Seaside Magazine February 2018 Issue

Page 27

both adults and children at an alarming and steady rate. With rising rates of obesity comes increased risk of Heart Disease, Strokes, Type 2 Diabetes and Cancer, which makes the point that it is time to make a move. Adding more physical activity to your daily routine doesn’t need to be complicated or expensive. It takes little to no equipment and you

get tech savvy

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Download an exercise tracking app onto your phone and track your goals, steps and progress. There are many great apps available at no cost (Simple Step, My Fitness).


make fitness fun

Try and choose an activity you already enjoy like biking, hiking, swimming or dancing. You are much more likely to stick to your routine when you look forward to the activity.


remind yourself

Set reminders in your work calendar or on your cell phone to take a screen break and move. Get up and stretch, walk to the photocopier or do a few desk exercises.


take the stairs

All those extra steps add up! Make small changes in your daily routine to increase your step count. Try taking the stairs, parking further away and going to your coworker’s office rather than sending an email. You may be surprised to see how many steps you have gained in a day!

make it "you" time

Exercise is a great stress reliever and can help clear the mind and reduce anxiety. Make exercise a time for you to think, focus and feel better.

can find pockets of time throughout the day to fit it in. It can seem overwhelming to think we need to change our entire lifestyle all at once, so remember to break it down and start with small steps. Here are a few ideas to help get you moving! Krista Enderud Fitness, B.A. Psychology, is the Weights & Rehabilitation Coordinator at Panorama Recreation Centre.


change it up!

Stuck in a rut? Change it up. Your body adapts to exercise, so if you are still doing the same routine, it’s time to add some changes. It will keep you interested and your body guessing.

chop it up Don’t have any time to fit in exercise? Break it into pieces. Start with a 10-minute morning walk, a 15-minute walk on your lunch break and a 10-minute walk after dinner.


kickstart your day

friendly competition

Make movement the first thing you do each day. Wake up and move. You will start your day off in a positive way and feel energized for the rest of the day.

Challenge a friend or coworker to a little competition. Compare your steps at the end of each day, track your workouts and see who can accumulate the most at the end of each week.


team work It’s never too late to join a team! Try a walking or run group, soccer, hockey, pickle ball, tennis, dance or baseball. It’s a great way to meet others and get some exercise.


consistency is key Try to pick a time each day to get a few steps in, take a class or go to the gym. If you are consistent with your time – you are more likely to stick to your plan.



the great outdoors Fresh air is good for our minds and bodies. Try getting outside for walks, hikes, biking, paddling or swimming. We live in an excellent location for year-round outdoor activities.


use what you have

No need for equipment. Use what you have available at home. Climb the stairs, sit and stand from a chair, use soup cans for weights or try skipping rope.


tell your friends

Sharing your goals is a great way to ensure you stick to them. By letting your friends know you are making time to exercise, you are accountable to more than just yourself.


get some guidance Not sure where to start? Seek the help of a fitness professional. Try an orientation to the weight room or get the help of a personal trainer to show you how to exercise safely and effectively.


put yourself first Give yourself permission to move exercise to the top of your priority list. Look at it as preventative maintenance. By exercising, you will reduce stress, improve your health and reduce your risk for disease. Invest in your body!


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