De nuevo- 18 de enero de 2019

Page 64


fully belonging to the telephonic connection nor yet beyond or outside it, terminates speech in noise’s finality. A shot that rings out to announce, like an upwardly aimed pistol, the arrival of silence (“Learning to speak is like learning to shoot,” AGB), the click stuns you. It closes in on you, momentarily absolving Mitsein. The phone’s non finitizing promise is broken. Designed to uphold the technical difficulty when it comes to cathecting absence, the telephone, whether consciously or not, continually reinscribes its terror at loss in such texts as are properly designated Telephone Books, of which ours would be merely a teletype

flash in an infinitely crossed network. (p. 350) El antiguo click de lo que era el teléfono antes de su transformación al móvil, fungía como punto final a un zigzagueante diálogo con su cordón telefónico sirviendo como cordón umbilical, soga para salvar vidas en la conexión: “Maintaining and joining, the telephone line holds together what it separates. It creates a space of asignifying breaks and is tuned by the emergency feminine on the maternal cord reissued” (Ronell, p. 4) Con una historia semejante en su complejidad, la idea de la transmisión radial pasa por muchas etapas hasta que llegamos a la de la versión De nuevo

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