Say It! Southbrook, Spring 2022

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Say It! Southbrook Spring Edition 2022 1

Market Day in Aoraki 19

Te Awa Celebration Trip to Move X 9

A hu e thank you to our reporters and researchers: Bianca, Sophia, Emilia, Ashton, Casey, Jayden, Hinano, Emilia and Addison And to our editors: Ollie, Caitlin, Sadie and Kate 2

Winter Sports Tournament 4 Speeches in Aoraki 5

Lan ua es 14

Art rom Around the School 10

Literacy in Teoteo 7

Pa e Number

Teoteo Collaborative Matariki Art 3

Table o Contents

Art rom Around the School 12

Writin in N ā Manu Nui 16

Art rom Around the School 15

Spread a Little Kindness 22

Jumpin June and Cycle Sa ety 13

Writin in N ahere 10

Writin in Te Awa 17

Shave or a Cure 21

Teoteo’s Matariki collaborative art Hiyori Shibuya Year 4 Harley Year 2 3


Winter Sports Tournament


On Tuesday 5th July, our Year 5/6 team went to the winter sports tournament. We had loads o un. We competed in 6, 10 minute ames and we ot 3 wins, 2 loses and 1 tie We even made it to the finals and our team came second over all. The best part was ettin into the finals and comin second overall. At the end Marcella (Valentina’s mum) ot hot chips and let us wear Oodies to keep us warm, they were very warm! We went on the bus with Aoraki. Tonya (Anna's mum) was the coach. She had been trainin us very hard or the bi day. In between ames we would play pi y in the middle and a little bit o hal court Netball. We would also have ood and water in between ames and we played an emoji card ame which was pretty un.


By Ollie Read

The Year 7/8 Ru by team walked down to Southbrook Park to play in the 10 a-side tournament. Durin the day we played 5 ames. We had a couple o close ames and we scored some reat tries. Between ames we kicked a ball around and had some un. Baz (Amiri’s dad) was our coach and he was very supportive and was a reat coach. Sadly we came away without a win but we had a reat day.

By An us Croteau

The year 7/8 hockey team was already mynute but on the day o the tournament only three o us arrived ready to o with all o our ear We needed at least 6 players to make a ull team, so we went to the tournament hopin that there would be a ew people rom other schools willin to join the Southbrook team. Overall we did pretty ood comin third place thanks to a ew very kind people who decided to leave their team and join ours so we didn’t have to or eit. I think we had a blast in the end. The worst part was waitin an hour and a hal or the bus to come and et us.

By Bianca Gibson, Sophia Bruce, and Casey Adams-Harper

Ru by

When the time came to o in ront o the class I was super scared a part o me was doubtin that I could even do it. My hands were shakin so much I didn't think I would be able to hold the cue cards. But I did. Thou h I thou ht everyone did an amazin job, only one person could o to the semi finals. When I ound out I had won and was oin to the semi finals in a week, a mixture o excitement and nervousness was rushin throu h me. I knew I had to et that speech a heck o a lot better. So I practiced a lot and had practically memorised it with the only thin I needed bein bullet points remindin me o the next thin to say. I elt pretty confident that the semi finals would o even better than the one in Aoraki.

Last term the teachers made an announcement tellin us that in in 5 days we will be havin our speech competition We were all very nervous that we only had 5 days to write and practice our speeches. Luckily Miss Meredith was very understandin o our nerves and made sure we ot sucient time to work on them. I remember havin a lot o un writin and practicin with all o my riends that were doin it also.

Speeches in Aoraki

Written by Oliver Read

The speeches at the semi finals were pretty ood. One was about the history o cats. I thou ht that was pretty unny. When they called out my name to say I was movin on to the finals I was super excited. The woman who had been jud in our speeches le t me one note. She told me to et rid o my cue cards so I did.

On the ni ht o the finals I reached a whole new level o nervousness. This was the final man! I had to take this super seriously even thou h I was hyperventilatin bi time. I listened to all o the speeches and elt very empathetic or those be ore me because I knew exactly how they were eelin . When I eventually went up to the sta e a sense o calm came over me and I spoke. When they called out the winners I thou ht they all deserved their places but I was also proud o mysel because I still ot ourth. It was a pretty cool experience that I will never or et and would definitely recommend to anyone who will have this opportunity in the comin years.

Here is the speech I wrote: Ima ine you are havin a terrible day. Your cat died, your mum yelled at you or hittin your little brother and spilled your lunch all over the round. As you are

This is my experience with the Rotary Speech Competition


In conclusion it's clear that endorphins are intrinsic to our happiness with scientific proo showin that people who have a low amount o these endorphins are unhappy and people that have a more substantial amount are happier So thank you or your time and now you know a little bit more about endorphins


walkin down the street, someone smiles at you and you smile back. For some reason, you suddenly eel just a little better than you did be ore. Hi My names Ollie and today I'm talkin to you about endorphins. So, what are these endorphins? Maybe you have heard o this word be ore, maybe you haven’t. They are considered to be one o the most important chemicals in the brain as they are a happy dru that your body produces naturally. To explain a little more, your brain is ull o hormones and chemicals that rush around controllin every sin le eelin . Amon the many there are endorphins. These endorphins tri er almost all happy emotions that you eel. They can be tri ered in many dierent ways. For me, Music definitely releases the most endorphins into my brain, it's an instant, uaranteed way to eel that hit o happiness. It's that eelin when your avourite son comes on the radio and you start sin in alon . Or when you nail an entire uitar piece without makin a sin le mistake. Somethin else that ives you a little hi h on endorphins is exercise. I know when I play a ame with my riends I am happier. Not only am I spendin time with the people I care about but I can also unleash my competitive side. I know you’re wonderin how else you can et access to these ma ical thin s. For you, maybe its bein creative by makin art or writin and seein it displayed proudly on the wall, spendin time dancin with your riends with the music so loud your speakers blow up, or that amazin eelin when you accomplish somethin . This one is my avourite. Sometimes all you need is some nice sweet chocolate, crazy as it sounds this also promotes endorphins. The list could o on and on and on. There are endless amounts o thin s that boost endorphins, some are weird but many are acts that all o us make day to day. Even the small act o smilin releases endorphins in your brain. Why are these endorphins so important? Well accordin to WebMD those who have a lack o endorphins tend to eel low and are ar more prone to depression and anxiety disorders. Those who have a substantial amount o endorphins are seen to be considerably happier and more tolerant to pain. They are our body’s natural pain killer. Whether its mental or physical endorphins will act as adrenaline pushin you urther. Actively trickin your nervous system into thinkin that your body is fine. With mental pain obviously it makes you happier, even i it is just or a fleetin moment. Interestin ly, endorphins also promote a boost o a chemical called dopamine. This chemical is somewhat similar to endorphins; they both are mood boosters and hei hten your pain tolerance. The dierence comes when you take a look at how dopamine is released. Ima ine you ' re tryin to train your do to etch a ball every time your do brin s it back You ive them a treat Dopamine is similar to that it's a reward system every time you do somethin ood dopamine ets released Another way dopamine can be released is by a medication named morphine which tricks that reward system into releasin dopamine I would not recommend this method

Grace is workin hard at learnin her Heart Words

Harper is really proud that she has learnt to write her name

Izzy is identi yin be innin , middle and ends sounds to help her spell


Savannah is a star writin the Sta e 1 sounds

Literacy in Teoteo

Tyrell is concentratin hard at writin the ‘a’ sound


Every term in Te Awa we have a celebration day where we et to o on a un day trip to somewhere like Me a Air or QEII. Everyone had to earn at least 4000 Banqer dollars to be able to o on the trip. This term we went to Move X where there is an ice skatin rink, a oam pit and lots o trampolines. On the week o the celebration we had dierent ways to earn some extra Banqer dollars by ettin tokens and helpin out around the space. When we ot there we listened to a sta member tellin us all the rules. A lot o people liked ice skatin and jumpin into the oam pit. Some o us went on the rope even Miss Parker had a o! There was a ake Lambor hini which we ound out was really hard. A lot o people thou ht it was oin to be so t but it wasn't.

Te Awa Celebration Trip to Move-X

By Sophia Bruce and Casey Harper

A lot o people ell over on the ice but Miss Parker would help us up, Miss Parker was really ood at ice skatin . Most o the parents that came spent their time on the trampolines Emma and Leyton’s Dad did lots o flips. When we le t everyone had oam stuck to their clothin . Luckily we ot to wear mu ti so we didn't have to wash our school uni orm. When we ot back to school Miss Parker had brou ht our whole class pizza rom Dominoes. We all ot 3 pieces each. We had a super chilled out a ternoon watchin movies or doin drawin . We were all so exhausted.



Ma ic Fairy Kin dom

There was once a ma ical Fairy Kin dom in the sky. And then all o a sudden there was smoke and then all o a sudden BANG! There was a plane crash!

By Brittany Watson Year 4

Once there was a floatin castle. It was surrounded by smoke. The clouds covered the castle. Around the castle rew tall trees and reen rass. It was a cool place to live in. The castle ot cursed by a witch. Now the castle is stuck in the air or 10 thousand years.

By Amber N uyen Year 4

The sun is oin down The li hts are oin o in town The people are oin to bed And some are hittin their head Here comes the ni ht Some wakin up and turnin on the li ht The sun is comin back The worker is pickin up their sack.

The Floatin Castle

Mr Sun

Writin in N ahere

Mikayla Noah Year 4

I see a irl holdin a bubble maker. Her name is Emily and her sister's name is Rosie. Rosie has beauti ul blonde hair. Rosie is wearin a red dress because she could not find her dress that is black with red roses The black dress with red roses is beauti ul. Rosie is holdin two suitcases one brown and one black. Emily is holdin a iant bubble wand. She put it into the liquid, she dipped and scooped and dipped and scooped so she had just had enou h because she really wanted some or next time because her randmother made it and her randmother is a witch. Sadly her randmother died when Rosie and Emily were just babies. The can or the bubble mixture was red and blue but it slowly aded away

Floatin Bubbles


Abi ail Hennessey Year 4

One day there were two irls and their names were Miley and Ayla. They lived in a bi house but two years later they had to move so they packed all their stu They tried to find a house to live in but it was too hard so they went back to their old house but there were people livin there. They went back to look or a house when it started to et dark but a ain they did not find a house. Then it started to rain so they ran when suddenly Miley tripped over a bi lo . Miley looked up and there was a bi tree house so they had to live in it or now. But they started to et hun ry. They had a nap and when they woke up it wasn't rainin any more so they went to try to find some ood then they ound a really, really bi house so they knocked on the door then someone came to the door. Miley and Ayla said they are hun ry. The lady ave Miley and Ayla a bubble um mixture. Miley and Ayla went or a walk and they took the bubble um mixture then Miley made a bubble over Ayla, Ayla elt so weird then Miley made a bubble over her then they were floatin away. They floated up up and up and they could not pop it but they started to o down, down and down. When they finally ot back down to the round the bubbles popped. They were in a Ma ical Castle.

Ma ic Bubbles

Chloe Coppen Year 4


Cycle Sa ety

In term 2 our year 6’s took part in a 2 day course called Cycle Sa ety. This course helped the kids et more confident on their bikes. On the first day we played ames and learnt all the road rules or our bi day the ollowin day. We did slow races, where the last person to et over the finish line wins. We played hot chips a ame where we bike around passin some pool noodles and the people at the end who have the noodles lose. Then at the end o the day we did a small test to help make sure o who would o on the road and who would stay at school.

On day 2 we all went out with excitement in the air. We were split into two roups. My roup went out to Marshall Street near the school. We practiced how to et o our bikes sa ely then we went all around Ran iora doin little courses. We had a snack break at Southbrook Park, then we went o or a un ride and when we arrived at school, we went home.

In June the whole school did somethin called jumpin June. Jumpin June is where you would et a skippin rope and skip or donations. We had to et our parents to set up a Jumpin June pa e and ask amily and riends to donate. They could then put our account on Facebook or social media and people would donate to you. All the donations would o to the Heart Foundation. We could set a oal to aim or or we could just make as much possible. When we were done raisin money we could choose a prize rom whatever cate ory we reached. We could even choose bi prizes such as technolo y and other cool stu, i we raised enou h! It was a reat way or us to learn how to skip or even learn some new tricks.

Jumpin June

By Sophia Bruce, Bianca Gibson and Casey Adams-Harper

By Jayden Ocer


The three dierent lan ua es we could learn were French, German and Korean. Mrs Marsh’s whanau (Maukatere) did German, Miss Meridith’s whanau (Tawera) learnt Korean and Ms Davy’s whanau (Otarama) did French. The first week we did a multichoice quiz about the main country that we were learnin about. All o the classes learnt quite a ew interestin acts about their selected country. An example o this is Albert Einstein is German, Korea has the most plastic sur eries out o all countries and a French person can marry a deceased person i they wanted to.

This Term in Aoraki, we are lucky enou h to have learnt lan ua es in Aoraki.

By Caitlin Schluter

In the second week, Tawera did a Kahoot about Korea, and Maukatere did another quiz about Germany Otarama played a ame called Buzz which was an opportunity to learn their numbers in French. Ri ht now in all o the classes, we are learnin reetin s, the alphabet and basic phrases in our set lan ua e. We have all had heaps o un learnin about new lan ua es, countries and some peculiar acts about dierent places or people.


Lan ua es

Belle Harris Year 7 Sharnii-Rose Year 2 Indi Year 3 Rico Year 2 Aoraki Grati Art 15

Shared Writin by the Tui Manu Group

Blake, Year 2

Jack A, Year 3

Harvey, Year 2

This man will not stop snorin ! I can not sleep and I want to sleep somewhere else. I have tried all the cures in the book. It is hard work curin the snorin !

The flies tried to land on my pie! “Keep them away ” cries my mum. The fly tried and tried to eat the pie and the flies ot squashed.

The flies tried to land on my pie! “Keep them away ” cries my mum. The flies try to et mum!

Flynn, Year 2

The flies tried to land on my pie! “Keep them away ” cries my mum. And she squashed them to bits until not one fly came in the house.

Writin in N ā Manu Nui

The baby chick was scared and he wanted another mother. He went to ox. He went to hare. It started rainin . He elt sad. The mum hu ed the chick with her win s and eathers.

Shared Writin by the Kereru Manu Group


Tim had a pie shop. “I’m Tim, I have a pie shop.” “Oh no!” said Tim. “Ma pies! Get the ma pies! Stop now, ma pies!”

Josiah Lewis Year 6

Charlotte Bruce Year 6


Savannah Gibson Year 5

Writin in Te Awa

Victoria Thoms Year 6


For the last two weeks o term two, Aoraki split into three roups. Some planned a market day, some made their own online ame while others did challen es in Minecra t.

By Addison Perry, Emilia Stan er and Janaya Taylor

A lot o people's thin s ot stolen, especially the slime. On the day o the market, people set up their tables in a circle in one o the learnin spaces. Everyone paid $2 to rent a table and some chairs. We ot to make our own posters to put at the ront o our tables. Other Learnin Spaces ot to come in and also buy our products. The day was heaps o un and I think we all learned valuable lessons about money

i 19

Market day in Aoraki

In the marketin roup, Miss Meredith was teachin about creatin a product to sell, how to fi ure out your bud et and how to stay within that bud et. We then had to create that product ready to sell on our Market Day. Some o the thin s the students were makin were, slime, plushie keychains, decorated mu s, lip balm, stickers, stre\ ] s balls , jewellery and bakin .

Holly Russell Year 7


er Year 7 Jack Year 3 Harvey Year 2 20

Perry Year 8 Alice Year 2

Emilia Stan


A mixture o nerves and excitement I was also scared that my hair would look dread ul.

I asked Kate about some questions too

Kate Buchanan and Ollie Read

1 iWhy did you want to shave your head?

In my li e there a ew people who are suerin rom cancer and this was my way o showin my support to them (plus I ot a ree haircut)

The day overall was a massive success and I would totally recommend doin somethin like this to support the cause.

Shave For a Cure

1. How did you find plannin or the bi day? Well we made flyers and posters to let people know about the event but it was hard work and we were worried there wouldn’t be much support.

2. What was your avourite part o the day? My avorite part was coordinatin outfits with my riends (we came as daodils but with airy win s)

2 iWhat was oin throu h your mind at the time

I asked Ollie some questions about the day

On the 26th o Au ust we had a crazy hair day and mu ti day which was on the day o Daodil Day. The main event o this was Shave or a cCure in which we had 5 lovely volunteers who shaved their hair or those in need stru lin with cancer Those people were Ollie Read, Novee Wotherspoon, Jamie Tuuta, Mr Blackmore and a special uest Dan Gordon the mayor o Ran iora, who we didn't know was oin to be there. There was so much crazy hair rom our supporters in the school. We had to brin a old coin to take part We ended up makin $1,220 which we have iven to the Cancer Society.


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