Discover Germany | Issue 14 | May 2014

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Discover Germany | Contents

Contents MAY 2014



Photo: Tripsdrill




Christine Neubauer 14





Made in Germany


Fashion Finds Leopard prints, tiger stripes and other wildlife inspired designs are über cool this summer.


AURÉOLE DORÉE by Fürstenberg

Conferences of the Month 51

In Berlin the three-star superior hotel Ku’Damm 101, located on the city’s iconic Kurfürstendamm, offers sleek Bauhaus style, welcoming service and excellent conference facilities.


The Swiss four-star Superior Hotel Belvoir allows you to enjoy the highest quality of service, stunning panoramic views over Lake Zurich, gorgeous food, luxurious wellness and is a perfect conference setting to boot.

Restaurant of the Month Kipferl offers truly Austrian cuisine and ambience in the heart of London. Owner Christian Malnig explains how his vision has become reality.

Made in Switzerland Delicious sauces, high-tech knives with a view are great Swiss products of a different kind.



Business Gregor Kleinknecht takes a look at the new UK budget and Sonu Christiansen explains the importance of small words when dealing with the British. Explore the perfectly maintained historic city of Heidelberg as an unbeatable congress and conference destination and read about Frankfurt’s new Kap Europa business venue, Germany’s first certified sustainable congress centre.

Golf Paradise Switzerland


Culture & Lifestyle Great destinations such as Bremen, Stuttgart, the famous Kaisterstuhl mountain region, the Bergisch Three, Villingen-Schwenningen, and much more to discover.

Fine Austrian Wine

With useful household helpers, elegant porcelain and extraordinary sportswear, we’ve got it all covered.

Dine & Wine Ever wondered about the perfect Wiener Schnitzel? We have all the answers!

Nothing beats a round of golf in the most stunning Alpine setting. Now is the time to hit the fairways and enjoy the beautiful weather.


Dedicated to Design All you need for the alfresco season.

Actress Christine Neubauer reveals how she shed the pounds and how she keeps her new enviable figure.

Austria’s vintners are setting the trend by focusing on organic wine production. Read about great Austrian produce that is in high demand far beyond the national borders.


Photo: BTZ Bremer Touristik Zentrale


Attraction of the Month Adrenalin rush guaranteed is the motto of Tripsdrill theme park. Brand new attractions are ready to be explored.

Hotel of the Month The hotel Eiger in the Swiss region of Mürren offers the most spectacular views over the mountain range of Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau and it is a unique retreat in the middle of the Swiss Alps.


Barbara Geier Barbara Geier explains why fitness and cheesecake are not necessarily enemies.

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Dear Reader,

Discover Germany

Sales & Key Account Managers

Issue 14, May 2014

Emma Fabritius Nørregaard

Published 17.04.2014 ISSN 2051-7718

Lena Meyer Faye Beermann Ariam Bereket Laura Hummer

Published by Scan Magazine Ltd.


Design & Print Liquid Graphic Ltd. Executive Editor Thomas Winther

Discover Germany is published by: SCAN GROUP Scan Magazine Ltd. 15B Bell Yard Mews Bermondsey Street London SE1 3TY United Kingdom

Creative Director Mads E. Petersen Editor Tina Awtani Art Director

Phone +44 (0)870 933 0423

Svetlana Slizova Copy-Editor

For further information, please visit

Emmie Collinge

Welcome to the May issue of Discover Germany. This month is all about the beautiful outdoors, healthy lifestyles and, of course, great destinations. In our star interview, actress Christine Neubauer reveals the secret behind her remarkable weight loss and just how she manages to maintain her great figure so successfully. Surprisingly, the occasional glass of wine is part of the master plan and this leads us straight to our Austrian wine special. Read how some of the finest Austrian vintners stay ahead of the game and how important the term organic has become. Speaking of games, we’ve dedicated a part of this issue to the wonderful sport of golf. Tiger Woods, one of the greatest golfers ever, once famously said about the game: “No matter how good you get, you can always get better, and that's the exciting part.”Golf is a sport that appeals to all age groups and it is never too late to get started. Navigating a little white ball over 18 holes with the help of a few golf clubs is a very tricky task, but truly rewarding if you manage to accomplish it in a decent number of shots. Golf is not only great for brain and body, thereby helping us to relax, but golf courses also tend to be located in some of nature’s most beautiful spots, making it very easy on the eye. Did you know that Switzerland has 96 golf courses and 20 of these are situated in some stunning Alpine scenery? Now is the best time of the year to play a few holes, hone your skills or even start this wonderful outdoor sport.

Contributors Sonu Christiansen Elisabeth Doehne Barbara Geier Julie Guldbrandsen Meryem Hauer

Enjoy the outdoors with a trip to some truly stunning places. Heidelberg with its iconic castle, Bremen – home to Grimm’s famous town musicians, fabulous Stuttgart or the romantic twin towns of Villingen-Schwenningen are just a few examples of great holiday regions featured in this magazine.

Jessica Holzhausen

Whatever you are planning this summer, you will find plenty of inspiration in this issue to make the most of the sunny days ahead.

Julika Hüther Sonja Irani Gregor Kleinknecht


Anne Krebiehl Cordelia Makartsev Leonie Puscher Jaime Schwartz Marilena Stracke

Tina Awtani © All rights reserved. Material contained in this publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior permission of Scan Magazine Ltd. This magazine contains advertorials/promotional articles

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Cover Feature | Christine Neubauer

Christine Neubauer Life is smiling at me Since the early 90s, Christine Neubauer has been a firm favourite with German TV audiences. In our star interview the award-winning actress talks about her favourite characters and her new outlook on life. TEXT: CORDELIA MAKARTSEV | PHOTOS: JOSÉ CAMPOS

When the part in the film requires it, she still pull the broad Bavarian accent from her happy childhood in Munich out of the bag. It was on the stages of Munich’s theatre scene that Christine Neubauer began her acting career in the 1980s before she broke into films with a part in the cult German series Die Löwengrube. It wasn’t long before Neubauer earned nomination after nomination and multiple awards for her acting, including the prestigious Bambi in 2006 and the Adolf Grimme Award, once in 1992 and again in 1999. “My dream role? Scarlett O’Hara!” During her long career Neubauer has portrayed many different women. When asked about her favourite type of film character, she says: “I do not want to commit myself to a certain type of woman. The parts I played during my acting career were really very diverse and that is the beauty of acting. In principle, I like parts where the character undergoes a radical transformation and has to meet the challenges necessary in the circumstances.”But there is one dream role she would have loved to play: “Scarlett O’Hara in Gone with the Wind. Just once in my life I’d like to sink into Rhett Butler’s arms like her. And I would love to wear one of Scarlett’s dreamlike gowns.” Not many actresses manage to wow audiences over decades, but Christine Neubauer still reels in high TV ratings on a Friday night. Now that she has reached her

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Discover Germany | Cover Feature | Christine Neubauer

fifties, how does that influence her work? “Naturally, when you are fifty you are cast for different roles than at the age of thirty. But this makes acting so interesting for me. Besides, many of the characters I play today are more complex than the parts I used to play when I was younger.” One example is the TV-film Hannas Entscheidung (Hanna’s choice) where the actress had the chance to show her dramatic talent in a moving story about a woman fighting for equal rights in post-war Germany. For the first time, she received international acclaim for her work: the Golden Panda Award in China and a Golden Nymph at the Festival de Télévision de Monte-Carlo. Is she now planning to embark on an international career?“If Hollywood were to knock on my door, of course, I would not say ‘no’,” she laughs. “Sure, it would be an amazing experience to work with colleagues from abroad.” A big heart for children Despite a busy schedule, Neubauer always finds time to engage in a good cause.“Life is smiling at me, and that is why I would like to give a little bit of happiness to those who are not so lucky,”she says.“Children’s welfare is particularly important to me. For this reason I am involved in the work of the charity Save the Children that does outstanding work every day to help improve the living conditions of disadvantaged children.” As a mother herself, it is not always easy to combine family life and a successful acting career. “Millions of women in Germany share the same problems as me. But despite all the professional obligations I try to spend as much time as possible with my loved ones. So far, I have managed to find a healthy balance.” Her famous curves now in size ten But there is not only family life and a busy timetable to deal with. As an actress, Neubauer is constantly in the public eye and has to take care of her looks. Although she was always known and loved by her fans for her curvy body, the actress took a six

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month break from her demanding job two years ago, hired a personal trainer and nutritionist and started a new regime. After losing 10 kilograms, she looks younger than ever. The curves are still there, but now in a size ten. She can be justifiably proud of herself: “Thanks to Weight Watchers I found a new lifestyle two years ago and I am able to keep my weight. I really enjoy showing my new, slim body and it is just amazing how much more energy I have got.” Delicious food was always important for the actress and one of her favourite childhood memories is sitting in her grandmother’s kitchen enjoying a slice of fresh bread with a some generously spread home-made strawberry jam. So there is a reason why she is so happy with the Weight Watchers programme: “Weight Watchers taught me what kind of food is good for me, but, at the same time, I am allowed to treat myself to some special little extras. Luckily, I do not have to give up everything! I am away from home a lot and long shooting sessions and late evening events often include many culinary temptations. But now I know a lot more about healthy eating and this knowledge helps me in everyday situations.” Of course, healthy eating is not the only reason behind the new dream body. “Sport is very important to me. Some time ago I discovered kick boxing. It is ideal for burning off energy – the perfect counterbalance to my busy life. Sport simply is an important part of my life.” Neubauer is as busy as ever, shooting films, writing books about Mediterranean cooking and she has also released her own Boxpilates DVD for her many fans. Last summer, she even exhibited her paintings in the prestigious Gallery Mensing in Palma de Mallorca. The all-round talent faces the future very optimistically: ”I look forward to hopefully participating in many interesting film projects. And I want to spend as much time as possible with my loved ones.”

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Discover Germany | Design Xxx | Xxxx | Fashion Finds

Fashion Finds Look out for the wild thing! The urban jungle theme is bang on trend this summer. Leopard prints, tiger stripes and other wildlife inspired designs are über cool and come in all sorts of varieties. We’ve found some really stylish and subtle wardrobe candidates, which interpret the new safari look without expecting you to dress up in a leopard print leotard from top to bottom. EDITOR’S PICKS

Düsseldorf-based label ANNA'S dress affair by designer Sabine Lohèl specialises in high quality dresses made with exquisite materials, perfect cuts and lovely details. We love the figure-hugging midlength summer dress. £250., available at

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Barely zebra and beautifully crafted: ANNA’s dress affair turquoise summer dress. Team with peep toes in nude hues for a great outfit. £250. Available at

This snakeskin patterned iPad cover made by Diana Germany luxury accessories takes the urban jungle right into the office. Worn with a classic suit, the look is subtle but stylish. £107. Raffaella Iten Metzger and Mehmet U. Inan created Swiss label Sal y Limon in 2009 and since then their bracelets have conquered the fashion world. Try the gecko and his friends for a bit of jungle chic. From £30.

Famous since 1893 for creating high quality gloves, Roeckl is now run by its sixth generation and offers a beautiful product portfolio. The White Elephant scarf is the perfect companion for breezy summer evenings. £157.

Papillio by comfy trend label Birkenstock spiced up their sandals with a wild cat design. While not really recommended for formal occasions, our beloved Birkies are great for true foot recreation when out of the office. £49.95.

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Discover Germany | Design | Dedicated to Design

Dedicated to Design... As the weather warms up and life becomes more outdoorsy, this month we have been inspired by great German design pieces that makes alfresco living that bit cooler and more exhilarating.




Get beach ready with these fluffy striped towels by Swiss textile designer Christian Fischbacher. They are the epitome of luxury and come in blue and grey. From £53.55.


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The Solara sun lounger designed by Rolf Heide for Müller Möbel is a very aesthetically pleasing piece of garden furniture, made from a strong weather-proof material. It is stackable and easy to move around. £810. Mikasi is a poetically-devised sunscreen tent designed by Confused Direction. A modern interpretation of the Indian tepee, it is a fun hideaway for little ones, although it can easily fit a grown-up too. p.o.a.


The contemporary elegance of the sculptural Paro planter will update the look of your garden in a flash. Almost 2 metres tall and with concealed rollers that makes it super mobile, it is an ingenious garden element that can truly transform your space. Designed by Michael König for Flora. From £95.

The garden fire pit from Rottmann’s LAFAIR is available in black or charcoal and is a great feature for the garden. Enjoy a night around the open fire with friends as the summer evenings lengthen. £190.


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Discover Germany | Design | Diboni

Friends for life The simple yet stunning leather accessories from diboni are the perfect companion for those looking to stand out from the crowd with timeless beauty. TEXT: SONJA IRANI | PHOTOS: DIBONI

An unsuccessful quest for a new, all-time favourite led Claudia Sigel to the idea of founding her own label, diboni. The management graduate now creates classic pieces not bound to seasonal trends. “Looking at today’s jungle of leather goods garnished with lots of bling bling, I am inspired to offer a clear line that conveys subtlety and simple beauty, matching current lifestyles and helping people to transport their many things in practical, yet pretty cases,”explains the designer. “I particularly like the Annabelle and Madison handbags because they go with any style, whether it’s elegant or casual, and they always look sophisticated.” All diboni products are high quality and 100 per cent made in Germany. Despite the

comparatively high production costs, the company tries hard to offer its customers a fair price by selling its range directly from the online shop. A special treat is the frequent 4-day price reduction of a selected product. Two flagship stores in Hamburg and Berlin will also be opening this year. The makers and shakers at diboni, the Latin expression for “the good gods”, are loving life and want to share this with their customers. Thus, they use soft materials and lush colours, which are inspired by the sky and the earth. “Especially on a day when the real sky is once again packed with clouds, our bright colours will surely lift the spirits,”says Sigel with a smile.

Top: The Madison bag features a luxurious suede interior Middle: The Madison range Bottom: Claudia Sigel with Annabelle bag

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Wiener Schnitzel

The real thing If there is such a thing as an international pantheon of restaurant menu classics, Wiener Schnitzel certainly belongs to it, just like pizza, steak frites, roast beef and Caesar salad. This is a curse, of course: while their absolute sublimity got them into this imaginary pantheon in the first place, their popularity means they are often traduced, distorted and bastardised. TEXT: ANNE KREBIEHL

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Discover Germany | Dine & Wine | Feature

with a huge portion of disappointment for dessert. But hey, once we get the real thing, in situ or in a far-flung corner of the world, our faith is restored, and rightly so. Wiener Schnitzel is an unalloyed joy. So what is the real deal?

Viennese Cuisine: Wiener Schnitzel. © WienTourismus/Peter Rigaud

If you have suffered a cherry-less version of a so-called Black Forest Gâteaux or eaten spaghetti boiled to a pulp, you will empathise. In the majority of cases, pale approximations of the original is all we get,

Franz Raneburger, a Tyrolean-born trained chef, butcher and sugar-baker (well, that’s the closest the English language has for ‘Konditor’) whose Berlin-based company Edelweiss caters for official government functions amongst others, should know. He goes as far as saying that“Frau Merkel likes to eat Wiener Schnitzel. When US President Barack Obama visited, that’s what she served for lunch.”For Raneburger, there are two principal requirements: firstly, the Schnitzel has to be made from veal, secondly, the bread-coating must “bubble” up when the Schnitzel is pan-fried, a sentiment heartily seconded by NewYork celebrity chef Mario Batali and referred to as“soufflieren” inViennese circles. Raneburger’s first point is also anchored in German and Austrian trade description acts – should the breaded schnitzel be made from pork, it must be referred to as ‘Schnitzel “Wiener Art”’, even though chicken also lends itself to this treatment. Thomas Figlmüller, co-owner of the eponymous and legendary Viennese Schnitzel temple, serves all three versions, with the pork just about outperforming the original veal version. Figlmüller emphasises that choosing the right kind of cut is important: pork pure fillet free of any fat, membrane or sinew is necessary, as it does not warp while frying. Only freshly-grated bread crumbs from Viennese ‘Kaisersemmeln’, plain white bread rolls, are used and while the pork schnitzel is fried in vegetable fat, the veal schnitzel is fried in a mixture of clarified butter and oil. Klaus Rainer, landlord at San Francisco’s Leopold Restaurant on Polk Street insists on veal, clarified butter for frying and nothing less than two-day-old breadcrumbs made from white bread. Rainer says that even in San Francisco, seven out of ten orders are for Wiener Schnitzel. In London, the chic Mitteleuropa-styled Delauney restaurant, a sibling establishment of The Wolseley in the Corbin and King stable, reports that Wiener Schnitzel and Schnitzel

Holstein – a variation topped with a fried egg, anchovies and capers, are“our biggest selling dishes and have been since we opened 2 ½ years ago.”Head chef Malachi O’Gallagher is also adamant that the ideal Wiener Schnitzel has a“golden crispy outside and tender meat inside.” All chefs agree that the right frying temperature is paramount, so that the meat cooks evenly, remains moist and the breading is crisp and not fat-soaked or soggy. Legend has it that you should be able to sit on a proper Wiener Schnitzel without it leaving a fat stain on your trousers… When it comes to solid and liquid accompaniments, there are numerous preferences. The traditional side is potato salad dressed with oil. Raneburger loves adding a fresh green lettuce salad to that. The Figlmüllers recommend a potato salad mixed with corn lettuce while Rainer suggests a potato and cucumber salad, with lingonberry compote on the side. The only one veering from the potato-salad-theme is Delauney’s O’Gallagher, declaring:“for me it’s definitely potatoes with mustard and a little lemon.”As far as drink is concerned, Wiener Schnitzel is often hailed as the very dish to accompany Austrian Grüner Veltliner, a crisp, light white wine, neutral enough to be a versatile table companion but with sufficient personality to counter rich food. Raneburger prefers Grüner Veltliner from Kamptal with his Wiener Schnitzel. Thomas Figlmüller says that in their original restaurant (now one of four in Vienna) in the Wollzeile, they“deliberately eschew serving coffee, beer and soft drinks and offer our guests, out of sheer conviction, a glass of Figlmüller wine from our own vineyards – just because that’s really classic.“ Rainer in San Francisco also opts for Austrian white wine while O’Gallagher chooses a German beer. While some of our chefs have tasted Wiener Schnitzel in Singapore, NewYork and Toronto, O’Gallagher mixed his Schnitzel with tropical sunshine: “I tried it in Cuba a few years ago,”he says. “Although it was not the best quality, it was definitely the most exotic place.”The pantheon lives on…

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Left: London's foodies love the authentic Kipferl

Middle East or Southeastern Europe.“The Austrian cuisine successfully combines influences from the array of cultures that once belonged to the Austro-Hungarian Empire,” says Malnig.“We wanted to reflect that multicultural attitude in the name.”

Restaurant of the Month Austria

Today, Kipferl serves everything from traditional Viennese coffee and cakes to Wiener Schnitzel, spicy Hungarian gulyas soup and the signature dish Käsespätzle, homemade pan fried egg noodles with organic cheese directly imported from a farm in the Austrian mountains. In addition to the set menu, Kipferl offers a monthly special inspired by seasonal produce or events. What makes the restaurant so successful is its dedication to offer a high quality, authentic, consistent service with attention to detail, as Malnig explains: “My role models are the bestViennese coffee houses and restaurants, and we aim for a homely ambiance, professional but unobtrusive service and excellent food at fair prices.”

Kipferl coffeehouse and kitchen A passion for Austrian food and coffee The Austrian restaurant Kipferl in London not only fills a market gap in a city riddled with soulless coffee shops and cheap restaurant chains, it is a restaurant born out of a true passion for Viennese coffee house culture and authentic Austrian cuisine. TEXT: JULIKA HÜTHER | PHOTOS: KIPFERL/ JOHNNIE PAKINGTON

As a student, Christian Malnig worked as a waiter in Austria, soaking up the energy of places where quality food and a sociable atmosphere were at the heart of every restaurant. After graduating with a degree in business, he worked in in the financial sector in London before turning his attention back to the food business. “Eleven years ago, I opened a little delicatessens in

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Smithfield together with my partner, but we soon realised that Londoners like eating out and being pampered. This is how the idea for a restaurant was born,”says Malnig. Kipferl Coffeehouse and Kitchen, which recently opened its doors in a characterful building in Angel, was named after the crescent-shaped pastry that has a long-standing tradition in Austria, but originates from the

Testament to Kipferl's success is the 2011 opening of Kipferl on Gordon Square, a small kiosk selling sausages, soups, coffees and cakes, and further plans for expansion are in the pipeline. With the Kipferl treatment guaranteed, the new venture is all set to become the next insiders' tip among London's foodies.

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Sweden • Norway • Denmark • Finland • Luxembourg • Switzerland • United Kingdom • Singapore • Estonia • Latvia • Lithuania

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Discover Germany | Dine & Wine | Deutche Weinstraße

Main image: Kalmit wine festival near Ilbesheim. Photo: Ralf Ziegler Below, left: Hambach Castle. Photo: Rolf Schädler Below, middle: Vineyards near Heuchelheim. Photo: Norman Krauß Below, right: Pfälzer Weinsteig. Photo: Dominik Ketz

Road to delight On the so-called German wine street – Deutsche Weinstraße – there is a lot to be discovered, tried and enjoyed. Come and soak up the atmosphere along the way. TEXT: SONJA IRANI | PHOTOS: VEREIN SÜDLICHE WEINSTRASSE LANDAU-LAND E.V.

“Our region is particularly attractive thanks to the mild climate,” says Nina Ziegler from the tourist office of Landau Land. “Along with wine, exotic fruits like kiwis, figs and lemons grow here. Spring starts with the blossoming of the almonds – a lot earlier than in most other parts of Germany.” The start of the almond blossoming heralds the first of the many wine festivals, which take place in the region. Naturally, wine is the other flagship of the area. “We are an innovative wine-growing region with a special connection to our roots,” says Ziegler. “Tradition and

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modernity go hand in hand. There are many young talents who produce excellent wines.” Where there is good wine, good food cannot be far away. Many products are made locally and served fresh. Guests have the choice of dining in some rather exotic settings, such as a rustic cottage in the forest, a traditional wine bar or an upscale restaurant. If you feel like doing some exercise afterwards, grab your hiking boots or a bicycle and discover the region’s vast network of hiking and cycling trails. Spice it up with

Geo-Caching or trekking camps, where families can stay overnight in the forest. In addition, there are many castles, events, museums, leisure facilities, and spa and health resorts waiting to be explored. Experiences such as guided hikes and nature trails, Segway tours or city walks can be booked via the official website that will soon be launched in English. The most popular time to visit is autumn. That’s when the grape harvesting and many festivals take place. But visiting is worthwhile at any time of the year – if only because of the friendly people.“The Palatine locals are very open-minded and kindhearted”, says Ziegler.“We like to talk, party, eat and drink. Combined with our lovely countryside, the culture and the variety of culinary delights and wine, the region Deutsche Weinstraße is the perfect holiday destination for all those who enjoy life.”

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Special Theme

Fine Austrian Wine

Keringer Mönchhof

Award-winning wines from Austria Robert and Marietta Keringer produce award-winning wines on their traditional family estate in the Austrian Burgenland. While the vintners are red wine specialists, they grow whites too – turning their hand to new varieties as well as well-known grapes. TEXT: JESSICA HOLZHAUSEN | PHOTOS: FOTO HELMREICH

Last year saw Keringer crowned the “Best National Producer – Austria 2013” at the AWC (Austrian Wine Challenge) inVienna, a competition in which 1,847 winemakers from 39 countries sent in their wines to be tested. Even more recently, Robert and Marietta Keringer achieved outstanding success at the Berlin Wine Trophy, one of the

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most important international wine tastings in Germany. At the event in March 2014, the couple won“Großes Gold”(Great Gold) for their 2010 Eiswein Traminer, seven gold medals and four silver medals. To top off these achievements, the wine testing jury also crownedVineyard Keringer “best Austrian wine producer”. Receiving this special

award for the fourth time (2014, 2011, 2010 and 2008) is testament to the great quality of the Keringer wines. The success of Keringer wines crosses Europe and spans Asia. In 2013 the Deajon Wine Trophy was held for the first time in South Korea. Here, four of Robert

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Discover Germany | Special Theme | Fine Austrian Wine

the estate in Mönchhof near Lake Neusiedl in the wine cultivating area of the Austrian Burgenland. The Lake Neusiedl DAC region has 7,000 hectares of vineyards on the northern and eastern shores of the lake. It lies in a Pannonian climate zone with hot, dry summers and cold winters with little snow and moderate precipitation. The lake is important for the microclimate; it stores warmth on summer days and slowly emits it to its surround-

variety in 2000. It is a wine that exists only in very small quantities and is mostly used in two of his cuvées, named Grande Cuvée and MASSIV®. “Exceptional wines need exceptional methods in cultivation and vinification,” explains Robert Keringer. With his 100-Days® Keringer created a special wine series available in three different varieties called 100 Days® Zweigelt, 100 Days® Shiraz and 100 Days® Cabernet. This year the wine series will be complemented with a 100 Days® Merlot vintage 2013. Due to the long fermentation process the wines gain a special balance of tannins, colour and flavour. The young wine stays in the mash with skin, seeds and all the other grape components for about 100 days. Keringer’s top wine is the Cuvée Massiv®, produced in a fermentation process similar to that of the 100 Days® series. It is a cuvée from Blaufränkisch, Rathay and Zweigelt ideally merged for maximum taste.Those who drink this special wine will understand and cherish the name for a very long time after. Among the vineyard’s white wines are the 2013 Welschriesling, Chardonnay and Chardonnay Herrschaftswein. One of the new inventions is the White Commander, a blanc de noir cuvée made from Pinot Noir, St. Laurent and Zweigelt grapes. Michael Pronay, a renowned wine expert, writes: “We gladly admit that we have seldom visited an enterprise whose whole assortment has such high quality.To put it in other words: During our multiple tastings we never experienced a wine with low quality.”

Main image: Robert and Marietta Keringer. Keringer was voted Best National Producer - Austria 2013. Right: Keringer's award-winning portfolio

Keringer’s wines were honoured (one gold medal and three silver medals) despite the tough competition: 2,635 wines from 26 countries were submitted for tasting.

ings during the night. This moderate cool down helps the wine to gain a refreshing, fruity flavour and the necessary acidity which makes the wine so tasteful and distinctive.

Family-owned vineyard Robert Keringer has a talent for wine making. It took him just a few years to turn the family vineyard, formerly a secondary business for his parents, into an award-winning wine business. Keringer wines have, for example, been awarded special mentions in specialised journals like Falstaff, Vineria and A La Carte. Keringer’s vineyards are situated within six kilometres of

A red wine specialist Robert Keringer is a red wine specialist, with his main focus on Zweigelt, St. Laurent and Blaufränkisch.Yet he also dedicates his time to cultivating rare wines like the Rathay, a project he has been working on for more than 15 years. The Rathay is an Austrian cultivar from the 1970s that was grown in Klosterneuburg and approved as quality Tasting notes for the 100 Days® Zweigelt 2012, 14 per cent vol K describe the wine as “complex, multifaceted, with high elegance instead of force, superb dark red fruit, savoury roast aroma, chocolate truffles, a hint of nougat, dark berries, fine fruit, elegant, a touch of black forest cake, great body.” Tasting notes for the MASSIV 2011, 14 per cent vol K define this wine as “opaque tint, very solid, dark berries, perfectly fitting taste of wood, fine vanilla, outstanding body, solid and fruity, tannins can be tasted but are very well integrated, fruit is present, a hint of vanilla and rum-coconut, massive but elegant and tasty. Impressive body.”

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Left, main image: Gschweicher - 85-year-old vines Top: Manager Bernhard Gschweicher loves the changing seasons Above: The estate's Primary Rocks, a wonderful wine with its geology to thank

Weingut Gschweicher and Weinhof Edlinger

Great wine from a soil rich in minerals As the wine ages gracefully in large oak barrels and the grapes flourish in the granite, primary rock soil of Röschitz in Austria’s Weinviertel, two young winemakers are setting new standards in wine production. TEXT: EMMIE COLLINGE | IMAGES: PRESS IMAGES

Close to the Czech border lies Röschitz, a small village with 350 hectares of grape vines. Consistently ranked one of Austria’s top wine-producing areas, it is home to Weingut Gschweicher and Weinhof Edlinger. With its very particular climate – akin to a southern Mediterranean region despite its proximity to the wooded mountains– and distinct geology (part primary rock, part loess), Röschitz’s position on the world wine map has been cemented. Bernhard Gschweicher who tends to his 15 hectares with his parents, knows all too

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well about casks, the ground on which his grapes grow and how the climate affects his yield. The ambitious young oenophile was brought up on the family-run vineyard and spent his youth fascinated by wine. “Bringing it back to the roots,”begins Geschweicher, who took over the management seven years ago,“that’s my aim. We’re letting nature work on the grapes, using wooden casks and avoiding selected yeasts, herbicides and artificial fertilizer.” The result of their hard work can be enjoyed in five variations of Grüner Veltliner, and two topflight Rieslings.

The other ambitious and talented winemaker in the duo is Gschweicher’s neighbour and good friend Hannes Edlinger.

Bernhard Gschweicher & Hannes Edlinger

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Discover Germany | Special Theme | Fine Austrian Wine

Specialised in Grüner Veltliner, his wines are frequently rewarded for their intensity and flavour. One of Edlinger’s top prized wines is the Weinviertel DAC Galgenberg, ranked third of all Austrian wines last year - an accolade reflecting his skill given the quality of Austrian wines. Described by Edlinger as“intense and full of character”, the significance of DAC in the name signifies quality control, approval and its recognition as a regional specialty.

ality and complexity of the white wines, and in fact, the Gschweicher’s specialty, which entices drinkers from Nuremberg to New York, is the aptly-entitled Primary Rocks Grüner Veltliner. The grapes that form the estate’s premium wine are grown on 82year-old vines on the primary rock ground, which, together with the chilly evenings, provide the ideal conditions to develop this mineral-rich, refreshing white wine.

Warm days, chilly nights

Yet the intrinsic quality of the terroir cannot always be relied on, and both vintners have to work doubly hard to ensure the survival of their crops and their yields depend heavily on the climate. Both men appreciate their outdoor lifestyles, time spent on the vineyards and enjoying the fruits of their labour after long hours spent harvesting. “The days are long over here. During harvesting I can easily work 110 hours in a week,” Gschweicher smiles broadly, “but don’t let that scare you – there’s nothing I like more than picnicking with friends and enjoying a glass of Grüner Veltliner.”

Röschitz, explain the two winemakers, has a huge advantage over other areas. Primary rock soil – as opposed to loess – marks a significant change for the grapes, as the arid soil forces the roots to strive deeper for minerals. This barren Urgesteinboden [primary rock terrain] is to thank for the rich miner-

While Edlinger enjoys sharing his passion and the nature with his children, Gschweicher takes insurmountable pleasure in sharing one of the estate’s vintage wines from the cellar. “Appreciating the four seasons, the hard work we’ve put in, and enjoying

After studying and working abroad in Australia, New Zealand and Germany before taking over the family business, Edlinger now runs the vineyard and his young daughters (8, 6 and 2 years old) all have their roles to play: filling bottles, selling the wines and harvesting. Good food accompanies good wine, and Edlinger, under the name Einfach Edl [simply premium], is reaping the benefits of nature with homemade chutneys, marmalades and other delicacies.

one of our vintages with friends makes the long hours worthwhile,”says Gschweicher. Rivalling the bigger names Small production wineries with DAC ratings and awards that rival the much larger producers are few and far between, yet the existence of Gschweicher and Hannes Edlinger in the same small village bodes for a great future for the region. Edlinger says: “The most beautiful moments for me are when natures comes to life in spring, and harvesting in autumn as the culmination. Awards and praise for the wine we produce is our success.” The passionate vintners know exactly how they want their companies to develop: more exports – and of course every Austrian vintner’s dream of achieving the title of‘Trockenbeerenauslese’ – a sweet wine of the highestcertified quality. Wine is the real draw of this area, and the Weinviertel’s very particular earth proves year after year just how expert it is at producing Grüner Veltliner. With more than enough fruitful ground for Gschweicher and Edlinger, who - despite being competitors share a common objective: to create the best wine possible and never forgo enjoyment.

Main image: Edlinger - where wine is a family affair. Photo: Reinhard Podolsky/mediadesign Left: Three generations. Photo: Lehmann Left, below: Presentation Room. Photo: Newman

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Discover Germany | Special Theme | Fine Austrian Wine

Back to Mother Nature Producing quality wines starts with nurturing the vine. Keeping everything organic is the foundation of Andreas Gsellmann’s successful concept and merges the knowledge of a long-established family of winegrowers with an innovative view of our relationship with nature. TEXT: MARILENA STRACKE | PHOTOS: WEINGUT GSELLMANN

Andreas Gsellmann has recently taken over his father Hans’vineyard in Austria’s Gols, which belongs to the wine-growing area of the Burgenland. The history of Gsellmann wines, however, dates back to around 1800. Gsellmann himself explains: “The first documented mention is of a Thomas Gsoellmann from Gols. Gols is the biggest winegrowing community, which has been making wines for several centuries. I manage our winery together with my father since 2005 and I am responsible for the wines, the facilities and our business philosophy since 2011.” Combining a youthful attitude with a classic, timeless image, Andreas Gsellmann has brought the winery back to nature.“I knew I wanted to change quite a few things. It has always been important to me to work in harmony with nature, sensing and fulfilling what the vine needs. On top of that I also wanted to work in a sustainable fashion to

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ensure my children and their children can continue to cultivate our ancestor’s land. Organic farming was the answer for me.” Within three years the winery became completely organic with a recent addition of some pigs and chickens to complement the wine-growing estate. Warm camomile tea is used on the vineyards instead of chemicals and Gsellmann currently experiments without sulphur, usually used to enhance the wine’s durability. The wines include outstanding red wines, dessert wines and white wines. This particularly vast range is due to the estate’s supreme location in the northern Burgenland. “There are not many areas, which can produce this unique diversity of high quality wines,” Gsellman expands. “As autochthonous varieties the Blauer Zweigelt and the Blaufraenkische need to be emphasised, of course. Those two grape varieties are already known far beyond Austria.

Above: Andreas Gsellmann - keeping everything organic Bottom, left: Pannobile 2011 bio Bottom, right: Pinot Noir

In terms of white wines, the Weissburgunder and Grauburgunder represent our area’s best.” Other grape varieties that can be found in Gsellmann’s vinotheque include Chardonnay, Pannobile, Traminer, Eiswein and Heideboden amongst many others. But Gsellmann is not only proud of his wines. He adds with a smile: “I am also proud of our raw ham and salami, which goes perfectly with our wines!”

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Back to the agricultural roots Organic wine is on the rise Family-run Weingut Renner produces high quality organic wine, paying homage to the native soil of the vintners and adding a unique character to the finished products. TEXT: TINA AWTANI | PHOTOS: WEINGUT RENNER

Helmuth Renner and his wife Birgit took over the Weingut Renner family business in 1988. Located on the shore of Lake Neusiedl in the Austrian Burgenland, the Renner vineyards are spread over 14 hectares in prime locations such as Altenberg, Schafleiten, Salzberg, Sätz Lüss and Heideboden. Their whites include Chardonnay, Pinot Blanc, Welschriesling and Pannobile, and the reds include Zweigelt, Pinot Noir, Blaufränkisch, Pannobile and more. Outstanding special quality wines such as the Weissburgunder TBA 2006 or Ausbruch 1999 are also part of the Renner portfolio. The Renner team have always focused on organic production; working hand in hand with Mother Nature is key, and all their vines are carefully pruned. “Our goal is simple: we want to make good wines,”ex-

plains vintner Helmuth Renner. “That is why we went back to our agricultural roots and away from being an ‘international’ winemaker,” he adds. “Back to being an honest and simple wine farmer, that is why we focus on organic-biological cultivation. We say no to the use of systemic pesticides or herbicides, but yes to composting.”

mission statement says. All its members share a strong bond with their native soil and thus all Pannobile wines are defined by regional typicity, personality and character. In 2009 the winery registered for the official BIO-certification, a process that takes three years to complete.“2012 was our first biocertified harvest and we are very excited where this journey with these complex, regional, nuance-rich, distinctive wines will take us,” Renner muses. The future looks bright for the Renner venture as daughter Stefanie will graduate this month to join the close-knit family team. From left to right: Birgit, Stefanie, Georg, Helmuth und Susanne Renner

The Weingut Renner is a proud member of Pannobile, an association of nine local vintners with the same vision.“Their aim is neither to be ‘modern’ nor ‘international’, but to be committed to the soils, the character and the climate of their region so that premium wines made from local grape varieties can be created,” the Pannobile

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Discover Germany | Special Theme | Fine Austrian Wine

Traditional family winery The family-run vineyard Setzer has been in existence since 1705 in Austria’s beautiful Weinviertel. While the region has always produced wine, wine production took a backseat behind agriculture and farming for centuries, and it wasn’t until 2001 that wine production took over. TEXT: MERYEM HAUER | PHOTOS: VINEYARD SETZER

The climate combined with the light and calcareous soil creates the perfect foundation for the production of traditional wines like GrünerVeltliner and RoterVeltliner. Uli and Hans Setzer’s winery is dedicated to perfecting these wines by focusing on the grape variety. The passionate winemakers try to reflect the excellent intensity of the Hohenwarth region in every single bottle. The vineyard and the winery can be found within a radius of 2km, and this location ensures that the grapes grow in a stable and consistent climate. With efficient processing facilities on hand and no need to transport the grapes great distances, their intrinsic quality remains intact. The Setzer family is constantly striving to improve their

wine quality, and with international distribution across Europe, the USA, Canada and Singapore, their popularity is on the rise. The distribution network underlies a permanent expansion. Most recently, demand has come in the form of new distribution networks in Ireland and Italy. Besides the traditional Grüner Veltliner and RoterVeltliner,Vineyard Setzer also specialises in other wine types, such as Riesling, Zweigelt, Merlot, Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Blanc. While the winery cooperates with local restaurants and hotels, it also supplies top-class gastronomy institutions in Austria and around the world, enjoying particular popularity in California for example.

Characterful wines from Austria The vineyards of Leo Aumann are spread out from the town of Tribuswinkel in Lower Austria to all the cardinal points. The versatile geological circumstances within this thermal spring region provide the basis for various cultivation conditions, resulting in high quality wine production. TEXT: MERYEM HAUER | PHOTOS: VINEYARD AUMANN

Harterberg, Badnerberg and Steinfeld are the three main areas of the Vineyard Aumann. Each one is characterised by special attributes: penurious ground, high solar irradiation as well as a high percentage of brick earth.These combine to provide excel-

lent conditions for the maturing of red wine. Two white wines brought to perfection by the passionate winegrower stand out in particular: the Zierfandler contains a light sweetness, while the Rotgipfler is dry and strong in taste. But it is the production of

Top: Vintners Hans and Uli Setzer Middle: Tasting area Bottom: The wine cellar

the Badnerberg and Harterberg red wines which really demand attention with their distinctive nature and popularity among wine connoisseurs. The vineyard around Thallern in the Region of Baden was established by a Cistercian monastic order and dates back to the year 1141. It was built in the essence of the Vineyard Clos de Vougeot in the Burgundy wine region, France. Thanks to the various altitudes of the vineyard regions, each wine is produced in its ideal climate.TheVineyard Aumann cooperates not only with international distribution partners from across Europe but also with regional restaurants and hotels. The Heuriger Aumann, a wine tavern, offers regional dishes and wines. Left: Leo and Claudia Aumann Middle: Striking architecture defines the contemporary winery Right: Vineyard

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Your Shortcut to Germany Bergen


Oslo Stockholm Bromma

SWEDEN Aalborg bo org


G enburg Goth

Aarh A rhu us us


Billund Manchester

London City







S n acks

Me al s


Pap ers


Smi l e s

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Culture & Lifestyle

Holiday Highlights

Summer of festivals in the multifaceted historical town of Bremen On the shores of the river Weser lies Bremen, just 60km from the North Sea Coast – a multifaceted city that unites the maritime lifestyle and historical traditions with culture, art and science. During the summer months Bremen acts as a generous host to numerous festivals, from music to open air theatre performances. TEXT: JESSICA HOLZHAUSEN | PHOTOS: BTZ BREMER TOURISTIK ZENTRALE

Many people may know the town of Bremen from the Grimm brothers' fairy tale: “The Town Musicians of Bremen.” Today, Gerhard Marcks’ statue of the Bremer Town Musicians (donkey, dog, cat and rooster) stands proudly in front of the town hall. However, they are not the only musicians to reside in Bremen as the summer months herald Bremen’s filled festival calendar.

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Fabulous festivals In early July the German Philharmonic Orchestra Bremen invites classical music devotees to an open-air festival for three days. Enchanting audiences, the festival is a joyous mixture of music and picnics while soaking up the nature of Knoops Park in the north of Bremen. At the same time the international street circus festival La Strada offers passers-by the opportu-

nity to see some of the world’s top street artists performing all over the city. One of the summer’s biggest events is undoubtedly the Breminale, a cultural festival that gives an overwhelming impression of Bremen’s cultural scene as 100 local and international artists perform in front of around 200,000 guests. The Breminale is a mixture of live music, theatre, dance, poetry

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Discover Germany | Culture & Lifestyle | Holiday Highlights Left, main image: Market square, town hall and dome in the old city centre Below: Festival Maritime. Photo: City Marketing Vegesack La Strada Street Circus Festival The Town Musicians of Bremen

men lies on the shores of the river Weser and is not far from the coast and has therefore always had a strong connection to the water. Although, it should be said that the harbour looks rather different these days; no longer a place for seafaring romanticism but an ultra-modern technology district. “A Great Night of Music”is the title of this year’s Music Festival Bremen taking place in August and September. With 35 events in Bremen and the neighbouring city of Bremerhaven on the North Sea coast, the festival kicks off with a momentous concert in the central market place. Rich in history Bremen is a city with 1,200 years of tradition and traces of its history as part of the famous Hanseatic League can be found all over the city. The city centre makes history accessible with 2,000 brass and steel nails in the ground which lead you around the city’s historic sites, from the Liebfrauenkirche to the Böttcherstrasse. One of the most famous historical buildings is the Renaissance town hall built in 1404 which creates an entity with the venerable statue of Roland representing the citizens’freedom. Today, the town hall and Roland form a UNESCO world heritage site. The upper hall was once the seat of the city council and the large ship models hanging from the ceiling remind the city’s residents of the sea-trading history.

what occurs in the centre of a tornado? Children and adults alike have the opportunity to enjoy and experience science at their leisure, both indoors and outdoors. While people who like to travel should visit the Übersee-Museum (Overseas Museum) where Asia and Africa lie only a few steps away from each other, plant enthusiasts will enjoy the botanika, a green science centre in the middle of Bremen’s rhododendron park. A short drive away by car or train from Bremen lies Bremerhaven, an enclave that is part of the city state and lies on the shores of the North Sea. Bremerhaven is not only famous for its big industrial harbour but also for its fascinating tourist attractions like the Klimahaus, a museum that takes you on a journey around the world following the 8th degree of longitude and documenting the changing climate zones. Visitors can take a walk in the Sahara or sweat in the tropical heat of the jungle. Bremen is a city that offers activities for everyone, whether you choose to engage in scientific research, cultural activities or simply by staying at a place with a direct connection to the sea. Below: Shakespeare in the Park. Photo: Marianne Menke/Bremer Shakespeare Company Schlachte embankment with the Admiral Nelson restaurant ship

Universum, botanika and much more

readings and circus acts. Meanwhile, for lovers of the Bard of Avon, the internationally-known Bremer Shakespeare Company is holding its Shakespeare in the Park event as part of its 30th birthday celebrations. August begins with the Festival Maritime, as the city’s maritime traditions come alive with shanty choirs and bands presenting sea shanties from every continent. Bre-

While water reigned in the past, the city is now a hotbed of technology and science. Academically, Bremen is not only a university city but is also heavily involved in aerospace research and development, for instance at EADS Astrium. For those interested in science and research, Bremen can be discovered in depth at sites all over the city.The Universum science centre, which opened in 2000, has more than 250 exhibits and interactivity is not only allowed but also encouraged at the museum. What happened after the Big Bang? And

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Clockwise, from top left: 1. Müengsten Bridge Park. © Carsten Hahn. 2. Old Town. Beyenburg Wuppertal. © Gunnar Baeldle. 3 Solingen Unterburg. © Carsten Hahn. 4. Wuppertal - The Overhead Railway. © Stadt Wuppertal. 5. Panorama Schloss Burg. © Gerd Krauskopf. 6. Active family cycling in the Bergisch Land. © Kristine Loew

The Bergisch Three

In the heart of it all This fascinating and resourceful region in the far west of Germany is a true jewel for visitors of all ages and interests! The ‘Bergisch Three’ offer industrial heritage, historic town centres, idyllic countryside and plenty of options to relax, explore and indulge in. TEXT: ELISABETH DOEHNE | PHOTOS: BERGISCHES LAND TOURISMUS

‘The Bergisch Three’are three neighbouring major German cities to the north of the Bergisch Land, namely Wuppertal, Solingen and Remscheid. They share both a unique low mountain landscape and an impressive industrial history whose legacy still continues to shape the region. “Each of the three towns has its own industrial history. While Remscheid specialised in tools and machines, Solingen is known for its knives and scissors, and Wuppertal was once a leading centre for chemicals and textiles. A number of different museums, mostly on their original

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sites, are dedicated to telling visitors more about this exciting history,” says a spokesperson for the region’s tourism office. The Bergisch industrial heritage is deeply engrained in the culture of this part of Germany. In fact, the industrialisation of continental Europe started here. Today, locals and visitors can discover many industrial sights through narrated history and stories. They can discover hiking trails and former railway lines, which are now available for leisure cyclists. The scenery - high viaducts, tunnels, rivers, winding roads, and

the low mountain range - is the perfect backdrop for an active and culturally informed cycling or hiking tour. Visitor’s highlights include the 107m high Müngsten Bridge, which is more than 100 years old, and to this day, the highest railway bridge in Germany. Also, the mighty Schloss Burg in Solingen is one of the largest restored castles in western Germany. In Wuppertal, the most famous sight is the suspension railway, the city's landmark, and the renowned Von der Heydt Museum, home to a world-class art collection. Nestled between the Ruhr area, the Rhineland and the Sauerland, this thriving region is easily accessible via motorways (A1, A46, A3), ICE connections in Wuppertal and Solingen, and the airports of Cologne/Bonn and Dusseldorf. With over 1.1 million overnight stays, this culturally rich region is extremely popular among visitors and business travellers hailing from close-by and abroad.

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Discover Germany | Culture & Lifestyle | Holiday Highlights

Schloss Burg – the hilltop castle that stimulates all your senses Impressive towers, romantic panel walls and overwhelming halls: Schloss Burg invites you for a wander around the Middle Ages. Overlooking the river Wupper, this stunning castle is the largest reconstructed castle in the west of Germany. TEXT: LEONIE PUSCHER | PHOTOS: SCHLOSS BURG

Built at the turn of the 12th century, the castle is as striking today as it was back then thanks to its unique hilltop location. The well-preserved stone towers will charm visitors and give them an exciting look back into history. A tour will lead you through the great hall, bowers, castle keeps and parapets, while the castle’s own museum tells the comprehensive story of the region’s history as well as the culture and history of the Middle Ages. A cable car connects the castle to the surrounding low mountain range in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, a region ideally suited to walks and hikes and famous for its stunning views and friendly locals.

Various events throughout the year attract many visitors and provide opportunities for people of all ages to get involved.The events at Schloss Burg revolve around knights’ games, medieval jousting, children’s activities, concerts and theatre productions. If you have something very special in mind, the castle’s rooms are even available for private hire. The frequent markets at Schloss Burg are another popular attraction. Whether you’re wandering around the stalls admiring the arts and crafts, hunting for antiques or just there to enjoy some of the traditional food offered by the castle’s own stalls, a stroll in and around the castle will be an experience you won’t want to miss.

Schloss Burg also offers attractive deals for private as well as business functions and events. Working closely with a catering partner, extraordinary cuisine in rather special setting will sweep you off your feet.This can also be enjoyed in the neighbouring wine bar. Opening times: March to November Monday: 1pm – 6pm Tuesday – Sunday: 10am – 6pm November to February Monday: closed Tuesday- Friday: 10am – 4pm Saturday – Sunday: 10am – 5pm (closed on: 24th, 25th and 31st of December, Shrove Monday) Parking spaces, hotels, restaurants, cafés and shopping facilities are close by, catering partner:

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Discover Germany | Culture & Lifestyle | Holiday Highlights

Main image: The vineyards of Ihringen



Strasbourg 95 km

Appenweier B3 Offenburg



nach Gutach Freilichtmuseum Vogtsbauernhof

Europapark Rust

B33 Richtung Villingen-Schwenningen




Colmar Isenheimer Altar

KAISERSTUHL Freiburg Ihringen Nord


Breisach Freiburg Mitte B31 Freiburg Süd

Freiburg 21 km Kirchzarten B31

ELSASS Bergwildpark Steinwasen Ecomusée Ungersheim

Exploring the Kaiserstuhl

Dreieck Neuenburg

Mulhouse Automobilmuseum

Weil am Rhein Hüningen

It was not for nothing that the wordsmith Goethe described the Kaiserstuhl as a magnificent area. Home to superb wines, this idyllic paradise beckons on a trip to the Upper Rhine Valley.


Basel Zoo 67 km

Basel City

Weil Vitra Design Museum




Driving past the Black Forest and theVosges, those travelling south towards Switzerland will not fail to notice the gentle silhouette of the loess-covered volcanic hills, a stone’s throw from Freiburg im Breisgau in an area considered the warmest in Germany. Proclaiming how wonderful the wine is seems superfluous as once you have tried a glass of Kaiserstuhl wine, you’ll know exactly what we mean.The wines work their magic in the kitchen too, inspiring local chefs as the ideal accompaniment to regional specialities, and nature lends itself to a culinary journey: asparagus from the fertile loess ground, wild garlic, vineyard peaches, figs and mulberries. A colourful wealth of edible goodness strawberries, cherries and plums - gather together at the foot of the volcano, and wild herbs enrich any meal. Along with wine and great food, the region is renowned for its spectacular scenery. For lovers of nature, there is a fauna and flora in abundance, while Europe’s most colourful bird – the European bee-eater - can be seen

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hovering above. A host of rare and delightful creatures have chosen the Kaiserstuhl as their summer residence, including the elusive European green lizard, praying mantises and purple emperor butterflies. The pleasing presence of summer meadows, almond trees, wild orchids, cacti and vineyard herbs is a result of the temperate Mediterranean climate, and best discovered with a stroll along the quality-certified Kaiserstuhl hiking path, a winding journey to the highest point of the volcano (557m), known as the Totenkopf (Skull and Crossbones). Beginning in the romantic, wineproducing village of Endingen with its half-timbered baroque houses, the path weaves 20km to the winemakers’ village of Ihringen, Germany’s warmest place. Hiking paths take you past sites of loess erosion, small terraced vineyards, and reward you with well-de-

served panoramic views over the threecountry point. For cyclists, a ride around the Kaiserstuhl is recommended. Challenge yourself on a touring bike, or with ease on an E-Bike, there is a comprehensive rental system available. Neighbouring Alsace is easily explored by foot, and transport worries are non-existent with the Konus travel card, valid on local buses and trains.

Bottom, left: The view through the Torli Gate in Endingen. Photo: M.Hauser Bottom, right: The marketplace in Endingen

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Stuttgart After Business

Stuttgart After Business Free App for Business Travellers



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Discover Germany | Culture & Lifestyle | Holiday Highlights

Top, left: Königstraße and Hindenburgbau Top, middle: Waranga - the place to see and to be seen. Photo: Dieterich


A young, green and varied metropolis Even though Stuttgart may be one of the most high-tech cities in Germany, it still has more than 1,000 years of history to look back upon. Visitors can expect a combination of traditional, laid-back Swabian culture and a drive towards future innovation, a mix of elegance and exclusivity with an earth-bound outlook on life. TEXT: CORDELIA MAKARTSEV | PHOTOS: STUTTGART-MARKETING GMBH

It is not easy to describe the many faces of Stuttgart, one of Germany’s leading business locations, embedded between the green valleys and rich vineyards of the Neckar valley. We asked an expert, Armin Dellnitz, Managing Director of StuttgartMarketing GmbH: ”Stuttgart is both a vibrant economic hotspot and an attractive destination for tourists. Here, nature meets technology and tradition encounters innovation. What is very special is the city’s topographic position and the idyllic landscape as well as its top-class cultural events.”

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A must-see for all motoring fans Since the day Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach invented the first ever petrol engine in their little workshop - now a much-visited attraction in itself - Stuttgart has been considered the cradle of car manufacturing. “Stuttgart is home to many global brands, a manifestation of the region’s inventive talent which can be experienced in two spectacular museums up close, the Mercedes Benz and the Porsche Museum,” explains Armin Dellnitz. The Mercedes-Benz Museum, the only museum in the world to present the history of the automotive industry from start to finish, has

more than 160 dream cars on display. And the classics in the Porsche Museum are guaranteed to thrill young and old. But Stuttgart is not only about car manufacturing and high-tech innovations. Art lovers will find wonderful treasures in its museums, particularly the State Gallery’s art collections and the exceptional collection of modernist and contemporary art in the Art Museum Stuttgart. In autumn, the State Gallery will pay tribute to the multifaceted oeuvre of the Bauhaus artist Oskar Schlemmer in a large exhibition. Learn about history from the Stone Age to the modern era at the Old

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Castle or in the archeological exhibits of the Landesmuseum Württemberg. And when it comes to the performing arts, Stuttgart is once again first class - its ballet, theatrical productions and state opera have all enjoyed international acclaim for decades. Stuttgart’s festivals – life’s pleasures Armin Dellnitz is very appreciative of the quality of life that Stuttgart offers. “What the residents of Stuttgart love about their city is the Mediterranean flair, especially in Schlossplatz, the heart of the city. Here, you are invited to linger, enjoy the pulsating atmosphere and gather with friends. During summer there are many open air events taking place in the square,” he explains. In August, the Summer Festival takes over the Schlossplatz with live music, entertainment and delicious food. Later in the month the famous Stuttgart WineVillage celebrates the region’s long tradition of vinification with around 500 different Wuerttemberg wines being enjoyed on the marketplace, the Schillerplatz and in the Kirchstrasse. Stuttgart also plays host to Germany's largest Christmas Market in December, but the town's really big event is the Stuttgart Beer Festival in late September, a sizeable local equivalent to Munich's Oktoberfest.



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There is life after work: The Stuttgart After Business App Just because you are in Stuttgart for business doesn’t mean you have to miss out on its many attractions. The new Stuttgart After Business App will guide you through your evenings. The App is available in a range of languages that you can set on your smartphone. Choose your personal jogging trail, find attractions with extra long opening hours, bars with live music or the next wellness temple to pamper yourself. Selecting a restaurant for your well-deserved dinner is easily done based on your location.“Culinary-wise, Stuttgart is top class with its choice of traditional Swabian cuisine on the one hand and the internationally acclaimed chefs on the other. And not to forget the superb wines,” states Armin Dellnitz. But where does he like to spend a warm summer evening? “My favourites are the great restaurants and bars in the popular nightlife area around the Hans im Glück fountain in the city centre. Or the open-air beer gardens on the ‘Halbhöhen’ with stunning views over the Stuttgart valley.” Stuttgart-Marketing has many offers to help you make the most of your Stuttgart trip. Save both time and money with the new

Top, clockwise: Grosser and Kleiner Schillerplatz. Photo: Dieterich Stuttgart Opera is one of Europe's foremost opera houses. Photo: Achim Mende The iconic Porsche 356 and other great classics are on display in the Porsche Museum. © Porsche AG Mercedes-Benz Museum. © Daimler AG

StuttCard which includes unlimited travel on all public transport and free entrance to museums and many leisure activities. Or book your accommodation through StuttgartMarketing and get free public transport tickets for your stay. Most of Stuttgart’s attractions are easy reached on the excellent public transport system. Another fun way of getting around is the new Hop-on hopoff panoramic tour service to Stuttgart’s attractions with audio guides in nine languages which starts in the middle of May.

Tourist Information i-Punkt Königstr. 1a (opposite main station) 70173 Stuttgart Mo-Fr: 9-20 Sa: 9-18 Su and bank holidays: 11-18

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Two historic places in one The twin-city of Villingen-Schwenningen in Germany’s state of Baden-Württemberg has not always been one town. In 1972, Villingen and Schwenningen united and morphed into one of the most exciting cities in the country. TEXT: MARILENA STRACKE | PHOTOS: WIRTSCHAFT & TOURISMUS VILLINGEN-SCHWENNINGEN Below: Narro and Morbili

Picturesque half-timbered houses, little streams and colourful gardens shape the cityscape ofVillingen-Schwenningen. Idyllic and vibrant are the most fitting words to describe the regional centre that is home to 81,000 people. Both city centres, Villingen and Schwenningen, still have their own distinguished flair and individual sightseeing spots to explore. Villingen, the modern Zähringer City and formerly part of Baden, promotes a very historic atmosphere. Several little fountains invite you to relax and indulge in the laid-

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back and harmonious city life thatVillingen has to offer. Tourism Marketing Assistant Jasmin Schmerbach says: “Villingen’s main sights are the church Unserer lieben Frau (Of our Lady) with its minster well, the almost completely intact city wall and the fortified towers and gates.” Villingen’s twin Schwenningen was once the world’s biggest clock-making town and originally part of Württemberg. Today it merges tradition with innovation, as many villas from the Wilhelmian era stand proudly next to modern buildings of every

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Discover Germany | Culture & Lifestyle | Holiday Highlights

Main image: Historic city centre Left, from top to bottom: The old town; Church of Our Lady; Bickentor Clock Tower

Located on the Eastern edge of the famous Black Forest, near the French and Swiss borders, Villingen-Schwenningen is the perfect starting point for exciting day trips. Guided tours to those locations are also available to book through the tourist office and come highly recommended. Nature fans will not only appreciate the proximity to the Black Forest and Lake Constance but can also explore the Schwenninger Moss. This is a nature conservation area that is around 4,000 years old. It goes without saying that the area aroundVillingen-Schwenningen is ideal for outdoor activities and sports. Hiking and cycling are not only popular activities amongst the tourists. History lurks around every corner, making Villingen-Schwenningen a must-see for history buffs. Dating back to 817, it should come as no surprise that many legends, myths and traditions have been kept alive such as the well-known Fasnet, which is celebrated on the Thursday before Ash Wednesday. This ancient tradition spreads across Southern Germany to Austria, Alsace and Switzerland. Villingen-Schwenningen happens to be one of the established Fasnet headquarters and hence it is an excellent place to experience it for the first time! kind. The river Neckar also has its origin in Schwenningen and visitors can take a look at the well in the park Möglingshöhe.“Our museums communicate culture, history and knowledge,” says Schmerbach.“VillingenSchwenningen has everything from the international aviation museum to the history of clock making. We offer a great variety of themed tours including tours for kids and school groups, as well as more adventuredriven ones.”

Schmerbach explains more: “During the Fifth Season, the Swabian Alemannic holiday of Fasnet, visitors can enjoy traditional rituals and flamboyant costumes with hand-carved masks throughout the city.”

But that is not the only highlight with a connection to history. “For those who want to experience something really special, the Zähringer Banquet should not be missed. Guests can look forward to a culinary spectacle that goes far beyond the average knights’dinner. The five-course banquet is traditionally served to honour Emperor Maximillian,”Schmerbach enthuses. But it is not just about the royal dishes, as guests can expect first-class medieval entertainment between courses too. Going back to our modern times, it should be mentioned that despite the city’s rich offerings of history, there are also all the modern shopping facilities one would desire. Two city centres literally means two shopping areas! Smaller boutiques as well as the more well-known stores give the city the same diversity it displays in all other areas. Exhibitions at the local art gallery and several theatre and concert series throughout the year fill the city’s cultural calendar, and ensure that there is something that matches everyone’s individual tastes. Villingen-Schwenningen is well prepared for visitors from all over the world and has a range of different accommodation to choose from. Hotels, holiday apartments and guest houses, as well as hostels, mean that everyone can find the right home away from home.The team at the tourist office are more than happy to help with the booking. All in all,Villingen-Schwenningen promises a lot of fun!

Schwenninger Moos

Along with guided tours, the tourist office also offers some fantastic holiday packages, which makes organising a trip that bit easier. The packages can be combined to make them into a tailor-made experience that, for example, focuses on culture, carnival, nature or local cuisine.

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Attraction of the Month Germany

From zero to 100 km/h in 1.6 seconds! Germany’s very first theme park Tripsdrill, located near Stuttgart, is proud to present a brand-new ride called Karacho, which is German for At Full Pelt – and it is a name that could not be more fitting. TEXT: MARILENA STRACKE | PHOTOS: TRIPSDRILL

Tripsdrill, a well-loved family business since 1929, is a 77-hectare adventure park that truly goes the extra mile. Not only does it have over a hundred thrilling attractions for all age groups, it also has a wildlife park and offers visitor accommodation in tree houses or shepherds’wagons for a fun family holiday close to nature. Fun is limitless Director of Tripsdrill, Helmut Fischer, says: “From roller coasters to water rides and calmer attractions that are especially created for younger kids, the fun here is limitless. The ticket also includes entry to our at-

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tached wildlife park, which is just a ten minute walk away from the main park and is home to around 40 different species of animals.” Without a doubt the most exciting ride at the moment is the new Karacho catapult roller coaster and Fischer reveals that the new ride does not fail to deliver a true rush of adrenaline. “The vehicles, lovingly decorated as high-tech old-timers, speed up from zero to 100 km/h in only 1.6 seconds and are catapulted 30 metres up into the air, just like a rocket launch,”he says excitedly. For fans of speed there are many more attractive rides such as the wooden roller coaster Mammut or the Doppelter

Donnerbalken, a two-tier drop tower. And for those who like to get wet, the Waschzu-

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Discover Germany | Attraction of the Month | Germany

ber rafting, the Joyride For Sailors or the Soapbox Race come highly recommended. “The trademark of Tripsdrill is, and always has been, its concept of Swabians anno 1880.The attractions are mainly prototypes, which are often developed especially for Tripsdrill and each follow a specific theme in great detail. This philosophy makes our park such a unique place,” Fischer explains. Tripsdrill is situated amongst forests and vineyards, in surroundings that gives it the character of an enchanted little world hidden away from the daily hustle and bustle. With its diversity of rides and attractions, this is the ideal place for a family trip. The Vinarium, for example, gives you an insight into the daily life of an old winery and even offers wine tasting for the adults. The Trillarium, on the other hand, shows what it was like to be a farmer around 1800. The heart of the park is still the Altweibermühle (Old Women’s Mill), the very first ride, which made Tripsdrill Germany’s first theme park in 1929. Legend has it that the mill would turn old women young again. But to find out whether that is true, visitors have to take a leap of faith and slide down the mill.“Our new GaudiViertel (Fun Quarter) is an indoor playground measuring 1,000sqm where kids can climb, slide, play with soft balls or ride the eight metre high tower Murmelturm,” says Fischer. Pure wildlife adventure The wildlife park, Wild Paradise, which began as a petting zoo in 1972, makes sure that animal lovers are not missing out either. Arctic and European wolves, bears,

lynxes, wildcats, foxes and a variety of birds of prey are just some of the highlights. With the animals in a natural environment, this place lends itself as a great opportunity to learn about the different species and their individual behaviour. During feeding times or flight demonstrations at the falconer's grandstand, visitors can ask questions and watch the animals up close. When stomachs start to rumble, visitors are well cared for. From breakfast to lunch and afternoon tea there is a culinary adventure on hand. Local cuisine offers traditional meals such as the famous egg noodles Spätzle and other specialities from Swabia. Fancy a night in a tree house or a shepherd’s wagon? To make the most of Tripsdrill, visitors can book a holiday in the Nature resort. Sleeping in a cosy two-storey tree house is a true adventure in itself and overnight guests receive reduced rates for the day passes. Be it high up in the trees or in the rustic shepherd’s wagon in the meadow, waking up in the tranquil nature resort and strolling over to the park for a day full of fun will turn into an unforgettable memory. Tripsdrill offers birthday parties for kids, pre-booked tours and themed packages for groups including a teambuilding programme, perfect for a day out with work colleagues. Asked about further news for 2014, Fischer hints: “Our visitors can definitely look forward to exciting things happening, they just have to find out for themselves!”

Main image, left: The brand-new Karacho roller coaster From top to bottom: Doppelter Donnerbalken two-tier drop tower Birds of prey live show The shepherds’ wagons are truly unique Sleep well in a shepherd’s wagon Bottom, right: Get soaked on Europe's highest water ride Bottom, left: Kids love the Gaudi Viertel fun quarter

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Discover Germany | Culture & Lifestyle | Golfpark Schloss Wilkendorf

The best of both worlds near Berlin - where pros and beginners alike are challenged Named after the adjoining Wilkendorf castle, the Golfpark Schloss Wilkendorf offers two exciting 18-hole courses in a striking setting just 35 minutes drive from Berlin. TEXT: TINA AWTANI | PHOTOS: GOLFPARK SCHLOSS WILKENDORF

While the regional territory of Brandenburg has a tendency to be rather flat, Golfpark Schloss Wilkendorf is nestled in an undulating area, making it a unique and attractive destination for lovers of sport and nature. Designed by Scottish golf icon Sandy Lyle, MBE, the championship course leaves the discerning golfer no room for desire. With a length of 7,100 yards and wide fairways it is perfect for long-hitters, although deep bunkers add quite a challenge along the way. In 2010, the Sandy Lyle championship course was voted in the top 6 German golf courses and it is ranked within the top 100 of Europe’s courses. But it is not only professional golfers who are attracted to Golfpark Schloss Wilkendorf; Scotsman Ross McMurray designed the Westside public golf course, which is open to the public on

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weekdays and no handicap is required for admission. It is the only public course of this kind in the greater Berlin area and ideal for those who have just started to develop a passion for golf. Head Pro Tino Bringmann puts it in a nutshell: “The Sandy Lyle course is designed to meet the highest demands and it is quite a challenge, even for advanced golfers. The Westside course is not easy, but due to its wider and more levelled fairways, is perfectly suited for beginners.“ Both courses are kept in shape by Scottish head greenkeeper Gordon Smith and, given the many Scotsmen involved, the club restaurant is named Zum wilden Schotten. A delicious menu offers great food throughout the week and on weekends. 2014 is an exciting year for Golfpark Schloss Wilkendorf as it is now a member of the

Main image, left: Westside public golf course Above: Club restaurant Zum wilden Schotten

Leading Golf Courses Germany association, which safeguards high quality golf and value standards. More good news for 2014 includes the extension of the premises into a Golf & Spa Resort. Several holiday cottages are already under construction and a Hotel Garni with a spa area as well as a mini-golf adventure park will follow shortly. “With this new development, we are attracting international guests as well as regional and national holiday visitors alike. This is a very exciting project for us,” club manager Jaroslav Belsky enthuses. Bottom: Sandy Lyle championship course

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Discover Germany | Culture & Lifestyle

Main image, left: Niederhorn cable car Above: Alpine ibex enjoying the view

Beat the blues in Beatenberg Escape the hustle and bustle of the city and recharge your batteries in Beatenberg. The longest village in Europe attracts peace-searching and adventurous holidaymakers alike with a wide range of activities throughout all the four seasons. TEXT: SONJA IRANI | PHOTOS: BEATENBERG TOURISMUS

Located in the heart of Switzerland, Beatenberg benefits from a fascinating ringside view of the Bernese Alps with the mountains Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau taking centre stage. Three parts of the so-called longest village in Europe are spread out along the 7km village street, with the fourth down by Lake Thun. Despite the close proximity to the famous tourist destination of Interlaken, the 1,200 inhabitants of Beatenberg have preserved their hometown’s country charm. “Beatenberg is a place to relax and let go of

everyday stress while enjoying beautiful nature,” says Thomas Tschopp, CEO of Beatenberg Tourismus. Thanks to its windsheltered position, the village profits from a mild climate and generous hours of sunshine all year long. “A trip to our home mountain, Niederhorn, is always a great experience – from guided wildlife watching to an action-packed descent with a Trottibike.” The “wonderful four seasons region”, as Tschopp calls it, offers a varied programme for guests. Known as a family-friendly ski

region in the winter, Beatenberg is transformed into a stunning sea of flowers in spring. Summer sees the awakening of a huge network of hiking routes featuring thematic trails, and several playground and barbecue areas. If you are up for something different, cute llamas and charming guides are waiting to take you on a hike to remember. Late summer and autumn is the best time to observe all the typical Swiss countryside traditions, from cow parades to yodelling, Alpine horn blowing and dancing. Swiss cheese-making can be discovered on guided visits to an alpine dairy. Those interested in military history will enjoy a visit to the Waldbrand fortress while natural medicine enthusiasts can learn about the power of traditional healing plants on a guided adventure trail. Now all you have to do is choose from one of Beatenberg’s 1,700 guest beds. Among traditional guest houses, family hotels, 4star resorts and a campsite, there is something for everyone. www. Left: Eiger Monch Jungfrau one of the emblematic sights of the Swiss Alps

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Discover Germany | Special Theme | Golf Paradise Switzerland

Special Theme

Golf Paradise Switzerland

Switzerland: not a golfing destination? Come, discover, play and be amazed! Switzerland is a country whose scenery, language, culture, altitude and climate differ vastly over short distances. These distinctions express themselves equally in the design and character of Swiss golf courses, and the broad choice will delight golfers, from dramatic high-altitude courses in the Alps to the serene southern layouts, where palm trees abound. TEXT & PHOTOS: GOLFSUISSE

Switzerland has 96 golf courses. Most are members clubs, but guests are usually welcome to play, even on weekends. With more than 20 golf courses, from St. Moritz to Crans-Montana,Verbier to Davos, the experience of Alpine golf is unforgettable, and with altitude improving driving distances, it is a welcome surprise. The experience continues off the course too as Swiss clubhouses are often charming mountain chalets where trying a local cheese speciality is a must! Crans-sur-

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Sierre is Switzerland’s most famous mountain course and thanks to its incredible views over the Alps, it is considered the most spectacular annual stop on the European Tour calendar. Thanks to Switzerland’s small size, attractions and golf courses are all within easy reach. The popular Jungfrau Region brings the spectacular white peaks into view as you play the easy-walk golf course in Interlaken, while many tranquil parkland courses are dotted around beautiful Lake

Geneva with its iconic towns. Nearby the delightful Lucerne lies the largest golf resort in Switzerland, Golf Sempachersee with its two 18 holes courses, and one of Switzerland’s oldest courses at Golf Lucerne is there to be enjoyed. In the eastern region of Zurich, Bodensee, St. Gallen, and all the way down to Chur, golfers have the choice between more than 30 superb golf courses. But a Swiss adventure isn’t complete without discovering the southern province of Ticino. This Italian-speaking canton offers three magnificent courses with Mediterranean flair and plenty of sunshine. Please visit the Swiss Golf Association where information on every course is available. We cordially invite you to explore Switzerland and all its treasures during your next golfing trip!

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Special Theme | Golf Paradise Switzerland

Left: Water hazard at the 7th green

tality to members and visitors from all backgrounds and affiliations. “GC Schloss Goldenberg truly offers an unspoilt golf experience,” states the management. For almost 17 years, the club and its members have welcomed countless golfers from the region but also those who hail from neighbouring countries, as well as further afield. While GC Schloss Goldenberg is open to the public, there are a variety of membership opportunities available. One feature that makes the course even more attractive is that it is a truly affordable golf experience. In fact, the course offers a perk and personal triumph for everyone.

Schloss Goldenberg – a golfer’s paradise just outside Zurich Pack your golfing gear and off you go! The scenic landscape, excellent playability and perfectly trimmed golf course make GC Schloss Goldenberg an absolute highlight for expert golfers and novices alike.

Lastly, Schloss Goldenberg’s restaurant spoils its guests with fast, fresh and regional dishes. Culinary highlights include the Flaacher asparagus in May, and crisp wines or tender venison in autumn. The restaurant is open daily; guests may call ahead.

Below: Club house and castle


The level of comfort, classical ambiance, and Swiss hospitality stuns members and visitors every time they set foot on Schloss Goldenberg’s golf course. Hilly fairways, natural obstacles, and generous greens make the course a true test for any skill level and handicap. “We want people to feel like they have room to roam so they can experience golfing differently,”says club manager Andreas Spenger. Schloss Goldenberg, the castle that gives the wine region and the golf course its name, is located in the Zurich Wineland, only 30 minutes north of the bustling me-

tropolis of Zurich.The course itself, 5,694m wide and featuring 18 holes, is dry and carefully maintained throughout all the seasons. Courses for beginners to professional levels are available, and the GC Schloss Goldenberg regularly hosts national championships and other social events. The valley that unfolds in front of player’s eyes is characterised by its natural beauty and Swiss Alpine country charm. The mellow and peaceful locale of the golf course corresponds with an open-minded policy in all respects: the club extends its hospi-

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Seminars and conventions with a romantic backdrop “The city, just so, with the totality of its ambiance is, one might say, something ideal,” wrote Johann Wolfgang von Goethe over 200 years ago in the pages of his diary. TEXT & PHOTOS: HEIDELBERG MARKETING GMBH | TRANSLATION: EMMIE COLLINGE

Holding meetings in Heidelberg is becoming more and more attractive – whether it’s in the historic Convention Centre, the futuristic Print Media Academy or in the industrial ambiance of Halle 02. With the Heidelberg triad of the river, old town and castle ruins providing a spectacular backdrop, convening in Heidelberg is a great decision. Millions of people from across the

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globe descend on the city year after year for this very purpose, and this unique blend of romance, science, culture and internationalism attracts both city breakers and business travellers to the city on the Neckar river. Nestled romantically in the idyllic Neckar valley, Heidelberg is known all over the

world for its illustrious castle, international flair and the pulsating old town. With 1.2 million overnight stays in the city’s 6,500 available guest beds, Heidelberg has cemented its position as one of Germany’s top tourist destinations. With a university that dates back over 600 years, several renowned science and technology institutes, international firms and businesses, as well as

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Discover Germany | Business | Heidelberg Marketing

of industry, it is science which is the city’s focal point. Considered the stronghold of life sciences, Heidelberg’s university, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, the German Cancer Research Centre and the Max-Planck Institute are ranked amongst the best research facilities on Earth. The city and science have long been intertwined with each other and the symbiosis began 200 years after the founding of the city with the creation of Germany’s oldest university Ruperto Carola in 1386. Today, this university is one of the eleven Excellence Universities in Germany and is at the pinnacle of academic excellence internationally. There are more than 30,000 students studying at the Ruperto Carola on one of its 170 courses, while 5,000 academics conduct research and teach. Ten Nobel Prize winners have spent time researching at the university in Heidelberg, and some are still present, such as Prof. Dr. Harald zur Hausen, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008.

Main image, left: Convene in front of a romantic backdrop – the Old Bridge and Heidelberg Castle. Photo: Andrew Cowin Right, from top to bottom: After an exhausting day of meetings, kick back in the romantic atmosphere of the city’s old town.

Mike de Vries, the manager of Heidelberg Marketing GmbH explains how Heidelberg has evolved into such a popular convention city: “Heidelberg is different to other convention cities – meetings here take place in the heart of the city in front of an outstandingly romantic backdrop on the banks of the Neckar river, and in unbeatable proximity to countless high calibre science institutions.”

tourists from China to Chile, the city’s internationalism is unprecedented for a city of this size.

At the helm of the Business-Service at Heidelberg Marketing is Nina Rentsch who says:“Whether you’re after a historic, stylish, elegant, futuristic or even unusual location – Heidelberg has some great locations all with their own unique concepts.” Rentsch acts as the main point of contact for all the conventions and seminars which are organised in the city. It’s her responsibility to not only find the ideal location, but also to put together a fitting programme.

Science City

Locations for any size

While the city is popular for conventions, seminars and events from all areas

For small to medium-sized congresses there is a wide choice of locations available, from the Heidelberg Convention Centre, a

The castle towers majestically over the roofs of the old town. Photo: Andrew Cowin Convene in a futuristic ambiance at the Print Media Academy in Heidelberg. Photo: Alan Caplar

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Discover Germany | Business | Heidelberg Marketing

building steeped in tradition, to the world famous castle. Alternatively, there is the futuristic ‘Think Tank’ of the Print Media Academy or the industrial-era Halle 02, housed in the former freight depot. The Heidelberg Convention Centre is the flagship of Heidelberg’s congress locations, offering 13 event spaces over 2,500 sqm. Rich in history, it opened in 1903 on the occasion of the 100 year anniversary of the university reforms as a focal point for citizens to gather and celebrate. “With turn-of-thecentury and art nouveau architecture, the building is a stylish space to host seminars, congresses, balls and concerts for anywhere between 10 and 1,250 guests. On-site caterers provide international specialities and high quality local cuisine,” explains Nina Rentsch. While the location’s showpiece is unquestionably the Grand Hall with its extensive gallery, the smaller rooms are also

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charming, such as the Ballroom, or the Chamber Music room. Thanks to its position on the river bank in Heidelberg’s old town, countless hotels, restaurants and attractions like the Old Bridge and the Castle are within easy reach. Heidelberg: Once the congress is over Almost every sight worth seeing in Heidelberg is within walking distance of the city’s congress locations. The castle, high above the old town, is literally the cherry on the cake. For almost 500 years, it was the residence of the Elector Palatine, and even though it has been in ruins for more 300 years, this does not detract from its appeal. Lying below the castle is the old town with its picturesque market squares, churches and museums. While bistros, cafes and exclusive boutiques adorn the main street like a pearl necklace, the

same applies to the city’s hotels and catering – from gourmet restaurants to five star hotels. The choice of evening entertainment lies in the hands of the congress visitors. The cultural repertoire of the city is as lively and multifaceted as its visitors, a true polyglot of a small city. Heidelberg also boasts a historic theatre, renovated in 2012, with a wide repertoire of productions, and there are many smaller theatres too. Annual highlights include the Schlossfestspiele, a theatre festival in the castle’s grounds, and the world famous Heidelberg Schlossbeleuchtung, the castle is festooned with a spectacular light display and fireworks. This summer-long event attracts thousands of visitors. Few other cities offer such magical evening entertainment on every evening throughout June, July and September. Ben-

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Discover Germany | Business | Heidelberg Marketing

Left, main image: The Convention Centre has space for up to 1,250 people, and extra space can be created by adding boats. Below: The flagship of convention locations: the historic Heidelberg Convention Centre. The showpiece of the Convention Centre is the Grand Hall. Whether it is for 300 or 1,600 people, every event requires own unique catering. Photo: Anna Lischetzki

services – from draft to design, logistics to transfers and hotel allocation, right through to the organisation of a supporting programme. With all strands running alongside each other at Heidelberg Marketing, things run smoothly, and the marketing department organises congresses in cooperation with more than 20 partner companies. The majority of these are large hotels, but they also work with communication departments of major businesses, the university’s event management and other further education institutions. Moreover, the city is actively linked with a network of congress and seminar partners, including amongst others the German Convention Bureau (GCB), the European Association of Event Centres (EVVC) and the Historic Conference Centers of Europe (HCCE).

gal fire bathes the castle in a mysterious, red fiery glow, and as the sparkles slowly fade, the second part of the spectacle can begin: stunning fireworks over the river.

A further plus point with Heidelberg is its convenient location. As one of the three regional centres of the Metropolitan region of Rhine-Neckar, and as Germany‘s seventh biggest megalopolis, Heidelberg is easily reached from all directions: a widespread motorway network runs alongside the city; the central location of the main train station; and Mannheim, one of Germany’s most important ICEhubs, within 15 minutes drive away. You can find daily flights departing from Mannheim to and from Berlin with Rhein-Neckar-Air, and Frankfurt Airport, one of the world’s largest, is just an hour’s drive away.

An all-encompassing service The team at Heidelberg Marketing GmbH offer the whole spectrum of conference

Right, from top to bottom: A popular addition to any programme is a themed tour of the town. Here: In the footsteps of Mark Twain. International flair: visitors and 30,000 students from across the globe define the atmosphere in Heidelberg. Photo: Rothe Switch off after a tiring day at a convention. The sidestreets are filled with cafes, bistros and restaurants.

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Kap Europa Messe Frankfurt’s new state-of-the-art convention centre With this new venue, Messe Frankfurt is expanding its range of locations for congresses, conferences and events. Featuring striking architecture, the latest and most sophisticated technical equipment and a highly flexible layout, the Kap Europa is Germany’s first sustainable congress centre which has been awarded a DGNB gold pre-certificate. TEXT: TINA AWTANI | PHOTOS: KAP EUROPA

Innovation and sustainability were the key development criteria for the brand new, future-orientated convention centre in the heart of the metropolis on the Main River. Highly flexible event space solutions spread over five levels ensure that all kinds of conferences can be perfectly accommodated. With its striking angular design, it ascends 33 metres into the sky and offers 7,700 sqm of event space including 14 adjustable con-

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ference rooms such as the Horizont hall, where 1,000 visitors can be accommodated or the Meridian hall, which offers space for 600 guests. The impressive foyers alone measure 4,200 sqm and are flooded with daylight thanks to the remarkable architecture. On the equipment side, the Kap Europa leaves no room for desire either. High-

speed fibre-optic cabling and WLAN offer the latest in IT standards. Logistics have been carefully planned too, i.e. a freight elevator ensures the smooth transport of heavy goods to the upper levels. But ingenious planning didn’t stop here. As the congress culture is constantly evolving, the fun factor played an important role within this pioneering project. Nowadays, enjoyment is a priority for visitors during events

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Discover Germany | Business | Kap Europa Left, main image: Kap Europa - representing innovative congress culture Below, top: Expandable and dividable conference rooms Below, middle: Light-flooded contemporary architecture

Europa is a highly attractive option for event operators looking for a location that features a large plenum, but also many smaller rooms. The building’s concept is based on innovative congress culture. A congress shall be fun and feel light, airy and comfortable. Furthermore, the Kap Europa project is focused on sustainability. And that does not only apply to the building, but also to catering and service inside,” Claudia Delius-Fisher, Director of Congress Frankfurt at Messe Frankfurt explains. Location, location, location Another aspect that particularly appeals to future event organisers and visitors is the unbeatable location of the Kap Europa. It simply couldn’t be more convenient as Delius-Fisher points out: “One end of the Kap Europa is located right beside the Messe Frankfurt exhibition grounds, where further event locations are available. The other edge connects directly to the new Europaviertel (Europe quarter). With the neighbouring underground station, hotels and the Skyline Plaza shopping centre as well as the central station all just a short away, all the prerequisites for an ideal central location are fulfilled.” Sustainability for the future

and they want to feel comfortable while networking. They also expect immaculate service and first class catering. “The Kap

The DGNB gold pre-certificate sets new standards in conference centre development. This revolutionary, forward-thinking procedure was developed on the initiative of Messe Frankfurt together with other industry representatives and ensures that a building is erected with genuine thought and awareness for the generations to come. “We are very proud to have been awarded the German Sustainable Building Council’s Gold Certificate. This seal of approval evaluates the entire life cycle of a building in terms of ecologic, economic, cultural and urban planning standards and a pre-certificate has already been awarded to us,” Delius-Fisher says enthusiastically. While factors such as construction and materials, concrete core, acoustic comfort, facades, window and many others are taken into consideration, there is one particular feature that stands out: The 1,000 sqm green

roof improves the CO2 balance of the building. The countdown is running The finishing touches are currently being applied as this article is written and shortly the Kap Europa convention centre will be officially inaugurated. Frankfurt’s high society is eagerly awaiting the grand opening, which is scheduled for the end of May and many illustrious personalities will be gracing the guest list including government representatives, Frankfurt city officials, industry leaders and potential clients. Although the doors haven’t yet been officially opened, the Kap Europa team is already looking forward to an impressive array of events taking place this summer. Not all events are displayed on the website as some organisers prefer to remain discreet, but the list is already quite an impressive read. With the mPOS World 2014 - Conference & Exhibition, EXCHAiNGE - The Supply Chainers‘ Convention, the funds excellence 2014 best asset management convention, the Rheingau Musik Festival featuring artist Maceo Parker and the 24th German Skin Cancer Congress 2014, the type of events already scheduled couldn’t be more diverse. Regardless of scale or type – the Kap Europa is the perfect place for events such as congresses, meetings, incentives, cultural events, functions and more.

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Discover Germany | Business | Solicitor Column


George Osborne, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, delivered his 2014 Budget the other day. If your reality checked experience is, like mine, that taxes invariably go up, rather than down, you might be forgiven for wondering why I am bothering to tell you about this. But don’t stop reading quite

yet – there are some snippets of positive news in there, even if much of the changes amount to giving with one hand and taking with the other; and they go beyond a cut in duties on bingo and beer, which hardworking people like you and me apparently enjoy. If, contrary to the government’s expectations, these issues are not foremost on your mind, you may be more interested to learn that there are a number of other initiatives relating to pensions, taxation and savings. Here are some of the key points: •

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Personal tax allowance: no income tax will be payable on the first £10,000 of income from April 2014, rising to £10,500 from April 2015.

Married couples tax allowance: the transferrable tax allowance for married couples will rise to £1,050 but only where neither party is taxed above the basic rate.

Income tax threshold: while the main rates of income tax remain unchanged, the higher rate tax threshold will rise from £41,150 to £41,865 in April 2014, and rise again to £42,285 in April 2015. The basic rate band reduces from £31,865 in April 2014 and then to £31,785 from April 2015.

Annuities: from April 2015, there will no longer be a requirement to buy an annuity on retirement. Instead, people will be free to use their pension fund lump sum as they see fit. However, by not purchasing an annuity, pensioners may find themselves paying income tax if they choose to take the lump sum.

Pension tax: the first 25 per cent of the pension lump sum will remain tax free and the tax on the remainder will be reduced from presently 55 per cent to the marginal tax rate.

Tax on savings income: the 10p starting rate of tax on income from savings will be reduced to zero and the band extended to £5,000.

Tax free savings: ISAs will become NISAs and there will no longer be a separation between cash and share ISAs as they will be merged into a new annual ISA. The annual investment limit will rise to £15,000 from July 2014.

Stamp duty: the 15 per cent stamp duty on homes owned through a company will be extended to cover homes work £500,000 or more (currently the rate only applies to homes valued at £2 million or more). Capital gains tax charges will likewise be extended.

Was it worth waiting for? Well, quite a bit of tinkering without any real substance but the changes on savings and pensions are important and welcome. The UK annuities industry has certainly taken note.

Gregor Kleinknecht LLM MCIArb is a German Rechtsanwalt and English solicitor, and a partner at Hunters Solicitors, a leading law firm in Lincoln’s Inn. Hunters Solicitors, 9 New Square, Lincoln’s Inn, London WC2A 3QN, E-mail:

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Conference of the Month | Germany

Conference of the Month Germany

Sleek designs à la Bauhaus in the heart of Berlin As the name suggests, the three-star superior hotel Ku’Damm 101 is located on Berlin’s famous avenue Kurfürstendamm. This supreme location combined with a welcoming service, simplistic designs and excellent conference facilities make this the number one address for guests on business or leisure trips. TEXT: MARILENA STRACKE | PHOTOS: HOTEL KU’DAMM 101

The design of the Ku’Damm 101 is its most striking feature and the backbone of the hotel’s concept. Hotel manager Christoph Nuppenau explains: “The design centres on functionality and purism in combination with soft colours and creative details. Purism is also part of our name, Ku’Damm 101, which goes back to the nickname that Berliners gave their beloved street Kurfürstendamm.” Guests can look forward to clever simplicity, inspired by the French Bauhaus visionary Le Corbusier. The Ku’Damm 101 is Germany’s only hotel to base its design on Le Corbusier’s principles. Avoiding any curlicues or superfluous décor, the hotel instead focuses on warm light and clear lines and the accent lighting in its public spaces changes with the seasons. The furniture, created by young designers, is very versatile, allowing guests the luxury of arranging it individually to match their tastes.

The 170 rooms are also well suited to allergy sufferers as natural rubber is used instead of carpets.

and easily reached from the motorway, train stations or Tegel airport. After a day of meetings or exploring Berlin, guests can relax in the aroma steam bath or on the thermo loungers in the wellness area. A daily highlight is the breakfast, served on the seventh floor overlooking the West of Berlin. In keeping with the hotel’s philosophy, the buffet is light and sometimes includes the first Ku’Dammproduced honey from the hotel’s very own beehive on the roof. A truly unique feature!

For events, workshops or seminars, clients can choose between the large 95 sqm conference room, another four bright conference rooms and a range of smaller meeting rooms, which have their own bathroom and wardrobe. The optional Green Conference package provides organic regional products on demand. Big glass fronts, individually setup event technology, Wi-Fi and air conditioning ensure events run smoothly and successfully and Nuppenau adds: “The lobby’s open room called Landscape is connected to the garden and ideal for hosting receptions.” The location on the vibrant Kurfürstendamm with its many shops and restaurants is also very accessible. It is only two kilometres away from Berlin’s trade fair area

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Conference of the Month Switzerland

Hotel Belvoir Inspiring you high above Lake Zurich Seminars and conferences are an investment in the future and the right location can be essential to the outcome for both host and participants. Meetings at the four-star superior Hotel Belvoir and its unique atmosphere allow you to enjoy the highest quality of service, stunning panoramic views over Lake Zurich, gorgeous food and luxurious wellness. TEXT: CORDELIA MAKARTSEV | PHOTOS: HOTEL BELVOIR

As far back as the 18th century, a clever businessman spotted the extraordinary beauty and potential of the site on the left shore of Lake Zurich. Taking advantage of its fantastic panoramic view, he built the “Lusthaus Belvoir�, a restaurant and venue for private celebrations, receptions and sumptuous festivities. Since then, the location has become known for its warm hospitality and special flair. Meet in a unique atmosphere In 2008, the traditional establishment was sold to a local couple, who were already in possession of a successful conference and

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business hotel.The new owners completely reconstructed the building to make the most of its spectacular location. The archi-

tectural concept is based on the deliberate orientation of all the rooms towards the lake, ensuring uninterrupted views, as well

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Discover Germany | Conference of the Month | Switzerland

and highly professional arrangements. The eight air-conditioned conference rooms enjoy state of the art technical equipment and high speed communication access. They accommodate anywhere from six to 280 people. But the real strength of the Hotel Belvoir lies in the all-encompassing service. “We are a four-star hotel but we deliver a five-star service,” says Martin von Moos. “Every customer receives a personal consultant who makes sure that the meeting runs smoothly. We accompany our customers from start to finish. Because our hotel does not belong to a big chain we are able to deliver a very personal service.” Hotel Belvoir offers various conference packages which include room rental, welcome coffee and coffee breaks, mineral water and fruit baskets, all the necessary technical equipment and a 3-course business lunch. Relax after work

as providing a great panoramic vista upon arrival in the ground floor lobby.“We optimized the concept,”remembers Martin von Moos, Managing Director of the Hotel Belvoir.“We increased the number of rooms from 26 to 60 and added conference and function rooms. Now, 56 of the 60 rooms have a direct lake view.”Flooded with light, the rooms captivate guests with their elegant design and warm colours. Boasting balconies and terraces, they act as the perfect place for your after-work sun downer above the lake. In addition, the whole hotel is accessible to wheelchair users and there are two specially equipped guestrooms for physically disabled people.

After long working hours, pamper yourself with a well-deserved visit to the Hotel Belvoir’s wellness, gym and beauty area. A sauna, steam bath, Kneipp-parcours, ice fountain and a quiet relaxation room wait for the guests to unwind. Pure pleasure from top to toe is provided by the Flosaldrom Bath where you can float weightlessly in warm salt water. Another highlight is the hot tub on the roof terrace. Sit back, relax in the warm water and enjoy the canopy of stars! Massages and an extensive list of beauty treatments are available to complement the spa experience. Guests who need to burn off energy can try the state-of-the-art endurance and training equipment in the gym which can be booked for yoga or pilates sessions as well.

Outdoor lovers will be keen to borrow one of the hotel’s E-bikes free of charge and explore the beautiful surroundings of Lake Zurich. The cuisine at hotel Belvoir is not only popular with the hotel guests, many locals regularly dine on the hotel’s panoramic terrace. Whether you prefer a steak from the open charcoal grill at the barbecue restaurant or fine dining at the á la carte restaurant, you can be sure you will be served mouthwatering regional delicacies made from fresh local ingredients. After dinner, chill in the cosy Belbar or treat your seminar guests to a fun teambuilding event at the hotel’s modern bowling alley with three electronically operated lanes. Travellers‘ Choice Award 2014 on Tripadvisor Many enthusiastic comments on Tripadvisor testify to the exceptional ambience of the Hotel Belvoir.This year, the hotel made it onto the list of the Travellers’ Choice Award for small hotels in Switzerland. Not only an excellent business hotel, the Belvoir with its stunning views and outstanding service philosophy is the perfect location for weddings or private occasions too. For weekend breakers, the Belvoir City packages are very popular and perfect for exploring Switzerland’s secret capital Zurich. A bus service from directly in front of the hotel takes you to Zurich city centre in 20 minutes, leaving you free to discover this glittering metropolis and shop until your heart is content.

Just 30 minutes from Zurich airport, the Hotel Belvoir is an ideal conference venue, providing both long-lasting impressions

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Relocating to the UK? Don’t underestimate the power of small words We have all heard amusing tales of misunderstandings between foreigners and natives, especially in Middle Eastern and Asian countries. To avoid an embarrassing faux pas, we try to make an effort to understand the cultural differences and most expatriates attend an intercultural workshop or read up on this subject thoroughly before relocating to more exotic destinations. TEXT: SONU CHRISTIANSEN

One would assume that moving from Germany to the UK would not hold too many surprises or opportunities for too many interpersonal blunders. You drive on the

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left, pay for a round of drinks at the pub and form an orderly queue and hey presto, you are fully integrated into the British way of life!

Not quite. The nuances of language can be tricky to fully understand and interpret. While English may seem easy to learn especially when compared to German with

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Discover Germany | Feature | The Power of Small Words

When relocation companies offer intercultural training, we start with lots of background information, including historical influences on British society and the resulting influence on the language and mannerisms. However, for this short article I will just list a few basic hints that might go a long way to helping a newcomer understand and interact more effectively in English. Please do take this with a pinch of salt; we are not English academics or anthropologists, but we have had the fortune of years of observation and interaction with an international clientele. Sorry Probably the most important word to know and one that certainly covers a lot of ground! The dictionary defines it as ‘feeling or expressing pity, sympathy, remorse, grief, or regret: pitiful, wretched, or deplorable; poor; paltry; affected by sorrow; sad’. But in daily life, it is used just as often to apologise for something that could have but has not yet happened, most commonly for almost bumping into someone while walking or almost obstructing someone. Use this word generously, especially with complete strangers!

inconvenience you at your job), but could (if you don’t mind) I have the bill please (remember your Ps and Qs) .Thanks so much (for listening to my request).’ Finally, use lots of relative qualifiers such as I think, you might, perhaps, if you don’t mind...These are words that do not express doubt or indecision but actually strengthen a statement without taking responsibility. If your child’s English teacher tells you ‘I think it may be a good idea if perhaps you were to consider tuition,’ it means that your child will fail if you do not act immediately. Of course, we all have learnt how to speak with good manners. But the point is to use these words profusely. No moderation rules apply; the more please, sorry and thank yous that you can throw in is what makes English unique and charming. Use them abundantly and in return you will be told how good your English is.

Please and thank you Mind your Ps and Qs is what we were constantly told as children. In short, say ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’. Being overly polite will deter from any other short comings in your actions or speech. This is the reason that I still recommend my very courteous plumber (who spent 5 days at my house on a small tiling project and caused a major leak) as being a very nice man to have around. Getting to the point all its genders and complex verb conjugations - British English is full of understatements and qualifiers, and business English can be very formal and stylised even though instructions and letters can sound quite relaxed to a non-native speaker. To avoid misunderstandings it is just as important to express yourself correctly in a language as it is to adapting to customs in more exotic countries.

Use could, would and may. None of us like being told what to do; direct orders will be frowned upon and some resistance may be felt. If instructions are expressed using this conditional mode it conveys not only politeness but also a degree of personal choice and flexibility. At a restaurant you might get the bill faster if you were to say ‘Could I have the bill’rather than ‘bill, please’ and if you were to use all the above, ‘Sorry (to

Sonu Christiansen runs the London office of Cheryl Koenig Relocation Services Group (CKRS), one of the leading relocation service providers in Germany. Their London office offers tailor-made and bespoke destination services for delegates and their families relocating to the UK.

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Discover Germany | Special Theme | Made in Germany

Special Theme

Made in Germany

Made in Germany

– how to turn a stigma into a success story It was meant to be a stigma. When British authorities decided in the 19th century that all products emerging from Germany must be labelled as “Made in Germany”, it was an attempt to warn British consumers against what they considered inferior quality. TEXT & PHOTO: ASSOCIATION OF GERMAN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (DIHK)

German producers took up the challenge and transformed this shameful label into a competitive advantage. Over the last few decades “Made in Germany” has become a brand on its own – and a very successful one too. “Country-of-origin-effect” is the term marketing experts use if the image of the country of production affects the perceived quality of a product or service. “Made in Germany” ended up having one of the strongest effects, standing for high quality, innovative technology, reliability, security and efficiency, pretty much right across the globe.“Many companies use this effect to boost the image of their products, for example by selling their products under German brand names instead of locally adapted ones or even by using German slogans in their adverting campaigns abroad, like Volkwagen’s ‘Vorsprung durch Technik’,” reports Volker Treier, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of DIHK. “Pricey” is another characteristic that is typically associated with “ Made in Germany”. Yet, for consumer goods this is not necessarily a drawback: “The growing middle class in emerging countries like Brazil, China and Russia buy German brands exactly because of this – to show that they can afford the premium quality at high prices.“

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Treier summarises the feedback from the German Chambers Abroad (AHK) in these countries. However, German producers of machinery, technology and industrial goods have to once again be creative to justify the high prices of their products – the competitors are catching up when it comes to quality and clients are becoming more demanding, especially with regards to the services accompanying the products. Maintenance and troubleshooting has to be immediate and efficient – “German”, as foreign clients perceive it. Thus, German companies have to ensure that their local staff abroad deliver the expected quality – and are increasingly doing so by replicating the model of the German vocational system abroad. “The combination of practical training on the job and classes at specialised schools has been around for decades in Germany and is tailor-made for the needs of

companies.” Treier praises the system supervised by the German Chambers of Commerce and Industry, “Its initial success abroad confirms that concepts made in Germany are still top of the range”.

Volker Treier, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of DIHK

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Finest German honey

Honey specialities and spiced honey from Michael Bauer’s Altländer honey farm in Jork near Hamburg. Our honey company is famous for creating the most delicious jars of honey, such as the Altländer ObstblĂźte (fruit blossom) and rape honey. Perfect for the summer are our spicy summer honeys: lime tree honey, fennel honey, cornflower honey, forest honey and heather honey, while our year-round house specialities include flavoured honey featuring lemon, orange and cinnamon, espresso, vanilla, marzipan, rose oil, chilli and our cocoa and mint fusion honey. To guarantee high quality we only use natural ingredients, nothing else. And why not try our scrumptious bitter orange jam made with natural bitter oranges from Mallorca? There's no gelling agent, no additives, just our great honey and the fruit - taste the difference!

- as sweet as it gets! Altländer honey

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Discover Germany | Special Theme | Made in Germany

Uniqueness taken to a new level Sportswear, 100 per cent Made in Germany A unique idea, hailing from in a unique environment and made with unique dedication: Kaipara Merino Sportswear, born in New Zealand – made in Germany, is out to care for the explorers of nature’s best treasures. TEXT: LEONIE PUSCHER | PHOTOS: KAIPARA

When taking a look at the tags of your pricey branded outdoor jacket, you will most likely find the same origin as most down-market high street brands. Now, as an outdoor person who likes being well prepared for a variety of activities, fair trade, high quality sportswear made in Germany, bought without any middlemen distribution, might sound too good to be true. When travelling in New Zealand, Kaipara’s founder Frank Selter grew to love the uniqueness of Merino wool, which he now imports from high standard sources to create the perfect sportswear in Gold Quality. Moving away from the wholesale fashion industry, the hiker and traveller wanted to

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create a product that exceeds ethical standards and international production values. Kaipara Merino Sportswear is exclusively made in Southern Germany. From the selfinnovated designs, via a tailoress in the glacial Allgäu region, to local dressmakers stitching the logo – this unique brand is predicted to be the love affair for everyone who loves the outdoors and shares the founder’s principle of ethical clothing. The material used in producing this high quality sportswear was already highly

thought of as far back as the Middle Ages. Funnily enough, two of the characteristics of the Merino sheep breed are very fitting; they are said to be excellent foragers as well as very adaptable.The adaptability aspect is found in the clothes of merino wool as well as in the breed itself. It is an excellent fabric that helps to regulate your body temperature. Because of its smaller fibres, these high performance clothes are lightweight, contain smell-neutralizing properties and cope extremely well with moisture. Whether you’re sitting comfortably on an airplane while your on-board neighbour is shivering from the air conditioning, or you’re hiking up a trail wearing a Kaipara product, you’re in for a win-win with this product, which you can buy directly from its makers.

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Special Theme | Made in Germany

Left: AURÉOLE DORÉE Bottom: FÜERSTENBERG production. The majority of the porcelain manufactured is still handcrafted. Bottom, right: Fürstenberg Castle

many,” states Stephanie Saalfeld, Managing Director.

FÜRSTENBERG Finest precision for stunning porcelain The White Gold from the Weser, as FÜRSTENBERG’s china is referred to, is unique in terms of artisan craftsmanship, quality and exclusive design. The traditional porcelain manufacturing company is one of the strongest and most pronounced brands in Germany, and continues to set new standards with its premium collections. TEXT: ELISABETH DOEHNE | PHOTOS: PRESS IMAGES

FÜRSTENBERG’s porcelain masters have perfected their unique products, incorporating passion, creativity, precision and inspiration. The manufacturing company, founded in 1747 by Duke Carl I von Braunschweig in Lower Saxony, and its exclusive collections have dazzled aristocrats and elites, restaurant and hotel guests, as well as lovers of the finest porcelain for more than 260 years.

Located in the beautiful Fürstenberg Castle, the company has its own museum, a factory sale and a charming café too.The history of Germany’s second oldest porcelain manufacturer is populated by a succession of renowned porcelain painters, modellers and designers. “The FÜRSTENBERG trademark, the blue “F” with a crown above, is internationally recognised as a symbol of sophisticated porcelain artwork from Ger-

Most renowned for its premium collections and upmarket tableware designs, FÜRSTENBERG’s product portfolio ranges from dinner services and gift items to unique designer pieces, historical collections and modern product lines. Attention to detail and absolute precision are an integral part of the company’s philosophy. This commitment is demonstrated by the fact the majority of the porcelain manufactured is still handcrafted (about 70%) by the company’s 100 employees. Accordingly, after the individual parts of tableware, vases, cups or pots are crafted, they are joined and fondly adorned with embellished décor. Recognized with several prestigious design awards, the company’s latest collection, AURÉOLE, truly exemplifies FÜRSTENBERG’s on-going success. Balancing artistic inspiration and delicate taste, the collection was recently awarded with the Red Dot Honourable Mention 2014 for the design’s stunning details. International artists and designers worked together to form the service and the magnificent décors of the COLORÉE and DORÉE lines, respectively. In addition to their collections, FÜRSTENBERG is also known for their exceptional service and customised design. They are experts in crafting unique gifts like porcelain cufflinks with family or corporate monograms.

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Left: Klettermax

standards for the entire industry. The portfolio includes ladders for domestic and industrial use, as well as waste collectors. In Europe and throughout the world, the red-dot-brand is the epitome of German Mittelstand success. The company has managed to prosper by solely producing high-quality products, which blend functionality and innovative design. The German pioneer Rudolf Loh founded the company in Haiger, Hesse in 1947. At that time, the firm built medical furniture, metal beds and hot water bottles. Five years later, Hailo began to manufacture steel household ladders too, but a milestone in the company’s history was the invention of their aluminum ladder a few years later. Building on these pillars of success, the business has since greatly expanded. Today, the successful family business sells its“Made in Germany”quality products in more than 60 countries worldwide. In fact, Hailo was featured in "German Standards - Brands of the Century" in the 2007 Encyclopedia and was named as one of the 300 most important German brands. These recognitions are testament to the superior quality and high functionality of each Hailo product.

Hailo Step up to success The German company Hailo creates functional yet innovative products. From ladders to elegant waste collection bins, Hailo products are known for their great usability and high quality. The company’s success story is shaped by many factors, but at the heart of their broad product palette remains their pioneering spirit. TEXT: ELISABETH DOEHNE | PHOTOS: HAILO

‘Safety first, always’, is the philosophy of the company that is the brand leader in ladders. At Hailo, sophisticated functions and perfect craftsmanship ensure high safety standards and comfort.All of Hailo’s products are practical, safe, and functional.They are manufactured with excellent craftsmanship and su-

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perior materials, thereby guaranteeing great customer satisfaction. “Hailo makes work safer, easier, and more aesthetically pleasing,” states the company’s management. Hailo, synonymous with pioneering innovations, continually sets new

The business branches of Hailo include the areas of consumer and commercial goods, installation and professional technology. At their headquarters in Haiger, Germany, there are approximately 340 employees busy manufacturing the ladders and other products. Production takes place according to the highest ecological standards and certifications.

Below, left: Alu Bag Below & bottom: TOPdesign16

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Discover Germany | Special Theme | Made in Switzerland

Special Theme

Made in Switzerland

Japanese flavours with an out of this world taste

Top, left: Black Sesame dressing in salad, 2013 Top, right: Mr. Dunzé with salad dressings, 2010 Sesame dressing with salad, 2013

A Swiss company excels at salad dressings that let your tastebuds travel to Japan while you stay at the table.

taste even offers to produce individual dressing requests.


“During my travels I became fascinated by the elegant style the Japanese have in their dealings with their fellows human beings,” tells Mr. Donzé, “their true celebration and goodwill for the mind is lived through each evening meal.”Although Japanese culture might infuse the company's philosophy, concern for the product is of utmost priority.“Mainly it's about the dressings. We are first and foremost a company that produces salad dressings, but of course, we'd also like to bring closer together some of the mentalities and habits of the Japanese and the Swiss.” The company's excellent customer service and production of high quality products proves just how successful the blending of Swiss care and Japanese flair can be.

Some call it fate, some call it unmei, but regardless of what brought the akari taste team together, we can all be thankful. Since forming in 2008 and taking over the production of Kabuki Dressings the world now has the opportunity to make an ordinary salad into an extraordinary experience. Through colourful and bold flavours, Kabuki Dressings raise the salad to a new level of culinary delight. “We share a great love for Japan. Its people, culture and the food,” co-founder Roman Donzé explains, “the passion to produce versatile, truly authentic dressings that combine Swiss craftsmanship and an unique taste experience.” The dressings are made according to an original recipe from the Kabuki restaurants founded thirty five years

ago by a Japanese immigrant to Switzerland. The only update has been the omission of added preservatives and flavour enhancers. Ranging from spicy to traditional, the diverse selection of dressings are not limited to the salad bowl and are perfectly suitable for marinades and sauces as well. Whether one is introduced to Kabuki dressings through their exotic appeal or as a chance to fulfill a longing for Japanese tastes, either way they quickly become a staple of many meals. Luckily customers can easily purchase the dressings in stores like Globus or Manor and through the akari taste web shop, where numerous recipes and more information about Japanese culture can also be found. In addition, if one happens to get particularly inspired, akari

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Discover Germany | Special Theme | Made in Switzerland

Kitchen aids with a view This is not a knife. It’s a revelation. So be careful when you start cutting your bread or cheese with these rather original tools.

Above: Knife block


As he sat behind the steering wheel on a clear autumn morning, the idea to make knives with a panorama view came over Andy Hostettler, a Swiss marketing specialist and hotel owner. “The Alpstein und the Churfirsten were very visible that day,” he remembers. “The Churfirsten is a row of seven mountains, all more or less the same height, but differently jagged. I just saw it. It was like an optical accident.” Today, the clever kitchen aid designer offers bread knives with all kinds of Swiss mountain peaks, cheese knives with particularly interesting jags, cutting boards with unnamed peaks to provoke exciting table talk, magnetic knife holders and whole gift sets. All of his products are made in Europe and guarantee Swiss quality as well as a fair price. “It’s a disruption of something totally trivial,” Hostettler says about his invention. “We break the convention of bread and cheese knives by giving the mountains or skylines a function. It’s also a great gift idea for people who already have everything. Plus, no other bread knife cuts as

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sharply as the PanoramaKnife.” The unbelievable sharpness of the knives was actually a coincidence, as Hostettler explains further: “We had decided to cut the knives a little deeper into the blade in order to show the snow on the peaks. The result: they now also cut easily through smoked meat and even tomatoes.” All products can be bought via the company’s online shop that also features an English version. “However, we are currently ne-

gotiating a deal with a licence holder in the UK,” reveals Hostettler. “This should be in place by Christmas.” If you don’t want to wait that long, why not combine your knife purchase with a stay at the pretty boutique hotel close to Lake Constance run by Andy Hostettler and his wife. That way, taking home a PanoramaKnife will be a nice souvenir of your holiday in beautiful Switzerland. Below: PanoramaKnife Wallis Bottom: PanoramaKnife Berner Oberland

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Discover Germany | Special Theme | Made in Switzerland

Schwarz 15x15

Perfect sound at the click of a button Previously, there were two options for music lovers: They either opted for the best sound by using a tube amplifier and many additional devices or for the ultimate user-friendliness of digital technology. Fortunately, the SCHWARZ now has both. TEXT: SONJA IRANI | PHOTOS: SCHWARZ&HOSTETTLER

It all started with a dream. While working as a concert organizer, electrical engineer Arno Schwarz had always been bothered by the fact that he couldn’t hear the sound he experienced live with the same quality at home. After three years of meticulous work, he made the almost impossible possible and created a digital tube amplifier, combining flawless sound and easy handling. With his friends urging him to make his invention accessible to others, he found a marketing and sales partner in Andy Hostettler, a Swiss marketing specialist who also runs a boutique hotel with his wife and invented the PanoramaKnife. “The SCHWARZ is the first tube amplifier that plays back music in all known formats with a radio remote control, an iPhone app including Airplay, your iPad or your Android device,”explains Hostettler.“It combines the technology to deliver the best possible sound with the convenience of the

easiest operation.” When award-winning jazz musician Lutz Häfner heard about the SCHWARZ, he spontaneously offered to be its ambassador.“ I was immediately fascinated by the stereoscopic picture and tonal depths and have to admit that I had never before listened to preserved music in a quality like that,” says Häfner. “Even cheap MP3 files sounded tremendously good.”

SCHWARZ as you need to. Our service is individual and unique.” Below: Lutz Häfner

With prices starting from 20,000 euros, the SCHWARZ is in the same price category as a Mercedes A-Class or a low priced piano. However, it’s certainly worth the investment. “The Schwarz is a matter of heart that requires your full attention,” says Hostettler about the buying process. “We are not planning to commission merchants any time soon. Only those willing to travel to us will be able to experience it. In return, you will get the full package: You will stay at the Boutique-Hotel Ermatingerhof and will spend as much time with the

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Above: Fantastic Eiger Mönch panorama. Right: Mürren is a car -free village.

Mürren – a mountain village with traditional flair and breath-taking views Mürren is a well-known destination for winter and summer holidays. Set high in the Swiss Alps, a visit to this village offers you unparalleled views over the valley below and the surrounding mountain range. Amid such spectacular nature, it’s a destination rich in tradition and Alpine charm. TEXT: JESSICA HOLZHAUSEN | PHOTOS: MÜRREN TOURISMUS

The car-free village of Mürren can be reached in two remarkable ways: one option is the cable car from Lauterbrunnen to Grütschalp and from there the railway to Mürren, or alternatively you can reach the village with the cable car that goes via Stechelberg and Grimmelwald. WhiIe in winter it is the multitude of ski slopes which entice guests, spring and summer are ideal for long hiking tours in the surrounding mountains. Far removed from the stress of everyday life, there are various themed trails which guests can enjoy at their leisure.This makes Mürren an El Dorado for outdoor recreation seekers.

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Found at an altitude of 1,670m, Mürren is a former Walser settlement above the valley of Lauterbrunnen. The Walsers, an Alemannic ethnic group, spread from the Rhone valley to the Valais and the Bernese highlands during the Middle Ages. Mürren was mentioned for the first time in the 14th century and was then part of the Kloster Unterseen. For centuries its meadows and fertile fields were used as cow pastures and for growing crops. As Europeans began to explore the Alps in the 18th century, the first rich English and Russian ladies came to visit Mürren a short while later. They had the honour of being carried up the mountain in a sedan chair. In

1857 the first hotel opened its doors, paving the way for Mürren to become an internationally known tourist destination. Today, Mürren is the highest situated village in the Bernese Highlands that is inhabited all year round, and approximately 350 people live there permanently. 500 hotel beds and 600 additional beds in holiday apartments are most appreciated by visitors, thus the majority of Mürren’s inhabitants work in the tourism industry. Even though Mürren has been a tourist destination for a very long time, it has never lost its unique charm and staying true to tradition remains key. With no modern hotel eyesores, new buildings are built in an authentic style, and - with the exception of a modern sports centre - Mürren has kept its characteristics for centuries. And that certainly appeals to guests.

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Discover Germany | Hotel of the Month | Switzerland


of the Month Switzerland

Hotel Eiger is a unique retreat in the middle of the Swiss Alps In the middle of the Bernese Oberland lies the picturesque village of Mürren with its green valleys and fantastic ski slopes. Home to the family-run Hotel Eiger, Mürren is a car-free village, but don’t let that worry you as everything you will need during your Alpine experience is accessible on foot.

is available in the Eiger Saal while the Eiger Stübli invites guests to appreciate fine wine and cuisine.“Our restaurant is well known for its Fondue Chinoise, Bernese veal ragout and Châteaubriand,”explains Adrian Stähli.


Hotel Eiger has been in the hands of one family since 1892. Today, led by the fourth generation of Adrian and Susanna Stähli, one of the family’s main priorities is to attend to their guests personally.“That is possibly why we get so many good comments on Tripadvisor,”says Adrian Stähli.“We have everything our guests might need and wish for, including an indoor swimming pool, Jacuzzi and sauna. Plus, we offer massages and provide conference rooms.” The landscape plays an important role as well, and the charming mountain ambi-

ence has turned visitors into regular guests. Each guest of the Hotel Eiger is treated to an extraordinarily beautiful view over the mountain range of Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau. Whether you are swimming in the indoor pool, enjoying a stay in one of the hotel’s rooms or having dinner in the restaurant, the view is uninterrupted. A varied breakfast awaits guests in the hotel restaurant including eggs, bacon, fresh bread, local cheeses, baked treats, fruit, yoghurt and even a glass of Prosecco. A delicious 5-course meal and an à la carte menu

The hotel has around 50 rooms to choose from, each individually designed in an Alpine style using natural materials like wood, leather, tiles and fabrics. The rooms range from standard rooms with bath tub, flat screen TV, room safe and WiFi connection up to luxurious suites with as many as three bedrooms and three bathrooms as well as a living room and open fireplace. Specially themed suites are a popular option too, such as the James Bond Suite in the style of the famous 007 – without the licence to kill, of course.

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Discover Germany | Culture | Barbara Geier

Fitness and cheesecake I spent a couple of days in Berlin a few weeks ago. Brilliant, as usual. This city simply never disappoints. Along with the usual signs of being in Germany, such as pedestrians actually waiting at red lights, taxi drivers asking for directions (always baffles me, to be discussed another time) and relaxed cyclists in NORMAL clothes, without the typical full-on London “I’m on my way to work but actually also in a cycling race” gear, my stay wouldn’t have been complete without spotting some very determined walkers. TEXT: BARBARA GEIER

I’m not talking about sauntering along the street here, no, this is about the very serious activity of walking or rather Nordic walking, a sport, it seems, that Germans have taken to like no other nation. I can’t really remember when it all started but it must be at least ten years ago that all of a sudden, everyone started – walking. And since Germans take their fitness seriously and in general like to do things right, it’s not enough just to get going. Joining walking classes to learn how to stride purposefully and swing your arms the right way or handle your walking sticks is very common. As is, in general, looking favourably on anything that promises health, well-being and burning off a few calories. So, this is why the sight of a very determined couple in full walking stick swing-

ing mode in Tiergarten made me smile and feel at home. I once tried walking too, joining my sister and cousin on their weekend rounds through our local forest, but alas, I found it a bit boring. I mean, I walk anyway, so why make an extra activity out of it. And I do walk purposefully too. I mean, when I spotted the above mentioned couple I was on my – very determined - way to the very wonderful “Café am Neuen See”, located on a small lake in Tiergarten where they serve the biggest piece of Apfelkuchen (apple cake) I’ve ever seen. Apart from taking care of their fitness, German are also very partial to a good piece of cake. And I’d also like to stress that by this point, I had already clocked up a considerable amount of miles, having walked (stickless)

Barbara Geier is a London-based freelance writer, translator and communications consultant. She is also the face behind, a German travel and tourism guide and blog that was set up together with UK travel writer Andrew Eames in 2010. for hours all over Berlin. So therefore, walk some, eat some. As always in life, it’s all about the balance. P.S.: If you like cakes, there’s another great place in Berlin called “Princess Cheesecake”. Just saying.



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Frankfurt am Main The multifaceted metropolis

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