Riviernuus festive 2013

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Jaar 3 | Uitgawe 2 23 Desember 2013



STELLENBOSCH • idasvallei • cloetesville • Banhoek • Kylemore • Johannesdal • Pniël • Lanquedoc • Groot Drakenstein









16 Heimwee in Van Ryneveld

“As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.” - Nelson Mandela

1918 - 2013







Van ons kant Paradise Road

Mayor Jive Stellenbosch Municipality hosted a Mayoral Tea for it’s senior citizens at the Jan Marais Nature Reserve on 21 November.

The one moment we all go on

with our lives, complaining about everything we think is wrong in our country: government, municipality, education, violence, theft, Nkandla, and many more.

Illustrasie: Gerald Maketees

The citizens were entertained by well known singer Pieter van Der Westhuizen and three of them took the chance to show off their dancing skills with the mayor!

Maria Groenewald from Ida’s valley

Then. BOOM! We are stopped in our tracks by the death of our former president, Mr Nelson Mandela. It was (and still is) a very sad moment for me. I have never met the man, but I felt as if I knew him. I even caught myself wiping away a tear watching the different tributes on TV. Rightly so, every newspaper in the world reported about his death, what he meant to the world and the legacy he left behind. Madiba’s death has forced us to reflect where we came from, how we are progressing and where we are going. The pessimists now claim that this is the end of our democracy as we know it. Everything will go downhill from here.

the way to freedom. That iconic picture reminds me of the famous song by Joy, Paradise Road. It was as if he took South Africa by the hand saying: “Come with me, down Paradise Road This way please, I’ll carry your load This you won’t believe. Come with me to paradise skies Look outside and open your eyes This you must believe.” I’m not going to bore you with the rest of the song, but the optimist inside me says there is no way Mandela’s death marks the end of days! “There are better days before us... You must believe.” I hope you enjoy this special, bigger edition of Riviernuus! May you all experience a Blessed Festive Season See you in the new year!

It made me think of the time when Madiba emerged from the old Victor Verster prison: Fist in the air and holding Winnie’s hand as they slowly walked through the prison gate on

P.S. In case you are wondering: Yes, the bigger version is dedicated to Madiba!

Jasmina Ebrahim from Ida’s Valley

UCT graduate joined the team


Shani Rhoda, Riviernuus’ newly appointed journalism intern, has received her Bachelor of Social Science (Media & Writing and Industrial Sociology) qualification from the University of Cape Town. Here she is with proud parents Richard and Zenobia Rhoda. Congratulations Shani! Welcome to the Riviernuus family.

Bertha Koro from Kayamandi

Contact us Editor: Wendell Lawrence Tel: 021 - 885 2392 Email: wendell@riviernuus.co.za Design & layout: Shanaé Lackay Publisher: Swey Design, Kylemore, Stellenbosch Printers: CTP Printers Cape Town Riviernuus subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we don’t live up to this code, please contact the Press Ombudsman at 011 - 484 3612/8.

'n Vriendelike Versoek... ons op Lees Riviernuus aanlyn: www.issuu.com/riviernuus

Sports columnist receives recognition Lyndon Julius, our Rugby ‘Crystal Ball’ columnist, recently received a certificate from the City of Cape Town for his outstanding media contribution to sport in communities. This award proofs that Lyndon’s rugby predictions should not be taken lightly! Congratulations Lyndon!

RESIDENTIAL LOAD (GEYSER) CONTROL PROJECT This notice serves to inform all residents of Stellenbosch in areas affected by this Residential Load Control Project that the project will be placed on hold during the holiday season. The project office will be closed as from Friday 13 December 2013 and will re-open on Monday 06 January 2014. Please note that the project is not operational as yet and no geysers are being controlled at this time. Residents shall be informed in advance about the plans to initiate the switching program of all geysers with an installed switching device during the evening peak time. ALL SITE INSTALLATIONS, INSPECTIONS AND TESTING HAS BEEN SUSPENDED UNTIL THE PROJECT OFFICE RE-OPENS IN THE NEW YEAR. RESIDENTS SHOULD BE CAREFULL OF INDIVIDUALS THAT MAY REQUEST ACCESS TO RESIDENTIAL HOMES UNDER FALSE PRETENCES. SUCH ACTIVITY MUST BE REPORTED TO THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY. An electrician will be on standby for the duration of the holiday period to attend to any system faults surrounding the geyser switching device. All queries or device problems can be forwarded to the call centre via phone call, voice message, SMS or email on the following contact details: Contact number: 083 228 0268 Email: rlm.mdos@gmail.com Please Note: This notice is also available in Afrikaans and Xhosa on the Municipality’s website, www.stellenbosch.gov.za The Municipality offers a word of thanks to each and every one for assisting in all successful installations completed to date and wishes everyone a blessed and safe festive season. Saliem Haider ACTING DIRECTOR: ENGINEERING SERVICES Stellenbosch Municipality 17-12-2013



‘n Storie van Hoop


“Ek sal altyd ‘n alkoholis bly...” Op 38 jarige ouderdom het sy aandklasse geloop om haar matriek te voltooi en elke aand ‘n bottel drank byderhand gehad. Riviernuus het met Charné Stone gaan praat na sy onlangs haar studies in bemarkingsbestuur suksesvol voltooi het en 6 jaar van soberheid gevier het. “Die Saterdag voor my oudste dogter se voorstelling was ek gearresteer vir dronkbestuur. Ek het daardie nag en amper die hele Sondag huilend in Stellenbosch se tronkselle deurgebring en kon nie my dogter se spesiale dag bywoon nie,” sê Charné Stone van Idasvallei.

die die huis gedrink en dan nog my eie saamgeneem. In 2005, ‘n jaar nadat sy haar matriek deurgekom het, het Charné se ma gesterf. Dit was vir haar ‘n baie hartseer tyd, maar nog steeds nie genoeg om op te hou drink nie. “Ek het ‘n paar keer probeer ophou, maar dit was elke keer omdat iemand anders dit wou hê. Volgens my was ek in elk geval nooit dronk nie. Noel sê egter nou dat hy presies geweet het wanneer ek te veel ingehad het. Dis wanneer ek begin hard praat het,” lag sy.

“Ek was baie gelukkig dat die saak nie verder gegaan het nie, maar selfs dit het my nie laat ophou nie.”

Die keerpunt in haar lewe het in 2007 gekom. “Ek het in Technopark gewerk en daardie spesifieke Dinsdagoggend voor werk het ek eers ‘n bottel sjerrie op my eie klaargemaak. My kollegas het die skerp sjerrie-reuk gekry en na my flou verskoning dat ek die vorige aand hard partytjie gehou het, het die personeelafdeling my huistoe gestuur en aanbeveel dat ek liewers moet gaan slaap.” Dit het egter die teenoorgestelde uitwerking op Charné gehad want hoe durf hulle vermoed dat sy dronk by die werk sal aankom?

Sy behoort aan Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA) maar voel dis nou tyd om die wêreld van haar stryd te vertel. “Die AA is alles oor anonimiteit, maar ek wil nie meer anoniem wees nie. Ek is op ‘n punt in my lewe waar ek graag my storie met mense wil deel sodat ander hieruit kan leer.” Op 9 Oktober het sy 6 jaar van soberheid gevier, maar ‘n maklike taak was dit beslis nie. “Ek het op 19 begin met bier en cider en het skelm en alleen gedrink. Dit was my manier om die lewe te hanteer.” Charné het in Kuilsrivier grootgeword en in St 8 (Graad 10) ‘n gesogte privaatskool verlaat. Haar ouers kon dit nie meer bekostig nie. “My ma was baie bekommerd oor my drinkery en ek het haar altyd verseker dat ek in beheer is. Vir my was ‘n alkoholis mos ‘n bergie op straat...” Sy is getroud met Noel Stone van Idasvallei en hulle het drie kinders: Angela (26) en Inarcha (22) - uit Charné se vorige huwelik - en Travis (19). Charné wou egter nog altyd haar matriek voltooi en het by Lückhof aandklasse geloop. “Ek het elke aand ‘n bottel by my gehad en eers ‘n paar slukke voor klas ingekry. Dit was ook die geval as ons na partytjies toe genooi was. Al het ek geweet daar is drank, het ek eers by

“En toe kom ek suip,” sê sy skaam. “Erg aangeklam het ek my tannie in Kuilsrivier gaan besoek en toe sy my sien het sy gesê: ‘Jou ma draai in haar graf om’. Ek het my min aan haar gesteur maar onwetend het daardie woorde in my kop vasgesteek. Die volgende dag was ek so siek dat ek nie eens vir my gesin kon kosmaak nie. Die Donderdag het ek vir die eerste keer aan Noel erken dat ek ‘n probleem het.” Dr Trevor Wentley het haar na ‘n rehabilitasiesentrum verwys en vir die volgende 28 dae, weg van haar familie en vriende, het Charné Stone se lewe in ‘n ander rigting beweeg. Een sonder drank. Hierdie keer het sy probeer ophou vir haarself. Vanweê haar drankmisbruik was net 25% van haar lewer funksioneel tydens rehabilitasie. Charné se suster, Adelé, sê niemand het gedink dit sou

‘n Trotse Charné Stone met haar bemarkingsdiploma moontlik wees om na 28 dae op te hou drink nie. “Ons het onsself voorberei op die ergste en het selfs vir Charné gesê sy moenie sleg voel as die behandeling nie werk nie. Ek het die insinking enige tyd verwag en kon nie die vordering glo nie. ‘n Paar maande gelede het dieselfde persoon een oggend vroeg, met ‘n paar blikkies bier oor haar skouer, dronk by my huis aangekom. Na ek haar gewaarsku het dat dit te vroeg is om te drink, het sy ewe kordaat geantwoord: ‘It’s evening somewhere in the world!’ Dit was dus baie bemoedigend om my suster te sien veg teen haar verslawing,” sê Adelé. Charné het geleidelik begin besef watter uitwerking haar drankgewoontes op die res van haar gesin gehad het. Haar dogter, Inarcha, het tydens ‘n AA vergadering opgestaan en almal bedank. “Na my ma uit rehabilitasie

gekom het, moes ons leer om ‘n nuwe ma te leer ken. Sy het in die verlede nooit met ons gespeel nie, want sy was altyd te besig.”

“Ek het ‘n paar keer probeer ophou, maar dit was elke keer omdat iemand anders dit wou hê. Volgens my was ek in elk geval nooit dronk nie.” Noel sê die hele episode met sy vrou het hom op sy knieë gedwing. “Ek besef ook nou dat dinge gebeur nie onmiddellik nie, maar op God se tyd,” sê hy. Noel was self ‘n sosiale drinker, maar het dit gestop. Uit respek kan hy nou nie met ‘n drankasem langs sy vrou lê nie.

Vandag gee Charné gereelde praatjies by rehabilitasiesentrums en motiveer nou ander om op te hou. “Mense sê nou vir my ek is skoon en hoef mos nie bekommerd te wees nie,” sê sy. “Ek antwoord gewoonlik dat ek altyd ‘n alkoholis sal bly. Die volgende drankie is net ‘n armlengte weg.” Haar nugterskap is vir haar so belangrik dat sy nou niks inneem wat alkohol bevat nie. “My liggaam soek net ‘n druppel om weer te begin. Dis hoekom ek eers seker maak my kos, medisyne, of enige vloeistof bevat niks alkohol nie.” Charné sê sy sien baie mense deur presies dieselfde goed gaan as wat sy ondervind het. “Mense neem hulle eie drank na ‘n partytjie toe waar reeds drank is. Hulle is gewoonlik die mense wie manipuleer en is in ontkenning. My advies aan ander: Daar is hoop.

Jy moet net die eerste stap neem en jou totaal oorgee – heeltemal,” sê sy met passie. “My grootse kompliment uit die hele storie is dat my familielede my nou vertrou om na hulle kinders te kyk. In die verlede sou dit nooit gebeur het nie.” Dit wil ook voorkom asof Charné haar oorlede ma se goedkeuring wegdra. “Ek het baie van my ma gedroom want sy kon nie saam my nugterheid vier nie. In 2009 het ons haar graf besoek om net vir haar te sê dat haar gebede verhoor is. Sedert daardie dag het ek nooit weer van my ma gedroom nie.” “My boodskap aan die alkoholis en verslaafde wat nog lui is om: eerstens te erken dat jy magteloos is teen alkohol of dwelms en dat jou lewe onbeheerbaar geraak het. Tweedens om jou wil en jou lewe toe te vertrou aan die sorg van God soos jy hom verstaan. Daar is hoop as ons net Laat gaan en laat God.” Baie dinge het in haar lewe verander nadat sy in 2007 uit daardie rehabilitasiesentrum gekom het. Daar is egter twee dinge wat nog dieselfde gebly het: Sy kan nog nie van haar sigarette onslae raak nie haar gunstelingliedjie is nog steeds Gloria Gaynor se ‘I will survive’... Baie geluk Charné!

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Pniëlers vier diamantherdenking Doer Onder Op 11 Julie 1953 het Carl en Lorraine Cyster (regs) ewig trou aan mekaar gesweer in die Pniël Congregational Kerk.


Die paartjie en hul gesin het egter 32 jaar gelede hul geboorteland verlaat en hulself in Australië gaan vestig. Hulle het nooit kontak met vriende en familie verloor nie en en het selfs beplan om in 2013 hul 60 jaar diamant-huweliksherdenking by dieselfde kerk te herdenk.

Andrew (83) en Anne (73) Cadman het op 2 Oktober hul vyftigste huweliksherdenking gevier.

Ongelukkig moes die planne inderhaas verander nadat Carl (82) skielik siek geraak het. Die twee het toe besluit om hul herdenking te hou by die St. Maragaret’s Uniting Church in Melbourne, Australië. Eddie en Sarah Basson van Pniël het onlangs die paartjie in Australië gaan besoek en sê die Cysters is baie spyt hieroor. Volgens Sarah, Carl se suster, wou hulle bitter graag hierdie wonderlike mylpaal in hul geboortedorp kom vier. Volgende jaar word Lorraine 80 jaar oud en familie en vriende van Pniël beplan om haar verjaarsdag by te woon en dan dubbeld fees te vier.

Die goue paartjie baseer hul resep vir 'n suksesvolle huwelik op gebed, liefde, geduld, wedersydse respek en samewerking.


Andrew, of Keppies soos hy alombekend staan, was ‘n kranige doelskieter vir Ivies Sokkerklub en geniet sy aftrede deur te lees. Anne krap in die tuin rond en sê dit is 'n goeie manier om die verstand en liggaam fiks en gesond te hou.


Baie geluk Cadmans!

Baie geluk diamante!


Twelve athletes from Simonsberg Senior Club of the Pniël Congregational Church took part in the National Golden Games held at the Boksburg Stadium in Gauteng on 23 and 24 October. All nine provinces were represented and the athletes from Pniël were part of the Western Province team. Dora Claassen was brilliant in the 800m Brisk Walk, obtaining a gold award and Bernard Mentoor obtained bronze in the 100m sprint. The rest of the team were winners of the ‘Passing the Ball’ event. What impressed most was the perseverance of all the athletes at the games – even those who were disabled. An athlete tripped and fell in the relay race, got up and with a sore leg ran and handed the baton over his team mate who finished the race.

Addressing Parliament Ethelwynne Petersen from Pniël addressed the National Senior Citizens’ Parliament at the Gauteng Legislature about older persons’ burden of care and their protection. This special parliament was an initiative by the Gauteng Provincial Legislature and National Department of Social Development and was launched on 21 October, preceding the National Golden Games - a sports tournament held annually for senior citizens.

Here is her speech: Honourable Speaker, I speak on behalf of the Senior Citizens of our nation.

Back - left to right: Gareth Davids, Ann Lackay, Dora Claassen, Elsie Horton, Netta Forbes, Bernard Mentoor and Nichol Davids. Front: Andriesa Rudolph, Sophie Adams, Daphne Cupido, Ethelwynne Petersen (chairman), Ann Mentoor and Menicia Robyn. At the close of the games every athlete who participated received a gold medal, which was the highlight of the games. In closing I would like to mention the story of a brother who

took his sister for a hike up the mountain. She complained of the rocks and stones she had to step over. The brother said the stones and obstacles were stepping stones which helps you reach the mountain top or helps you

crossing a river. Let us use the problems and obstacles in our way as stepping stones to reach the mountain top once again through perseverance and participation at all levels.

The status, rights, well-being, safety and security of the Senior Citizens is being affected daily daily by the escalating degree of violence and crime such as house breakings, theft, assault, rape and even the murdering of our Senior Citizens which has become a primary burden to us. We live in constant fear and are unable to enjoy the peace and freedom of our own environment. Unemployment and the use of drugs are prevalent in our societies

and so often it has a direct impact on the quality of our life of our Senior Citizens. We would therefore, Honourable Speaker, request that a more concerted effort be made to get rid of drug dens and arrest of drugloards. Also the thorough investigation of unemployment which leads to crime against our Senior Citizens, would be much appreciated. With regards to pay-points for government grants, there is so much frustration for example, after standing in long queues only to be told that the machines are out of order or there are insufficient funds, besides, there being a lack of public facilities at many of these pay-points. Because of our declining health, we are unable to cope with daily activities and thus would appreciate the establishing of more Old Age Homes, Frail Care Centres and Service Centres as there are so many townships and areas where non exist. This would ensure that we alleviate the loneliness, depression and isolation of many more seniors. Many of our senior citizens are not knowledgeable about grants available for orphaned grandchildren, as well as other

benefits available to them. Secondly, what to do when faced with emotional or physical abuse or when valuable information is being withheld by family members. Thus we urge that regular workshops be conducted to keep us informed of our rights. In conclusion, we would like to feel that we, as Senior Citizens, are made to feel special and treated with dignity and respect at all times. Please provide us with separate desks or counters or queues at banks, SASSA offices, hospitals, clinics, offices and pay-points and we would be most grateful. Much of these burdens are being addressed as promised by the Minister of Health. We thank the Honourable Speaker and the House of Parliament for affording us the privilege and opportunity to speak about some of the burdens and care of our Senior Citizens and trust that our plea will be addressed. I thank you.

Kuierklub vir 70 en ouer Die VGK 70-oor Kuierklub van Idasvallei het op 26 November hul afskeidspartytjie by die Jan Marais Park in Stellenbosch gehou. Die groep het in Julie 2013 ontstaan en hulle ontmoet een keer per maand. Die toelatingsvereiste is dat jy 70 jaar of ouer moet wees. Me Eva Dreyer, stigterslid, sê daar is ‘n groot behoefte onder

ouer mense om net te kuier. “Ons kuiersessies is gewoonlik een en ‘n half uur lank waar ons bid, speletjies speel en opvoedkundigeen gesondheidspraatjies hou om te verseker dat ons nog baie ouer kan word,” lag sy. Tydens die afskeid was daar lekker geëet en speletjies gespeel soos rolbal, ‘haal bal uit mandjie’ en selfs die Macarenadans. Die groep werk onder die vaandel van die VGK sustersbediening en is afhanklik van donasies deur familie en vriende.

Vir verdere navrae skakel Me Dreyer by 021 883 3533. Foto Regs Die 70-oor Klub met ouderdom in hakies, agter van links: Johny Brown (73), Marjory November (70), David November (72), Katie Arendse (79), Elizabeth Kannemeyer (75), Rita Pietersen (74), Marie Lewis (70), Eva Dreyer (77), Davy Moses (80), Jacobus Snell (72) en Frederick Michau (81) Middel: Evangeline Rhode (73), Leonora Smith (70), Sylvia Feris (80), Stienie Pietersen (86), Delphine Jones (74), Fred Brown (72), Crystal Brooks (76), Rita Amos (88) en Evangeline Abels (72) Voor: Elsie February (82), Maria Adams (87), Ellen Rhode, Annie Petersen (80), Magdalene Brown (84)

70 jaar en ouer Kuierklublede by hul afskeid in Jan Marais Park




World Design Capital 2014 with the City of Cape Town

2nd Best Municipality in SA for Financial Management

Create 5000 jobs by 2015

3874 trees have been planted since 22 April 2013

Economy: 6 % Africa’s 1st Free Wi-Fi Town

Stellemploy Carpentry Training: The Mayor lending a hand.

552 • • •

Economic Growth (Average) Over The Last 10 Years

The Mayor inspecting community food gardens.

Unemployment: 15%

Jobs created since July 2013

3-2-3 Project: Reduction of Red Tape EPWP Programme – Best “B” Municipality in the W Cape – nearly 400 jobs created since July 2013 Tourism and Business Training, e.g. How to Start Your Own Business (40 people trained since July 2013)

Unemployment Rate, Compared To 25% Nationally

Municipal staff testing the free WiFi

Community Gardens

Housing: 77 % First handout of the Million Trees to local schools.

Residents Living In Formal Dwellings

THE INNOVATION CAPITAL OF SA Pro-poor Service Delivery • • • • •

• • •

Kayamandi Zone O rebuild

Langrug In-situ upgrades – Informal Settlements More than 1500 new houses erected over last 5 years Nearly R 14 million spent to rebuild Zone O after Kayamandi Fire Disaster Indigent Programme assists families with rebates on municipal services Free Wi-fi in Cloetesville, Kayamandi, Idas Valley and Stellenbosch CBD – 18 Wi-Fi Hotspots erected. 14 More planned for 2014. Access to Basic Services Programme – one toilet per 5 households & one tap per 25 families Public/school Library in Klapmuts 12 Community Food Gardens established, 11 more underway

Social Development 2013 Initiatives • • • • • • • •

Youth House – Franschhoek Youth Skills Development, e.g. Carpentry, General Building Skills Community Education on Municipal Services Dilbeek Partnership – 1 established facility and 1 new Social Relief for Disasters Early Childhood Development Training Grants-in-Aid Mobile Thusong Services

R2D2: Redress, Reconciliation, General Service Diversity & Delivery Delivery

• • • • •

Farm 502: Small Farmers Project: Empowering previously disadvantaged famers – Special CASSIDRA Water Agreement concluded i-Shack Project with University to use solar power in Informal Settlements Upgrading Informal Settlements with access to basic services Annual community Christmas Concert serving to advance social cohesion Nelson Mandela Tribute Statue symbolising reconciliation Diversity: Nearly 60% of the organisation’s top management appointments are from previously disadvantaged groups Preferential Procurement Policy addressing redress in the awarding of tenders

• •

• • • •

Nelson Mandela Tribute Satue

KickStart Art Programme

Electricity: Replaced 4000 Streetlights with energy efficient bulbs Sanitation: Access-to-Basic Services toilet programme – one toilet per 5 households & one tap per 25 families Beautification, landscaping and tidiness “green” open spaces, sidewalks and roads centre islands – best in Western Cape Million Trees Project: Eco Centre Launched; 3874 trees planted since April 2013 Housing: Centralised Housing Waiting List with Western Cape Housing Database Fraud Hotline – Independently managed Water: Adopt-a-River Programme, Refurbished





Burgemeester Girls Brigade International: THE GATHERING 2013 deel sy Visie - P E T RA C H I K A S A , Girls Brigade Zambia

Hy het hier aangekom met die gedagte dat Stellenbosch ‘n studentedorp is en dat dit vanselfsprekend is om die dorp as ‘n wêreld-gehalte dorp uit te beeld met wêreld-gehalte dienste.

As the Girls Brigade International marks it's 120 years of ministry and existence, 130 girls from all parts of the world have gathered together in Stellenbosch South Africa to celebrate this at an event called The Gathering.

Riviernuus het by ons Uitvoerende Burgemneester, Raadslid Conrad Sidego, gaan uitvind of hy nog steeds dieselfde voel. “Sommige mense het gedink my visie was te elitisties en dat die klem te veel op die universiteit val,” sê die burgemeester. “Ek het besef dat ons met vele uitdagings sit. Stellenbosch is ‘n mikro-kosmos van Suid-Afrika en ons sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede het swaar op my gelê. Hoe los ons die probleme op? Ons sal nie vir almal kan huise gee nie want ons waglyste dui aan dat ons 25 000 eenhede benodig om aan ons behoeftes te voorsien. Indien ons dus vir almal huise gee, gaan daar net nog mense Stellenbosch toe stroom. Jy kan nie wen nie,” sê hy. “Die beginpunt was dus nie behuising nie, maar die ekonomie. Indien ons ‘n boemelaar ‘n huis gee, gaan dit nie sy probleem oplos nie. Stellenbosch moet aanvaar dat hy die regte ekonomiese koninkryk moet skep. Die munisipaliteit gee nie werk nie. Dit het ons klaar vir 1 500 mense gedoen. “Ons moet die omstandighede fasiliteer deur dit aantreklik vir werkgewers en entrepreneurs te maak. Ons moet ons verorderinge (bylaws) hersien, belastingsvoordele vir groot maatskappye aanbied of omstandighede skep vir beleggers sodat Stellenbosch die

‘Preferred Investment Destination’ kan word. Werkskepping sal dan plaasvind.” “Ek het toe besluit om ons visie aan te pas. Om die Innovasie Hoofstad van Suid-Afrika te word. Hierdeur wil ons erkenning gee aan dit wat reeds op die dorp bestaan maar ook om op innoverende maniere, sosiale probleme aan te spreek. Ons moet dit egter nie net sê nie. Ons moet dit toepas.





15-Jan 10:00


16-Jan 15:00

Celebrations kicked off in style as the South African girls brigade team coloured up the place with an amazing welcome. On Sunday, 7 December, the girls worshiped at The Pniël Congregational church and later proceeded to celebrate the 120th birthday where balloons were let into the air with prayers and hopes for the next 120 years.

Hy sê hy het nog baie om te bied ten spyte van sy gesonheidsuitdagings. “Gesonheid kan dinge drasties verander, maar ek sal my laat lei deur omstandighede. Ek lewe vir die nou. Ek is ook nie van plan om Stellenbosch gou te verlaat nie. Inteendeel, die groot visie maak dit moeilik om alles net so te los,” sê hy.



Some of the Countries represented were Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Zambia, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, St Maarten, USA, England and Wales, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Australia, Cook Islands, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and of course the beautiful South Africa

Die burgememster glo dat mens hoog moet mik. “Ons poog om 5000 werksgeleenthede te skep teen 2015. Ja, die planne is baie ambisieus , maar ek glo dit is die moeite werd om groot eise te stel.”

Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 19 van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering : Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000) dat die vergaderings van die Raad en sy komitees gehou sal word in die Raadsaal, Stadhuis, Pleinstraat, Stellenbosch op die ondergenoemde datums en tye: DAY

With the theme INSIDE OUT, the girls embarked on a journey filled with different and exciting activities from the 7’th to the 14’th of December. Throughout the week they explored what it means to be the voice of their generation. This they did without getting lost in the amazing postcard views of the mountains of Western Cape.

MAYCO – (Mid-year Budget and Performance Assessment & Annual Report)

The week was filled with activities that focused on transforming and enriching girls’ lives,

unlocking their potential and shaping them into great women in society. It is at events like these and organizations like Girls Brigade that young people with fine minds from all over the world can come together and share ideas that will help shape our world into a better place. A huge congratulations to Girls Brigade South Africa and the Girls Brigade International under 30's team for putting this together. We sure do hope to see girls’ lives transformed INSIDE OUT! •




Notice is hereby given that the MOU between the Stellenbosch Municipality





Apha kwaziswa ngokwecandelo lama 19 lomthetho woomasipala. uMthetho weeNkqubo zikaMasipala wowama 2000 uMthetho wama 32 wowama 2000. Ukuba iintlanganiso ZeBhunga neekomiti zizakubanjwa Kwihololeentlanganiso ezise Plein Street, Stellenbosch. Ngalemihla nexesha eliKhankanywe apha ngezantsi. DAY





22-Apr 14:00



19-Aug 15:00

All Ward Councillors


22-Apr 15:30

Chief Whip & Party Whips


21-Aug 15:00



23-Apr 15:00

19TH Council


26-Aug 14:00



24-Apr 10:00

Local Labour Forum


28-Aug 10:00

Local Labour Forum





28-Aug 14:00

Budget Steering







Planning and Economic Development







Engineering Services & Human Settlements


Finance and Strategic and Corporate Services


22-Jan 15:00


23-Jan 14:00




Planning and Economic Development




28-Jan 14:00





Engineering Services & Human Settlements


10-Sep 15:00

Community and Protection Services


29-Jan 15:00

SPECIAL Council (Adjustments Budget)


13-May 15:00

Finance and Strategic and Corporate Services


11-Sep 15:00

Employment Equity


30-Jan 10:00

Local Labour Forum


14-May 15:00

Community and Protection Services


17-Sep 10:00




Planning and Economic Development


14-May 10:00

MAYCO to consider submissions to Revised IDP, Performance Management Measures and Annual Budget


18-Sep 10:00

Local Labour Forum


18-Sep 14:00

Budget Steering


22-May 10:00

Local Labour Forum


23-Sep 15:00



22-May 14:00

Budget Steering



27-May 14:00


28-May 15:00

SPECIAL COUNCIL – Approval of Revised IDP, Performance Management Measures and Annual Budget




11-Feb 15:00

Finance and Strategic and Corporate Services


12-Feb 15:00

Community and Protection Services


18-Feb 15:00

All Ward Councillors


19-Feb 10:00



20-Feb 14:00

Budget Steering


25-Feb 14:00






26-Feb 15:00






27-Feb 10:00

Local Labour Forum


Planning and Economic Development




14:00 15:00

Engineering Services & Human Settlements

Engineering Services & Human Settlements





Planning and Economic Development




Engineering Services & Human Settlements


14-Oct 15:00

Finance and Strategic and Corporate Services

Planning and Economic Development


15-Oct 15:00

Community and Protection Services

Engineering Services & Human Settlements


16-Oct 14:00

Budget Steering

10-Jun 15:00

Finance and Strategic and Corporate Services


21-Oct 14:00



11-Jun 15:00

Community and Protection Services


22-Oct 10:00



12-Jun 15:00

Employment Equity


23-Oct 10:00

Local Labour Forum


29-Oct 15:00





Planning and Economic Development




Engineering Services & Human Settlements


11-Nov 15:00

Finance and Strategic and Corporate Services


12-Nov 15:00

Community and Protection Services


13-Nov 15:00

Employment Equity


18-Nov 15:00

All Ward Councillors


19-Nov 10:00



20-Nov 14:00

Budget Steering


25-Nov 14:00



26-Nov 15:00



27-Nov 10:00

Local Labour Forum




Planning and Economic Development





Budget Steering






11-Mar 15:00

Finance and Strategic and Corporate Services





12-Mar 10:00

MAYCO – Draft IDP, Draft Annual Budget & Oversight Report


18-Jun 10:00



19-Jun 14:00

Budget Steering


12-Mar 15:00

Community and Protection Services


24-Jun 14:00



13-Mar 15:00

Employment Equity


24-Jun 15:00

All Ward Councillors


20-Mar 14:00

Budget Steering


25-Jun 15:00






26-Jun 10:00

Local Labour Forum


26-Mar 15:00

SPECIAL COUNCIL – Draft IDP, Draft Annual Budget & Oversight Report

SCHOOL HOLIDAYS: 27 June to 20 July Wednesday







Local Labour Forum




Budget Steering




21ST COUNCIL MEETING (Adjustments Budget (Roll Over))


27-Mar 10:00

Local Labour Forum




Planning and Economic Development




Engineering Services & Human Settlements




Finance and Strategic and Corporate Services




Planning and Economic Development




Community and Protection Services




Engineering Services & Human Settlements


15-Apr 15:00

All Ward Councillors




16-Apr 10:00



12-Aug 15:00

Finance and Strategic and Corporate Services





13-Aug 10:00






13-Aug 15:00

Community and Protection Services


the Municipality’s website

17TH COUNCIL MEETING SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING (Mid-year Budget and Performance Assessment, Bi-Annual Audit Report & Annual Report) Budget Steering



Welfare Society can be viewed on

Girls Brigade International would like to thank Stellenbosch University for hosting us on the Sunday evening.

Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 19 of the Local Government Act: Municipal Systems, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) that the meetings of Council and its Committees will be held in the Council Chamber, Town House, Plein Street, Stellenbosch on the undermentioned dates and times: DAY


BTT Delights SENIORS & juniors The Boschendal Treasury Trust (BTT) held their annual Christmas party for senior citizens on 5 December at the Pniël Millenium Hall.


1 2

The elderly were treated to a three course meal and were entertained by their peers:The Waterbloometjies and Moedergroep from Lanquedoc, Survivors from Kylemore and Simonsberg Seniors from Pniël. In between the entertainment acts the golden guests also sang Christmas Carols and demonstrated that there was nothing wrong with their voices.

5 4


Each guest also received a small Christmas gift as appreciation for their assistance in shaping the character of our beautiful valley and its people. The citizens really appreciated the kind gesture from the BTT and were impressed by the day’s activities. 8

PHOTO CAPTIONS: 1. Jane Vermeulen, Martha Kriel, Roseline Cloete, Freddy Jacobs, Magdalena Conradie, Daisy Tromp, Katy Ruiters, Sanna Engelbrecht, Mary Darries 2. Survivors Voor van links: Matilda Le Roux, Johanna Thys, Joy Adams Agter: Anna Petersen, Berta Dennyssen, Elizabeth Levember, Elizabeth Mentoor 3. Solly Jansen, Rosy Jansen, Elisa Heyns, Lala van Wyk, Kay Fortuin, Elizabeth James, Clara Adams, MAria Scheppers 4. Piet Wolfaart, Flip de Bruyn, Maria Malgas, Helen Joubert, Fielie Williams, Aleta Jantjies, Beauty Stephens, Catherine van der Merwe 5. Willem Juries, Christene Wolfaart, Sophia Klaasen, Lena Swarts, Dina Manuel, Charlotte Johannes, Nellie Juries 6. Hazel Hendricks, Ursula van Graan, Maureen Williams, Daphne Cupido, Cathlene Nichols, Roland Clayton, John Lackay, Hetilda Davids 7. Jacob Snyman, Alice Snyman, Elize Carolissen, Magdalena Rhode, Dinah Reyneveld 8. Voor van links: Dorothy Fortuin, Linda Davids, Nichol Davids Agter: Elizabeth Williams, Menicia Robyn, Gareth Davids, Gail Davids, Sophia Adams 9. Andrew Anthony, Jeanette Anthony, Mary Cupido, Sylvin Goshai, Christene Goshai, Joey Ebrahim, Annie Lackay, Johanna van Rooyen 10. Caroline Keet, Nosisilli Lufele, Hendricks, Winston Hendricks, Sarah Jackson, Phillip Arendse, Louisa Arendse 11. Audrey Williams, Veronica Williams, Estelle Davids, Wendy Jacobs, Ernest Williams, Phelicia Alexander, Helen November, Christie Williams





“This is a lovely day for us senior citizens. Wish we can have more of these.”

“Thank you BTT. It was worth coming.”

“Father Christmas werk vir die brandweer!” Op 12 Desember was dit die kinders onder 12 jaar se beurt met ‘n pretvolle dag by die Pniël Sportgronde.


Die kinders het aan vele speletjies deelgeneem waarna hulle smaaklike middagete geniet het.Tot hul verbasing het Kersvader sy opwagting in ‘n brandweertrok gemaak. Hy het die kinders vermaak en almal het daarna in die skuimbad baljaar onder toesig van die brandweermanne. Lees van die kinders se kommentaar.

“Ek gaan my kos hou tot by die huis.”

“Kyk net hoe groot is my boks.”





DIE JOOSTE REÜNIE Die Jooste familie, een van die oudste families in Jamestown, het onlangs ‘n familie reünie op Bredell Plaas net buite Stellenbosch gehou.

R15 000 vir ‘n vakansie Chris Ochse van Simondium het onlangs ‘n R15 000 vakansie na enige bestemming gewen in die Agrimark/ PPC Surebuilt kompetisie. Kliënte wat by Agrimark sement gekoop het, moes hul gegewens op hul betaalstrokie invul en Chris se naam was getrek as die wenner vir Simondium Agrimark.

Afstammelinge van die Joostes het van regoor die Wes-Kaap gekom om die spesiale geleentheid by te woon. Christy Jooste het ook op dieselfde dag sy 80ste verjaarsdag gevier. Almal was dit eens dat dit nie die laaste familiesaamtrek sal wees nie.

The festive season started with a switch - S H A N I R H O DA

This annual event was held on The Braak, on Saturday, 7 December and Sunday, 8 December. The occasion united the residents of Stellenbosch and invited people from other areas as well. Despite the threat of rain, masses of people made their way down to heart of the town to join in the festivities. The festival included a free-entry concert on the Saturday featuring local singing, rapping and dancing performances. Numerous trading stalls sold refreshments and all sorts of goods for young and old. The jolly atmosphere became somewhat sombre as Executive Mayor Conrad Sidego paid a brief tribute to the former President Nelson Mandela. In honour of Mandela, someone from the audience who shares a birthday with the late Mandela was asked to assist the mayor in switching on the Christmas lights.

Mense van Ryneveldstraat keer terug Onder die Groepsgebiededwet van 1950 is hulle uit hul huise gesit in Ryneveldstraat, Stellenbosch. Op Versoeningsdag, 16 Desember, het ‘n aantal van dieselfde inwoners op ‘n herinneringstog teruggekeer na hul eens geliefde straat en die huise waarin hulle opgegroei het. Die staptog

The festive season was officially welcomed in Stellenbosch at the Festival of the Lights.

Van links: Barry Perrins (Bestuurder Agrimark Simondium), Peter Max (PPC) en wenner Chris Ochse.

was gereël deur Frederick (Toffie) Polman. Die uitvoerende burgemeester van Stellenbosch, Conrad Sidego, wie self net ‘n blok verder hiervandaan gewoon het, het gesê die terugkeer na Ryneveldstraat is een van die grootste simbole van versoening wat Nelson Mandela wou hê ons moet uitleef. Hier is sommige inwoners voor hul vorige huise.

‘Corner Boys’ voor Winkel: “Meeste van ons het byname gehad.” Voor van links: John Henry (Kajite), Frederick Polman (Toffie) en George Williams Agter: Sammy Benjamin, John Williams (Katjies), Dale Ockers, Ernie Polman (Stambou), Moegammat Ras (Gunman), Eric Rhoda (Jafta), Igshan Raban, Andy Moses (Daggers), William Hector en Henry Williams

A more tranquil ambience was experienced on the Sunday evening with the “Carols by Candlelight”. The Christmas spirit was heavily felt thanks to the performances by churches and gospel bands. The lights will remain on throughout the festive season and Stellenbosch residents and visitors are invited to view them at any time.

Eerste Moslems van nr 88: “Ons was die eerste Moslems in die straat. Nanna het koeksisters gebak vir almal in die straat. Selfs ons bure het aangetrek vir Labarang! Van links: Abasia, Nabeweya, Omar, Sadia, Gadija en Fareed (almal Arnolds)

Polmans in 98 and Bergstedts in 96: “Hier kon ons geloop het dorp toe sonder om in ‘n taxi te klim. Die polisiestasie was aan een kant en die tronk aan die ander kant en ons in die middel.” Van links: Fred De Hahn, Ernie Polman, Stephen Bergstedt, Basil Bergstedt en Frieda Davids

Appolisse van nr 80: “Die kraak bokant die deur is nog altyd hier! Baie Appolisse het hier gewoon en ons kon selfs buitekant slaap.” Stanley Pretorius en Susan Appolis

Op die stoep soos in die ou dae. Eers Kannemeyers, toe George families in nr 90: “Hulle het bordjies kom ophang wat sê ‘Blanke Gebied’. Toe trek ons binne ‘n paar maande. Die huis is nou R2.25mil werd.” Van links: Justin Jumat, Cederick George, Fred de Hahn, Hazel Leith, Sandra Williams, Norma de Hahn, Jenny Gabiëls, Iona Ortell, Michelle Jumat.



Die familie van wyle Hermanus en Sarah Scheepers het op Versoeningsdag, 16 Desember, ‘n reünie in Kylemore gehou. Al 199 van hulle! Die dag het begin met ‘n dankseggingsdiens by die St. John’s Anglikaanse Kerk waar ook 15 kerse opgesteek was vir elkeen van Hermanus en Sarah se kinders. Erkenning was ook gegee aan afgestorwe familielede deur hulle name uit te lees. ‘n Volledige stamboom is ook by die diens bekendgestel. Hierna het die familie ‘n graftsteen vir hul voorouers by die Kylemore begraafplaas onthul en balonne losgelaat vir lede wie nie meer met hulle is nie. Die feesvieringe is verder voortgesit by die Kylemore Sportgronde waar elkeen van die 15 gesinne gekleurde hempde aangehad het. ‘n Kleur vir elke kind: Sansie (groen), Diana (ligblou), Lornie (geel), Fia (donkerblou), Jeanie (rooi), Gert (pienk), Sharon (bruin), Dottie (pers), Katy (swart), Manie (grys), Morris (oranje), Nellie (wit), Rachel, (cherise), Marie (turkoois) en Sonja (lemmetjie-groen). Volgens inisieerder Devon Combrinck, ‘n agterkleinseun, was hierdie die heel eerste reünie vir die familie. “Daar was ‘n begeerte by almal om byeen te kom. Die hele familie is hier en in Desember is daar nog ‘n baba op pad!”




TRIBUTE To a Leader


MADIBA R T Mr Nelson Mandela has inspired many artists from around the world. Even two of our local talents from Stellenbosch rendered this extraordinary human being.

Freedom Smile

TATA Forever Pencil Sketch done by Gerald Maketees, from Kylemore, after the passing of our legend.

Sport honours the great man

Acrylic on Perspex done by Lucienne Myburgh, from Pniel, in 2008. The painting is currently at the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg.

Reverend Leon Klate next to Pniël’s Ubuntu Monument, paying tribute to the late Nelson Mandela.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It laughs in the face of all types of discrimination.” - Nelson Mandela As a token of appreciation for what the late former president Mr Nelson Mandela has done to unite South Africans through sport, Pniël Villagers Rugby Club arranged a memorial service for this great statesman.

The proceedings started with a wreath laying ceremony at the Ubuntu Monument on the Werf. Rev Leon Klate from the Pniël Congregational Church said that the rock for this particular monument was obtained from the Van Riebeeck quarry on Robben Island, the same quarry where Madiba worked. “The monument was unveiled by the Gandhi of

Africa at the time, Mr Kenneth Kaunda. This is therefore more than just a rock from Robben Island,” the reverend said.

HENRY WILLIAMS (Former Protea Cricket Player)

IVAN JACOBS (Former Springbok Rugby Player)

COLIN MYBURGH (Chairman: Coronation Cricket Club)

CHRISTO JEFTHAS (South African Masters Athletics Champion)

STEPHEN MYBURGH (Former Boland Rugby Player | Villagers Committee Member)

ABRAHAM LAKAY (Chairman: Kylemore Rugby Club)

“Mandela handed over our team shirts for the Commonwealth Games in 1998. That year we beat the Aussies and Madiba’s magic worked. Today our kids have all the opportunities and we must make use of it.”

“Through Mandela’s life we can learn a lot. Like unity. We have to bring unity to our valley. That’s what he has taught us.”

“One could see God through Madiba’s actions. The biggest lesson he taught us is to forgive.”

“Although there are still some issues in our national teams, we can learn how Madiba lived. None of us can achieve success alone. We need each other.”

“Where would we have ended if it wasn’t for Nelson Mandela? He meant a lot to our rugby club and sport everywhere. Pniël could compete against top teams and produce three Springboks in Ivor Myburgh (sr), Trevor Adams and Andrea Mentoor. Strive for his legacy and ask how we can make a change together.”

“Mandela was a freedom fighter and a peacemaker. Kylemore produced Springbok Ivan Jacobs and his son also became a junior Springbok. We must build on his legacy. He was the icon and true leader. Long live the spirit of Nelson Mandela.”

At the formal service in the church, some of the Dwars River Valley’s sports heroes paid tribute to Mr Mandela and how his actions indirectly influenced their careers.

Teacher inspires students with his “Jailed for singing Nkosi” Story Riviernuus came across the following story about Jerome Langenhoven, a Stellenbosch native and former teacher at Lückhoff High. Story courtesy of Maidenhead Advertiser, England. The death of Nelson Mandela has inspired a maths teacher unjustly imprisoned at the same time and place as the leader to share his experience with hundreds of pupils. Students across all year-groups at Furze Platt Senior School in Maidenhead, England, have

been transfixed by Jerome Langenhoven's assemblies this week, who was detained as a young teacher for singing the national anthem. This is the first time the South African father-of-two has discussed his past with pupils at the school in Furze Platt Road and he says he is 'humbled, privilege and honoured' to do so in the week of Mandela's passing. In 1989 Jerome, who is now 49, was imprisoned along with two teachers from the school where he worked in Stellenbosch, South Africa, for singing Nkosi Sikelel iAfrika, meaning God Bless Africa in assembly.

At that time of the Apartheid the anthem was thought to support the freedom movement. Jerome and his colleagues were considered a threat to national security and, without a court hearing, sent to Victor Verster prison where they remained for 20 days, at the same time Mandela was serving the latter part of his sentence. Jerome, who lives in High Wycombe with his wife Josephine and two children, never met the man inside but said the experience has had a profound effect on him. "In a way it makes me proud that it happened," said Jerome, a devout Christian who found courage by looking at the insignificance of 20 days captivity compared to Mandela's 27 years.

"It made me more determined to fight for equality."

He said: "Mandela is unrivalled by anyone in this world."

Following his release Jerome, who was never given a criminal record, joined The Defiance Campaign, a movement where black men and women risked their lives to oppose segregation laws.

Jack Clifton, 17, said he and his fellow students had been inspired by Mr Langenhoven's story, which he heard at an assembly in the main hall. "I thought it was the best assembly I have seen in quite a while. He spoke about Nelson Mandela and how he went to prison for years, and about equal opportunities. He was pretty passionate about it. "There was a big clap at the end. Everybody thought it was good."

"I thought it was the best assembly I have seen in quite a while.” Jerome joined the crowd of thousands when Mandela was released from prison in 1990. Jerome has been overwhelmed by the response from the students to his assemblies.

Source: www.maidenhead-advertiser.co.uk

Mr Langenhoven with some of the students



To a Healer


Boesak Back and at his Best Paying tribute to Nelson Mandela at the Kruiskerk in Stellenbosch “If you have not found something that is worth dying for, you are not fit to live.” Referring to Martin Luther King’s famous words, Dr Alan Boesak addressed mourners at the memorial service for late President Nelson Mandela at the Kruiskerk in Stellenbosch on Friday, 13 December. Dr Boesak, anti-apartheid stalwart and now Christian theologian at the Butler University and Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, America, was one of the speakers at the service arranged by Stellenbosch Municipality together with various churches in Stellenbosch. Ds Simon Adams opened proceedings with a prayer after which Executive Mayor, Conrad Sidego, expressed his condolences. “We are 1 000km’s away from Madiba, but we can be described as his extended family,” the mayor said. “We must replace condolences with celebration as he inspired us with a legacy he left behind. A famous person said that life consists of moments and putting these moments together makes up your life. Mr Mandela gave us very special moments. Some of those were when he walked out of prison, the acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize with FW De Klerk, and many, many others.” Sidego ended off: “Amongst his equals, Madiba was a statesman.

POLITICS & RELIGION: Stellenbosch councilor Derrick Hendrickse (left) greets Dr Alan Boesak

The service was lead by Professor Nico Koopman, Dean of the Theology Faculty at Stellenbosch University. “We greet Madiba a few days before we celebrate Reconciliation Day in South Africa and it is highly appropriate as he was the president of reconciliation.” The professor said that reconciliation constitutes the heart of the Christian Gospel and referred to 2 Corinthians 5 where Paul uses two words to describe Christ’s

work of reconciliation. “The first one refers to our at-one-ment. What had been separated becomes one. Enemies become friends. Hostility is replaced by hospitality. The second word for reconciliation refers to Christ’s work of expiation (versoening). The stumbling blocks to our at-one-ment are removed. The threats to a life of friendship and hospitality are nullified,” he said. “This is the logic of Madiba. The reconciliation that Nelson

Rohlihlala Mandela had, proclaimed and embodied. He faithfully served the meal of reconciliation and unity, reconciliation and justice, reconciliation and freedom, reconciliation and forgiveness reconciliation and transforming love. Let us enjoy this meal with gratitude and obedience.” Dr Boesak then shared his perceptions on Madiba and demonstrated why he qualifies as one of our country’s best orators. The congregation hung on to every

word the renowned theologist uttered. “We knew he was on Robben Island in his fight for justice. We never saw his face, spoke to him or took his hand. We were only told by others and those words became the well of inspiration from which we drank. Our generation was prepared to die for Nelson Mandela until the walls of apartheid came down. We understood that our freedom would only happen when Madiba was freed,” Boesak said.

“When he emerged in 1992 ‘met daai groen laggie wat soos ‘n Afrika son skyn’, he taught us many things. He brought healing to our soul as a nation. What Madiba did was to help us gather all the pieces of our soul and to heal,” he said passionately. Boesak concluded: “Now. We saw him, we heard him, talked to him and held his hand. Now that we know all these things, we have no more excuses. Now that we know so much more, we can do what is right.”

“What Madiba did, was to help us gather all the pieces of our soul and to heal” - ALAN BOESAK

JAMESTOWN YOUTHS MAKE KIDS HAPPY The death of Nelson Mandela prompted Sirgel Arnolds and Hugh Rhoda’s sudden decision to make a difference in the lives of those in their community. The Rector of Stellenbosch University, Prof Russel Botman, and the Mayor of Stellenbosch Municipality, Councillor Conrad Sidego laying a wreath for Madiba.

Flowers for our father - S H A N I R H O DA

A diversity of people gathered at the entrance of the Stellenbosch Town Hall on Wednesday, 11 December to witness the wreath-laying ceremony of the late Nelson Mandela. It was hosted by the Stellenbosch Municipality and the guests consisted of several councillors, municipal workers as well as members of the public. Each individual was welcomed with a South African flag and were encouraged to wave it throughout the ceremony. The ceremony begun with addresses from the Executive Mayor, Conrad Sidego, speaking about Mandela’s life and the qualities he possessed.

The duo collected old clothes and monetary donations from their friends and family. With the funds received they managed to spoil a group of 30 underprivileged children with a Happy Meal and a lucky packet on Monday, 16 December. This simple gesture of compassion managed to create an overflow of gratitude from the parents as well as the children.

This brief reflection emphasized the legacy he has built that will hopefully continue into the future of South Africa. After the passing of Madiba, various activities have taken place in Stellenbosch to pay tribute to this world icon. These honorary acts were of utmost importance as it reinforces the unity which the former president had introduced. After the wreath was placed, the audience was invited to light a candle and sign a book of condolences that will be kept in the foyer of the Hall. The mayor further inspired guests by providing some advice: “We all have some Madiba magic inside of us. Please show it, live it and change our world.”

A Happy Day with a Happy Meal



To a Legend

Ralphton Adams from Pniël tried for more than 10 years to meet Mr Mandela. He even wrote a few letters to the Nelson Mandela Foundation requesting to shake the great man’s hand. “It almost became an obsession,” Ralphton shyly confesses. “I think the desire to meet him hails from my ‘Release Mandela’ student years.” Ralphton is a teacher at Groendal Secondary in Franschhoek and his chance came in August 2008 when the school was invited to attend the unveiling of the Mandela statue outside the Drakenstein Prison. “I heard that there was a chance that the former president was going to be there in person and arranged that I accompany the learners to

the ceremony. There was no chance that I was going to miss out on fulfilling my dream,” he says. According to Ralphton it rained tremendously on the day of the unveiling and he thought that Mandela was not going to attend.

than 10 years for this moment! “More than that I can not remeber as I was completely dumbstruck to be in Madiba’s presence. We were all in one room and while patiently waiting my turn to meet him, I just stood there and stared at our country’s idol.” While Mandela’s body was lying in state at the union buildings in Pretoria, Ralphton got an unexplained feeling to go to Pretoria. “It was an inner feeling and I just had to go,” he said. He greeted his wife and three kids and jumped on a bus on Thursday, 12 December, to reach Pretoria on Friday morning, the last day Mandela was lying in state. “I patiently stood in line with thousand of others and eventually got the chance to say goodbye as I viewed the body.”

“Thank you very much for your efforts for the nation of South Africa, Sir.”

Raplthon then made it a full trip and visited Madiba’s Houghton home, Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg and even got to watch part of the funeral on the big screen at Mandela Square in Sandton. “Houghton was absolutely amazing with the many people, flowers and letters,” he says. “My 36 hours on the bus to Pretoria and back was worth every minute. I wanted to travel with the bus and at the same time experience our country in a different way and appreciate it.” Ralphton believes that Madiba lived what is described in the 10 Commandments.

He even got the chance to tell Mandela that he waited more

“The biggest one is to love thy neighbour.”

Luckily Madiba was there and Ralphton was one of the lucky ones who got the chance to shake the great man’s hand. He even got his photo taken by the official photographer. He says he can still remember clearly what he told Madiba.

10 DAYS WITH NELSON MANDELA “It was on a Friday morning in September 1990, while I was working as a masseur at Rustenburg Hydro,” says Sebastian Sedeman from Cloetesville. “All that was written on my client schedule at the time was: VIP – 2 sessions. I didn’t think too much of it as we were used to treating important persons. As I turned around from my desk, I saw him. Just thinking back to that day gives me goose bumps all over again.” When Sebastian turned around he saw the man that was released from prison only 7 months ago. It was Nelson Mandela! “He had an aura around him which is very difficult for me to explain. It took me a few minutes to collect my bearings and treat him as I would have done to any other VIP,” says Sebastian.

“One day Mandela told me: ‘If I didn’t leave my hatred behind, I would still be in prison’.

“When Mandela was released from prison in February that year, my eldest son was only two days old, but it didn’t stop me from going to welcome him back at the gates of Victor Verster,” he says. “Mandela booked in for 10 days and that meant that the two of us spent one hour in each other’s company every day. Only the two of us.” Sebastian says that he was used to be around famous people and that one just had to act normal, but with Mandela it was very difficult. “I have treated many other politicians such as Thabo Mbeki, FW De Klerk, Jacob Zuma, Buthelezi and even PW Botha. Well, for PW I had to act as if I was white,” Sebastian laughs. “Over those 10 days we didn’t discuss politics at all and mainly talked about our families. At one point I asked him what his most disappointing moment in life was. I expected an answer that had to do with politics, but instead he said it was when his eldest son died and he couldn’t attend the funeral as he was on Robben Island. He even asked for special clearance, but was denied,” says the man who probably was one of the first persons in Stellenbosch that had a picture taken with Madiba. “One day Mandela told me: ‘If I didn’t leave my hatred behind, I would still be in prison’. The same line that became one of the cornerstones of our reconciliation efforts. I never understood it up to the day when he went to visit Betsie Verwoerd in Orania. I then understood what he meant because he was willing to have tea with the enemy’s wife.”

A DREAM FULFILLED Tata - from the roof of an Ambulance The only ‘interaction’ I had with Madiba was about 20 years ago when I jumped on the roof of an ambulance which was standing under the balcony of the Stellenbosch Town Hall, where the great man spoke. The hall was too full and I think there were twice as many people standing outside. After his speech and in true statesman fashion he came out on the balcony to wave at us. It was UNBELIEVABLE and I can still clearly remember it. Everything is not perfect in our country, but surely there are no comparisons between today’s and the previous apartheid regime. •

We can basically achieve anything we dream of

We can attend any school or university we want to

We can start any legal business we want to

We can swim on any beach we want to

We can participate in any sport we want to

We can watch any TV station we want to

We can listen to any musician we want to

We can listen to any radio station we want to

We can vote to decide who governs our beloved country

And best of all... We can read a Good News Community Newspaper, FREE to anybody!

Thank you very, very much Mr Mandela. You have done wondrous things for our country. May your soul rest in peace. - Editor



Hul Stories

‘Matilda en Mandela’ Stellenbosch se Chommiez Hulle is in die “edutainment” bedryf en Riviernuus het oor ‘n Spur-ontbyt gaan uitvind wie die Chommiez* is van wie almal praat. Hy was drie jaar oud en het baie gepraat. “My aunty het gesê die laaitie gaan nog president word. Toe doop sy my Mandela!” So sê Hilton Andries, een van die twee lede van die dramagroep, Chommiez. Die ander lid is Leatitia Solomons-Manuel en die twee het ‘n jaar gelede kragte saamgesnoer om hul passie uit te leef.

In 2012 het Leatitia ingeskryf vir Talent 360 – en gewen. Toe wéét sy sy’s op die regte pad.

Die Chommiez: Leatitia Solomons-Manuel en Hilton Andries

Hilton het gesondheid studeer by die ou Pentech, maar na hy vir die eerste keer ‘n vriend uitgehelp het met ‘n poppekasvertoning, het hy sy studies gestaak. “Niemand klap vir jou hande in ‘n lab nie,” grap hy. Hy het toe besluit om by die Breughel Teater te gaan help met hul poppekasproduksies.

produksies wentel om ‘n interessante karakter, Matilda en haar ‘disconnected issues’. “Disconnected issues tussen ouer en kind en die social networking effekte,” sê Leatitia, wie gewoonlik die rol van Matilda vertolk.

Vandaar is hy na Africa Centre en dis hier waar die twee ‘Chommiez’ se paaie gekruis het. “Ons het goeie vriende geword en toe ons besluit om ons eie ding te begin en op op ‘n naam te besluit, was dit einltik baie maklik,” sê hy.

Nog ‘n interessante konsep is die huiskonserte waar die produksie binne ‘n huis opgevoer word. Gaste word dan blootgestel aan die alledaagse lewens van mense in die gemeenskap (Matilda en haar gesin).

Sedert Chommiez se ontstaan het die groep al heelwat produksies vir verskeie instansies opgevoer. “Ons skryf self produksies na gelang van kliënte se behoeftes en ons sal dit binne ‘n maand gereed hê vir opvoering,” sê sy trots.

“Niemand klap vir jou hande in ‘n lab nie”

Chommiez fokus op komedie en probeer hierdeur sekere uitdagings in ons gemeenskappe addresseer. “Ons sê gewoonlik ‘n ding soos dit is en alles wat ons opvoer kom uit persoonlike ondervinding,” sê Hilton. “Jou ore en oë moet oop wees en ons maak notas in ons koppe waar ons ook al gaan. In die taxi, haarkapper, in die straat en selfs in die mall. Ons ‘feed’ van die community om terug te gee aan die community. Sodoende bring ons bewusmaking,” sê Mandela. Een van die groep se bekendste

Oppad na volle herstel 2013 se Kersfees gaan vir hulle ‘n ander betekenis hê, sê Ds Danie Bock, dominee by die VGK Idasvallei. Ds Bock se vrou, Rosetta, het pas teruggekeer van Grootte Schuur Hospitaal waar sy ‘n beenmurg oorplanting ondergaan het. Rosetta (38) was 10 jaar oud toe sy gediagnoseer was met Aplastiese Anemie (‘n tipe bloedarmoede). “Ek het omtrent 5 maande in die hospitaal deurgebring voor my kondisie verbeter het. Daarna moes ek ten minste een keer ‘n maand vir ondersoeke gaan,” sê sy. “Einde Julie hierdie jaar het my maandelikse ondersoek gewys dat my witbloedtellings nie opgetel het nie. Die dokters het my gesê dat daar drie opsies is. Ek kon niks doen nie en net aangaan met my lewe in welke geval ek net ‘n paar maande het om te lewe. Die tweede opsie was om op medikasie te gaan en sodoende die siekte probeer onderduk. My lewensduurte sou dan ongeveer 5 jaar wees. Die laaste opsie, wat hulle sterk aanbeveel het, was om ‘n beenmurgoorplanting te ondergaan. Indien dit suksevol is, sou ek totaal genees word. Die enigste probleem was om ‘n skenker te kry,” sê sy. Almal in die familie was getoets en Rosetta se suster, Esmé, was as die perfekte skenker geidentifiseer. Esmé het wonderbaarlik dieselfde bloedgroep en beenmurg as Rosetta gehad. Die oorplanting is gedoen en toe begin die groot toets. “Die dokter het ons gewaarsku dat daar ‘n baie groot kans bestaan dat my vrou die beenmurg sou verwerp,” sê Ds Bock. Sy moes toe vir 28 dae in isolasie lewe en niemand (behalwe ek) was

“My oorlede ouma het my altyd aangemoedig om te doen wat my gelukkig maak,” sê Leatitita. “Ek wou nog altyd iets in drama doen want ek en my ouma het saam in die kerk gesing en ek was altyd baie dramaties. Die realiteit is egter dat mens ‘n vaste werk moet kry om jou te aan die lewe te hou. Ek het ‘n baie goeie werk gehad, maar was siels-ongelukkig. ‘n Paar jaar gelede het ek alles opgegee en begin fokus op dit wat my gelukkig sal maak.”

Volgende jaar beplan die groep om hulle suksesvolle ‘Dinner with Locals’ tydens die Woordfees op te voer. Gaste word in twee taxis vervoer vanaf Stellenbosch na Cloetesville. Die drama begin dan al op die taxi en word verder geneem by die huis. Die gehoor sien en ervaar dan die geskiedenis van Stellenbosch soos beleef deur taxi passasiers. Die aanvraag na dramastukke is nie altyd soos hulle dit graag sou

wou hê nie en hulle sê die industrie is baie kompeterend. Om die pot aan die kook te hou tree Hilton op as seremoniemeester en sing hy ook by troues, partytjies en selfs begrafnisse. In half-Matilda-styl is Leatitia ‘n deeltydse taxi bestuurder. “Ek het my PDP-lisensie en word af en toe benodig.” Leatitia is getroud met Mitch Manuel en sê sy kry wonderlike ondersteuning van haar man en familie. “Ons families is feitlik by elke opvoering en ons waardeer dit ontsettend baie.” Die wonderlike idee agter die groep is dat mense chommies van Chommiez kan raak. Die groep het al van vele akteurs op ‘n deeltydse basis gebruik gemaak. “Ongelukkig is vermaak heel laaste op die publiek se begroting en is daar selfs diegene wat verwag dat ons gratis moet optree,” sê Leatitia. “Baie besef nie dat dit ons brood en botter is nie.” Een van hulle grootse komplimente was toe ‘n groep kinders hulle staande toegejuig het na ‘n poppekasvertoning. “Dit was definitief een van ons hoogtepunte,” sê Hilton. In een jaar het Chommiez baie vermag. “Dit was skrikwekkend om jou permanente werk te verlaat maar ons oë is egter op die groter prentjie. Aan die ander kant moet mens nooit vergeet waarvandaan jy kom nie en moet jy teruggee aan die gemeenskap,” sê die twee. Vir verdere navrae of besprekings: Kontak Leatitia by 082 046 5610 of leatitia.solomons@gmail.com *Chommie: ‘n Persoon wie jy ken, van wie jy hou en wie jy vertrou.

ADVERTEER IN RIVIERNUUS Kontak ons: 021 885 2392 wendell@riviernuus.co.za

13 Die Bock gesin by hul huis: Danie, Danica en Rosetta.

toegelaat om haar te besoek nie. Nie eens ons enigste kind, Danica (9), nie.”

Idasvallei geplaas. Die gemenskap se hulp is ‘n bewys hiervan.”

Ds Bock sê die feit dat Rosetta nie vir Danica kon sien en aanraak nie, ‘n baie groot emosionele effek op beide ma en dogter gehad. Dit was die heel eerste keer dat die twee van mekaar geskei was. “Aanvanklik het ek selfone en tablets gebruik om met mekaar te praat, maar dit het dinge net erger gemaak.”

Terwyl Ds Bock nog praat, is daar ‘n klop aan die deur en iemand lewer ‘n wit koevertjie af. Dis finansiële hulp. “Sien wat ek bedoel,” sê hy aangedaan.

“Gelukkig het Rosetta ongeskond deur die kritieke tyd gekom sonder enige neweeffekte. Die dokters kon dit self nie glo nie want die meeste mense verwerp ‘n ander se beenmurg,” sê hy. Rosetta is nou terug by die huis en is sterk oppad om volkome te herstel. “Wat egter my stoutste verwagtinge oortref het was die absolute wonderlike ondersteuning wat ons van die gemeenskap ontvang het,” sê Ds Bock. “Kyk, ons is gelowig, maar ook versigtig en ek het nie woorde om almal te bedank nie. Bruin, wit, kerk, nie-kerk, vriende, vreemdelinge. Almal. Ek moet eerlik wees en sê dat ek die gemeenskap onderskat het. Die Here het ons gewys dat ons twee nie alleen is nie.” Die Bock gesin was 4 jaar gelede na die Idasvallei gemeente verplaas na hulle by die Enerdale gemeente in Johannesburg betrokke was. “Die Here het ons uit Johannesburg gaan haal en hier in

“As predikant kry mens baie siektegevalle waar jy gemeentelede moet ondersteun. Jy maak later ‘n siekbed goedkoop, want jy voel jy moet iets sê. Jy gebruik goedkoop woorde. Ons was deur ‘n skool gevat. Nie ‘n lekker skool nie, maar ons sal nooit weer ‘n siekbed goedkoop maak nie. Mens moet regtig betrokke raak en hoef nie noodwendig iets te sê nie,” sê hy. Die gesin het nog vele uitdagings waarvan hospitaal en doktersrekeninge een van die grootstes is. “God gaan ons deur dit ook dra. My vrou is besig om te herstel, en my dogter kan weer aan haar ma raak. Dis al wat saak maak. Dis hoekom 2013 se Kersfees vir ons ‘n ander betekenis gaan hê.” Kontak die Bock gesin by: dcarlo@telkomsa.net of 076 042 5073. Voorspoed Rosetta. Stellenbosch glo saam in jou totale genesing.





Beste kerspartytjie in jare vir Siena se kinders

Siena Charles, wie die sopkombuis op Kylemore bestuur, het op Donderdag 19 Desember haar jaarlikse kerspartytjie vir minder-bevoorregte kinders van die area gehou. Sy sê sy het ‘n warm en bly gevoel in haar hart gekry vir vanjaar se partytjie. “Dit is die beste jaar wat ek nog sovêr gehad het, kan ek eerlik sê.” Die kinders was bederf met worsrolletjies, heerlike nagereg en ook geskenke geborg uit verskillende oorde. Ds Willie Koopstad van VGK Kylemore het met Ds Huub Smeets in Nederland geskakel en vier groot sakke teddiebere was deur die Goeie Herder Gemeente, ‘n Nedelandse Protestante Kerk in die dorpie Terneuzen, geskenk. Siena noem dat die ‘onder-dorp’ en ‘bo-dorp’ se kinders daar was en “elkeen van die 300 kinders kon gelukkig met ietsie weggestap”. Sy wil graag die volgende persone en instansies hartlik bedank wie die dag so spesiaal vir die kinders van Kylemore gemaak het: Pick n Pay (Russmere Combrinck), Personeel van Ackermans Stellenbosch (Anneline Kammies), Chill Beverages Stellenbosch, Brian Smit, Ds Koopstad & Ds Smeets, Marlon en Charlene Lackay, Gelian LackayDavids, Cortina Farms (Evette Myburgh), Johan & Elna en Chris Maraspini. Foto links: Ds Koopstad en Siena met die kinders

Kersfees by Nagskuiling Die inwoners by Stellenbosch Nagskuiling was op 30 November bederf met ‘n smaaklike viergang-kersete. Dié jaarlikse bederf is die breinkind van weldoener Audrey Paulse van Idasvallei en hierdie is die derde jaar dat sy dit aanbied. Die waardering was duidelik op die inwoners se gesigte te bespeur en hulle het weggelê aan ‘n watertandete. Behalwe vir die skaapboud, soutvleis, ‘gammon’, na-gereg en vele ander lekkernye het elke gas ook ‘n geskenk ontvang. Van die inwoners het hulle selfs spesiaal opgetooi vir die geleentheid. Volgens Karel Botha, ‘n aflosvrywillige by die nagskuiling, was Audrey se ete ‘n wonderlike seëning. “Ek kan nie glo wat Audrey en haar span alles gebring het nie.

Surprises for Simondium crèche

Mens kan sien hier is soveel moeite en geld ingesit,” sê Karel. Die nagskuiling kan 42 mense akkommodeer en probeer ‘n verskil maak aan mense wie op straat lewe. Die instansie is totaal afhanklik van skenkings en bied verblyf aan dakloses vir ‘n maksimum van drie maande. Vir net R7 per aand kry inwoners verblyf en ‘n basiese aandete en ontbyt. Die deure sluit 17:30 en teen 06:30 moet alle gaste uit wees. Audrey is ‘n opregte weldoener en wou beswaarlik iets sê oor haar wonderlike inisiatief behalwe om mense te bedank wie haar gehelp het om die aand ‘n sukses te maak. “Ek is baie dank verskuldig aan Porcia Combrinck (haar kollega by Stelkor), my werkgewers Carin en Maren, familie en die hele span wie gehelp het.” Baie dankie vir julle wonderlike gebaar, Audrey en span!

Music, lights, gifts under a tree and Father Christmas – the ingredients to a successful Christmas party. For a group of about 20 young children, December 11 came as a pleasant surprise. A Christmas party was planned for a crèche in Simondium, whose funds only cover the basic necessities.

Weldoeners: Agter van links: Audrey Paulse, Jacques Pretorius, Michelle Matshayana, Patricia Tyulu, Cynthia Paulse en Arend Martin Voor: Porcia Combrinck, , Audrey Daniëls, Francis Cadman, Shareeka Pool en Beatrice Ndlangalavy

A group of individuals, who approached the crèche after reading about it in a previous article Riviernuus, decided to host a Christmas party for the children. Kathleen, one of the hosts, explained that the children are in need of attention. “These children are potentially vulnerable. They need to be loved, fed and taught,” she says. The children from the area surrounding the crèche are left in the hands of two teachers who take care of them throughout the day. The grandma at the crèche ensures that the children are fed. Monthly fees received from the parents manage to cover the necessities but little is left to accommodate any extra expenses, so they rely on external donations to expand their resources. Another organizer, Chris, states that the generosity was not only an advantage for the children but that the hosts benefitted from the party as well. She explains: “Friends of ours, with three young children, were able to guide their children in their desire to share what they have with other children.” The three children were directly involved and decided to bake cupcakes for all the children at the crèche. Father Christmas was present at the event and handed out a gift to each child.

Eerste liggies vir Idasvallei - GERALD ESAU

Op Sondag, 15 Desember 2013 het die inwoners van die Idasvallei ‘n wonderlike stukkie geskiedenis gemaak toe hulle hul eie straatliggies aangeskakel het.

SMARTIE TOWN PARTYTJIE Kinders en moeders van Smartie Town in Cloetesville was op 13 Desember bederf ‘met ‘n ete by die Cloeteville Sportgrond.

Die funksie was gereël deur Elize Anthony, eienares van Simonsberg Gastehuis. Behalwe die ete het Kaptein Maria Goosen van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie se FAC (Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit) waardevolle insette aan die kinders en hul moeders

verskaf. “Ons bedank kersvader Christo Moses, Hilton en Laetitia van Chommiez wie die kinders met poppekas vermaak het asook ons donateurs, Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie, Safe House, Freddie Williams (A &F General Trading), Japie Williams (3GO),” sê Elize. “‘n Spesiale dankie ook aan die vrywilliges wie bystand gelewer het met die uitdeel van kosse en geskenkies.”

Die wyksraadslid, Donovan Joubert, was oorstelp van vreugde en sê dit was ‘n tweejaar-lange droom wat ‘n werkilkheid geword het. Alles was gedoen in die ware gees van Kersfees en hulde was ook gebring aan oorlede oudpresident Nelson Mandela. Die geleentheid was bygewoon deur ‘n lid van die Weskaapse Parlement, Me Jennifer Hartnick. Die middag was geseën met wonderlike koorsang, opgevoer deur mense van die omliggende strate. Die gemeenskap en raadslid wil graag die volgende maatskappye bedank vir hul onbaatsugtige bydraes wat die aand susksesvol gemaak het: Dennis Moss Partnership, Stellenbosch 360, Brent Oil Ida’s valley, Total, CarryOn Hardware, SuperSpar, Dokters, Apteek en Nacional Fisheries (almal Simonsrust).






Die 2013 6-‘n-kant toernooi het hierdie jaar ongekende belangstelling ontvang en `n rekord-getal spanne van 16 het ingeskryf. Dit moes dus oor twee dae plaasvind op 15 en 16 Desember. Die Toernooi is voorafgeloop met die jaarlikse “Launch en Draw” op die 11de Desember en reeds by die geleentheid kon mens die opgewondenheid aanvoel. Baie van die gevestigde spanne was aanwesig en ook natuurlik was daar spanne wat hul debuut in 2013 kom maak het. Die eerste Rondomtalie-wedstryde op die Sondag het onmiddelik die pas aangegee wat `n aanduiding sou wees van wat op die rekord-getal skare sou wag. Die kompetisie tussen die spanne was taai, maar steeds kon mens ervaar dat sportmangees sou seevier. Die grootste verrassing was die verdedigende kampioene, The ProDigy`s, wat hul tweede wedstryd aan die verloorkant was. Dit het

hul natuurlik aangemoedig om hul sokkies op te trek en te speel volgens hul potensiaal.

`n massiewe 6 regoor die bouler se kop te moker, nadat hulle 5 lopies benodig het van die laaste bal.

Soos die toernooi verder verloop het, het die groot kanonne soos, Ayoba Stars, Pool Invitation en die Gardeners ook hul merk begin maak en het hulle almal gevorder tot die uitklop-fase van die beker-afdeling. Die een merkbare uitsondering was die Knight Riders wat vasgeval het teen `n Pappie Diedericks-aangespoorde Australia.

Die finaal was tussen die Pro-Digy`s en die Pool Invitation. Gradwell en Allester Pool, tesame met Christo Botter Bothma, het uitstaande spel gelewer. Ongelukkig het hulle hul rieme styfgeloop teen `n geinspireerde Pro-Digy`s wat die finaal gewen het. Hulle het geskiedenis gemaak deur die titel suksesvol te verdedig. Individuele pryse is dan ook ingepalm deur die inspirerende Riyaad Henry as beste kolwer en Christo Bothma as beste bouler en veldwerker.

Aan die ander front het die Pa/Seun span, 6-Pack, weer hulle stem begin dik maak in die Plaat-afdeling en `n massiewe oorwinning teen die IPL Bompies in die finaal behaal. Hulle het die hoogste telling van die toernooi aangeteken (88), danksy Jason Kensley, Elton Pai Williams en Peter Minnis wat mooi bydraes gelewer het. Hierdie wedstryd is in baie goeie gees gespeel. Ironies het die twee spanne heeldag langs mekaar gekampeer en strategieë probeer uitvind! Die kwarteindstryd van die Bekerafdeling was `n titaniese wedstryd tussen Just 4 Fun en Ayoba Stars en op briljante wyse deur Peter Kirsten van die Stars gewen deur

Die Wenners Pro-Digy’s: Riyaad Henry (kaptein); Wilfred Adams (Voorsitter Stb & Distr); Rayyaan Rhode, Laughton Barends, Ashiq Rhode, Zubair Brinkhuis & Liam Azer. Spanlede Afwesig is: Yassar Cook; Brandon Dilgee & Darryl Losper

Die sukses van die Toernooi kan egter gemeet word aan die rekordgetal mense wat oor die twee dae op Idasvallei Sportgronde gesien was. Baie jong spelers het ook begin deelneem en die die gemeenskap het met mekaar gesosialiseer om hegter bande te smee. Die grootste sukses is egter die manier hoe die gemeenskap ruim bygedra het om dieHospice-organisasie te ondersteun.

Oorhandiging van produkte aan Stellenbosch Hospice: Geraldine Nicol (Bestuurder : Stb Hospice); Louisa Matthys (Stb Hospice), Suster Bernaline Brand (Stb Hospice) en Wilfred Adams (Voorsitter: Stb & Distr KK)

Almal wat bygedra het word hartlik bedank en dit word hoogs waardeer.

Coronation Gholfdag

Masikhulisane Cricket Academy - COLIN

- S H IR L E C O R N E L I S S E N

Coronation Krieketklub se jaarlikse gholfdag was weereens goed ondersteun deur die lede van die gemeenskap.

The Masikhulisane Cricket Academy held a successful “Six-a-Side” tournament for u/13 players on 9 November at the Ida’s Valley Sportgrounds.

Die borge se bydrae was baie belangrik en sonder hulle kon die dag nie plaasvind nie. Die dag was verder spesiaal gemaak toe ‘n paar Stormers rugbyspelers ook kom speel het. Gio Aplon en Juan De Jongh sowel as afrigter Allister Coetzee en spandokter, Dr Arthur Williams, was ook teenwoordig.

The 6 competing teams were Pniël Primary, AF Louw, Rietenbosch Primary, St Vincent and two local invitation teams (Masikhulisane Lions and Masikhulisane Cobras). The eventual winner of the tournament was Pniël Primary and the Player of the tournament was John Jephtas, captain of the winning side. Part of his winning prize will be a “Day in the life of a Cobra” where he will get the opportunity to interact with players of the Western Cape Cobras side.


Die wenners was Earl en Lyle Cyster wat baie konstante gholf gespeel het. Gio het die prys gewen vir die langste dryf. Talle sportklere was opgeveil en die gholf en die krieket T-hemp van Protea krieketspeler, Henry Davids, was vir R3000 opgeveil. Charl Langeveldt se Cobras T-hemp asook `n WP rugbytrui was ook onder die hammer. Dit was duidelik dat `n paar manne se wiele afgeval het na die eerste 9 en dat gholf `n mens baie vinnig aarde toe bring. `n Kers het heeldag gebrand en die spelers het swart armbande gedra ter nagedagtenis aan die ontslape sportikoon en leier Nelson Mandela.

Stellenbosch and Districts Chairman, Wilfred Adams, hands over the trophy for u/13 Player of the Tournament to John Jefthas

In the u/17 Tournament held on 29 November at the same ground, Stellenbosch High came up tops against a spirited Coronations who won the toss and elected to field. Gearin Hendricks and Baltazar Kloppers, for Stellenbosch, played some outstanding shots and with good contributions from their teammates, managed to put on a competitive 78 runs in 5 overs. In reply Coronations sruggled from the start, loosing wickets at regular intervals. In the end they needed a massive 41 runs from the last over which handed the trophy to Stellenbosch. On behalf of the committee we would like to thank all who contributed to the success of these events, especially all the parents who came to support their kids. Furthermore we appeal to local businessmen/women and/or any individual to consider a contribution (in any form) to the Academy or upcoming events. All contributions will be allocated towards prizes, lunch for the kids etc. For more information on future events or any possible donations/contributions please contact: Shirle Cornelissen (083 412 3670)

The best u/17 team: Stellenbosch High, from left Dylan Jefthas, Gearin Hendricks, Baltazar Kloppers (captain), Wesley Gabriëls, Shane Williams and Merrick Petersen WENNERS: Heel bo, van links: Ivor Myburgh (Seremoniemeester), Earl Cyster, Colin Myburgh (voorsitter), Lyle Cyster Bo: Ivor Myburgh, Gio Aplon, Gilroy Williams, Allister Coetzee Regs: Juan De Jongh soek ‘n gaping op die setperk!





Ivies jonges die beste Idasvallei Sokerklub (Ivies) se onder 15 sokkerspan het op Saterdag, 30 November, gewys dat hulle as die beste span in die distrik beskou kan word deur hul eweknieë by Maties met 1-0 in die finaal van die Weskaapse been van die Kappa-Cup op Lentelus Sportgronde te verslaan. Die Kappa-Cup was aangebied deur Kappa Suid Afrika, Stellenbosch Local Football Association en SuperSport United. Sestien plaaslike klubs het sake oor twee naweke uitgespook. In die semifinale het Ivies met Franschhoek afgereken en Maties het vir Newtons gewen. Die spannende finaal was ‘n wedstryd van twee helftes. Ivies het behoorlik oorheers in die eerste helfte en na Maties se verdedigers nie n Ivies hoekskop kon wegkry nie het Ivies se middelveldspeler, Dustin van Kerwel, die losbal met ‘n kanonskoot in die doelhok gebêre na 20 minute se spel. Ivies het bly aanval en hul hoogtevoordeel goed gebruik om Maties met lugaanvalle te laat rondskarrel. Lorenzo Smith, Ivies verdediger, het Maties onder

geweldige druk geplaas met sy akrobatiese vermoëns. Maties se afrigter het waarskynlik sy spelers tydens rustyd moed ingepraat, want die jong studente het met nuwe vuur en ywer die tweede helfte aangepak. Maties het aanval op aanval geloods en het 80% van die balbesit en gebiedsvoordeel geniet. Ivies het gesukkel om mekaar te vind en kon by kere nie meer as drie bewegings voltooi nie en het staatgemaak op lang aangeë. Maties het dit uitgebuit en ten spyte van ‘n sterk suid-oostewind van voor, die wedstryd met kort aangeë oorheers.

IVIES - 1 MATIES - 0 Die wedstryd het by tye kookpunt bereik en ‘n speler van beide spanne het elk ‘n geelkaart gekry vir ongeoorloofde spel. Ivies het baie dank verskuldig aan sy drie verdedigers kaptein Charl Pietersen, Emile Booysen en Lorenzo (of Spyker soos hy op

die veld bekend staan). Die drie het hulle behoorlik ‘vasgespyker’ tussen Maties se aanvallers en hul eie doelhok. Die keerpunt in die wedstryd het 10 minute voor die einde gekom toe Maties ‘n strafskop (penalty) toegeken was. Ivies se doelwagter, Jade February, het die regte hoek geraai en die strafskop gekeer. Ongelukkig vir hom moes die strafskoop oorgeneem word aangesien hy voor die tyd sy lyn verlaat het. Die geluksgodin was definitief aan Jade se kant, want hy het die tweede strafskop ook gekeer. Jade se skitter keerwerk was die nodige inspuiting vir die res van sy spanmaats en Ivies het hul wind teruggekry en gespeel soos in die eerste helfte. Dit het die die teenoorgestelde uitwerking op Maties gehad wat tot op daardie stadium vas geglo het dat hulle die knoop sou deurhaak. Met hul aanvallende spel in die eerste helfte en rotsvaste verdediging in die tweede, het die manne van Idasvallei hul staal getoon en het hulle as waardige wenners uit ‘n titaniese stryd getree.

Ivies het ‘n week voor die toernooi ‘n uitrusting-skenking van Dr Craig Brinkhuis ontvang. Hier spog die wenspan met hul nuwe klere, agter van links: Shireen Crotz (bestuurder), Lorenzo Smith. Lance Johnson, Dustin van Kerwel, Reagan Hartog, Emile Booysen en Wesley Adonis (afrigter). Middel: Charl Pietersen, Angelo Boer, Aiden Crotz, Renaldo Robyn, Bradwell Kruger en Dr Craig Brinkhuis (donateur). Voor: Marvin Maart, Dean Newman, Jade February, Lezano Buys en Kayron Stevens

Baie geluk jong Ivies!


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