilgis III & Elle Petropolus Cindi Schoettler Linda Mason Wilgis Stefanie Pfaff Paul & Mary Schwaegler Steve & Monica Williams Nhi Pham Sarah Schwaegler Deacon Steve Wodzanowski Bryce Phillips Claire Schwartz Bob, Veronica, & Paul Wood Teresa Piacentini Deino Scott Priscilla Wright Charles & Yvonne Pigott Wendy Sefcik Jennifer Yokoyama Michael Podlin Vivian Shannon Megan Yoshimura Brian Poeschla & Ellen Li Tyrone Sheffey Walt Zabriskie Charlie & Eleanor Pollnow Dan & Mary Sherman Dan Zamansky Sam Prud’homme Timothy & Jody Shields Cynthia Zehnder Nick & Dana Questad



Up to $249 Anonymous (21) Mary Abbott Ryan Abbott Shana Abner Peter & Susan Acker Olivia Akin Alemeshet Alemu Edmund & Jill Allen Andrea Almeida Maggie Altergott Joanna Ames Travis Ames Azizi Amundsen Amy Anderson Jeffrey Anderson Stephen Anderson Martin Anderson Robert & Janie Andrews Monica Angeles-Leonor Susan Anthony James Antonio Mary Angelene Arciaga Danell Loftin Arvberger Anna Astrom AJ Audino Tom Austin Peggy Avant Mark & Karen Backman Andrew Bae Ina Bahner Jim Bamberger Stephen Barnwell Abigail Barr Charley Barr Linda Barth Ceilidh Baxter Andy Beadle Art Becker Pamela Bell Mary M. Berger Maureen Bergquist Bei & Joe Bernal Pamela Betz Don Bingham Allie Blair ( = Deceased)

Sean & Drew Blazey Cayla Cocanour Mike Blouin Marjorie Coismain Jeanie Collins Boddy Travis Cole Greg & Julie Boehm Chris Coleman Todd Bohanna Kevin Coleman Jeff & Kellis Borek Riley Coleman Laura Bradley Sawyer Coleman Connie Breault Kendall Collins Eric & Michelle Breecher Patricia Collins Olivia Brewer Tiffini Connell Brian & Julie Bridwell JoLynn Conway-James Jesse Broel Garrett Cook Michaela Bromfield Alex & Elisa Cooper Melia Brooks Katie Corbett Chris Burst Colin & Sasha Correnti Curt & Karen Bryan Caroline Corsones Shelley Buhler Evelyn Crane-Oliver Susan Bunch Lisa Cranston Olivia Burgess Danielle Crayton Mark Burnett Art & Sharon Crisera Rebecca Burns Terrence Cronin Paul Cairns Doug Crouch Scott Campbell & Jane Schmidt Matt & Alicia Cullen Gary Campeau Lauren Cummings Suzanne Campeau Daniel & Cleo Cummins Mike & Kristin Cappetto Joseph Cussen James & Barbara Caro Thomas Daley Carlos Carvallo Jeffrey & Karen Daniels Chris & Mary Carver Judy Davis Rosemary Case Jake Day Tim & Kate Caslin Carlos & Sarah De La Torre Alvaro Celis Hubert & Tania De Suduiraut Gerard Centioli Sr. Dorothy Dees, SNJM Lauren Centioli Blanca Delgado Parra Marise Chan Richard & Connie Delmissier Craig Chang Shiloh Devera Michael Cheever Phillip Dietrich & Maria Banflavy Jack & LaVerne Chen Kirsten Dietrich Jiunwei Chen Bryan Dieudonne Frank Cheng Larry & Joan Diskin Andrew Chepaitis Joe Dobler Justin Chin Clare Dolim Kelly Ciotti Maury & Pamela Douthit Robert Cissel Louis & Zarina Dow Ron & Nancy Clark Tim Dreyling Steve Clark Bob & Robin Dullea Carly Clawson


Dennis Durkin Jason & Christie Grove Joan Duroe Harold & Cathy Grytting Sr. Mary Annette Dworshak, SNJM Jim & Christy Gudaitis Christian & Amy Eberhardt Emily Gudaitis Karl Edwards & Lisa Dennison Frank Gummersall Gina Eisele Gabrielle Hall Carol Eland Nicole Hall Jonathan Ellis & Anne Hall Vicki Anderson-Ellis Roman Hangartner Jason & Carly Elrod Donald & Joyce Hanson Granville Emerson Robert Hardy & Susan McDonald Max Engel Nicolette Harper Laurie Erickson Natalie Harrington Julia Ervin Chris Harris Regina Escalante Jordan & Lauren Harris James & Siobain Eschweiler Robert Harvie Pedro Urbina Escos Lynn Hashimoto Julia Esser Gregory & Julie Hastings Daniel & Theresa Evans Ranjiv & Nanette Hayre Russell & Carolyn Fairbanks Betty Heck-Dennison Kevin & Dottie Farewell Wayne & Monica Hedden Desmond & Joy Fernandes Drew Heitstamen Charlie Fick Jeff Helling Pedro Figueroa-Vargas Kelsey Henan Tod Finley Audrey Herold Blake Finnerty Tim Hickey Erin Flotte Stephen Hicks Julia Ford Pete Higgins Andy Ford Tom & Ann Higgins Lynn Frandsen Mica Hildebrandt Michael Fu Stephen Hilton Vijay Gajjala Mike Hindery Kenneth Garrison Rachel Hogan Molly Garvin Dan Hollis Amy Giannetti Anthony Holter Karen Ginther Jayme Hommer Summer Gnoinsky Michael Honig Carolyn Goad Kayleen Hooley John & Kate Goodwin David Hoover Ben Graeff Duncan Howard Aaron Grant Sophie Hummer Frank & Liz Grant Betsi Hummer Dan & Carla Greenan Regan & Chris Hurley John Gregory & Beth Phillips Mary Huson Smith Isaiah Gresham Lynn Huttenlocher Anne Marie Griffin Edean A. Ihlanfeldt= Diana Iossifova Marisa Gronholz


Evelyn Jackson Anna James Cole Jameson Michal Jammal Petr Jann & Beata Jannova Chris Janssen Kennedi Jefferson Kenneth Jennings Peter Johnson & Carol Troup Matt Johnson Isabel Johnson Bryce Johnson Jeff Johnson Sarah Jorgensen Jamie Joseph Stevie Kahle Elizabeth Kain Ursula Kalotay Ajay Kang Sandeep Kanumuri Nicolas Kauser Christopher & Sarah Kavanaugh Kate Kelly Vicki Keough Shane Kim Megan King Audrey King Catherine Kingsbury Joanne Kinsman Colleen Kocer Carey & Carol Kraft Alex & Jane Krembs Alice Kres Steven & Adele Kroeger Keerthana Kumar Norm & Lois Kutscha Duncan & Bridget Landreth Jill Larson Elise LaRussa Duane & Laura Laun Michael Law Patricia Lawrence Nam Le Tim & Kathy Leahy Hallie Lebon Ricardo Leon Stan & Joan Leszynski

Gregory Lewis Michael & Suzanne Lewis Kendall Liddle Martin Limas & Guillermina Morneo Elsie Ling Kari Lio T. Litourneau Blake Loen Casey & Kristine Losh Paris Lowe Diana Ludwig Mellie Lutz Lisa Lydon Kevin & Amy MacDonald Joan MacLean Kevin MacPherson Jane Mallett Kim & Dorothy Mallick Kimberly Mandel Shane Martin Diane Mathers John Matlusky Rico Matt Penny Matter Aaron Maul Terri Maupin Ben Mawhinney Douglas & Chabella May Rebecca McAfee & Nakenge Adisa Eileen McAuliffe Pamela McBain Andrew & Elizabeth McCarthy Patricia McCoy Daniel McDonagh Helen McDuffie Kimmy McGarvey Lauren McGlinn Kathleen ‘Mud’ McHugh Reilly McHugh Danny & Gretchen McKay Joe McKay Michael McKenna & Rebecca Farley Paul & Darlene McTaggart ( = Deceased)

Geordan Medalia Sarah Newman Alec Medén Fr. Nguyen, S.J. Karine Medina Ana Nicacio Yuvek Mehta Bryce Niemi Raul Melgarejo Lynn O’Connor Regina Melonson Bernadette O’Leary Barbara Metcalf Sheelagh Odsather Guy Michaeli Kelsey Olmstead Sarah Miller Peter Olsen & Sarah Gudaitis Olsen Alene & Marin Miller Sean Olson Kitty Beth Millhon Quentin & Madeline Orem Megan Mitchell Kiara Ortiz Barbara Mitchell Briner Matt & Shoshana Packer Howard & Judy Mock Christopher Page Rob & Ann Modarelli Tom Palermo Mark Mehring Susan Palmer Monica Moffat Emmanuel Papirakis Marwa Moharam Thomas & Kimberly Patamia Jessica Montz Julie Parker Tam Anne Moran Alex Paulsen Jennifer Moreland Brian & Maria Paulsen Brian Pavovec Brandon Morris & Hakeem Pedro Katherine Ostler Meredith Pentzien Andrew & Julie Morrow Forrest Perry Wayne & Nancy Morse Nick Pettijohn Michael & Jennifer Mullally Katt Pham Julie Mullaney Jose Pinero Daniel Mullen Karl Piteira Irene Mulroy Cheryl Pleas Anne Murawski Pablo Proano Maddie Murphy Michael Quillan & Lil Zadra Mollie Murphy Joe & Bridget Quinn Megan Murphy Mike Quinn Madison Nelson


Ann Quinn James Raisio Ryan Rallanka Barbara Read Vaughan Real Robert & Molly Reischling Cindy Reopelle Chris Riccardi Virginia Riley Colin Riley Steven Ritchey Antoni & Maria Rivera Colin Roach Perri Roe Steve Romano Catherine Romberger Varsha Roopreddy David Ross & Shelly Oberman Joanie Rossi Steve Rothrock & Tessa Keating Scott Roza Bri Reuschenberg Olivia Rugee Daniel Ruiz Pon Runez Jacqueline Russell Hugh Ryan Jessica Ryan Elizabeth Ryan Lucy Salle Fr. Steve Sallis Stephen Sandherr Chris Sarbora Marybeth Satterlee Ginny Scalzo Kristen Schifferli Kathryn Schledwitz Tyler Schmutz Joe Schober David & Jessica Schulte Tom Schwab & Christianne Eldred Robert & Lucy Schwartz Tim Schwartz Alison Scott Roberton Seeman Brian Seifried Tom Serres


Sharon Setzler Daniel Seubert Chris Seubert Sue Sewell Charles Shafer Peter Shepherd Megan Sherman Loretta Shimchick Danielle Shultz Jana Sico Jack Siemans Mark & Barb Simard Patrick Sinner Eric & Ann Marie Skov Paul & Deborah Slatt John & Clancy Small Peter Smith Jason Smith Sandip & Carrie Soli Victoria Sonnenburg Serge Sountsov Phil Spencer Carolyn Sperry Nadia Steere Robert Stefanik George & Monica Stein David Stelzer Lena Sterley Todd Stevens Jabali Stewart Bushra Stitou Dennis & Penny Storie Janet Strader Bryan Strub Carmen Suazo Kathryn Sullivan Fr. Stephen Sundborg, S.J. Andrew Suter-Morris Greg Sutter Philip Swan Margaret Taylor Craig Taylor Marina Tebben Christopher Teeny Kit Thayer Morgan Thomas Bradley & Jeanette Thorson

Julie Tilghman Thomas Tobin Liz Toledo Nate Tollner Kim Tran Jamyson Tritch Anja Trost Marybeth Turk Ralene Underwood Todd Vacura Lisa Vailencour Richard & Cheryl Van Beveren Beth Van Slyke Rob Van Tassell Ryan Van Tighem Gabriella Vargas Danniel Varona Marin Matt Vaughn Tierney Vial Mike Vila & Kristine Mulcahy Mikko Viljamaa AJ von Massenhausen Arthur Walden & Suzanne Lane Christopher Waldref Jenna Waldron Jacob Wallraff James Waltz Jincheng Wang Larry Ward Bruce Warren Charles Wartemberg Marisa Weeks Brian & Katie Welch Patrick & Mary Welch Richard & Susan Wells Willem & Kathy Wery Cheryl West Brandt Westover Steve Whitford Patricia Whitney James Whitson Joel Wiljanen Erik & Kathryn Wilkinson Karen Williams Peter Willingham Mary Ann Wolda Gary & Rita Wolfe

Chanda Wong April Wright Maggie Wright Nicholas Wright Eric Wu Shannon Yochum Alex Yoon Carly Young James Yurina Troy & Moya Zaboukos Noah Zamudio Matt Zech

In memory of Julie Dennehy Eileen Geller In memory of Michael E Dennehy, Daniel T Dennehy, & Denis P Dennehy Molly & Brian Dennehy

In memory of Bimaldeep Sandhu Laurence Hicks In memory of Mildred Simms, My mom, a nurse, and school teacher Sonya Johnston

In memory of Fr. Peter Ely, S.J. In memory of Matt Tarentino Robert & Shannon Wilson Tom & Mary Herche Anne Jenkins In memory of Dan Twining Theresa Twining In memory of Joe Faccone Karen Ginther In honor of the Big Dog Champion In memory of Lisa Folkins Brian Briggs Brian Begert Chris Hoffman Pamela Bell Tim McWilliams Joon-Ho Yu & Rebecca Engrav Michael Mott Vince & Amber Feresse In honor of Sam Bennett Dennis West & Margaret Kineke Lockey Todd David Leach Nicholas Wright Honorary Gifts Chris Nagamine In memory of Dorothy Bullitt Marybeth Turk In honor of Diankha Linear Walter H. & In memory of Mary I. Campbell, In memory of Margaret Byrne Barbara Gohsman, Lifelong Educators Philip & Deanne Calvert Professor of Nursing Walter Campbell In loving memory of Gene Colin Walter Campbell Associated General Contractors In honor of Alex Cooper of Washington In memory of Paula Kozlak Lorelle & Dwayne Shearer Stephen Barnwell Sue & Toby Richards In honor of Eastside Catholic School Deeny Construction In memory of Bert Mokros Juilling Edmonds Peter & Susan Acker Chris & Kelly Hoffmann Hank & Janet Guarriello Martin Anderson Ron & Candace Hallissey In memory of Ronald Mott Terry & Darlene Deeny Donald & Joyce Hanson Maureen Mott Tom & Mary Herche Victor DiGeronimo of Cora Janus Independence Excavating In memory of Rita Olson, John & Donna Luger Susan Janus Janet Dyckman, & Kitty Beth Millhon Howard & Judy Mock Ruth Halsell Wayne & Nancy Morse John McMaster Ann T. Clark Tom Palermo Mullavey, Prout, Grenely & Foe, LLP Steven Palmer Richard Pepper In memory of Sam Prud’homme Stephen Sandherr Riley & Nancy Pleas Brian Seifried Robert Torgerson KC & Shonagh Pleas Ron & Pam Taylor James Yurina Sr. Mary Tracy, SNJM 17

In honor of Tom Foley Rhett & Caitlin Bordner Kevin & Kim Foley

In honor of Kathleen Tierney McKay Brian McKay

In honor of Tom Foley’s Birthday Rhett & Caitlin Bordner Andrew Foley Erin Foley Kevin & Kim Foley Lesley Foley Megan Foley Sean & Alisa Foley Monica, Justin, Claire, Kylee, Conor, & Declan Kent Terrence Naughton Alexia Petropolis Elle Petropolis Steve & Diana Schiro Danielle Shultz Blake & Sara Weeks Brad & Jackie Weeks Marisa Weeks

In honor of Michael Mott Robbie & Pauline Bach Dennis & Madeliene Durkin In honor of Tom Padilla Marina Tebben In honor of Meredith Pentzien Carmen Suazo In honor of Jennie Ritchey Koeplin Family Foundation In honor of our Staff & Students Tom & Mary Herche In honor of Sharon Kwong-Woo Chris & Kelly Hoffmann

In honor of Judy Shafer Joan Diskin Don Paterson

In honor of Steve Gandara Virginia Riley

In honor of Brook & Paige Longdon Renae Howard

In honor of Richard & Sheryl Gudaitis Jim & Christy Gudaitis

In honor of Jim Mallahan Laurie Erickson Dan Zamansky

In celebration of Colleen & Daniel’s recent marriage Ed Walker & Stephanie Read

In honor of Tom Herche Harry & Mariette O’Donnell John & Mary Snyder

In honor of Jim & Sheila Mallahan Matthew J. Bannick Family Fund

In honor of Chris Hoffmann Barbara Hoffmann

In honor of Jim & Sheila Mallahan Jason & Carol Viydo

In honor of Anne Knight’s Birthday Joanne Knight In honor of Dan Kocer’s Birthday Anna Kocer


In honor of Fr. Jeff McDougall, S.J. Jennifer Mastroni Loretta Wiltgen

Foundations, Charitable Trusts, S E R V I N G STUDENTS FROM Funds, & Organizations AGC Education Foundation Amazon Future Engineer Hackathon DI FFE R E NT American Endowment Z I P CODE S Foundation KULA Foundation Ash Family Foundation ASHRAE Puget Sound Chapter Liu Foundation Matthew J. Bannick Family Fund Matthew J. Bannick Family Fund Benevity Community Impact Fund Moccasin Lake Foundation BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund National Christian Foundation Brian & Jennifer Briggs Network For Good Charitable Fund PwC Charitable Foundation Children Count Foundation Raskob Foundation for Creating IT Futures Foundation Catholic Activities Danile P. McKillop Riley & Nancy Pleas Family Charitable Gift Fund Foundation Davis Family Foundation Ruettgers Family Foundation Dwyer Charitable Trust Russell Family Foundation Edward Jones Investments Schwab Charitable Trust Ellison Foundation Renee Willette & Jay Schwartz Fidelity Charitable Charitable Fund First Chance Industries Sam & Jaylene Howard Fund Frontstream Holdings LLC Schuler Family Foundation Frost & Margaret Snyder Schwab Charitable Fund Foundation Silicon Valley Fulcrum Foundation Community Foundation Garneau-Nicon Family Silver Family Foundation Foundation Seattle Foundation George P. Hardgrove Society of the Friends Foundation of St. Patrick Lynn & Bruce Gibson Foundation SOS Foundation Givinga Foundation Tall Family Foundation Tamaki Foundation The Greater Tacoma T.E.W. Foundation Community Foundation T. Rowe Price Henson Joyful Giving Fund Charitable Giving Juniper Foundation Truist Kathryn Claire Wood Foundation UBS Donor Advised Fund Knights of Columbus #676 Koeplin Family Foundation


United Way of King County Vanguard Charitable Verison Innovative Learning & ASU Entreprenuership + Innovation Wear-A-Big-Smile Foundation Windermere Foundation WPIG of Seattle YourCause Corporate Matching Gift Corporations Bank of America The Boeing Company BlackRock Costco Wholesale Expeditors International of WA Microsoft Alumni Network Microsoft Corporation Morgan Stanley Nintendo of America, Inc Northwestern Mutual Oxeon LLC PwC Renae Howard Robert Half Company Socius Law Group UBS Wells Fargo Bank


Event Sponsors Corporations & Organizations Amazon 24/7 Electric & Plumbing Assumption Catholic Church Arrupe Jesuit Community Tony & Michelle Audino Auburn Landscaping Becker Capital Management Bill’s Glass Company Bulger Safe & Lock Bishop Blanchet High School Gene Colin & Susan Janus Budget Key & Security, Inc. Charitable Fund Bryco Construction Encore Architects Chihuly Garden & Glass Ferguson Construction Clair Accounting & The Foley Family Consulting, LLC Tom & Mary Herche Deeny Construction George & Debra Hofbauer Dillon/Flaherty Investments, Inc. Gonzaga University Donahue Schriber HomeStreet Bank Heritage Bank Dymarco, Inc. Moss Adams LLP Enterprise Holdings Napoleon Company Express Quality Painting Natt McDougall Company Extreme Steam Carpet Cleaning Northwestern Mutual Fire Safety Pros LLC O’Brien Financial Group Carol Flores Insurance Northwestern Mutual Agency/State Farm Wealth Management Company FNW, Inc Burns, Toussaint & Associates Holy Names Academy Pacific Program Management Holy Rosary Parish ParentMap Jesuit Schools Network Remo Borracchini’s Bakery & Mediterranean Market J & P Exterior and Plastering, LLC Revolution PR Schuler Family Foundation Sharma Family Seattle Preparatory School Seattle University Jesuits West St. Anne School Parents Club St. Joseph Parish St. Joseph School The Williams Company UBS Umpqua Bank Washington Athletic Club Washington Trust Bank 20

Junk Boys, Inc. JVM Landscape K2J Environmental Loyal Mechanical, Inc., & Pioneer Plumbing Metorpolitan Contracting Mullavey, Prout, Grenely & Foe LLP North Star Leasing Company Northwest Roof Service Inc. O’Dea High School Pacific Lock & Key Olympic Eagle Distributing Phoenix Jesuit Community Populus Group Reagan & Company, PC Rider Levett Buckner Sacred Heart Parish Silver Creek Capital Sound Maintenance Services St. Anne 8th Grade Class St. Francis Xavier Parish Trammell Crow Company Trinity Parish of Seattle WG Clark Construction

In March 2020, Paul & Laurin Sleeth pulled up with a delivery of pantry items. Their idea and call to serve launched our pantry program. Many have supported this effort, helping our families during the pandemic. Today, this pantry continues through a grant from the Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities and a partnership with Little Free Pantry and our dedicated volunteers.

2020-21 Faculty & Staff

Leadership 2020-21 Board of Directors

Emeriti Board of Directors

Fr. Jeff McDougall, S.J. President

Michael Mott, Chairperson

Edward Nelson Principal

Tom Herche, Secretary

Joseph Carver Janet Chess Gene Colin= Fr. Peter Ely, S.J.= George Hofbauer Sonya Johnston April Little Fr. Paul Magnano Jim Mallahan David Matter Shannon McCambridge Shawn McWashington Samir Mehta Mike Prato Mark Russo Renee Willette

Amara Andre Teacher of Language Arts

Mike O’Brien, Treasurer Rich Barth Michele Godvin

Sam Bennett Teacher of Mathematics

Anne Knight

Alex Cooper Teacher of Social Studies

Fr. Jeff McDougall, S.J., Ex-officio

Jillian Rice Teacher of Science

John McKay

Elizabeth Tripp Teacher of Religion Cindy O’Brien Librarian

Diane Kocer Christine Mullaney McKay Kathleen Brown Sanders Fr. Stephen Sundborg, S.J. Denise Tabbutt Marissa Thomas

Raul Melgarejo Director of Graduate Support Veronica Asui Director of Operations Brian Kelly Director of Operations Ryan DeGroot Operations Assistant Judy Shafer Director of Development Stephanie Todd Development Assistant Liz Toledo Administrative Assistant Nancy Malla Facilities & Maintenance

Through our Graduate Support Program, three of our high-school-age graduates spent three weeks at the Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. The program included training in outdoor survival, leadership and teamwork.

Seattle Nativity School is a Catholic, Jesuit-endorsed, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) middle school seeking to break the cycle of poverty through an education that nourishes souls and ignites leaders for love and service.

w w w. s e a t t l e n a t i v i t y. o r g 4200 S. Mead Street, Seattle, WA 98118 206.494.4708

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