Discover Germany, Issue 65, August 2018

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Discover Germany  |  Special Theme  |  Germany’s Top Beauty Experts


Beauty through science Dr. med. Jens Kauczok is one of Germany’s leading specialists for aesthetic, plastic and reconstructive surgery. Since April 2014, he has been heading his own surgery in his hometown of Würzburg. Based on his long-standing experience and comprehensive training at internationally renowned institutions, Jens Kauczok can offer the whole range of plastic and aesthetic surgery, including solutions for patients who have already undergone previous surgical procedures. Describing his focus, he says: “I’m not only specialising in conventional, aesthetic surgery interventions but also in more difficult cases that are often referred to me by colleagues when the previous surgery result has not been satisfactory.” In recent years, Jens Kauczok has perfected a method of breast augmentation, using specially coated implants that result in a natural breast shape while at the same time reducing certain risks. The specific posi30  |  Issue 65  |  August 2018

tioning of the implant in the body as well as the implant technology prevent implant displacement and the dreaded capsular contracture whereby internal scar tissue forms a tight capsule around the breast implant, contracting it until becomes misshapen or hard.“This technology is a major advance in making the surgery safer and contributing to the patients’ wellbeing after the breast augmentation procedure.” Regenerative medicine, too, can bring about impressive results in aesthetic surgery: “I developed a 4D facelift process that combines three different techniques to refresh and improve the appearance of the face.”Apart from tightening the skin and muscles, smaller facial wrinkles are in addition injected with stem cells extract-

ed from body fat and volume deficits filled with autologous fat. The combination of these techniques has a rejuvenating and firming effect, without the patient’s facial features being changed. The 4D facelift avoids over-correcting of problem areas, an “unnatural” facial expression and facial features that look operated on. “After all, my patients don’t want to look different but appear fresher and younger,” stresses Jens Kauczok.

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