#Bexhillianmag March 2016

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LOOK What’s inside this month? photography tips

Learn how to take even more striking photographs!

CHOCOLATE BROWNIES! Which delicious variety will take your fancy?

time for a shake up

Have you thought about making some new changes in your life? Also LOOK out for: Gardening, Local News, Wellbeing, Finance, Events and much more! Follow us on Twitter: @bexhillianmag or tag: #BexhillianMag

Join us on Facebook: facebook.com/ groups/BexhillianMag

Photo Competition! Would you like to see YOUR photo on next month’s cover?

Congratulations! Sue Kelly Christie! You are our front cover winner for March 2016. Thank you for sending in your stunning photo of the War Memorial in Bexhill. Thanks everyone for sending in your photos, they are really appreciated. If you’d like to enter next month’s competition then email me: samantha@bexhillianmag.co.uk on or before 24th March 2016 please; this is our deadline. Also ensure that you own the photo entered. 6000 Readers will see it, it’ll appear on our website and it’ll be shared in social media.

Good luck everyone!

Let the sun shine... At last! Isn’t it great to see some sunshine? It really does seem to make everyone happier and puts smiles on faces. Plus evenings are getting longer too. I’ve been driving back and forth between East Sussex and Surrey recently and seeing the sun makes those long journeys so much more pleasant. I’m now looking forward to lots of sunny photo entries in the coming months for our future Bexhillian covers... please. Thanks to David Charles, our photography author, he explains how to achieve beautiful effects using natural light. The photo he has sent in this month is so dramatic, that sky looks incredible doesn’t it. What about our front cover as well? Sue’s photo is sure to make everyone grasp their copy and get page turning! Thanks Sue. So what is inside this month’s issue then? From delicious, tasty fudge brownie recipes to parenting, spring cleaning our lives and filling it with colour. We have lots of interesting things to read about, take part in and go along to. We have full pages of events at the back of the magazine and more regular events and clubs to join on the events page of our website. For a little magazine we really have a BIG impact, I hope!

Samantha Hallam. Editor Chat to me on Twitter: @SamanthaLuigie

Cover photo by:

Sue Kelly Christie Published by: Editor: Samantha Hallam Design, artwork and website: MediaBeetlesUK Ad sales: scott@bexhillianmag.co.uk Artwork: samantha@bexhillianmag.co.uk Twitter: @bexhillianmag or tag #bexhillianmag Facebook.com/groups/BexhillianMag

In the aim to help promote businesses, to raise awareness for local charities and to serve the local Bexhill community the Bexhillian works hard on being informative and relevant to readers of all ages. We send out to 6000 homes and businesses, pick-up-points and publish online. Bexhill has 20,000+ homes, so it does mean that some areas will receive issues bi-monthly. But don’t worry though, the ‘Pick-up-Points’ are listed in the back and on our website, or you can email us your address and arrange a copy to be delivered right to your door.

BROWNIES... BESIDE THE SEA I love brownies and judging by the amount we sell at the tea shop I’m not the only one. They are easy to make but people often overlook them and instead of enjoying a soft and squidgy brownie they end up with a chocolate cake. I have a basic recipe which, I think, is absolutely delicious, for something a little special add your favourite additions. The 375g of chocolate which is melted should be at least 85% cocoa – personally I use green and blacks dark chocolate – the remaining 250g of chocolate pieces can be something a bit different. Toblerone makes a perfect addition chopped into slivers and then simply replace the walnuts in my basic recipe with chopped toasted almonds. Another favourite is salted caramel and to make this I use milk chocolate for the slivers, use toasted pecan nuts and then make a simple caramel sauce use half the sauce to swirl into the mixture and then use the remainder to pour over the brownie to serve. To make a salted caramel sauce melt together 200g dark brown sugar and a small carton of double cream and 25g butter until thick and creamy, stir in several grinds of sea salt and leave aside to cool. Chocolate orange is another favourite and I find the easiest way is to use chocolate orange chocolate slivers add some grated orange peel to the mixture and a little orange juice. Or this weeks brownie which was peanut butter simply use all dark chocolate and use toasted peanuts and two large spoonfuls of peanut butter swirled into the mixture when it is in the tin. Whatever your favourite flavour go mad and experiment with different chocolates, nuts and even a little grated chilli and cinnamon.


Chocolate peanut butter brownies • • • • • • • •

375g 85% dark chocolate 250g unsalted Butter 200g Caster sugar 50g Light brown sugar 3 large eggs 90g Self raising flour 175 g chopped nuts 250g chopped chocolate of your choice

elt chocolate and butter together over a M pan of simmering water. Leave aside to cool. Whip caster sugar, brown sugar and eggs to a thick creamy foam and the beaters leave a trail in the mixture. Add the warm chocolate mix and continue to beat until completely combined. Then gently fold the flour into the mixture until the flour has disappeared, then add the remaining chocolate and the nuts. Line and butter a 12 x 9 (30 x 23 cm) brownie pan with baking paper Pre heat the oven to 190 degrees Pour into the prepared tin and bake for 40/45 minutes until a dull crust has formed on the top and the cake is firm to the touch. Take from the oven and leave to cool in the tin. Cut into chunks when cool and enjoy.

Janet Van Den Bussche. Find us on Facebook: TeaBesideTheSea #bexhillianmag


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gardening advice for MARCH

YOUR gardening STORIES

Welcome to the March edition of our monthly gardening advice column. With the worst of the winter weather behind us, bulbs peeping through the soil and the days lengthening the welcome signs of Spring seem to be slowly appearing. The inspiring sunny days provide us with the opportunity for an increasing range of gardening tasks. It’s time to get busy preparing seed beds, sowing seed, cutting back winter shrubs and generally carrying on with the maintenance from February.


If it is very wet keep off the lawn as much as possible – damage to waterlogged lawns is easily inflicted and irritatingly hard to rectify. When the weather improves and the lawn has had a chance to dry out, give it a first cut with the blades on the highest setting – don’t be tempted if conditions are wet! The smell of the first grass cut is still quite wonderful. Reseed bare patches and neaten the edges with a half moon.

General maintenance

Protect new spring shoots from slugs; a generous application of slug killer around hostas now (even if they are not showing) will help in the uneven battle on the horizon! Plant summer flowering bulbs, like the Gladioli – the corms of those spectacularly beautiful spears of colour can be planted from mid March. Plant at fortnightly intervals for a succession of blooms throughout the Summer in a well drained, sunny position. Work in some compost and bonemeal, and plant 4” deep in heavy soils (with a handful of grit at the bottom of the hole). Brighten up your pots and containers with tete-a-tete, pansies, violas, primroses, cyclamen and spring heathers. Cut down perennials that have been left standing over winter, including grasses – even if they are still looking good.

Finish pruning your roses and start spraying them with fungicide to ward against black spot and mildew. Prune hydrangeas – do not remove stems with a bud at the top, but snip off old stems bearing deadheads to just above the topmost healthy bud and remove weak shoots altogether from the base. With established plants, remove some of the older shoots right down to the base – this will help keep it compact. Feed acid loving plants such as camellias and rhododendrons with ericaceous feed if you are on neutral or alkaline soil. If you are not sure about your soil you can buy a soil tester very cheaply in most DIY stores. Do keep on feeding the birds – they become accustomed to the regular food supplies, as Mother Nature can often throw a curve ball weather system towards us just when we think we are on the home run. Happy gardening!

Ian Ward.

www.jwardgardens.co.uk Facebook: J Ward Gardens

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Kitchen Supplies

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photography YOUR STORIES

A PHOTOGRAPHERS VIEW – the french connection

Is it just me that finds some things sound better in French? Let me see: je ne sais quoi; contre jour, déjà vu. Is it just me that finds some things… In photography, we talk about “contre jour” which is just short-hand for the technique of taking pictures with the main light source in front of the camera, which can result in striking graphic silhouettes. Cameras can’t record the total range of tones our eyes see, so the exposure is biased to the brightest part of the scene. In doing so the less bright areas of the scene are underexposed, making them even darker. For instance, take a photograph of the Bexhill seafront, “contre jour” as the sun sets. The sky will be dramatic but the beach will be in total shadow, or even black. Traditional composition teaches us to place the horizon about a third up the frame, but the risk is that the bottom part of the picture will have no visual interest. It will look like the photograph has been redacted by an over-enthusiastic

censor with a magic marker. However, with a little bit of adjustment, striking images are to be had. Look for subjects with distinctive outlines, that rise up in the frame above the foreground, such as sailing boats and masts, the Colonnade domes; even the parade fence. Try raising the camera slightly so that the horizon line is lower in the frame, the darkness at the bottom of the frame now underscores and supports the image, rather than dominating. There are variations on this technique, but this is one of the easiest to experiment with technically, leaving you to concentrate on the picture itself. Go on. Indulge yourself.

Next time: Cheating?

D Charles Mason

. www.dcharlesmason.co.uk Twitter:@dcharlesmason Facebook:dcharlesmason.co.uk #bexhillianmag #bexhillianmag #bexhillianmag

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Lasting Power of Attorney

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*Registration: The government charge a fee per LPA which can be reduced by 50% or you maybe exempt from these fees dependent on your personal financial circumstances.


Time for a shake up!


With Spring just round the corner is it time to get your house in order? I’m not talking about a frantic spot of cleaning and dusting; well not exactly… I’m talking about a ‘psychological spring clean.’ If you don’t like the way your life is going – change it! We always have a choice about how we view a situation, so begin to view your life in a way that will empower you and start taking responsibility for your own happiness. Find yourself an “affirmation” to support your new direction. An affirmation is a positive statement that supports a new situation, outlook or goal that you repeat until it gets impressed on the subconscious mind. An example might be, “I love and approve of myself,” or “I am strong and I can do this.” What is holding you back? Do you hear your mother’s voice saying, “You can’t cook,” or “You’re no good at sport.” Well, it’s high time you debunked those myths. If you can read, then you can cook! Not good at sport? Enter a charity fundraising walk or fun run. Now take a look at those you spend time with. Make two lists: friends that radiate positivity and with whom you feel good in their company and those who are negative, spend time moaning and drain you of energy and enthusiasm. The more time you spend with “radiators” and the less time with “drains” the better you will feel. Now, time to take out a duster and rubbish bin. Remember this saying, “mess causes stress.” Clutter makes it difficult to relax,

bombards us with untidy images and constantly signals to our minds that our homes (and lives) are a mess. Clutter inhibits creativity and productiveness and creates feelings of guilt as we think, “I really ought to tidy up.” Letting go is more liberating than you think. Sometimes it takes a little while to open a new chapter, so be patient. While none of us can go back and start again, we can draw a line under the past and begin from here. Until next time,

Steve Clifford. Counsellor and CBT therapist www.stevecliffordcbt.com Like on Facebook: yourmentalhealthmatters

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CLOUD ACCOUNTING – WHY SHOULD I HAVE IT? Whatever the size of your business, small or large, there are many advantages to cloud accounting. It will allow you to work faster, smarter, view your financial information in real time (rather than just when your accounts are prepared) and will allow your accountant to provide more relevant, up to date advice. How do we know this? Because we are already in it, alongside many of our clients.

What does working ‘in the cloud’ actually mean?

The cloud basically means you have your own space on the internet for all your accounting data. This makes your data and software available anywhere, at any time. All you have to do is log on and you can see everything that is normally currently available on your own hard drive. The cloud is not just about accounting, it’s everything that allows you to continue working normally wherever you are. As long as you have internet access, you can view your normal desktop from any device, anywhere. Consider the advantages of this if you implement a more modern, hot-desking, home working culture? Even better, our clients can see their own information in real time, at any time during the year. Gone are the days that you have to wait until months after the year end to see how your business is doing. Cloud accounting solutions have great reporting facilities and you can access this not just from your PC but your mobile devices too. Now, together, we can assess performance throughout the year and recommend solutions to improve profits or reduce costs and provide timely tax planning.

I’ve got accounting software – what’s wrong with this?

Ask yourself are you getting the most out of it. Is it cloud based? Does it have good reporting? Is your bookkeeping always up to date? Does your accountant talk to you during the year about your business or does he/she have no idea how your business has performed until the year end accounts are prepared (probably many months after the year end)?

Where do I get more help?

This article aims to give some informal hints and tips. We recommend that you always seek professional financial advice. We offer free advice so please get in touch.

Ainsley Gill BA (Hons) FCA

www.mcphersons.co.uk Email: a.gill@mcphersons.co.uk Twitter: @McPhersonsBiz


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Lasting Power of Attorney for your business Many small businesses are hugely dependent on one person – the business founder or managing director, say. So what would happen to the company if its key person was unable to perform his or her duties for an extended period – because of a serious accident or ill-health, for example? And what if that person doesn’t even have the capacity to take decisions or issue instructions?

that customers’ unpaid invoices are never chased. Most other institutions – from the local council to utility providers – are not legally allowed to discuss your affairs with anyone else unless you have an LPA in place.

If the worst happens, your business will be in much better shape if you have set up a lasting power of attorney (LPA). This is a legal document that gives power to a named individual who you trust to act on your behalf if you lose the capacity to do so for some reason. There are two types of LPA: health and welfare LPAs empower someone to make decisions about your health and medical treatment if you’re not in a position to do so, while financial LPAs confer powers over your financial and business affairs. Both documents are important, but from a small business perspective, it’s the second type of LPA that can prove particularly crucial.

That could rapidly prove disastrous for your business, which may spin into terminal decline simply because no-one is able to take charge of its day-to-day affairs – even if there are people who can do the work that the business delivers, you need someone with the power to run the enterprise.

Without such a document in place, anyone stepping into the breach to look after your business for a period is likely to find life very difficult. They’ll be unable to deal with your business’s bank, for example, which could mean wages and other bills go unpaid, or

In theory, it is possible for relatives to apply to the Court of Protection for special powers in the event that you suffer a loss of capacity without having set up an LPA. In practice, however, this can take months to arrange and can also prove expensive. By contrast, registering an LPA with the Office of the Public Guardian so it can be called upon if needed is a very quick process that costs just £110 per application.

Nicolae Trofin.

Facebook: Professional Will writing & Estate Planning Twitter: @WillsTrustsLPA LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/trofinnicolae



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COPING WITH…. LOSS OF CONFIDENCE AND DIRECTION Do you look in the mirror and wonder who you are and how you got here? A few years ago I emerged from motherhood and caring for family first and me second. My beautiful daughters were well cared for and prepared for life’s adventures. I stood in front of that mirror and really looked at myself. I’m not youthful and fresh any more… how did that happen?? I don’t want to look or dress like a young person, but my makeup isn’t right, my comfortable ‘mum’ clothes are looking tired and so am I. I know! I’ll buy black clothes and do neutral make up, easy!

isn’t just the surface which has changed and improved, it’s how you feel about yourself too. So, if you are looking in the mirror and don’t feel confident, if you have lost direction and don’t know where to start…

Start with colour!

I read an article about a journalist amazed at how visiting a Colour Consultant changed not only her clothes, but improved her confidence and gave her direction. This was for me! I Googled Colour Consultants (disregarding the ‘franchises’ appearing corporate and intimidating) and chose the lady with no proper website. My colours are Bright/Clear, Light and Balanced. No black for me. I open my wardrobe and see a rainbow of colour (arranged that way because it makes me happy!) and the correct shade of foundation; blush and lipstick always look great. Friends and family were amazed at my transformation. Five years ago, I decided to help others see what is possible for them too. The tone, depth and clarity of your skin, hair and eye colour matched with the colour of your clothes completes the picture of you. It

Deborah Latter

Colour and Style Deborah can be contacted at the YouNique Wellbeing Studios in Bexhill. Visit www.youniquewellbeing.co.uk and follow on Twitter: @YouNiqueWBS and on Facebook. #bexhillianmag #bexhillianmag

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Knowing and Responding to my Children’s Development Over the last few months, we have looked at many stages of development for our children, and how to best help them accomplish what is important at each stage: to find practical ways to show unconditional love and acceptance, according to what they really need. Let’s take a look at this from the very beginning.

Who Do You Trust?

(Infancy: New-born to 18 months) We used to believe that newborns just needed to be held, fed, burped, changed, put to bed, but we have now discovered that babies are learning all sorts of basic lessons. As Baby’s needs are met or unmet, the question is answered “Can relationships be trusted?” It is not a matter of whether they will learn about trust, but what they will learn. There is no more crucial lesson for growing up than learning to trust – it affects all our relationships! So how can we help... • T alk in ‘baby-talk’ – they really do best respond to a high pitched tone of voice! • Provide changes of scenery – they love the variety of sensory experience • Gently tickle your infant, nuzzle your head on their tummy, make some funny/different noises • Give lots of eye contact.

Learning to Balance the Toddler (Walking – 36 months)

“How long do I stay attached to these adults,

depending on them for everything/when do I let go, and begin to be responsible and make my own choices?” Achieving this balance is a lifelong business, but it begins in earnest at this age. The day a child takes its first step, a whole new horizon opens up, and dependency and life is changed forever. Exasperating at times, but normal, its a push and pull between holding on and letting go. Parents help balance this process by providing limits and controlling the consequences of the toddler’s choices. “I’m not going to let you run into the street/ I’m not going to let you throw a ten minute temper tantrum. But neither am I going to put you in a playpen with a packet of breadsticks and expect you to be quiet all day – I’m committed to doing whatever is best for you” This might look like: • Child-proofing the home – removing or fencing off hazards • Being consistent – what’s not OK now, is not OK tomorrow either • Ignoring or giving no attention to temper tantrums – when the storm subsides, resume your activity together (when in public it might mean retreating to the car/loo/side of pavement) • Saying “I love you” after a tantrum or power struggle. • A sense of humour is essential – for fun, why not get together with a friend and share your worst nappy-changing experience or your most embarrassing toddler moment?

Susie Marriott. Susie is a grandmother and a retired relationship trainer. #bexhillianmag

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bexhill neighbourhood POLICing team

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ADVERTISE HERE FOR ONLY £60 PER MONTH • Delivered to 6000 homes • Read online from your computer, tablet or smartphone • Prices and sizes listed online

www.bexhillianmag.co.uk Or call: 0843 886 3355 Send high resolution pdf artwork to: samantha@bexhillianmag.co.uk Artwork and design service available* Deadline is 24th March 2016. *Artwork/design services are subject to terms and conditions.

bexhill library OPEN DAY! The Little Common Library is holding its ‘Annual Open Day’ on 29th March 2016 at 10.00-12.30 There will be up to 1,000 books for sale all in good condition. The day gives everyone a chance to see the library working, view the large selection of books we hold and to meet the volunteers who run it. There will also be refreshments, a cake stall, raffle and other stalls. Information will be #bexhillianmag


available about how to become a “Friend “ one of a band of people who support us throughout the year. Everyone is welcome, bring a friend and enjoy the morning meeting us and finding out all about your local library. Everyone will be given a very warm welcome. Thank you for your interest.

Our normal opening times are: • Tuesdays: 9.30 – 16.00 • Fridays: 9.30 – 12.30




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Contact our shop’s Retail Manager, Emma:

01424 272519 “Providing essential care and support services to local people with cancer and other life threatening illnesses.” Charity Number: 1055048

We View We Pack We Collect We Care

What’s on in and around Bexhill? Check out more events and clubs at www.bexhillianmag.co.uk/bexhill-events BEXHILL THEATRE SUPPORTER’S CLUB | COFFEE MORNINGS | 10am Held on 1st Friday of each month at St Peter’s Community Centre, Old Town, Bexhill. Monthly theatre outings followed by afternoon teas. Further details: Janice 01424 539160 Little Common Women’s Institute | 3rd Wed each month | 2-4pm Held at the Little Common Community Centre, Shepherds Close, Little Common. We have speakers most months but also organise excursions to local places of interest, restaurants, theatres and garden centres. Further details: visit East Sussex Federation of WIs website or our Facebook page. solo art exhibition: ‘angles are awesome’ | 8th-20th march Held at Murmurations Gallery, 17a Parkurst Rd, Bexhill. Rebeka Lord’s paintings explore how everyday scenery and objects are perceived, then deconstructed and reconstructed to create new objects. Further details: 01424 272554 or visit: www.murmurationsgallery.co.uk Little common horticultural society | 11th MARCH | 7.15pm Guest speaker Dowager Lady Constance Crabtree (aka Paul James) on “How to grow old disgracefully”. Visitors and non-members are always welcome. Visit www.lchs.co.uk for further details. Bexhill marina townswomen’s guild AGM | 30th March | 7.30pm This meeting is a week later than usual, held at Bexhill Marina Sailing Club. Further details: Susan 01424 211140. QUIZ NIGHTS | EVERY TUESDAY | 7-9.45pm | £5 per person Held regularly, teams of between 2 & 7 people, a ‘chilli con carne’ meal is provided (alternative food is available). There are several rounds and a number of prizes to be won. This is one of the many events held at Café No.48 in Devonshire Rd. Further details: 01424 736600 Bexhill Down Townswomen’s Guild | 2nd wed each montH | 2pm Held at St Augustine’s Church Hall, Cooden Drive. We have a really exciting Clinique demo in April with free makeup and skin advice. Free tea and biscuits and a friendly welcome. Call Joyce on 01424 216150 or just come along on the day. group art exhibition: ‘un-broken’ | 22nd March-10th April Works are by female artists ‘Now We Are 7’. The exhibition brings together themes that consider how both major and insignificant changes and fractures in the human experience are explored through the process of art making. Further details: 01424 272554 or visit: www.murmurationsgallery.co.uk PLEASE NOTE the deadline for ADVERTS/EDITORIALS, DESIGN/ARTWORK AND COMPETITION ENTRIES IS 24th MARCH 2016.

The Bexhillian Important Information Don’t forget to mention the Bexhillian when contacting the business advertised Don’t want to miss out on regular editorials? Haven’t received your copy this month? Please email us your address and we’ll get a copy delivered to your door. scott@bexhillianmag.co.uk

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0843 886 3355 (Local call rates apply, but other mobile service charges may vary)

scott@bexhillianmag.co.uk Email *adverts and editorials:

samantha@bexhillianmag.co.uk Please visit our website:

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Really Useful Telephone Numbers A short directory of emergency numbers, helplines and local service numbers

EMERGENCY NUMBERS Multiple Sclerosis Society

0808 800 8000 NSPCC 0800 800 5000 (24 hour) ParentLine Plus 0808 800 2222 Red Cross Medical Loan 01424 213583 Samaritans (*24hr) 01424 436666/*08457 909090 Women’s Refuge 0808 2000 247 CHEMISTS Little Common Pharmacy 01424 843575 Lloyds Pharmacy 01424 220424 Marsh Pharmacy 01424 219516 Pebsham Pharmacy 01424 736135 HELPLINES Trackside Pharmacy Age UK 01424 212555 01424 426162 CHIROPODISTS/FOOT HEALTH Bexhill Caring Community Naomi Creasey MChS BSc(Hons) Podiatry 01424 215116 01424 215300 Bexhill Information Centre Philip Hurst MCFHP MAFHP 01424 773721 01323 724298 Rother District Citizens Advice Talbot Associates 01424 215055 and 01424 734549 01424 216488 Childline CHURCHES 0800 1111 All Saint’s Church (Anglican) East Sussex Cruse 01424 221071 01323 642942 Beulah Baptist Church Direct Debt Line 01424 730001 0800 587 0875 Bexhill/Hastings Jewish Society Domestic Abuse Project 07743 992295 01424 716629 Bexhill United Reformed Hastings and Rother Church  01424 213683 Mediation Service Sackville Road Methodist Church 01424 446808 01424 733137 Home Call - In and St Augustine’s Church around Bexhill 01424 210785 01424 717795 St Peter’s Church Home-Start 01424 734438 01424 443636 St Stephen’s Church Kidscape 01424 211186 08451 205204 Police, Fire, Ambulance and Coastguard 999 Bexhill-on-Sea Police Station 101 - non emergency calls Freephone Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 Conquest Hospital: A&E Dept. 01424 755255 Eastbourne District General Hospital 01323 411188 National Gas Emergency Service 0800 111 999 South East Water Company 0845 278 0845 Garage Door Emergency Repair 07730 5570119 Little’s Locksmiths 07702 849828

DENTISTS Eversley Road Dental Practice 01424 210610 Little Common Dental Practice 01424 845530 Precision Oral Design Ltd 01424 223293 Sussex Dental Design 01424 210777 DOCTORS Collington Surgery 01424 217465 Little Common Surgery 01424 847575 Old Town Surgery 01424 739420 Pebsham Surgery 01424 230399 Sidley Medical Practice 01424 230025 OPTICIANS & EAR HEALTH Green & Elliott 01424 212544 The Spectacle Hut 01424 213326 Bexhill Hearing Centre 01424 733030 PHYSIOTHERAPISTS & OSTEOPATHS Peter Butcher MMACP, Mcsp, Grad Dip Physiotherapist Rebecca Lunn MCSP BSc (Hons) Tracey Butcher MCSP, Grad, Dip, Phys

01424 224164 Clare Kersley BSc (Hons) Osteopath 07954 327614 VETS Chase Veterinary Centre 01424 224818 Claremont Veterinary Group 01424 222835 Greenleaves Veterinary Centre 01424 212225 Bexhill & Hastings Wildlife Rescue 01424 225647/07837 958109

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