Meet the Seniors 2022-2023

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Riverstone Class of 2023

Meet the Seniors

Dear Riverstone Community,

An Introduction and Welcome from Stacey Walker, High School Director

You are invited to learn more about our graduating class in this installment of Meet the Seniors! In these pages, you will hear from our incredible seniors firsthand about their experiences at Riverstone and their journeys to come.

Twelve of our seniors have been Riverstone students their whole academic journey including Ethan E., Lucas E., Amelia K., Annie L., Michael M., Gabrielle M., Nina N., Nicole P., Zach P., Dev S., Aidan S., and Kimberly S. This class also has seven graduating boarding students including Dimitria G., Alex J., Miona K., Kelly N., Garic R., Shawn S., and Ori S. No matter when in their journey they joined us, we have been honored to be a part of it.

As a senior class, they are cohesive, inspiring, and creative. They know how to bring joy to each other and our community, have created traditions that will outlast them for years to come, and have such bright futures, we all cannot wait to continue to be inspired by them. We are thrilled to honor the class of 2023 in this edition of Meet of the Seniors–enjoy!

With gratitude,

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 2

Aidan S.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? I haven't decided yet.

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 12

What is the title of your Extended Essay? The Effect of COVID on the Nordic Model.

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? My most meaningful CAS experience was running over 300 miles during the summer in preparation for my track and cross-country season.

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? My personal challenges have been staying motivated and productive this part of the year especially when busy work is assigned during times when lots of other work is due.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? I loved the Rogue River trip and playing basketball.

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. Thanks to Riverstone and especially the IB, I can handle copious amounts of homework and projects at a time. Also, the outdoors has proven beneficial for me to combat my anxiety.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? Riverstone doesn't get any easier but it gets more rewarding. The feeling of accomplishment in the IB is extremely motivating because it is so difficult. Also, balance your time and don't take time away from doing things that you love like hanging out with friends. Also, school is not that bad if you just do your work

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Fun, challenging, rewarding.

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 3

Alex J.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? Undecided

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 4

What is the title of your Extended Essay? To what extent does Global Climate Change affect The Food System in Food Security, Food Production & Food Access around the Globe?

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? Being a Robotics leader

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? Living in the dorm.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? Rogue River

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. I am much better at time management.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? Be kind and work hard.

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 4

Amelia K.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? Undecided

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 13

What is the title of your Extended Essay? The Impact of Yemen’s Humanitarian Crisis on Children’s Health

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? Participating in a wildlife conservation seminar and class

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? Making it through challenging courses such as HL physics and balancing IB workload with social life.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? 1) Singing songs from "The Sound of Music" with everyone as we hiked out of Eagle Cap Wilderness. 2) Cleaning gross mac n cheese pots with everyone after a meal together during Rogue River.

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. I have learned to manage my time very efficiently and how to cooperate and collaborate with peers in difficult situations (such as on outdoor trips).

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? 1) Happiness does not equate to academic achievement, so do not confuse the two. 2) Help one another and lean on each other for support, don't go at the IB alone.

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Tight-knit, Memorable, Unique

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 5

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? Colby College

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 15

What is the title of your Extended Essay? The Effects of Climate Change on Indigenous Tribal Land Surrounding the Snake River.

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? Working with local schools to distribute food to families during the pandemic.

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? Balancing school and soccer

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? The winter trips and every class period with Jim Harper

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. My time management between school and sports has significantly improved. I am able to spark conversations with people from many different backgrounds. I value the outdoors a lot more than I think I ever would have.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? Don’t take things too seriously. Any chance you get to get off your phone and go outside take it!

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Community, Adventurous, Rigorous.

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 6
Annie L.

Chloe S.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? College of Idaho

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 8

What is the title of your Extended Essay? The Effect of Gear Position on The Performance Of A Harley Davidson 1998 FLTCUI.

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? Designing a tattoo for my mom, Cooking Club

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? Eagle caps when my tent flooded and everything got wet. Nicole and Nina huddled on top of our sleeping pads as lighting, hail, and rain poured outside.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? (1)Trip to Taipan with grades 6-12. meeting kids from taiwan and even just kids I didn't know from riverstone (bryce, conrad, cole, noah, and miles). (2) Eagle caps and discovering Alex always wanting a goose.

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. Riverstone helped me learn how to teach myself.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? Organize your time (AKA workload) and stick to that plan as closely as possible.

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Different, Small, Attentive.

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 7

Dani G.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? Boise State University

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 4

What is the title of your Extended Essay? The Evaluation Of Natural and Textile Dyes In Water.

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? My most meaningful CAS experience was playing sports for RIS.

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? Trying hard in subjects that were not easy.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? Rouge River was one of my favorite memories at RIS.

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. I am better at handling workloads and managing time.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? It will all mean something in the end and don't sell yourself short.

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Hard, Fun, Enlightening.

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 8

Dev S.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation?

University of California, San Diego

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 12

What is the title of your Extended Essay? To what extent does the Bhagavad Gita transform Karma Yoga into a tenet of Hindu belief?

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? Volunteering at my dentist’s office over the summer taught me the power of biomedical devices, which helped me decide the major that I want to study in college. I learned how to use a CEREC machine to craft a fake tooth using 3D-imaging software, which is one of my most meaningful experiences. I was finally able to use technology and the tools given to me to help someone out. I also learned how to fill in a cavity through observation. I also learned about the various processes that go into running a medical office such as room setup and how to establish relationships with patients, teaching me valuable skills that I will use on my journey to a career in medicine.

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? Time management: not procrastinating on assignments.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? The 10th Grade Rogue River Trip. World Religions with Mr. Udesen.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? As Mr. Moreno always used to say to me, "USE THE SMART PART OF YOUR BRAIN!!" Have fun with it. Focus on getting close to everyone in your class and with your teachers. Do not save everything for the last minute (even though I did. On every assignment. From Grade 6 down to my final Grade 12 project.)

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Dynamic, Exciting, Virtuous (DEV).

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. At Riverstone I have learned how to create a family wherever I go. Throughout the years Riverstone has become almost like a second home to me rather than just being a school that I go to. At Riverstone I have learned to foster connections with those coming from all over the world and different cultures, something that will be a big part of my college journey and future career as a doctor, creating bonds whoever I come across.

At Riverstone, I have created family-like relationships with my peers as well as my teachers and they have become parts of me that I will cherish for my entire life. At Riverstone, I have also enhanced my critical thinking things. I am always looking for connections between things, whether it may be connections between the arts and sciences down to similarities in different religions. Diving deep into whatever subjects I pursue and striving to create a story by digging down to the core is something that will help me further my quest in education. Outdoor trips have taught me leadership. On every Riverstone trip that I went on in the last few years, it became my goal to be the map guy and lead the group while hiking. While hiking I always strived to take the role of a "guide" and entertainer for the group. On outdoor trips I learned that while being a leader you don’t have to take over and do everything, it’s more about bringing people together as one.


Dimitria G.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? Undecided.

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 2

What is the title of your Extended Essay? What is the effect of different scents on olfactory fatigue and memory measured in minutes?

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? My mentorship program for Brazilian students seeking to apply for international educational opportunities.

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? Making new friends, living at the dorms, doing advanced subjects, doing a third language, and choosing English as my A language for the IB.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? College counseling trip at the YMCA camp, end of the year pool party!

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. I’ve grown so much at Riverstone, and become more responsible for my actions, time, and tasks. I learned that I can take much more than I think and how important is to take care of my health.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? Don’t do more than 3 HL’s, start working on your college applications in the summer or earlier!

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Fantastic, unique, and challenging.

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 10

Ethan E.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? California Polytechnic State University

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 15

What is the title of your Extended Essay? Fredric Remington's influence on Western American ideals.

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? The most important CAS experiences that I completed were the times I was able to do activities and projects along with peers. Activities such as team building and going outdoors were capable of bringing us all closer and creating stronger friendships within the class.

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? I have had a limited amount of challenges here at Riverstone, however, when I think about the toughest times it had to have been struggling in classes I disliked and coming to the same place almost every day for the past 15 years.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? My two favorite memories while being at Riverstone have to be the entirety of the DP program, being able to enjoy each class every day and spending time with classmates on the college trip. Also the last few backpacking trips.

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. Riverstone has prepared me so well for the next part of my journey. I have learned that no matter how stressful a situation is or how tough a moment feels it's gonna be ok and there are so many people to go to if you need some help.

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Unorganized, Comfortable, and Tons of Fun.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? To never overstress and fully focus on one thing at a time, it's so important to find a balance between everything, and its most important to work towards a strong balance. Also, remember to create your own experience and have fun.

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 11

Garic R.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? Savannah College of Art and Design

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 3

What is the title of your Extended Essay? Hasan Namir’s Collection of Poems War Torn’s Portrayal of Homosexuality, Expectations of Masculinity, and Desire

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? Art Club.

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? Living in a dorm setting.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? Making new friends in the dorm and being in Mr. U's art class.

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. I am more independent from having to advocate for myself away from home.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? Keep going even if life hits you hard. Start having ideas for your IA's by the end of the summer before your senior year.

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Interesting, Exhausting, Fun.

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 13

Gabby M.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? Colorado College

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 15

What is the title of your Extended Essay? Genetic Engineering and Its Tie to Religious Core Tenets.

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? My most meaningful CAS experience was starting at the gym which has progressed into a huge part of my life that has had a crazy positive impact on my overall lifestyle.

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? At Riverstone, I have been challenged with having to make sacrifices. Some days it is not possible to do it all, go to school, go to practice, go to the gym, do homework, eat well, and get to bed at a reasonable time. Through my experience, I have gotten comfortable.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? Sitting around the fire on our snowshoeing trip, talking to two teachers about astrophysics, in a not lame way.....but a totally cool one! On the rafting trip, everyone slept outside in our sleeping bags staring up at the sky in a giant huddle, just enjoying one anothers company.

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. Nothing is the end of the world. A bad test, a bad grade, a bad day, doesn't correlate to a bad life. I have learned to through challenges and struggles with the mindset that they only make me a stronger individual and allow for growth.

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Genuine, A-Good-Time, Supportive.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? Have a good time. School is stressful but at the end of the day make sure you are making memories so when you look back on your high-school experience you remember everlasting moments with your friends, not a bunch of time doing homework. Use your class time. This is a lifesaver. Leave your phone if your car or backpack, and work hard for the six hours of class time so that you can have an afternoon that is not completely dedicated to catching up on homework. This 100% makes life so much more enjoyable.


Garret A.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? College of Idaho.

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 2

What is the title of your Extended Essay? Most efficient exercises for muscle growth.

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? Working out with friends and teaching them how to.

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? Understanding that because it is a smaller school people tend to not share how they really feel about certain topics.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? My favorite memory at Riverstone has been whenever our class gets together outside of school such as camping.

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. I am looking forward to learning more things that I find interesting and furthering my education journey

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? I would stay true to who you are and learn ways to express yourself while being kind and caring for others.

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Fun, Bizarre, Accomplished.

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 14

Katie M.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? Macalester or Colgate

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 11

What is the title of your extended essay? Stigmatization of Mental Illness in Christian Tradition

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? Running a marathon

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? Overcoming stress about summative projects and IB internal and external exams that can be overwhelming at the end of the year and require me to do projects like orals that I’m less confident with.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? Rogue River backpack trip, classes with Mr. Udesen

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. I know I can understand complex subjects and approach difficult tasks even when they don’t seem manageable at first.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? 1- The teachers at Riverstone really do care about how you ’ re doing in and out of school, so if you ever feel unsure of something or are struggling with work, talk to them about it and work through it. 2Take the time to get to know the people in your grade and your teachers because it makes school so much more meaningful

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Fun, unique, transformative

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 15

Josh D.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? Oregon State University

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 10

What is the title of your Extended Essay? A Political Comparison of "Civil Disobedience" and Ex-President Donald Trump's Term

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? Idaho Trails Association Trailwork volunteering for a week in the Frank Church

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? My biggest challenge was to start a routine and keep my tasks submitted on time.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? My absolute favorite memory was sitting in a camp chair around a fire pit at Eaglecap Wilderness, drinking a ginger beer with Scripps and Vin. But most of my favorite memories were parts of my outdoor trips.

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. I feel better prepared for my future by having the flexibility to go with the flow and be willing to confront any challenge I face.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? Learn how to use all the odds and ends of google docs and please think holistically with packing lists.

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Unique experiences daily

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 16

Kimmy S.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation?

Currently, I am deciding between the College of Idaho and the University of San Francisco

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 13

What is the title of your extended essay? Rupi Kaur’s themes throughout milk and honey.

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? My most meaningful and important CAS experience was learning to fly a helicopter because it helped develop me as a person and open new opportunities for me.

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? My personal challenge at Riverstone would probably be to stay motivated doing work.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? One of my favorite memories as a grade was last year ' s (Grade 11) winter trip, I had a lot of fun memories on that trip. As well as the most recent trip to Taiwan I went on. I also just really enjoyed the moments when we would get to chat with our teachers in class about things not necessarily related to school and get to know them better and laugh.

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. I think that one of the major things Riverstone has prepared me for is collaboration through the close-knit grades and connections with teachers. It encourages you to think and solve problems both in the classroom and outside of it and with people from different countries and people of different ages.

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Memorable, Nurturing, and Amusing.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? Advice that I would give other students at Riverstone not pertaining specifically to studies is interacting with other people in other grades. I know that a lot of the grades younger than us seem to interact with each other a lot more than we ever did with the grades around us growing up. I have found it actually very beneficial to interact with students in other grades because it is not only fun to interact with people you don't normally interact with but also you get to learn about what is going on in other grades and classes, especially if it is with upper-class men.

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 17

Kelly N.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? UK College

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 2

What is the title of your Extended Essay? Functional Art and Fashion

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? Being a UN online volunteer

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? Living in a dorm

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? The Grade 11 college trip

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. Riverstone and the IB program have taught me how to write persuasively. It prepares me for future college papers.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? Don’t procrastinate

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Free, useful, and tough

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 18

Lucas E.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? Boston University or Rochester University

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 14

What is the title of your Extended Essay? Multi-Armed Bandit Algorithm Optimization With Respect to Machine Learning

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? What I've found most useful about CAS is the ability to explore new hobbies and fun things and use that exploration to further my education. So far I've had the most fun running, working on the robotics team, and playing violin.

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone?

I think the most difficult part about Riverstone has been staying motivated to complete big projects like CAS and the EE.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? Hearing about Alex's pet goose, Da Yuan, in the Eagle Cap wilderness.

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. Riverstone has given me the confidence to excel and push myself academically and outside of school.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? I would encourage other Riverstone students to have more fun and stress less.

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? diverse, challenging, and stressful

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 19

Madeleine S.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? University of British Columbia, Sauder School of Business

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 7

What is the title of your Extended Essay? A comparative study of sociocultural attitudes towards sex in Iceland and Malaysia, and their influence on sexual education policies, age of initial sexual engagement and overall sexual health of young adults.

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience?

My most meaningful CAS experience was, with the help of my fellow SAGA members, running a gender-affirming clothing drive last winter in collaboration with the Boise Brick House, The Idaho Federation of Families, and Boise High SAGA. Together, we planned a clothing drive intending to provide a safe space for LGBTQ-identifying teens and young adults to try on and secure clothes that are affirming to their gender identity and self-expression.

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? Managing a healthy work-life balance has always been difficult, and is often ignored, in response to the significant school workload that success in the IB often demands.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? My favorite memory happened after hurting myself for the second time on a RIS backpacking trip. I was on the ground with my knee in a makeshift brace when Robin told everyone to pose. Now, my favorite picture is of my classmates posing in front of me on the ground while I was smiling through tears. Regardless, I have never come home from a backpacking trip walking without the aid of crutches.

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. I feel well prepared to pull all-nighters to study in college. Work hard, play hard.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? Expect the extra difficult days when you question if the work is worth it, and remind yourself that it is.

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Unconventional, Demanding, Memorable

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 20

Michael M.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? Boston Northeastern University

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 13

What is the title of your Extended Essay? The effects of climate change on aquaculture.

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? Volunteering for Learn To Skate at Idaho Ice World.

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone?

IMy biggest challenge at Riverstone was completing rigorous coursework in classes that weren't necessarily my favorite. However, I was able to overcome this challenge with the wonderful teachers at Riverstone. Whether it was completing DP check-ins with Mrs. Roper, to talking to teachers after class, I always felt like a teacher was there to help me succeed.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? Playing Spike Ball with Ms. B, Learning about Hawaii from Emily.

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. I feel prepared for my next journey by being comfortable with a serious workload. While learning a significant amount in my classes, Riverstone taught me equally important traits outside the classroom. Riverstone taught me how to balance demanding coursework, interacting with others, being balanced with activities outside of school, and more. I hope to take my balanced mindset on the next part of my journey and continue to learn outside of the classroom

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Valuable, Arduous, Friendly.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? First, I recommend to fellow students to spend time with those at Riverstone who help make it an enjoyable experience. Even if they're not your teachers, try to spend as much time around those who make you feel the most comfortable and help you succeed. Second, I recommend not taking yourself too seriously. It's important to balance productivity and fun, so enjoy your time at Riverstone while you can.

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Michelle W.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? University of California, Los Angeles

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 4

What is the title of your Extended Essay? Application of Graph Theory—Finding the Optimal Route for Beautifying Neighborhoods

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience?

I founded an environmental organization named Infinite-E which is dedicated to spreading the idea of environmental protection through both art and writing. We have now posted over 70 projects on the website I built and have received over 100 registrations from volunteers around the world.

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? The outdoor trip was the biggest challenge for me at Riverstone. Because of the environment where I grew up in China, I was missing out on this aspect of my education. But after coming to Riverstone, the school provided me with the opportunity to fill this gap. Especially in the harmonious atmosphere where teachers and students are willing to lend their help, I experienced something I had never tried before on Riverstone outdoor trips.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? The experience in robotics in 11th grade was my favorite. I had the opportunity to interact with students of different grades and learn from them, and I was able to help each others in the group. I am glad that I found my place in the team and the strengths that can be exploited in the team, at the same time, finding shining points in teammates. Seeing many teachers, students, and even parents wearing the robotic sweatshirts I designed was the most memorable thing for me. It made me see even more the power and sense of unity that I can bring to a group and community.

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. The smaller class size of Riverstone allowed me to build the ability to express opinions in a group and also in public speaking. When I live and study in a group of more people in the university, this ability allows me to actively participate in group discussions and not be afraid to take a leadership position as well. Of course, the IB courses helped me prepare for adapting to difficult learning material, so I formed a good time management habit that I hope can be applied to develop good and healthy study habits of not procrastinating in university.

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Diverse, inspiring, unforgettable

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? As you study each subject, do your best to understand and master it. It is very stressful to review a large amount of content before the IB exam. So it is best to start reviewing what you have studied as you go along. Enjoy high school because time really goes by fast. I used to be very worried about what would happen in the future, such as upcoming exams or college applications. I was so eager to get to what seemed like an important point in my life that I may have overlooked the present. But life is a process, and it's important to learn to enjoy every moment of it rather than rushing through it to miss out on the beauty along the way. Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023


Miriam V.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? King's College London

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 4

What is the title of your Extended Essay? The Influence of Demographic Changes in Japan

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? For my CAS project I created a video documentary asking my peers and teachers different questions about their experiences at Riverstone as a way to preserve memories. Creating my CAS project helped me learn a lot about my classmates and reminded me of dozens of incredible moments we have shared throughout high school.

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? Adjusting to the culture of Riverstone was very difficult for me at first because it was so different to my previous experience at a public school. I had to learn how to develop a more personal relationship with my teachers which did not come naturally to me coming from a place where interactions were very transactional.

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. I am so much more confident in myself and my abilities now than I was at the start of high school. I attribute most of that to my classmates and teachers. They taught me that everything happens for a reason and that experiences are what you make of them.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? Enjoy every minute you get to spend with your classmates and don't let school get in the way of having fun!

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Authentic, challenging, exciting

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? The trips in general have all been really amazing as a way to introduce me to students of all ages and just feel more connected to our community as a whole. My first ever trip came at a time when I was terrified of making friends and honestly just speaking in general, so I think being in such a secluded and unique environment gave me the opportunity to let go of those fears and start enjoying my time at Riverstone.

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 23

Miona K.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? American College of Thessaloniki

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 2

What is the title of your Extended Essay? How do Christian doctrines and practices differ when comparing Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity?

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? Building a garden with my mom.

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? The Winter trip.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? Playing sports and making new friends.

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. I am better at time management and I know I can handle a serious workload.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? Procrastinate to a certain level, and do not stress too much about grades because they do not determine your knowledge.

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Family, Safe-Environment.

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 24

Mylie M.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? University of Hawaii at Manoa

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 5

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? I had a really hard and tough junior year because I was struggling with the transition into the DP while having a migraine.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? Rogue River was super fun and my senior year and playing sports and getting closer with lower grades.

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. I am better at organization now and it’s taught me how to loosen up when it comes to any challenge I have to face, whether it’s outdoor trips or hard assignments.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? Make the most of your time and enjoy the good parts of every day. Also, take time for yourself and find what you enjoy; if you try to do things for other people it will weigh you down. Don’t listen to hate kids.

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Challenging, adventurous, funny

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 25

Nick E.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? Colorado School of Mines

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 6

What is the title of your Extended Essay? How is quasi-empirical modelling used to estimate fire spread within Idaho, and how its effectiveness can be evaluated using a case study of the Four Corners fire?

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? Robotics competitions.

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? Making and maintaining friendships.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? Backcountry skiing on the Scout Mountain snowshoeing trip

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. I feel better prepared to take care of myself and others in the outdoors.

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 26

Nina N.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? I would love to go to school at either Northeastern or Denver University. I have been accepted to DU but haven't heard back from Northeastern yet.

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 12

What is the title of your Extended Essay? A Search for Correlation Between Diversity and Performance of a Company

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? My ice hockey opportunity for local kids in Boise.

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? Keeping up with school while being a national athlete and taking the IB is severely challenging.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? Taking a nap with my classmates on the Hells Canyon trip and looking at the stars together on the river trip while sleeping outside.

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. I feel prepared to prioritize better in the future because of my experience at Riverstone.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? The best thing to do is stay in touch with your teachers, if you are struggling don't wait till the last min to ask for help.

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Challenging, unforgettable, varied

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 27

Nicole P.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? Undecided!

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 13

What is the title of your Extended Essay? How successful is the use of pentatonic scales in reflecting the traditional blues women ' s influence on Lemonade by Beyoncé?

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? My most meaningful CAS experience was volunteering with The Selway Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation. This experience allowed me to contribute to important conservation work as well as be a part of events like the MountainFilm Festival. It was meaningful not only because I worked with amazing people, but also because I was able to explore my interest in conservation work.

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? The biggest challenge that I've faced at Riverstone is finding a good work-life balance. The workload can be heavy, and as someone that likes to do well (like all RIS students), I would sometimes find myself prioritizing school over my sleep or free time. Another thing that challenged me was asking for help from teachers, which is something I wish I could have overcome sooner because they are all so kind and excited to help you out.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? All the outdoor trips! One specific memory is from our Hell's Canyon Trip when everyone in my hiking group squeezed under the only available shade and took a nap.

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. I am not afraid of working hard. However, more specifically I will try anything from a new math concept to volleyball for the first time and be able to both make mistakes and learn from them.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? 1. It's okay to take a break if you need one. 2. Get a draft of your EE done before the end of junior year! Procrastination is the worst.

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Foundational, Bond-Creating, Memorable.

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 28

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? Going into the Military

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 2

What is the title of your Extended Essay? To what extent do Instagram and Snapchat impact the way teenagers between the ages of 14 - 18 gain skills in writing, speaking, and communicating in the English language?

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? Exploring different cultures through food.

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? English, the educational level, and cultural differences.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? Our fall trip during senior year.

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. I am way better at time management and focusing on what I currently need to do. This will help me when it comes to the military.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? Finish all your IAs before spring break senior year. Just have fun and enjoy the last 2 years of high school.

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Challenging, Empowering, Interesting.

S. Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 29

Shawn S.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? University of California, Davis

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 2

What is the title of your Extended Essay? Cryptography, Mathematics, and Finance

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? Rock Climbing

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? None, I feel like there should be no reason to have challenges since it's such an awesome school.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? Having my own office with awesome decorations. "The first, and will be the last student in Riverstone having an own office"

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. Chill in life and go with the flow.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? Find Matthew Deren and Brittany Roper for help.

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Teachers are awesome

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 29

Zach P.

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? DigiPen Institute of Technology

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 13

What is the title of your Extended Essay? Extended Harmonies and Altered Tones Within Duke Ellington’s Composition “Don’t Get Around Much Anymore”

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? The creation of my electronic album.

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? Some of my personal challenges at Riverstone have been balancing the work I care about but necessarily have to do, with the work I don't care about that I have to do.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? Swimming at Looking-glass Lake on the Eagle Cap Wilderness outdoor trip.

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. Riverstone has taught me that I can do an incredibly large amount of work in a short amount of time if I put my head down and get to work.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? Remember to consider the work you HAVE to do with the work you SHOULD do when thinking about what work you ' re GOING to do.

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? Difficult but rewarding.

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 29

Which college/university will you attend after graduation? University of Amsterdam

How many years have you been at Riverstone? 11

What is the title of your Extended Essay? How does Amanda Lovelace use language and formatting to tell a story?

What was your most important or meaningful CAS experience? Being able to spend time with the new Drama class this year and meet kids from new grades.

What have your (personal) challenges been at Riverstone? Chemistry was definitely one of my biggest challenges.

What are one or two of your favorite memories or highlights of your journey at Riverstone? I loved being able to hang out with my classmates on outdoor trips! I always had so much fun!

Tell us the ways you feel that you are prepared for the next part of your journey. I am definitely better at getting work done. There were a lot of times when I struggled with finishing course work, but I have gotten a lot better at it.

What are two pieces of advice that you want to give to other students at Riverstone? Don't stress too much about the little things and allow yourself to relax when you need to.

What are three words that describe your experience at Riverstone? entertaining, adventurous, educational

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 29
Vin M.

College Acceptance for the Class of 2023

American College of Thessaloniki*

Arizona State University-Tempe

Auburn University

Boise State University*

Boston University

California Polytechnic State University

Carleton College

Clemson University

Cleveland State University

Colby College*

Colgate University

College of Idaho*

Colorado College*

Colorado School of Mines*

Colorado State University- Fort Collins

DigiPen Institute of Technology

Duke Kunshan University

Florida Southern College

Gonzaga University

Fort Lewis College

Gonzaga University

Illinois Institute of Technology

Iowa State University

Lewis & Clark College

Long Island University, Post

Loyola Marymount University

Loyola University Chicago

Macalester College

McGill University

Montana State University

Montana State University (College of Agriculture)

Northeastern University

Northern Arizona University

Notre Dame College

Oregon State University

Pace University, New York City Campus

Rhodes College

Rochester Institute of Technology

Santa Clara University

Seattle University

Stetson University

The College of Idaho

The University of British Columbia*

The University of Montana

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

University of Amsterdam*

University of California, Davis*

University of California, Irvine

University of California, Los Angeles*

University of California, San Diego*

University of Colorado Boulder

University of Colorado Denver

University of Denver

University of Hawaii at Manoa*

University of Idaho

University of Iowa

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

University of Massachusetts, Boston

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

University of New Hampshire

University of the Pacific

University of Puget Sound

University of Richmond

University of Rochester

University of San Diego

University of San Francisco

University of Oregon

University of Utah

University of Vermont

University of Washington, Seattle Campus

University of Washington, Tacoma Campus

University of Wyoming

Wagner College

Westminster College, Utah

Whitman College

William & Mary

Meet the Seniors, Riverstone Class of 2023 30

Articles inside

Vladyslav M.

page 29

Hailey W.

page 28

Nikola N.

page 27

Alease L.

page 26

Kyla C.

page 25

Sadie S.

page 24

Deborah T.

page 23

Zaynab E.

page 22

Walker A.

page 21

Soloriana T.

page 20

Will R.

page 19

Avery W.

page 18

Camilla V.

page 17

Andrew E.

page 16

Eliot L.

page 15

Edoardo T.

page 14

Raquel V.

page 13

Mac W.

page 12

Ryan W.

page 11

Derek L.

page 10

Aidan D.

page 9

Colin R.

page 8

Salma S.

page 7

Stephanie F.

page 6

Amelia K.

page 5

Alex J.

page 4

Aidan S.

page 3

An Introduction and Welcome from Stacey Walker, High School Director

page 2
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