Mediator message from the soul

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ISBN: 978-82-303-4551-1


Mediator message from the soul

Ingrid Sagøy


Preface The written content is dated: October 2017–October 2019. I have painted all the metaphorical experiences during the past 20 years. Some paintings and titles coincide with the theme of the meditations I have experienced during the last two years. This gives room for wonder and more openness to what happens in the unconscious space, where we sense and have an awareness of our inner state of being. Based on these terms, the future is concurrent with the past, and time does not exist. This is a book for people seeking inner landscapes. An inspiration and a poetic guide for those opening doors to unfamiliar spaces, in our spiritual quest to become better acquainted with ourselves. All journeys are personal and are experienced quite differently, based on each individual’s beliefs, experience, faith and heritage. This is one journey. When I was 29, I experienced a very vivid dream. In the dream I saw a skilled painter. I admired him. Then I noticed that it was my hand painting. Three women came up to me. A sensual lady in a green dress, a wise woman dressed in blue, and a motherly personality in white. The motherly archetype said, "Come, because you are going to paint," and stretched out her hand to me as if to gently obey her desire. I woke up abruptly and wrote down and made a quick sketch of my experience. The dream concerned me deeply, since this was a heartfelt wish. After a few months, I participated in a painting course. I wanted to become an artist. After a lovely trip to Italy with friends I decided to go back to study art. My cohabitant and I agreed that we should end our relationship. I worked as a store manager in Oslo fulltime. In addition I began in an on-call night-duty at a home for mentally disabled children for one year. I had decided to start at the Venice Academy of Fine Arts and told everyone I knew I was leaving for Venice. They asked me if I was enrolled at the Academy. First, I will apply, I said. The time to depart had come, and I gave away all my belongings and moved to Venice. The following year I rented out my apartment and sold it later on. I did not speak Italian, so I hired a private tutor for two weeks. This enabled me to pass the language test at the Academy, and in 1999 I started at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice. I was going to experience seven amazing years in the city by the water. As a creative person, I have always had a natural relationship with life and death, and I believe that the soul goes on, and that there is something more to life than we can see and touch. My motto has been to follow my heart and my passions. Finding safety in insecurity, since I was evolving the most by living in the flow, by making decisions in the moment. I connect this lifestyle to good luck and coincidences happening, caused by unsticking yourself and by being on the move so that you can create new possibilities. As a result, I have always had a tremendous amount of energy, energy that I have put into my projects. As an example, I completed Practical Educational Education part-time in two years to become a teacher with an A in my pocket, while working as a teacher at the university and developing five traditional suits from idea to finished design. This energy is found in the flow mixed with passion and the x-factor.


One night in October 2016, I was awake during nighttime. It was 3:30. I heard a voice, and it asked me if I wanted to receive my Light Body in the Tenth Frequency in the Tenth Dimension. I was an important tool, and this work would have a greater purpose and impact beyond myself as a person. I was lying there quite annoyed and tired of waking up night after night. Almost out of boredom I thought that everything must be better than twisting and turning in bed. The next morning, I started to google dimensions and frequencies, and I was terrified. There was a phase for everything. I took small steps into a whole new world regarding clairvoyance, clairaudience etc. The essence is to evolve as a person. I experienced physical energy on my body, and it was exhausting to wake up in the middle of the night. It was as if something wanted to tell me something. I decided to start writing during the daytime to see whether The Voice would come out through the pen. My poetic compromise with God. The messages ended up in this poetic book fused with my artwork. When I started writing, I was told that I should pay attention not to scribble. In the beginning I asked to receive words I did not fully understand the meaning of. It was a way of double-checking myself, and a confirmation that I did not fabricate. It feels like you’re hearing words coming out through your voice. Words are flowing before the cognitive is connected. Surprised by the words that may come, since you yourself have no idea about the meaning of them or have heard the names and such. Sometimes it feels like you are talking a little slowly, but often the pace is fast and immediate. As if the words were spoken through me. It's subtle. It can also come in other languages, and for me it is in English, Italian or Latin.


Content I Am, 11 3:30, 13 Passage Key, 15 Inner Journey, 17 The Masks, 19 Karmic Braided Bond, 21 Exodus, 23 Intricate, 25 Free Soul, 27 Who Was the Voice Who Said, 29 Jewel of Legacy, 31 Conversation with Zorn, 33 Journey with Zorn, 35 Pink Sea, 37 Free, 39 Nigredo, 41 Dialogue with Source, 43 Mediator, 45 The Mask Under the Mask, 47 The Light Body of The Eleventh Dimension, 49 Resting in the Moss, 51 Rising, 53 Bluebell Bath, 55 Ascension, 57 Mother of Dreams, 59 You Are, 61 Transfiguration, 63 Soul, 65 Mitica Adora, 67 Oneness, 69 Kundalini, 71, 72 I Don’t Know What Love Is, 73 Cauldron of the Universe, 75 Affiliation, 77 The Little Death, 79 Breathing Waves, 81 Illusion, 83 The Source, 85 Simultaneous Thoughts, 87 My Beloved, 89 Jesus Said, 91 I Ask You to Enter My Body, 93 Magdalena, 95 A Fragrance of Peach, 97 Jesus Cried When He Heard He Had to Die, 99 Point Zero, 101 Intuition, 103 I Am You, 105 Phoenix, 107 Black Panther, 109


Universes Are Multiple, 109 Meditation, 109 Hart Room, 111 Small Paths, 113 Phoenix Egg,115 Ring Energy, 117 The Battle, 119, 120, 121 The Veil, 123 Energy, 125 Behind the Illusion, 127 The Dream, 129 Flow, 131 Harmony, 133 I Woke Up in Your Hart, 135 Compassion, 137 Remembrance, 139 The Fountain, 141 Cumulus Omnis Re E Regina, 143 Madre Maternal, 145 The Sacred Dance, 147 Feel, 149 Like Pillars, 151 Soul Meeting, 153 Diamond Body, 155 Rubedo, 157 Gold, 159 5D, 161 We Are the Same, 163 Hologram, 165 Resonance, 167 The Blooming of the Purple Lotus, 169 Doubting Thomas, 171 I Know What Love Is, 173 About the Author, 175


Black Madonna, photography, 2006


I Am We are Together we are perfect Vision is our strong side We will walk together through and past Dimensions live the eternal silent Wisdom We change course new and better roads leading shows the way for others in need of inspiration


Alba, oil on canvas, 210 x 140 cm, 2002


3:30 The time when all are sleeping The Voice is saluting I am Zorn Do you want to receive your Light Body In the Tenth Frequency In the Tenth Dimension The hart opens fueled with warm energy to make you become cutting sharp You will realize dreams and wishes faster


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