Health & Wellbeing Brochure

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Partnering Ambitious Caring Trusted Health and Wellbeing Information Pack If you would like further support, or have some suggestions on how to improve the wellbeing offer please contact Laura Westcott, Health and Wellbeing Lead on or


Contents Psychological Wellbeing Support 4 Managing Stress 7 Burnout 7 Bereavement 8 − Schwartz Rounds 10 Healthy Lifestyle Support 11 Menopause 11 Sleep School 13 Slimming World 14 − Obesity Support and Information 14 Cervical Screening Service 16 Support with Alcohol Consumption 17 Physical Support 18 Long COVID Support 20 Financial Support 21 Wellbeing Conversations 25 National and Local Support Groups 26 3

The Staff Psychology Service are available to provide support to teams across the trust including:

• Consultancy

• Formulation

• Team interventions

• Critical Incident Debriefing

• Reflective Practice

• Bespoke Training

• Embedding Psychological Thinking

Please contact The Staff Psychology Service to discuss how your team can be supported:

HR/People Advisory Team

Support, advice and guidance to managers and staff on all employment issues. Email:


SaTH ILM Coaches have undergone accredited training and can support you to use your own skills and resources to move forward with current issues and challenges. Email:

Occupational Health (Optima Health)

A confidential advisory service to employers and employees on health issues relating to work and work issues relating to health.


Tel: 01327 810777

Web: appointment.asp

HELP (Employee Assistance Programme)

For confidential, independent and unbiased information and guidance from a team of trained wellbeing and counselling practitioners. They can offer support and information on health and wellbeing, money worries, carers, consumer and legal, family and home and work and lifestyle.

Tel: 0800 047 8843

Web: and (Please note: As of 31st January 2024, HELP will be replacing Care First).

Partnering Ambitious Caring Trusted To read the full Health & Wellbeing

Wellbeing offer, click here.


Staff Psychology Service

Confidential, highly specialist psychological assessment, formulation and evidence-based intervention available for any member of staff within the trust. Email:


MPFT Psychological Wellbeing Hub

Providing evidence-based therapies and advice and signpost to additional sources of support. Tel: 07890066445




Phoenix Psychology

A confidential space to process the impact of work and personal experiences (use SaTH referral as the email subject)

Mental Health First Aiders & Peer 2 Peer Listeners

Trained peer listeners available to provide confidential listening support and signposting. Email:

Freedom to Speak Up Guardians

Providing support and advice to those that want to raise concerns to ensure that any safety issue is addressed. Email:

The Chaplaincy Team

Available for staff, visitors and patients who are in need of religious/spiritual help or for those who have no faith at all, providing listening support and signposting.


Tel: ext 3638 (RSH) / ext 4519 (PRH)

Well and Resilient Doctors (WARD)

Peer support and well-being service run by junior doctors for junior doctors. They are a signposting service that can refer you on for further help. Email:

If you are unsure what help or support you might need please contact the Staff Psychology Service

Psychological Psychological Wellbeing Support

STW Staff Wellbeing Hub Webinars

Offering mental health and wellbeing support to those working for the NHS and Social Care services. To book any of the below webinars, click here

Beating Self-Doubt

Getting Out Into Nature

Managing Worry

Managing Worry

Physical Activity and Wellbeing

Managing Low Mood

Managing Low Mood

Sleep Hygiene

Sleep Hygiene

Monday 5th February 2024 at 15:00pm

Monday 19th February 2024 at 15:00pm

Wednesday 6th March 2024 at 12:00pm

Monday 18th March 2024 at 15:00pm

Tuesday 9th April 2024 at 15:00pm

Wednesday 17th April 2024 at 12:00pm

Monday 29th April 2024 at 15:00pm

Monday 13th May 2024 at 15:00pm

Wednesday 29th May 2024 at 12:00pm

HELP – our new employee assistance programme

We have launched a new employee assistance programme called HELP, which replaces Care First. HELP provides confidential support, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The programme gives you access to a team of trained wellbeing and counselling practitioners to support all colleagues. It offers confidential, independent and unbiased information and guidance by telephone, in writing, online and through face-to-face appointments for a wide variety of issues.

Your wellbeing is important to us so we are also delighted to offer you access to Optimise - a comprehensive wellbeing assessment that you and your family can take at any time.


It provides personalised wellbeing content tailored to your responses and has an extensive library of wellbeing information for you to access at any time, including videos, podcasts and Ted Talks. You can access it at

HELP can be contacted on 0800 047 8843. Further information can be found at https://sath. or at

Managing Stress

It is normal within the working environment and the working day to feel pressure. We are under pressure to do our job well to deliver on commitments, to meet deadlines and to cope with changing and challenging demands - we need a certain amount of pressure to energise and motivate us. It helps us get things done! However, when this pressure becomes more and more often, and begins to keep building to a level which is unmanageable, this is stress.

When you feel you are struggling and under pressure, it is important to raise this with your manager or speak to someone professionally trained. We are all here to help each other through these difficult times.

Helpful Coping Strategies:

• Make time for yourself for positive experiences

• Get enough rest

• Talk to someone

• Exercise and get some fresh air

• Keep hydrated

• Remember you are not alone

• Be KIND to yourself

Further resources can be found here.


Stress is the impact of there being ‘too much’. Too many demands, too many changes, too much to do and too many decisions to make. Chronic stress has the potential of depleting your energy, undermining your belief in your own abilities and efficacy, and can lead to burnout.

Burnout, on the other hand is feeling there is just ‘not enough’. Not enough time, energy, enthusiasm, ability and not enough inner resource. It is commonly described as ‘being emotionally drained’, ‘feeling empty’ or ‘just not being able to be myself anymore’.


The World Health Organization defined burnout specifically as ‘energy depletion, or exhaustion, increased mental distance from job, negativism or cynicism and reduced professional efficacy’.

Factors that might increase the risk of effects of stress and thus potentially burnout:

• The higher the level of stress experienced and the longer the person is stressed the greater the risk of burnout.

• Individuals who are not emotionally self-sufficient and engage in avoidance coping strategies such as denial, disengagement, or substance misuse are at greater risk.

• Individuals with higher levels of perfectionism for themselves or others, especially if they typically compare themselves poorly to others or react negatively to situations not meeting their high standards may also experience burnout.

It is important to appreciate that burnout and depression can co-occur and can lead to suicidal thoughts and to suicide completion. Burnout can ‘creep up’ on people, so considering how your colleague or you were functioning 3, 6 and 12 months ago regarding these three characteristic traits could be helpful. Further resources can be found here.


Grief does not discriminate. We will all be affected by a bereavement. Children, young people, the older generation, all faiths, all religions, all cultures, all sectors of our community will grieve. We need to help all minority groups who are often stigmatised to open up to grief and help to support anyone, anywhere who needs help.

There is a myth that you ‘get over’ grief. That you ‘move on’. You don’t. You move forward with your grief, but you may be affected by a bereavement throughout your whole life. Often after the funeral, people leave, and things go ‘back to normal’. This is the time when the bereaved most need support when they feel alone and isolated. We need to understand that there are triggers that may come from nowhere that will affect them in the weeks, months, and years after the death.

Please look out for colleagues and friends, check they are okay, in the early days and ongoing. They may look alright, they may be going to work, but deep inside they could be struggling and just need your support and understanding. If you need support with this please access the following:

• Bereavement Guide for Managers and Staff

Scan the QR code to access the SaTH Bereavement Guide


For those who are experiencing grief, please access the below if you need to do so:

• Staff Bereavement Support Cafes

• Bereavement Support Line: 0300 303 4434

A confidential bereavement support line, operated by Hospice UK and free to access from 8am - 8pm, seven days a week. A team of fully qualified and trained bereavement specialists are available to support you with bereavement and wellbeing issues relating to loss experienced through your work. You will be offered up to 3 sessions with the same counsellor and onward support to our staff mental health services if you need.

• Filipino Staff Support Line: 0300 303 1115

A dedicated support service has been created for Filipino health and care staff who are experiencing bereavement or trauma during the COVID-19 pandemic. The support service is available by phone seven days a week between 7am and 11pm.

Butties, Blokes and BereaveMENt

Butties, Blokes &

Bereavement can be a difficult and lonely experience. A breakfast group is being established to provide male staff with an opportunity to talk freely about loss and grief, sharing your experiences in a supportive environment.

Meeting at 8am on the first Thursday of every month in the Apley Restaurant (PRH) and Mytton Restaurant (RSH).

To find out more: Come along and join us or speak to a Chaplain

Bereavement can be a difficult and lonely experience. A breakfast group is being established to provide male staff with an opportunity to talk freely about loss and grief, sharing your experiences in a supportive environment.

Meeting at 8am on the first Thursday of every month in the Apley Restaurant (PRH) and Mytton Restaurant (RSH).

To find out more: Come along and join us or speak to a Chaplain.

Partnering Amb tious Caring Trusted
Psychological 9

Psychological Schwartz Rounds

You may have heard about Schwartz Rounds which have been running within SaTH since early 2022.

Schwartz Rounds provide a well-established and structured forum where all staff, clinical and non-clinical, come together regularly to discuss the emotional and social aspects of working in healthcare. The purpose of Schwartz Rounds is to understand the challenges and rewards that are intrinsic to providing care, not to solve problems or to focus on the clinical aspects of patient care.

Rounds can help staff feel more supported in their jobs, allowing them the time and space to reflect on their roles. Evidence shows that staff members who attend Rounds feel less stressed and isolated, with increased insight and appreciation for each other’s roles. They also help to reduce hierarchies between staff and to focus attention on relational aspects of care.

The underlying premise for Rounds is that the compassion shown by staff can make all the difference to a patient’s experience of care, but that in order to provide compassionate care staff must, in turn, feel supported in their work.

If you would like to attend, there is no booking required, just turn up, get involved and claim your free lunch! If you would like to be a storyteller for one of the sessions, please email John Skelton on The schedule for upcoming rounds are below (please not the topics are subject to change).

Wednesday 21 February 2024 “Tales of the unexpected” SECC, RSH 9.00 - 10.30 Monday 18 March 2024 “Understand my world”Neurodiversity Week PRH 12.30 - 14.00 Wednesday 17 April 2024 “You see a lot in this job” SECC, RSH 17.00 - 18.30 Thursday 16 May 2024 “Putting compassion to the test” Virtual 12.30 - 14.00 Monday 10 June 2024 “Saying goodbye” PRH 12.30 - 14.00 Wednesday 17 July 2024 “Feeling unsafe” SECC, RSH 9.00 - 10.30 Monday 16 September 2024 “Lost in translation” PRH 12.30 - 14.00 Thursday 17 October 2024 “Maintaining professionalism” SECC, RSH 17.00 - 18.30 Thursday 14 November 2024 “Next please” Virtual 12.30 - 14.00 Thursday 12 December 2024 “Are we too busy?” PRH 9.00 - 10.30 10

Healthy Lifestyle Support


Did you know that menopausal women are the fastest growing population at work? Or that around 8 out of 10 menopausal women are in work?

Whilst some women sail through menopause, 3 out of 4 experience symptoms and as many as 1 in 4 have serious symptoms. However around half have never consulted a healthcare professional about their menopause.

Research also shows that the majority of women are unwilling to discuss menopause related health problems with their line managers, or ask for any support they may need.

Here at SaTH, we’re passionate about the wellbeing of our colleagues and that means talking about menopause openly.

Resources for Managers:

• Menopause Toolkit from SaTH

• Line Manager Support Guide from Henpicked

• Menopause Websites for Line Managers

Scan the QR code to access the SaTH Menopause Toolkit


Healthy Lifestyle Support

Sleep School

The programme is delivered by global experts who will teach you evidence-based clinical tools and practical advice to help you to:

• Improve your sleep quality and morning refreshments levels

• Manage daytime stress and mentally detach from work

• And optimise your energy through healthy diet and exercise habits

‘Sleep School At Work’ includes a digital Sleep Support Platform containing a range of sleep help films and the Sleep School app to teach you about and support your sleep over an entire year.

See Programme Events here:

Access code: stw123


“Sleep Schools work on recovery and sleep was invaluable to my organisation at a time where people were facing huge challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic - with all the stress, anxiety and pressure that came with it.

“Sleep School provided effective strategies around how to manage stress and pressure during the day, evening and the night, enabling our people to rest well and emotionally and mentally recover. Their work with us was further enhanced by a series of fantastic workshops which were highly recommended by colleagues that attended.”


Slimming World

The Trust has joined forces with Slimming World to offer staff a 12 week referral scheme to their local Slimming World group.

There are 2 different membership schemes available for staff to choose from:

Group Membership:

Nothing is more effective than the friendship, trust, community spirit and the support of a slimming world group.

• Access to over 50 years of experience, expertise and science - helping millions of people to lose weight and stay slim

• Access to Slimming World’s Food Optimising Plan - enjoy delicious, satisfying and healthy meals

• The support of a friendly, highly trained Slimming World Group

• The warmth, understanding and community of a Slimming World Group

• Access to Slimming Worlds members- only website with over 1,400 recipes, meal plans and articles

• Access to Slimming Worlds members-only app

Digital Membership:

Lose Weight with Slimming World Online and get all the support you need at your fingertips.

• Access to over 50 years of experience, expertise and science - helping millions of people to lose weight and stay slim

• Access to Slimming World’s Food Optimising Plan - enjoy delicious, satisfying and healthy meals

• More than 1,400 delicious Slimming World recipes

• Tailored support and motivation based on your personal progress to help you through challenging times

• On-the-go- support with Slimming World App - including a quick start guide, food tracker and Slimming World barcode scanner

• A friendly support team - plus live events with inspirational simmers to motivate and inspire you on your journey


Eligibility Criteria:

• BMI has to be over 30 at start of programme

• Must lose at least 7lbs in 12 weeks

• Loosing 7lbs will not adversely affect health (BMI below 18)

• Must be able to commit to 12 consecutive weeks - has to be completed in 14 weeks of joining


The Trust have agreed to cover the full cost of the 12 week referral scheme vouchers

During a referral, members can:

• Swap and change between any Slimming World groups to suit their needs

• Have up to 2 weeks’ absence for sickness or holidays. They would just need to book this in with their Slimming World Consultant before the group they miss and these weeks would be added back on to the end of their referral

How do I get a voucher?

If you are interested in joining a Slimming World membership, please contact l.westcott@

Obesity Information and Support

Managing a complex issue like obesity can be hard. Losing weight takes time and commitment. We have created a booklet to provide guidance, encouragement and advice about how to manage your weight, build healthy lifestyle habits and maintain weight loss achieved.

You can view the booklet here


Weight management – beyond diet and exercise

Dates: 16th April – Room 2, SERRI, RSH and 30th April – Room G, Education Centre PRH

Times: 09.30am - 3.00pm

• The reasons for eating – physical, social, psychological

• Understanding hunger and cravings

• Sleep and eating especially around shift workers

• Introduction to appetite retraining

• Emotional eating

• Food choices and portion sizes

Open to all sta . Places are limited. To book on email

Partnering Ambitious Caring Trusted

Cervical Screening Service

Cervical Smear Services are available at both RSH and PRH for staff who are due or overdue their smear test.

To arrange an appointment, contact the Colposcopy Secretaries on Ext 5969, 5968 or 5967.

Testimonial from a member of staff:

“I kept forgetting to book a smear test (due to work commitments) and to be honest i kept putting it off due to past experiences and embarrassment.

Then I saw the colposcopy service was giving up their free time to offer SaTH staff a smear test in work time. Booking was easy and Sister Claire made me feel completely comfortable as I was so anxious (as previous smears had caused a lot of distress) – she was so friendly and professional and her skill/ expertise meant it was over within a matter of minutes with no discomfort.

Thank you – I would recommend the service to any woman”


• Symptoms of cervical cancer

• Information about cervical cancer

• Information about cervical screening (smear test)

• Support available for your cervical screening (smear test)

• Information about HPV

• Talking about HPV


Support with Alcohol Consumption

There can be many reasons why people might use alcohol as a way of coping. For instance, if you are feeling high levels of stress or struggling to cope at work, then alcohol may temporarily block some of those feelings. Unfortunately, this is not a long-term solution, as the situation causing those feelings is unresolved. If you, or anyone you work with, is experiencing this please be aware that support is available from the Staff Psychology Service to help you cope with any feelings or distress caused by work. You can contact us on: sath. and someone will be in contact with you.

You may also wish to access some practical support from the Trust’s Alcohol Liaison team. This is a confidential service so staff can be reassured that any conversations will not go further unless agreed upon or if any welfare concerns arise. For further information please contact:

• Royal Shrewsbury Hospital

Nicki Johnston

01743 261000 Ext 2431

Monday – Friday 09:15 – 15:15

• Princess Royal Hospital

Ros Trickett

01952 641222 Ext 4562

Monday – Friday 08:30 – 16:30

Useful links






Physical Support

Physio 4 Staff

The service is open to all staff employed by SaTH and runs within the Therapy Services departments at RSH and PRH sites.

Physio treats a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions including soft tissue, muscle and joint pains resulting from or impacting on your work.

You can self-refer by filling in the referral form linked below and emailing

Referrals can also be dropped into Therapy Services Reception at PRH.

Once received, referrals are triaged according to urgency, and staff will be offered an appointment at the site and time most convenient within therapy working hours. Once the referral has been received you will be contacted within 2 working days. An appointment will be offered within 2 weeks to ensure it remains a fast track service. If you are unable to commit to an appointment within 2 weeks please wait and send a self-referral form when you are able to attend an appointment in this timeframe.

Please discuss with your duty manager when your appointment is booked if it is in working hours to ensure services can be covered while you attend physiotherapy. In order to provide an efficient service we strive to minimise cancellations when possible.

Download the Referral Form here.

Discounts for Local Gyms

Many gyms within Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin offer discounts to NHS Staff; including Nuffield Health, Anytime Fitness and Pure Gym.

To find out more information, click here.

Physical 18

Walk & Talk Group



Join us on the last Tuesday of every month outside Stretton House, RSH at 12pm for a 30 minute walk and talk.

No reason needed! We re here to offer a listening ear and kindness Get out into nature and boost your health & wellbeing All are welcome

For more information, please contact jules lewis@nhs net, carla webster@nhs net or penny watson@nhs net


Join Jules Lewis, Carla Webster and Penny Watson on the last Tuesday of every month outside Stretton House, RSH at 12pm for a 30 minute walk and talk.

For more information, please contact, or




& &


Join us on the last Tuesday of March and April outside Women and Children’s, PRH at 12pm for a 30 minute walk and talk.

No reason needed! We’re here to offer a listening ear and kindness Get out into nature and boost your health & wellbeing All are welcome

For more information, please contact karen sargent4@nhs net, k dimmock1@nhs net or k cockerton@nhs net

Join Karen Sargent, Kate Dimmock and Keira Cockerton on the last Tuesday of March and April outside Women and Children’s, PRH at 12pm for a 30 minute walk and talk.

For more information, please contact karen.sargent4@nhs. net, or


Long COVID Support

There appears to be a stigma attached to long COVID still and not all colleagues want to speak openly about their experience, which is why we are keen to provide a robust package of support. It is important that colleagues with long COVID feel able to speak about their experiences and that we all take the time to learn about this new condition.

Many staff are reporting that prior to becoming unwell with long COVID they never had any absence from work for sickness reasons and as a result feel too guilty to ask for rest time and request flexible working. Many managers are unaware or not fully sighted on the long COVID condition and how it presents itself. It doesn’t help that the symptoms can differ from person to person and day to day.

Resources and Support:

• Long COVID Information Booklet for Colleagues and Managers

• Long COVID Support Group

The purpose of this forum is to provide peer-to-peer support, listening as well as identifying what more we can do to colleagues. For more information contact

• Supporting recovery after long COVID - NHS Employers

- Support staff at work with long COVID

- Support staff absent from work due to long COVID

- Working with Occupational Health team

- Facilitating a safe return to work

- Phased return

• Managers guidance for long COVID-19 support - coming soon

• Long COVID evidence resources

• Long COVID group - video

Scan the QR code to access the Long COVID Information Booklet

Physical 20

Financial Support

Read our Financial Support Booklet here

Scan the QR code to access the SaTH Financial Support Booklet

Financial Support Webinars

Date Time

10th January 2024

5th February 2024

10:00 - 11:30


Your Financial Wellbeing

13th February 2024

09:30 - 12:00

Planning for Retirement

10:00 - 11:00

18th March 2024

10:00 - 11:30

Understanding Pension Tax Allowance

Understanding Your Pension Changes

Booking Links shrewsbury-and-telfordhospital-nhs-trust/yourfinancial-wellbeing/1-hour-30minute-course-online

https://affinityconnect. events/shrewsbury-andtelford-hospital-nhs-trust/preretirement/2-hour-30-minutecourse-online shrewsbury-and-telfordhospital-nhs-trust/aa-lta/1hour-course-online

https://affinityconnect. generate-evite/shrewsburyand-telford-hospital-nhs-trust/ pension-changes/1-hour-30minute-course-online


3rd April 2024 13:00 - 15:30

Planning for Retirement

14th May 2024

13:00 - 14:30

Understanding your Pension Changes

https://affinityconnect. events/shrewsbury-andtelford-hospital-nhs-trust/preretirement/2-hour-30-minutecourse-online

https://affinityconnect. generate-evite/shrewsburyand-telford-hospital-nhs-trust/ pension-changes/1-hour-30minute-course-online

21st May 2024

13:00 - 14:30

Your Financial Wellbeing

5th June 2024 09:30 - 12:00

Planning For Retirement

19th August 2024 10:00 - 11:30

Understanding your Pension Changes shrewsbury-and-telfordhospital-nhs-trust/yourfinancial-wellbeing/1-hour-30minute-course-online

https://affinityconnect. events/shrewsbury-andtelford-hospital-nhs-trust/preretirement/2-hour-30-minutecourse-online

https://affinityconnect. generate-evite/shrewsburyand-telford-hospital-nhs-trust/ pension-changes/1-hour-30minute-course-online

2nd September 2024 13:00 - 15:30

Planning for Retirement

3rd September 2024 10:00 - 11:30

Your Financial Wellbeing

https://affinityconnect. events/shrewsbury-andtelford-hospital-nhs-trust/preretirement/2-hour-30-minutecourse-online shrewsbury-and-telfordhospital-nhs-trust/yourfinancial-wellbeing/1-hour-30minute-course-online

16th October 2024 13:00 - 14:30

Understanding your Pension Changes

https://affinityconnect. generate-evite/shrewsburyand-telford-hospital-nhs-trust/ pension-changes/1-hour-30minute-course-online

8th November 2024 09:30 - 12:30 Planning for Retirement https://affinityconnect. events/shrewsbury-andtelford-hospital-nhs-trust/preretirement/2-hour-30-minutecourse-online

Your Financial Wellbeing - 1.5 hours

Designed to provide an understanding of how company benefits could be used to improve financial wellbeing and to create good money management skills and saving habits. Topics range from general money management, managing debt and improving credit scores, through to saving for the short, medium, and long-term and how to plan for retirement.

Retirement Course - 2.5 hours

Aimed at those who are still several years away from retirement to check that they are on track. The course covers areas such as tax efficiency, planning for retirement and understanding income options, maximising pension benefits and other savings, tax planning and how to seek further guidance and regulated financial advice.

Understanding your Pension Changes - 1.5 hours

This provides NHS employees with an overview of the key pension changes, retire and return options and the public sector age discrimination ruling, referred to as the McCloud remedy.

Understanding your Pension Tax Allowances - 1 hour

Designed to provide an overview of the key issues relating to the Annual Allowance to maximise available tax relief and avoid additional tax changes.


Winter Hardship Support Package

We know that as the cost of living crisis continues, some of our staff will have financial worry and be struggling in one way or another.

To support you during these difficult times, we are pleased to be able to re-launch the winter hardship support package which will support staff in extreme hardship. This will be available from Monday 13th November.

What support is available?

• Teams will be able to collect free tea and coffee for their colleagues

• Staff can receive a free breakfast (includes fruit, cereal and a hot drink)

• Staff can receive a hot meal (ready meal and a hot drink) at a discounted rate of £2 rather than £5.50

• £50 shopping vouchers are available to support staff with their food shopping

• £25 school vouchers are available to support staff with children and purchasing school items

Please note all of the above will need to be applied for using the online form here

We want to support as many staff as possible who are in an unfortunate position where they are unable to afford their basic needs such as food, water, clothes and personal care items. Therefore we please ask that the above is only accessed by those who are in extreme hardship with no other options.

If your require further support or have any questions, please contact Laura Westcott (Health and Wellbeing Lead) on or

Partnering Ambitious Caring Trusted
Scan the QR code to access the SaTH Financial Support Booklet

Wellbeing Conversations

Health and Wellbeing conversations are regular and supportive one to one conversations focussed on looking after the wellbeing of all our staff and we encourage managers, teams and departments to introduce these into working life.

The aim of these conversations is to hold a confidential discussion around an individual’s whole wellbeing including physical, mental, emotional, financial and lifestyle and to identify areas where an individual may need support, signposting or regular check ins on their wellbeing and to create a wellbeing action plan.

In most cases, a health and wellbeing conversation will be held by a line manager or supervisor, but in some instances colleagues may feel more comfortable talking to another trusted colleague about their wellbeing.

Resources and Support:

• Wellbeing Wheel

• Wellbeing Action Plan

• Guidance for Managers

• What is a Wellbeing conversation?


National and Local Support Groups

For anyone in Crisis. UK’s first 24/7 text service. Free on all major networks and confidential.

Counselling Services


Anyone considered imminently at risk of suicide or harm, call 999.


Text Shout to 85258 (Crisis Text Line)

Pick Up The Phone You Are Not Alone

Shropshire Sanctuary

Telephone: 0300 124 0365


Open Monday to Thursday 1700hrs till 0900hrs, Friday 0900hrs till 1100hrs, Saturday 1500hrs till 1100hrs, Sunday 1500hrs till 0900hrs.


07480 066931



Facebook: Serona Therapy

Crane Quality Counselling

Telephone: 01743 240 546

Open from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

A 24 hour answerphone service is available. Counselling appointments are available daily (Monday –Friday) between 10 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.

Adult appointments are normally for one hour and young people 30 – 45 minutes.


Helpline 116 123 Shrewsbury branch telephone: 01743 233641

Shrewsbury branch email:



PAPYRUS (Prevention of young suicide)

Hopeline uk: 0800 068 4141


Addiction - Drug and Alcohol

Talk to Frank

01743 294 700

Telford Stars

0300 456 4291


Addiction - Gambling Impact


01952 223165


Mental Health

(Covers Anger, Anxiety and panic attacks, Bipolar, Body Dysmorphia, Borderline Personality disorder, Depression, Drugs, Eating disorders, OCD, Paranoia, Hearing voices, PTSD, Psychosis, Schizophrenia, SAD, Self-Harm, Suicidal Feelings)


0300 123 3393

Text: 86463

Shropshire Mind or 01743 368647


Daytime service: Monday to Friday 0900 till 1700hrs, Saturday and Sunday 1100hrs till 1500hrs. Outreach support: Monday to Friday 0900hrs till 1700hrs.

Calmer Café by Shropshire Mind: Open in Shrewsbury

Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 1800hrs until 2200hrs - people must telephone to indicate they are going to attend, to keep numbers to a safe level.

Shropshire IAPT

0300 123 6020

Telford Primary Care Wellbeing Service 01952 457 415


Carers Support

Autism & ADHD

Beat Eating Disorders

Helpline 0808 801 0677

Youthline 0808 801 0711

Studentline 0808 801 0811

UK Maastricht Alternative Approach Centre

07874 033042

Facebook: @ukmaactelford

Telford Carers 01952 240 209

Autism – Shropshire Autism Hub 01743 539 201

Telford Autism Hub 01952 916 109

ADHD- Refer to GP People Affected By Cancer Macmillan 0808 808 00 00

Hamar Help and Support Centre 01743 261000 Ext 1957

Sexual Assault

Prisoners Families or People

The Glade 0800 970 0377

The Holly Project (CSE survivors)

01952 947831

Based at the YMCA in Wellington, Telford

Axis Counselling Telephone: 01743 357777


Confidential telephone counselling support for survivors of sexual abuse and support following a rape of sexual assault.

Prisoners’ Families Helpline 0808 808 2003

Domestic Violence



Community Support

Supported Employment

Women’s Aid to Live Chat

Men’s Domestic Violence Shropshire 0808 801 0327

National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline 0800 999 5428

National Debt Line 0808 808 4000 – web chat

Debt Advice Foundation 0800 043 4050

Cruse Bereavement Care Helpline: 0808 808 1677

Qube – Community Creative Care

Telephone: 01691 656882


Oswestry based charity serving the needs of the local community. Support available with;

• Shopping and delivery

• Coordination of transport to medical appointments

• Telephone befriending

• Arts resources for things for people to do at home

The Hive


Telephone: 01743 276900

A specialist mental health employment service working directly with both jobseekers and employers to find the right job for the right person.


Telephone: 01952 245 015

A supported employment and training charity providing routes to employment, access to learning and support for personal growth. Accessible via self-referral or referrals from other practitioners.



Downloadable via App stores

Dementia Connect Support Line

Telephone: 0333 150 3456

Dementia Connect, Alzheimer’s Society’s new personalised support service, means you’re only one click or call away from the dementia support you need.

Dementia Talking Point

We know that carers and people living with dementia are the best experts we have on the challenges around coronavirus.


Whether you’re seeking to improve your mood or you’re dealing with the symptoms of stress, depression or anxiety.

Rise up + Recover

Rise Up is a mobile app designed for people struggling with food, dieting, exercise and body image.

Stay Alive

A pocket suicide prevention resource.

Self Help

Self Help gives you access to the full range of 23 mental health self- help guides.


Guided Meditation and Mindfulness.

Hub of Hope

Find local support services to you.

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