2023 December Newsletter - EN

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News from RVDA


News Highlights • Embark on a Trouble-

shooting Journey: A Decade Later, We Return to Montreal!

• 2023 RV Dealers

Convention/Expo: Where Inspiration and Connection Thrived!

• Steering Through the

2024 RV Market Landscape

Inside this issue:

Steering Through the 2024 RV Market Landscape


Youth Engagement 8-9 Through RV Career Exploration Platform 10 Affordable Employee Benefits and Non-monetary Perks


15-17 Embark on a Troubleshooting Journey: A Decade Later, We Return to Montreal! 2023 RV Dealers Convention/Expo: Where Inspiration and Connection Thrived!



December 2023

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Chairman’s Column Dear members, It is with great pleasure and honour that I step into my role as Chairman of the Board for the RVDA of Canada. I am excited to have been elected by our members and I look forward to further advancing our association's initiatives pertaining to the critical issues that face RV dealers and the industry today. If at any time you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me. This past November, numerous of our members attended the RVDA Convention/Expo in Las Vegas. This truly is a premier educational and networking event, and I was pleased to be able to meet with many colleagues. In addition to exhibitor-led Vendor Training +Plus sessions, the convention featured educational workshops covering key aspects of dealer operations, including F&I, digital marketing, fixed operations, sales, and dealer/general management issues. Mark your calendars for next year as the 2024 RV Dealers Convention/Expo will be held the week of November 11-15, 2024, at Paris Las Vegas. And if you did not have the opportunity to attend, we are offering members a chance to view a few of the recorded educational sessions. Dealership employees as well as associate members can access educational sessions and exhibitor information during the on-demand portion of the RV Dealers Convention/Expo. This is available to you at no cost through to January 31st. The online portal provides information on topics that cover important areas of dealer operations. I would encourage you to login and see a variety of presentations that will be valuable to your staff. I would like to extend my congratulations to Jason Friesen from Voyager RV Centre, our newest recipient of the Dealer of the Year Award who received his award at our annual meeting in Las Vegas. Jason epitomizes commitment to his community, unwavering dedication to his customers and staff, and stands as an exemplary ambassador for our industry. Congratulations, Jason!

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Chairman’s Column

As we look to 2024, I’d like to highlight two upcoming initiatives. Early in the New Year, you will be receiving a couple of surveys from the RVDA of Canada. We will be sending out our Annual advocacy survey to give you an opportunity to give input on government relations issues that affect your business. Have your voice heard and help us form our key messages to policy makers. We will also be launching our RV Dealer Compensation Study and I’d like to see all of you participate. By submitting your data to our third-party independent consultant, you will receive this comprehensive report. The report provides valuable insights into industry standards and benchmarks, allowing dealerships to assess the competitiveness of their compensation packages compared to other businesses in the market. Accessing data on prevailing salary trends helps in attracting top talent and retaining skilled employees by ensuring that your dealership's compensation offerings align with or exceed industry norms. The RV landscape is evolving, presenting new challenges and avenues for innovation. Rest assured, the RVDA of Canada remains steadfast in its commitment to supporting you, our valued members, as we collectively shape the future of the RV industry. As we bid farewell to 2023 and embrace the festive season, I would like to extend my warmest wishes for a Happy Holiday to all of you. All the best, Dale Hopkins, Board Chair RVDA of Canada

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Canadian National RV Retail Statistics October 2023

Canadian retail sales statistics are now available for both motorized and towable recreational vehicles. These statistics will allow dealers to better manage the inventory on their lot by knowing which units are selling in their area, which price points are attracting buyers as well as knowing the local trends affecting their marketplace. The RV retail sales statistics compiled by Statistical Surveys Inc. are the result of matching manufacturer VIN numbers with RV registrations. The RVDA of Canada endorsement agreement includes free access for national monthly figures only, for members only. Going forward, these figures will be published in the RVDA of Canada bimonthly newsletter and archived at the “RV Statistics / National RV Sales” link on the member side of www.rvda.ca. This information is copyrighted to Statistical Surveys Inc. and for your use only, not for distribution. In order to protect your endorsement benefit, please honour that confidentiality.

To purchase more detailed statistics – by province, region or city – please contact Scott Stropkai of Statistical Surveys Inc. at 616-281-9898 ext 128 or sstropkai@statisticalsurveys.com. To learn more about Statistical Surveys Inc., visit www.statisticalsurveys.com.

Elite Insurance Company is a subsidiary of Aviva Canada Inc., one of the leading Property and Casualty insurance groups in Canada which provides insurance protection to more than 3 million Canadians. Aviva Canada is on a mission to change insurance. "At Aviva, we listen to our customers' views and opinions because by listening and acting on your feedback, we become better at what we do. We want Aviva customers to feel they are being treated as people, not as a number. We want our customers to be confident and comfortable that they have the right insurance to cover their needs. And we want our customers to have a positive experience at Aviva. We've already started the change by introducing our claims service satisfaction guarantee which you can learn more by visiting www.ClaimsGuarantee.com Elite Insurance Company is Canada's largest insurer of specialty personal insurance products since 1954, covering recreational vehicles, mobile homes, antique & custom cars and pleasure crafts. To learn more about Aviva Elite and their mission to change insurance visit their website: www.avivacanada.com Aviva Elite


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2023 Third Quarter Economic Review RVDA of Canada

The 2023 Third Quarter Economic Review is intended to deliver a comprehensive look at the economic indicators affecting the RV Industry in Canada. These products are intended to provide members with current economic information, which can assist them in gaining insights into the changing economic dimensions of the RV industry and the economy at large. Download this report on RVDA of Canada member site under Member services / Industry Relations tabs (login required)

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Steering Through the 2024 RV Market Landscape The 2024 RV market landscape is expected to be shaped by several key trends. Rising costs may lead consumers to be more selective, potentially delaying purchases or opting for less expensive alternatives. Dealers can respond by offering flexible financing solutions. Inventory management will be crucial as dealerships may have to juggle models from three different years. Non-motorized RVs are seeing increased demand due to their affordability and variety. The global RV market is projected to grow from $48.26 billion in 2023 to $63.65 billion by 2030, with regular travel costs making RV ownership a smarter financial move for many consumers. Selling an RV is now about selling a lifestyle, with narratives around freedom, flexibility, and sustainability becoming increasingly important.


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“ARE WE THERE YET?” It's a question often echoed from the backseats of RVs on long journeys. It’s also a reflection of today's dealerships as they navigate the evolving terrains of the industry. In the face of rapid technological advancements, the destination is not about sidelining the human touch for digital solutions – but rather harmonizing the two. When we find the perfect balance between efficiency and emotion, data and desire – that's when the RV dealership of 2024 truly thrives. The RV dealership of 2024 isn't just selling vehicles; it's crafting relationships, fostering trust, and ensuring every customer feels valued and understood. So, our fellow readers, rev those engines, sync up those systems, and never forget the heart that makes each journey memorable. Here's to blazing trails, both online and on the road, in 2024 and beyond!

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Youth Engagement Through RV Career Exploration Platform The RVDA of Canada partnered with ChatterHigh in February 2021, initially through the daily career exploration quiz. Since then, it has reached 20,750 students in over 1,100 schools across Canada, with over 108,000 RV-related career questions answered. Building on this success, the RVDA of Canada extended its partnership with ChatterHigh in 2022, introducing the Automotive and RV industry pathway course. This course aims to help students uncover the diverse opportunities in the automotive and RV sectors, fostering vocational identity and encouraging goal-setting for specific careers.

Who is ChatterHigh? Founded in 2012, ChatterHigh.com makes exploring life after high school enjoyable for students. Recognized as EdTech of the Year in Canada in 2017, ChatterHigh engages students in gamified "seek and find" activities for career and post-secondary explorations. The platform is increasingly adopted by school districts, with a primary user base in career classes across provinces. The daily quiz seamlessly integrates into the curriculum, covering essential life topics such as financial literacy and health, making it versatile for subject teachers in Math and English. In fall 2023, ChatterHigh experienced a 29% increase in new districts and a 37% increase in new schools year-over-year.

Career Exploration Platform ChatterHigh offers a unique career exploration platform designed to guide teens through career exploration. Using a gamified 'seek-and-find' approach, the platform exposes students to diverse occupations, enhancing their research skills and awareness of various jobs and industry sectors aligned with their interests. Middle school, considered the most effective time for career guidance, is a critical period for students to build self-awareness, develop vocational identity, plan high school courses, engage in meaningful conversations, and improve overall school performance. For teachers, ChatterHigh provides an easy-to-integrate tool that complements existing career education tools. Teachers can monitor class and individual progress, facilitating meaningful conversations. The platform is trusted by school districts to offer high-quality resources in a safe environment..


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Daily Quiz The ChatterHigh Daily Quiz is a 10-minute, self-discovery activity guiding students through industry and post-secondary institution websites. The quiz broadens students' knowledge, helps them discover new interests, and adds an element of fun through gamification. Students can donate points, fostering community engagement and school pride.

Benefits: For Students: • Broadens knowledge of possible majors. • Facilitates the discovery of new interests. • Adds a fun, gamified element. • Encourages community engagement. • Motivates with a sense of school pride. For Teachers: • • • • •

Free career development resource. Aligned with the curriculum. Monitors progress and generates reports. Self-marking and generates simple assessments Enables class competitions.

For Administrators: • Assesses progress at various levels. • Tracks interests in career pathways.

Life Skills Modules ChatterHigh's Life Skills Modules guide students through various aspects of life after high school. Customizable and engaging, these modules cover district-wide information, career pathways, health and safety, post-secondary life, and financial literacy. These resources break down complex topics into bite-sized questions, making learning interactive and contextual. This collaboration aims to create meaningful engagements with students and teachers, inspiring them to explore exciting career opportunities in the RV sector.

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10 Affordable Employee Benefits and Non-monetary Perks.

Randstad’s Employer Brand Research repeatedly shows that employees value more than just the size of their paycheque, such as non-monetary perks. Do job seekers want to be paid their worth? Of course, they do, but they’ll also look at employee benefits. But above and beyond their salary, here are the top 10 affordable employee benefits you should consider. They can be the ultimate deciding factor when two companies come close in monetary compensation. So, what kind of affordable benefits can you offer? Here are some large and small business employee benefits package ideas. 1. Flexible work environments. Flexible work is a huge selling point for many employees and a universally appreciated non-monetary perk. Give your employees the ability to work from home once a week, flexible lunch hours, an extra day off, or allow staff to set their hours rather than sticking with a standard 9 to 5. Flexibility allows everyone to achieve a better work-life balance and increase job satisfaction. Whether a parent who has to consider daycare arrangements or a young professional who wants to catch an early yoga class after work. A flexible work environment helps with the cost of living as well, allowing employees to save on their commute. 2. Training and development plans. Ambitious employees are always thinking one step ahead in their careers. Offering a development program in your employee benefits plan shows that your organization cares about employees’ careers and nurturing their talent. The level of intensity is up to you. You can go with a more casual monthly lunch and learn sessions to encourage employees to pick up new skills from coworkers. Alternatively, you can build a more intensive training program to prepare select employees for leadership roles. Including a training and development plan in your benefits package can increase job satisfaction. If you don’t want to offer onsite training, you can provide subsidies for paid off-site educational institutions.


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3. Acknowledge employee achievements. It’s one thing for your manager to pull you aside and tell you that you do a great job. It’s another to be recognized by your organization as a high achiever. A non-monetary perk ensures that star performers feel special and that their significant achievements are celebrated and rewarded by employees. It doesn’t have to be timeconsuming or elaborate. Have company leaders send out a handwritten note upon reaching a major milestone. And take a moment to highlight individual and team successes during quarterly meetings. 4. Additional vacation. We’ve discussed how taking a vacation is good for everyone. Employees get to take a break, and employers reap the benefit of highly productive employees who return to work with their batteries fully charged up! So, offer paid time off on top of the government-mandated two weeks. If you’re a small business and adding extra official paid vacation isn’t realistic, consider allowing employees to leave early on Fridays or take half days off here or there as needed. Half days have been shown to increase job satisfaction and productivity. 5. Schedule time for social events. Building a work culture and driving employer and employee engagement is as simple as hosting events that unite the team. For most workdays, employees focus on their ‘to-do’ list and what needs to be done. Socializing is rarely a priority. Add some events to the employee calendar — during work hours! — where socialization is the point. For instance, have a monthly potluck, catered lunch, or theme day where everyone can take a moment away from work to have some fun and bond with the rest of the team. You can even throw in a little prize to be won, such as a gift card, just as a thank you to your team and a reward for your employees. Socialization can also help boost the mental health of employees. You can also get our latest salary guide for free and subscribe to our LinkedIn page to keep updated with our news and advice. 6. Personalize rewards. Nothing says employee recognition quite like personalized rewards that speak to the employee you’re celebrating. When someone does something extraordinary, recognize their accomplishment with a personalized reward. It's an affordable benefit that will go far in improving employee morale. A pair of movie passes are the perfect reward for the office movie buff. Tickets to a basketball game might be just the thing for the office sports fanatic. Maybe the office’s tech-obsessed geek will appreciate a new gadget to play with. Choose a gift card for that employee's favourite cafe or restaurant that they go to every day. It’s the thought that counts when rewarding employees.

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7. Get out of the office. Plan time into the work schedule to get out of the office (or wherever your workplace is) and do something outside of regular work commitments. This can mean setting aside time for out-ofoffice team lunches or hosting a company-wide team-building event. Just make sure that employees are on board with whatever you have planned. Consult with employees about what kind of events they would enjoy. An employer that forces everyone to attend a ‘mandatory’ team-building event they dread can quickly transform this employee perk into a drag. Want more tips on how to retain employees or attract talent through benefits? Find out what perks job seekers are looking for, or sign up for our lists to receive our insights. 8. Hand out employee awards. It’s easy and costs virtually nothing to create monthly or quarterly employee rewards to highlight top performers at your organization or small business. You can make the awards feel even more tangible by handing out a small trophy or personalized certificate. Who doesn’t feel accomplished when they can decorate their desk and show off their award? 9. Offer volunteer opportunities. Another great employee benefits plan is to provide opportunities and time off for staff to volunteer. This can be a nice change of pace for employees who are usually parked behind a desk all day. Taking the day off to volunteer can raise job satisfaction and be rewarding for the employee.

Of course, there’s also the added health benefits of giving back to the community! Who wouldn’t feel good about that? You can even brand volunteer opportunities as part of your corporate social responsibility policy. 10. Allow employees a change of pace. If your business is large enough, consider offering employees a chance to switch roles or shadow an employee in another area of the office or even another branch. This affordable employee benefit is also beneficial for you, as employees will gain a deeper understanding of other organizational roles and reinforce cooperation and communication between departments. Employee rewards are meant to show your appreciation to staff. Tailor the employee benefits you offer to the needs and wants of your employees. While money can be a strong motivator, people also wish to do many other things in their work lives! Intangible, non-monetary perks and affordable benefits can be just as meaningful and boost employee morale. Regardless of the employee benefit plans or benefits package you choose to offer, ensure that your workplace recognizes hard work and keeps lines of communication open. The best way to know what perks employees would enjoy most is to ask them! Adapted from Randstad Workplace Insights


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2023 RV Dealers Convention/Expo: Where Inspiration and Connection Thrived! The 2023 RV Dealers Convention/Expo at Paris Las Vegas concluded with ample positive outlook for the future! Despite a 10% decrease in attendance compared to 2022, the spirit of camaraderie and positivity echoed throughout the event . Dealers' Positive Engagement: Bob Parrish from Wells Fargo noted, "Dealers were very engaged, probably more so than I have seen in the past 10 years." Attendees were on a quest for the 'secret sauce' to turn things around in a challenging market. Valuable Conversations: Mark Boessler of Lippert Components emphasized the show's value, stating, "It was evident that the dealers who participated were eager to explore new opportunities and strategies." Meaningful dialogues took place, focusing on enhancing customer support and introducing innovative products. Motivating Workshops: Chardell Brydon, Business Manager, and owner of Jerry's RV, shares her genuine reflections on the valuable experience of the 2023 RV Dealers Convention/Expo. In particular, she highlights the quality of course content and meaningful networking opportunities that left her feeling empowered and motivated to implement new insights at the dealership. Future-Focused Mindset: Shelby Smith of Wheeler Advertising captured the essence, saying, "This event was all about the upcoming year." Attendees were keen on creative problem-solving and finding ways to propel the industry forward. Invaluable Networking Opportunities: As representatives of a new dealership, Anita Jordan and Adrian Verberk, Sales and Parts & Service Managers at Dunes Trailer Sales discovered immense value in the connections made and the diverse network of individuals they encountered. The convention offered not just good suggestions but a goldmine of resources that can be implemented upon their return.


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Chairman's Legacy and Passions: Dale Hopkins, the newly elected chairman, shared excitement about stepping into his new role and personal passions, demonstrating that the RV community extends beyond business. Canadian Reception Highlights: The Canadian reception stole the spotlight, with Travis Bromley of Josée Bédard (L), Dale Hopkins (R) Transcona Trailer Sales claiming the George Goodrick Emerging Leader Award. The event celebrated milestones, rekindled connections, and created new memories. Garth Bromley (L), Travis Bromley (R)

From left to right: (Ed Ristau (Wells Fargo CDF),

Xtended team

From left to right: Peter Schmucker, Dale Hopkins, Reza Kamrani (Federated Insurance)

Annual Meeting Extravaganza: The Annual Meeting was not just an update; it was an experience! Past Chair, Josée Bédard, paved the way for the grand reveal of the 2023 Canadian RV Dealer of the Year award, secured by the exceptional Jason Friesen of Voyager RV. Culinary maestro Matt Basile's presentation added a flavorful touch to the celebration. (L) Danielle Campbell (iA Dealer Services), (R) Matt Basile

(L) Melanie Taylor (RV Lifestyle Magazine), (R) Jason Friesen

As we bid adieu to 2023, the anticipation for 2024 is palpable. The next Convention/Expo is scheduled for Nov. 11-15, 2024, at Paris Las Vegas. Brian Carter, the keynote speaker, urged dealers to sell to the heart for bigger sales. For those that’s feeling left out, the festivities continue virtually! You get Freemium access to the 2023 Virtual RV Dealers Convention/Expo until January 31, 2024! Don't miss out on the rave-worthy workshops and networking opportunities. The 2023 RV Dealers Convention/Expo was more than a gathering; it was a symphony of achievement and inspiration that will resonate in the industry for months to come. A heartfelt thank you to our sponsors for adding that extra layer of magic to the True North party! 2024 Convention/Expo Anticipation: Looking ahead, the 2024 RV Dealers Convention/Expo is already on the radar, scheduled for Nov. 11-15, 2024, at Paris Las Vegas. Keynote speaker Brian Carter left dealers with a powerful message: "If you want bigger sales, go for the heart."

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Discounts on select courier services worldwide Exclusive discounts up to 35% off select FedEx services when shipping within Canada, to the US, or internationally. If you have a FedEx account, simply enroll in this program through the dedicated FedEx webpage that can be found at the member link . If not, see the member benefit page for a link to do so. View FedEx services at www.fedex.ca.

Introducing member benefit from John Deere ! RVDA of Canada members are now eligible for an upgraded John Deere Rewards membership which unlocks extra discounts on equipment, parts and merchandise. Enroll today! It’s simple , fast & free. Check JohnDeere.ca/rvda

Marks: Discounts (in-store) on select workwear As your current cards expired, we're offering you an easier way to shop! To receive the discounts, all you need to do is mention the RVDA of Canada account number at check-out. This offer is available at all Mark's stores across Canada. We're still working on extending the program to online purchases so stay tuned. Access the program now through the RVDA of Canada member site

Discounts and offers for top attractions, shows and other entertainment! Exclusive discounts and offers for all your stay at Home and work from home needs including, Disney+ subscription,Showtime subscription, black Friday pricing for computers/laptops audiobooks and much more! Access the program now through the RVDA of Canada member site.

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Perkopolis Member Discount Program Great perks on everyday products and services! Perkopolis is continuously sourcing exclusive offers and benefits for you! Use your Perkopolis membership to enjoy great savings on entertainment, travel, attractions, shopping, health, wellness, sports and more! Click here for more information

Petro-Canada SuperPass Credit Card Discount With use of the Petro-Canada SuperPass credit card, members of Explorer RV Club & RVDA of Canada can realize significant savings, convenience, control & security. Click here for information / application form & ontact information.

Purolator Member Discount Program CSAE has negotiated group shipping discounts of up to 55%* on Purolator Shipping Services.Service designed with you in mind! Whether it’s across town or across the country, you’ll get reliable, professional shipping that will satisfy—and impress—your customers. Access Program

RVDA of Canada # 145-11331 Coppersmith Way, Richmond, BC V7A 5J9 Phone (604) 718-6325 Fax (604) 204-0154

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Baseline Processing provides payment solutions and expertise to more than 1,000 merchants across North America including many RVDA of Canada members. Vancouver-based Baseline offers transparent pricing on an RVDA plan — pricing that won’t change for the duration of our relationship. Contact :Hugh Lalande (604) 606-7950) Website: www.baselineprocessing.com

The Corpay brand unifies the domestic U.S. payments solutions—Comdata Corporate Payments, Nvoicepay, and Roger—with their cross-border payment solutions, Cambridge Global Payments and AFEX, and offers customers the power to more seamlessly connect their finance and AP departments. As part of Corpay, Cambridge’s main goal will be to continue to meet our customers cross-border payments and currency risk management needs. Contact : Brad Loder at 416-646-6401 Ext:2392 Website : http://cross-border.corpay.com/rvda-canada/ GROUP EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Federated Insurance Federated Insurance provides customizable Group Employee Benefit coverage. Contact: Western Canada: Wayne Budge at 1-800-665-1934 Eastern Canada: Mauro Di Tullio at 1-800-361-0790 Website: www.federated.ca PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE Federated Insurance Company of Canada provides direct underwriting of Property and Casualty Insurance for RV dealerships. In addition, the Inventory Floor Plan Advantage is available from Federated Insurance for Commercial Distribution Finance (CDF) customers. Website: www.federated.ca CREDITOR INSURANCE /WARRANTY / APPEARANCE PROTECTION / ANTI-THEFT iA Dealer Services: F&I protection programs including, Creditor's Group Insurance (life, accident & sickness, involuntary unemployment, critical illness), Extended Warranty, Appearance Protection and Theft Deterrent System. An array of dynamic and RV specific F&I training webinars to support your business office. To find out more about iA Dealer Services or to become an iA Dealer Services dealer partner, contact us today. 1 855 725-6584 info.iads@ia.ca Website: www.iadealerservices.ca


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KYCS(Keep Your Community Safe), KYCS Global’s state of the art Bluetooth and IoT theft recovery solutions create peace of mind for your customers. KYCS works in partnership with Crime Stoppers to assist in the recovery of RV and Trailer theft. The company’s flagship solution includes KYCS Locate sold exclusively at dealerships. With seamless installation, KYCS Locate is covertly hidden in RVs & Trailers Contact: Jason Lyall at (289) 230-1833, Email: jlyall@kycs.ca

DriveOn Protection for PermaSeal Tire Sealant, utilizes the latest nanotechnology to create the only green, water soluble, permanent fix tire sealant available today. It is a product so unique; it brings a new solution to tire pressure maintenance problems. Contact: PeterHucul Tel: (604) 787-0225 Website: www.permasealglobal.com

PURIFYD®SYSTEMS eliminates the build-up of environmental contaminants and biological pathogens that continually occurs inside the living spaces in which people live, work and travel. For your customers, you provide a valuable service that enhances their experience with your dealership and keeps them coming back for treatments. Your business benefits from new revenue and gross profit streams in Sales, Rentals, Service and the Business Office. Contact : Stephen Dunn at (604) 230-5175 Website : www.getpurifyd.com/

RVDA/Spader 20 Groups, managed by the Spader Companies, help dealers improve management skills, learn best practices and apply them to your dealership while utilizing detailed proprietary reports and hard intelligence on group and industry trends. Call: 1.800.772.3377 (US and Canada) info@spader.com Website: https://spader.com

Wells Fargo Commercial Distribution Finance (CDF) is a global inventory financing solutions provider with more than 45 years of expertise in the RV industry. Wells Fargo CDF delivers inventory financing solutions, service, and intelligence through in-depth expertise and a commitment to customers. Contact: Ed Ristau Tel: (204)255-5965; Cell: (204) 430-6410; Website: www.wellsfargo.com/cdf

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Service writer/advisor online training available through the Mike Molino RV Learning Center. Developed by RV industry service management experts, the online course is divided into training modules covering a variety of topics including managing appointments and workflow, generating additional revenue, and enhancing communication with customers. Fully interactive and easy to navigate, the course is an ideal way to jump start the knowledge base of new employees or provide a refresher for more experienced fixed operations professionals. Modules reinforce the customer service skill sets service writers/advisors are required to perform every day. The course concludes with a comprehensive final assessment to test knowledge and skills learned in the course. The course is excellent preparation for the RV Learning Center’s Service Writer/Advisor Certification Test, which is separate from the online training program.


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More New Online Courses The Mike Molino RV Learning Center continues to add to its curriculum online courses designed to help dealers and fixed operations meet the needs of a new generation of customers. 

The Parts Specialist online course

Parts Manager Online Course

The RV Learning Center partnered with The Ohio State University’s Center for Education and Training for Employment have developed Certifications, Competency Profiles, and instructional materials in the following areas: 

Service Manager

Service Writer/Advisor

Warranty Administrator

Parts Manager

RVDA of Canada # 145-11331 Coppersmith Way, Richmond, BC V7A 5J9  Parts Specialist Phone (604) 718-6325 Fax (604) 204-0154

News from RVDA

RVDA of Canada Mission Statement:

Newsletter Editorial Staff

The RVDA of Canada is a national federation which exists to protect and promote the interests and welfare of RV Dealers across Canada in order to enable the industry to maximize its potential.

The RVDA of Canada Member Newsletter is produced and distributed through the national association office : RVDA of Canada, Richmond BC For Inquiries please contact us at: #145 – Coppersmith Way Richmond, BC V7A 5J9 Ph: (604) 718-6325 Fax: (604) 204-0154 www.rvda.ca powered by rvhotlinecanada.com Emails : Eleonore Hamm, eleonore_hamm@rvda.ca Anita Lien, anital@rvda.ca Amee Inocencio, ainocencio@rvda.ca

Post your Positions at


To post a job, simply go to the employers tab and log in using your RVDA of Canada user name and password.

Board of Directors Executive Committee Chairman, Dale Hopkins RV City Morinville, AB Vice-Chairman, Jim Gorrie Classic Trailer Sales Ltd. Headingley, MB Treasurer, Ken Dobson Leisure Time Sales Quispamsis, NB Past Chairman, Josée Bédard Roulottes Chaudière Lévis, Quebec

Contact RVDA of Canada at 604-718-6325 or e-mail if you do not have this information.

Directors John Krohnert Platinum RV Sales

Chardell Brydon Jerry's RV Trailer Sales & Service


Jonathan Stone Stone’s RV Center

Kyle Kehoe Kehoe RV

Marc Rémillard Centre du Camping Rémillard

Peter Schmucker Fraserway RV (Lacombe)

Ward Fraser Voyager R.V.Centre Ltd.

Travis Bromley Transcona Trailer Sales

RVDA of Canada’s “BUY LOCAL” campaign promotes “Buy your RV close to home. It’s better in the long haul, to consumers. We encourage you to download a copy of brochure available at the member’s website.

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