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Obiskali so nas projektni partnerji projekta MINATURA 2020 Mateja Čubej – Salonit Anhovo Na pobudo geologa dr. Željka Pogačnika smo 17. novembra 2016 v naših kamnolomih in tovarni gostili partnerje, ki so se udeležili 3. sestanka projektnih partnerjev evropskega projekta MINATURA 2020. Na tridnevnem dogodku, ki je potekal v Ljubljani od 15. do 17. novembra 2016, je družba Salonit Anhovo s pomočjo dveh posterjev predstavila svoje sodelovanje v projektu EVROPSKI DNEVI MINERALOV 2015 (EUROPEAN MINERALS DAY 2015) ter ureditev opuščenega kamnoloma Lastivnica, ki zaradi svojega edinstvenega eocenskega flišnega profila spada pod naravovarstveno zaščito Republike Slovenije. EUROPEAN MINERALS DAY IN SALONIT ANHOVO



Obisk smo začeli z ogledom kamnolomov naše družbe, ki ležijo na levem bregu reke Soče. Obiskovalce smo najprej popeljali v opuščen kamnolom Lastivnica, kjer smo po lanskoletni odločitvi, da pristopimo k projektu Evropski dnevi mineralov, pričeli z urejanjem učne poti na temo mineralov, prisotnih v cementni industriji. Pot smo nadaljevali v naših aktivnih kamnolomih Perunku in Rodežu. Celoten ogled kamnolomov je bil podprt s strokovno razlago dr. Željka Pogačnika o nastanku naših kamnolomov in Soške doline ter mineralogiji, ki je prisotna na tem območju.

The European Minerals Day was organized for the first time in 2007 on initiative of European mineral sector. Since then, every two years, quarries and factories from the mineral sector open their doors for one weekend. The project aim is to approximate the world of minerals to the general public, especially families, young children and local people and to present them the importance of minerals for a person's everyday life and for the economy.

In 2015 the company Salonit Anhovo have for the first time joined to the project European Minerals Day. The event entitled th th »LET'S EXPLORE MINERALS IN CEMENT INDUSTRY« was held on 25 and 26 September 2015, in an abandoned quarry Lastivnica, where the geological profile is protected as natural heritage of the Republic of Slovenia. Two-day event has attracted around 250 visitors, among which were mostly children from local schools.


Company Salonit Anhovo decided to participate to this project because we wanted to offer our visitors opportunity to learn more about our cement industry and to explore minerals that are present in our environment and those in the cement industry.


Carbonate crystals in faulted carbonate sandstones





Carbonate sandstones with sediment structures


An accidental discovery of Ivan Nibrant, a mason from Anhovo, and the visionaries of the entrepreneur from Split, Emil Stock, were the reasons for the start of production of cement in Anhovo. The most important factor was the availability of an excellent raw material, available workforce, proximity to railways and a large request for cement. The beginnings of the extraction of raw material in the quarry Rodez extend back to the year 1921. The procedures of extraction changed from initial surface mining, when only marl was explored, through cave excavation and transport by cable over the river Soèa to today's extraction, suitable for a high capacity cement plant. Current extraction of raw materials, with a suitable pre-treatment of materials, allows the use of raw materials, which contain 35 % - 95% CaCO3.

Sea and glacier were the dominant surface forces which transformed Soèa's valley. Planet Earth is about 4,6 billion years old, but the rocks in the valley and the hills around river Soèa are not more than 250 million years old. These rocks were formed by deposition or sedimentation in the sea. The oldest are the upper Triassic carbonates, on them were deposited Jurassic limestones (200-145 million years), which were subjected to erosion and re-sedimentation of the Jurassic and Cretaceous limestones and flysch. During the Pleistocene the Ice Age occurred and lasted almost 2 million years. During this period the Soèa's Glacier formed the northern part of the Soèa valley.

For this purpose, we created an educational path in abandoned quarry Lastivnica with educational panels and interesting exhibits. Through guided tours can visitors now learn about formation of the Soèa valley and our quarries, processes of raw material extraction in the quarries in the past and today and research work in the quarry. Furthermore, they can also learn about the conversion of minerals from the raw material to clinker minerals and at the end to the minerals in hardened cement .

MINEAROLOGY IN THE QUARRY Based on the geological research results we can claim, that the area of today central Soèa Valley was under the sea in the upper Cretaceous, Paleocene and lower Eocene. Tectonic movements and sedimentological conditions caused the occurrence of underwater landslides thickness of around 100 m. Seabed sediments, which were not yet completely petrified, have been eroded. After slipping layers deposited in accordance with the gravity law. Thus were formed the cyclothems, which represent a sequence of rocks. In the area of Anhovo quarries, cyclothems have quite similar composition, they differ only in the share of individual rock layers.

PLANS FOR THE FUTURE We plane to complement the educational path with:

Children from local primary schools in our quarry.

The youngest visitors were very excited about the exhibits.


Litostratigraphic column with explanation table


Educational panel about mineralogy


Educational panel about degradation and recycling of concrete


Thicket of rudists


Clinker and natural gypsum

Visitors at the waterfall

Within of this project we also prepare a short movie about minerals in cement industry. The title of movie is LET'S EXPLORE MINERALS IN CEMENT INDUSTRY and you can watch it in our web site

QUARRY LASTIVNICA In the municipality of Kanal ob Soèi, Salonit Anhovo manage 4 quarries: Rodež, Perunk, Lastivnica and Deskle. They are located on the left bank of the river Soèa and together they occupy around 44 ha of land. Active excavations take place only in quarries Rodež and Perunk. Quarries Lastivnice and Deskle are abandoned.



Quarry Lastivnica is located between the quarry Deskle and Perunk. We started to extract the raw material for the production of cement in year 1978 and ended in year 1989. Quarry Lastivnica is now protected as natural heritage of the Republic of Slovenia, because of the special Eocene flysch profile.,13.6130186,7373m/data=!3m1!1e3

Concrete test specimens

RESEARCH WORK IN THE QUARRY Methods of prospecting and exploration of mineral resources are presented. Geological searching for mineral resources is not constituted of material-invasive procedures that could change the designated use of the area. In searching for mineral deposits, non-invasive investigative methods are used, such as geological mapping, detailed and continual geological point sampling, geochemical, geophysical, pedological and geotechnical exploration of earth structures and 3D interpretation of the obtained results. Research works represent the execution of specific works, for which it is necessary to obtain the permission from the responsible ministries in order to implement such interventions.



MINERALS IN CEMENT CLINKER On this poster are presented minerals in cement clinker which is the main component for the production of cement. Clinker minerals are clearly visible with observation under an optical microscope. The most important clinker mineral alite can be identified under the microscope by its blue colour and sharp edges. It is very reactive and provides high initial and final strength in hardened cement binder. The second most important mineral belite, can be identified by its brown coloration and oval, rounded forms. The space between alite and belite is filled with aluminates and ferrites, that are formed during the cooling of the melt.

Hardened cement founded in the caverns of the First World War on Sveta Gora (Holy Moutain)



Mixture of cement, water and suitable aggregate is concrete, which is the most widely used building material nowadays. Its binding component is hydrated cement binder or cement stone. This occur in the process of hydration, when cement is mixed with water and clinker minerals react with it. Formed minerals can be observed only under the electron microscope, because of their small size. In the hydration of silicate phases (alite and belite) C-S-H (Calcium-Silicate-Hydrate) gel and calcium hydroxide are formed. In the hydration of aluminate phases (aluminate and ferrite) so-called AFt and AFm minerals are obtained.

Posterja, s katerima smo se predstavili na dogodku v Ljubljani


Splošni cilj evropskega projekta MINATURA 2020, ki ga financira Evropska komisija v okviru programa raziskave in inovacije OBZORJE 2020 (HORIZON 2020), je razviti koncept in metodologijo za opredelitev in ustrezno varovanje nahajališč mineralnih surovin javnega pomena z namenom zagotavljanja njihove najučinkovitejše rabe v prihodnosti. Tak koncept bo vključen v harmoniziran evropski regulativni/zakonodajni/politični okvir. Prav to je osnovno vodilo projekta: ponuditi okvir za načrtovanje politike, ki obravnava načelo trajnosti na področju rudarstva na isti način kot na področju drugih rab prostora. Izvajanje projekta poteka pod vodstvom avstrijske Agencije za mednarodno politiko na področju mineralnih surovin – MinPol in ob sodelovanju mednarodnega združenja 24 partnerjev iz 16 držav članic EU (Avstrija, Belgija, Hrvaška, Francija, Madžarska, Italija, Irska, Nizozemska, Poljska, Portugalska, Romunija, Slovaška, Slovenija, Španija, Švedska in Združeno kraljestvo) ter treh držav nečlanic EU (Bosna in Hercegovina, Črna gora in Srbija). Triletni projekt je tako podprt z bogatim znanjem in izkušnjami strokovnjakov z različnih področij. Slovenski partnerji v projektu so Geološki zavod Slovenije (GeoZS), Društvo tehničnih vodij - Površinsko odkopavanje (DTVPO) in ISKRIVA, Iskrišče za razvoj lokalnih potencialov (

Razlaga ob panojih v kamnolomu Lastivnica

Ogled smo nadaljevali na desnem bregu reke Soče, v proizvodnji, ker smo obiskovalcem predstavili postopek pridobivanja cementa ter naše proizvode. Obisk smo zaključili z vzponom na izmenjevalnik toplote, od koder so obiskovalci z navdušenjem opazovali kompleks cementarne, naš največji kamnolom Rodež in okoliške kraje.

Skupinska fotografija na izmenjevalniku toplote, v ozadju kamnolom Rodež Naš list



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