Seaside Magazine May 2023 Issue

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www.GLAMANDFAME.COM glam & fame 1017 Govt St Victoria, BC 250-383-3393 103-2506 Beacon Ave Sidney, BC 778-351-0790 butik naturals f ashion in linen and natural fibres for an effortless lifestyle Best of european 250-589-0010 250-589-0010 250-589-0010 Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mothers out there from the SeniorCare Group. Thank you for your enduring love, support and strength during these challenging times. You are true heroes! “I can imagine no heroism greater than motherhood.” —Lance Conrad


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ALLISON SMITH 250.813.1745












Annilee Armstrong, Jo Barnes, Amanda Cribdon, Jamila Douhaibi, Doreen Marion Gee, Scottee Giles, Tabatha Golat, Heidi Hackman, Ryan Hayter, Janice Henshaw, Jesse Holth, Kristin Iadrola, Renée Jordan, Jackie LaPlante, Randall Mang, Tilar J. Mazzeo, Nancy McMillan, Colleen McNamee, Jacqueline Nicoll, Cassidy Nunn, Michael Rice, Deborah Rogers, Suzanne Rose, Joan Saunders, Marita Schauch, Stephanie Staples, Shai Thompson

P.O. BOX 2173, SIDNEY, B.C. V8L 3S6

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Seaside Magazine is printed 12 times a year by Mitchell Press. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Reproduction requests may be made to the editor or publisher via the above means. Views of contributors do not necessarily reflect the policy or views of the publisher and editor. Staff of the magazine cannot be held responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs.

We acknowledge and thank the W̱SÁNEĆ people on whose traditional territory we live and work.

TOP STORIES 10 SURROGACY The Heart of the Journey 33 PET TALK Socialization Tips for Your New Addition 16 MEET YOUR NEIGHBOURS Marion Evamy: The Art of Rescuing Dogs 44 STEPH'S DAY OUT The Cheers of Sidney 20 LIVING OFF THE LAND Homestead Harvest 36 OFF THE VINE Big Legislation; Small Wineries ON THE COVER Shot on location at Country Bee Honey Farm.
Photo by Janis Jean Photography.
Contents MAY 2023
EVERY MONTH 8 First Word 13 Inside Out 16 Meet Your Neighbours 19 Little Adventures 20 Living Off the Land 24 In Fashion 27 New & Noteworthy 30 One Food, Three Ways 33 Pet Talk 36 Off the Vine 43 The Natural Path 44 Steph's Day Out 47 Out for a … Geocaching Adventure 52 From the Kitchen 59 Trade Student Spotlight 63 Common Cents 64 Arts Scene 67 Screen Scene 71 Seaside Book Club 78 Seaside Homes 92 Take Note 94 Last Word 95 Sudoku
Photo by Kathryn Alvarez Photography
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H A V E N S P A 9 8 0 5 S E A P O R T P L A C E F O L L O W U S @ H A V E N S P A A N D S A L O N 6 SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA | MAY 2023
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In late spring there is a buzz in all West Coast restaurants … it's Halibut Season! This versatile white fish can be prepared in so many ways. Canada is a melting pot of cultures and nationalities; I've shared some recipes that are truly a taste of the diversity that is Canadian cuisine.


Spring is the perfect time for kids to learn through play. While reading, writing and math are important, fostering socialemotional, motor and thinking abilities is equally crucial. By incorporating playful learning into daily experiences, children can thrive and develop holistically. So let's get outside and start learning together!


We all get into ruts: same route to work, same well-worn sweater, even the same dependable genre of books. This month, try sampling a book that is different from your usual fare. The exercise may confirm that you love your bookish comfort zone … or it may make your reading spirit soar.


The good news: the spring real estate season is off to a healthy start. What many didn't see coming, however, were new taxes affecting buyers, sellers and property owners. Thankfully, accountant Grant Kratofil illuminated ways to both mitigate risks and seize opportunities stemming from these developments.


I've certainly had routines and rituals I've followed in my life. While schedules can be ever changing and there is value in flexibility, having a child has shone a new light on the importance of certain routines and the structure (and entertainment, as we've found!) they can add to a day.


To be or not to be organized can make all the difference in the success of achieving your daily goals. Getting dressed every day can be frustrating and influence your overall sense of confidence. Work a plan that is within your closet personality and remove the mental chaos.

Grooming the Dogs of Sidney, One Dog at a Time! Open 7 Days a Week! Call to Book: 250-656-1350 2443 Beacon Avenue RETAIL STORE & GROOMING SALON MAY 2023 | SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA 7

First Word from the Publisher

I've recently received a few letters in response to some of my First Word articles and I just want to say "Thank You." You know who you are. It means the world to me that what I write might be meaningful or helpful in some way. It's funny how we turn a certain age and we might think we know it all … "Oh life is not so complicated"! Then life tosses us a wrench – a three-year hiatus due to Covid to discover ourselves all over again – and what comes out is not always the same. I know I have changed!

The daily commute or travel; catching a first-run film; in person doctor visits; standing-room-only concerts or checking out a hot new restaurant … these common everyday experiences are now fraught with risk and anxiety on how we live, work, play and stay healthy. At times, I'm totally confused about what happens next. How do we cope? What if we hear a cough or a sniffle –do we let our guard down?

I just came back from my first trip in over three years, and as I mentioned in my April issue First Word, I was full of anxiety. Let it be known, however, that all was good! Immigration and security seems to have doubled, but they are organized and ready to take on the travellers in a very steady, efficient way. Just be prepared and have them stamp "Patience" on your passport!

I think NOW, after what we have all been through, there is a real opportunity for us to realign ourselves with rhythms in life that give us greater energy, purpose and positivity.

We can then find more balance and fulfillment and an increase in our well-being, which will have an overall benefit for our community. How lucky we will be!

Please be kind out there and smile … it's amazing how just a small facial gesture can change anybody's day!

Photo by Janis Jean Photography. Clothing provided and styled by piper + ally. For more, visit Instagram @piperally. Shot on location at Mattick’s Farm.

Getting to the Heart of S urrogacy

Having a baby is a big decision, but for Steven and James HaleyBrowning, the decision to expand their family was the easiest part of the process. When the couple got together 17 years ago, they both knew that they wanted children. But like most people, they wanted to have a house and be settled into their careers. However, when the timing seemed right, cancer and Covid joined in for the wild ride of navigating the surrogacy process.

Steve says that it was a "two-year rollercoaster." The hopeful couple decided on a Canadian surrogacy agency and uploaded a meaningful video that ended up connecting them to their future surrogate. The video is a beautiful slideshow of wedding photos, trips to different countries and many visits with family and friends. It explains that the two have found their forever person and want to become fathers – dads. Their

commitment is a "promise to be there for all of life's firsts."

For the hundreds of women that volunteer to be surrogates in Canada, there are thousands of people interested in using this service. Unlike in the United States, you can't pay for a surrogate in Canada. However, it still costs a lot of money, as lawyers and agencies ensure that there are no out-of-pocket expenses for the surrogate such as extra food, vitamins, maternity clothing, etc. Most surrogates carry embryos with no genetic connection to them: the egg and sperm comes from either a donor bank or from the couple. It can end up being a six-figure journey, say Steve and James, but the end result is worth it.

As soon as they found the right person, James' appendix ruptured. This was a blessing in disguise, because it enabled the doctors to discover that James had appendiceal cancer, normally undetectable. This early discovery meant that it hadn't yet spread to his other organs. James says


that he hasn't fully processed this nightmarish time, because a dream was also coming true. He says that the entire time they were navigating the surrogacy he was "either in surgery or chemotherapy," but that the one was an amazing and positive distraction for the struggles of the other.

The couple had connected with a woman in B.C. and started the process. James says that one of the biggest challenges is "trusting someone you've never met before." On both sides, there is a hope that it's "someone who is caring and safe and doing it for the right reasons," says Steve. Because they were lucky enough to find someone who lived in the same province, they were able to meet the surrogate. Once everything was discussed and signed and decided upon, Steve and James were delightfully surprised that the first embryo transfer was successful. Then there were daily video calls, the highlight of which was the first ultrasound to hear the baby's heartbeat, and calling their parents to say that they were going to have a granddaughter. Even their neighbourhood in Sidney, where the couple has lived for over a dozen years, "wanted to have a parade when we came back," says James.

Finally, in October of 2022, Taylor Marie Haley-Browning was born in a hospital in Kelowna. Because of the pandemic, this meant that only one of Taylor's dads would be allowed to witness her birth. But the Kelowna hospital "went above and beyond," says Steve. James says a nurse came running out and threw scrubs at him so that he could go in too – they "broke their own rules to let us be part of it."

Once they brought their baby home, the joys and struggles of parenting a newborn began. Taylor was premature, so was immunecompromised. The doctor said "hide her for two months." James says that because of the pandemic "formula shelves are basically empty," and he remembers spending weekends driving around Greater Victoria looking for formula and worrying about whether they'd have enough food to feed their daughter. The couple also recalls the first few months doing the "zombie walk" because Taylor needed to be fed and then held almost constantly. But, James says: "the moment when you're holding your baby and she's sleeping on your chest; I would do it all again for that."

Now they're looking forward to Taylor's six-month shots and introducing her to more family and friends. They say to "be patient; start early," as the surrogacy journey can take years, and that sometimes it's better to prepare for the worst, and definitely to manage expectations. Even without paying for a surrogate the expenses are high, and then there's the process of trusting the agencies and sometimes feeling powerless with a surrogate living in a different city. In Steve and James' experience, their surrogate became their friend – they send photos and updates and she was recently on the Island and came over for dinner. The couple says that surrogacy is one of the most selfless acts, and they are so grateful for their surrogate.

Even with the struggles and sleepless hours, Taylor lights up their house. James is now in full remission and back to work, and Steve is enjoying a year off to be with their daughter. The proud dads say that Taylor's "gummy smile can just melt your heart." They cherished hearing her first heartbeat, seeing her first smile, and they're looking forward to all of the little moments and life's firsts.

Our family serving your family for over 50 years.
See us before you go... 102-2537 Beacon Ave Sidney 250-655-7732 MAY 2023 | SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA 11
Photo by Janis Jean Photography.

Learning Through Play

The thinking used to be that all kids needed were some 123s and ABCs, but we now know that how a child thinks, and how they get along with others, is equally if not more important than the information they can learn and memorize. Reading, writing and math is still important, but as parents and caregivers we also want to make sure we are building our children's social-emotional, motor and creative thinking skills as well.

The good news is we can do this through play! Play is the child's lab. It becomes the space for children to experiment with new knowledge and theories, and reenact experiences to solidify understanding. The deepest learning happens through joyful, engaging, meaningful and interactive experiences.

Spring is here. With the flowers in bloom and the sun shining, it's the perfect time to head outside and get your kids exploring, playing and learning. So whether you're trekking through John Dean Park (

), combing the beach at Island View, playing at Tulista Park or just killing time in your backyard, try to look for opportunities to infuse a little playful learning into your everyday routines.

Something as simple as going for a family walk or hike is great for your child's gross motor development in and of itself. But you can make the walk even more playful, and build their colour identification and observation skills as you go. Before you head out, grab a scrap of cardboard or a sheet of paper. Scribble a few different

colours all over it to make a colour scavenger hunt. As you walk, have your kids observe the world around them and find all the different colours on their hunt, in the real world. You could even place the hunt on the ground, and search the area for items of various colours that you can pick up and match to the colour hunt (matching is an early math skill too!).

After you come in from your hike or nature walk you can use any nature treasures you've collected to do a little art, an activity that builds kids' skills in all the important areas all at once. As they create, your child will be working on their fine motor skills, thinking creatively, building their communication skills and deepening their social connection with you as they play. So grab any acorns, stones or chestnuts you found on your walk because they are perfect to paint with. All you need to do is cut up a sheet of paper to the size that fits inside one of your lidded containers. Place the paper inside, and add a few drops of liquid poster paint to the paper. Place your nature treasures inside before securing the lid. Pass the sealed container to your child and let them have fun shaking the container as big and vigorously as they want to. When they're done, open the container and take out the paper to see the really neat design you have created.

Learning in the early years doesn't need to be complicated; you can skip all the workbooks and flashcard drills. Instead look for creative ways to infuse a little playful learning into the everyday routines you are already doing, and watch your child flourish.

INSIDE OUT In any year 1 in 5 people in Canada will personally experience a mental health problem or illness.
health is not only the avoidance of serious mental illness. Your mental health is a ected by numerous factors from your daily life, including the stress of balancing work with your health and relationships. your community, your health 250-656-2948 Mental Health Week May 1-7 , 2023 The Canadian Mental Health Association website o ers tips and information about specific mental health issues including: • coping with loneliness • feeling angry • talking to teens about mental health • getting help • grieving • mindfulness • stress • social support • work/life balance • youth and self-injury MAY 2023 | SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA 13

Marion Evamy: The Art of Rescuing Dogs

Marion Evamy, local artist and dog rescuer, says "If you're a dog lover, you get it!"

She started being a "flight angel" in 2016, combining her two passions – art and dogs – into bringing rescue dogs back from Puerto Vallarta every year following an annual artist's retreat. But her love of rescues started as a child, and Marion got her first rescue dog when she was 13 years old. "I've had a soft spot for dogs from the day I was born."

In 1998, Marion started painting dog portraits, using most of the proceeds to help support dog rescues. In fact, a high percentage of the money she brings in from dog commissions, along with her other paintings, goes to charities for dogs and for people.

She says that being a "flight angel" only involves accompanying dogs from one location to another so they can be united with their waiting adoptive family. Though the rescue readies the paperwork and provides all of the support, Marion's role is still a big one – acting as a

photo by Emma Rossum

guardian to a dog in need of a home, and making sure that they have a friend during the difficult transition. She says that "it's a touching and emotional experience to witness the dog and its new family meeting for the first time."

Bobb Hamilton, Marion's husband, says that they are proud dog owners, but as Marion accompanies dogs to Canada, he says: "none [are] for us, as three is plenty around here." The couple have mainly had golden retriever rescues over the years, including one threelegged dog who had her rear leg taken off by a Mayan crocodile. They currently have two retrievers, Sadie and Jynx; as well as Pablo, a Terrier/Jack Russell/Westie mix. The trio is from Istanbul, Alberta and Puerto Vallarta, respectively.

Their dogs are ambassadors for their art, and Bobb and Marion often include pictures or notes from their dogs as a way to connect their collectors with the couple's broader mission. Marion also encourages pet owners to take and post photos of their own dogs –she suggests the painted hydro "dog box" on Fourth Street (between Beacon and Bevan Avenues) in Sidney as a great backdrop for dogs to pose.

For those interested in adopting a rescue dog, Marion has a great deal of knowledge and experience with different rescue organizations. The main focus should be on working with a rescue group that makes sure the dogs have up-to-date vaccinations with veterinary check-ups, that they've been socialized and that they are properly matched to their new owners.

Marion recommends Dog for Life, which she recently volunteered with, and Mex-Can Pet Rescue, for dogs coming from Mexico. For local dog rescue organizations, she says that the Raincoast Dog Rescue in Greater Victoria is also a good option. Even in this area there are politics involved with what countries dogs can be rescued from. Marion notes that Türkiye is one of the countries on the banned list, which is difficult when so many people, and pets, are struggling after recent earthquakes.

Another issue that Marion mentions is the reason that dogs need to be rescued in the first place. Though she's honoured to act as their guardians, she always feels frustrated that over-population and puppy mills are the leading causes of her position. Spay and neutering needs to occur around the world, and puppy mills and "backyard breeders" need to be shut down here at home. She says that these reckless actions lead to many discarded cats and dogs going into shelters. At the end of the day, she notes, it's government intervention and common sense that need to prevail for this over-population issue to end.

Until some of these changes come about, Marion will continue to help transport furry friends to their new homes. She says that her "personal philosophy is that all dogs are deserving of a good home" and the way that she continues, since childhood, to look out for animals and make sure that they become well-loved pets, makes her a great role model and neighbour.

Check out Marion's art gallery, and dog portrait site, at and

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"Jingle Bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way … ." As I write this it's now April, a full three months after Christmas. I'm perched on the rocking chair in my daughter's room. She sits on my lap in her jammies and we rock back and forth, belting out the classic holiday tune together. It's all become a part of her bedtime routine and despite my best efforts to persuade her that perhaps a new song might do for our evening ritual, we still always end up back at Jingle Bells.

There's the usual, normal parts of the routine: bath time and change into pajamas. At the moment, only the fleece pajamas with footies that are a mere two sizes too big for her will do. Why? Because they have hearts on them. "The hearts! The hearts!" she'll say, giving them a fierce hug each night before we put them on. We brush her teeth, select a book to read together and then the real fun of the routine begins. First, she will line up all her favourite toys on her dresser so they can "watch" while she sleeps. We've had to come to this compromise because otherwise she will try to line them all up in her bed with her and this can potentially mean sharing her bed with 21 toy horses. Next, she will kiss them each good night. This can take anywhere from 30 seconds to five minutes, depending on the number of toys that have come into the bedroom that night. Then she must somersault into her sleep sack and this usually takes a minimum of two attempts before the "perfect" somersault has been achieved. Once in her sleep sack, the next part of the routine is to "crawl to mama, crawl to dada," which she chirps out in her babiest of voices. She

speed-crawls as fast as she can between the two of us, collapsing in a fit of giggles at the end. Then it's lights out, time for the rocking chair and our Christmas song.


I remember hearing other parents talk about how kids thrive and often will crave or seek out routines in their daily life, but I had no idea how much a stickler my own child could be about her specific routines and rituals. There is to be no straying from the course! While sometimes it has worried me that she's so exact in her routines, so particular, studies have shown there is benefit to children having a regular dinner or bedtime routine, for example. Children can then have a familiar, expected interaction with their family and regular routines can provide balance, structure and predictability in a world that can so often be filled with the unpredictable.

Soon this routine will face a big disruption with the arrival of our second baby. Bedtime will have to be adjusted to incorporate the newest addition to our family. I was recently reading about implicit memories and how they can start to form even before babies are born. In the third trimester, the baby's auditory system is being wired and can recognize its mother's voice. This baby has been listening to months of Jingle Bells being sung every single night and I can't wait to see the reaction when baby gets to be a part of this evening ritual. Perhaps my daughter will be ready for a change by then, as we disrupt her bedtime routine, or perhaps she'll continue carolling her holiday tune until the next Christmas season rolls around. By then her sibling may be attempting her own harmonization attempts!


by Kathryn Alvarez Photography


We all know successful farms raise great crops and livestock, but we don't always think about the role a farm can play in raising children.

Situated in the beautiful Oldfield Valley, Mulhaven Farm is a place where family and farming are tightly woven.

"Running a small-scale farm is a great way to raise your kids and be connected as family," shares Adam Sherk.

Since purchasing the property in 2016, Adam and his wife Kailyn have spent countless hours establishing their farm. Along the way, they are also raising two young sons – five-year-old Cameron and three-year-old Benson – both of whom are closely involved with the daily farming lifestyle. "The kids see how we live," says Kailyn. "I had little Cameron in a backpack while I was doing gardening, and he would be in the playpen watching the chickens running all around."

Mulhaven Farm is a mixed farm. "Currently, we have a large veggie and flower garden and a two-acre orchard that's entering its fifth year," remarks Adam. "We also have about 50 laying hens and usually alternate raising pigs and turkeys every other year."

Product is sold at their farm stand and Saanich Farmers Market or North Saanich Market. You can also order via email at

Traditional, manual methods are used with an eye towards sustainability. "It is a true small-scale farm, with very little mechanization," notes Adam. "Almost all of our work is done by hand, and this way we have to be selective about the types of trees, crops and animals that we bring on."

The fact there are young children present guides the approach to farming here. "We have kids and pets, so we don't like chemicals used here," says Kailyn. "We use organic straw and hay as bedding for the animals and chicken manure for soils beds and gardens."

There is always work to be done, and everyone pitches in. "The kids collect branches after a windstorm, pick up produce for dinner, or go out to the barn and check on the chickens," comments Kailyn.

Growing up on a farm lets the young boys connect what's on the dinner table and what's out in the fields. "We want to make sure they know how food is grown," shares Kailyn. "The boys can identify the produce. They're learning about the seasonality of food – that we eat certain foods in a particular season."

The children also learn to be responsible. "They don't view chores as work but as contributing to the household," says Kailyn.

Often, farm tasks are a way to bring the family closer, especially


when they have to work together. "A week ago, Kailyn, our boys and I had to move 50 laying hens from one coop to another after dark. The boys had the time of their lives, opening the doors for us as we hurriedly caught the hens and ferried them from one coop to another," relates Adam.

The farm lifestyle is definitely a choice. Adam grew up in farm country, and Kailyn has vivid memories of visiting the family homestead in the prairies. It is a way of living that they relish.

"I've always preferred the countryside to the hustle and bustle of cities and towns. I like smaller places and tight-knit communities, where I know all my neighbours and talk with them," says Adam. Kailyn adds: "I am drawn to the lifestyle. There is so much satisfaction in growing things and gathering a store of food to provide for our family."

Years ago, they worked a small hobby farm in Brentwood where they honed their skills of planting, pruning and the processes associated with growing fruit trees and vines. In 2015 they purchased their present property and moved in the next year. Rotted trees were removed, a pond and swale added, 120 fruit and nut trees planted, an efficient watering system installed, and the family home was renovated.

By day, Adam is a scientist in Public Health at UVic's Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research, and he fits farm tasks around this work. Kailyn left her government job in 2022 and now dedicates her days to the work of the farm and family. It's a choice that has provided better work-life balance.

"I never knew I could do this," she says. "It is a miracle to watch a plant grow from a tiny seed and to reap the benefits at the other end."

Adam adds: "Farming is a way of being connected to the land and your place with it, while at the same time doing something beautiful, productive and healthy."

Young plants are sprouting, chickens are laying eggs, and, in the midst of it all, enthusiastic little boys are growing too. It's a new season at Mulhaven where Adam and Kailyn Sherk really put the "family" into the family farm.


This marks the 20th year that I have been practising general dentistry. I have worked in private practice, in hospital and in remote First Nations communities. I enjoy all aspects of general dentistry, with a special interest in oral surgery and pediatrics, but most of all I enjoy meeting people of all ages. I belong to the College of Dental Surgeons of BC, the BC Dental Association and the Canadian Dental Association.

I grew up in a small farming community in Manitoba, and came to Vancouver Island in 1992 to study at UVic. With a degree in Biochemistry, I then went on to study dentistry at UBC. I made my way back to the Island in 2009 and have been a proud North Saanich resident since 2012, where I live with my husband, our three children and a rescue pup, Coco.

Born and raised in Victoria, I’m so happy to call this city home. I took my dental prerequisite courses at UVic before studying dentistry at UBC. I strongly value gentle dentistry and put empathy, kindness and thorough evaluation at the centre of my care. My practice philosophy is all about making the dental chair a comfortable and successful place for you! I’m constantly expanding my practice through continuing education and have additional qualifications in many areas including neuromodulation therapy using Botox (for both therapeutic and aesthetic purposes), Invisalign, and Nitrous Oxide sedation (laughing gas).

When not at the clinic, I love baking complicated desserts, walking the Lochside Trail, and spending time with my husband, Austin.

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For our community of animal lovers there is an army of businesses ready to help you care for your pet. From vets to groomers and pet provisions to training, Seaside Magazine brings you some of the Saanich Peninsula’s animal service providers.


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Village Pets is a small store with a big heart! We have a little bit of everything under one roof. Dog, Cat, Bird, Small Animal, we carry it all. Locally owned and operated since 2019. Come on in!

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Dazzling dog paintings for creative dog lovers!

PupArtist portraits capture your dogs’ spirit, revealing their personality, loyalty and compassion. Have your best friend immortalized in a joyful, truly original work of art, hand painted by the "artist to the dogs," Marion Evamy. (me!) Over one thousand happy customers since 1998.


CommuniCanine offers group dog training classes for all ages and private behavioural counselling for dogs with specific challenges. From our Puppy SuperStart to Mind Your Manners programs, we can help turn your dog into the lovable, obedient companion you’ve always wanted.

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FUREVER PET PALS DOG WALKING & PET SITTING · 250.516.6489 INSURED · LIFETIME OF EXPERIENCE · COMPETITIVE RATES I’M SO BORED, I COULD EAT THE COUCH SI D N E Y pride day June 17th | 11am-3pm • Live Music • Pride Selfie Station with Janis Jean Photography • Pet Costume Walk • Face Painting @pridesidney S AV E the D A T E MAY 2023 | SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA 23

How to Shop in Your Closet

Spring is a time to blossom, with deep roots begging to show off the glory from the seasons past and give way to colour, texture and beauty. The eternal return and regeneration brings hope to the cycle of change. When we look at our wardrobe with the challenge of changing seasons, it may feel overwhelming and can stop us in our tracks with a deluge of emotions. It is much easier to simply close the closet door and make it go away! But guess what? Tomorrow it is still going to be there.

You might feel you have a closet full of clothes but nothing to wear. Even after a closet clean-out you can feel like there is nothing left or that the items seem fragmented. Here are a few simple tips to help you reach your wardrobe goals for spring.

Wardrobe Audit

Pick a day where you can go through all your clothes, try them on and get a strong sense of the items you love. Put your winter wardrobe away and store it for the next fall season. Only put items that fit, that are not tired looking and have the look of the spring season back into your closet. Make sure you review your undergarments as well, since these are the foundation of all you wear. With everything you try on, ask yourself if the item is working for you or are you working for it. If it's not working for you, get rid of it.

Jewelry Audit

These are the items that will rock your look and give way to an authentic presentation. Layer necklaces, put a ring on every finger, wear your bling during the day and break away from wearing the

same things all the time. Put them where you can see every piece that you are challenging yourself to wear.

Organize by Colour

This will make it much easier to put an outfit together; if you have a hard time with colour try using a colour wheel to assist and mix unexpected combinations. You will also get a glimpse of the colours that are missing in your wardrobe but you love to wear.

Look Book

Time to play dress up! Try on your combinations and take a picture. Use the "3 Cs" method to organize your photos: corporate, casual and cocktail. There you will have a reference of the looks you have created and this will take away some of the frustration of what to wear. This is a great time to make a shopping list of essentials you need to buy.


Pick 10 of your favourite wardrobe essentials and try on different combinations to establish variety. From there get playful: add on jewelry or a colourful scarf. For example, put a cardigan over a shift dress with a vibrant scarf, or wear a denim jacket with that same dress, a pair of funky sneakers and a rolled scarf in your hair to create a headband.

No matter where you are at, there's always potential waiting for you to breathe new life into the endless possibilities. Be fearless in your efforts and remember to shine on.

Art & Sculpture Custom Framing Printing Services 2459 B EACON A VENUE , S IDNEY , B.C. 778.426.1113 WWW .V ILLAGE G ALLERY S IDNEY . COM 24 SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA | MAY 2023
Helen’s love of photography allows her to share her passion for west coast landscapes and wildlife including coastal seascapes, Alaskan brown bears, birds and marine life,  with many of her images captured from her kayak on her annual trips up the coast.


In home décor?

Suzanne: vintage pottery from Galleon Books & Antiques. On your walls? Kristin: family pictures and art from Society 6. In the kitchen? Suzanne: My husband, Terry, doing all of the cooking. Truly – he does it all! On your Netflix queue?

Suzanne: Ozark. When you want a night out? Kristin: I love the Surly Mermaid; their nachos are the best. On your playlist? Suzanne: I am currently very into podcasts. My favourite is Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend On your feet?

Kristin: Converse shoes; especially my mustard yellow ones. They are in high rotation! In your makeup bag? Kristin: Urban

On your luxury wish list? Kristin: a week off in Hawaii. On your skin? Suzanne: coconut oil. When you want to smell irresistible?

Kristin: Clean Reserve in Radiant Nectar from Sephora. When you want to throw fashion out the window and be all about comfort? Suzanne: high waist yoga pants and an oversized T-shirt. When you don’t care how much it costs?

Suzanne: a nice meal at Il Covo Trattoria. When you need more than a

When adding sparkle to your outfit? Suzanne: Ayala Bar Jewelry from Provenance. When it comes to your go-to “uniform?” Kristin: dresses matched with my beloved Converse. In haircare? Kristin: a big claw clip for hair up days, and Lus Curl Cream for when I wear my hair down. In your closet? Suzanne: Liverpool Jeans from Cameron Rose and warm sweaters because I'm always cold. In your bathroom cabinet? Suzanne: every hand cream imaginable. My favourite is Aveeno restorative hand cream. your bedside table? charger and a good book. I'm currently reading

photos by Janis Jean Photography
SEASIDE talks with mother/daughter duo Suzanne Rose & Kristin Iadrola, Cameron Rose, about what's
Contribution to Community 2016, Employer of the Year 2018 Business Excellence in Health Care Award 2017 & 2019 Springtime Activities for Caregivers In Sidney call 778 749 0014 Help someone feel more engaged while enjoying the season! • Plant raised garden beds • Tackle spring cleaning to reduce clutter in the home • Spend time outdoors by going for a walk along a paved path • Enjoy a cup of tea on the patio, with company! Personal care, Meal prep, Companion and Nursing services, at home! Support is just a phone call away. 2019 WINNER Victoria B.C. Canada Open year round 26 SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA | MAY 2023


Sea Dog Farm

The leading nonprofit, third-party certification for sungrown regenerative organic cannabis, Sun+Earth Certified, has approved a licensed farm in Canada – Sea Dog Farm in Central Saanich – for the first time, gaining ground in effort to shift the North American cannabis industry in a cleaner, healthier, and more ethical direction. More information can be found at

A New Space

Deep Cove Cove Customs is pleased to announce their new showroom located 9544 Aurora Place, across from Mary's Bleue Moon Cafe. They are thankful to their loyal and new customers and look forward to welcoming you in their new space.


Stelly's Performing Arts

Stelly's Secondary Senior Musical Theatre production is Once Upon a Mattress. This rollicking spin on the classic tale The Princess and the Pea provides some side-splitting shenanigans. For after all, a princess is a delicate thing.

Show run is June 7 to 10. Visit for information on ticket sales.

COMMUNITY NEWS A Long Awaited Return

Sidney's iconic Thursday night street market is returning to Beacon Avenue. It will be the first time the market has been held on Beacon since 2019, as a result of provincial protocols associated with the pandemic. "We look forward to working with the Town of Sidney and the Sidney BIA in a successful market return," said Douglas Smith of Blue Coast Event Group. "We are especially excited to showcase an amazing lineup of local and regional artisans."

More details about the market and opportunities to become a vendor are available at

Councillor Resigns

Councillor Brett Smyth has submitted a letter to the District of North Saanich's Corporate Officer, stating that he is resigning from his position as Councillor, effective immediately. Under the Community Charter, a by-election is required to fill a vacancy that occurs due to the resignation of an elected official between general local elections. Details on a by-election will be made available soon.

Briarwood Beach Access

As directed by Council motion in 2021, the District of North Saanich is undertaking a comprehensive review of the

Briarwood beach access, located at the north end of the Ardmore neighbourhood. This review will focus on opportunities for improved safety, accessibility, emergency access, servicing, recreation and environmental stewardship. The District is committed to providing safety in balance with community access to the waterfront for all ages and abilities. Community members are encouraged to provide input through an online survey at


Call to Artists

The 2023 Sooke Fine Arts Show happens this year July 29 to August 7. The Call to Artists is open now through June 1, and artists across Vancouver Island and B.C.'s coastal islands are encouraged to submit their works for this year's exhibition. The Sooke Fine Arts Show and Sale is a volunteer driven, community-proud event with a 36-year history of showcasing art and culture of the region. It draws visitors from the local area, from the Lower Mainland, across Canada, the U.S. and abroad to enjoy and celebrate the unique culture of Sooke and B.C.'s coastal area. For submission information and details visit

News, changes, updates, launches? Email
NEW & NOTEWORTHY Arbor Memorial Inc. *Includes: Cremation, Arranging & Administration, Local transfer of deceased and shelter, a vehicle used for administration and transferring and a minimum required cremation container. To learn more, call 250-391-6294 2355 James White Blvd., Sidney, BC V8L 0A1 LOWEST PRICE GUARANTEED* CLIENT: Arbor Memorial BLEED: None DOCKET: D020202 TYPE SAFETY: 0.125” all around NAME: Victoria CS Price Guaranteed COLOUR: 4 Colour Process

What's Happe i ening

Peninsula Players Murder on the Orient Express

May 18 - 21

Just after midnight, a snowdrift stops the Orient Express in its tracks. The luxurious train is surprisingly full for the time of the year, but by the morning it is one passenger fewer. An American tycoon lies dead in his compartment, stabbed eight times, his door locked from the inside. Isolated and with a killer in their midst, the passengers rely on detective Hercule Poirot to identify the murderer – in case he or she decides to strike again.

A group of passengers trapped on the Orient Express in a snow storm with a murdered body and a Belgian detective to keep them company: Murder on the Orient Express is one of Agatha Christie’s most famous stories. It's an intricate mystery revolving around a group of characters cut off from the world where Poirot exhibits not only the power of his little grey cells but his concern and compassion for humanity.

The underlying plot of the story was one Agatha Christie pulled from the headlines at the time, the abduction of Charles Lindbergh’s son, a traumatic real-life mystery involving murder and extortion that had yet to be solved when Murder on the Orient Express was published. As for the setting, Christie had long professed a love of the Orient Express, finally achieving her dream of travelling on it in 1928 with her first solo trip abroad. In writing the story, she painstakingly noted the details of the carriages; clues such as the position of door handles would prove vital to Poirot’s investigation. Several fans, in fact, have followed in Christie’s footsteps, double-checking her descriptions.

Friends of the Mary Winspear Centre Membership

As a “Friend” you will receive special benefits while contributing to programs and services offered at the Mary Winspear Community Cultural Centre. Your support enables the Centre to bring arts and culture to our community. A $50 annual fee grants you 10% discount on ticketed shows and events, pre-sale period for tickets, and advance notice on exhibitions, shows and events. To become a member visit or call the box office at 250-656-0275.


November 10-12

Starring Improv Legend

Colin Mochrie and Hypnotist Extraordinaire

Asad Mecci

Created by improv and comedy legend Colin Mochrie ("Whose Line Is It Anyway?"), and co-star World Renowned Hypnotist Asad Mecci, HYPROV has been called "hilarious and fascinating'' by Time Out New York and "catnip for those who relish spontaneity and informality" by The Wall Street Journal. The New Yorker says, "say yes to HYPROV!"

The 100-minute live show combines hypnosis and improv - two art forms that have mystified and entertained fans, skeptics, and everyone in between worldwide - for a totally unique comedy experience that The Times of London declared "a celebration of the human imagination."

Hyprov begins with an expert hypnotist welcoming 20 volunteers on stage to be hypnotized—a process that takes about 20 minutes. The most receptive “Hyprovisors” then join a world-class improviser and create an instant improv troupe and perform the rest of the show, while fully under hypnosis.

In the hands of two experts, and solely crafted from the Hyprovisors uninhibited, unconscious minds, each show is an entirely original and completely unforgettable theatrical experience. The show also has improvised music throughout.


Fleetwood Magic


Coming Up Later this Year

September 22 - Alex Cuba


October 6 - Texas Flood ft Paul Kype

October 7 - The Return of Eagle Eyes

October 13 - Fred Penner

October 14 - Completely Creedence

October 24 - An Evening with Mary Walsh

October 28 - The Connection Project

October 29 - Bobby Bazini

November 3 - Acrobat U2 Tribute

November 10-12 - Hyprov

November 29&30 - The Debaters Live

2243 Beacon Avenue, Sidney | 250-656-0275 | Upcoming
May June Allegro Dance Extraordinaire Gord Bamford The Beatles Rock and Roll Music
Roller Disco 90s Night
Folk n' Fiddle Festival
Donor Clinic
Outdoor Markets
Westcoast Outdoor
Studio Westcoast
Magic Men Australia
Spring Plant Sale
Peninsula Players: Murder on
Orient Express
Donor Clinic
The Music
2243 Beacon Avenue, Sidney | 250-656-0275 | 3 6 18-21 22 26 28 1-4 5 6 9 9-11 19 22 23-25 25 27&29 29
Sidney Concert Band:
of John Williams and Hans Zimmer
2 - Pavlo in Concert


6 x 6oz pieces fresh halibut (skinned and trimmed), approx. 1.5” thick pieces.

6 pieces thinly sliced prosciutto seasonal vegetables of your choice cooked to your liking


It’s that time of year again: halibut lovers rejoice! Fresh halibut is readily available at your local grocery store, and I have some unique recipes for you to enjoy. These recipes were designed to utilize all of the halibut you purchase: trim and all! Reserve the nice fillets for the entrée, thin and/or tail sections will be used for the cakes, and all the rest will become your ceviche.

Ceviche is a bright and fresh Latin-American appetizer that uses lime juice to lightly “cook” the halibut. Crab and halibut cakes are always a favourite; it’s impossible to resist the crunchy exterior and zesty tartar sauce. Prosciutto adds a crisp and salty element that elevates the halibut fillets, and the champagne soy cream knocks this dish out of the park. These simple yet elegant dishes will wow your taste buds, and impress anyone you choose to share them with.

Ryan Marigold Café | photo by Janis Jean Photography


1/4 cucumber, diced

1/4 jalapeño, seeded and diced

1/4 red bell pepper, seeded and diced

1/4 bunch cilantro, finely chopped

4 cherry tomatoes, quartered

2 tbsp finely chopped red onion

2 limes, juiced

8oz fresh halibut, diced

1/8 tsp cumin

1/2 avocado, peeled and diced

1 tsp olive oil

1/2 tbsp honey

salt to taste

For full recipes (including sides) visit SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA & click "Food" tab or email NEWS@SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA

(8 x 2oz cakes or 16 x 1oz cakes)

3 sprigs parsley, leaves removed & finely diced

1 tbsp mayonnaise

tbsp smooth Dijon mustard

pinch ground black pepper

3/4 cup panko bread crumbs, divided

1/2 lb crabmeat

1/2 cup flour

1/3 cup milk

chopped green onion for garnish

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Tips for Socializing Your New Pet

One big challenge that pet owners often face is how to introduce good socialization practices with their new furry family member, while also protecting them against various diseases. With a developing immune system, a puppy or kitten is thought to have passive immunity from their mother's milk, but this will dwindle down shortly after weaning occurs. A baby animal is in a more vulnerable position between the weaning period and two weeks following their last set of shots.

Remember: young animals are very curious and puppies, especially, will not hesitate to lick other animals that cross their path (dead or alive), or even eat feces along trail paths. Disgusting, yes, but this is the peak of their curiousity in a brand-new world! Closely monitoring contact with any of the above is very beneficial as some puppy and kitten diseases, such as the highly infectious gastro-intestinal Parvovirus, can spread incredibly fast.

Another common place to unknowingly pick up disease, even for older animals, is from stagnant water puddles. These could be a breeding ground for bacteria, such as Leptosporosis, which is a blood infection most commonly contracted from the urine of infected wild animals. Most puppies receive first shots at eight, 12 and 16 weeks. Sometimes the schedule is different depending on when a pet starts their first set, but it's important to remember that they are not fully protected until a few weeks after the very last round.

But how can positive socialization occur during this more vulnerable stage if random puppy and kitten playdates aren't a good idea? Luckily, there are many other worldly experiences that your pet can practise socializing with. According to Pat Schapp, a professional dog trainer, the "Rule of 7" mentions that ideally, by the age of seven weeks, a puppy or kitten should have been exposed to seven different surfaces, played with seven different toys, gone to seven different locations, met seven different people, given seven challenges (this could be as simple as climbing a step), eaten from seven different types of containers, and had food in seven different locations.

If you're getting a new puppy, it's important to ask the breeder or rescue group about how they go about socializing the animals. It may not be referred to exactly as the Rule of 7, but the guidelines are still similar for success.

You can also continue to socialize your new family member at home, without risking their health, by carefully handling them, using different leash and collar locations, offering different moving objects

and different noises (ones that do not create panic), and exposing them to different objects.

These suggestions can apply to older animals that have been rescued as well, so don't fret if your new family member isn't young. You can always work on socialization, one step at a time, with an older animal using the same list.

Always ensure that any animal you plan to socialize your young pet with is up to date on their shots and in good health before an introduction.

Just remember: anything that smells fascinating (and often the messier and stinkier the better), will likely be a candidate for kisses, so keep a keen eye out and enjoy your newest addition!

The last Thursday of every month is SENIORS’ DAY OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! 10%regularpriced merchandise off Save BOSLEY’S IN SIDNEY #4-2353 Bevan Avenue 250.656.6977 · @BosleysSidney LoveHereLives MAY 2023 | SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA 33

Creating a different Kind of Family

When Elyse's marriage ended, Magella supported her through the divorce – and when Magella's marriage ended two years later, she wanted to stay in the family home.

For Magella Reynolds and Elyse Pitcher, friendship is the root of family. The two women met five years ago and quickly formed a bond – their children were around the same age, and would spend hours playing together. "We just hit it off so well," explains Magella.

"I wanted consistency for my kids, and I have a home-based business – I couldn't fathom giving all that up while separating as well. It just seemed overwhelming how to make everything work." The pair talked about buying a house together, but decided that Elyse could buy into Magella's house. "We realized we could make it work that way, just take over the suite to make everyone fit in the house," says Magella. "But we had the hardest time with the


bank; they wanted us to be partners in a relationship, not friends." The whole process, which should've taken only a month, took four months and the bank denied them twice, until they finally got someone working on it who would listen to them. "We explained that we had both been in marriages that didn't work, so why would it be safer in a relationship instead of a friendship?"

They were finally able to seal the deal and moved in together in June last year. "It's almost been a year now, and it's probably been the best year ever – it is so amazing," Magella explains. "The support for each other is wonderful; we alternate taking the kids to school and making dinner. Elyse is just here and I don't even have to ask – I feel like she knows what needs to be done and just picks up where I leave off. It never feels like a burden; it's really balanced and doesn't feel like we "owe" each other anything."

"What I really want people to know is that it can be so easy – I think a lot of us get married young, believe that we're supposed to get a house and have kids, and I think some people rush into it. And when it's not the way they want it to be, they don't believe there's a way out so they sit in these unhappy marriages. But you can have a happy and fulfilled life; people think there's not an alternative, but there is!"

"All the kids are sharing rooms, and they're beyond happy," explains Magella. "It feels like this big team – they'll take the hockey net out to the cul-de-sac and they're always out there playing; they're so so happy. I feel like a better parent, and we all like to be around each other so much."

"When you get used to a marriage and then you're just expected to be alone, it's totally draining: physically, emotionally, and mentally. Especially when you're going through the divorce process, it would be so hard without support. A lot of people rush into relationships for that reason – for the emotional and financial support. I've gotten to take this time to myself to be the best mom I can be for my kids, instead of getting into another relationship immediately."

Magella laments the fact that this kind of arrangement isn't more common. "There's no word for this kind of family; there's no term for it, but I think it should be so normalized! The coparenting is so wonderful, and I even find that it makes things easier for me to coparent with my ex-husband as well."

"I'm happier, the kids are happier; it's a win-win. I would rather invest with my friend than with a partner because partners can come and go, but friendships last for a long time, especially when you get to a certain age. You just have to talk to someone knowledgeable who knows the ins and outs, otherwise the banks make it super hard."

Elyse also moved to a new company and is able to spend more time with her kids. "I wouldn't have been able to make this move financially if we weren't living together," explains Elyse. Magella even opened up a second business because of the support they have for each other. "This move has allowed us to grow in ways we wanted to, but did not feel we were able to before."

FIT YOUR LIFESTYLE • ELEVATE YOUR EVERYDAY Find the joy in dressing with Part Two’s Summer Collection now available. 250.655.2919 • 2418 Beacon Avenue, Sidney @boutiquemoden • 250.655.0774 • 2416 Beacon Avenue, Sidney @modenessentials •
moment in something
from Rya Collection.
Photo by Kathryn Alvarez Photography.

How Big Legislation Makes Life Hard for the Peninsula's Small Wineries

With spring here, you all can handle an industry update, right? I try to keep things upbeat, but this month's column takes a hard look at why running a winery on the Saanich Peninsula is so darned challenging – and what we can do about it.

The Peninsula can produce world-class wines. Sparkling wines, in particular, have huge potential. Look at what they've done in the south of England!

Some mistakes were made in the early days. A lot of Marechal Foch was put in, and frankly it's just not a fine-wine varietal. There was also a lot of Ortega planted, and it makes me want to cry. The varietal is thin skinned and, as a result, too prone to powdery mildew, which on the Peninsula is our biggest challenge. We nicknamed our Ortega planting "Heartbreak Ridge."

Now that we have phylloxera (an insect pest) on the Peninsula, replanting many of the first-generation vineyards is going to be necessary if we're going to carry on, and maybe that will be a good thing – as long as vineyards are actually replanted. That is uncertain.

We're always going to be an area of small, discontinuous vineyards, as well. There is A-grade vineyard land on the Saanich Peninsula, but it tends to be in pockets. We are not going to have 40-acre vineyards planted on valley floors. Some of the best vineyards locally are less than an acre, they are almost all on slopes, and many winemakers farm or source from as many as a half-dozen different properties, but the provincial legislation wasn't written for smallscale farming.

British Columbia ties land-based winery licensing to just one thing: quantity. The volume of wine produced must be at least 4,500 litres per year. The vineyard size must be at least two acres at the primary location to be allowed to have a farmgate tasting room.

These minimums obviously create some barriers to entry that in the middle of an intergenerational asset-inflation crisis we should probably be talking about. I'll leave that to the economists and just observe that not letting winemakers build a brand up from the ground and grow production as demand increases does effectively shut out a lot of young, talented farmers and winemakers. There is a reason small, land-based wineries tend to be retirement projects.

But for me the real absurdity of the current legislation is that it creates perverse incentives, including the incentive to avoid sustainable farming practices.

How? Let's run some numbers. If you're trying to make a goodquality wine with small-scale equipment, you need eight to 10 tonnes of typical fruit to make 4,500 litres.

How many acres of vineyard is that? Well, it depends, of course, on how densely you're planted and to what varietal. But yields otherwise depend on farming practices. Chemical practices can comfortably get five tonnes an acre. Five tonnes an acre, times two acres, equals 10 tonnes, equals 500 cases. I have a sinking feeling this is how the legislation was written.

If you want to farm that vineyard using the carbon-sequestration and regenerative soil-building practices that we hear so much about being the climate-change priority, two tonnes an acre – and increased soil health – would be a good outcome.

Lower-yielding vineyards also generally produce higherquality wine, so this should be a win-win. But, because you must produce a certain quantity of wine, with no consideration for the quality of your wine, your price point or your farming practices, sustainable viticulture – the thing we say we want to encourage –is disadvantaged.

It also holds back winemaking. I know of a local pocket vineyard that tends naturally toward Botrytis Cinerea – the "noble rot" that desiccates grapes on the vine and is used to make Sauternes. The vineyard is capable of producing a high-quality dessert wine or a nice, average table wine.

The problem? Raisins do not have a lot of water. Where volume matters, table wine is the only sensible option.

What would better, small farming-friendly legislation look like? It would start by counting – if bean-counting is a must – the number of grapevines a viticulturist farms, not the number of acres or the volume of extraction. That would be a genuinely level playing field for sustainable farmers and would allow local winemakers to focus on quality, not quantity.


MAKE Caring Your Legacy

Your support will ensure that the Saanich Peninsula Hospital remains at the heart of community healthcare for generations.

You want to have an impact on the world that your children and grandchildren will inherit. Your legacy can provide for them and your community.

Visit our website or speak with your financial advisor to find out how to make a gift in your will that will leave a positive and lasting di erence. your community, your health 250-656-2948

2023 Spring Book Wrap-Up

The Lincoln Highway


In paperback at last, The Lincoln Highway is just as engaging as Amor Towles' 2016 novel A Gentleman in Moscow. A 1954 road trip west from Nebraska to New York City brings together Emmet, fresh from state detention, and his precocious eight-yearold brother alongside two young stowaways from the detention centre. Love, friendship and disappointment accompany the sympathetically depicted foursome in a well-told and occasionally fantastical tale.

Invention and Innovation


Popular scientist Vaclav Smil turns his attention to human ingenuity, its successes and its failures. Without poking fun at questionable inventions, Smil details some innovations that have been dangerous (DDT), others that have failed to live up to their hype (supersonic flight), and several that have been longpromised (travel in a vacuum) but not yet realized. His conclusion offers a pragmatic list of things that are needed to confront 21st century challenges.

Leave a gift that will last 38 SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA | MAY 2023

We Should Not be Friends


Will Schwalbe, a smallstatured book nerd, and Maxey, a super-sized jock, met through a secret society at Yale in the 1980s. Their close friendship has weathered divorces, career highs and lows and changing interests for over 40 years. As he did in The End of Your Life Book Club, Schwalbe uses books as a backdrop to this memoir, integrating author quotations, book lists and literary references in a poignant and amusing memoir.

The Great Air Race


Nearly 10 years before Lindbergh's famous New York to Paris flight, a 1919 transcontinental air race awakened the public to the adventure and possibilities of flight. Former daredevil pilots of WWI, led by Brigadier-General Billy Mitchell, risked their lives in the race. Some 50 planes crashed; several of them were repaired and returned to the race by their dogged "birdmen." John Lancaster, journalist and private pilot, brings his passion and expertise to this gripping story.

Love, Pamela



Pamela Anderson recounts her own story of a smalltown girl who lost her way in the Hollywood maelstrom. She is an amusing storyteller, concentrating on the positive aspects of her life – her children and her passion for animals – and peppering the narrative with snippets of her own introspective poetry.

Briefly, A Delicious Life


Nell Stevens loves fictionalizing the lives of historical authors, and has previously taken on Dickens and Mrs. Gaskell. This time she reimagines George Sand and her lover, Frederic Chopin, as they holiday in a Spanish village in 1838. Their unconventionality enchants Blanca, the ghost of a long-dead teenaged girl, who aims to protect the couple, creating an otherworldly love triangle that explores creativity, desire and life after death.

Victory City


Set in the 14th century on the Indian subcontinent, Salman Rushdie blends the magical into a historical fantasy that confronts the ever-present questions of race, religion, class and the place of women in society. Young Pampana becomes an ageless vessel for a goddess who wishes to orchestrate the rise of the great city of Bisnaga. For 250 years, Pampana witnesses humanity's successes and failures as she tries to make good on the tasks the goddess has determined.

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It's Hanging Basket Season!

Come in today to see our huge variety of hanging baskets: Colourful Confetti, 12" Mixed Full Sun, 14" Begonia, Fuchsias, Calibrachoa and many more! Open Tuesday through Saturday from 9-5; Sunday 10-4; closed Mondays.


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Panorama Recreation: Collecting Healthy Choices

Stamp collectors have always prized adding to their hobby, but now a different kind of stamp can lead to prizes and a healthier lifestyle.

For the month of June, Panorama Recreation's Active Kids Club Program, sponsored by Seaside Magazine, encourages youth to become more physically active. Youth, from tots to teens, can choose whatever kind of activity they wish and earn stamps towards potential prizes.

Maybe it's a neighbourhood street hockey game or playing catch with a friend. It doesn't matter if it's paddling, pedalling, or pirouetting; for every half hour of activity they do, kids can collect a stamp on their Active Kids Club Reward Card. The cards can be picked up at either Panorama Recreation or Greenglade Community centres, and the program is open to children of all ability levels.

In turn, participants can exchange these stamps for fun prizes including skipping ropes, stickers, goodie bags, and drop-in passes to Panorama or Greenglade. In addition, if they fill the entire card with stamps, they'll be entered to win a Panorama Annual Youth Pass. Visit for more information.

Panorama Recreation initiated the Active Kids Club program in 2018 in response to the Partici-pACTION Report Card, the most comprehensive summary and assessment of child and youth physical activity in Canada. The 2018 report indicated that Canadian children need to move more to boost their brain health. It shared that only 35% of five- to 17-year-olds were achieving the recommended activity levels for their age group. That percentage dropped to 28% in the 2022 report.

Research has long shown that physical activity helps to maintain

healthy body weight, enhances heart health and helps to build strong muscles and bones in children. Now, recent findings indicate that physical activity is critical for building brain health too. Being active has the added bonus of helping kids become more resilient when dealing with social or academic stress, prevents and reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression, improves their focus and memory, and is a powerful tool to help bolster their confidence and self worth.

The team at Panorama Recreation knows this and has been offering all kinds of programs and activities to help community members, of all ages, achieve healthy living. Now for the month of June, they offer a fun and rewarding way for young people to be more active. When kids get off the couch and get out into nature, or turn off the screen and take a walk, they begin to reap rewards well beyond stamps and stickers.

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The Importance of Fresh Air

In older generations, the "cure all" of fresh air was a popular focus. You may have heard your grandmother say that "all you need is a little fresh air" when you were feeling unwell, or see doctors in period pieces recommending their patients take a trip to the seaside for some sea air. Then there are the tales from Scandinavian countries about mothers placing their babies outside to nap every day. While it may not be a cure all, getting fresh air everyday is of key importance to good health, as is the quality of the air we breathe indoors.

Benefits of Fresh Air

The air outside has more oxygen than indoor air! Because of this, it has many positive effects on our bodies that rely on oxygen for good health. The benefits of fresh air include:

Clearing out the Lungs. More oxygen helps the blood vessels in the lungs dilate, effectively releasing more on an inhale and exhale. This is also why fresh air can help relieve congestion.

Lowers Blood Pressure and Heart Rate. More oxygen means the heart needs to work less hard to meet the oxygen needs of your cells.

Better Mental Clarity. There's a reason why getting out for a walk often leaves us with ideas, clarity and a better capacity to focus – the brain is getting more oxygen.

I recommend getting outside for at least 20 minutes every day to enjoy the benefits of fresh air.

Contaminants in the Home

Just like getting outdoors for fresh air is important, so is the quality of air we breathe while indoors. Common contaminants to indoor air include:

• Mold and dust

• Household cleaners

• Gases like carbon monoxide, natural gas or radon.

• Building materials such as asbestos, lead or formaldehyde

• Smoke

Indoor air pollution could cause symptoms such as congestion, sore throat, dizziness and fatigue.

Keeping Your Indoor Air Clean

Proper Ventilation. Ensuring your home is properly ventilated to let clean fresh air in is super important! It's a good idea to leave windows or doors open periodically to air out rooms as well.

Indoor Plants. Keeping indoor plants is more than just décor: they also help purify the air by converting CO2 to oxygen!

Use Non Toxic Cleaners. Switching to non-toxic cleaning products reduces the toxic load within your indoor air.

Investigate Your Home. If it is accessible to you and you have an older home, having a specialist come in to assess the space for toxic building materials, mold or gas leaks is well worth it.

HEPA Filters. Installing HEPA filters in your heating/cooling systems, vacuum cleaners or air purifiers can help filter out mold spores, dust mites, pollen and other contaminants.

Keep Dry. Address any leaks or water damage quickly to prevent mold from growing.

Don't Smoke Indoors.

250-656-5606 • 101-2537 Beacon Avenue, Sidney • WATERLILYSHOES.COM Don’t walk, FLY ! 250.656.1318 | #104 - 2537 Beacon Avenue, Sidney The Dancing Orchid MAY 2023 | SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA 43

Your donations support local organizations, that support the community you live in.


When I moved to Sidney almost six years ago I loved the sleepy charm of this seaside community. I was quite certain I could run naked down Beacon anytime after 6 p.m. and no-one would be around to notice. But after a while, I realized that sometimes I wanted to stay out after dark, have some fun and still stay on the Peninsula.

I love to dance, so I started the Peninsula Full Moon Dance Party (find us on Facebook); it's lots of fun but alas the full moon only appears once a month – what about in between?

Enter the Army, Navy & Air Force Veterans in Canada Unit 302 (ANAVETS) located conveniently on Fourth Street beside the unmissable big old fighter jet and tank – where behind their modest doors, I was introduce to the most wonderful discovery!

Every Friday night they have an awesome live band and dancing! Every Saturday night they have an eclectic blend of entertainment including things like DJs, Open Mics and get this … once a month, they have a Big Band! I was so excited to find this local gem; I can hardly contain my exclamation marks!!! When you walk in the door, it's easy to expect people to shout out your name in "Norm-like" fashion and when I entered the first time I suddenly realized why town was so empty – because everyone was inside this building –smiling, laughing, enjoying camaraderie and shaking their booties!

Steph, you say – I'm not a vet, I've never been in the army, navy or airforce – to which I say, it matters not: everyone is welcome (under 19 accompanied, of course), it is not just for vets, but they do honour vets. You can come as a guest three times for free and after that, you can gain admission to this private club for between $45 and $55. It's the deal of the century. But wait, there's more … if you don't like music or dancing that's OK: there is a gigantic games room with darts, shuffleboard, pool and the only snooker table on the Peninsula! Would you like more choices? They have Bingo, they have Poker, they have Cribbage, and I imagine if you don't see what you like on their calendar, you could probably suggest it!

No more boredom on those rainy days; come in and play! Also, you can rent the room for special occasions; who knew this? Well, Chris and Lynn (pictured) did; they were there to book the venue for their upcoming June wedding reception – while their date wasn't available they got in our photo and my friends and I snagged ourselves invitations to their nuptials!

One of the best things about ANAVETS Unit 302 is that they

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ulations! $2,500 $2,970 $625 $1,557 $2,000 $3,000 $2,983 $3,000 $3,000 $2,800 $3,000 $3,000 $2,000 $3,000 $2,000 $37,435 BC Aviation Museum Broadmead Care - Resthaven Lodge Countryside Preschool Cycling Without Age Help Fill A Dream Mount Newton Centre Ocean Ambassadors Canada Raincoast Conservation Foundation Saanich Inlet Lifeboat Society - RCMSAR 31 Saanich Marine Rescue Society SeaChange Marine Conservation Society Shoreline Medical Society Sidney Museum & Archives Tsawout First Nation Literacy Project Victoria Therapeutic Riding Association 44 SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA | MAY 2023
2023Con grant

are a Not-For-Profit Society. Last year alone, they donated over $55,000 to local charities, from the Wounded Warriors program to the Scouts and Guides to animal and children's charities –this place is all in to help as 100% of gaming proceeds go back into our community. To me, this makes paying the nominal membership a no-brainer: the whole family can enjoy the amenities and I love that Bar Manager Dion Amyotte keeps the bar well stocked with a big variety of non-alcoholic beverage for people like me and the under-19s. I haven't tried the food yet, but I've heard good things about it.

I think no article about ANAVETS Unit 302 would be complete without mentioning the "Meat Draw" which is the lifeblood of the Unit. I was recently educated about it and apparently, this is a common tradition (which I am telling myself I am perhaps too young to know about). The club purchases $500 worth of meat per draw and every Friday and Saturday from 5 to 7 p.m. members and guests have the opportunity to buy tickets (average spend is about $10) for the chance to win a multitude of meaty (and otherwise) prizes. I haven't been yet but now that I know they have non-meat prizes too (for us vegetarians in the mix) I will pop in! It sounds like a very social evening so I may suggest they change the name to the "Meet Draw" … Oh! That makes me think perhaps a singles night is in order!

As if I wasn't done being impressed, I found out this unassuming ANAVETS Unit is the most successful – and largest by membership – unit in British Columbia (pushing 700 members); they are run by a volunteer executive board and have the largest Ladies Auxiliary in B.C.!

While the décor is not really my cup of tea (my last visit in April was an odd mix of guns and swords and Easter Bunnies and chicks), I am a raving (and dancing) fan, a card-carrying member and I am proud to support this wonderful spot on our Peninsula. You can find them on Facebook or at

See you on the dance floor!

After providing for your loved ones, please consider those experiencing poverty, homelessness, physical and mental health issues, and addictions.

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photos and story by Scottee

Beaver Lake Regional Park

Gathered at a trailhead on a cool spring morning, our little group chatted excitedly about the geocaching adventure ahead. Beaver Lake reflected a sky of scattered clouds and the well-marked trail led into the forest to the north. What exactly is geocaching? It's an outdoor activity using GPS to search for hidden containers called geocaches at locations around the world. If you've never tried it before, it's easier than you think!

We started by installing the free app Geocaching Groundspeak on a mobile device. View your current position on the map to see locations of nearby caches, or scroll to a destination to preview geocaching opportunities. A variety of icons indicate the types of caches.

Traditional caches with a hidden container are most common. Other types include Multi-Caches, Mystery Caches, Virtual Caches and Adventure Labs. We decided to look for a nearby Traditional cache friends had recommended.

To get there, take Pat Bay Highway to Elk Lake Drive. Beautiful views, a playground, washrooms and picnic area make this destination fun for everyone. Starting out through the trees accompanied by curious squirrels, we used the app to navigate a network of trails 200 metres northeast. Soon our location on the map matched the cache location. We read the description in the app: "handmade container, to remove the top turn counter clockwise." We clicked on a helpful hint: "southeast side of the trail by a really tall tree." The hunt was on! "There it is!" one of our explorers called out. "The container looks like a toadstool!"

Carefully unscrewing the lid, we found a shiny treasure engraved with the word "gratitude," two dinosaurs, a painted rock and another container with a pencil and scroll. When you find a geocache, trade items of equal value and log your name. Leave plants and animals in the park undisturbed and replace the container exactly how you found it.

We spent the rest of the afternoon hiking along the lake. Watch for cyclists and horses on trails marked multi-use. Beaver Lake, traditional home of the WSÁNEĆ̱ people, is also a great spot for swimming, boating and fishing. We even stopped to find another hidden treasure before lunch. Once you get started geocaching, you might be hooked.

Things to Note:

• Find free parking at the Beaver Lake Main Parking Lot near the Nature House

• Trails, washrooms, and picnic areas are accessible

• Get the app at

Luxury is more than a price point, it’s an experience. 2098 DEERBRUSH CRESCENT | NORTH SAANICH | $1,119,000 2,040 SQ. FT. | 4,007 SQ. FT. LOT 9805 SECOND STREET “THE LANDMARK” | SIDNEY | $585,000 1 BED | 1 BATH | 804 SQ. FT. REALTOR® DAVID.PARRY@THEAGENCYRE.COM 250.634.8356 David Parry PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION TERRY.STOCKUS@THEAGENCYRE.COM 250.588.7933 Terry Stockus

Sidney-by-the-Sea Rotary Club: ShelterBox Program Update

Sidney-by-the Sea Rotary Club recently bought two Shelterboxes with funds from its International Service budget, one each going to Turkey and Pakistan. Like all 1.5 million Rotarians in more than 200 countries/territories around the world, our main objective is service to our local community and around the world.

ShelterBox was the brainchild of a British Rotarian, Tom Henderson, a Royal Navy Veteran who assisted with several disasters – flood, hurricanes, avalanches, etc. He noticed that behind the First Response Teams, search and rescue, medical and food supplies, victims frequently had no ready accommodation. He conceived of a box packed with a family-sized tent and essentials such as self-help tools, cooking sets, solar lights and activities for children. The project was launched with fellow Rotarians, adopted by Rotary International and within the first nine years more than 800,000 boxes had been delivered. There was no cost to anybody being helped.

The project became so large that it was transitioned to a standalone program, with Rotary as a partner. Millions of ShelterBoxes have been delivered from depots at strategic locations around the world.

Standard tents are designed to house a family of 10 with two sleeping areas on either side of a central communal space. They are waterproof, UV resistant, capable of withstanding 100-kilometre winds and remaining dry in about 15 centimetres of ground water. Other tents are specially designed for extremely hot or cold conditions.

Other items can be included; for example, water purification kits or containers, mosquito nets, sleeping mats, children's clothing, etc.

Contact to determine needs is made through Rotary Clubs or Districts with local knowledge and for assistance with the authorities. ShelterBox sends in a Disaster Response Team to ensure the logistics are in place to move the boxes from point of entry to the disaster location, using any transport which is available – trucks, helicopters, pack animals, tuk tuk and so on. The team attends at the area to ensure tents are located on suitable ground and to give whatever help or instruction may be needed in their use. Experience shows that under most conditions the tents can remain in use for months or years.

Sidney-by-the Sea Rotary Club has supported many local initiatives which include, as examples, food distribution weekly at the Sidney Elementary School, the Free Ride Bike Park, Sea and Air Cadets and the Water Spray Park. For more information about our club visit Information on ShelterBox can be found at

Daniel Jones CIM® Financial Planner Tel: 250-665-8154 |

TD Wealth Financial Planning 2406 Beacon Avenue Sidney, BC V8L 1X4

Tel: 250-665-8154 |

TD Wealth Financial Planning 2406 Beacon Avenue Sidney, BC V8L 1X4

Daniel Jones, CIM® Financial Planner

As a Financial Planner, I work closely with my clients to help them develop a financial plan that balances life today with their goals for the future. I take the time to understand, not just their current financial circumstances, but also the objectives and motivations integral to it. Whether you are planning for retirement or starting a new business, I am here to help guide you every step of the way. In addition to investment advice, I can also connect my clients with the right TD specialists to help them address a range of financial goals.

Tel: 250-665-8154 |

TD Wealth Financial Planning 2406 Beacon Avenue Sidney BC V8L 1X4

In my role, I focus on four key areas:

„ Build net worth – Identifying investment solutions that align to my clients’ evolving needs.

„ Implement tax-efficient strategies – Working with my clients to help create and structure their accounts to help reduce tax exposure while keeping income available for when it’s needed.

As a Financial Planner, I work closely with my clients to help them develop a financial plan that balances life today with their goals for the future. I take the time to understand, not just their current financial circumstances, but also the objectives and motivations integral to it. Whether you are planning for retirement or starting a new business, I am here to help guide you every step of the way. In addition to investment advice, I can also connect my clients with the right TD specialists to help them address a range of financial goals.

„ Protect what matters – Leveraging the expertise of TD specialists, I help integrate strategies to protect what matters to my clients.

In my role, I focus on four key areas:

„ Leave a legacy – Helping my clients to build a plan to effectively transfer their wealth.

As a Financial Planner, I work closely with my clients to help them develop a financial plan that balances life today with their goals for the future. I take the time to understand, not just their current financial circumstances, but also the objectives and motivations integral to it. Whether you are planning for retirement or starting a new business, I am here to help guide you every step of the way. In addition to investment advice, I can also connect my clients with the right TD specialists to help them address a range of financial goals.

Building your financial future – together

• Build net worth – Identifying investment solutions that align to my clients’ evolving needs.

In my role, I focus on four key areas:

„ Build net worth – Identifying investment solutions that align to my clients’ evolving needs.

As a financial planner with over 8 years of financial services experience, I am passionately committed to providing my clients a fully integrated financial plan that balances living life today with setting goals for tomorrow. I hold the CIM® - Chartered Investment Manager designation offered by the CSI. Connect with me today to learn more about how I can help you and your family reach your personal and financial goals.

• Implement tax-efficient strategies – Working with my clients to help create and structure their accounts to help reduce tax exposure while keeping income available for when it’s needed.

„ Implement tax-efficient strategies – Working with my clients to help create and structure their accounts to help reduce tax exposure while keeping income available for when it’s needed.

• Protect what matters – Leveraging the expertise of TD specialists, I help integrate strategies to protect what matters to my clients.

„ Protect what matters – Leveraging the expertise of TD specialists, I help integrate strategies to protect what matters to my clients.

„ Leave a legacy – Helping my clients to build a plan to effectively transfer their wealth.

• Leave a legacy – Helping my clients to build a plan to effectively transfer their wealth.

Building your financial future


As a financial planner with over 8 years of financial services experience, I am passionately committed to providing my clients a fully integrated financial plan that balances living life today with setting goals for tomorrow. I hold the CIM® - Chartered Investment Manager designation offered by the CSI.

Building your financial future – together

As a financial planner with over 8 years of financial services experience, I am passionately committed to providing my clients a fully integrated financial plan that balances living life today with setting goals for tomorrow. I hold the CIM®Chartered Investment Manager designation offered by the CSI. Connect with me today to learn more about how I can help you and your family reach your personal and financial goals.

Connect with me today to learn more about how I can help you and your family reach your personal and financial goals.

Wealth Financial Planning is a division of TD Waterhouse Canada Inc a subsidiary of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. ® The TD logo and other TD trademarks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank or its subsidiaries. M06008-6605126
TD Wealth Financial Planning is a division of TD Waterhouse Canada Inc a subsidiary of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. ® The TD logo and other TD trademarks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank or its subsidiaries. M06008-6605126
Never Miss

Dangerously Good

It takes very little persuasion to get my son to help me make sticky rolls for Mother's Day. They are dangerously good. They're the kind of treat that, if they're out on the counter, I will walk by and think "I'll just have a little slice." Then I pass by again and take another, as I say, "titch more." And the next time I wander through the kitchen I have an additional chunk of caramelly tastiness. It would be simpler to just take a whole bun and be done with it, but psychologically it's quite entertaining to convince myself that I'm just having a little bit, not an entire bun. Or, dare I say, two.

But I have no regrets, as for a special treat it's always great fun to play around in the

kitchen and make something for breakfast or brunch that is a sticky, nutty, ooey-gooey glorious indulgence. The bonus? You can make them the day before then just pop them in the oven on Mother's Day. These buns aren't too sweet, but are rather a fabulous mix of an enriched dough layered with nuts and cinnamon then highlighted with an amazing caramel sauce. The trick is to carefully flip the rolls onto a platter when they're still warm as then the luscious topping oozes over the buns. So amazing. I haven't heard any complaints from my son, either, as I'm sure he has also convinced himself that just one more roll as he wanders through the kitchen can easily be rationalized. I have taught him well.


Dangerously Good Sticky Rolls


2 ¼ tsp instant yeast

¾ cup milk

1 tbsp sugar

6 tbsp butter, melted, then slightly cooled


½ cup butter

¾ cup dark brown sugar

¾ cup whipping cream


¼ cup dark brown sugar, packed

2 tbsp sugar

1 tsp cinnamon

⅛ tsp coarse salt

Dough: using instant yeast, stir it into milk along with sugar in bowl of stand mixer (or bowl you're using if mixing by hand). Then whisk in butter, yolks, whole egg. Add half the flour; mix with dough hook in stand mixer, or wooden spoon, if doing this by hand. Add salt, then rest of flour; continue to mix until dough forms. With mixer, knead with hook for 5-7 minutes on low, until dough is stretchy. If kneading by hand, knead 5-10 minutes on floured counter. Oil large bowl, put in dough; rise until doubled, about 2 to 2 ½ hours.

Make the caramel about 45 minutes before dough has doubled. Over medium heat, melt butter in saucepan. Stir in brown sugar, cream, honey, salt. Bring to boil. Then reduce heat to low; stir and simmer until caramel is golden, about 3-5 minutes. Pour into bottom and up sides of 9x13 baking dish. Let dish cool in fridge while putting together rolls. Stir sugars, cinnamon, salt together in small bowl. Remove slightly cooled caramel from fridge; sprinkle caramel with 1 cup nuts.

Put risen dough onto floured counter; roll into rectangle 18 inches wide (side closest to you) and about 12 inches long. Try to keep width at 18 inches, but OK to be longer. Brush with melted butter. Sprinkle all of dough with filling and then ½ cup nuts. Roll dough into tight

4 egg yolks

1 egg

3 ¾ cups flour

1 tsp coarse salt oil or spray to coat bowl

⅓ cup honey

¼ tsp coarse salt

1 ½ tbsp butter, melted

1 ½ cups toasted, cooled chopped nuts, (I used a mix of walnuts and pecans)

18-inch-long spiral. Using serrated knife, gently saw the log into 1 ½ inch sections. Arrange each cut roll evenly on caramel base. You want 12 rolls.

Cover with plastic wrap; proof at room temperature for another 1 ½ to 2 hours, until they come together in pan and look puffy again. Or, you can refrigerate overnight (which is what I like to do). Remove from fridge 1 hour before you want to bake them. Heat oven to 350°.

Bake buns until puffed, golden, 35-40 minutes.

Let rest in pan for a couple of minutes, then carefully, quickly invert them onto large platter. Scoop out extra caramel from pan onto rolls. Eat warm. Keep leftovers in fridge; reheat slightly when serving. You can also make this recipe in two round 9 inch pans, just divide up the caramel and rolls as you put it together. This does make inverting the rolls easier.

Adapted and amalgamated from: www./ pecan-sticky-buns-news/ alton-brown/overnight-cinnamonrolls-recipe-2014250 the-ultimate-sticky-buns

MARKETS HAVE THEIR UPS AND DOWNS. We can help you stay your course. While market ups and downs are a reality, working with an advisor you trust can help make a difference. From creating a personalized plan based on your goals to providing innovative solutions as your needs evolve, we take a comprehensive approach to managing, building and protecting your wealth. Call us to understand what I can do to help you stay your course. Jessica O’Brien Cameron, Portfolio Manager, Wealth Advisor CIBC Wood Gundy 9823 Third Street, Sidney, B.C. V8L 3A6 Tel: (250) 361-2272 | Toll Free 1 800 561-5864 CIBC Private Wealth consists of services provided by CIBC and certain of its subsidiaries, including CIBC Wood Gundy, a division of CIBC World Markets Inc. The CIBC logo and “CIBC Private Wealth” are trademarks of CIBC, used under license. “Wood Gundy” is a registered trademark of CIBC World Markets Inc.

West Coast's Largest In-the-Water Boat Show Returns to Sidney

The BC Boat Show is back and better than ever! The West Coast's largest in-the-water boat show will be held from May 4 to 7 at Port Sidney Marina in Sidney. With thousands of expected visitors from across British Columbia, Alberta and Washington State, and dozens of exhibitors, the seaside town of Sidney will be transformed for the weekend.

Visitors can anticipate viewing 200+ new and used watercraft, spanning from paddle boards, kayaks and inflatables to boats and yachts of varying sizes, both powered and sail. Professional brokerages will bring a large inventory of vessels to the show and will be available to welcome attendees aboard to tour the boats of their dreams.

In addition to the boats, the show will feature exhibits from marine-related businesses, offering products and services such as boat yard services, hardware, equipment, navigation electronics and boating apparel. This provides a unique opportunity for attendees to not only see the latest boats on the market but also explore a variety of products and services related to the boating lifestyle.

Boat Show Manager Steven Threadkell is excited about the prospect of another busy show: "I'm really looking forward to this year's show. There will be a large inventory of new and premium used boats for people to realize their dreams of life on the water. Be it big or small,

power or sail, boating in B.C. is just magic. The experience stays with you forever."

For visitors to the Island, the BC Boat Show is providing a free shuttle bus from the Swartz Bay ferry terminal and from the convenient free parking at the top of Beacon Avenue. Make a weekend of it and enjoy all that Sidney and the surrounding areas have to offer, including beautiful beaches, forest hikes, top-notch restaurants, shopping, and many visitor attractions.

Stay informed at or on Facebook and Instagram @BCBoatShow. Show hours:

Thursday, May 4 – 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Friday, May 5 – 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Saturday, May 6 – 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Sunday, May 7 – 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Daily Tickets: $15 per person / $13 seniors and students; kids 16 and under free with a paying adult. Tickets available online at or at the gate.

The British Columbia Yacht Brokers Association (BCYBA) is a selfregulating professional not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting all aspects of the recreational marine industry and ensuring that yacht brokers maintain a high standard of competence and professional ethics.

2 5 0 - 6 5 5 - 9 4 4 5 9 8 0 5 s e a p o r t p l a c e , s i d n e y b c w w w s i d n e y p i e r c o m f o l l o w u s @ s i d n e y p i e r h o t e l a n d s p a Spring
the sea. MAY 2023 | SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA 55
Sidney by

The History of the Saanich Peninsula: Part 3 – Making a Difference

There is more to the Saanich Peninsula than just a sunny interlude on a lazy summer afternoon, sunbeams dancing on glorious meadows and seascapes. The eye candy brings people here

but something else hooks them for life. There is a feeling of human solidarity in the air, of people coming together to help each other and build a caring and resilient community. Throughout its colourful history, this vibrant community has continued to thrive and flourish, making a positive difference locally and around the planet.

Vancouver Island became a British Colony in 1849; in the early 1850s, vast tracts of dense forest land were designated as North and South Saanich Districts. During the latter half of the 19th century and well into the 20th, the Saanich Peninsula community expanded and developed in many directions, evolving from a primarily farming community to one that buzzed with new industries and businesses. In 1857, John and Mark Coles were the first white settlers to put down roots in North Saanich. Many followed, putting their hard work to use establishing homes and raising families. In 1869, some homegrown fun and ingenuity resulted in a popular yearly tradition that continues to enchant both kids and adults to this day: the first Saanich Fair.

Our vibrant and resilient Peninsula community is built on strong roots. Many of the early pioneers were visionaries, such as the Brethour brothers, who put their dreams for a booming economy of businesses and industry into action. Persistence and tenacity propelled them to achieve their dream of a railway line, the Victoria and Sidney Railway, complete with a train station. Then, in 1892,

Mother’s Day is May 11th -Exquisite Gifts -Pandora -Pyrrha -Brighton In
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the Sidney Pier Hotel

the determined siblings established a sawmill to provide building materials. This enterprising community has always been on the cutting edge of new inventions and ideas. The Saanich Canning Company was one of the first to take advantage of this fast-growing industry in British Columbia. Located at the foot of Beacon Avenue, the cannery was a major employer in Sidney and remained an important part of the Peninsula economy until its closure in 1942.

Both humanitarian and environmental initiatives over its history have furthered a compassionate and progressive Peninsula community. On December 23, 1877, Messrs, Brackman & Milne's North Saanich Flour Mill opened its doors, the first of its kind on Vancouver Island. Henry Brackman wanted to provide a local source of rolled oats as an option to people dependent on American imports. Four generations of the Rashleigh family exemplify the "giving-back" philosophy that runs through the community. In 2021, descendants of the family received a community award from Agriculture Minister Lana Popham: "The Rashleighs have provided homegrown food and dairy straight from the farm for over a century, helping to feed their communities."

Named after an inspirational local figure, the Mary Winspear Centre has enhanced life on the Saanich Peninsula in a myriad of ways ever since it opened in 2001. With a plethora of artistic, cultural, social and business events representing both community and business interests, its services are sought by organizations across Canada and throughout the world.

Just west of Sidney, the Institute of Ocean Sciences, one of Canada's largest marine institutes, is helping to save our planet through its efforts to restore and manage coastal ecosystems and by studying the negative impacts of many environmental hazards: the effect of global warming on marine ecosystems; of contaminants in Arctic ice; of damage from harmful algal blooms to shellfish; and the devastating aftermath of oil spills. The experts at this remarkable facility can even predict where and when a tsunami will strike.

Cliff McNeil-Smith, Mayor of the Town of Sidney, sums up the essence of our dynamic, people-centred community: "Over the past 25 years we've seen many leaders in local government and community organizations help make Sidney a most welcoming and vibrant community culturally and economically. When you think back since 1998, the changes have been remarkable: our waterfront walkway and parks with great amenities, the Mary Winspear and SHOAL Centres, and our pedestrian-friendly downtown – just to name a few. Our vision is to balance growth with all that we value, to keep our wonderful seaside charm."

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no matter the season, sidney always offers plenty to do! Take part in a race, enjoy live music and cultural programming, celebrate the community, and discover family-friendly activities Discover a full line-up of events online or pick-up your seasonal Sidney Printed Events Calendar at select locations. or find paper copies at the Sidney Information Centre

Motivation & Determination: NOAH HARRY

Where does the time go? We started writing this column two years ago, highlighting how dual credit career programs have allowed students to jumpstart their career or choose an alternative pathway to earn credit towards graduation. There is also another, perhaps more important, bonus: students who might otherwise have stopped attending school have been able to re-engage in the entire learning process.

Noah Harry was in ninth grade when the pandemic hit and school moved to online learning. This was difficult for a lot of students, but even more difficult for students who were not currently motivated in the first place. Noah said he always struggled with English and social studies and that he felt judged by other students. Crowds of students were also stressful for Noah. When he started at Individual Learning Centre (ILC), the teachers discovered that Noah was very strong in math and that he loved to work with his hands. He felt best when his body was moving, not sitting. Unfortunately, he still wasn't feeling

motivated and didn't attend very often. The teachers suggested he try the Trade Awareness Skills & Knowledge (TASK) program.

Noah commented that he now felt "mentally focused because he wasn't worried about what the other students thought" and that he "could keep moving and using his hands." Not surprisingly, Noah's attendance improved and he now finds himself motivated to graduate. He also said that the program is "fun and challenging, and if you gather your courage and push through the challenge, it feels great."

Noah's instructor, Brandon Heyer, noticed the pride that Noah took in his work and his incredible attention to detail. He has never looked back, only forward. From the TASK program he became interested in carpentry and is now in the STAC Carpentry program learning how to build a tiny home. "It has been great to see Noah get re-engaged in school and I have watched his confidence grow," says Brandon. We are delighted to know that this confidence will carry Noah on to graduation, a goal he had previously never dreamed of.

photo by Brandon Heyer

Hansell & Halkett

Vintage Home Décor

A vast selection of fair trade rugs are coming to Hansell & Halkett in June! We are hosting our first ever Fair Trade Rug Event, featuring hundreds of Bunyaad hand-knotted rugs from June 8 to 18.

Bunyaad has been working with artisans in Pakistan since 1982 to preserve the rich cultural heritage of traditional rug-making. Based in Lahore, Pakistan, Bunyaad's rug artisan group includes over 850 families from over 100 villages. Bunyaad believes in the inherent value of art for art's sake, and supports the process of artisans making their own artistic and technical decisions. Artisans are assured a fair wage for their labour, allowing them the peace of mind to focus on creativity, rather than speed, and quality, rather than expense.

The fibres used in Bunyaad rugs are wool, cotton and silk. All of the rugs are made with consistently high-quality materials and dyeing techniques, and are made to withstand everything from wine and coffee spills to dirty kid and dog feet! Now these are rugs that we are proud to stand behind (and on)!

Come and see these hand-knotted rugs at our Fair Trade Rug Event from June 8 to 18. You can find our store in Garden Court at 2360 Beacon Avenue and online at

LOCAL … YourLove

You are investing in your community by supporting its unique businesses. Appreciate what makes our neighbourhoods different. Our one-of-a-kind shops and services are an inherent part of the distinctive character of our Saanich Peninsula neighbourhoods; that is what brought us here and will keep us here. Stay local and stay connected to the merchants in your community. By supporting them today, you are investing in a unique and sustainable future for the Saanich Peninsula community.


Seaside Cabinetry & Design is a boutiquestyle cabinet showroom located in downtown Sidney. Custom Design, Merit Cabinetry, Lifetime Warranty. We have hundreds of styles and colours to choose from. Showroom Open by Appointment 250.812.4304 | 9715 First St, Sidney

Join us for our first annual Bunyaad Rug Event from June 9-19. We will have hundreds of hand-knotted, heirloom-quality rugs made by fairly paid adults in Pakistan. Choose from various styles and sizes (up to 9X12). Open Sun-Mon 11-4 | Tues-Sat 11-530

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Happy Mother’s Day!

Brentwood Bay Village Empourium

May is the month to celebrate Mothers! There is no better place to be than Brentwood Bay Village Empourium to show appreciation for the mums in your life, whether with a lunch out, a specialty coffee or to find a beautiful card or memorable gift.

Empourium is a popular destination on the Peninsula: a warm and friendly café and retail store where great coffee, delicious food, live music, art and retail co-exist. This family-owned, independent shop is filled to the brim with beautiful and unusual gifts sourced from local, regional and global makers. With a vast array of lovely, inspired gifts that any mother could love, you are sure to find her something special. Clothing, accessories, jewelry, beauty products, home décor and gourmet gifts are among the choices available, along with gorgeous wrapping paper and bags!

As the weather warms up you can relax indoors or out, while enjoying a seasonal latté, lunch or freshly baked treat, wine, beer or milkshake. Empourium's unique hybrid offerings of food and beverage features a newly expanded menu with many delicious options – cinnamon buns, seasonal fruit muffins, gourmet paninis, cold sandwiches, soups, salads and more.

Empourium boasts a five star ranking on Trip Advisor and other


Grooming the Dogs of Sidney, One Dog at a Time! Call to Book: 250.656.1350 2443 Beacon Avenue, Sidney RETAIL STORE & GROOMING SALON PETCONNECTION.CA DCC Cabinets Local, affordable custom cabinets … right here on the Saanich Peninsula! We offer a full-service shop, from design and manufacturing through to the installation of our exceptional product. 250.412.3472 2071 Malaview Ave, Sidney (call for appt.) RESIDENTIAL – Providing cleaning services to the Saanich Peninsula since 2018. COMMERCIAL – From offices, dental clinics, showrooms and everything in between we have you covered. Book now and see the results for yourself! | LET US SHOW YOU How We Shine! W W W B R O W N S T H E F L O R I S T C O M D O W N T O W N - S I D N E Y - W E S T S H O R E Y o u r l o c a l c h o i c e f o r o u r l o c a l c h i c f o r f l o w e r s a n d f l o r a l f l o w e r s a n d f l o a l g i f t s t o h e l p y o u a n d g i t s t o h e l p y o u a n y o u r l o v e d o n e s y o r l o v e o n e s Stay Connected F L O R I S T B R O W N ' S The S I N C E 1 9 1 2

Building quality is in everything the Tidman family does. Ever since Roy Tidman poured his first concrete footings in 1948, Tidman Construction has been building remarkable custom homes, giving new life to older homes and improving the lives of families by making larger spaces out of small ones.

Now celebrating 75 years, Tidman Construction carries on Roy’s lifetime legacy of building excellence, integrity and customer service: cornerstones of the Tidman Construction business.


Roy Tidman, Tidman Construction Founder John, Ron and Andrew Tidman
Live Exceptionally

Thinking Real Estate This Spring? Consider New Taxes and More

Beyond the trees and gardens budding across the Peninsula, the perennial spring real estate market is bursting to life. Among the current market conditions affecting dealmaking, new taxes have popped up that beg attention.

First, the market: Since striking a balanced tone in March, sales have heated up as a growing stream of buyers vye for a limited number of listings. While negotiations are still on the table, for buyers it's a good time to get serious; for sellers, it's a chance to fulfil life goals and achieve financial objectives.

Before rushing into a deal, it pays to get answers to finance questions before you start negotiations. This includes understanding how tax implications can affect bottom-line results.

For example, tax expert Grant Kratofil says the new federal anti-flipping tax could affect sellers. Introduced in January 2023, this new tax can mean that a gain is treated as fully taxable business income when a property is held for fewer than 12 months. "There is no principal residence deduction or capital gains treatment," says Kratofil, a partner at NKPG Professional Services and longtime Peninsula resident. There are limited exceptions, including extenuating life circumstances such as death, sickness and a change in family status.

In some situations, things can get tricky. For example, buyers who purchased a preconstruction condominium when interest rates were low may now be taking possession in today's higher-interest-rate environment and need to sell quickly. "The anti-flipping tax would apply," says Kratofil. "The question is whether or not the buyer may qualify for an exemption."

On another front, even if property owners aren't considering selling, Kratofil says they should be aware of the new Underused Housing Tax (UHT).

While this tax targets non-Canadian-resident and foreign property owners, certain Canadian

property owners – including private companies and trusts (other than estates) –must file a UHT return annually, in order to avoid risk of penalties that can exceed $5,000, says Kratofil. This includes parents who helped their adult-aged children buy a home, and as a result are on title for financing purposes only, he notes. "To avoid risk of penalty, they should file a UHT return."

Not all the recent legislative news is gloomy. For example, Kratofil says first-time buyers

can now save $40,000 tax-free towards the purchase of a home through the Tax-Free First Home Savings Account. "It works like a hybrid between a Tax-Free Savings Account and an RRSP. Your contributions are tax-deductible, and withdrawals to purchase a first home— including from investment income—would be non-taxable," says Kratofil.


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As Kratofil's advice illustrates, when it comes to real estate, it always pays to think and act strategically before setting wheels in motion.


CLANNA MORNA: In the Chord of Celtic

From prehistoric bone flutes to medieval lyres to electronic rap, we've been using music to tell stories throughout history.

Local band "Clanna Morna" interprets traditional Celtic music, which tells the stories of ancestors, cultural identity and historical events, and they do so in a way that both delights and engages audiences.

"We play folk music, music of the people and of the place," shares Mark Leigh, band member.

"We're part of folk music culture," says Finn Letourneau. "Everyone is a part of storytelling. It inspires curiousity. When you're listening, you look into your own family heritage."

The name of the band, Clanna Morna, is Irish Gaelic for "beloved clan," and the name not only reflects the type of music but their love of this musical culture.

A group of three talented multiinstrumentalists, Clanna Morna draws their inspiration from other musical groups such as The Clancy Brothers, Planxty, the Dubliners, the Bothy Band and The Pogues. They use vocals and a wide range of instruments including accordion, guitar, fiddle, banjo, mandolin, Irish bouzouki, tin whistle and percussion to create an interesting, captivating sound. Their songs reflect themes about colonization, rebellion, or stories of the sea. Some are high energy instrumental pieces; others, slow ballads and sea shanties. Regardless of the tempo or the approach, however, their music is all about storytelling and engaging the audience.

"The music is participatory," says Mark. "People in the crowd drum the tabletop, clap and sing along."

The positive response from listeners over the last couple of years prompted the band to work on an album which they hope to release in May or June of this year. It will feature original tunes and new arrangements of traditional songs. Details on the album as well as band performance schedules can be found at

"On the album, we play a good variety of songs, child ballads and Old English, Scottish and Irish songs in our own arrangements," notes Mark. "The music reflects stories about

colonization, politics and cultural dynamics."

Everyone in the band is keen about the upcoming album. "People have been asking for our music," remarks Cody Baresich, band member. "We enjoy where we've gone with the style of the music arrangements, and an album gives a permanent memory of it."

Recording their music marks an exciting milestone in this band's story which began in the fall of 2020. Mark and Cody had been collaborating musically and were looking to add a fiddle player. Finn subsequently joined, a new ensemble was formed, and it wasn't long before the group began sharing their music near and far. Gigs included local venues like Brentwood Bay Village Empourium, Sea Cider, Sidney Street Market and Irish Times Pub, Vancouver Island locations including Chemainus, Cumberland, Quadra Island, Campbell River and Cortes Island and mainland events like Vancouver Celticfest and the BC Highland Games.

"We've done about 200 performances since 2020," comments Mark. Adds Finn: "We will be actively touring B.C. this summer."

"My mom had a guitar and got me started early," shares Mark. "I have played accordion since I was five years old."

"My first instrument was a drum kit when I was eight years old," says Cody. "When I was 14, I picked up the guitar and taught myself how to play."

Finn notes: "I started classical violin when I was four years old. I always loved singing and took classical voice."

The unique sound of Clanna Morna traces its roots to each band member's background and upbringing.

Finn's affinity with Celtic music started in childhood. "My mom loved Celtic music," Finn says. "When I was eight, I joined a fiddle group and learned the folk side of fiddling. My fiddle teacher was Irish."

Cody too returns to musical interests he held years ago which now inform his playing. "As a young teen I liked punk music and metal music," says Cody. "In 2010 I came back to Celtic music. There are similarities between them. They both have upbeat energy and create an intense vibe."

Mark was raised in a home where traditional Irish, Scottish and accordion reeds and tin whistle trill fill the air, you'll find it almost impossible not to tap your feet, sing along and enjoy the stories in

Foundation SUPPORTING VETERANS MEMORIAL LODGE Broadmead Care Foundation is a registered charity. #886871037RR0001 Gaming Event Licence #141266 & Gaming Event Licence #141267 Must be 19+ 3 WAYS TO PLAY AND WIN! Play here: 50 50 AUCT ON D AMOND DRAW MAY 2023 | SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA 65


A recent Globe and Mail survey of more than 6,000 responders confirmed that, despite the challenges of qualification faced by first-time buyers, about 71% of young adults hold a mortgage. Not surprisingly, with the national average home price at $626,000 in December 2022, the typical mortgage of young individuals and/or families neared $500,000.

Historically, many of these mortgages, often for a 5-year term, were secured at very low interest rates of 2% to 3%. Many will be coming up for renewal within several years. Regardless of term, if renewing today, the rate will have increased by at least 2%. On a $500,000 mortgage, this translates to an increased monthly cost of $1,000.

Difficult to manage as this increase may be, the homeowner must cope while also servicing other debt such as credit cards, a line of credit, vehicle loan, or even student loan debt.

How does one cope in this worst-case scenario? Often, the shortfall is covered by adding to outstanding balances on credit cards and credit lines. Longer-term, since the rising indebtedness is at higher rates than the original mortgage, this patch-work fix serves only to magnify the problem.

Options do exist:

a) To moderate the increase in monthly payments, consider extending the mortgage amortization period when renewing.

b) Reduce discretionary spending such as travel, dining out, etc.

c) Consider the feasibility of renting out a room or suite, or otherwise sharing your home.

d) Consider accepting an international student through your school district, university, or community college. Since you will incur some cost in integrating the student into your family life, the income you receive is not taxable.

e) One and two-year mortgage renewals are available at rates similar to longer terms. With the high expectation that mortgage rates will decline within the next several years, avoid long-term renewals such as a 5-year term. As rates decline, you can take advantage of the lower rate when you subsequently renew.

Should the above options fail to solve your cash flow difficulties, you may have to consider selling and downsizing pricewise, or reverting to renting, until ownership becomes more affordable.

Most importantly, do not procrastinate until your mortgage renewal date in identifying a solution. Well in advance, calculate the probable financial impact of a renewal and follow through with a plan for managing the challenge – perhaps initiating lifestyle changes. If in severe financial stress, with your home worth less than the amount of the mortgage, do not assume that by defaulting on your mortgage, with the lender obtaining power-ofsale and selling your home, you will be off the hook. In Canada, lenders have the right to seek full recourse. This means they may legally pursue you for any resulting shortfall.

For personal financial consulting services, contact or visit for Client Testimonials and more Author of The Smart Canadian Wealth-
(Third Edition) Included in the curriculum of several Canadian Colleges.
Peter Dolezal is a semi-retired Sidney resident. He offers INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL CONSULTING SERVICES to individuals, couples and companies. To date, he has assisted more than 300 clients across Canada, principally in Greater Victoria and the Lower Mainland. No Financial Products to Sell Leads to Truly Independent Advice.


I like movies; in fact, I love them. So, when I first saw the trailer for the Canadian-made dramatic comedy I Like Movies, I immediately searched for a local screening and was pleasantly surprised to find Star Cinema in Sidney was doing a run. After watching it, I can say with confidence that I like this movie.

Written and Directed by Chandler Levack, this early-2000s nostalgia piece tells the story of socially-inept 17-year-old filmmaker, Lawrence (played brilliantly by Isaiah Lehtinen), who gets a job at a video store to save money for NYU's film program. After befriending his older female manager, Lawrence gains perspective of his future and works toward bettering himself. Ripe with early-2000s references, this film draws you in from the start.

Lehtinen's performance as Lawrence is remarkable and deservedly won him the Vancouver Film Critics Award for Best Actor in a Canadian Film. The chemistry between him and co-star Sara García, who plays his older female manager, is charming and natural, making their scenes together the most memorable in the film.

One of the standout features of I Like Movies is the way Levack captures the essence of the early 2000s. From the costumes and set design to the task of picking out a film at your local video store, the film transports you back to a time before binge-watching on Netflix was an option. The attention to detail in recreating this era adds a subtle layer to the viewing experience. The film also tackles themes of self-discovery, friendship and the challenges of growing up. The characters are relatable, if not flawed, and their struggles feel authentic, making the emotional payoff of the story all the more satisfying.

Overall, I Like Movies is a heartfelt film that captures the spirit of the early 2000s while telling a story that is both funny and moving. With a talented cast and a skilled writer-director at the helm, it's no surprise that the film has already garnered critical acclaim. Whether you're a fan of coming-of-age stories, nostalgic period pieces, or just love movies in general, I highly recommend giving I Like Movies a watch. Released after a successful premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival, I Like Movies was recently picked up for worldwide distribution by Visit Films and is screening in theatres across Canada.

If you are looking for other Canadian-made films to watch, check out my list of recommendations below.

1. One Week, Netflix

2. Stories We Tell, Netflix

3. The Sweet Hereafter, Amazon Prime

4. Rhymes for Young Ghouls, Amazon Prime

5. The Grand Seduction, Amazon Prime

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All in the Family: Sidney Centre Family Dentistry

Sidney Centre Family Dentistry has always been a family practice but soon, new members will be joining the team. Husband and wife owners Loren Braun and Jacalyn Sollid have two sons, Riley and Payton, who completed their BSc degrees at UVic and will be continuing the family profession. They have been accepted to dental schools in the United States, where they will pursue their studies before returning to the family practice.

"We homeschooled the boys until Grade 9, when they switched to distance ed," explains Jaci. "They have grown up at the office and around a dining room table filled with talk of teeth – my father is a retired orthodontist and my brother-in-law is also a dentist. Maybe we'll need to change the name to Braun & Sons!"

I asked Riley and Payton a few questions about their upcoming journey.

What made you decide to follow the family tradition and pursue a career in dentistry? What inspires you?

"I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in a field where you can help others," says Riley. "The one thing I noticed about dentistry as I shadowed different occupations in the health fields was the immediate impact you can have on your patients. Being able to alleviate a patient's pain in one appointment and have them walk out much happier is really rewarding."

"I was surrounded by dentistry growing up, and that had a big impact on my career choice," adds Payton. "It was important to me to find a job where I had a specific skill that I could use to help other people. As I got older, I began to do various jobs around the office, including filing and sterilizing instruments. This is when I really began to understand how the office functioned – I watched my dad go from chair to chair, doing his work and relieving people's pain. There wasn't a dull moment in his day."

Is there a particular moment or memory at the family practice that has stayed with you over the years?

"I'm not sure about a particular moment, but I remember spending time with my brother at the practice when both my parents were working," Riley says. "I must've been six or seven years old, but even then I could recognize the familial atmosphere and how my parents knew almost every single patient. I did quite a bit of shadowing at the practice in the past few years, and many patients told me that they

Eve’s Doula Services Labour, Birth & Postpartum LESS PAIN. MORE PLAY. Try Physiotherapy. 250.652.0132 · 250.479.5112 250.655.7188 | #215-9764 Fifth St. | SIDNEY CENTRE FAMILY DENTISTRY Dr. Loren J. Braun Proud to be both the Panthers' Team Dentist and a Panthers' Team Dad! New Patients Welcome • Emergency Treatment Insurance Accepted • IV Sedation Available 68 SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA | MAY 2023
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remembered seeing me when I was very young. It's pretty neat how I will see many of these same patients as their dentist."

"During Covid, I began shadowing my dad and watching his procedures more closely, even getting involved with assisting on the rare occasion," explains Payton. "One moment that I remember was when he got me to assist with an emergency appointment late in the evening. A kid had gotten hit in the mouth with a baseball and his front teeth were smashed in, just barely hanging on to the roof of his mouth. My dad was able to save the teeth and put them back in place. That was a very memorable experience for me, and I realized that one day I wanted to have the skillset to help other people in the same way."

Do you think it will be a big adjustment moving abroad for four years? What do you think some of the challenges might be?

"I think a big adjustment for me will be the heat in the summer, as I'm moving to Phoenix, Arizona!" says Riley. "I'm looking forward to experiencing a different area and culture, as I've lived in Victoria my whole life. I am getting married just before I leave, so it will be pretty special starting fresh in a different city. Another challenge might be a busier pace of life in a major urban centre like Phoenix. It's not the Island, that's for sure!"

You're planning to return to the family practice after your studies. Can you speak a bit to what the future might hold?

"After dental school, the plan is to join my dad and my brother at the practice in Sidney," Payton says. "I've been fortunate to do some travelling with my family, and every time I go somewhere else I realize how great the Saanich Peninsula is and how lucky I am to live here. With my parents' practice and much of my family on the Island, it seems like a no-brainer to come back here after school."

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"They have grown up at the office and around talk of teeth. Maybe we'll need to change the name to Braun & Sons!"
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April Meeting

Book Club

Isaac says this book is fiction, but there is lots of his life in the story. One of the aspects of his writing that many of our group responded to were the detailed descriptions of Eddie's surroundings. The writing takes you right there to the shabby house, the surrounding forest, the fast-flowing river and the road that leads off to town and school and the White world. Isaac shows us Eddie's world with a child's eye-view, observing everything that is going on around him but not judging it. For him it is normal to sleep on a bed with no blankets, to be expected to haul the wood in for the stove, to climb on the roof to fix a leak, and to have no electricity or running water in his home.

Presenting his life without comment, though, left some of our readers feeling detached from the story. It left the reader to do a lot of the work, determining how the characters were feeling, who was at fault and even what the meaning of the ending was. Eddie's life seems precarious right from the start. The novel is unflinching in the way that we are shown how colonialism affected every single aspect of the characters' lives. Trauma is woven through the storyline, but somehow Isaac resists pointing a finger of blame. Certainly, the adults in Eddie's life are feckless and irresponsible, but it's obvious that they are trapped in a system too.

There are parts of this book that will linger for a long time in our readers' minds. Although this is his first novel, Isaac has always written poetry, and his ability to capture the young boy in his unique world is exceptionally beautiful.

Next month we are trying a different genre: we'll be reading a thriller, The Survivors , by Jane Harper. There is a Book Club set of this title available from the Sidney/North Saanich Library; you can request to add your name to the waiting list. We'll meet on Tuesday, May 16 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Nell Horth Room at the library. Stay up to date with book club news:


at Beacon & Fourth in Sidney | open 7 days a week 250 656 2345 | Check out some of our new and best selling titles!
Simply Lies David Baldacci Fiction | HC $38.00 The Body by the Sea Brittany #8 Jean-Luc Bannalec Mystery | HC $36.99 To Track a Traitor Winslow #10 Iona Whishaw Mystery | PB $18.95 Homecoming Kate Morton Fiction | PB $26.99 The Stranger in the Lifeboat Mitch Albom Fiction | PB $23.99 Coronation Year Jennifer Robson Fiction | PB $24.99 The Night Watch Neil Lancaster Mystery | PB $24.99 The Enigma of Garlic 44 Scotland St #16 Alexander McCall Smith Fiction | PB $23.95 Sisters in Resistance Tilar J Mazzeo Biography | PB $23.99 All the Seas of the World Guy Gavriel Kay Fiction Fantasy | PB $24.00
Knowing What We Know
Lost in the Valley
Finding Me Viola Davis Memoir | PB $21.99 Open for browsing everyday, 9am to 5pm
Off the Record Peter Mansbridge Memoir | PB $24.99 The Puzzler: One Man’s Quest J
Jacobs Memoir | PB $24.95
Simon Winchester History | HC $43.50
of Death Harley Rustad Travel Memoir | PB $24.00 Snow Road Station Elizabeth Hay Fiction | HC $32.95
We were fortunate to get our hands on a Library Book Club set of Brian Thomas Isaac's debut novel All the Quiet Places to discuss last month. Lucky because it was a book that provoked a long discussion, and lucky because Isaac was part of the incredible author line-up at the Sidney Literary Festival in April. All the Quiet Places is the story of a young Indigenous boy, Eddie Toma, growing up on the Okanagan Indian Reserve. We first meet Eddie as a six-year-old in 1956 and follow him through to his mid-teens.
by Deborah Rogers

Peninsula Flavour: FEATURE of the MONTH


Aperol Spritz Refreshing and complicated! Aperol, prosecco and soda over ice. $15

Rose Gold Black raspberry liqueur, prosecco and a citrus twist. $15

Pink Piranha Martini

Soho Lychee Liqueur, Pama pomegranate liqueur, vodka, cranberry juice and a lime wedge. $13

Shareables Lunch

Albacore Tuna Stack

Blue rare seared tuna, avocado, pickled vegetables, mango salsa, wonton threads, microgreens. $18

Sea Glass Fish Tacos

Crisp battered Pacific cod, crisp slaw, mango, salsa, chipotle aioli, avocado cilantro cream, pickled red onion, warmed flour tortilla. $19


Sea Glass Nicoise Salad

Albacore tuna seared blue rare, artisan greens, grape tomatoes, Kalamata olives, pickled green beans, fingerling potatoes, beets, hard-boiled local egg, microgreens, herbed red wine vinaigrette. $20

Sea Glass Caesar

Romaine lettuce, house-made dressing, multigrain croutons, bacon and Parmesan and Asiago cheese. $14

Langoustine and Blue Crab Roll

Fresh baked brioche bun stuffed with lemon basil infused baby lobster and blue crab salad and artisan greens. $21

California Shrimp Wrap

Grilled sun-dried tomato tortilla stuffed with coldwater shrimp, artisan greens, honey-cured bacon, fresh avocado, field tomatoes, sweet onion and lemon basil mayo. $20

Fire-grilled Portabella

Mushroom Sandwich

Herb marinated and firegrilled, with roasted pepper salad, crisp arugula, field tomatoes, sweet onions, shaved Asiago cheese and pesto mayonnaise on a fresh focaccia bun. $19


Pesto and Goat Cheese

Stuffed Breast of Chicken

Served with a light chili dusting and roasted garlic cream over Parmesan and scallion mashed local potatoes and seasonal vegetables. $36

Wild BC Sockeye Salmon

On a barley and candied pecan and arugula risotto with Parmesan and Asiago cheese. Served with buttered baby carrots and topped with crispy leek straws. $35

West Coast Cioppino

Wild sockeye salmon, Argentinian red prawns, Digby scallops and seasonally fresh seafood, sweet pepper salad, local fingerling potatoes, roasted fennel, tomato and saffron broth, herb-toasted baguette. $39

CHEF ON THE RUN HEALTHY MEALS, FRESH FOR YOU! GREAT BRITISH FOOD LOCALLY OWNED & FAMILY OPERATED UK IMPORTED GROCERY Open Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm Take-Out & Delivery 9781B Second St, Sidney 250.655.3141 | $10 – Burger & Fries or 1 lb Wings 7806 East Saanich Road, Saanichton 250.652.1575 after 8pm (Sun-Thurs) Mon - Sat: 11am-midnight; Sun: 10am-midnight Neighbourhood Pub & Liquor Store @prairieinnpub @theprairieinn 2250 Beacon Avenue, Sidney 250.656.5042 Join Us for Great Food & Beverages or Call us for Take-out YOUR GUIDING LIGHT TO GREAT BEER! Open 7 Days a Week | Taste In or Take Out FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED 9829 Third St, Sidney | Gift cards available online! Visit
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Local 100+ Women Who Care Chapter Celebrates Eight Years

When we look back to April 2015, our very first 100+ Women Who Care Saanich Peninsula meeting, we had no idea of the impact we would have in our community. We were thrilled when we had 84 ladies sign up and experience "the gift of giving."

Fast forward to March 2023. We currently have 160 members, have had 34 meetings (even Covid didn't stop us as we switched to ZOOM) and in just 34 hours we have given 34 charities over $551,900! Meet our amazing team – Shelley Mann and Debra Bartlett, co-founders; along with our original team members Sandy Webb, Lynn Henshaw and Kim Sabourin. Together we have worked hard over the years to make this such a successful endeavour.

The concept of the 100 Women Who Care is: 100+ WOMEN + 1 HOUR + $100 = $10,000 for a local charity. Meetings are held four times a year. We felt this was a perfect fit for every woman that is busy with "life" as most women can manage four hours a year. At meetings, the doors open an hour early so the ladies can enjoy a glass of wine and mingle. Our ladies are the ones that nominate the very deserving charities, and we as a group vote on which charity will receive the donation. 100% of the money goes to the charity and is tax deductible. We have had amazing sponsors over the years to help out with any overhead.

We welcome new members so visit our website at to get more information and to register for the next meeting at Mary Winspear on June 7 at 7 p.m. sharp. If you are curious, feel free to come as a guest and see what it is all about. @lilypadlingerie @lilypadvictoria Open 7 days a week! 113-5325 Cordova Bay Rd at Mattick’s Farm | 250.590.8032 Introducing Prima Donna Swimwear Fashionable designs with impeccable support. Prima Donna swimwear is sized by cup and band so go to the beach full of confidence this summer! MAY 2023 | SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA 73
Photo: 100+ Women Saanich Peninsula donates to Artemis Place


Nancy's Sew Creative

This is part of a rotating series of articles about some of the Saanich Peninsula's unique shops and services.

I have always loved spring. It is a time of hope and renewal. It is finally time to get outside after a long winter. Our gardens need some serious attention and so does our outdoor furniture.

Outdoor furniture has quite a history. I remember, as a child, our outdoor furniture was constructed of frames of untreated wood and cotton-canvas slings. The metal fixtures rusted, the cotton-canvas rotted, and the chairs fell apart. They were replaced with aluminumframe chairs with nylon webbing that left plaid marks on the backs of your legs. When the webbing gave way, my mother purchased "Phentex" yarn and refurbished the chairs, weaving intricate patterns into the backs and seats.

The first chairs I purchased as an adult were cast-aluminum frames with vinyl webbing on the seats and backs. The cushions were very plush and covered in a plastic mesh. The staples that held the webbing rusted, rendering the chairs useless. I still see these cushions today.

I had been sewing professionally for quite some time, and thought the time was right to add refurbishing outdoor cushions to my repertoire. Outdoor furniture was evolving. Today's outdoor furniture is made from recycled plastic known as synthetic resin. It can be made to resemble many things, including wicker and wood. This has made manufacturing these pieces cheaper. In my opinion, manufacturers are focusing on quality furniture, but not necessarily the cushions that go with them. I have clients bring cushions to me that are just a year old!

Older cushions that have faded and rotted are usually very good quality and can be recovered to "as new" condition. Fillers are usually white and pristine. Filler can be added to "plump" them up.

Sunbrella Furniture Fabric is a high-quality fabric that is available in many plain colours, stripes and patterns. I have added two more fabric-sample books to my collection that have similar qualities. These have some floral patterns which seem to be in vogue again. All of these fabrics are machine washable and with bleach. They are fade, mold and mildew and water resistant. With proper care, they will last for many, many years.

This is the perfect time to have your outdoor cushions refurbished. Summer is around the corner; we need to take full advantage of the coming sunny and warm weather. Put your feet up on your refurbished cushions and enjoy all that Island life has to offer.

Call or message me at 250-655-1257 to choose a time to come by with your cushions to look at fabric samples and get a free estimate.

Mondays - by appointment only • Tues - Sat 9-5 • Closed Sundays 102-2557 Beacon Avenue, Sidney • 250.656.8122 Great Team • Monthly Promos Certified Green Circle Salon The Sun is Shining! That means lighter hair and fresh cuts. Don’t forget to pre-book your next appointment! 250.655.1257 • Recovering and Refurbishing Your Outdoor Furniture 2nd Floor, Unit C, 2412 Beacon Ave | 250.655.7207 | Fat Freezing | Ultrasound Cavitation Radio Frequency Skin Tightening | Laser Light Therapy Facials, Waxing & Tinting | Manicures & Pedicures BOOK A COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION 250.656.4642 • Draperies & Upholstery Rodco SERVICE
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Seaside Folkn'Fiddle Festival is Back!

The Seaside Folkn'Fiddle Festival is back June 9 to 11 with artists from around North America converging on Sidney for three days of Americana, Bluegrass, Celtic, Jazz, Country, R&B and, of course, Fiddling! The festival includes concerts, dances and outdoor performances at The Charlie White Theatre, The Sidney Army/Navy and The Beacon Bandshell at the Sidney waterfront.

This year's lineup features 2017 Juno winners and world touring artists The Fretless, a fiddling string quartet stretching the boundaries of traditional fiddle music. For their Folkn'Fiddle Festival performances, The Fretless are joined by Winnipeg vocalist Madeleine Roger. Also on the bill are veteran performers like multi-Juno winning songwriter Stephen Fearing of Blackie & The Rodeo Kings and Canadian National Fiddling Champion Pierre Schryer along with some new faces like Saskatchewan Country Music Artist of the Year Jake Vaadeland & The Sturgeon River Boys and Alberta-based, rising alt-country star Mariel Buckley.

Under artistic director Oliver Swain, Folkn'Fiddle has diversified to include genres like R&B, Latin and Jazz. This year the festival will welcome award-winning New York City vocalist Emily Braden to perform with Ashley Wey and Louis Rudner.

Other U.S. performers include Portland-based Bluegrass and Americana artists Tony Furtado and Luke Price.

The Beacon Bandshell at the Sidney waterfront will host two concerts with a beer garden June 9 and 10; evening Gala Performances and a Sunday Matinee will be held at Charlie White Theatre and revellers can enjoy table seating and a full dance floor every night at The Festival Cabaret hosted by The Sidney Army, Navy & Airforce on Fourth Street. The Seaside Folkn'Fiddle Festival packs every stage with four to six groups per night performing short concert sets and collaborating in spontaneous jam sessions. Tickets for each event are available individually starting at $29; festival goers can also purchase an all-access festival pass for $125 or a cabaret super pass for $75 for all three nights at The Festival Cabaret. Tickets and info are available at and you can also follow The Seaside Folkn'Fiddle Festival on Facebook or Instagram to keep up on festival announcements and special offers leading up to the big weekend.

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Photo: Jake Vaadeland & The Sturgeon River Boys perform at the Evening Gala and The Festival Cabaret June 9 and 10.

I Found What Fell Through the Hole in Your Pocket!

Have you ever imagined yourself as a young Jack (or Jacqueline) Hawkins from Treasure Island, hunting for silver and gold, but without the hazard of being chased around a ship by a cutlass-wielding pirate, or being stranded for eternity in the pages of a very old adventure novel ?

There is a way, offering light exercise, fresh air, a chance at finding lost loot, and guaranteed to be pirate-free.

You're on a sandy beach and spot someone wearing headphones, waving around a stick with a little box on the top and a frisbee on the bottom. What's that chap doing ? You've encountered your first metal detectorist !

How does a detector work? Simple: the coil at the bottom sends a signal into the ground which bounces back to the receiver at the top. If the signal encounters metal in the ground, that creates an audio response in the headphones, and a digital indication on the receiver's screen. Useful supplementary equipment includes a small trowel or other digging tool, a belt pouch to hold what's been found and a pair of sturdy garden gloves.

Much of what's found is located just a few inches below the surface. It can be boring, like a nail, a pulltab or a piece of tin foil. Or, it can be "good stuff" like a coin, a piece of jewelry or the $850 cell phone that the owner was told not to take to the beach when playing volleyball.

The most productive areas to search are those where folks have gathered long ago. Woodsy areas of parks, lakeshores, fairgrounds and old farm properties hold good potential.

Remember that all property is owned by someone, be it the public or individual homeowners. There are usually bylaws specific to disturbing parklands and similar recreational areas, so sports fields and other well-tended grassy areas should be considered "off limits." Owners of old homesteads, farms and former school properties may give permission to detect after a quick demonstration of what you do. So, simple courtesies include not trespassing, being respectful, cleaning up where you've detected, taking away any trash found, and doing one's best to promote the hobby.

So, what's the cost ? For a decent entry-level to lower mid-range

detector, expect to pay around $300 to $500 – not a lot when you add up what you spend on lottery tickets and fast-food hamburgers in the course of a year. When you reach the "Wow, this is great! Wish I'd started years ago" stage, you can add different sized coils, a small hand-held pinpointer, a second (or new) detector with more features, and a nice bumper sticker that says "I'd rather be metal detecting."

Is it possible to find anything really old and interesting on southern Vancouver Island? Absolutely! Several years ago, a local detectorist was hunting along the Gorge waterway and, a few inches down in blue clay, he found an English silver shilling from the reign of Edward VI dating from 1553 – the oldest recorded coin found on the Canadian West Coast.

Have questions ? There is a national group, the "Canadian Metal Detecting Forum," ( which is free to join and which has many, many members who are more than willing to provide advice on which detector to purchase and how to improve search methods. The forum is also a place to show off finds, get help with finds' identification or just to swap friendly banter with other enthusiasts. Victoria has its own metal detecting club with a presence on Facebook, and my comments regarding the national forum apply equally as well here.

I bought my first detector 56 years ago, and my first "find" was a quarter at Willows Beach. That was enough to get hooked, and I still enjoy finding quarters at a beach. Everyone has lost something at some point, so it doesn't take long to fill up a jar of old pennies. I can hear you saying "what good are old pennies ?" While you can't spend them in stores, many financial institutions will accept rolled pennies on deposit, or, you could shine them up and repay your brother-inlaw that $5 you've owed him since 2008.

If you're out and about and see an old chap wearing headphones and waving a stick about, that's me metal detecting, so give me a wave, and I'll give you a wave back.

Photo by Michael Rice.


Janice | photos by Janis Jean Photography

Steep & Narrow Lot Challenge

Imagine walking down to the beach and sliding into your kayak for an evening paddle as the sun sets over Vancouver Island. Or how about rowing out to your anchored boat and going for a cruise? All this is possible for the homeowners who have recently moved into their new custom-built 2,000-square-foot home in North Saanich – a significant downsizing change from their previous 4,000-square-foot home.

When they first purchased the property in 2020, the homeowners hoped to renovate the existing cottage but after further investigation, they found that idea was not feasible. Instead, they turned to the Zebra Group for the design and build. Principal designer Rus Collins said their design team found the 7,000-square-foot lot a challenge as it is narrow and steep. "We were fairly restricted in terms of floor area, et cetera, but we are quite pleased with the result and feel that the house turned out very well and makes great use of the available space." As the homeowners say: "Every square foot has a purpose."

After the cottage was removed, a great deal of work went into terracing and building retaining walls working back from the sea wall. The slope has a hot western exposure and was planted with native species to comply with waterfront bylaws. Zenith Developments Landscaping was great to work with, said the homeowner. A stately oak tree frames the amazing ocean view, which looks all the way from Mill Bay up to Cowichan.

The homeowners wanted the house designed in similar colours to the original shingled cottage so that it would fit unobtrusively into the neighbourhood and blend in as much as possible. They chose "Intellectual Gray" (Sherwin Williams) for the HardieShingle siding. Olive trees, lavender, roses and hellebores have been planted in the front garden, giving it a Mediterranean feel. From the driveway entrance, the house has two levels but expands into a third level on the ocean side to make room for an 850-squarefoot, one-bedroom suite designed for visiting family.


"It's the kitchen of my dreams," said the homeowner, "a mix of modern and classic English." She is grateful to Jessica Kwasnica, owner and interior designer of Seaside Cabinetry & Design in Sidney, who helped make it happen. "Jessica listened to my ideas and brought them to life with her creativity and technical knowledge. Jessica is amazing and so easy to work with – this is the second project we have worked on together."

Taking centre stage in the kitchen is an AGA cooker painted in British Racing Green, refurbished by Gateway Timber Construction. It has multiple ovens with dedicated cooking temperatures that roast, bake or simmer different dishes simultaneously. The propane-fuelled cooker has two silver hinged covers that open to expose iron burners on which to cook eggs, pancakes or scones, to name a few breakfast delights. Stored radiant heat inside the cast iron ovens cooks the food and provides a comforting warmth to the room.

Above the AGA, Jessica designed the large range hood, a take on a copper range hood modernized to match the Highland door-style cabinets. She says the cabinetry features an ogee interior detail with a flat outside edge painted in a custom "Black Forest Green." In contrast, the large island cabinetry is painted in "Parchment." Creamy white ceramic backsplash tiles and Italian marble from Matrix Marble & Stone create an elegant but relaxing look. There is a much-loved farmhouse sink, and the metallic champagne gold hardware adds another touch of luxury. To the side are vertical cabinets above roomy drawers and a wine fridge.

BY: NewStyle® Hybrid Shutters and Design Studio™ Side Panels & Draperies 250.656.7659 101 - 9818 Third St, Sidney, BC BLINDS, SHADES, SHUTTERS, DRAPERIES, UPHOLSTERY & MORE Showroom hours: Monday-Thursday: 10am-4pm Friday: 10am-2pm Saturday & Sunday: Closed ©2023 Hunter Douglas All rights reserved All trademarks used herein are the property of Hunter Douglas or their respective owners 778.426.4663 | 101A-2417 Beacon Avenue, Sidney WWW.AVENUEBHOMEDECOR.COM MODERN — CHARMING — DYNAMIC MAY 2023 | SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA 81

Next to the kitchen is a well-thought-out multipurpose room full of bright light from huge windows. It contains a second prep area with a long marble-topped counter and sink, a computer task area, laundry machines, and lots of roomy cabinets painted in "Parchment." In one section, the doors open to reveal a vertical freezer with eight rows of freezer drawers.

In the dining area, there is a gorgeous pine and butter wood hutch from the late 1800s that the homeowners purchased from Hansell & Halkett Vintage Home Décor in Sidney. Wicker chairs contribute to the laid-back mood of the farm-style pine dining table with its sturdy wooden spindle legs. The antique ceiling light is from Waterglass Studios. To the side, in the living room, comfy linen couches sit in front of a micro cement-finished gas fireplace. The homeowner loves the clean look and simplicity of the micro cement finish; she says she is a super fan of classic English décor elements but also loves to add a mix of the old world and the modern. Speaking of old: the wood ceiling beams are over 100 years old, reclaimed from a barn by Gateway Timber.

Nine-foot ceilings add a feeling of glorious lightness and space; they rise to 12 feet in the den. But the entry, with its 20-foot ceilings and panelled walls, adds an extra wow factor. The two hanging lights, Akari Light Sculptures by Isamu Noguchi, are from the Noguchi Museum. "They're so dreamy, and at night they glow like paper moons," said the homeowner. The huge globes are created from handmade washi paper and bamboo ribbing, supported by a metal frame. Akari is the word for "light as illumination" in Japanese. Zebra's Lorin Turner designed the panelled walls, which add detail to the high walls and the drama of the entry. Other items of note include the custom-built front door, oak and white spindled staircase, slate tiles, and antique coat closet – a match with the dining room hutch.

In addition to the suite, the home has two bedrooms and a den or flex space. The main bedroom features a two-level shiplap style ceiling with another lovely Akari light. The blue-and-white theme for the bedding and drapes is perfect for a bedroom with such a great ocean view. A walk-in closet provides lots of cabinets so everything can be stored neatly away. The house is painted in clean and classic "White Dove," except for "Sea Salt" in the den, a beachy gray with warm undertones.

The powder room has a heated tile floor, and the "Black Forest Green" finished cabinetry is highlighted with Italian marble. In the ensuite bathroom, the cabinetry is painted "Atmosphere." The white soaker tub sits invitingly in front of the ocean-side view window. Hardware for the tilting mirrors, wall sconces and cabinets carry through the warm gold champagne theme. Matte black wallmounted faucets above the double sinks add contrast against the dark grey marble backsplash and countertops as they do in the tub and the concrete-finished walk-in glass shower.

The only challenge facing these homeowners that I can see is deciding what to do with a free day! Go swimming or boating, sit on the beautiful outside deck and admire the view, or play with the AGA and create a feast for family and friends … all such delightful choices!

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The most desired location in this 2019 JAWL DEV. quality building overlooking CORDOVA BAY GOLF. 2 Bed/2 Bath, Media Room, Home Office, Gourmet kitchen. Building Amenities incl: fitness gym, workshop, bike storage & SW outdoor pergola gardens. Sunny SE 250sf balcony offers the most stunning OCEANVIEWS in the city. MLS 924544

Ingrid Jarisz*


(personal real estate corp*)


An idyllic setting with private access to one of the SANDIEST WALKING BEACHES! The Primary Bedroom is perfectly positioned to enjoy OCEANVIEWS from the balcony. A great space for guests with their own Ensuite. Double car garage and lots of storage. Just steps away this is a fabulous year round lifestyle! MLS 924181

Ingrid Jarisz*


(personal real estate corp*)


Located on a sheltered shoreline near Robert's Bay, this exquisite custom built, 1-level, 3,980sf home is perfectly positioned in one of most desirable waterfront locations. You will be equally impressed with the quality inside. This home has been meticulously maintained, solid mechanics incl. heat pump and offers an exceptional layout. MLS 927573

Ingrid Jarisz*


(personal real estate corp*)

Near-new 4 bed/4 bath home built with attention to detail, and a contemporary, elegant style. Grand entry sets the tone & generous living room with floor-to-ceiling windows, gas FP & spacious dining room are perfect for entertaining. Butlers’ pantry, large patio, luxury primary suite, media room, double garage-all in desirable location walking distance to shops, café’s, and more. MLS 922517

Ingrid Jarisz*


(personal real estate corp*)


Enjoy this spacious 2-level home with 1 BD/2 BA, 1,152sf, and 17' vaulted ceilings. Recently updated, amazing natural light and move-in ready. Royal Oak Estates is a quiet, well maintained complex and fully rentable offering owners and investors an excellent opportunity. MLS 928511

Ingrid Jarisz*


(personal real estate corp*)

Impressive grand entry & staircase, this EXQUISITE home with recent updates has a Primary Bedroom on the main floor, over 3,300 sf, 3 BD/3BA, Family Room, & double garage. Spacious Balconies perfect for BBQs. Access to golf, tennis, gym, and outdoor pool. MLS 926458

Ingrid Jarisz*


(personal real estate corp*)

For Sale on Vancouver Island



CORNER PENTHOUSE with SW Exposure! $1,300,000

1.75 acres of sun-drenched waterfront. Unobstructed views of Mt. Baker and beyond. This stunning home built in 2009 by award-winning Tidman Construction has it all. With magnificent gardens, numerous patios, and beautiful lawns for entertaining. Located on a no thru road adding privacy and tranquility.

MLS 923864

Maryan van Stolk*


(personal real estate corp*)

COMING SOON! Something Special

Amazing city, ocean & mtn views with a fabulous rooftop patio. Enjoy entertaining with the open concept. Primary bedroom with spa-like ensuite. 2 additional bedrooms, or room for your private office. Plenty of light with floor to ceiling windows! No age restrictions, pets welcome! All the things you love to do right outside your door. ML 922313

Willy Dunford*


(personal real estate corp*)

Stunning Ocean and mountain views from every principal room! This 2 bedroom + large den/3 bath waterfront townhome offers the ease of one level living with over 3000 sf plus a double-car garage. Luxury craftsmanship throughout and elegant indoor and outdoor entertaining spaces for awe inspiring sunsets and al fresco dining. MLS 925055.

Architecturally designed home nestled on sun drenched .78 of an acre just a few steps from the beach. For details, and your exclusive viewing, please call:

Maryan van Stolk*


(personal real estate corp*)


Victoria Real Estate Pros

Audra Poole 250.590.8157

Hal Decter LLB 250.896.5965


Sitting on a private 1.32 acre lot, backing onto a park this 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom home provides lots of space for the family. A legal 1, bedroom, 1 bathroom suite is great for family, friends or an income helper. Wonderful Brentwood location.

Karen Dinnie-Smyth

Personal Real Estate Corporation


A short stroll from the some of the city’s most iconic landmarks is this lovely corner 2 bed/2 bath suite, bathed in natural light. An excellent choice for anybody looking for a luxurious & convenient living experience in the heart of Victoria.

Karen Dinnie-Smyth

Personal Real Estate Corporation




5055 Lochside Drive - $1,175,000


9751 Ardmore Drive, North Saanich

Located on the quiet tree-lined section of Lochside Drive, this stunning water view home is sure to please. Three Bed, three Bath home, beautifully updated. Gorgeous eat-in Chef’s kitchen with quartz & granite countertops, shaker cabinets, ample cupboard & counter space, tiled backsplash, stainless steel appliances, mahogany floors and two sinks. An entertainer’s dream! MLS 926636

MH Collective | Holmes Realty



Completely updated 3 Bdr + Den home with attention to detail by a Master Craftsman. Specialty finishes throughout approx. 2500sf home, with front veranda & huge cedar deck, and surrounded by 0.74 acres of beautiful private gardens.

BONUS: 25x20ft professional shop, huge crafts room, RV parking, shed and ride-on lawn mower. Only a block to the beach!

Nicole Burgess | 250.384.8124

SAANICHTON WITH SUITE $1,449,000 7254 East Saanich Road, Saanichton

Delight in this Deep Water Dock Beauty with Foreshore Licence, PLUS Legal NEW Suite, all designed for 180' VIEWS, SUNSET VISTAS of OCEAN and SAILS! $3,375,000. MLS 925002.

Marilyn Ball | 250.818.6489


A gift of 3.6 Acres fed by clean, bountiful Spring water. This charming Storybook Farm is as picturesque as practical. Prized and Rare Zoning allows a Second Home to be Built (Buyer to Verify. 2nd Septic & Meter already in). Harvest this Beauty soon! $1,520,000. MLS 927324

Marilyn Ball | 250.818.6489

Almost NEW! 2021 built home with 6 Bdr, 4 Bth, a legal 2 Bdr suite, and a STUNNING VIEW of a lovely equestrian farm, pastoral valley, and the ocean beyond! This luxuriously finished home is approx. 2350sf, has a double garage, two decks, tenant & RV parking, and a private fenced 5900sf yard. Close to Saanichton Village, Brentwood Bay Village, schools, parks, & trails.

Nicole Burgess | 250.384.8124 To


For Sale on Vancouver Island
your listing in next issue's
DATE NIGHT NEVER GETS OLD CALL BONNIE OR SANDY AT 250-655-0849 2315 MILLS ROAD AMICA.CA/BEECHWOODVILLAGE Join us for a complimentary lunch & private tour. At Amica Beechwood Village, the day is yours. So you get to share it with whomever you want. Host your family for an elegant Sunday dinner, play poker with the girls, or have a drink with your sweetheart. Together we’ll create a senior living experience that’s all yours, including personalized, professional care that evolves to meet your needs, even as those needs change. And, like quality time with the ones you love, that never gets old.

Peninsula Garden Club Plant Sale

The Peninsula Garden Club is where gardening enthusiasts on the Saanich Peninsula meet to discover, learn and share gardening skills. The Club was founded in 1955 and has grown to 170 members who meet monthly at the Mary Winspear Centre in Sidney.

The meetings are highly informative and a great opportunity to meet like-minded gardeners. Each meeting features a presentation on a garden-related topic by an expert in the community. Past topics have included pruning, irrigation, garden design and much more. While at meetings, members can enter their floral gems in the parlour show or simply enjoy meeting other gardeners during the refreshment break.

The Peninsula Garden Club Annual Membership is $25 and in addition to the monthly meetings, members are entitled to discounts at many garden-related businesses in the community. If you would like to join the Peninsula Garden Club, membership and meeting information is available at You can download/print a membership application form, and mail it to the post office box address given. You are also welcome to drop into a meeting as a guest fee of $5, which can be applied to an annual membership.

Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 6! The Peninsula Garden Club will be hosting our renowned Spring Plant Sale. This year's event will be bigger than ever with a terrific assortment of top-quality perennials grown by Peninsula Garden Club members. In addition, there will be a variety of veggie starters including lettuce, kale, chard, tomatoes, beans, peas, cucumbers and much more. Master Gardeners will be on site to answer all your gardening questions. The Event will take place in the parking lot of the Mary Winspear Centre from 10 a.m. to noon. Bring the whole family as there will be a "Budding Gardeners" Planting Tent for children and raffles for beautiful planters.

Follow The Peninsula Garden Club on Facebook to keep up with current news and events.


#loveyourlocal with the monthly Seaside Magazine giveaway box, filled with amazing gifts from our local businesses. Monthly Giveaway! Butik Naturals • Snowdon House Gourmet & Gifts Victoria Women’s Transition House Author Valerie Green • RockCoast Confections *one entry per person, per issue. Each entrant is eligible to win the Find the image of the box hidden somewhere in this issue.
Visit by May 31st to let us know where you found it. Congratulations to March’s winner, Holly M. MAY 2023 | SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA 91

Coronation Tea

SHOAL Centre

10030 Resthaven Dr, Sidney

MAY 7 2-4PM

Live Music

May 5: Side by Side



May 19: Open Mic Cabaret

Email: openmic@empourium to participate!

May 26th: Charlie Burton

Brentwood Bay Village Empourium

2 - 7103 West Saanich Rd, Brentwood Bay

Live Music Fridays at Empourium: an intimate and licensed venue featuring a variety of folk, roots, blues and jazz artists. All shows are by advance reservation only – no ticket sales at the door. To reserve:


Exhibitions ONGOING IN MAY

Until-May 11: Arts on the Islands Regional Exhibition

May 12-18: Friday Fibre Friends

May 19-25: Maria Curcic-Art by Design

May 26-June 1: Wing It

ArtSea Gallery

Tulista Park, 9565 Fifth St, Sidney ArtSea Gallery showcases a variety of artists presenting painting, poetry works, jewelry and more.

Solo Exhibit: “In Balance”

– Anthony Adams

Staying Creative Gallery

#103-7162 West Saanich Rd, Brentwood Bay


MAY 14

This exhibit features new works by a local emerging artist who uses mixed media. Stencils, wheat paste and abstract ink illustrations are some of the mediums showcased.

Introduction to Salsa Dancing

MAY 3-7


McTavish Academy of Art

1720 McTavish Rd, North Saanich

Participants will get a chance to learn the foundations of Latin movement to some great rhythms. Classes will cover the basic Salsa steps, patterns, leading and following techniques. No experience is necessary. Whether you come with a partner or not, there will be opportunities to dance.

Hosted by Beacon Community Services, the afternoon festivities will celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III featuring a special ceremony, delicious food, entertainment by Bill Kent, door prizes and a special prize to the bestdressed guest. For tickets, call SHOAL Centre 250-656-5537.

Move for Health Day

Panorama Recreation

1885 Forest Park Dr, North Saanich

MAY 10


This all-day event is part of the international World Health Organization event created in 2002 to promote physical activity. Come enjoy free admission to drop-in programs at both the Panorama Recreation and Greenglade Community Centres.

Peninsula Newcomers

Club Luncheon

SHOAL Centre

10030 Resthaven Dr, Sidney

MAY 11


Welcoming women to the Peninsula since 1987! Doors open at noon. Pre-booking required. Guest speakers from the Sidney Tourism Office. For further info:

Club Night: "The Hounds of Cuchulain"

St. John’s United Church

10990 West Saanich Rd, North Saanich

MAY 12 7:30-9PM

Come enjoy this talented four-piece folk band who perform a wide selection of songs in the Celtic tradition. Presented by Deep Cove Folk Music Society. $10 admission.

Reconnect with Your Creativity

McTavish Academy of Art

MAY 17-JUNE 14 1-3PM

1720 McTavish Rd, North Saanich

This series, led by Laura Evans who is well versed in numerous art styles and genres, offers participants an opportunity to explore their creativity using a variety of mediums. All supplies included.

Peninsula Players: "Murder on the Orient Express"

MAY 18-21

Mary Winspear Centre, Charlie White Theatre

2243 Beacon Ave, Sidney

Can the famous detective Hercule Poirot solve the case? Tickets available online or through the Box Office 250-656-0275. peninsula-players-murder-orient-express


Blood Donor Clinic MAY 22 12-6PM

Mary Winspear Centre, Bodine Hall

2243 Beacon Ave, Sidney

Make all the difference in the lives of Canadian hospital patients by donating blood! Book your lifesaving appointment online at, by downloading the GiveBlood app or by calling 1-888-2DONATE (1-888-236-6283).

Concert Series: West My Friend

St Paul’s United Church

2410 Malaview Ave, Sidney

MAY 27 2PM

Come enjoy an afternoon of folk and grassroots music! Free parking on site and wheelchair accessible. Tickets through St. Paul's United Church, Tanner Books, Eventbrite: Info at

Central Saanich Lawn Bowling Club: Music

Bingo Fundraiser

Centennial Park

1800 Hovey Rd, Saanichton

MAY 27

Come enjoy a new twist on the old classic game of bingo! Dessert/Social time: 6 p.m. followed by music bingo games at 7 p.m. For tickets ($20) email

Moss Hanging Basket Workshop

Patio Gardens

6536 West Saanich Rd, Saanichton


Toastmasters for Seniors (Virtual)

Tuesdays | 10-11am

This is a wonderful opportunity, via Zoom platform, for seniors to speak and socialize. For online meeting details, email with subject “Seniors Toastmasters”.

Caregivers Connect: BC's Virtual Support Group

2nd & 4th Thursdays | 2-3:30pm

This virtual support group brings people from across the province together twice a month around a mutual experience of caregiving for a family member or friend. This is a time for reassurance, where caregivers can realize they are not alone. Pre-register each week to attend. Visit or Call toll free 1-877-520-3267 extension 1.

Saanich Peninsula Business for Business Network Virtual Meeting

Thursdays | 8-9:30am

MAY 27 11AM -12:30PM OR 2:00-3:30PM

Want to dress up your yard? Learn how to prepare and plant a custom part shade or full sun moss hanging basket that you will get to take home with you. Bring a pair of gardening gloves.

To register:

Sidney Concert Band

Presents: The Music of John Williams and Hans Zimmer

Mary Winspear Centre

2243 Beacon Ave, Sidney

MAY 28 2PM

Join the Sidney Concert Band for an afternoon of music featuring two of today’s most well-known movie composers, John Williams (Star Wars, Jaws, E.T. the ExtraTerrestrial) and Hans Zimmer (Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lion King, The Dark Knight). Guests include the Allegro Dancers and The Trounce Alley Quartet. Tickets can be purchased at or by calling the box office at 250-656-0275.

The Saanich Peninsula Chapter of BforB is a peersupport (mastermind) group for local business owners and leaders of professional practices. Guests are welcome, at no charge. Current members and other details at For info:

Repair Café North Saanich

3rd Saturday | 10am – 1pm

St. John’s United Church

Have a household item that’s broken? Rather than toss it, visit the Repair Café, a free meeting place where voluntary repairers with skills in sewing, jewelry, carpentry, electrical and bikes can help fix your item on the spot. Plus knife sharpening and tech help with digital devices.

Have something for Take Note?


Submission deadline: 1st of the previous month (eg May 1 for June issue events)


Last Word from the Editorial Director

In Canada and the U.S. the second Sunday in May is Mother's Day. It falls on a different day in the U.K., where Mothering Sunday, which originated back in the Middle Ages, is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent (March 19 this year – sorry I missed it mum!). It was the custom to visit your Mother Church, the one where you were baptized. This later morphed into a holiday for workers – a chance for them to take a day off and visit with their mothers (and attend church with them).

In Canada we follow the U.S. tradition started in 1907 by Anna Jarvis. Originally, she wanted to honour her own mom, but soon the day was adopted to celebrate all mothers for the sacrifices they make. Is it still relevant today? Well, we were all born, and someone had to do that work! But the structure of society has changed since 1907: mother figures come in all varieties, and for many it isn't just their birth mom who they want to celebrate. There are mentors, nurturers, supporters, champions and cheerleaders who might not fit the traditional definition of mother, but who are the ones who raised us, and deserve the same accolades.

Local artist Shantael Sleight is working on a new series of paintings exploring the concept of "Mothering." Through her art she hopes to examine its nuances, including the ways that we mother ourselves, others and the earth. Part of her process was to pose questions to women in her life, including me.*

It was meaningful to reflect on my own experiences of mothering. I thought, of course, about the way that I was raised (to be independent in thought and action) and about the way I have tried to mother my own children (loving, firm), and I naturally fell into wondering where I've gone wrong, or how my children might remember me. Then I thought of all the other mothers I know who are just doing their best and making it up as they go along. It's a privileged group to be part of.

I hope that you mothers and mother-figures are celebrated well for your role in raising the next generation, and the sacrifices you might have made to do that work.

*If you would like to be connected to Shantael to share your thoughts, please email me:

Photo by Janis Jean Photography. Clothing provided and styled by piper + ally. For more, visit Instagram @piperally. Shot on location at Mattick’s Farm.

Middle of the Road

Hardly Simple


The Alzheimer's Association recommends doing puzzles like Sudoku to strengthen brain cells and the connections between them. Each Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically without guessing. Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square. Answers found at right.

Middle of the Road

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We’re All About Care... SIDNEY All Care Residence 778.351.2505 • • 2269 Mills Rd, Sidney Proudly Offering Long Term, Respite and Palliative Care “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” ~ Plato At Sidney All Care, music therapy is part of our daily recreation activities. Live music, group sing-alongs, one-on-one visits and musical moments make each day special. To learn more about Sidney All Care, please contact our Community Relations Manager Claire Sear at or 778.351.2505.

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