ReFINEd Weyburn & Area - SPRING 2020 - V5 I2

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A dream written down becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action becomes reality.

Setting Yourself Up for Success 1. Write it down and be specific. Putting your goal on paper will help make it concrete and help strengthen your intentions. Make a plan to achieve your goal and keep track in a place outside of your own brain. 2. Make your goal a priority. Set aside time to work on your goal. For example, if getting more exercise is your resolution, plan the time to do it. Be reasonable. You can’t run a marathon in day one. However, you could set aside 20 minutes three days a week to go for a walk at lunch or after supper.

The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.

3. Get some quick wins. Give yourself a way to celebrate milestones on the route to your goal. If your goal is organizing your home, break up the work into smaller, manageable chunks and reward yourself when you complete your tasks. When you’re done tackling a closet, pat yourself on the back with 30 minutes of your favourite show, a mug of hot chocolate or something else you enjoy. 4. Don’t quit after one bad day. We’re all going to slip up along the way—it’s just human nature. The important thing is to not let that derail your goal. If your plan is to eat better but a get-together with friends led to some overindulgence, that’s okay. The important thing is to forgive yourself and get back to it the next day. There’s no one but you judging your journey, so be kind. 5. Check in with yourself. There’s nothing more motivating than seeing how far you have come. Look at your accomplishments along the way and celebrate it. 6. Chart your progress. When you set your goal, think about how you can monitor how you’re doing. Track your quick wins and see how they are leading you to the overall goal. Instead of a to-do list, make yourself an I did it list! Adjust as you go and stay focused on the end.

Should. Would. Could. DID.

7. Believe in yourself. This might be the hardest part of all. We’re often our worst critics and can self-sabotage our efforts. Take it day by day and remember results don’t happen overnight. Don’t give in. Instead, commit to yourself because you are worth it.

You Can Do It Believing you can is the start. Grab your determination and spend 2020 aiming at whatever it is you promised yourself on January 1. Go make yourself proud.




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