2024 April Newsletter-EN

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Newsletter News from RVDA News Highlights • RVDA of Canada 2024 National Advocacy Program • 2024 Canadian RV Dealer of the YearCall for Nomination • Updated Economic Impact Analysis of the Canadian RV industry RVDA's 2024 National Advocacy Program 6 RVs on Sparks Street 7 Updated Economic Impact Analysis of the Canadian RV industry 8 Apply for NTPSTAG Canada RV Industry Personnel Bursaries! 9 How well does your organization learn? By Dave Kahle 12-13 2024 Canadian RV Dealer of the YearCall for Nomination 15 Inside this issue:

Dear members,

April is always a very exciting month for the RVDA of Canada, as we gear up for a series of pivotal meetings with our Members of Parliament in Ottawa. On Wednesday, April 17th, board members from both the RVDA of Canada and the Canadian Camping and RV Association (CCRVA) will convene for our annual RV Industry Awareness Day in Ottawa. This event provides us with a platform to engage directly with MPs, delving into crucial topics concerning the Canadian RV and Camping industry.

This Hill Day specifically is quite unique, as it is our 20th annual event! This milestone highlights all the work and advocacy that has been going on over the years. Being a voice for RV dealers in Canada for more than two decades is an accomplishment that we are very proud of.

Our discussions always provide an invaluable opportunity to apprise the government of current industry trends but will also offer us the opportunity to comment directly about the budgetary measures that will have been introduced the day before. The RVDA of Canada and CCRVA will continue to advocate for sustained investments that bolster the RV and camping industries. These sectors represent pivotal economic drivers for tourism on a national scale, underscoring the need for long-term support and strategic engagement.

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Chairman’s Column

Chairman’s Column

For a second year, we will also be showcasing RVs on Sparks Street. This is an excellent way for MPs and their staff to see firsthand what the RV industry is really about. As well, having a couple of RVs on Sparks Street enables us to not only enter in contact with politicians but with consumers and bystanders. It frames the advocacy effort as something that is being done for Canadians and for all that are interested in RVing. Reducing the inevitable political aura that comes with being an association is a great way to underline the legitimacy behind our messaging. Please follow us on social media and look for updates throughout the week!

Later this spring, we will be inviting all Canadians to join us and celebrate the importance of the RV and Camping Industry during the ninth annual Canadian RV and Camping Week on May 21st – 26th, 2024. Campgrounds will offer their own way to celebrate the start of another camping season during Canadian RV and Camping Week which, depending on the region, may include special events, discounted overnight fees, and/or specific activities to commemorate the occasion.

We encourage our dealer members to highlight Canadian RV and Camping week to their consumers. We also have a large number of marketing assets that can be used in social media as well as on websites for anyone who is interested in highlighting this camping week. Participating campgrounds can be found at the following link: Canadian RV and Camping Week - Canadian Camping and RV Association (ccrva.ca)

All the best,

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Canadian National RV Retail Statistics

February 2024

Canadian retail sales statistics are now available for both motorized and towable recreational vehicles.

These statistics will allow dealers to better manage the inventory on their lot by knowing which units are selling in their area, which price points are attracting buyers as well as knowing the local trends affecting their marketplace.

The RV retail sales statistics compiled by Statistical Surveys Inc. are the result of matching manufacturer VIN numbers with RV registrations.

The RVDA of Canada endorsement agreement includes free access for national monthly figures only, for members only. Going forward, these figures will be published in the RVDA of Canada bimonthly newsletter and archived at the “RV Statistics / National RV Sales” link on the member side of www.rvda.ca

This information is copyrighted to Statistical Surveys Inc. and for your use only, not for distribution. In order to protect your endorsement benefit, please honour that confidentiality.

To purchase more detailed statistics – by province, region or city – please contact Ryan Kloppe of of Statistical Surveys Inc. at 616-281-9898 ext 128 or rkloppe@statisticalsurveys.com

To learn more about Statistical Surveys Inc., visit www.statisticalsurveys.com

Elite Insurance Company is a subsidiary of Aviva Canada Inc., one of the leading Property and Casualty insurance groups in Canada which provides insurance protection to more than 3 million Canadians.

Aviva Canada is on a mission to change insurance. "At Aviva, we listen to our customers' views and opinions because by listening and acting on your feedback, we become better at what we do. We want Aviva customers to feel they are being treated as people, not as a number. We want our customers to be confident and comfortable that they have the right insurance to cover their needs. And we want our customers to have a positive experience at Aviva. We've already started the change by introducing our claims service satisfaction guarantee which you can learn more by visiting www.ClaimsGuarantee.com

Elite Insurance Company is Canada's largest insurer of specialty personal insurance products since 1954, covering recreational vehicles, mobile homes, antique & custom cars and pleasure crafts. To learn more about Aviva Elite and their mission to change insurance visit their website: www.avivacanada.com Aviva Elite

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Review RVDA of Canada

The 2023 Annual Economic Review RVDA of Canada is intended to deliver a comprehensive look at the economic indicators affecting the RV Industry in Canada. These products are intended to provide members with current economic information, which can assist them in gaining insights into the changing economic dimensions of the RV industry and the economy at large.

Download this report on RVDA of Canada member site under Member services / Industry Relations tabs (login required)

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APRIL 17, 2024
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Now Open:Apply for NTP-STAG Canada RV Industry Personnel Bursaries!

NTP-STAG Canada has been a steadfast supporter of education within the Canadian RV industry, and their continued commitment allows us to offer these prestigious bursaries. We're thrilled to provide this opportunity for professional development, with a total of $12,500 up for grabs for eligible technicians and fixed operations personnel.

Whether you're a seasoned service technician or a key member of the fixed operations team, these bursaries are tailor-made for individuals like you who are dedicated to excellence in the RV industry.

Here's a quick rundown of what you need to know:

• Application Deadline: June 1, 2024

• RV Service Technician Bursaries Awarded: Eight

• Fixed Operations Personnel Bursaries Awarded: Eight

• Eligibility: RV service technicians and fixed operations personnel (RVDA of Canada member locations only)

The RVDA of Canada's national Education and HR Committee is thrilled to continue offering these bursary programs, reaffirming our commitment to fostering ongoing education and professionalization within the industry.

Now is the time to act!Don't let this golden opportunity slip through your fingers.

Take the first step towards advancing your career by applying for the NTP-STAG Canada RV Bursaries today.

All RV dealership personnel employed at an RVDA of Canada member location are eligible to apply. All training must be completed between August 1, 2023 and May 31, 2024 to be considered for a bursary.

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Promoting work-life balance for women: Insights from our workmonitor report

How we work continues to evolve post-pandemic, but one trend remains among Canadian employees: a continued desire for work-life balance. According to our latest Workmonitor survey, almost all respondents think it’s important to both their current job and future employment. The good news, most seem to have it.

However, close to 20 percent of women surveyed feel their employer doesn’t offer a good work-life balance - and they shouldn t be ignored. After all, females still tend to carry the load of at-home responsibilities and caregiving. As an employer, it’s important to consider female employees’ motivations and opinions. Here are three top insights from our report:

1. adesireforflexibleworkarrangements

Even with more demand on their time outside of work, women appear to have less flexibility around when, where, and how much they work when compared to men. According to our survey:

• Forty-seven percent of females agree that they have flexibility in choosing both where and how much they work, compared to 57 percent of males.

• Fifty-five percent of women say they can control when they work (67% for men).

However, a significant number of women still view being able to work from home as a non-negotiable. Given these results, a clear desire for flexibility remains.

2. expectations for better company policies

The rising cost of living, coupled with the demands of raising a family, make supportive company policies more important than ever. Here are two that stand out:

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pay equity

When asked what the most important initiative or policy is for a potential or current employer to offer, 47 percent of females said gender pay equity. Just 28 percent of males responded the same.


Company culture matters, particularly for female employees. In fact, 42 percent of female respondents have quit a job because of a toxic workplace, compared to just 31 percent of males. The right culture fosters ambition, advancement, and well being. But women aren’t

In fact, 51% percent of women want to take on more managerial responsibilities compared to 50% percent of males. They also seem to be less reluctant than men to share their ambitions with their employers, particularly if they want to progress quickly (57% vs. 47%). promoting work-life balance

Intentionally supporting women in today’s workforce benefits all employees – and your organization. Here’s how you can get started:

1. provide feedback channels

Create avenues for employees to share their ideas and concerns openly.

2. review your policies

Assess existing policies to ensure they meet employee needs, especially regarding work-life balance and gender equality.

3. address gender disparities

Take proactive steps to close gender gaps in the workplace, including bias mitigation and support for women's advancement.

4. work with a trusted partner

Seek guidance from our experts to develop tailored solutions for promoting work-life balance and gender equality.

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How well does your organization learn?

Three practices to begin to learn to learn

What may be the single most important predictor of an organization’s long-term business development and survival is that organization’s ability to learn. In a world that is changing more rapidly today than at any previous time in human history, the consistent practice of learning is the only sustainable long-term strategy.

Products will come and go with increasing short life spans, advantageous relationships will ebb and flow, as will every other competitive advance. But, the ability to change and grow will stimulate an organization to the constant renewal and refocus that our changing environment demands.

That’s one of the key issues in Peter Senge’s book, The Fifth Discipline. In it, he identifies the benefits and practices of a “learning organization.’ Unfortunately, the recommendations in Senge’s book are often outside of the reach of most small businesses.


By learning, I mean the ability to take in new information, formulate it into new ideas, and then put those ideas into existence. Learning, for adults on the job, always manifests as changed behavior. The individual, the team or group, and the organization as a whole has to do something differently for learning to have taken place.

For an individual, learning means the consistently applied process of exposing yourself to new ideas, and then changing your behavior as a result. It is not a one-time event, but rather a discipline that is maintained and applied forever. For example, I work a lot with sales people. When a salesperson develops a better question to ask in collecting information about a proposal, the issue isn’t the question, it’s the ability to continually develop better questions.

For an organization, which is made up of individuals, learning means the institutionalization of practices which result in innovative products, processes and practices. It’s not the new product which is the important element, it’s the ability to continually create new products.

This ability to continually change behavior, both organizationally as well as individually, is the single biggest indicator of long term success.

The only sustainable effective response to a rapidly changing world is cultivating the ability to positively transform ourselves and our organizations.”

Learning is the most valuable benefit we can offer employees, and our ability as a company to learn faster and better than competitors is our most valuable competitive resource.”

Douglas McKenna, Microsoft Corp.

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The problem

Most individuals don’t value learning, and most organizations have never given it serious thought. In my work with salespeople for example, I’ve often noted that given a random selection of 20 salespeople only one in that group will have spent $25 of his/her own money on his own improvement in the last 12 months. The 5 percent who do invest in themselves are often the superstars, who have become that by relentless learning.

As a trainer and consultant, I’ve worked personally and contractually with over 500 different companies. Only a handful had a mention of learning in their value statements, a strategic initiative dedicated to it, or even a budget for investing in the process. Clearly, learning is not on the top of their minds.


Here are five simple questions to determine the degree to which your organization values and promotes learning.

1. To what degree is ‘learning’ mentioned in the company’s foundational documents? (it’s mission values and vision statements, it’s self-description on the webpage, etc.)

2. To what degree does the organization reward or penalize new ideas, attempts to do things better, or risks taken, regardless of the outcomes?

3. To what degree does everyone understand that continually personal and organizational improvement is expected and rewarded within the organization?

4. How much money (expressed as a percentage of payroll) does the organization invest annually in learning experiences for its employees?

5. To what degree are individuals who refuse to learn tolerated within the organization?

Some practical ideas

The process of transforming an organization into one which learns, consistently and relentlessly, deserves more thought than this article allows. However, here are three low-budget, immediately implemental practices that will kick-start the process and bring a rich return on investment.

1.Promote the idea.

Announce, over and over in every situation, that the organization and every individual within it, needs to learn. Let that message become a mantra. Whenever possible, give examples, tell success stories, and recognize specific learning behaviors.

You should be promoting that message so consistently and passionately that the employees begin to tire of hearing it.

2. Invest in learning experiences. A learning experience is an event in which the folks are confronted with new information, new ideas, and new insights, and encouraged to change their behavior as a result.

3. Model learning behavior.

You can’t just talk about it and encourage others to do it. You must model what you want them to do. That means that you must read the books, watch the videos, listen to the podcasts, read the blog posts, go to the seminars, and then change your behavior in positive ways as a result. And, you must tell people what you are doing and why you are doing it.

You being a model of what an active professional learner does will go a long way to encourage and support similar behavior from the troops.

Dave Kahle is one of the world's leading sales authorities. He's written twelve books, presented in 47 states and eleven countries, and has helped enrich tens of thousands of sales people and transform hundreds of sales organizations. Sign up for his free weekly Ezine. His book, How to Sell Anything to Anyone Anytime, has been recognized by three international entities as "one of the five best English language business books.” Check out his latest book, The Good Book on Business

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for Nominations
Deadline for submission : August 31, 2024
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Discounts on select courier services worldwide

Exclusive discounts up to 35% off select FedEx services when shipping within Canada, to the US, or internationally. If you have a FedEx account, simply enroll in this program through the dedicated FedEx webpage that can be found at the member link If not, see the member benefit page for a link to do so View FedEx services at www.fedex.ca.

Introducing member benefit from John Deere ! RVDA of Canada members are now eligible for an upgraded John Deere Rewards membership which unlocks extra discounts on equipment, parts and merchandise. Enroll today! It’s simple , fast & free. Check JohnDeere.ca/rvda

Marks: Discounts (in-store) on select workwear

As your current cards expired, we're offering you an easier way to shop! To receive the discounts, all you need to do is mention the RVDA of Canada account number at check-out. This offer is available at all Mark's stores across Canada. We're still working on extending the program to online purchases so stay tuned. Access the program now through the RVDA of Canada member site

Discounts and offers for top attractions, shows and other entertainment!

Exclusive discounts and offers for all your stay at Home and work from home needs including, Disney+ subscription,Showtime subscription, black Friday pricing for computers/laptops audiobooks and much more! Access the program now through the RVDA of Canada member site.

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Perkopolis Member Discount Program

Great perks on everyday products and services!

Perkopolis is continuously sourcing exclusive offers and benefits for you!

Use your Perkopolis membership to enjoy great savings on entertainment, travel, attractions, shopping, health, wellness, sports and more!

Click here for more information

Petro-Canada SuperPass Credit Card Discount

With use of the Petro-Canada SuperPass credit card, members of Explorer RV Club & RVDA of Canada can realize significant savings, convenience, control & security.

Click here for information / application form & ontact information.

Reserve and Save on Airport Parking Program

With a network that spans coast to coast, Park’N Fly is focused on providing our customers with cost-effective parking options while enjoying a park happy experience with every stay. Access Program

Purolator Member Discount Program

CSAE has negotiated group shipping discounts of up to 55%* on Purolator Shipping Services.Service designed with you in mind! Whether it’s across town or across the country, you’ll get reliable, professional shipping that will satisfy and impress your customers. Access Program

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Baseline Processing provides payment solutions and expertise to more than 1,000 merchants across North America including many RVDA of Canada members. Vancouver-based Baseline offers transparent pricing on an RVDA plan pricing that won’t change for the duration of our relationship.

Contact :Hugh Lalande (604) 606-7950) Website: www.baselineprocessing.com

TheCorpaybrandunifiesthedomesticU.S.paymentssolutions Comdata Corporate Payments,Nvoicepay,andRoger withtheir cross-borderpayment solutions,CambridgeGlobalPaymentsandAFEX,andofferscustomersthepowertomoreseamlessly connecttheirfinanceandAPdepartments.AspartofCorpay, Cambridge’smaingoalwill betocontinuetomeetourcustomerscross-border paymentsandcurrencyriskmanagementneeds.

Contact :BradLoderat416-646-6401Ext:2392



Federated Insurance

Federated Insurance provides customizable Group Employee Benefit coverage.


Western Canada: Wayne Budge at 1-800-665-1934

Eastern Canada: Mauro Di Tullio at 1-800-361-0790


Federated Insurance Companyof Canada providesdirect underwriting of Propertyand CasualtyInsurance for RV dealerships In addition, the Inventory Floor Plan Advantage is available from Federated Insurance for CommercialDistribution Finance (CDF) customers.

Website: www.federated.ca


iA Dealer Services: F&I protection programs including, Creditor's Group Insurance (life, accident & sickness, involuntary unemployment, critical illness), Extended Warranty, Appearance Protection and Theft Deterrent System. An array of dynamic and RV specific F&I training webinars to support your business office. To find out more about iA Dealer Services or to become an iA Dealer Services dealer partner, contact us today.

Contact: 1 855 725-6584 email: info.iads@ia.ca

Website: www.iadealerservices.ca

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IntroducingRoadie,yourdedicatedAIassistant,custom-builtforRVdealerships.Imagine areliable,always-onteammemberwhoknowsyourinventoryinsideoutandisreadyto answerqueriesaboutyourRVsandservices. AdoptingRoadiemeansembracinga hassle-free,tech-savvyapproachtoenhanceyourdealership'sproductivityandcustomer satisfaction.AdoptingRoadiemeansembracingahassle-free,tech-savvyapproachto enhanceyourdealership'sproductivityandcustomersatisfaction.

Contact:BrianSearl:(216)232-3132 Website:https://insiderperks.com/

KYCS(KeepYourCommunitySafe),KYCSGlobal’sstateoftheartBluetoothandIoT theftrecoverysolutionscreatepeaceofmindforyourcustomers.KYCSworksinpartnershipwithCrimeStopperstoassistintherecoveryofRVandTrailertheft.Thecompany’s flagshipsolutionincludesKYCSLocatesoldexclusivelyatdealerships.Withseamless installation,KYCSLocateiscovertlyhiddeninRVs&Trailers

Contact:JasonLyallat(289)230-1833, Email:jlyall@kycs.ca


PURIFYD®SYSTEMSeliminatesthebuild-upofenvironmentalcontaminantsandbiologicalpathogensthatcontinuallyoccursinsidethelivingspacesinwhichpeoplelive,work andtravel.Foryourcustomers,youprovideavaluableservicethatenhancestheirexperiencewithyourdealershipandkeepsthemcomingbackfortreatments.Yourbusiness benefitsfromnewrevenueandgrossprofitstreamsinSales,Rentals,Serviceand theBusinessOffice.

Contact :StephenDunnat(604)230-5175 Website:www.getpurifyd.com/

RVDA/Spader20Groups,managedbytheSpaderCompanies,helpdealersimprove managementskills,learnbestpracticesand applythemtoyourdealershipwhileutilizing detailedproprietaryreportsandhardintelligenceongroupandindustrytrends.

Call:1.800.772.3377(USandCanada) info@spader.com


Wells Fargo Commercial Distribution Finance (CDF) is a global inventory financing solutions provider with more than 45 years of expertise in the RV industry. Wells Fargo CDF delivers inventory financing solutions, service, and intelligence through in-depth expertise and a commitment to customers.

Contact: Ed Ristau Tel: (204)255-5965; Cell: (204) 430-6410;

Website: www.wellsfargo.com/cdf

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Service writer/advisor online training available through the Mike Molino RV Learning Center

Developed by RV industry service management experts, the online course topics including managing appointments and workflow, generating additional revenue, and enhancing communication with customers.

Fully interactive and easy to navigate, the course is an ideal way to jump start the knowledge base of new employees or provide a refresher for more experienced fixed operations professionals. Modules reinforce the customer service skill sets service writers/advisors are required to perform every day.

The course concludes with a comprehensive final assessment to test knowledge and skills learned in the course. The course is excellent preparation for the RV Learning Center’s Service Writer/Advisor Certification Test, which is separate from the online training program

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More New Online Courses

The Mike Molino RV Learning Center continues to add to its curriculum online courses designed to help dealers and fixed operations meet the needs of a new generation of customers.

 The Parts Specialist online course

 Parts Manager Online Course

The RV Learning Center partnered with The Ohio State University’s Center for Education and Training for Employment have developed Certifications, Competency Profiles, and instructional materials in the following areas:

 Service Manager

 Service Writer/Advisor

 WarrantyAdministrator

 Parts Manager

 Parts Specialist

RVDA of Canada # 145-11331 Coppersmith Way, Richmond, BC V7A 5J9 Phone (604) 718-6325 Fax (604) 204-0154

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News from RVDA Newsletter Editorial Staff

The RVDA of Canada Member Newsletter is produced and distributed through the national association office : RVDA of Canada, Richmond BC

For Inquiries please contact us at:

#145 – Coppersmith Way Richmond, BC

V7A 5J9

Ph: (604) 718-6325

Fax: (604) 204-0154 www.rvda.ca

powered by rvhotlinecanada.com

Emails : Eleonore Hamm, eleonore_hamm@rvda.ca

Anita Lien, anital@rvda.ca

Amee Inocencio, ainocencio@rvda.ca

Post your Positions at www.RVCareers.ca

To post a job, simply go to the employers tab and log in using your RVDA of Canada user name and password.

Contact RVDA of Canada at 604-718-6325 or e-mail if you do not have this information.


RVDA of Canada’s “BUY LOCAL” campaign promotes “Buy your RV close to home. It’s better in the long haul, to consumers. We encourage you to download a copy of brochure available at the member’s website.

RVDAof Canada Mission Statement:

The RVDA of Canada is a national federation which exists to protect and promote the interests and welfare of RV Dealers across Canada in order to enable the industry to maximize its potential.

Board of Directors

Executive Committee

Chairman, Dale Hopkins RV City Morinville, AB

Vice-Chairman, Jim Gorrie Classic Trailer Sales Ltd. Headingley, MB

Treasurer, Ken Dobson Leisure Time Sales Quispamsis, NB

Past Chairman, Josée Bédard Roulottes Chaudière Lévis, Quebec


John Krohnert Chardell Brydon Platinum RV Sales Jerry's RV Trailer Sales & Service

Jonathan Stone

Kyle Kehoe Stone’s RV Center Kehoe RV

Marc Rémillard

Peter Schmucker Centre du Camping Rémillard Fraserway RV (Lacombe)

Ward Fraser

Travis Bromley Voyager R.V.Centre Ltd. Transcona Trailer Sales

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